
Ascents by peta barrett having Distinct route

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Showing all 48 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
27 You win some you lose some Sport 15m, 4 Mt Tibrogargan Average Fri 15th Jun 2007
With Russell, who got 'the' first ascent. Two ridiculously hard moves and the potential to have to superglue tape to your fingertips... 3 bolts, a green camalot with sling, and either run it out to the top (easy ground after 2-3 moves) or drop a sling over the top. Fourth bolt will be added soon. Finishes at same anchor as Blowing bubbles. Thanks to the guys who originally bolted it and then left it as an open project as advertised on qurank. The bolts were well placed!

5.12d 5.13a 物极必反 B.Cross (Rock N Rolla) Sport 25m, 10 阳朔 Yangshuo Mon 30th Dec 2013
worked out a super sequence for the last cruxy move.

27 Weapon of Choice Sport 15m, 9 Mt Coolum Fri 5th Apr 2013
repeat. did a few laps. perhaps now the double drop knee may have to take it easy for awhile.

27 Song and Dance Man Sport 13m, 6 Flinders Peak (limited access) Sun 7th Aug 2016
First shot was so awful. Got the first bit easily but then couldn't do the crux moves that I knew I could do. 3rd night in a row of minimal sleep and kinda thought this wouldn't go today. Usual hiking uphill heart rate of 89 was hitting 139... No way was anything happening today. Until my second shot.... Not so much swearing at the crux this time...

27 Hybrid Vigour Sport 24m Mt Tibrogargan Very Good 2010
Ticked this easily this day (remember the day just not the date!) ended up doing it 3 times clean! Awesome.

7c Year of the Tiger Sport 26m, 12 Cat Ba Island Wed 7th Dec 2016
Second shot. Still hot but not as humid. First shot I just forgot....

7c To Takzidi Sport 20m Kalymnos Very Good Fri 25th Sep 2015
Third shot, in my mind I thought if I get that crimp, I only have to do 2 more moves and I know I can do the rest. Reality was, not having put an extension draw on, I nearly came off on the 'jug'. Scott was getting ready to run! But, being that's the first time I got that far clean, I knew I didn't have it in me to do it again. And its been long enough already! Nearly came off in 2 more places (there may have been some swearing) but determination (and maybe coffee beans) got me through! Yaay!!!

7c Schild Sport 35m Kalymnos Classic Tue 10th Oct 2017
woohoo! Little bit of blood and a moment where I looked at grabbing the draw... but figured I'd already almost finished the hard bit... hardest 2 clips ever!

7c Diablo Sport 20m Buzetski Kanjon Classic Mon 3rd Feb 2020
Really did not expect that! Feeling as crap as I did, I really had to focus on my breathing to push the anxiety away. But it felt pretty good. Nearly stuffed up the ending but down climbed and sorted myself out. Throat was sore by the end so I must have yelled at some stage but otherwise, it went pretty easily. Finally!!!!

7c 7b+ Bierschiss Sport 19m, 10 Pha Tam Kam Mon 12th Jan 2015
Second shot.

6c+ Hard Primal Sport 30m Kalymnos Thu 25th Sep 2014
another blown onsight. all I can suggest is... don't use the glassy footers at the crux....they will not hold you.

27 Time for Tea Sport 35m, 6 Frog Buttress Mega Classic Thu 13th Jul 2006
7c Sirene Sport 33m Kalymnos Sun 13th Sep 2015
Active rest day so seconding counts as rest right? Warmed up to the crux. Tried to remember crux, it has been awhile... Kinda remembered. Surprisingly not feeling as bad or tired as I thought I would, til the crux anyway.

7c Kaly Diva Sport 30m Kalymnos Sun 30th Aug 2015
No breeze. Too hot and slippery. I give up.

7c El Camino Del Rey — 2 attempts Sport 24m, 12 Kourtelorotsos Thu 19th Jan 2023
It feels like lichen powder residue on all the holds. Weird lack of friction today. Oh well, it’s all training right?

7c El Capitan-ios Sport 25m Kalymnos Average Sat 26th Nov 2022
Overly manufactured and weird. Not for me.

7c MMA — 2 attempts Sport 20m, 8 Ineia-Drousheia Area Very Good Sun 12th Feb 2023
Damn. Ah well. Kinda thought my body was done for this trip so tr a couple of laps. First lap clean. Second lap one rest.

7c Zawi Nul Syndicate Sport 30m Kalymnos Sun 1st Sep 2013
amazing climb. just cant hold the crux hold with my arthritic fingers...

7c 7c+ Horseless Samurai Sport 27m, 15 Cat Ba Island Wed 26th Feb 2014
Misty weather and previous days of rain made the top section wet. Just worked the crux to top of crack. Best attempt was clean to top of crack where I fell off the last move to the jug. Hands are feeling a bit battered from the handjam... Weather permitting...this could go!!

27 King of the Mods Sport 15m, 8 Flinders Peak (limited access) Fri 19th Jul 2019
One hold on the traverse I can’t get my fingers to hold. Really sets off my neck and back. Especially cleaning it.

27 Back Stroke of the West Sport 20m, 9 Flinders Peak (limited access) Sat 21st Jul 2018
Crazy crux.

27 There Is No Spoon Sport Paynes Ford Mon 14th Jan 2008
27 White Linen Sport 10m Blue Mountains Sat 9th Jan 2010
27 Acid Sport 25m, 8 Mt Ngungun Good Sun 10th Jun 2007
back on it after a long time off. Pity one section was dripping! the holds seem bigger than i remember.

7c Flight of the Bumble Bee Sport 28m, 13 Cat Ba Island Fri 17th Jan 2014
one move! got to last hold before the dyno/crappy hold. will come back to this once I've recovered from the flu...maybe..

7c Anthi Sport 20m Kalymnos Mon 23rd Sep 2013
all the moves except the dyno.. if I work on my crimp strength I may be able to crimp to the 'jug'....

7c Arena Sport 35m Kalymnos Good Sun 4th Nov 2012
This climb is now dead to me..... One über polished footer is all that is stopping me... As well as our four day limit.... This was the fourth attempt, so too bad...

7c Aegialis Sport 30m, 15 Kalymnos Sun 29th Sep 2013
after 3 days off nursing an old worn out hip...I wasn't expecting much...

7c Task Force Sport 21m Kalymnos Good Tue 17th Apr 2012
Super sharp and mega powerful .... Followed by a head wall easier than Sherpani....

5.12d Slash and Burn Sport 23m New River Gorge Mon 16th Jun 2014
7c Broken Souls Sport 30m Kalymnos Tue 11th Aug 2015
So good but so covered in salty oil to make it almost impossible in August with no breeze... 1 dog, 1 tr to clean. Made progress but those little holds ups top weren't going in these conditions.

7c Lactic Shock Sport 36m Kalymnos Sun 16th Aug 2015
What do you do when the wall is brown and no breeze in summer??? Top rope a buttery climb then go for a swim. Conditions were so bad today! But, better than sleeping in.... I guess....

5.12d 啲嗒糖走私贩 The Tic Tac Smuggler (The Tic Tac Smuggler 啲嗒糖走私贩) Sport 25m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo Mon 6th Jan 2014
holy crap hard! one section... could get a really good heel hook lock off but still one cm too short of hold. stretch, or get super strong for the boy way.....

7c Paris, Texas Sport 30m Kalymnos Average Mon 8th Oct 2012
Erm.... Thought is one would suit my style but humid weather makes some of the holds almost impossible. Hard.... Might be more fun when drier and cooler.... But maybe it's just too hard right now... Could do all the moves but.... Not together... And with a tonne of rests.

5.12d La Liao Sport 30m, 11 阳朔 Yangshuo Sat 4th Jan 2014
can do the crux move but just get nailed on the top section. Having just had yet another tummy bug probably doesn't help my lack of endurance...

7c Amede the Stuikerspin Sport 20m Kalymnos Average Wed 21st Sep 2016
Another hazy hot humid day, so thought we'd look for our next proj. Scott didn't sell it... Super easy, followed by impossible, followed by crumbly crap. A possibility to lose a finger at the crux, I'll pass..

7c Chin Check Sport 16m Sopot Good Fri 20th Dec 2019
Nails. Also the easiest only dry climb anywhere, not so good as a warm up though

7c Good Grip Sport 16m Kalymnos Tue 10th Oct 2017
Can do all the moves and it is actually quite a cool climb... if only it wasn't so sharp!!! Holy crap! Had to take after about 2-4 moves to make sure I still had fingers

7c Bloody Mary Sport 18m, 10 Pha Tam Kam Good Sat 2nd Feb 2019
Ooh, progress! One cm at a time.... alas we are out of time.

27 Staring Down The Line Sport 24m, 9 Flinders Peak (limited access) Very Good Tue 10th Aug 2021
2 laps. Got all the moves worked out though. Nice one!

7c Skin and Bones — 3 attempts Sport 35m Agios Andreas Classic Thu 11th Jan 2024
I dog and 2 TRs. One rest. Endurance problem.

7c Martina Sport 20m Kalymnos Very Good Tue 17th Oct 2017
Wow... bloody hard. Can see why the guys bailed the other day.

5.12d 5.12c 惊雷下部 Thunder (Thunder, P1 惊雷下半身) Sport 23m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo Thu 11th Dec 2014
Finally got my right hand to hold a smallish crimp! Yay. ..and then fell off a jug... Got a good couple of shots in before I got queued out of the climb...

7c 7b+ Half Dragon (Up to you extension) Sport 18m, 6 Railay Wed 29th Feb 2012
Don't do this if you have a collateral ligament injury on a finger on your right hand...very right hand intensive! And then definately don't try it twice....Great climb though!!

7c Whitewalker Sport 27m, 15 The North Wall Tue 26th Mar 2019
Can’t stick the one move

7c Unknown Sport 25m Kalymnos Very Good Sun 25th Sep 2022
27 26 No Knees Sport 22m, 10 Flinders Peak (limited access) Wed 31st Jul 2019
Trying to find a project that doesn’t set off my back. Good possibility?

7c Fresh Air Sport 55m Pha Tam Kam Tue 22nd Mar 2016
Too hot for me! Stomach feeling a bit too gurgly to be upside down. At least I got on it. And then watched Stefan flash/onsight it!


Showing all 48 ascents.