
Ascents by Bruno Alves Buzatto having Distinct route

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Showing all 54 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
22 Wake Up and Apologise
1 18 20m lead by Bruno Alves Buzatto
2 22 18m lead by Robin
Sport 38m, 16 Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 10th Nov 2018
22 Nylon Happy - with Tom Sport 20m, 8 Blue Mountains Very Good Thu 30th Nov 2023
Fantastic! So happy to onsight the crux, but sad to see it's a 22 here (23 in the book). I was pretty happy to get a 23 onsight Tom crushed it on second too!

22 Sardine - with Timothy Tan, Sarah Jessop Sport 21m, 6 Morialta Good Sat 3rd Feb 2024
This is quite fun — not as good as Terra like the book suggests. I agree with the stars here at the crag more. But not bad at all, interesting start!

22 Wacking Wendy - with Chris Sport 26m, 9 Jane Fonda Workout Wall Very Good Sun 10th Feb 2019
Fantastic face climbing with exciting (and unnecessary?) runout. My first 22 onsight ever!

22 Wally World - with Charlie Catt
1 22 45m Second lead by Charlie Catt

that first move is hard!! I dropped it once, but thanks to rope stretch came back to the belay and managed to second the whole pitch clean afterwards, but it felt sustained and so looooong!! The first move is the hardest of the whole route. Great lead by Charlie, who ignored the thread placement suggested in the description!

2 22 30m Sport lead by Bruno Alves Buzatto

happy to onsight this, as there were some really technical moves and small sharp crimps. A few good rests too, so not as sustained as pitch 1, but it is intimidating. I placed a #3 low and a #2 closer to the end — they helped, but I wouldn't place anything else. Can totally be done without them too... Felt cool to haul on the jugs on the top to the shock of a large group of kids on the lookout who went insane when I popped up out of nowhere, haha....

Sport 75m Blue Mountains Mega Classic Mon 4th Dec 2023
Sensational!!! One of the most scenic short multis. The wall also looks absolutely epic and mega intimidating from the top before the absail. Tourists photographing you the whole time too...

22 Lady Grinning Soul - with Charlie Catt, Tom Sport 25m, 7 Blue Mountains Classic Sat 2nd Dec 2023
Sensational, love the crux lower down, then plenty of rests and increadible arete. So good!

22 Daffy - with Andrew Dolan Sport 20m Blue Mountains Classic Thu 21st Sep 2023
Just 2 stars here? I thought this was AWESOME! I guess it feels like two pitches because you sit at the top before the headwall, perhaps that makes it less epic. But fun climbing to the traverse, which is tricky, and overall a sensational climb.

22 Lokomotiv - with Ross Paynter, Emily Hoffmann, khya Sport 25m, 8 Onkaparinga Very Good Sun 7th May 2023
This is really fantastic!! Loved the slab with a spicy but easy run out, and the top was super cool. Beware the loose stuff just before the roof!

22 Thai Virus - with Daniel Bush Sport 25m, 10 Blue Mountains Classic Wed 5th May 2021
I thought this was fantastic, and very happy to onsight at this grade, which I certainly don't do often! Save energy for the last move!

22 The Hat - with Hugh Sport 25m, 8 Onkaparinga Good Sun 22nd Jan 2023
Great climb, but not as nice as blades, and I reckon easier than blades too — I reckon I agree with the book.

22 Red Corvette - with Seb, Vera Sport 20m, 7 Onkaparinga Very Good Thu 22nd Sep 2022
This is excellent, I really enjoyed it! Feels cruisy with some arete technique!

22 The Hot Zone - with Emily Hoffmann Sport 22m, 8 Flat Rock Classic Sat 27th Apr 2024
I loved this. Awesome boulder down below, some nice face climbing and then an easy roof and glorious juggy finish, what else could you ask for? Em dropped her phone at the roof while cleaning and somehow it survived the fall!

22 Welcome to the Dark Ages - with Will Sport 19m, 9 Sand River Very Good Wed 21st Feb 2024
this is quite good, but I messed the start up a little.

6c La fusée - with Jerome Chopard
1 lead by Bruno
2 lead by Jerome
3 lead by Bruno
4 lead by Jerome
5 linkup Jolicône , lead by Jerome
Sport 110m Gorges de la Jonte Mega Classic Tue 9th Aug 2016
What an absolute classic. The views of La Jonte gorge were phenomenal, and some of the walls near us were so perfectly blank and vertical, it was pure joy looking around. We also had massive vultures flying near us. I think we got a bit confused in the last pitch and went right rather than left, finishing this in another route and doing a 6b+ last pitch, rather than 6c... I also grabbed the draws in the pitches I seconded cause I really can't climb well with a heavy backpack!! After La Fusée we found ourselves on the top of this amazing pinnacle, and we jumped on the last pitch of Jolicône (6b+) to finish at the top and walk out. We both aided that one a bit though at the crux.

22 Terra Incognita - with Hugh Sport 20m Morialta Classic Sun 27th Nov 2022
what a line, absolutely LOVED it. Plenty of rests, and perhaps a tad soft for the grade?

22 Seamstress - with Andrew Dolan Sport 22m, 10 Blue Mountains Classic Thu 21st Sep 2023
Andrew went first and onsighted our 'warm-up' — what a sensational climb, loved it. Very interesting start to the cave. Then more straightforward after that, but not over till it's over.

22 Second Chamber - with Jorge Sport 11m, 3 Eaglestone Rocks Very Good Mon 11th Jun 2018
This is a lovely slab challenge! The problem is the second clip — I must admit I followed Jorge's advice and did it with the first two bolts clipped, so not a true flash here is it... But I totally could have clipped, I was solid in this thing! Climbing with the King of Slab Jorge has been helping me!!

22 Perceptive Orators Sport 8m, 3 Mitcham Quarries Very Good Fri 25th Nov 2022
Really enjoyedit! Second go, and then a third to clip both anchors (just clipped one in the second go). Knowing the sequence, unsurprisingly, is everything...

22 Urban Ethics - with Jorge Sport 25m, 7 Mountain Quarry Mega Classic Mon 20th Nov 2017
Such a hot day, and I am weak and haven't climbed hard in a while, so I thought I had no chance of redpointing this, the idea was to at least put the gear up for Jorge and I to try a pink point. But I just pulled it through somehow! Stoked to the moon

22 Chain Reaction - with Jorge Peres Sport 20m, 4 Statham's Quarry Very Good Sun 23rd Apr 2017
Finally! It really is that one move.

22 Rattler - with Aparna Ramesh Sport 15m, 3 Kalbarri Very Good Mon 1st Jun 2015
22 Girl in the Mirror - Mean Streak Linkup - with Andrew Dolan
1 Second lead by Andrew Dolan
2 Sport lead by Bruno Alves Buzatto
Sport 45m, 13 Blue Mountains Very Good Mon 8th Apr 2024
Not what we had planned for today, but the NP tracks closure (due to 150mm of rain the other day) and the 4 stars of this route in the book got us here. Pretty tricky first pitch, and the belay at the top of it is awkward with the 2 old carrots of TGITM and one new ring 1.5m to the right of it. In my opinion the second pitch made it up for it as it is beautiful, long, and can be made easy with some technique. Great scenery too. Well worth it for the second pitch, but I can see how the first one can be loved or hated... I suspect some people move into The End of the Affair too early — you unavoidable get onto this route at the end by following the most obvious line of new ring bolts after P1, so I suggest not moving right too early if you don't have gear!

22 Shut 'em Down - with Emily Hoffmann Sport 16m, 5 Mountain Quarry Very Good Sun 18th Apr 2021
Now I love this climb!

22 Two Succulent Young Men With a Taste for the Bizarre - with Emily Hoffmann Sport 18m, 6 Vaucluse Very Good Sat 21st Jul 2018
Being fresh and focused, it went easy and as the first climb of the day! Stoked!

22 Czech Mate - with Ashlee Sport 18m, 5 Statham's Quarry Very Good Sun 22nd May 2016
Great mixture of different types of climbing. Big jugs and long but easy moves at the start, then a mantle, then delicate balancy crux, and a bit of slab with good crimps to finish. The crux is all about knowing a couple of key holds, like most of the time I guess

22 Short Time - with Emily Hoffmann Sport 10m, 2 Darlington Very Good Sat 9th May 2020
This shit is scary at the top, don't slip.

22 Coriander - with Emily Hoffmann Sport 15m, 3 Kalbarri Very Good Sun 6th Jun 2021
What a beauty, loved it! Feels like a taste of Blue Mountains climbing here in Kalbarri. Second go, and so close to onsighting it...

22 Lardy Lady's Lats - with Francois Pieterse Sport 25m, 13 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 2nd Dec 2018
2 stars?! This is an absolute classic! Great face climbing for about 15m, then an awesome rest and a bouldery crux with a spicy finish for when you are pumped after the crux. Varied climbing, technical and powerful crux, what's not to like? And then you add 40 knots winds for more drama! Went on the third go!

22 On Edge - with Jorge Peres Mixed trad 28m, 5 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 28th Apr 2019
An absolute true classic! But why so few bolts? I didn't have that much trouble and got it first go, but probably only because I supplemented it with trad gear (placing gear while abseiling on it first) and led on pre-placed stuff. Next time I'll carry my trad pieces up on a red-point attempt, but shit you would have to be brave to onsight this!!!

22 Up The Duff - with Nik Sport 8m, 3 Berowra Good Sun 13th Oct 2019
Second go. Too bad this is so short, cause it's actually really cool, definitely worth it. I was so hungover I felt like spewing a bit at the end, but it's not that hard, just technical I think

22 Grurper DS - with Akira Sport 10m, 3 Norton Summit Very Good Sat 9th Sep 2023
Nice to climb something clean as lately I've just being dogging everything!!! Peregrine was too busy, so we warmed up on this and I surprised myself with the send. Wouldn't have happened if Akira hadn't put the draws up first though.

22 Roof Stalker - with Álvaro Sport 16m, 7 Alfords Point Very Good Sat 16th Nov 2019
Holy shit this was hard. Hard start (although I went right of the draw, not left — harder or easier, who knows?!), and to gain the lip I had to come up with my own ugly way!! The top is cruisy though, thankfully....

22 Playmate - with Chris, Sam Davies Sport 16m, 6 Mountain Quarry Good Sun 12th Aug 2018
A mixture of exciting and terrifying. Careful not to leave your finger in the drilled hole!

22 Luck of the Draw - with Jorge Sport 25m, 10 Mountain Quarry Very Good Sat 8th Aug 2020
Scary to get clips 2 and 3, don't think I would have done it if Jorge hadn't got those up for me! Love the variety in this climb - hard crimping, long moves, scary slab and powerful steep stuff - a little bit sad it's so artificial, but well it's a quarry... Great climb, I'm glad it's there!

22 Marchfly Insanity (Attack of the March Flies) - with Kate, Jimmy Sport 18m, 5 Wellington Dam Classic Sun 20th Nov 2016
What an awesome climb, loved it. The start is tricky and a bit sustained, then a puzzling crux (for me!), and a good rest in the middle. The last third is sustained, but ok after the rest. There seems to be two different finishes (right and left)? The run out after the crux looks scary from the bottom, but it's super easy climbing, so no problems at all there. I probably took the biggest whipper of my life moving to the second last bolt in one of the attempts. Well done Kate for the soft >5m catch!

22 Drills, Movie Making and the Wild West - with Jorge Sport 20m, 4 The Stirling Ranges Very Good Wed 6th Jan 2021
Knowing the moves makes it all much easier. A heavier belayer helps run it out with less fear, and I still extended (hugely) that draw on the third bolt. This was my favorite climb here by a long shot.

22 Full Metal Racket - with Chris Sport 16m, 4 Boya Quarry Classic Tue 26th Jul 2016
This climb is great, loved it! The third bolt is not so easy to clip if you are not tall though... Almost got first go this morning, but I Z-clipped the third bolt like an idiot Got pumped on the top on second go, but stuck it!

22 21 Elephantiasis of the Gonads - with Seb Sport 8m, 3 Mitcham Quarries Good Sun 2nd Oct 2022
Argh, grabbed the anchor without clipping in the first attempt (why, whyyy?!?), but got it on the second attempt... Agree that it's not a 23 anymore, and will log it as a 22 as other people did. Probably between 21 and 22.

22 Space Cadets Arete - with Stuart Sport 6 Mitcham Quarries Very Good Thu 12th Oct 2023
Put it together on TR — let's see if next time I psyque myself to try the same move to the left on the crux on lead! Pretty cool bouldery start really!

22 Acute What - with Alvaro Sport 18m, 8 Vaucluse Very Good Sun 2nd Feb 2020
A few attempts on this today. I know all the moves now, and pretty relaxed with the middle section that shut me down before. But the end is always going to be tricky, can't wait to jump back on it!!

22 Passing Wind — 2 attempts - with Andrew Dolan, Ross Paynter Sport 30m Blue Mountains Mega Classic Wed 10th Apr 2024
One of the best 22s I've ever done. I feel like I didn't rest well where I could have and messed up the crux higher up. Same thing on second cleaning... For next time: bump the left hand in the sequence of bad crimps, rather than trying left-right. Sustained for the grade. Memorable detail — Ross decked on rope stretch on the first move and broke the stickclip he was carrying up!

22 Renovators Dream - with Francois Pieterse Sport 20m, 8 Nowra Classic Mon 28th Jan 2019
VERY good, but I got frustrated as hell not sending it on the second go... It had felt SO good and so close in the first try. But damn it was hot and humid. Excuses, excuses... Must go back.

22 Land of The Orange Druggie - with Emily Hoffmann Sport 30m, 10 Mountain Quarry Good Sat 12th Sep 2020
this has so much potential, but I am pretty sure now I'll never get the crux. For real, future Bruno, DON'T try this again. Unless you watch someone short do the crux...

22 The Good Samaritan - with Emily Hoffmann Sport 12m, 3 Kalamunda National Park Good Sun 3rd May 2020
So close, next time. Happy to see it's a 22 here, makes me feel less shit.

22 Hercules - with Daniel Bush Sport 15m The Cathedral Very Good Sun 24th Nov 2019
Cant' wait to try it again, I think I know how to send it now, but way to wrecked to send at the end of today... Beautiful climbing!!

22 These People are Sandwiches - with Francois Pieterse Sport 15m Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 13th Jan 2019
One of these days I'll jump on this NOT after Flaming Flamingos and then maybe I'll have a chance... Today was definitely a non-sending day!!

22 The Go Between - with Francois Pieterse Sport 15m Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 24th Feb 2019
Ooooh that was close!! This should go next time, just no time for a second shot today...

22 Ithica Sport 12m, 4 Eaglestone Rocks Sun 10th Jun 2018
Ok, I got the moves here, but I have no idea how to link them — especially how to go from clipping the second bolt to moving right to those side pulls... Can't wait to at least try a proper lead. I started leading but ended up setting the top rope after realizing how hard it was to get the second clip...

22 The Oubliette - with Timothy Tan Sport 15m, 6 Statham's Quarry Classic Sat 2nd Jul 2016
Really awesome combination of styles, and a bold lead to gain the block and third bolt. Crux is getting past that to gain the fourth bolt. Got quite scared and had to dog up cause it was late. Maybe next time, maybe. Will have to work on that crux a bit more though...

22 Fajita — 2 attempts - with Emily Hoffmann Sport 20m, 6 Devil's Peak Very Good Sun 15th Oct 2023
This is pretty cool, but I'm confused. The move after traversing under the roof and clipping the 5th bolt feels impossible. Much harder than anything on Spewing — has somethingn come off? Which "better holds"? haha... I found a good left hadnd to allow me to pull the lip, but that's after aiding on the draw like there's no tomorrow. I can't free that move ever... And the last move to the chains is also pretty hard. Had a big humble pie on this one!

22 Butcher - with Jorge Sport 11m, 3 Porongurups Average Sun 3rd Jan 2021
This will butcher your fingers and shoes. Future Bruno, don't try again - you had NO chance, you got almost NO moves. Find other 22s!

22 Munji the Soul Stealer - with jorge Sport 20m, 4 Statham's Quarry Good Sat 17th Oct 2020
I didn't think you could squeeze a good line between Chain Reaction and RLA, but this is cool. I'll be back!

22 21 The Mighty Quinn - with Tim Sport 15m Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 12th May 2019
come on, this is 22 in the latest book. Awesome pitch, well worth doing, but I was real pumped and had a fall at the top...

22 Dependence Day - with Trent Potts Sport 20m, 7 Bob's Hollow Classic Sat 22nd Oct 2016
Ok, this is hard. I dogged up on top rope, and got really shut down on the crux at the top... Needs lots of endurance...


Showing all 54 ascents.