
Ascents by Will Vidler having Distinct route

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Showing all 32 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
27 28 Rough Trade - with Mary Grace Stocker Mixed trad 30m, 7 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 29th Sep 2019
And my first 28 isn't a 28, but it is a very excellent rock climb! Three red point burns with one excruciating punt, two warm-up/equipping laps, and one exploratory mission a few weeks back. Thanks heaps to the Rock Gods for creating a route that was so perfectly suited to my interests and stylistic aptitudes, and Paul Frothy Thomson for leaving your gear on and cultivating the psyche! One day i will climb something hardish that is fully bolted...

27 FinaI Departure - with Jayden Bennett, Dad Mixed trad 27m, 7 Arapiles Mega Classic Mon 15th Apr 2024
A bad warm up. One very unsuccessful go in the dark two years ago that didn’t get to the top, one go two days ago, and one go today. Adrian sent Punks so I couldn’t not do it. Quality peanut gallery support from Dad who arrived just in time for the send.

27 Wrong Movements - with Harry Kadi, Lewis, Liz Chong Sport 20m, 7 Blue Mountains Good Thu 1st Oct 2020
Wrong Movements or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Glen

27 Iron Mike - with Harry Kadi, Liz Chong, Jack Sport 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Good Mon 5th Jul 2021
Managed it third go today. The boulder is pretty tricky, but if you can do it you can do the route. A hard one to grade for sure. Not nearly as bad and likely not as hard as advertised, but still not a great route.

27 The Weakest Link - with Harry Kadi, Liz Chong, Jack Mixed trad 22m, 6 Blue Mountains Very Good Fri 2nd Jul 2021
Second go. Actually a really worthwhile adventure. Gear beta was spot on, I placed three 0.5s, an 0.4, a #2, and a #3. 27 feels quite generous considering it only has one hard move down low but that move is probably quite tricky and might feel a bit rude on a 25 or 26. Worthwhile!

5.12d Jesus Wept - with Paul Frothy Thomson Sport 29m, 11 Red River Gorge Mega Classic Fri 20th Dec 2019
Perfect finish to the trip with a team send of this route! Just absolute class and absolute fun, it doesn’t get much better! Stoked beyond belief. I warmed up on it then bungled a move on my first red point go today, but it went fairly easily after that and I felt gloriously solid on the tricky crux up high. I probably owe this ascent to the weather gods for finally bringing some manageable temperatures! Third shot today plus one exploratory lap the other week and three hopeless goes on the freezing day of death. Now on to Vegas and J-Tree!!

5.12d Triple Sec - with Paul Frothy Thomson, Dan, Bryan Sport 29m, 9 Red River Gorge Classic Sun 8th Dec 2019
Brilliant face climb in my style but probably more like low end 12c regardless. I had one go to equip it, then had a false start on the bottom boulder, came down and rested for 10 minutes then sent it packing. Stoked!

27 Seamstress Direct — 2 attempts - with Harry Kadi, Jayden Bennett, Ana Cuyuni `, Kelly, Will, Rebecca, Soosan Sport 20m Blue Mountains Good Sat 15th Jul 2023
Second go.

27 ORANGE JAM (ORANGE JAM P1) - with Paul Frothy Thomson
1 27 25m lead by Will Vidler
Trad 25m Blue Mountains Classic Sun 8th Jul 2018
Absolute radness!! So stoked to get this done, even if it isn't a true red point tick! First at the grade and on my sendage lap it was never really in any doubt. I got a huge high point on my warm up lap falling off literally the last move of consequence and then crushed it next shot which was my 10th total. My plan is to take a short break from it (partially to let the brutal crater in my hand heal (and also because I need to forget how painful the jumar is before I can face it again)) and then come back for a proper redpoint and a hopeful onsight of the second pitch, which i genuinely think i can do and feel will probably only add about half a grade. Totally my proudest tick to date and an unbelievably rad team journey to have experienced!!

27 Fucked on Cocaine - with Liz Chong, Jake Griffiths, Pham Sport 16m, 8 Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 1st Apr 2023
Second go. Pretty jugs

27 These Dogs Must Be Pru's - with Paul Frothy Thomson Sport 20m, 8 Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 29th Jul 2018
Did pretty much all the moves except for the final crux without too much difficulty. Couldn't figure out how to contort myself at the top in a way that got me to the hold. I'll have to come back to try some alternate beta! Great climb.

27 Hip to the Bumper Crop - with Liz Chong, Jack Sport 15m Blue Mountains Good Sat 21st Aug 2021
Had a very bad time on the first lap but enjoyed it quite a lot on the second. Sharp but some cool moves for sure. Might come back?! (x2)

27 Aneurysm (Link-up) (Anuerysm (Link-up)) - with Louis Sport 20m Blue Mountains Very Good Tue 10th Apr 2018
Another lap after yesterday’s recon. Did the top crux fairly well with Lloyd’s beta which was rad. Maybe if I keep doing single laps on this in a session I will eventually tick it.

27 Mr Magoo - with Paul Frothy Thomson Sport 20m, 7 Blue Mountains Classic Wed 9th Sep 2020
Finalllly gave it ago. Took quite a scary fall off the clipping hold at the end of the crux because it was wet. Didn't go all the way to the top, also because it was wet.

27 White Linen - with Jett Sport 10m Blue Mountains Good Thu 24th Dec 2020
These routes get better the easier they feel.

27 Barnstorming - with Lewis, Lawrence Curran Sport 27m Blue Mountains Very Good Tue 5th Nov 2019
Just one play, pretty cool actually.

27 Lloyd of the Rings - with Jack, Liz Chong, Lots of others Sport 25m, 12 Blue Mountains Tue 20th Jul 2021
Was fairly unimpressed by this. Kinda contrived and just not that enjoyable. Oh well.

5.12d Father Figure - with Fann, Danny Sport 15m Joshua Tree National Park Classic Sun 12th Jan 2020
This was so so excellent. It’s just like a campus board. Probably a bit of a sand bag, especially if you’re short. My onsight ended at the crux but i did all the moves and had some really excellent linkage. I’ll be back one day for sure. Also the scene of us nearly getting beaten up due to other’s absurd machismo. Hilarious. (x3)

27 Event Horizon Sport 22m, 10 Blue Mountains Mega Classic Fri 14th Apr 2017
crazy awesomeness with some jumpy jumps and wild jugs whilst fighting off the mega pump

27 Autophagocytosis - with Chloe Fu, Swena Zheng, Harry Kadi Sport 20m Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 13th Feb 2022
Two goes. I found this very very hard and quite low percentage. Could be psyched to return but it is also sharp and very stop start.

27 The Bevanator - with Paul Frothy Thomson Sport 10m Blue Mountains Don't Bother Sat 31st Aug 2019
Heinous heinous heinous. One bolts worth of horrific death crimping. Don’t do it.

5.12d Gene Wilder - with Paul Frothy Thomson, Christopher Glastonbury Sport 23m Red River Gorge Mega Classic Mon 9th Dec 2019
Ohhhh man. Came oh so close on my second lap! This is truly stunning. Best route in the gorge as they say! Top of the to do list. x2

27 The Last Ninja - with Paul Frothy Thomson Sport 25m Blue Mountains Classic Sun 10th May 2020
Just one lap. Managed all the moves with no real dramas. Pretty psyched!

27 Spent Force - with Paul Frothy Thomson Sport 20m Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 10th Feb 2018
Had three goes on this and it didn't feel too bad. I linked through to the last move of the slab crux on my second shot. For me none of the moves are particularly hard, it will just be whether or not I can do them when I am pumped.

27 Chalk Chops - with Paul Frothy Thomson, large crew Sport 25m Blue Mountains Good Wed 9th Mar 2022
Hard and reachy.

27 Some Violence and Sexual References - with Chloe Fu, Dave Cook, Danny, Gus Sport 20m, 11 Blue Mountains Classic Fri 14th Jan 2022
Two goes. Fell off with my hand on the clipping jug on the second. I’ll get it done eventually.

27 The Enforcer - with Paul Frothy Thomson Sport 36m Blue Mountains Classic Wed 22nd May 2019
Three laps. Still can't really do the reach from the pocket but otherwise the rest is so so doable. I figured out some different beta but it is hard and kinda sucks. I love this climb but it is all kinda frustrating. Some good procrastination avoiding getting scared on the Waylander crack though...

27 Bloody Northerners - with Paul Frothy Thomson Sport 20m, 10 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 28th Jun 2020
A few good links on my second burn but it was just sooo cold. Maybe wait for it to get a bit warmer. (x2)

27 Incitatus for POTUS - with Paul Frothy Thomson
1 27 40m
2 23 10m
Sport 50m, 16 Blue Mountains Mega Classic Thu 4th Jun 2020
Still the best face climb I've been on in the mountains. TRS working it all out and piecing it together. Had some good linkage but fell off all the hard moves quite a lot too. Three laps and I was shattered.

27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing) - with Paul Frothy Thomson
1 27 25m lead by Will Vidler
3 21 35m lead by Paul Frothy Thomson
Sport 60m Blue Mountains Classic Tue 9th Jun 2020
Miserable conditions day but awesome to have a go on this. Didn't figure out the crux but had some fun seconding the final pitch and throwing myself at the first. Now that it is done and dusted I can't wait for Paul to clean this up as a giant pitch on double ropes.

27 Time Slips By - with Harry Kadi, Jack, Liz Chong Sport 25m Blue Mountains Good Wed 7th Jul 2021
Lowered off from the top and figured it all out. I definitely wasn’t getting to the top on lead, it’s fully cryptic. Maybe i’ll do it, maybe i won’t, it has 8m or so of excellent slabbing but is quite sharp too.

27 Mono No Aware - with Pat Sport 25m Blue Mountains Classic Mon 4th Jun 2018
Did a bunch of the moves down low which was rad but was then stumped by a sequence further on which I pulled through. After traversing left though the climbing didn't appear to get any easier and my body was slowly imploding so I just came down. Feels pretty sick though! Keeeenn


Showing all 32 ascents.