
Ascents by Bruno Alves Buzatto having Distinct route

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Showing all 16 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
25 Trundle Down Rundle - with Andrew Dolan Sport 20m, 4 Norton Summit Classic Wed 8th May 2024
First go this morning!! Andrew's beta through most of this, with Trang's footwork in the crux, Mike's drop knee after the shield hold and Akira's gastone + stepping up to undercling. Perfect conditions, perfect execution, massive teamwork beta, haha... Ross, I promise next time I come back I'll try your sick kneebar, but I needed to send it this way first

25 Crossroads - with Andrew Dolan, Hugh Edwards Sport 20m Norton Summit Classic Sun 17th Mar 2024
I don't always log repeats, but I came back one day after sending this, and despite being a pretty hot day and being pretty tired, still sent it, yay! Totally thought I'd be coming off this time. It wasn't as pretty as the day before, and there might have been some grunting. But somehow I got up again!

25 Eddie Misses the Point — 3 attempts - with Andrew Dolan Sport 15m, 4 Norton Summit Classic Wed 13th Dec 2023
Holy shit, FINALLY a 25! I have only been trying this grade since 2019, and multiple times thought it was never going to happen. It was my goal early this year to tick a 25 before hitting 40 — didn't happen, but it happened before the end of the year, which still feels like a miracle. The hardest 15m I've ever done.

3rd attempt today. First one I cruised super smoothly through the crux and then faffed in the crux of the grade 24 that this route merges with (Punching...) and came off, but felt super strong. Second attempt fell at the crux and felt defeated. Then in the 3rd attempt I hit the crux a bit wrong and thought it was all over, but managed to adjust and just kept bloody going. I must clip the third bolt on these 2 routes with the right hand, so that I smash my left forearm but "rest" the right (while clipping) arm in preparation for the next few moves. Before the 4th bolt I felt my left hand slipping two or three times, don't know how I managed to stay on. The ascent had the drama it deserved (and some screams)

For potential critics and skeptics — I used the kneebar on the right at the end, and had Andrew's kneepad for that too, so feel free to call this an aid ascent Stoked to try the direct version now, that's for sure.

Of course now I think the route is classic Thanks Andrew Dolan, Akira and Caleb Skirrow for so much stoke and advice on this wall this year. But only Andrew was my witness today — I must have got some extra motivation while watching him cruise up Tim just before.

Now I can go to Europe eat cheese and get fat

25 The Stench Before the Storm - with Felipe Sport 19m Morialta Very Good Sat 11th Feb 2023
This is quite sensational, but I got humbled big time. On top rope! Doesn't feel like will go for me to be honest. Don't imagine this will be my first 25, if there's even one out there...

25 Channel Bill Cuckoo - with Emily Hoffmann Sport 12m, 5 Joll's Bridge Very Good Tue 3rd Dec 2019
Not sure I should even log this as top rope with rest, as I got shut down in the second half. So it was a top rope aid Loved the first half of this, and I could put it together with practice I reckon. But that second part is a mystery for me, so not gonna go on lead anytime soon unfortunately

25 Super Funky - with Emily Hoffmann Sport 15m, 5 Kalbarri Classic Sun 6th Jun 2021
Stoked that I got all moves on lead now. To put it all together though, feels far away...

25 Fuck The Law - with Jorge Sport 15m, 4 Kalbarri Very Good Sat 16th Sep 2017
I've been on this on top-rope before. At least this time I tried to lead it, but I am very far from sending this...

25 Geronimo's RHV - with Stacey Sport 15m, 4 Morialta Classic Wed 27th Apr 2022
Not even sure if this is what I tried, and not sure how to log here — it was a top rope ascent to about 2 thirds of the route, with plenty of cheating! Just wanted to start having a play on this wall, and it was getting dark. Keen to try to get on Extra G connection soon, just have to understand where to go left — the description here is pretty clear now.

25 Hard North Terrace Stroll — 2 attempts - with Angus Sport 20m Norton Summit Classic Sat 1st Jun 2024
amazing line. First time I went clean from the halfway rest to the end, but still need to dial the first half and link it all. One day!

25 Rubber Lover — 2 attempts - with Andrew Dolan, Ross Paynter, Tom Sport 20m, 5 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 7th Apr 2024
What a classic and lovely climb. Pretty epic to think that I woke up in Adelaide at 4am today and was attempting one of the best items in the bucket list on the say day! Probably won't go in this trip, but would love to project it if I could be here longer... Second go was to put draws back up for Andrew, and I'm happy I at least got to the anchors!

25 Madge McDonald — 2 attempts - with Andrew Dolan Sport 12m, 7 Blue Mountains Classic Sat 23rd Sep 2023
Two more dogs, but at this stage of the trip I was so tired and had very little skin on my finger tips. Argh, this was painful and did not feel close at all... So stoked for Andrew's send, and hopefully if I come back soon enough and with skin and preparation I have a chance. Awesome route!

25 The Reality Dysfunction - with Andrew Dolan Sport 20m, 12 Blue Mountains Mega Classic Tue 9th Apr 2024

Just joking, Andrew! Never been so proud of dogging something to the top. The most sustained thing I'ver ever been on. The rain and wind came in while I was getting up so I pulled on draws and did not do all the moves to get to the top, but was happy to get to the anchors before the rain got stronger.

25 Battery Acid - with Ross Paynter, Emily Hoffmann Sport 23m, 9 Onkaparinga Very Good Sun 21st Apr 2024
This is a lot of fun, and I got much higher on my first go than I expected. That crux will take some time to learn properly though... Felt more complicated than most of my summit projects, but less endurance needed.

25 Atoms in Action - with Andrew Dolan Sport 12m, 5 Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 10th Apr 2024
all in that sequence in the middle — I couldn't put it together! Andrew worked it out and was so close to the tick!

25 Darkwing Duck - with Andrew Dolan Sport 15m, 5 Blue Mountains Good Thu 21st Sep 2023
We heard this was easier for shorter people, but maybe being short is not enough, you probably need to know how to climb too! Nails crux!!

25 Neon God — 2 attempts - with Emily Hoffmann
1 22 25m Sport
2 25 25m Sport
Sport 50m Mount Wellington Thu 21st Mar 2024
Two attempts at pitch 1. A fall very low in the first one and a (surprising!!) fall at the very top on the second one. But what an amazing pitch of climbing. Wish I was good enough to try the second pitch too. Hopefully next time.


Showing all 16 ascents.