
Ascents in World by Jacques Beaudoin having trad-cpr or ascent-date

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 185 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality Date
Oceania Australia Queensland South East Scenic Rim Frog Buttress West of the access track
18 Elastic RURP Trad 20m Jul 2019
15 Bad Company Trad 20m Jul 2019
19 Hollywood Rattlesnake Trad 18m Jul 2019
23 Deliverance Trad 45m Jul 2019
20 Devils Dihedral Trad 45m 2017
21 Conquistador Trad 45m 2017
21 The One That Got Away Trad 35m 2017
20 The Great Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine Trad 33m Jul 2019
20 The Great Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine Trad 33m Sat 26th Jun 2021
Enjoyed the beginning practicing my fist-hand and double fists stack. When I got tired of it I just groveled my way up in the most ugly way. Was good fun.

17 Smoked Banana Trad 40m Classic Wed 7th Jul 2021
Awesome climb, I found myself giggling it was so ridiculous, absolutely loved it.

20 Short Order Trad 30m 2017
19 Thor Trad 30m Jul 2019
22 Yankee Go Home Trad 26m 2017
20 Dream of Purple Peach Popsicles Trad 32m Jul 2019
19 Sorcerer's Apprentice Trad 30m Very Good Wed 7th Jul 2021
22 Old Guard Trad 40m Jul 2019
18 Plume Trad 25m Jul 2019
18 Gladiator Trad 20m Jul 2019
19 Infinity Trad 40m 2017
16 Satan's Smokestack Trad 40m Jul 2017
21 Cock Corner Trad 30m Jul 2019
22 Insomnia Trad 40m 2017
20 Piranha Trad 45m Classic 2017
Oceania Australia Queensland South East Scenic Rim Frog Buttress East of the access track
20 Egotistical Pineapple Trad 14m Jul 2019
16 Castor Trad 22m Jul 2019
17 Fat Mattress Trad 30m Average Sat 3rd Jul 2021
Very convenient when you want to sneak in one last climb as it cleans well on rap. Not bad climbing.

18 Resurrection Corner Trad 25m 2017
22 Child in Time Trad 25m 2017
22 Black Light Trad 25m 2017
22 Erg Direct Trad 25m 2017
20 Erg Trad 25m Sat 3rd Jul 2021
Just climbed the true line without thinking about the "not bridging" bullshit. We're not at the gym folks, no red or green holds... I remembered afterwards when I onsighted the direct version few years back it felt just wrong and artificial to eliminate footwork within reach.

16 Materialistic Prostitution Trad 20m Good Sat 3rd Jul 2021
Enjoyable hand jams in there, all over too soon

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Evans Crown Googolplex Crag
30 Fight Club Trad 15m Fri 21st Jan 2022
Great day with lots of laughers and not so much actual mm of climbing. I quickly figured out I'm not an offwidth climber. Quote of the day: This is not Rock Climbing, it's Rock Clowning. There were other better quotes but they would too offensive to post here. Oh perhaps... Zac: "What you haven't done this (meaning offwidth) before?" Me: "no, I'm not into anal"

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Newnes Plateau Gardens of Stone National Park Disbelief Cave
21 The Left Crack - with Ben Carter Trad 40m Very Good Tue 30th Apr 2019
Wow, great climb. Few delightful long moves on (what I perceived as) good hand jams on quite steep territory. It really doesn't look that steep from the ground. Rock is pretty clean and gear is solid as, not advisable for sensitive skin... but I think the prickles inside the crack will eventually clean up nicely with traffic. Ben thought the grade was stiff, I thought it was honest but mmm if I compare to The Kracken, ok it might be a bit harder.

28 The Great Divide (The Great Divide Project) Trad 15m Thu 30th May 2019
Fourth day on. Sorted out the last moves of the first tier just before the Spinning Blades Traverse, using a pocket jug on the right then easy move left on the first blade. Much easier than the Vidlers crimp fest. There's still a move in the first tier I cannot repeat Did most of the moves of the tier 2 which is chugging along the blades then go back to the ceiling crack in the coolest sequence of the climb so far. Now I stopped at the last blade available for footwork where I believe the crux of the climb is to turn around with last available bad finger jam in the crack and face the truth, I can't see any holds for about a body length before the Ironstone Traverse starts. To be continued...

28 The Great Divide (The Great Divide Project) - with Mattia Trad 15m Tue 11th Jun 2019
Good progress today, found a new crimp towards the end of First Tier, linked from the last move of the lower crux to the middle of the Spinning Blades, did lots of subtle cleaning and blunting the blades to keep the rope reasonably safe. Checked out the transition move to the Iron Stone Traverse and found few spots where my fingers fit but this will be ridiculously hard, there's hope at least.

28 The Great Divide (The Great Divide Project) Trad 15m Fri 14th Jun 2019
6th day on. Started trying to pink point lower crux up to end of Spinning Blades. Sequence at lower crux is getting there, need to tape first knuckle of left index finger and both pinkies. Worked a bit on the climbs crux to gain Ironstone Traverse, it's real hard. I managed to stem from last good jam reaching just the bad part of Ironstone, seems like I'll need to reset in the two next bad jams to gain control on the transition. Explored the Ironstone Traverse to the alcove which is awesome fun climbing, felt totally unmotivated to go further after pulling on bad rock in the alcove and thought the climb should stop here.

28 The Great Divide (The Great Divide Project) - with Paul Frothy Thomson Trad 15m Mega Classic Mon 27th Dec 2021
Did about 15 shots this year 2021. Last shot was on pre-placed gear and climbed through all finger lock section and took my first real fall with the second hueco latched but unable to progress to third. Only three moves away from jug! Climbing it placing gear up to aid move is now a short term objective.

24 Disbelief - with Julie Anderson Trad 15m Classic Wed 25th Jul 2018
FFA. Tried ground up first free ascent but figured out real quick it was safer to clean up few loose chockstones and dirt. Subsequent ascent was FFA of the short version to where a dramatic increasing angle, width and associated difficulty appeared. Again, I always thought Disbelief should not be a proper climb and recorded as such but it's obvious now with increased popularity that the short version of Beyond Belief lives.

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Newnes Plateau Gardens of Stone National Park Main Cliff
23 Sacred Ground - with Lee Trad 63m Very Good Mon 18th Dec 2023
Epic onsight in one monster pitch. Loads of gear shuffle to avoid rope drag and avoid running out of #4s. Crux was burly fist jams that made me work real hard but I didn't think I'd fall at any moment. For me doing this climb in one pitch made it truly memorable.

28 The Bell's Line - with James Hockey Trad 60m Don't Bother Wed 14th Feb 2024
It was all too much, too hard, too chossy, too complex, too concerning for my belayer below. At some stage the rock is too bad to even aid. Didn't make it to the crux and stopped when I asked myself "why am I doing this???" It really made me appreciate how well-rounded is Lee's skillset.

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Newnes Plateau Gardens of Stone National Park Supercrack Area
24 Supercrack P3 - with Pedro V
3 24 Trad lead by Jacques Beaudoin
Trad 65m Very Good Thu 18th Nov 2021
Didn't live up to it's name. The real Supercrack is in Indian Creek. I didn't bother looking at the 2 first pitches. The third pitch was a pleasant 22 up to the two last jams then I had to shift gears a bit so I guess the gr24 is fair. I was quite frankly disappointed to find jugs as I was hoping for a pure crack. I also regret I used some footwork; I should really have kept my feet in the crack all the way, it felt magical when I did. I didn't top out the chimney, just downclimbed when I saw my last cam walking towards an old stuck cam. Overall a good little climb.

24 Land of the Giants — 2 attempts - with zac T Trad 15m Classic Wed 27th Dec 2023
First Free Ascent. Very inspiring line that begged to be climbed. Not strictly crack climbing as all footwork is there and the wide crack can be underclung in the same fashion as it's thinner version Gravel Rash at the Underworld. Used #3#2#0.75 for the start anchor then 5x#6 (some shuffled from the very beginning) and #0.75#2 after turning the lip.

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Newnes Plateau Gardens of Stone National Park Main Gully
19 When the Axe Falls - with nathaniel glavurdic Trad 30m Good Fri 2nd Feb 2024
Aptly named, I believe the "axe" the route name refers to is a 15m long and thin feature that looks like it could detach from the cliff at any moment! Definitely felt full value for the grade as I didn't trust the rock I was stepping on or pulling on. Otherwise, I think it was a great climb. Fanny followed me and and didn't pull anything off so I guess I was just being paranoid.

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Newnes Plateau Gardens of Stone National Park Superstar Cave
23 Groundup Superstar - with nathaniel glavurdic Trad 15m Classic Sun 24th Dec 2023
Not every day you walk past an unclimbed classic roof crack, you've got the right gear, you've got the right partner and you onsight it ground up cleaning the loose rock on the way up, pull through perfect fists and hands with feet in the crack. Dream. I decided to continue up above the crack to top out on a scary mission on suspicious dinner plates, lose dirt, caving under boulder and emerge trough a hole. I do not recommend that bit! I will go back and clean it properly top down, this climb deserves to be one of the best cracks at the grade in the Blueys and beyond. Fanny agreed, this is an amazing find.

23 Groundup Superstar - with Amelie Beaudoin, Ayla Trad 15m Good Thu 25th Jan 2024
Repeat, this time with the rock as clean as it can get without high traffic. Unfortunately I have to take few stars off after the ecstasy of the ground up first ascent wore out. The rock is all but perfect, It's short and has a sit down rest at the middle. Also, few flakes fell down leaving alternate footwork to the feet in the crack used in the first ascent. Still think it's a great little climb.

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Newnes Plateau Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area
24 Goochs Crack - with Taib Trad 15m Very Good Tue 27th Feb 2024
Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Newnes Plateau Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area Daydreamer
28 Le Paresseux - with sare Trad 30m Mega Classic Wed 30th Aug 2023
Finally completing this long chapter placing all gear from ground to end. This climb is one of a kind.

24 Sloth Roof - with Seth Trad 20m Very Good Thu 29th Jun 2023
Got advised to upgrade to 24. Although all holds are big, half the gear is tricky and suspicious and this thing is horizontal. Would be three stars at piddo.

24 Daydreamer - with Anton Korsun Trad 23m Mega Classic Sat 13th Aug 2022
It's pretty rare to come across a climb like this. This line is obvious and screams to be climbed, it's perfectly protected with traditional gear, all the holds are great and interesting with some truely amazing features, length is good, rests are helpful but not lie down type of thing, it's steeeep as, protected from rain, drizzle, sun, wind, name it. Thanks to Anton, outstanding work. Finally something I could redpoint 😂 My ascent was with previous knowledge as I've been up it few times taking a gentleman sit before the crux, then I had the chance to snatch the second ascent with extensive description of gear placements and provided gear so in some ways I wish I would have had the chance of getting this climb onsight but supporting Anton for the first ascent was even better. Again, top work Anton!

24 Daydreamer - with Pedro V Trad 23m Mega Classic Mon 22nd May 2023
Warming up, got a bit more pumped than expected

Oceania Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Newnes Plateau Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area Mother Earth
31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) - with Will Vidler Trad 24m Mon 28th Sep 2020
First attempt to sus out if the first section is somehow possible. My impression is a plain no. No feet, bad jams and wildly steep. So I'll leave this to some kind of mutan and I won't clean it further. This is the shortest and the least attractive part of the line and I'll just fix a rope and jumar up to section two which looks more in the grade 30 range followed by section three looking like gr26.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) - with nathaniel glavurdic Trad 24m Wed 14th Oct 2020
Second try starting this time at the Section 2. Oh so much nicer than section 1, it climbs soooo well! There are 3-4 moves I have to figure out but looks definitely possible and not too painful for a finger crack. My guess is around grade 30 but could well be easier. Did section 3 to the roof, it felt like salsa dancing, this is a real gem possibly grade 25. Roof is probably approx gr22. Still need to solidify a rattly critical footwork and clean up some broken ironstone but it's getting there. I'm learning to trust the gear as it's mostly yellow Z4. WOW!

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Tue 20th Oct 2020
Top progress, the crack is very clean now and doesn't hurt too bad. No need for tape, lucky cause that'd wouldn't fit!2 moves I still have to work out how to do.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Tue 20th Oct 2020
Could finally do several moves without grabbing the gear

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Thu 22nd Oct 2020
The crux was rather moist today. Hopefully it will get dryer with warmer weather. Good flow on the easier sections.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) - with nathaniel glavurdic Trad 24m Tue 27th Oct 2020
Drying the triple overhanging finger jam with isopropyl alcohol and blower, a real promising technique. So the current beta is from double crimp, reach high with RH thumb down pinching an tiny ironstone then reach LH very high bad jam thumb up focussing on wedging pinkie down (and it's so thin you have to hammer this home) then drop knee right leg keeping hips in crossing with RH thumb down proper jam (still bad) reaching up with LH thumb up side pull go for crimp right with RH leaning hard right reaching LH on good pocket straight up then you stuffed you have to match so reach out right RH bad crimp no feet move LH out of pocket on that shitty crimp thumb catch so you can cross RH in that pocket finally. Then do what you can with no feet but reach high LH left good jam side pull, left foot up then boom magic knee bar off your left forearm and reach up glory jug RH. This is like 2m of climbing and I didn't describ too much the footwork.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) - with nathaniel glavurdic Trad 24m Tue 27th Oct 2020
Drying the triple overhanging finger jam with isopropyl alcohol and blower, a real promising technique. So the current beta is from double crimp, reach high with RH thumb down pinching an tiny ironstone then reach LH very high bad jam thumb up focussing on wedging pinkie down (and it's so thin you have to hammer this home) then drop knee right leg keeping hips in crossing with RH thumb down proper jam (still bad) reaching up with LH thumb up side pull go for crimp right with RH leaning hard right reaching LH on good pocket straight up then you stuffed you have to match so reach out right RH bad crimp no feet move LH out of pocket on that shitty crimp thumb catch so you can cross RH in that pocket finally. Then do what you can with no feet but reach high LH left good jam side pull, left foot up then boom magic knee bar off your left forearm and reach up glory jug RH. This is like 2m of climbing and I didn't describ too much the footwork.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) - with nathaniel glavurdic Trad 24m Tue 3rd Nov 2020
Best session so far. The crux is dry despite the recent rain, very good news indeed.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) - with nathaniel glavurdic, Luke Hef Trad 24m Fri 6th Nov 2020
Not feeling as strong today perhaps need a full week between sessions

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) - with nathaniel glavurdic, Luke Hef Trad 24m Fri 6th Nov 2020
did good progress linking from crux 1st & 2nd jam established sitting on the rope did 3rd jam, crimp, pocket LH, shuffle 1, shuffle 2, pocket RH, crack sidepull, jug. Found some very useful taping beta right index second pad helps tremendously on ironstone pinch and 2nd jam. Subsequently Nathaniel skipped the shuffle and the crack sidepull to go directly for from pocket LH to jug which makes more sense than the horrible shuffle. I just never contemplated trying, next time.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Tue 10th Nov 2020
Warming up and not trying too hard this time. This allowed me to fine tune everything before and after the crux

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Tue 10th Nov 2020
Break through. Climbed from start anchor to crux entry. From crux jams 2&3 established from rest climbed the remaining 7 moves of the crux then all the way up to under roof. Getting closer to pinkpoint! Major linkups!

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Tue 17th Nov 2020
No striking progress today, have to accept the slow process

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Tue 17th Nov 2020
Man that crux is intense, shot #14 right?, that thing has got to be more than gr29

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Mon 30th Nov 2020
Forgot to tape the RH index critical for the 2nd crux jam. Tried different combinations of fingers but none are solid enough. Friction was very ordinary today. Linked again from crux end pocket to roof exit for the first time. The roof is good fun as expected with heel hooks but the exit looks trickier. I stopped there as it needs more cleaning.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Sun 6th Dec 2020
Friction was amazing today. did all moves again and linked most sections. The top section goes down casually now.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) - with Pedro V Trad 24m Thu 10th Dec 2020
Another highpoint to the third jam but the jam wasn't set well enough to progress to the crimp. Sat down and did some fine tuning on the finger jams as they have to be absolutely perfect, then with first jam established did all the way through the crux and section III then through the roof for the first time and exited GR23ish with horrendous rope drag on very easy ground, untied the rope and walked off. GOLD!!!

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) - with Pedro V Trad 24m Thu 10th Dec 2020
Felt a bit tired but went for it anyways. Another breakthrough, from crimps at crux entry went all the way to the third jam fully established and ready to hop for the crimp. I backed off there as the next bit would have been a compromise on my elbow rehab.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Tue 15th Dec 2020
100% humidity with the light drizzle creeping under the 15m overhang, not the best condos. Still worked out few important details.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Sun 20th Dec 2020
Conditions improved greatly to spoogy. Worked out a way to consolidate second jam by progressively pushing fingers in while moving body leftward. Keeping pinky out helps.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Sun 20th Dec 2020
Took several falls from mid-crux ending up touching the rock face at start anchor. I felt quite uncomfortable to progress further without being able to clip extra gear. I never contemplated clipping the mid crux nut before but I progressed so much on the start moves that I could clip it with ease! It breaks the flow a bit but frees my mind for the remainder of the crux. I took several falls from the crux end onto the mid-crux nut and the falls are beautiful. Just need my dodgy elbow to hold up and good friction to come back, this was my 21st shot.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Wed 23rd Dec 2020
No improvements today, friction good on crimps/pockets but average in crack. Felt weak as a rag, at least I did the roof exit again which is just tricky enough, it's a great feeling to top out, I managed rope drag better this time staying left and out on easy ground. Shot#22

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Mon 11th Jan 2021
Warming up, although the crack looks dry you can feel the water table pushing through the rock pores.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Mon 11th Jan 2021
Slipping off the triple jam every single move, cruised trough the crux end and the top, this is easy now no real need to rest, stopped at roof cause it's a pain in the ass to walk back down.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Mon 11th Jan 2021
Trying triple jam multiple times, it's just not working today, didn't make it through the hand shuffle either, nice fall at least... OMG shot #25... this is becoming a real siege.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Thu 21st Jan 2021
Skipped the pocket clip which is not only saving the strenuous clip itself but all the footwork shuffle related. No longer need to use the pocket. Although the crack isn't wet at crux, colour is brown which means sub-optimal, anything sub-optimal makes the whole thing impossible for me. Strategy now is to warmup climbing to crux and lower off. Rest and jug back up the rope to crux with blower and ISO Alcohol, bring it back to white bone dry and tram back to start anchor, rethread and fire up within 10min otherwise condos go back to sub-optimal brown. Tried with tape on RH middle finger 2nd pad but finger won't get in, tried crux again with no tape at all, not working without RH index 2nd pad taped. Felt really strong at crux entry reaching high with minimal effort. Climbed up to hand shuffle and stopped to save my elbow tendons, took the fall there, nice clean fall onto mid-crux nut. Shot 26

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Wed 27th Jan 2021
Friction ok as the mist doesn't seem to reach under the roof with easterlies. Low pocket proved useful at resetting the start pinch. Found new footwork at double crimp so I can now breath and chalk prior to crux entry. Extended crux nut so not much rope to pull out to clip. High point hopping for third jam with second jam half way in, then did triple jam sequence 5 times working on details falling only once. Understand now better the first jam is now almost a side pull high Left foot Drop knee right and bring shoulders more in line with the crack so the cross over RH to second jam thumb down can be established properly. Then feet straight under I need to work on my RH scapular pull to reach LH third jam. Stopped at crux crimp avoiding wearing myself out doing pocket hand shuffle etc. Shot#27

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Sun 31st Jan 2021
Dreadful conditions, building up muscle memory. Climbed up to the roof, just fantastic climbing. Shot #28

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Wed 10th Feb 2021
Warming up, felt slippery (85% humidity), destroyed another yellow X4

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Wed 10th Feb 2021
Although I was a smidge under the highpoint this was my best shot at it. I felt that was it. Felt strong at every moves until I botched the backstep reaching crux 2nd jam, it popped and down I went.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Wed 10th Feb 2021
Went straight down to start anchor from shot #2 and rested few minutes and went for it. Not bad got to 2nd jam on tips only and desperately leaped for third jam. Worked on the crux several times but I guess I was too tired. Did the rest of the climb with difficulty and topped out. Just measured the rope length between the start anchor and topout where you can untie the rope is 24m.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Sun 14th Feb 2021
Belayer had no harness so just played safe with the tree belay and aided to TR crux. From Entry crimps all the way to pocket twice in a row, even did the hand shuffle at the second go. This is the first time I linked through the crux from entry. I did several other tries focussing on moving from 2nd to 3rd jam and noticed going from 3 layers to 4 layers on RH index made an amazing difference. Humidity was 67% and crack was showing some white chalk instead the usual brown. Shot 32.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Wed 17th Feb 2021
Humidity 92%, good shot though, didn't get second jam perfect, still went for third without success

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Wed 17th Feb 2021
Highpoint! Second jam was quite good, still, kept pushing fingers in further, got third jam, then crimp, left foot up, botch the trow for the pocket. I never fell for the pocket before, I had still plenty left in the tank I think I was just too surprised! Once I have the pocket, there's still the hand shuffle and wrist kneebar to do but these moves are nowhere as hard as the 2nd jam.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Wed 17th Feb 2021
good shot, didn't get second jam perfect, third jam just tips in, not a chance

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Sat 20th Feb 2021
Humidity over 95%. Ultra efficient on the start: the start is now becoming a formality and takes a mere 30s to get through. Got up to third jam but on tips.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Sat 20th Feb 2021
Humidity dropping to a crispy 84%. Got 2nd jam perfect but got all uncoordinated on getting the third.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Sat 20th Feb 2021
failed at third jam, lowered to crux entry crimps and without too much rest went through the complete crux section then topped out, this is a major overlapped one sitter. By this time, sun was shinning down the creek and licking the overhang angle, I had the sun in my eyes at the last move of the crux. Humidity was down to an amazing sub 60% and I could see the difference in the colour of the rock. Bring on the friction! Oh I measured the angle of the crux section at 60deg overhanging, pfff no wonder why finger locks don't feel that great!

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Mon 1st Mar 2021
Felt a tad slippery despite 20deg and sub 60%H. Fell off second jam.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Mon 1st Mar 2021
Felt totally slimy and now 45%H and only 23deg, fell off at beginning after RH gaston. What is going on?

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Mon 1st Mar 2021
Felt even more slimy as %H goes down, gave up at pinch, it's pointless.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Mon 1st Mar 2021
Managed my way to crux, fell off 2nd jam again. Only positive is I felt two major fine tuning differences: drop the knee deep before 2nd jam, with imperfect 2nd jam, reposition LH foot up whilst keeping drop knee solid, that's the exact position where the 2nd jam becomes solid enough to progress and bring body inline with crack.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Fri 5th Mar 2021
Great condos 17deg 50%H. Was weak on start at gaston, fell off at 2nd jam not touching 3rd

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Fri 5th Mar 2021
Wow felt so strong, still not enough, 2nd jam perfect fell with one pad in 3rd jam

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Fri 5th Mar 2021
Solid as, still had to reset 2nd jam, two pads in 3rd jam very marginal, fell next move with the crimp didn't quite latch.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Wed 10th Mar 2021
Great conditions. Skipping gear at the start makes me somehow nervous and is counterproductive atm. Fell off going for 3rd jam. More micro details: 2nd jam reset works very well with left foot up and drop knee. Tape beta was most probably wrong for the last few sessions, needs to be closer to second knuckle. When going for 3rd jam keep right leg straight down instead of flagging, left foot pointing rather than edging

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Wed 10th Mar 2021
Fell off going for 3rd jam.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Wed 10th Mar 2021
Fell off going for 3rd jam.

31 Mother Earth (Mother Earth Project) Trad 24m Mon 15th Mar 2021
Conditions ok, 72%RH. Bad 1st lock, bad 2nd lock, foot popped at reset


Showing 1 - 100 out of 185 ascents.

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