
Ascents in Frog Buttress by Jack Seawright

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 107 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Fri 10th Feb 2023 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
22 Bitter and Twisted Trad 45m Classic
Planned to climb with just kyle this morning: kyle at 830pm last night: just met a yosemite climber in the gym.. i think ive talked him into frog in the morn. Me: cool well bring him. Leave at 6? Kyle: cool! Nah 4. Fuck. My eyes sting. Worth it though, 5 longish pitches done! In feb on a 31degree day with a party of 3! We were moving. Alex was moving on conquistador. Onsight speed record probably, he looked way to smooth. So i stepped in, kyle, i said, enough with this donating him classics, im gonna show him what happens on your ~60th trip out here. Now alex has experienced 4 classics and a wasp infested arete variant jammed between some classics! Shit talk aside though, this was surprisingly good. Cant decide whether the traverse out from totga felt contrived or delightfully airy, but once the reachy carrot is clipped, 20m worth of thoughtful side pulls, blind holds and high feet on both sides of the arete ensues. Definitely a deserving route in its own right even amongst elite company either side. Started getting warm up high so we collected our chips and headed to get kyles favourite steak sanga and i pilfered alex for his usa beta.

Thu 17th Nov 2022 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
21 ~22 Plummeting Pineapple - with sam j Trad 35m Average
So you think you can climb frog 22s? I did until this morning. Never been beat down this hard by a crux. It didnt help that i had crack goggles on and tried to jam the awful groove until my 10th? go when i finally submitted to a gaston and it went. I trooped through to the top through the garbage terrain above the crux feeling humiliated. Didnt get proper sweary until our impulse aid session.. thought id had my day ruined before that! Heres to becoming a grumbly old man. Great to meet sam j in the flesh and plummet together and find out our disc personality types.

Thu 10th Nov 2022 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
23 Satanic Majesty - with Johnny Sullivan Trad 30m Very Good
After chippies and choc milk and a moog swim, i dragged johnny back down to the crag only to give the game away wigging out over a shit cam and calling take post-crux-move. Felt surprisingly good on the face holds. Belayed johnny with a spectacular red sunset backdrop.

21 22 Steel Fingers - with jesper and then yim hijacked his second Trad 40m Very Good
22 start is pretty thin alright. Skipped it after 2 fails. Varied climbing up corner then wild traverse into r&r. Bailed off r&r last time due to not enough gear so all the climbing was new to me. Johnny and yim had front row seats of the top half from theory ledge. Laughed at me for the rope drag, then asked me to pause in positions for photos while cruxing out. Yim even said "nah dont hold the jug, looks better if you hold the crimp". Eventually it was jespers turn. He had had enough by the traverse, fair enough. I lowered him off just as yim rolled up and tied straight in. Gettin warm at froggie but snuck this in before the fucked sun.

Tue 8th Nov 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
22 Insomnia - with Johnny Sullivan Trad 40m Classic
Much better than last years gear zipper retreat attempt. Some facey moves down low teased my fingies abit but the jamming and ow felt very secure. One of the best lines out here for steamy stemming and i like abit of air uo between my legs. Dont take that the wrong way.. no do actually.

22 Equality Trad 40m Very Good
Squeeked in before an online job interview thanks to johnnys slick barnstorm up infinity. Alot of variety in it makes for a good adventure. Difficulty wise, 1 hard sequence; nice and airy. Bit hard not to touch infinity up high but yeah nah yeah, happy to have done it

Fri 4th Nov 2022 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
21 20 Cannabis Crack - with myles Trad 40m Very Good
Is it 20 or 21 the jury is out. I vote 21. Overhanging double finger press with blind footjams is kind of rude for 20. Rather backhanded way for me to welcome myles back to outdoor climbing. Myles: "ah crux is abit hard, lower me down cheers mate!" Me from my elay at the BST chains well off to the right: "ahhh how do i put this gently.. this one is a mandatory top out mate.. sorry." Speaking of rude at 20, trap for young players is surely at least 23 for fat fingered gentlemen goizus. Was not expecting that humbling right before lunch. Drank it off at the doogs with an ORIGINAL northern while myles out-hydrated me with a crisp. Probably the superior option all things considered.

Thu 3rd Nov 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
21 Oppenheimer's Monster - with Kyle Addy Mixed trad 25m, 2 Very Good
Iron mandy, antifrom, oppenheimers and drop out. Good morning with kyle and a couple up-and-comers on the frog scene. I may have accidentally stood on a carrot on oppenheimers.. hmm.. not sure. Right in the cruxy section aswell. Dodgy form. Placing gear up top was the job of a librarian stacking the shelves. Move the rock to the side and stuff the gear in.

Thu 27th Oct 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
21 Fluid Journey - with jim Trad 40m Very Good
100th route at frog! Crux must be about gr25 for shorties, but a nice committing highstep one-mover if your 6ft tall. Pretty happy with the decision to get up at 430 for this one. Jimbos following ascent of epic journey - 'aid journey' as he put it - was an absolute spooge exhibition: young families, fairy floss and seasonal flu; the works.

Sat 15th Oct 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
23 Deliverance - with 6staryim and rickety Trad 45m Mega Classic
What starts as horseshit pinscar aiding (not necessarily aid climbing, i chose to aid) turns into some lifechanging climbing up high with a showstopper boulder crux. Call me tomoa seawright. Im a boulderer now. Got up there and before i knew it, found myself out on the arete in a very much undownclimbable position. To quote the 2009 box office classic 'groove train' starring lee cossey; "i was definitely screaming like some sort of... ... (shrugs) .. dunno". Stoked to pull through and sunbake up top with rick while yim did more talking than climbing on 'third'. 9 star morning with totga and quisto getting a run from the boys.

Fri 14th Oct 2022 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
24 Plate Tectonics - with rickety rick and yimbo, neither of whom wanted to be there Mixed trad 18m, 2
'Top rope with serious amounts of aid'. What i thought would be a fun evening of tr with the boys turned out to be an annoying anchor build and blind climbing a 24. Cant climb that even with vision. Got hauled up, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, i apologised and suspect the first round at the doogs might be mine.

Fri 14th Oct 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
24 Worrying Heights - with nicole Trad 30m Mega Classic
Log from last week. Logged humility instead (wtf). A few sits and good whips on the 'final nut' which needed abit of saliva in the end to get out from memory. Climb doesnt feel too despo tbh but im sure ill change my tune on the clean attempt. Much more my style than impulse. Fuck you impulse you beautiful but hard climb.

Fri 14th Oct 2022 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
20 21 The Stars Look Down - with chris Trad 18m Mega Classic
Absolute classic. Actually good gear the whole crux if you do it in daylight. Great keyhole wire in there. Good to not take the crazy whip again! Did this with a random fella from araps who was escaping a party of 3, as was i. Decided of all the splitters he was missing in araps, id take him up one of the most araps style climbs at the crag, like an aussie ordering a fish and chips in the alps.

Thu 13th Oct 2022 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
22 Bloody Mary - with rick(ety) Trad 16m Very Good
Jumped on after ricks ety kate onsight. Starts sick but abit back yourself getting gear in. Had to get 3 pieces in from the kneebar - yes you read correctly, kneebar - before i was confident to move on. Stepping up and right through the undercling is very unique here and a good reminder of why i risk my ankles sometimes to climb these types of routes. A few good cams then up through the pumpy chosswall (not super loose but dont blindly trust shit) to the chains. Stoked to move through carefully and find a safe way to climb what would subjectively be labeled a dangerous climb by many.

Thu 13th Oct 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
22 Decade - with rick and 'non-crag-member-that-cant-log-onsights Trad 30m Classic
Pretty good gear right up to where you start getting scared and pumped and the placements abandon you. Baulked at the crux 3 times almost coming off each downclimb, finally got a woeful cam in, sat, placed a bomber rp, went back on, fired the crux, footslip, rp took some heat but it wasnt getting free. Went through to the top through the very scenic cave/flake top out. Pretty nice climb although yim disagreed. Speaking of, someone who doesnt have the crag unfortunately onsighted their first 22 and theyll have to be ok with no one knowing unless they know to ask. Sad days

Sat 8th Oct 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Humility - with nicole Trad 15m Very Good
Pretty serious little piece. Nice to fiddle with the rps again. Nice not to test them with a 75kg fall. Moves are quite cool. Bring on arete season!

Fri 7th Oct 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 The Great Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine - with Kyle Addy, manny Trad 33m Very Good
Cool right foot offwidthing. The lads had a chuckle at my efforts to place a wire at one point. It almost went in. But alas, another pure cam ascent. Sport climbing with portable bolts. Some angry ants at half height taking up some real estate on a pretty good hold there. Pop some mortein in the chalk bag gang.

Thu 6th Oct 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Warlock - with tim Trad 26m Very Good
Direct start is thinner than a pack a day dart puncher. Relieved my halfnut from further pounding and came in from yankee. Much better. Nice unique movement and some orgasmic jamming up high. Worrrrtthittttt

17 If - with tim Trad 30m Very Good
Dont solo to the ledge! Get a couple pieces in before the mantle. I double alpine kneed! Tim had to avert his eyes from such punter style. Rest of the route is quite nice though. I hereby sanction this route.. wwwwworth it!

Wed 5th Oct 2022 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
22 Erg Direct - with tim Trad 25m Classic
Shoulda laybacked and backed myself. Shoulda laybacked myself.

21 22 Yodel up the Valley - with tim Trad 22m Very Good
Feels about 19 and ill be honest like cal and the rest of the seq community and downgra... nah fuck it ill take it hahahaha yeah the boys

22 Lead-lined Lothario - with tim Trad 25m Mega Classic
Gahh sahh claooos. Miss borderline dynoing into finger locks while the other one spooges out of the wall. Bloody corker of a route. Probs best finger locks ive ever done at frog.. and ive done a couple routes.

Sat 1st Oct 2022 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
22 Child in Time - with tim Trad 25m Classic
As expected. Faceclimbing wizardry i am yet to gain. Thin hands above were fine. Tim decided hed do this on lead as his first ever climb at frog and first trad lead harder than 20! Did a great job attacking the crimps down low and facing his demons on the crack top out i didnt bring gear for. We got the rope stuck though so i scrambled the blocks left of erg to the anchor. Caught jarred colton and nicole for lunch and then tim onsighted rickety kate! Glad he didnt fall cos i chose to belay in the corner. Would have been squashed if any of those lil nubbins had greased him.

Sun 4th Sep 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
21 The Anti-From - with yimbo Trad 17m Very Good
Again abit different to what were used to. Meant to do the NP variant but this looked cool and distinctly less wasps so i decided to plow on up the seam till the gear got shit and i got scared. Turns out these are things that are sometimes hard to solve by downclimbing! Nah it wasnt too bad. Jugs where you need them and the moves onto the big ledge are very whacky - I suspect this isnt actually apart of the route though. I believe the original 'boldly' goes straight up from the crack to the top, we just followed the crack around and found ourselves at the NP anchors. Didnt think it was too bold but some heart rate fluctuations occured at any rate. Great features. Has to be mentioned though that yim whipped on NP; Long term project for him now.. ask him how its going if you bump into him on the street.

22 Out on a Limb - with yimmyboy Trad 18m Very Good
Route 1 of our learn to fall on rps day. Warmed up on conquistador (no rps, yim just wanted to do it - but felt much better than last year). Strategically sat the rope at the base of this route (just in case). Did the start moves grabbing and testing gear, then moved unknowingly into the section that gives the route abit of rep. Some redefining of elvis leg thankfully ended in the previously unused no.1 ball nut saving my bacon (and yims after he faithfully half whipped on it - most nervous belaying moment in a while). From there the climbing eased off and the gear got better. Took some whips on a backed up rp further up which held bomber. Success! Not an onsight cos of the aforementioned sits and whips but pretty clean ascents and some good confidence building. A new style for us at froggy. Really enjoyed it. I do wonder if i must have missed a couple rps in the runout - kyles description seems to hint at this.

Thu 1st Sep 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
23 Epic Journey - with Johnny Sullivan Trad 30m Classic
Can i humbly take a win at frog and not try to chase it with another win? No is the answer. Absolutely flogged by this number, got so desperate placing and took a couple good whippers, one bigger than expected when a 000 pulled. So pumped after the day i had to rest on the 18 top section. If it was bolted id stand a chance - is what i said to johnny. Placing the wires is fuckin 90% of the job. The moves themselves are really quite doable. Why do we trad climb eh? I am on the lookout for a frog proj and while i learnt alot climbing this and agree it has some kickass moves, its not my kinda line. Might do again yrs from now.

22 Old Guard - with Johnny Sullivan Trad 40m Mega Classic
No mistakes this time. One of the best routes at frog, never too hard but keeps you on your toes (not just metaphorical.. its the biggest calf destroyer out here). Especially love the boulder to escape to the sloping ledge up top. What a finale. Also didnt stitch johnny up the way i did jarred a year ago with the exposed swing. Im learning!

22 Lonely Teardrops - with Johnny Sullivan Trad 22m Classic
Warm up on infinity as decided by johnny.. cant get out of it now. Its teardrops day. Felt good the whole way. Bulge was pretty cruisy for me, it was one move to get hands on the mantle ledge that i had to buckle down for most. I yelled down to johnny that i was now infact awake. Probably easy for the grade and not sure i did anything super standout but finally remained attached on a 22 OS. Looking forward to going to the pub and getting up on the counter and yelling to everyone that i onsighted a 22. Should make some friends.

Sun 17th Jul 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Juggernaut - with the wide brigade: yim colton julie with greg and jacinda watching on Trad 30m Classic
I tried not to tell too many people id planned on doing this on froq day so i could bail if i wanted. Seemed like a good opportunity while everyone would be prancing around in their big gear for photo ops, i could put it to use right? I searched for abit around the access track, looking for heavily strung harnesses before yim chased me down the track to inform me that someone named julie had already fished the pond dry. Indeed she had, i had never seen so many big cams in one place. I was somehow given the gear to have the first burn so after a couple poses with the dress and the gear, and a few more photos in a vane attempt to postpone the inevitable, i stifled the sobbing and started up the fists section. I managed to find enough crap rests to not get properly desperate and pumped until the last 3 meters where the face holds dried up. I stood on the last ledge for a while and realised i was more desperate to get the clean ascent than i had been for a while at frog, after all id got through to get to this point. I tried various arrangements of fist stacks and chicken wings but in the end the combo of time on the wall, sore body parts, fatigue all caught me up and i slumped on the 6. Probably 2 'shuffles' of the crimp rail and footer that signals the crux end. Pretty bummed to fall short but stoked with the opportunity to get on this climb finally and dont think ive learned so much on a climb in a while, not only in terms of technique but also mind management on an exhausting climb. I told yim if he flashed it id kick him off the bungles trip. He behaved thankfully. The rest of the day was hobbling around, stealing nicoles lunch, tying then untying infront of old guard, forgetting how to climb plume even after nicoles smooth send, beautiful sunset at the anchors with a gang of 5, and then kickons at yarramalong for froq party with the crazy frog people. My whole body aches.

Fri 24th Jun 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Bay Play - with , Georgia Forster Trad 10m Good
A nice and efficient day out with georgia and the open-book man. A bunch of smaller, non-jamming pitches climbed. Yim managed an onsight of footloose without any feet coming loose, i gave him all the hard pitches of the day and gave him inadequate gear beta for sailor in the sun. Didnt look fun. Project for the season will be running continuously from infinity to the toilet block: tried it after leaving my keys at bad company, its friggin hard. Made it to electronic flag and had to walk.

Mon 20th Jun 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 21 The One That Got Away - with Will West Trad 35m Classic
What a beaut! If anyone wanted to be a starfish when they grew up, my advice would be learn trad and do this climb. A lot of fingerlock/gaston/open palm hands with a footjam and a side smear, all the while with all 4 limbs outstretched to the 2 crack systems. While id love to go ahead and help myself to another 21 OS log, i think 'the one that got away' might be in reference to the 21 that somehow got away from being regraded to 20. Stoked to put it away clean though, and felt very confident with all the movement. A great day at frog for me and fair to say witnessing the dynamic between Tim and Yim (climbing partners for the day) was delightful.

21 Odin II Trad 30m Classic
awwwww ill give it an OS log.. cant help myself. Thought id wuss out of this today like all the other days ive wussed out of it. Really smooth and flowey climbing (the roof wasnt as smooth and flowey but still pretty chill really). hardest part for me was committing to the smooth footers in the base of the cave. Caught my bodyweight on a handjam at one point and punched the hand crack above on no gear cos theres not enough no.2s on the planet to stitch this one up. Its a handjammers climb for sure and probs is thought of by too many as a gruntathon. Some serious faff up top trying to find a place to rap down. Ended up swinging in from thor anchor to get some gear. No booty left though, bootyers look elsewhere (yim).

Wed 15th Jun 2022 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
19 Inquisition Trad 27m Classic
Well the day started off with Gen bailing for work and then in an unprecidented move, unbailing and driving out to frog to join the fun and even the party numbers (big hype). Even more memorably, Yim accidentally eating weed cookies from an unknown cooker deposited in his fridge for a midnight snack and being baked while climbing! Didnt change the backseat sleeping routine, no surprises there. Despite inquisition not being my lead and drawing rack and ruin instead, this was the highlight of my climbing day. Brilliant high foot stemming and pulling in the odd looking groove in the first half and some fairly rudimentary offwidthing to unlock some rocking moves in the second. Minus the first 5m, all classic climbing that i shall be back to repeat. RnR finger crack start went much smoother than last year so nice to see improvement there but was a bit surprised about the difficulty of some moves entering and also exiting the corner and gear availability in the thin part above it. Might be my fault for taking less than 7 .4s up!! Pretty serious lead for 20 points at frog imo. Ended up bailing into flies just below the tree which was a little disappointing but good climbing all in all. Head game is still really out of sorts.

Sun 12th Jun 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Satyricon Trad 35m Classic
Pretty stoked with this after crying over climbing above bolt at ninderry the day before. After mantling out top above the runout, i had 2 hours of feeling like the man until the dave mank finger crack slapped me back to quivering with gear at waist height. Great day at the buttress of fun

Fri 10th Jun 2022 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
24 Impulse - with Nick Whitelaw Trad 18m Classic
Attempted to aid this old free line this morning.. still a couple points of free but mainly aided all the moves. Bailed off the .2 at the top cos i realised i was going to have to do a free move within 4 grades of 24!? Outrageous. Ended the day moving egotistical pineapple from the send list to the dog list and getting a .5 stuck (inspired by yim of course) which angus managed to remove with some acrobatic upside down cam wielding.

Sat 7th May 2022 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
19 Monty Python's Flying Circus - with , Will West Trad 25m Good
Ok focus on the climb jack. Focus on the climb.. So i drove to yims old house in west end to pick him up and told him i was out the front. He told me i wasnt. Shit. Had to get will from south bris cos hes a gronk and has big fridays, then made yim walk across the green bridge as a fully decked out trad christmas tree. We got to frog at a time that wouldnt indicate we were a party interested in climbing well. Picked literally the only climb being occupied. Will almost knocked off materialistic by a flying rap rope. I almost had an epic on wizards back after not taking any gear. Then yim thrust a .5 into the belly of mt french via the right hand crack on res corner. I then donated on wills behalf in the form of his alpine sling that i forgot to strip from the cam. The rain stopped so i decided to drag the boys up flying circus. Ok so now for the climb. Move near fixed rp had too thin feet. Fuck. Who cares. Aid. Rock over move crawl up slab. Shoulder bar up awkward corner to bucket from heaven then hand jam up to obliterated chain anchor. Clipped. Continued onto tree. Grigri wasnt enjoying quickly lowering the lads off climbs. Smelt like plastic. Doorstopper toasties, home.

Sat 30th Apr 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
22 Yankee Go Home - with Lachlan Short, cotton peterson Trad 26m Mega Classic
I needa take some fall practice so ill jump on a well protected climb and take whips! I told the guys: Took some sits but no falls. My sittings great though, the guys were amazed at my numerous clean 'sitters'. Lovely to be reaquainted with the apprentice cleaning for lachie while up on the ledge.. a day salvaged from the evil weather gods of SEQ - both climbs unexpectedly dry. 30 minutes was spent at the doogs comparing hand jam sizes, the last 28 of which lachie had to spend looking at an emptied pint glass while colton and I drank in a more civilized fashion.

Mon 18th Apr 2022 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Termination - with Martin Weir Trad 18m Very Good
Ill forever remember this as the climb i sussed out on a fixed line in preparation for a top rope burn! Marty and i were nearing the end of a notably efficient introduction to frog weekend when we decided after injection logic to throw a tow line down termination because im well scared of having a crack above 2 bomber rps. I had alpined a strand onto the anchor and grigrid down to the ledge leaving marty to untie it and atc down. I knew immediately when i tugged on the rope at faki ledge.. beta spray alert, using a sling hex as a footstrap for ascending is quite worthwhile! Eventually got around to top roping the climb and i was right, i would certainly have brown and/or yellow pointed the rock over move with rope below me. Marty was happy with it but i think he still somehow did more face moves on faki.

Sat 6th Nov 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
10 Strawberry Alarm-clock - with Jarred Vardy Trad 20m Classic
"3-star piece of shit" - jarred vardy 2021. Had such a fun time climbing this. Felt like the top pitch of a multi (why i dont know).

18 Fluid / Epic Link Up - with Jarred Vardy Trad 30m Very Good
Nice enough jamming outing but how bout that step across hey! Love to see how a short person does it. Brilliant

22 Insomnia - with Jarred Vardy Trad 40m Classic
Bloody face climbing. Ill be back with stronger fingers. Thats probably a lie

Wed 3rd Nov 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
17 Smoked Banana Trad 40m Mega Classic
It doesnt get old this one! Yim must have told me how epic it was about 60 times from the chimney. Had a bit of a wake up call when a 'bomber' wire fell out of the wall leaving me in the wind for an 8m grounder.. Kneed it out moving my foot up. Watch out kids..

15 Devil's Wart Trad 27m Classic
Great climb! A definite step up from bojangles for yim and he led this with probably more confidence. Leaps and bounds! Beaut movement in the last 5 metres and not too bad below either. Could be a contender for a 3rd star.

13 Mr. Bojangles Trad 15m Good
Not too bad actually as a beginner lead, although its a mission to get to. Yim made a bomber anchor at the top and almost wasted it by winding up to chuck both ends of the rope off the top without putting it through the anchor

21 Cock Corner Trad 30m Classic
Well.. i was preparing some depricating dialogue for my next frog aid-venture on a climb too hard for me. Blindsided myself completely with this result. All over in ~20 minutes of climbing. Infamous move off the ledge is the crux for me but its protectable with the good ol' red halfy, starting to really scratch that thing up. In general, i dont like to log onsights as i feel like it should be more about the experiFIRST 21 ONSIGHT YEWWWWW!!

Sat 23rd Oct 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
13 Tardis - with Nicole Trad 10m Good
Pretty tricky for the grade Id say. Great lead from Nicole very solid gear and climbing!

20 Rickety Kate - with Nicole Trad 15m Mega Classic
Geez this is a fun little climb. Done very differently to a year ago aswell. More stem, less power layback. It really makes you feel like a rockstar and has some amazing views at the top.

Sat 23rd Oct 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Thor - with Nicole Trad 30m Classic
5:50am start.. probs my earliest at frog. Very humid and very underslept but nothing was gonna stop this climb from being a joy. Start went surprisingly smoothly and the moves at the rooflet made me think but nothing too desperate. More face than I was expecting and the climb has a diet of almost exclusively medium wires which was a relief since I skimped on cams. A very classy outing! Odin looks sick, keen to try.

Sun 26th Sep 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Iron Mandible - with nicole Trad 24m Classic
Geez its thin at the start. Apparently grinding your body and gear up chimneys doesnt help your face climbing !?!?! couldnt repeat the red point this year, instead opting to complain in person and online about how thin the start is... But yeah, red hot climbing the whole way, stoked to be back on this proud line.

19 Cold Turkey - with nicole Trad 27m Good
Spring is the season for getting stuck! They say that.. yeah definitely thats what they say.. the chockstones that were there in the old guide and out when the crag description was written appear to be back (wtf) and some of them moved around more in the crack than i could. Graded correctly at 19 imo - happy self-punishing!

Wed 15th Sep 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
16 Satan's Smokestack Trad 40m Classic
OW at the start took more struggling than i thought it would. Pretty gearless step up into the chimney, had to go wide with a small wire to protect the step up then unclip it after the step (to save drag). aaand then the fun part. the rest of it. Youd have a hard time not doing this with a smile on. Tanned on top belay (the infinity ledge is a sauna at 1pm).

Wed 15th Sep 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
22 Black Light Trad 25m Mega Classic
Trip Report (Ripped Report): Jumped on this pearler with Yimin this morning. Clean run lasted 1m before ground fall number 1 off the first layback.. managed to desperately clip a marginal microcam deciding to punch on to the first ledge. Guess who ripped the cam out and took another ground fall.. This schtickhead. Turned out the spot was perfect for a halfnut (ya weasld me ya baastrrd). Proceeded to quiver up the slab section before getting shut down by the entire thin hands crack.. aided all of it. Punched the bulge free though. Had to drop the tc pros off the top of the climb for yim cos he didnt pack his shoes.

Wed 8th Sep 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
18 Borderline 29 Trad 15m Classic
For only being about 3 meters long, this climb packs some outstanding movement, did the traverse with my safety still clipped to the gear anchor on LLL (hands on heads) and had to go back to unclip it. I told Yim to not short rope me aswell (hands on heads again). He got me back though when i got onto the flake and timed his comment to perfection: "Wow it would be funny if the whole flake fell to the ground". That traverse though and the tip across into the layback jug in the flake has gotta be one of the coolest feelings though.

17 King Shits and Dead Shits Trad 20m Good
This climb is defo worth doing.. the climbing is quite enjoyable if your not allergic to thrutching, but its hard as fk for a 17 i reckon.. dont know if im missing moves in the V groove but it felt like 19 to me.

20 Corner of Eden Trad 35m Classic
With Yim's motivation reading about this route in the living rock, i took the excuse to throw myself at the madness that is the corner of eden. A great climb of frog, like every classic gets harder with every move, until you end up with a perfect bum size ledge on the right to bask in the post crux glory (not every classic has the last part but this one sure did). Yim did an incredible job with only one slip on follow. A pretty rough frog initiation if you ask anyone. Advice to would-be ascentionists: Dont take big gear.. you dont need it and it gets up in your grill come the flaring crux. Over and out

Sun 15th Aug 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Straight Man's Fear Trad 13m Good
Found a BD #6 sitting loosely at the foot of the RF chimney (wtf).. yimin threw himself at the mantle which was sick. Couple of fun moves through the top of the face you can see from the ground. Worth a lap

Sun 15th Aug 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
15 Mechanical Prune - with Will West, Belle Trad 18m Very Good
Bailed off this back in my first few times at frog.. now i see why, even today i was shitting it at times, the section below the cave was tough and above it took me 10 minutes at least! Quite 3d, and some nice moves. Good to get will and bel up this on tr to see how weird frog can be sometimes

Sun 15th Aug 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Gladiator - with Belle, Will West Trad 20m Very Good
Great moves, always wonder why every man and his dog gets on this and much of it would be convenience but its better than i remember, some nice moves walking the feet up on the left and you could write books about the hands at half height.. good to see a few of the clubbies having a rip at this and introducing their hands and feet to the dark art of jamming.

Sat 14th Aug 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
21 The Stars Look Down - with jacob Trad 18m Classic
They were looking down.. it was 7pm at night when i arrogantly decided id have a crack at this with a low power headtorch. Missed the rp placements and took a run at the crux anyway, punting about 5m above the last cam, resulting in dads old alien catching a 12m flight. A bruised hip, ego and belayer, were some of the reasons I was to come back the next morning and rap down to collect the gear and see all the holds i missed. An experience for sure. First full whipper on gear.

Sun 1st Aug 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
17 Blood, Sweat and Tears - with Steven vdb Trad 40m Classic
Wow what a climb! Cant believe we didnt make a point of doing this earlier.. a handjam marathon with moves rivaling the consistency of the true frog greats. Defo go R at the top or face the wrath of the encyclopedia shelf of rock shards some of which pull backwards (or singular encyclopedia including multiple rock shards if you are like alan and dont read alot of them). A truly delighful outing up (imo) the most impressive wall at frog and reckon anyone climbing at 17 or above should have a go

20 Pollux - with Mick Trad 23m Very Good
Quite proud to fire this crux move off. Would have been easier if i could get the knee in straight off the sloping ledge but was made to bump the stack with a shit footnub which made things a little bit spicy. Mikky stepped up took the second off steve for this one and pledged not to bother with wide techaz.. seemed improbable but she punched through the crux in fairly short order! Impressive effort from her

16 Castor - with Steven vdb Trad 22m Very Good
Seconded this for the first of the day.. pretty tough move at the ledge for 16 and airy too! Fun enough climb

Sun 25th Jul 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
18 Blood of the Christ - with Lachlan Short Trad 25m Very Good
Nicer than expected! Didnt need the weeding gloves at all its cleaner than itd have you believe from the ground. Awkward crux fairly low goes easier with some footnubs and a brilliant knee jam rest. Very cool positions and stances up to the overhang and easily out left. Managed to get the rope even more stuck post-rap with a poorly executed 'rope swirling' technique for getting rid of the twists. Not elegant.

18 Resurrection Corner - with Lachlan Short Trad 25m Classic
Much smoother than my first time up this last year when i didnt know how to hand jam gorgeous jamming and very secure climbing. Anyone who can do the start direct is a levitation sensei. Thought i was talking to lachie over the ledge on second.. turned out to be ryan topping out on child in time. Figured it out when he mentioned he was placing gear! Anchor party capped off with a munter rap using lachies shoelace prussik. Glad the munter worked.

Sun 18th Jul 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
19 Southern Comfort - with Jarred Vardy Trad 15m Classic
A pearler! Harder than rickety kate i reckon. Gives you faith in corner-smearing feet.. feel sorry for fat fingered people but my chipolata sausage fingers were perfect for the locks! Joked with Dave and Brian that a pencil sharpener might have been an alternative. A really cool committing face move to call it curtains aswell. Clip face anchor at frog and turn to jarred: "feel like i just sent a sport climb"

18 Sacrilege Crack - with Jarred Vardy Trad 25m Very Good
Great fun.. not a shit moment on it. Awkward but bomber hands prompting some delightful jamming moves and then a 7m handstackathon to the top. No cheating this one with face holds. Its butterfly or fly on this one! Great climb.

20 Lord of the Flies - with Jarred Vardy Trad 40m Very Good
Started up the finger crack and ran out of appropriate cams to protect the top of it/didnt feel like flying so i catted out left to the rack and ruin start. Had a good amount of fun but bitta dodgy rock about.. climbs kind of similar to cock crack - jug assisted grovelling. Got asked to rescue a no.5 on the way down. Didnt see that but clipped a big purple bolt on the way up. Most secure bolt ive ever seen

Sat 17th Jul 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Hello Sailor - with Kyle Addy Trad 20m Very Good
Quite a nice line of mainly hands and a cheeky grunt up a groove in the middle. Volunteered to use my gear despite kyles non-guarantee that he wouldnt accidentally chuck it down macraderma. Thankful to be stopped from tunnel visioning past the anchor and up through chosstown though.

Sun 4th Jul 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Catharsis - with Steven vdb Trad 20m Very Good
Quite a nice climb! Stupidly used my big cams in the first half of the climb which resulted in clipping the pin and firing the 8m crux section without pro. Defo read the description and have ideally a 6 or at least a 5 for the final off-width. This section of the climb is quite fantastic though.. Creativity inspiring!

21 Conquistador - with Steven vdb Trad 45m Mega Classic
Finding the crux sequence in the overhang just took too long for my unconditioned arms. Really didnt put myself in the hunt for this one. My first take up came before searching for jugs on the right which was pretty poor. Luckily though, it is still a mega cool climb with great gear so i could still appreciate the quality movement. Early section was very swimmy and the crux jugs are as perfect as devils. A real epic. Reckon Stevo can get the lead send for sure.

20 Devils Dihedral Trad 45m Mega Classic
Great time seconding Steve's awesome onsight! Thought I was gonna have to lead this again after he wobbled up the first 15m, but he turned it on in the second half for a very comfortable looking send. Felt a lot more comfortable for me this time, found some better beta for some of the sequences towards the top. Those juicy hand-jams.. nothing better

Wed 16th Jun 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Saffron Crack Trad 40m Very Good
Quite an enjoyable hands crack that widens a little at 6m off deck which provides some excitement. Still secure enough. Wanted to have a crack at the steep section of the thinning crack further on but its too easy to stem into electric banana.. it doesnt make sense to do it. Off-width at the top is very similar to smoked banana. Must be close by in fact max used one of my cams in the back corner while ascending smoked banana! We got the rope stuck after rapping back down to get the gear. dont do that, get a second to clean it and rap of SB.

20 Cock Crack - with Jarred Vardy Trad 38m Classic
What a wild route! Nice wide hands into some face moves either side of the crack with some wicked body-hauling onto ledges creates the scene for a cool adventure route, but the real show-stopper is where the wide crack seams out and forces you onto the airy sharp arete on the right. One precarious move in particular involving a sloping ledge just before the top of the pillar provides a bag-full of fun. An absolute gem of a route. Linked up with max who was finishing up on infinity at the same time and donated him a couple hexes for the last 10m lol

Wed 16th Jun 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Materialistic Prostitution - with Jarred Vardy, max koebrugge Trad 20m Very Good
Somehow managed to avoid this route in my first frog season so this was my first time climbing it. Really nice hands, and the scree at the top is all pretty solid. Robby rolled up when we were halfway up this route, seconded it, dropped his atc off the top and told everyone it was alright cos someone would figure out a way for him to get down . We all ended up 'double munting' back to the ground.. nice outing

Sun 6th Jun 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
17 Neon Philharmonic - with Steven vdb Trad 35m Very Good
We didnt read the comments and thought we might be the first people to get our heads stuck on this one. Boy were we wrong. Probably an underrated climb just because of the head jam bit, the climbing before it is actually lovely. Some wide stemming out on the chimney walls and some of the finest hands at frog.

Sat 5th Jun 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
22 Old Guard - with Jarred Vardy Trad 40m Mega Classic
A cracker of a climb. Bit of a leap of faith skipping the 21 grade and jumping straight into this one, but was really stoked to have given such a good crack at the onsight; punting after the crux and getting the rest clean. Some high step ups into the crack and some thin bridging keep it ever-exciting. Definitely enough rests to stop things getting too desperate at any point. Gear is all bomb, Some beaut layback moves on the very positive left edge of the crack. No reason not to award this mega classic status. (I screwed Jarred over by not plugging the top before descending to plume ledge, leaving him a scary clean - sorry J-man)

Sun 16th May 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Short Order - with dad Trad 30m Mega Classic
What a sick pitch!! Theres really something about corner climbing, so much fun. Jams rarely work as well as you want in the crack, which is good cos it forces you into frictiony bridging moves most of the way up. Foot nubs are right where you need them each time.. quite incredible really. Will forever remember this climb as the one on which dad learnt (didnt learn) how to use a grigri and got shortroped for 10 seconds on every placement all goods though!

20 Footloose and Falling Free - with dad Trad 11m Classic
Really liked this one.. not technically an onsight, i stept onto it to test the finger crack and exploded off my foot-nub. I am still logging the OS cos the serious part of the climb was onsighted and i like lying to myself for validation. There was one move around the middle to get established on the solid ledge at 2/3 height that was actually quite committing even for 20, but otherwise this was quite chill. Good positive holds and very solid feet most of the way. Trad anchor in the back wall to rap off then walked up and down the side to clean it

Sun 2nd May 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Devils Dihedral - with Jarred Vardy Trad 45m Mega Classic
Almost internal monologued my hungover arse out of doing this climb. Glad I copped it Face stuff at the start is thin but solid, couple of mildly committing moves into jams that could have gone astray in the spooge of the morning. Beautiful moves in the overhung handcrack (with a double handjam cutloose featuring on what i reckon could be the technical crux, but hard to know cos this entire climb feels pretty close to the grade). Last 5 metre section off the ledge isnt insanely tricky but makes for a pretty wild finale!! Not to overstate but probs best route ive done at this point!

Sat 1st May 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
16 Christian - with Jarred Vardy Trad 17m Very Good
A new experience!! First ever off-width. Long time coming, and i quite liked it! Very trial-and-errory with the thrutching, sometimes methodical movement gets you nowhere and aimless thrashing actually helps. Bizarre. Did it in a froq too! Ripped the shoulder of the dress in the off-width, owner would have been proud. Any photos taken will hopefully cover minimal ground on the internet, or at least be appropriately pixelated Cool route

19 Magical Mystery Tour - with Jarred Vardy Trad 34m Very Good
This was a real fight. Pumping out in a slightly-bigger-than-fists section ultimately ended the onsight campaign. I then got rained on in the off-width.. despite not all going to plan I felt proud to push through the body crack and not bail, and honestly quite enjoyed the change in style. Would like to start pushing more routes like this.

18 Fast Eddie - with Jarred Vardy Trad 15m Good
Not a bad time filler during the middle of the day. Felt quite good rounding the rooflet with the committing rock-over move. Pretty fluid for most of the pitch and gear was fine. Anchor is an experience..

Sat 3rd Apr 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
15 Bad Blues - with robin and emma Trad 22m Very Good
Meant to do Devils wart and forgot which one it was . This was quite a cool route though, weird little slab traverse move that the bottom provokes some thought. Followed by beautiful hand crack and a couple cheeky chimney moves up top to rap tree. Worth the outing for sure!

Sat 3rd Apr 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Winston Alley Trad 10m Good
Did not take the right gear on this climb. Got stuck underprotected at the top and had to risk decking on the finishing mantle. Really dumb on my part.

Sat 3rd Apr 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Piranha - with steve van den berg Trad 45m Good
Spent alot of time tip toeing around nubs trying to figure out where the route was going. An exciting outing but in terms of movement quality there are better 20s at frog for sure. Pretty airy up in the crux which is nice. The Route is also pretty conducive to high rope drag.. but then again Piranha would argue i should have put more thought into placing gear and bringing more slings

Sat 3rd Apr 2021 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
17 Liquid Laughter Layback - with Elijah Benjamin-Wood Trad 38m Classic
Really cool climbing on both pitches. Hand crack at the start swims. V groove is pretty desperate.. Wouldnt want to lead it as your first 17. 2nd pitch has some unbelievable moves off the ledge up the dual cracks. Quality stays high throughout this beautiful adventure route. Done as 1 50m pitch

20 Egotistical Pineapple Trad 14m Classic
Short but bloody sick. First move is fkn toiighhhttttt. Rest of the climb is quality too. Hip flexibility definitely would have helped and 2nd half of the climb was abit scary in the rain but the top out was easier than appearances. Felt like i had to work quite hard all in all so happy with the arvo OS. Definitely keen to get back on this one!

Sat 6th Mar 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
21 Run With the Pack - with max koebrugge Trad 20m Very Good
Put a top rope on this after a run up bad company. Very thin and tough to make that first 6 meters work but the gear is there despite appearances. Ill hopefully come back and do this properly one day

19 Hollywood Rattlesnake - with max koebrugge Trad 18m Very Good
Kinda cool, some nice high feet and chimneying early on. 19 again seems like a high grade for this climb. Gear much better than the first 3 meters of climbing would have you believe.

19 Psychedelic Apricot Pitch Two Trad 25m Very Good
Did I climb this, or the one to the right, or five to the left? all the above. I dont remember doing any moves that felt harder than about a 16 grade but im going to log a 19 onsight cos im a scumbag that deserves to have their thecrag account suspended. Quite a nice section where it goes a little overhung: Bomber gear and holds all around. Really quite an enjoyable adventure!

18 Chocolate Watch Band - with max koebrugge Trad 17m Very Good
God damn.. punted again off this crux. Really nice crack climbing underneath and I wish I was able to dance through this crux but getting established in the wide crack is really quite hard.

Sun 10th Jan 2021 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Dream of Purple Peach Popsicles - with robbie francisco Trad 32m Very Good
january fitness.. too much time faffing with pro.. both contributors to giving up on an onsight that was definitely well within reach. face moves at the bottom are elvis leg inspiring but pretty solid really, some rockstar moves on perfectly spaced holds in and departing the finger crack. I was feckinnn millllked by the end of the finger crack! fuck moi bitta lactate! sat at a couple cams around there lol.. Cavelet at the top is fkn maaad fun!!.. should not be avoided. Took Robbie out for his first ever trad trip and somehow thought it appropriate to throw him on this (a 20) without any prior experience of crack climbing he killed it though! Best belay spot at the top is slinging the tree dead above the finish id say. Enjoy!

Sat 26th Sep 2020 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
20 Rickety Kate - with blake eccles Trad 15m Mega Classic
Stunner. Didnt have too much trouble finding it. Just look for the most chalked up climb at frog by far!! Some fairly strong layback moves at the bottom were really fun. Bit of a victory romp to the anchors last 5m. Great gear. Got a hex in! Stoked

Sat 5th Sep 2020 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Electronic Flag DS - RHS (Electronic Flag DS) - with Tom Preen Trad 10m Very Good
Yeah the starts pretty nails (for someone whos use to bumming up 14s at frog). Super nice locking and a sure sigh of relief when the ledge is gained at the top of the direct start. I think you do this route though for the rest of the climb.. very adventury, similar style to clockwork orange. The overhung chokstone bit makes you feel like your in a movie! love it. Alot of promising looking big hex placements that actually just slippery slide out the back . But ah well, good times. - Contender for best top belay vantage point at frog.

19 Sorcerer's Apprentice - with Elijah Benjamin-Wood Trad 30m Classic
Some really nice positions on this one, sick jamming.. crack starts making you get smart with beta at about half height, rejecting any jams in the wrong place, making for some slightly reachier than expected moves (for me anyway).. kinda similar to iron mandible in that the crack turns to awkward fists at the top making for an exciting finish if this is at the grade for you! (it was for me). Almost lost the onsight with a super sloppy mantle onto the ledge! Lucky theres jugs up there.. The pump was definitely present at the end. Possibly worth the third star imo lotta fun

Sat 29th Aug 2020 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Castor Trad 22m Very Good
Good fun. Spoogy afternoon ascent. Plenty of face holds to get you up most of the top section that is kinda wide. Nice varied climbing

14 Theory Trad 25m Very Good
Do this one if your happy to climb a fair way above your gear! Sick climb though felt very adventurey

16 Forked Tongue Trad 15m
Didnt know what this was, just did it cos it looked cool from the top of theory.. and it was. some reachy moves and nice layback moves in the finger crack pretty well off the deck. Worth it for sure, great gear actually.

16 Sabrasucker Trad 25m
Some good hands on this one with a nice variety of face holds. Took good gear aswell. Thought this was a pretty fun climb all in all!

Sun 9th Aug 2020 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Gladiator - with dad Trad 20m Classic
Geez this crux is tricky.. really awkward feet to get through it and feels quite insecure for 18. Trusted a face nub too much with a wide step and came off, even on the second crack at it the crux only just stuck. Still a lovely climb though! The jagged crack for the left hand that starts post crux is insanely good and the climbing is brilliant.


Showing 1 - 100 out of 107 ascents.

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