
Ascents by Jack Seawright

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 380 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Tue 31st Oct 2023 - Mt Maroon
East Face
22 A1 Phaedra - with Johnny Sullivan Aid 120m Classic
Had meant to do this for a while. Credit to yim for pulling this motley gang together to crack out the ascent while im still around. Yims barney on-the-ground recruitment, Thomas Zambon stormed up the slab and impressed everyone. Then yim stormed up to the beginning of the runout, explained that if it wasnt for the rubber on his shoes sweating, hed be interested in leading the runout. A heroic victory for the lads. Great to see some trad frothers getting thrown together for a day in the hills

Tue 31st Oct 2023 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
25 Back in Black - with Johnny Sullivan Mixed trad 75m, 4 Mega Classic
Outrageous as advertised. Stemming is quite secure, just really wide. Ideally you have 1.5m long legs for this but only be 1.6m tall in total. A very odd looking body indeed. Youd just climb back in black everyday and not get too involved with society and its body image expectations. Very well protected as oppposed to its neighbour supposedly. Irrational fear still had me rather gripped though. Another candidate for hopelessly aiding your way through and still having a sick time. 3rd pitch is loose but still quite safe and interesting climbing.

Tue 31st Oct 2023 - Mt Beerwah
The Organ Pipes
27 Stainless Climb - with Johnny Sullivan Sport 65m, 36 Mega Classic
I was lured in originally by a dude at a tibro rap station who frothed this line, then upon reading Iain Hunter s crag log about not having to pull that hard, i knew id have to see what the hoof is hissin up here. 3 seshies later, accompanied each time by johnny 'cavemaster' sullivan, who eventually sent the approach hike in evolves, i came away with a very unlikely result.

1st burn 3rd session, i went for a lash, threw the full laundry load at it and got tossed at the crux. Johnny went up there and found a new way to traverse the crux, claiming yet again hed broken the beta. Naturally skeptical, i was on the fuckedge of not going for a second shot but johnny insisted i at least suss his magic genius-guy beta and dipstick clipped first before i could packup. I somehow made it back to the highpoint and figured with nothing to loose, id put all my biccies in the bucket of the guy that holds the slowest known time (skt) for descending caves route. I clipped and found myself above the crux. Terrified id fuck the dog on the final stem corner, i bridged as long as my calves held out and landed the most satisfying of alpine knees in the bushy ledge.

Id recommend this route to anyone that can climb 22 (you read correctly). Lights out movement thats never too burly the whole way up, well protected, and easy to aid.. because its literally an aid route. Very beta intensive, and a great opportunity to learn about the dark arts of stemming in a state that doesnt offer much of it apart from 27Rs at frog. Im still not real into projecting but to echo Angie's comments in a previous log, this one is worth it, even for the most purest of naked barefoot onsighters.

Wed 21st Jun 2023 - Squamish
The Chief Tantalus Wall
5.11c R Freeway Trad 350m Classic
Quite committing climbing that rarely ever lets up. It seems feel both low angle and steep in that youre pumped but youll probably still need to be quick-footed on a fall. Alot of 'granite footwork' required. Pretty mentally exhausted after this one. A fallen cam from the 4th pitch led to an interesting cam extraction from a tree with the local natural stick clip.

Sun 18th Jun 2023 - Squamish
The Chief The Grand Wall
5.11a The Grand Wall Trad 300m Mega Classic
Malamute plans ditched post carpark rack up on a whim. Ethans 8th time up this route so he wanted to speed climb it. I found myself simul climbing some pretty legit 5.10 with some pretty legit loops out but nothing too insane. Every pitch is quite different. Almost put my back out on the layback flake pitch up top. Never had back problems before, id imagine this might be an issue for many people. Amazing way of getting up the chiffa for the first time. Post climb fist bump rightfully waited till after the traverse across the very exposed bellygoode ledge.

Fri 16th Jun 2023 - Squamish
The Chief The Bulletheads Bulletheads centre
5.11a Krimo Gold Trad 160m Classic
Rotte ascent - 3 man team in german - with moritz and elias. 'All good, I enjoy 3 person party. Means you can talk on belay and smoke ciggy together' - Moritz after I thanked the lads for babysitting my partnerless ass for the day.

Tue 13th Jun 2023 - Index Town Walls
The Lower Town Walls Lower Town Walls
5.11b Sagittarius (full) Trad Classic
Amazing flake systems out here. Granites definitely grippier up here without the glacier polish but the brain is still in yosemite mode and resulted in me desperately ring locking a 5.8 fairly-obviously-layback crack. Got rained out in the arvo and found a pub to knock some pool balls around with the euros. Would really like to do more climbing here and stoked on how the pacific northwest climbing is feeling coming into squamish season!

Sat 10th Jun 2023 - Smith Rock State Park
Morning Glory Wall Area Overboard Area
5.11a Magic Light Sport 25m, 9 Mega Classic
2 arvos of rock climbing at smith rock. First time on conglomerate rock. First time trying to spell conglomerate. Definitely a tough place to try onsighting stuff but if you lower your grade expectations it feels like a great challenge trying to suss the pockets and millions of sequence combinations while the pump builds. This route was by far the best one i tried, a number of dihedral switches and long, balancy lateral movements that never felt contrived. Also almost came off it several times so felt good to clip the chains. Anything harder than 11a unfortunately felt like abuse to my fingers or too shouldery. Some very nice team sunset dinners in the carpark with the euros (when they werent on spanish time eating at 11pm)

Tue 6th Jun 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley El Capitan Southwest Face
5.9 C2 VI The Nose Aid 1000m
Unfortunately didnt get a chance to get further than 6 pitches up the shnoz this season. Anthony and I did a 'dolt run' to practice speed climbing. I went with antons 'intermediate clove hitch' method of breaking up the death loop as opposed to the self belay because im not stoked about lead falling onto a device im wearing. The only sketchy moment was forgetting to undo one of the cloves and pulling a nut out from above. It was my only piece and i couldnt place above so i had to shimmy down and replace the nut. After that i just waited for tony to get up and put me on belay. Ultimately more research on this as well as the route itself would be needed for the holy 'niad'. A 3 or 4 day ascent might be a prerequisite.. Or 2 days with hammocks and only bars and drinking peoples piss off the wall to avoid hauling? Still stoked to get up on the 'best rock climb in the world' and look down the dawn wall with howling wind to juice up the exposure even more.

Tue 6th Jun 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Sentinel Rock Area Sentinel Rock
5.10b Steck-Salathe Trad 460m Average
Steak-salad-day. 'If you cant climb the good-looking 1000m peak, climb its chossier sister'. Id heard about the training methods for this route involving garage door sitting and asphalt parking lot crawling but really henry and i should have put more time into practising going down waterslides at wet and wild without sliding. We got the day started at 5:30 in the carpark to avoid pony-boy's unplanned summit shiver-bivvy scenario. An added incentive was the thunderstorms predicted for the afternoon. But it doesnt rain in yosemite so we werent worried. Got to 'the narrows' at about 2:30, just as the thunderstorm rolled in on schedule. I struggled through with much swearing, henry got the bag stuck on second. I tied him off and rapped back into the chimney to encourage him to ditch the bag! Lucky he had slightly better sense to just take stuff out of the bag till it fit through the chimney. Squeeze struggling while feeling the thunder rattling the rock is a slightly stressful but pretty cool experience. The storm cleared and we went through to the top via an incorrect but very fun series of sporty flake pitches out left, got some photos and then saw another storm inbound. A double header! Tailed it down the gully at 7:15. The rain belted us as we raced down choss, followed by slippery slab waterfalls, henry hurriedly navigating. One particularly sketchy downclimb was bailed off and an impromptu rap down the slabs cost us a couple of slings but we were granted our continued survival in exchange. This journey was being viewed by all our friends through binos in the comfort of camp 4 so were glad we could provide some wet-weather entertainment. After another hour of glissading through broken trees and avoiding unannounced cliffs and waterfalls, we stumbled across a tourist track at 10:15. The car was parked for 16:45. I cant imagine what henry and i will go through on our second climb together. We both deserved the bin pancakes i promised for someone climbing stalathe with me on my facebook ad.

Thu 1st Jun 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Cathedral Rocks Middle Cathedral Rock Northeast Face
5.10c Stoner's Highway Unknown Classic
'Stoners highway is the best 5.10 in the valley' say all the 5.13 climbers in the valley. Maybe its the only one that makes them feel something. I could believe that. I had mixed feelings originally when gen wanted to take the 5.7 bail out of the reputation opening pitch, but it turned out to be the right move because i had a right coniption on the 2nd. Gr 20 slab sequence 3m above a .2 stuffed in a pin scar 4m above the next piece. I was 10/10 scared for 20 minutes of up and downing the sequence. I tried to recall vague images of the product disclosure on my travel insurance but i couldnt even read the crimps right before my eyes. Finally pulled it, trapsed up the ramp to the chains swearing and brushing sweat from everywhere. From there it didnt let up too much either. Gen had a 5.10 crux 5m above the chains with no gear. I extended by petzl adjust and prepared for a dive to the side. Impressively (impressively?) bold for a classic.

Thu 1st Jun 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon Arch Rock
5.11a New Dimensions Trad Classic
Set off for this one at 4pm with gen on what was supposed to be my rest day. I was imagining sporty cracks but in reality yosemite multis are rarely just sporty cracks and this one turned out to be 90% v-groove thrash. There were some doubtful moments as the sunline travelled slowly up the hill behind us and light faded 2 pitches from the top but i got to have a lash at the top in bright enough conditions (i wish i could use that as an excuse for not sending). Heartbreaker flared finger jam slip 4m under the chains. Gens answers as to why i was rushing us so much lower down were revealed at the top: i forgot my headtorch. She lent me her phone torch and we rapped to the ground and ate a depressing 10pm dinner in camp 4.5 parking lot.

Wed 31st May 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Half Dome Southwest Face
5.7 R Snake Dike Trad 550m Classic
12.5hrs car to car. Pretty glad we planned it this time and started at 530 instead of 9! 3 person party with audrey and ariel. Solid nav efforts from audrey kept me from running after the wrong approach trail cairns like a puppy. Ariel contributed with the surprise mini fireball bottle at the top right as the clouds consumed us. Nicer climbing than i expected and good spirits only started to diminish on the hell of a hike back afterwards. Mandatory snow but slides on the east side of the dome were checked off. I booked the last 5k of the hike so i could make dinner for 25min before the girls arrived. Little did i know they were only 3min behind me! Bit of a dog act making them wait for my pasta to boil

Sun 28th May 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Upper Yosemite Falls
5.8 Arrowhead Arete Unknown Crap
Gen and I woke up with the intention of doing snake hike and/or dike with the spanish crew but forgot to exchange contacts or formulate a plan the previous day and consequently left ourselves little time for the 32 hour approach and a 84 hour descent. We decided chossohead arete would be a good little replacement mission. Little did we know.. that the climb.. actually doesnt exist! We located the chosshead and began ascending the chwitchbacks to the chockface where we dropped gear and went about locating the start. The next 2 hours was a veritable highlight reel of dangerous gully chraverses and checking the chopo from the book. Gen roped up at one point, put one cam in the wall and magically turned a number 2 crack into a number 4 crack. I decided eventually that we were both pushing our 9 lives and that we should bail down the scree. Gen was incredibly patient throughout this shit show and i was also incredi.. no i wasnt. An uncompromisingly shite day in the hills.

Sun 28th May 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Cathedral Rocks Middle Cathedral Rock Northeast Face
5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Mega Classic
Doesnt get better than this. 4 ultra classic grade 17s stacked on top of eachother. No boring moves, directly across from el cap. Good way to send tony off. There was still a snow pack at the base with a 6m+ shrund to step over onto the climb which tony led so i was bracing for it being a really bad way to send him off.

Sun 28th May 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon New Diversions Cliff
5.10a New Diversions Unknown 33m Classic
Climbed this route after 'climbing' generator crack, the token 'im gonna go submit myself for thrashing by a wide crack on top rope' in the valley. New diversions however was an absorbing lead at the grade and an outrageous traverse across the face to a watermelon sized chicken head, no pro, i guess im slinging it. Then mantle said watermelon without kicking your only pro off and tip toe across to a piton. Gen, my climbing partner for the day boldly jumped on the pointy end afterwards and whipped off the chicken head pro! Glad to not have the same thing happen.

Wed 24th May 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon Pat and Jack Pinnacle Area
5.10b The Super Slacker Highway Mixed trad 180m, 16 Classic
Great adventure route. Pick your own line up 'the wall of knobs'. Many knobs to choose from but only 2 of them clipped the chains at the top of pat and jack pillar. Tony has rediscovered himself as a chimney climber - positively brimming with joy as he back pressed the final chute to the summit. I expect to have to talk him out of free soloing steck salathe.

Tue 23rd May 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon Above The Cookie
5.12a Separate Reality Trad 15m Mega Classic
Magnificent rap in and views from the sloping ledge. Each of us had 2 punts. Not as splitter as the bridge crack in bowen hills but alright for rock i guess. Heart broken by the rude boulder at the end but with a bit of rope help the roof turn was very cool. Nice sesh

Sun 21st May 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley El Capitan Southwest Face
5.11b The Freeblast (1st 10 of Salathe) Aid 400m Mega Classic
El capihoofa!! Finally on the big stone.. The first couple hundred metres but still felt like a 4 year old in a candy shop up in the sea of rock. Bringing sunnies up there would be good beta. That white rock reflects light like snow. Insecure and exciting low angle climbing but never full cheesegrater potential (for me cos shane led the sketchy 5th pitch). An el cap adventure wouldnt have been complete without some french free.. which was the only reason i grabbed the draws instead of sending. We lay on the mammoth ledge top out at 1pm staring up at salathe wall with slack jaws for 20 min before beginning the descent. Getting to rap fixed lines down to the ground for a 5 minute descent to the cars is also a luxury i will miss.

Sat 20th May 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Washington Column East Face
5.11c IV Astroman Trad Mega Classic
I - Jack Seawright - solemnly offer my deepest apologies for displaying some of the most pathetic climbing this king line has seen in its proud 50 year history. I had convinced myself probably too easily that i had what it took to climb astroman while tony, fresh off a double rest day, was rearing to go. We passed some young hoofas on the trail that offered to let us go first. We accepted a little too quickly to be considered polite and then ratted behind their backs about how their mums would be angry at them for being late to school pickup. The tables swiftly turned as they onsighted everything behind us and patiently waited at the belay stations as we racked up the following highlight reel: pitch 2: tony fails to locate totem placement off the deck for boulder problem, rips poorly placed dragonfly out of pin scar with hand, then aids original choss corner. I accidentally king swing across slab above on second after sweating off crimp. Pitch 3 enduro corner: I sloffed up the pitch with 20 rests on lead after telling everyone i planned to onsight the pitch. Pitch 5: I bailed off the last section of the pitch due to what i still consider a pretty serious unprotected 5.10 face sequence, and we rapped down the route past the kids who certainly seemed capable enough to find their own way home after school. The only success was that we didnt have an epic on the harding slot!.. because we didnt make it that far. Back at the campsite i copped a 'free dinner and free pants, i just wish i could free astroman'. Yes, i now reuse my jokes in crag writeups.

Sat 20th May 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Cathedral Rocks Higher Cathedral Rock
5.9 Northeast Buttress Trad 280m Classic
Great adventure. Probably second tallest rock climb ive done to caucasus corner in the bumbles. First time climbing with Ina. She threw down to get through the 5 straight pitches of chimney weirdness. As expected with the incredibly ominous 5.9++ rating and learning that one particular 5.14 valley climber didnt send this thing, there was some suspiciously tricky 5.9 but nothing too insane. I got stuck for about 5 minutes on the 7th pitch. Having forgot my headtorch, i was relieved that we topped the climb around 4 and got some drop dead views of the nose from 1000m off the valley floor directly across the valley from it. 'The sketchiest part of the day was jack drinking water from the sludge river 2 minutes from the carpark as far as im concerned' - Ina.

Wed 17th May 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley North Lower Merced Canyon The Cookie Cliff
5.11c Butterballs Trad 25m Mega Classic
So god damn good. Came out with mattias early to beat the sun, jugged straight up skipping the most exhausting warm up pitch in existence. Mattias jumped on and lashed up 6 pieces then came down, i tried to rose-point it through half-preplaced gear. Pretty solid crack but had a footslip and a good whip at half height which probably is the crux depending on style preference. The top is intreguing in the v groove and the victory jug feels so amazing to caress that itll make your hang dog feel like a long term project red point. Stoked to get out and get some fingers stuck on this pitch that consensus says is the best 5.11 in the valley. At this point im on board with it

Wed 17th May 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley The Royal Arches The Royal Arches Center
5.7 A0 Royal Arches Route Trad 430m
World record! Most bails in a single day. Let me explain my rationale. The night before, tony and i had poured through the guide to decide on the ultimate 'big day'. We had decided to wake up at 530. Unbeknownst to us, this would serve perfectly to maximize bail opportunities. Tony even was ready on time in the morning. We started up royal and after i lost the route and accidentally simul climbed off route into a 10+ roof traverse, we got back on track only to see the rest of the actual route covered by a turbulent waterfall. To be fair, we had actually been told about this, but we thought it would be a 'japanese trad waterfall'. We retreated, and also let the opportunity to link into crest jewel via the hiking summit go to the wayside. 2 bails and its not even 10am. Luckily astroman goes into shade at 1030! Unluckily we forgot to borrow dylans rps. 3 bails. Drove to el cap for south by south west. Left the car, realised it faces south or south west or some combination there of and would be copping intense sun. East buttress was consulted but yosar was doing rescue training. 5 bails down, we spied the moratorium. Known for seasonal wetness on the last pitch, we were ready to climb wet 11b just to get something done. After 1 (albeit incredible and varied corner) pitch, i brought tony up. He gingerly clipped in and told me that he had shat his pants and needed to go down. We sat on this el cap standard belay ledge admiring the beautiful day that had somehow forced 6 multi pitch bails on us in the space of 9 hours. We went back to the camp 4 toilets so i could bash the mirror with my head and tony could bash the toilet with his insides.

Sun 14th May 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Sentinel Rock Area Chapel Wall
5.12a Drive By Shooting Sport 20m Classic
Phoah pretty tricky face climbing at this spot. Nice to work the fingies and take some solid wings. Still learning to spot a layback. Accidentally took dylans tcs for a burn up some trad route but he still sent this after in the same shoes. Even though he wears 40.5s and i wear 42s. Must have warmed them up for him. Youre welcome mate.

Sun 14th May 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Leaning Tower FiFi Buttress, West Face
5.11c Voyager Mixed trad 4 Mega Classic
Avalanche wreckage approach was abit choss but the route was awesome. Very stoked to pull off 'the incinerator' first crux pitch at 11c (maybe a little forgiving at the grade but as always ill take it). Worth missing the arrow spire highline for i think. Maybe. Well never know.

Fri 12th May 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley Yosemite Falls Upper Yosemite Falls
5.10 A2 VI Via sin Aqua Aid Average
Via a fair bit of aqua id say with the precip this part of the world has had this year. Views of both springbrook falls and half dombrogargon while we traversed the very exposed 3rd class and found the start of the choss corner. The falls were kind of visible around the arete but loud enough to disguise a couple fighter jets that flew overhead at one point. 4 pitches of chimneying and moderately scary face run outs. The scariest bit definitely the '5.7' hanging flake crux where you plug the flake with cams, then hang off it and pounce to a sloper. If the flake comes off, the next piece of pro is an 'antique bolt' as its called in the guide and actually looks more like a door knocker on an english cottage. We got a nice rainbow below us at one point. Top out similar to ozymandias, climbing over the tourist lookout and getting asked by all the 'narps' (non athletic real people) if we were abseiling. A climb that shares the podium with queensland heavyweights clemency and trojan for the best shithouse rockclimbs in the world.

Tue 9th May 2023 - Yosemite National Park
Yosemite Valley The Royal Arches Serenity Crack Area
5.10d Serenity Crack Trad 110m Classic
Day 1 yosemite (real day 1 after dylan and i hoofed up some 9s near camp yesterday. Serenity sons link up was pretty wild climbing. Quite like angels in buffalo except with a whole pitch manufactured with pin scars. How very american.

Sun 7th May 2023 - Red Rock
Black Velvet Canyon Black Velvet Wall
5.10a IV Dream of Wild Turkeys Trad 300m Classic
The plan: have an easy multi day in vegas on the way to yosemite. Reality: Get to the base after 10, already 4 parties on it. I choof up the variant start called the gobbler. Thought it was called that after someones college nickname but turns out a rope gobbling crack meant i had to climb 5m with the rope in my teeth and then tony had to self belay below it. Eventually joined on to the route, bailed after p5 cos we were still at the back of the train and it got too windy even after borrowing 2 different jackets off people at belay stations. All was not lost, tony found a perfect piss chimney at p3. We saved a partys stuck rope on the way down and walked out heroes! Heroes that bailed off a mostly bolted 5.10a that gets done 15 times a day. It did give us time to go look at the strip afterwards and have a cheeky slap on the pokes though.

Thu 4th May 2023 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Red Arch Mountain North Face
5.11+ Shune's Buttress Trad 240m Mega Classic
Very memorable route. Super improbable to be able to step around the arete into a 110m crack leadi g straight to the top of red arch! The offwidth felt surprisingly good.. i might think about not aiding all of them. Wasnt as much sand on this route for tony to complain about but the weather forecasters provided an excuse. Clear skies they said, we certainly picked up the pace on the last pitch when thunder started cracking over our heads. We lost all that time and more on the rap by getting the tag line hopelessly tangled in the climbing rope on all the biner block raps. We both tried to tell ourselves the tag line was necessary but some retrobolted anchors meant it could have been done with a single 70. Fook.

Mon 1st May 2023 - Zion National Park
Lower Zion Canyon, East Pine Creek Canyon Tunnel Crags Area Kung Fu Theatre
5.11- Enter the Dragon Sport Classic
Not what we came for but what we came for required 74 purple cams and 268 greens as per usual so we popped the zion cherry with a bolted arete. Some pretty unique movement and shuddering mantles which were fun. Tony wasnt psyched on the sandy holds, but with zions reputation id feel cheated if we got indian creek standard rock. Jumped on a very intreguing route called inner chi. Placing .2s in sandy flares then blasting face moves to slopers 2m to the right might have been a little too zion. Encountered a 1m long rattlesnake (a hissa) next to the bags. Tony got some photos while it sat in a perfect coil, patiently waiting for him to get the perfect shot for wild country to steal for their website.

Tue 25th Apr 2023 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Battle of the Bulge Buttress
5.11+ The Big Baby Trad Classic
Couldnt turn the roof on fists. Once the aid train starts its hard to stop! Freed a couple sections but really full cred goes to the no.6s that pulled me most of the way. Especially the one i chocked in the 5 section and had to send 3 tr heros up to eventually free it with a brick size rock. Shane tr sent with hallies pink trackies on. A sight. Tony had spare zip ties to replace the wire-trigger attachment shane blew out trying to free it from the wall, so i could sheepishly return the stuck 6 to its rightful owner in the campsite, having severely lowered its life expectancy. Maybe we leave the OWs for the walls where they have to be done rather than electing to do them at crags, at the expense of perfectly good cracks of tasteful sizes.

Tue 25th Apr 2023 - Indian Creek Canyon
The Optimator
5.11+ Annunaki Trad 15m Mega Classic
'The route sport climbers do to tell everyone they climb 12- trad' is the description on mountain project. And this is about the only thing i sent out here.. Im a filthy sport bro, revoke my trad card, give away my cams and toprope-equip my crack pitches so i can layback them.

Sat 22nd Apr 2023 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Battle of the Bulge Buttress
5.13a Ruby's Café Trad 21m Mega Classic
Shane hoofed up on lead and set a toppy for all us plebs to go rip the skin off our fingers (on this and digital readout). Would be amazing to climb this well! doesnt feel like you need to be super strong, just a really good creek climber. The roof goes surprisingly easy (i still stuffed it). Despite my floundering, it felt cool being on the same piece of rock as in the stanhope arcteryx vid ive watched a million times.

Thu 20th Apr 2023 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Beef Basin Road Way Rambo
5.11- Serrator Crack Trad 21m Average
Had to write this one up. First whip on a number 5, first and not last time dropping c bombs at crowded indian creek crags. First time getting my knee stuck and feeling genuine concern that i had cedar wrighted myself. First time walking a 5 well into groundfallville. First time laybacking a 5.8 number 7 crack and first time attempting to place a green big bro roughly 7 or 8 times in the last 10m and finally succeeding (?) when the chains were gained anyway. I may not have got my knee stuck as badly as cedars but pretty sure i shit myself just as hard up there. Proper creek-gumbyage

Thu 20th Apr 2023 - Potash Road
Wall Street Reflector Post #6
5.11b Static Cling Trad 21m Classic
Probably the best route tony antoine and i lapped at wall street - the crag where you can belay out your car window. Makes kps approach seem like frenchmans cap. A nice face climbing break from the endless expanse of splitters outside moab

Thu 20th Apr 2023 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Scarface Wall
5.11+ Desert Vuarnet Trad 45m Mega Classic
Great time lashing out at this mega adventure corner with phil. Despite very different methods both of us found ourselves 90% up all clean. He built a nest and punched to the top for the send. I also built a nest.. add #1 to the list of sizes i cant climb at the creek. Scarface is the superior crag. I had 2 burns at comic relief (project!?); a series of tiered finger crack rooflets going at 5.12-. Fell 4 moves off the victory hand pod on the OS and 1 move off on burn 2 for a good clean gear whipper. Agonizingly close to the first legitimate 12er of the trip. Music and wax box campfire at camp was lovely if not a little hazardous with a concurrent wind storm.

Mon 17th Apr 2023 - Castle Valley
The Rectory
5.11a III Fine Jade Trad 110m Mega Classic
Rectory castleton link day! Last day climbing with antoine. 2 towers 1 day. Fine jade up the rectory and north face of castleton. Great day

Thu 13th Apr 2023 - Fisher Towers
Ancient Art
5.10 Stolen Chimney Mixed trad 95m, 12 Classic
One of the most identifiable pieces of rock (or mud?) in the world and a great experience being up on the diving board. Pretty good level of strenuousness for 2 pretty cooked individuals. Glad antoine suggested this one

Tue 11th Apr 2023 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Supercrack Buttress
5.11+ Left Affair Trad 24m Mega Classic
Best creek pitch so far. No .75s which was very welcome. Just pinkys down and .3s up to a roof. Then just when your struggling.. INSERTA KNEEBAR. Forget about the predicament you reside in and let your quad skin deal with it. Then pull into double sidepull and reach 7 metres above your head to the final fingerlock. I wussed out of doing this move because i was already 2cm above 2 bomber cams. Very brave. Rad duality was a delightful hands journey and the onslot, a surprisingly fun roof boulder followed by awkward v-groove. Great day avoiding chalk at supercrack buttress

Tue 11th Apr 2023 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 North Sixshooter Peak
5.11b III Lightning Bolt Cracks Trad 99m Mega Classic
Abit shorter than the bridger jacks but definitely a more epic view on top and definitely more lights out climbing on average. The roof on the second mega pitch has the exposure of disco non stop party. Never shit myself harder on perfect hands. Chimney up high almost involved a harness removal, luckily ive gone jusssst easy enough on the rip off oreos back at camp.

Tue 11th Apr 2023 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Bridger Jack Spires King of Pain
5.10d R Vision Quest Trad 140m Mega Classic
Wicked adventure and stellar first desert tower. A real alpine touch at the end, i started climbing the wrong pillar and had to get my knee stuck to pull my phone out and access mountain project to discover i needed the other pillar. Accidentally booted antoines new 3 into the back of a chimney. Expensive kick that was.

Wed 5th Apr 2023 - St. George
Welcome Springs Wailing Wall
5.11d Pocket Line To The Moon Sport 16 Mega Classic
Just to first chains this morning. Rock was so cold tony had to bail so i began climbing in gloves. The locks feel pretty abusive with these temps but glad to experience this line. Serious wages of fear vibes and very aesthetic

Mon 3rd Apr 2023 - Lime Kiln Canyon
The Grail
5.12a The Serf Extension Sport 50m, 22 Classic
Not every day you cop a 50m limestone pitch with this much going on. Awesome dihedral climbing. Done at 6pm with full moon out and sundown views over north west arizona. Accompanying this over the 2 unplanned days at the grail were some 11d slab pitches with exciting edge dancing, another cool 3d pitch in the lower 11s and the crag classic, 2 pitch route vesper. Shit name but very unique route. Verdon-grey limestone blankness with a sloper layback rail leading to a bulge. Stopper crux shut me down but nice that tony and i both squeaked leads in on the crux pitch before the rain came in and chased us off to utah.

Sat 1st Apr 2023 - Red Rock
Juniper Canyon Rose Tower
5.7 PG Olive Oil Trad 300m
Not what we set out to climb.. we had planned an assault on drifting. Antoines mate had told him it doesnt get done much so its probably sandbagged. We held our hope.. and.. made it to the 3rd bolt.. of the entire route. Antoine and i got sandbagged hard by this absolute mincer of a slab move that reeks of 5.12. Being north facing, there was still alot of snow and our fingers were freezing on the wall, but still. Fook. We took advantage of the approach by punching out a very alpine style ascent of olive oil with some questionable on-the-fly clove hitch simul cache adjustments. Copped a swim in the creek on the way down and a dirty bin feed disposed of by an angry mexican at a bbq house back in vegas. Ytbins.

Fri 31st Mar 2023 - Red Rock
Oak Creek Canyon Eagle Wall Area
5.11c Levitation 29 Mixed trad 300m, 20 Mega Classic
Despite paranoia that the wet rock police would come slash our tyres in the carpark, tony and i got up for sunrise brekky and tore into the park for the '1 to 3 hour' approach - 2:50 and we were booking it.. MP sandbaggers. We took tonys new tag line up apparently to tag a single jumper, but it came in handy on the way down when the estimated 72m rope turned out to be sub-70 and we had to beaner-block to get down. An approach first for both of us when tonys jacket loosely perched on top of his pack on the walkout got poached by a tree branch without him realizing till 15 min down the trail! It makes sense to ramble on about the approach cos it was half the day and featured some fun rock hopping in a beautiful canyon but being lyn hills favourite rock climb carries expectation and this route lived up to it. Absolute moves the whole way and the fang roof on p2 is insane. Im quite surprised and stoked to come away with the all onsight/clean despite 3 holds disintegrating on the final pitch and a bunch of other parts that could have gone either way. Spirits were high the whole day despite some backpacks being gnawed into by squirrels and a pack of HEB cookies was demolished dangerously quickly back at hotel contagion.

Thu 30th Mar 2023 - Red Rock
Calico Basin Kraft Mountain Gateway Canyon Yin and Yang
5.11a Yin and Yang Trad 12m Mega Classic
Thin hand traverse jugs with toe hook and swing! Most aesthetic crack ive ever seen. Antoine took some good gear whips. We convinced a californian kid there for tr solo to lead it as his first 11 on gear and it snowed on him. Still went to the chains, legend. Found an unguidebooked finger crack around the back of the area that climbed super nicely. Lucky we didnt multi today as planned, its axe weather out there.

Tue 28th Mar 2023 - Red Rock
Second Pullout The Gallery
5.11c Yaak Crack Sport 15m Mega Classic
Epic top moves to the chains. Definitely the highlight of the gallery. Amazing views and sick holds. Hottest day so far aswell. Felt nice to climb without 3 jumpers on

Mon 27th Mar 2023 - Red Rock
Juniper Canyon Wall of Cracks
5.12a IV Cloud Tower Trad 270m Mega Classic
Arrived in the carpark and the third person i asked turned out to be alex, my climbing partner for the day from utah (splitterland). We trooped up to the wall after brekky in the carpark, i irresponsibly shed a layer to climb and we were off. Nice easy crack/scramble for about 130m. We had rockpaperscissorsd at the bottom to decide who leads odds and i thought id won seconding the 5.12 tips corner but mountain project combined the commonly linked first 2 pitches in the description so with grim acceptance, i staggered up to the interminable .2 crack. The clean run ended early in the game. A few pieces further, i climbed above the gear into a very tenuous position, pulled a cam off my harness, had a footslip and threw the cam off the cliff to grab a crimp and avoid the 3m whipper onto a bomber cam.. coincidentally the very night before, johnny sullivan had recounted this very act from the nico favresse carbondale shortbus video. Maybe he put the idea in my head. I took the whip. Alex was caught between "nice push dude" and "did you just lob my cam off pitch 4 of a multi?". Luckily it landed on the pitch 1 belay ledge and we could easily retrieve it on the rap down. I freed all the moves but doing the pitch as a send would be pump city.. especially as a committed layback (as the description hints). Whoever climbs it that way needs to contact me explaining how they get their fingers through the metal detector at the airport! Alex reckoned he laybacked some of it so maybe i could have asked him. Alex then made the best of a spooky run out 5.10 pitch after recommending out of my arse that we skimp on fist sizes. Then i climbed the 7m slot pitch, setting him up with the creek-style '5.10+' final pitch that turned out to be solid 11c. His difficulties on lead were not felt by me, basking on the ledge after the notch put us on the sunny west face. Hard catches only! We rapped down, packed the bags and rockhopped the pine creek bed back to the cars. A stellar day out on some of the finest red rocks in red rock

Wed 15th Mar 2023 - El Potrero Chico
The Outrage Wall
5.11c El Sendero Diablo Sport 180m Mega Classic
Absolute frothlympics. We waited out a day of rain to do this as my last day in el poty and i can tell anyone.. its worth a year of rest days. Shit access pitch, cryptic face climbing pitch, 3d groove pitch, deceptively hard slab on weird coral holds followed by a very rude roof turn that almost sent me to slumpville and a finale pitch through an arete bulge with a hammy tearing heel hook. Then after the climbing fun, a wild rap into space with a 10m sideways boulder to reach the next rap chains. I dont think it gets better than this. We timed the shade situation well, taking advantage of the proximity of the spires to link a very unorthodox and somewhat dangerous mega pitch to the top. Speed rapped down past a party of three rigging silks across the spires. Foath. Then. Habanero. Freddie did the full link, i did the first chains. Went surprisingly close to the flash but instead locked in the aidsight, feeling lazy after a big final day.

Mon 13th Mar 2023 - El Potrero Chico
Lower Sense of Religion
5.11c Onward Through The Fog Sport 29m, 11 Classic
Elite. Fun day cragging in the fog with some new cool peeps fighting off the internal crying over the boys jumping on sendero luminoso today without me and my non-5.12 climbing ass.

Fri 10th Mar 2023 - El Potrero Chico
The Virgin Canyon The Ripped Wall
5.12a Ripped Wall Sport 91m, 8 Classic
Hike up here was longer than we thought but contained a nice little tunnel similar to sublime point. Access pitch turned out to be mixed trad. I climbed it with mixed quickdraws and also mixed feelings. No one died so i climbed ripped wall above. Terrific route. Climbs like a bluies slab. Thin as fuck crux to no hands rest x10. One was a layback though and abit streno for me so i climbed onto the route next door and back, from above you can see the hidden incut.. must be a tricky onsight. Lowered to the ground and encountered the biggest most ripped spider ive ever seen. I guess the route name isnt referencing toned bodies or bong hits..

Mon 6th Mar 2023 - El Potrero Chico
The Virgin Canyon Lower Virgin Wall
5.12b The Shroud Sport 130m, 10 Mega Classic
Another clean day for freddie and oh so close for me. Would have been a terrific route to get clean but alas.. absolute mega levitation though. My toes are fucked but so worth it

Sun 5th Mar 2023 - El Potrero Chico
The Vatican
5.12a Jesus Cabellero Sport Classic
Julio took us up a choss gully without really detailing what was up there and low-and-behold, an arapilean water-polished hand crack! Fully bolted. Probably grade 18 in araps but 25 here apparently. Virgin canyon in the arvo which is defo the porters pass of epc. Dense as fuck with ultra classic tricky low angle flake pulling. La botelo reminded me what 12a actually feels like.. i now need to find creative ways of getting my credit card out for fear of my pads touching the edges. Gross pasta and margi at la posada

Sat 4th Mar 2023 - El Potrero Chico
Front Side Land of the Free Wall
5.12b Land of the Free Sport 340m, 15 Mega Classic
Day 2 in EPC and already journeyed up one of the lines i was most psyched to try this trip! After watching freddie onsight a slew of 5.12s the day prior, i decided he was the perfect candidate to drag my muscleless biceps through the 12b boulder problem up top. With enough meat in my belly to feed the town after family dinner the night before, we rolled out and started the first pitch at about 940 (quite lazy for this route). The first pitch seems way to steep to have any right to be 11b but with hand pockets reminiscent of the bungonia gorge classic revolution, it fuccan goes! Great start. We lead smoothly through to the top of pitch 6, for me that pitch was thoroughly absorbing, many 11a/b moves in spots youd be taking a proper ride onto a ledge if you cooked it, and so sustained. Never been happier to see some chains. The boulder on p7 was no issue for no-fall-freddie on lead who ended the day with a clean sheet. It was the first move i had decided was too high on burl and whipped out the trusty sling, aided the move, got the jug, couldnt retrieve the sling, took the seconder whip to below the hard move, took the sling off and then freed the move - fucken dumb as it gets. Fast forward to the 12b boulder - pretty insane sequence. Even my aid climbing deteriorated. Thankfully i didnt join yim on the aid whip registrar this time.

Fri 3rd Mar 2023 - El Potrero Chico
Las Estrellas Club Mex Wall
5.12a Fear of Flyin' Sport 30m, 13 Mega Classic
Terrific route. Bit rude for a warmup but ive never been a heavy subscriber for warmups (watch me regret that comment in 4 years time). Looks like a power endurance pumper from the ground but ends up a balancy, barndoory mental pumper, a little like tannin at araps with the wall stemming and flat crimps. Feels about 24 or hard 23. Really stoked with my own climbing on this and great little sesh with aaron and freddie. Learning new terminology like 'beloggles' (belay goggles) and new sports (silks over at finca).

Tue 28th Feb 2023 - San Cristóbal de las Casas
El Arcotete
5.10d Chamula Yodler Sport 17m, 9 Classic
2 days out at the arcotete. First day, a scrape together trip out from san cris via the collectivo system with glenn, a dutch backpacker i had recruited as a climbing partner the previous day after hearing him say 'i think i know how belaying works'. 24hrs later he was catching my gross ledge whippers on a 22 that i eventually bailed off. Id rented the rope from martin who was running a trip out there the next day so i invited myself along. I climbed with nick the next day, a 50-something british fella, sporting much better biceps than me. Our partnership was efficient and we punched some roovz. I pulled this route together with every move a kneebar, hand jam or body bar. Amazing coral limestone roofing that feels like a non-possibility at grade 21. Watched martin cruise the local grade 31 through the arcotete. Our trip group were a great bunch, all got dinner together after in town. Great little leg of the trip in a not super big ticket climbing destination, and what an astounding place to climb! Id like to make the effort to visit more local spots like this on the trip as theres something to be said for the community vibe of it.

Sun 12th Feb 2023 - Mt Tibrogargan
Summit Caves
15 Overexposed Trad 120m Classic
Couldnt have filled the last day in aus with much more climbing than today. 8 pitches total. The kobemaster set us off at 12:40 from the base, up what must have felt like a very sweaty patience crack - and very hard for 15. That is because my sandbagging was out in full force; direct variant, grade 19. The big marn cruised it though. From the top of patience, a cool ramble across some grassy ledges put us back on the right wall to attack our main objective. We began overexposed around 2:50ish i think. P1 wasnt as fucked as i thought it would be. Youd rail yourself if you fell but i think grade 15 is actually fair. By this time the wind had picked right up and spooge wasnt a worry. From here it was poetry in motion as kobi and i traded solos up the winding territory through the caves. All was easy breezy.. until my rope got a massive couple tugs while belaying the 5th pitch, i look up to see kobis body ragdolling down the slab. After about 10m he was caught in a figure 4 position with a pulled cam stuck around his leg. We later joked he must have been already re-working the beta before the fall had finished. The green half nut that caught him remains in the wall.. not cos we couldnt get it out, but as a memorial for the scene of one of the most unideal, non-serious injury resultant whips thats ever occured anywhere. "Ah well good to get the first trad whip out the way" will need to be engraved on a plaque and drilled into the wall next to it. If you do see the piece, downclimb outta there and get back on the route which was about 15m to the left! Also bears mentioning to be careful of the rock up top whichever way you go, some of it tricked my choss radar and i also kicked some edges off. Topped out at about 5:30. Beaut sunset scenes on the walk off. Cracker day

Fri 10th Feb 2023 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
22 Bitter and Twisted Trad 45m Classic
Planned to climb with just kyle this morning: kyle at 830pm last night: just met a yosemite climber in the gym.. i think ive talked him into frog in the morn. Me: cool well bring him. Leave at 6? Kyle: cool! Nah 4. Fuck. My eyes sting. Worth it though, 5 longish pitches done! In feb on a 31degree day with a party of 3! We were moving. Alex was moving on conquistador. Onsight speed record probably, he looked way to smooth. So i stepped in, kyle, i said, enough with this donating him classics, im gonna show him what happens on your ~60th trip out here. Now alex has experienced 4 classics and a wasp infested arete variant jammed between some classics! Shit talk aside though, this was surprisingly good. Cant decide whether the traverse out from totga felt contrived or delightfully airy, but once the reachy carrot is clipped, 20m worth of thoughtful side pulls, blind holds and high feet on both sides of the arete ensues. Definitely a deserving route in its own right even amongst elite company either side. Started getting warm up high so we collected our chips and headed to get kyles favourite steak sanga and i pilfered alex for his usa beta.

Tue 31st Jan 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes The Columns
26 Ultrahard Mixed trad 30m, 4
Cam retrieval mission with guy was unsuccessful despite hammer, water spitting and all other tricks. Seconded guy up res shuffle. Sick. Climbed holiday in cambodia. Terrific jambing. Solid at 21 and felt even more so after repeating it to escape ultrahard. Meant to do ultrasound, 'larried myself' on the 26 variant. Climb name is pretty on point in retrospect. Might have been fun to play on toppy but yeah nah. Clair had to deal with a bloke who thought 23 had gotten 3 grades harder overnight. Probs not pleasant

Mon 30th Jan 2023 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Flange Buttress
24 After Midnight - with marco Sport 50m Mega Classic
Still cant believe this.. A dude called marco rolled into longlea just after i had gone to bed with free bread from a bin dive. I heard everyone collecting bread so i came out and collected some myself and got talking to the bread man and turned out he was happy to be our 4th for tomorrow. After flaming out on nefarious (22) for the warmup, i didnt know if id be able to dog up after midnight which i was so keen to experience. I made a very empty agreement with jim that id try onsight, so i took my rests and tried to contain my everpresent bumbliness and assume a sport climber psyche. Professional, smooth, strong. After about 7 moments of being sure i was fucked and a footslip that i was very lucky to hold onto, i pulled through the top of the crux, absolutely limited out and trembling. 15min rest on the no-hands, caught a fly, continued shakily through the final 4 bolts, id never felt send pressure like this before, downclimbed everything till i was sure i wouldnt drop, and pulled the final mantle, gave a big hoot out towards the general hobart direction, then came down and felt like a legend for a couple minutes. Fuck 50m aretes are cool and fuck rock climbings cool. Did a victory lap on neon god (first pitch only, my ego is still somewhat in check) before the clouds consumed us. Frothys at longlea pub are on me tonight. Fucken yeasss.

Sat 28th Jan 2023 - Ben Lomond
Northern Escarpment Robin's Buttress
21 Aquilla Trad 80m Classic
Aquilla and dangerman plus a cheeky tr over master blaster which is impossible to free i think. Had to ascend the tr on 2 prussiks to retrieve a cam which sucked abit but thankfully no lunches dropped off belay ledges today. Dangerman is still the sickest pitch at robins and potentially anywhere. Back to camp early for the ceremonial cooking of pedro and yulis mammoth zucchini.

Fri 27th Jan 2023 - Ben Lomond
Northern Escarpment Robin's Buttress
22 Defender of the Faith Trad 70m Classic
Started the day by soloing darrens layback as an offwidth. Belayed claire on rigaudon. An impressive debut lead at the ben and not most peoples first. Mega lost on the walkdown, laybacked the offwidth to get back to the anchor on preset toprope left from rigaudon and fell off! Danger darren has earned his name this time. Got claire to belay defender from the ground which was a mistake. Rope drag central, faffed a move at half height while shawn was taking my photo from tr solo and grabbed a cam, otherwise gingerly clean to the top. Climbed like someones grandma but a cracker pitch. Very social vibe back at carr villa. Turns out this might actually be the climbers campground?

Thu 26th Jan 2023 - Ben Lomond
Northern Escarpment Robin's Buttress
22 Die Nadal Trad 25m Classic
Day 1 of ben long weekend with claire and guy. Everyone had a good climb on this bad boy. We were entertained at the start by darren rolling up like a tornado in purple flared pants and soloing the gr 18 offwidth first pitch of defender as a committed (very) layback. Rope around shoulder, climbing partner still putting his bags down. He even had a footslip. Id not like to be the one carrying him back to car villa. Returned to ramadan to confirm its still hard and we can confirm it. Not as fucked as it felt last year with better techas but still abit red hot for 19. Great to be back in splitter heaven

Wed 25th Jan 2023 - Freycinet National Park
Hazards Cliffs Flowstone Wall
22 ~19 Arocknaphobia Mixed trad 160m, 21 Classic
What we really came for. Matt battled a potentially broken toe to face another day of slabbing. 2:15 from car to rap chains. The approach is absolutely apart of why you do this route. Pretty much the skyline traverse. Maybe i should log the skyline traverse? Nah. Too many rules on thecrag. Anyway. Bring doubles or an 80m rope cos we had to rap off a bolt 240 slung to a cam in a scoop. In fairness though, the route climbs this section so if you have a 240 and are happy to bring an extra no. 3, a 70 will be fine. Great first 2 pitches, rather uneventful up high, but the adventure out to flowstone is worth while for sure. The aid move is also well and truly an aid move, how someone freed that bulge at any grade is beyond me. Even aiding was hard. A stash of sour gummies got us back to sleepy bay and eventually richies for a swim followed by brrz.

Wed 25th Jan 2023 - Freycinet National Park
Hazards Cliffs Hazards Main Wall (Mid Level)
18 Winning Streaks Sport 120m, 29 Classic
Cruised out with matt to get the arvo toe warm up for some hazards action. Not as dull as i was prepared for. Definitely some interesting climbing on it. Great that this exists to get intermediate climbers out on the hazards wall. I dont think you could ever get sick of the position out here.

Sun 22nd Jan 2023 - Mt Blackwood Summit
22 Poisoned Equanimity Trad 35m Classic
Finally feels like tassie again doing 1hr scree approaches. God the rock is grippy here. Some pinky down finger torques feeling like hand jams out here. Who among them, poisoned and airbourne for me today. Fell off the move on the airbourne arete to the horn on feet as delicate as a life size house made of cards. "Why does a gr 20 arete feel 5 grades harder than the 22 crack". Delicious climbing, crag vibe on with kris as always but also rach and alex today, and eyes peeled for any romcom release about a guy that collects coffee cups and a girl that collects lids. Yes our minds were warped after the scree rambling.

Sat 21st Jan 2023 - Cluan Tier and Whiskey Jim Hill
23 Cluedo Sport 30m, 13 Classic
Cluan. The crag with climb names so similar you have to reference climbs by grades and a unique feature. Also home to some stunning climbing. Namely, this one and the traddy roof traverse 21. Cluedo i will remember though, as its in contention for the best pitch ive ever laid mits on. Brilliant foot pasting and committing pounces. The mind boggles of tassie and just as good, maybe also abit harder. Took some good whips including a piroette and a cheesegrater up high. A journey to sort out the toe match crux. Kris had an adventure of his own on another climb and jumped on the phone to the FA from behind the wheel as soon as we drove back into service.

Fri 20th Jan 2023 - Launceston (Cataract) Gorge
Duck Reach Skidrow Buttress
22 Deathrow Mixed trad 20m, 2 Mega Classic
The second deathrow kris and i have climbed together! It was meant to be. Skirow, deathrow, dagenham and no standing. Great line up of pitches id not done before. Just got sucked out left at the crux of this one. No standings crux i am yet to figure out but the crack up high is delightful. How open do you leave the tuna can lid to filter the oil but not let any tuna out?

Wed 18th Jan 2023 - Mt Tibrogargan
Carborundum Wall
11 Carborundum Chimney Trad 92m Mega Classic
5 person gumblie train up this absolute institute of a route. Jarred chartered straight up a blank slab with some sporadic rps to avoid rope drag which was wild. I again managed to drop a couple turrets down the chimney which is unfortunately dangerous and hard to avoid. I helpfully recommended jarred and ella sling backpacks below then as they topped oit of the chimney. Kobi and georgia cruised through behind us with impeccable wriggle techas.

Sun 15th Jan 2023 - Mt Ninderry
Ocean Vista Area
22 Ninja Tactics - with thegang Sport 18m, 7 Classic
A nice bday surprise to coast this one today after about 7 previous trips ive jumped on it and struggled bolt to bolt to top. Since i began sport climbing in 2019ish ive used this route as a yard stick to see how my climbing is going. Night and day difference today compared to any previous attempt. Who knew 6 week climbing road trips could sometimes improve your climbing? I dont normally care much about sending or climbing too hard but turns out i am human, and can feel proud to climb like im not being weighed down by choinards original hex collection every so often. I did get a kneebar rest which i attributed to the teaching of coolum sensei johnny. Also did a nice climb next to CCC (an oft repeated chimenay classic) called little buddha which was quite good and deserves abit of attention. Sho kosugi i found to be abit of a waste of time and zazen is a waste of time for me because im planets away from being able to climb it. Climbing my age is now irretrieveably in the rear view mirror. Celebrated an unseasonably spoogeless day at the vista with marty lucie and georgia with a birthday croissant, complete with candle.

Fri 13th Jan 2023 - Mt Coolum
25 The David Lee Roth - with johnny and lia Sport 20m, 12 Very Good
It was a wednesday night when kyle messaged at 10pm asking if i would be able to attend a rope holding exchange with him at frog the following day. Tempting, but i had unadjustable plans. 'Sorry kyle, im going to coolum. Johnny is living in the cave in his tent and needs a catch.' Kyle: 'im not sure which part of that message im more shocked about, this is alot to take in'. Indeed. We got in and started on chevy. Johnny stuffed consecutive send burns post crux from not screaming enough, and then screaming unnecessarily respectively. I strategically broke my send burn into a bunch of little sends between the bolts. Ill admit it, I. HAD. FUN! Kneebars are pretty fun until they start falling off. And the pub-like sunny coast crag culture makes thursday morning feel like jungle juice night at bluies; an elite bunch of lads that were a pleasure to be beta sprayed by. Dan, a local barefoot and bare-kneed send king put me on an awkward slab with some slippery mantles and told me there was no kneebars so you can imagine the elation when straight off the deck, i swung my knee into the perfect scoop and proved him wrong. My winning streak lasted another 2 metres. Had a taste of the crag classic; screaming insanity which went quite well till the sequence guarding the chains. The chains were safe this time. My biceps were cooked, but i knew that i would have to come back the next day. Not just because i brought my tent, but because of that giant donger in the western cave. That would be my goal for the trip. To caress that great, hard protrusion. Back at the beach, 1L Flying dutchmans, cheesy garlic bread from the mudjimba coles bins put us to bed early. I vomited the bread up cos i forgot im lactose intolerant. Next morning: 1hr search for my car keys behind the toilets i pitched the tent behind. Coffees then crag. I got lia to put me on belay while i stumbled up the slab, then pulled into the steepness. Kneebar glasses on, i found some spots, aided across from some 28 i accidentally choofed onto, then, with great rope drag, i calf hooked and mantled up, clipped and found myself face to face with the donger. Triumphantly, i straddled that big cock, clipped the chains and begun the descent. Coolum done. A life-changing ride.

Fri 30th Dec 2022 - Fisherman's Bay
V3 Hammerhead Deep water solo 5m Classic
Really fun little pocketed step-in arete over the not-so-calm waters of nelsons bay cliffs. DTs and climbing shoes is the new style. Someone tell shwarma. Nice way to finish the roady. Yim had fun in the boiling pot despite moderate blindness and moderate not-knowing-how-to-swim. 60 bucks worth of binned aldi salmon for lunch.

Thu 29th Dec 2022 - North Head
Main Area
19 R The Fear Trad 47m Classic
Another imaginary ascent on this line. Fresh off a bed sleep in sydney, we were ready to g.. lethargic as fuck. Parked up, impressed the muggles at the tourist area with our busty racks, fixed a line to a shiny new bollard. Felt like cheating but the ladders simply arent an option anymore. Teetered across the ledge to the start. P1 was smooth sailing, p2 was a problem solving challenge but the y man nailed it. I was chuffed to figure out the very cryptic boulder problem off the belay. That second pitch is like the spartan but over the ocean with more exposure and atmosphere and imo better climbing, allbeit harder. Reaching down on the slab to get the feet gear was my crux in the end. Part of yims anchor up top was a construction site fence. Im sure the fullfilment those tradies would feel to hear this would make their year.

Tue 27th Dec 2022 - New Nowra - Braidwood Road
The Gold Mine Rick Roller's Rap in Area
20 3D Disco Sport 20m Mega Classic
I swear i didnt mean it. I really did mean to experience the real nowra. Big moves to smooth scoops. We got some of that in the morning at cafe cruiser wall, hang dogging 9 stars out of the wall in short order, but as we were packing up afterwards, i remembered seeing this climb on the next wall with a perma ledge. 3 star 20 with a traverse. The perma was my reason. A problematic rap through a roof that almost left yim to ditch an extender, put us on the wooden board that looked like a fart would send it to the ground (im sure the good people of nowra have infact put together a sturdy setup). Turned out this climb was traddier than most of frog and has more jams than a mt tambourine tea house. Incredibly airy position in the corner with heel hooks around alpine extendos. Very very cool. Yim was stoked aswell which was good cos i vedoed his wish to call it before this climb.

Mon 26th Dec 2022 - Point Perpendicular
Seaside Windjammer Wall
22 Turning Of The Tide Mixed trad 30m, 8 Very Good
Coupla cracks coupla aretes at point perpetrator. Bumped into dan who id met on an araps trip back when, and another big crew from the area rolled into windj wall to make abit of a crag party. Really quite surprised by the style here. Quite scoopy and devoid of the classic blueys incut crimpers that make you feel like a weapon. Quite contrary indeed; i felt like a sack of potatoes on the aretes. Definitely got slapped by the climbing out there today but an amazing day with beaut views and a gentle breeze taking atleast some spooge away, can hardly complain. This route was the last of the day and felt very tough for 22. Some big lock off moves. Ran out of bolt plates. Placed a nut on the bolt runner-down cos i couldnt adjust it in one hand, puckered to the top, setup a 15m long tree belay that got pulled onto the wrong side of the arete. Yim jugged the crux and i had to lower off to be able to reach the grigri to tie it off. Cooked. Carpark beers with our new friends to the sound of the beechcroft gun fire range.. ... without the gunfire though.

Sat 24th Dec 2022 - Blue Lake
Elephant Buttress
20 Trunkline Trad 30m Mega Classic
"One of the best routes anywhere" it says on the description. It doesnt look like much but we had bailed on the cathedral at buffalo to come climb in the roof of australia at blue lake (luckily no one described it to me as a roof or i might have said no). Yim and i cruised in past the gorgeous snow gums and ended up needing to employe some alpine tricks to navigate the still very deep and high angle snow pack at the base of the cliffs. Traversing via an intermittent bergshrund system and some light soloing got us to mindbender which yim took, and from there, rapped down dihedral corner, contemplated doing it but i couldnt get that one of the best routes ever line out of my head. I insisted on a ground anchor and lead belay across a steep section of corniced snow around the corner. A rope stretching traverse to the start of trunkline. Some comms problems delayed us abit and i did a solo down to the corner to shout to yim that he was kind of on belay. He pointed out later i could have just via ferrated into the climbing rope. Very true. Anyway, both of us had the weight of belay faff eradicated from our minds by a pitch that lived up to its description. Crux could be in 4 different places depending on your preferred style. I particularly loved the stem into committed finger layback sequence. The top out offwidth was abit rude with a deathblock being the only hold on selection but absolutely gobsmacking pitch. Yim and i took post climb celebration seriously with a but slide down the lower angle snow slope at the side of the crag and an inevitable skinny dip in blue lake. One of the golden days of the trip

Fri 23rd Dec 2022 - Mount Buffalo
Mackeys Lookout
13 Noblesse Oblige Mixed trad 420m, 6
Woke up from howlitt park playground to go solo a 400m slab. Only it had been raining the night before. We still went to check it out stupidly. Bashed through wet scrub for 20min about 15m right and parallel to the actual access track, found the slab to be wet, but at least we found the trail in the end. On retreat though, we found a smirnoff ice visor that wed seen on the way up which we forgot was on the non-trail we followed up and bashed back to the road on an equally non-existant path. Shit adventure/10.

Thu 22nd Dec 2022 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
10 M4 Ozymandias Direct Aid 300m Classic
Part 3: Yim and i spoke briefly on the walk out about whether we would become aid climbers, probably a fairly standard conversation to have after australias 'the nose' of aid climbs that initiates so many into the world of the big walls. Yim mentioned he was keen to use the skills for exploratory trips (new routes) one day but wouldnt really make established big walls a priority over free climbing. For me, it was time to come clean about my feelings for big wall climbing: Categorical fuck no, not interested. I cant understand why one would put up with all that faff, routine 3 hour belays, sleeping and eating like animals, all to not even climb rock? There were for sure some good moments, but on the whole, i recall being uncomforable, tired, abit stressed (probably more a symptom of poor preparation) and generally distainful that i could see a stack of 3 star free climbs from the wall that we had foregone to tether our way up this wall. Whats more is that we were doing the best aid route in the country with ideal weather conditions.

Im tremendously grateful to have had this experience and owe our mate yimbo a beer (that he'll not doubt drink a quarter of and go make himself a hot choccy instead) for book sourcing all our literature and coordinating most of the gear we used for the trip. I think alot of people never try things like this because they assume they wont like it or convince themselves their life is good enough to not bother having an experience like this; if it werent for yims enthusiasm and zest for new experiences, i would have been one of them. I suspected i wasnt cut out for big aid missions. I was right in this case. Im glad to know this now for sure. Keen to continue reserving my aid climbing for free routes a little above my paygrade and continue kicking around climbing rocks!

10 M4 Ozymandias Direct Aid 300m Classic
Part 2: The following morning, first light woke us and the beautiful views of the sun lighting up the porepunkah valley were juxtaposed quickly by the first event of the morning: Laying cable into a fucking sandwich bag. Yim captured the literal second of mine on camera and im not sure how i feel about it; yet to see the photo. Ill decide on instagram worthiness later on. We packed up the circus and i got into climbing (almost without the haul line). I got back to the start of the 22 and decided i was too cunted to put climbing shoes on and aided the pitch, something i still kind of hate myself for. It was my mistake at the end of this pitch though that dished us the biggest epic of the journey. I set up at the wrong anchors (the carrots at the top of the corner). Only 4m from the real anchor on the arete but the pig did not agree with being pulled up the slab on the 6th pitch and promptly got itself trapped on a bolt. Unable to lower the pig out of its predicament, yim used the hexagonal fixture on his nut tool to try to loosen the bolt, only to have the bolt explode out on him and fall to the valley below. We have included a separate note on the route description in relation to this, please refer to that if this is of concern to you. The pig was free and dragged up to the carrots. We made a pretty efficient go of the roof, yim evidently turned the corner on cam hooks, which i realised on the prussik up the corner above that was pretty free of trad gear. It was my job as seconder of the roof to free the pig and due to our anchor location, our poor piggy that wed become close with in the last day was about to take a king swing across the wall. I was reasonably sure all the waterbottle tethers had been prepared but i still couldnt bare to look as the load soared through the air along a sagging arc. The pig handled the exposure like a champ and didnt spray plastic and shit everywhere to our relief. Looking pretty good for time, we tucked into lunch at gledhill. The fang pitch (8th) was my lead and is a truly unique pitch, which i think can still be enjoyable (and awkward) as an aid lead. Supposedly 22 but definitely would be nuts to free. Yim got us to the plaque at about dinner time just as it was starting to dim and i knew after the haul line faff that i was about to become apart of the benightment club, after such an improbable run of all daytime finishes. The jap curry was now well and truly sour and even our hungry, depleted bodies were rejecting the concoction. Aiding the offwidth with the lights of bright(?) glowing in the distance was an oddly calming experience. "I prefer stars; natural light" yim hit back after i offered my thoughts. Ok mate. The no.6 that we only included on the rack upon recommendation from pauly and brad in the carpark on monday was as essential as a climbing rope to get up thr final 5m! Wrapped my hand around the tourist lookout rail at 10pm, ripped yim up the final pitch so we could commence the walk back to the car and our bivy spot at echo point which now seemed like the marriot penthouse.

10 M4 Ozymandias Direct Aid 300m Classic
Part 1: Lot of work for a 10.

Monday arvo was when the adventure started. We lugged the gear from the base of angels to the ground bivy at the base which was way harder than i anticipated. Bushbashing with a portaledge and haul bag is exhausting work and yim seemed completely depleted of energy; a great way to be at the start of a 2 day aid route. I have to admit i was within a hair of turning us around and not going through with the climb a few times on this approach, especially after the creek crossing. We found the base at 9pm and bived down. Surprisingly good sleep. Up at 6, i refilled our 8 waterbottles (which frighteningly were coming undone from their tethers on the walk in because i had incorrectly copied the knots from a youtube tute) and ushered yim to get to work setting the pig family up at the base (the big marn takes some encouragement to wake up at the best of times). We were on the wall aiding at 8ish. P2 was my coming of age with cam hooks; Only good experiences for me, but that all changed on yims lead of P3, taking no less than 5 (five) [V if roman numerals are your choice for counting] whips in half an hour. Id never seen an aid whip before but ive now seen 5. Impressively, he stepped out the top of the crux that had beat him up on a triumphant skyhook (!) and continued to big grassy. Having never successfully set our ledge up on the wall, i was keen to stop decorating our wall lodge with fixed lines and gear displays and get to making sure we could lie down for the night. It was yim that made the break through wed missed at kp which was loosening the fuck out of all the straps to fit it together, a fairly obvious sounding solution in hindsight, but with old gear, i fell into the trap yet again of assuming the worst of the uqmc club gear (sorry lachie). We had the ledge set at 6pm just in time to pack some food in before fixing the pitches above. This was one of the best moments of the wall experience, providing some reprieve from the anxiety of this big undertaking we were backing ourselves on. The japanese curry wed cooked 8 serves on was starting to sour abit but by portaledge standards it was fine. I fixed p5, wanted to free p6 (best 22 at buffalo) but didnt have enough appropriately sized gear so rapped down to do it in the morning. The sleep was again surprisingly decent on the ledge, and it turns out sleeping mats actually arent essential we found out as i lay comfortably while yim laughed and told me to look where my sleeping mat was. I thought it was under me. It was under my feet and 70% hanging off the end of the portaledge. Fuck. Dig heels in, do a sit up, and grab the mat that was all to happy to oblige to the evening breeze that was wishing to claim it as another piece of ozymandian space junk.

Mon 19th Dec 2022 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - South Side Angels' Buttress
17 Where Angels Fear to Tread Trad 230m Classic
450am alarm goes off. I spring out of bed. After 5 hrs gear preparation the day before, we were about to embark on our biggest climbing mission yet! 530 just as we pulled bags over shoulders, a dirtbag mobile rolls up with 2 dirtbags in it. Even before they stop, we see haul bags through the window. An awkward discussion ensued between the 4 of us and we realised once they mentioned their bags were at the bottom that we would not be climbing ozymandias today. Instead we accepted a bribe of 4 mountain goat tinnies and lugged our stuff to the start of angels. Yim walked the haul bag down the gully like it was a toy poodle. I went to fill the water from the creek and dropped the cap into the stream. Fuckn day is cursed. We climbed angels in 4 long pitches which worked quite well. The finger crack finish before the first big ledge gave me the most curry. But plenty of moments provoking some thought. Skipped caligula instead opting to nap in prep for attempt 2 at ozy tomorrow.

Sat 17th Dec 2022 - Orroral area
Booroomba Rocks South Buttress Integral face
21 African Walking Tree - with Timmy Wong Mixed trad 30m, 2 Classic
Yeah legit what an adventure. Picture this (dont picture this if youre going for the onsight): you know the anchors above your head somewhere, youre in a little corner on a thin ledge with a roof over your head and a smooth slab to your right. Where do you go? You consider your only other direction. Left. A blank arete. Nothing there. Unless.. you look around the corner and see a flake with a finger crack in the back that goes o the top. A footer appears on the arete that wasnt there before. This crazy escape might yet be possible. Stuff a couple golden rolands into a pin scar and tell yourself itll hold a pendulum, pull around the corner with right toe pinned to stop the barndoor. Finger lock slash gaston left hand bomber. Inhale. Pull right hand around arete, making sure not to hit self in the face, and tip into layback. A sequence as unique as the after the goldrush traverse in freycinet. Integral crack was less unique but super elite as its reputation suggests. An elderly couple on a hike got a shock with timmy taking a cartwheel off the crux just as they arrived.

Fri 16th Dec 2022 - Orroral area
Booroomba Rocks North Buttress Determinant Sector
15 Determinant (extended) Mixed trad 160m, 1 Classic
Nice climb in a 3 person faff train. Me, yim and faith. Some simuling due to 50m pitches 3 peeps and 1 70m rope. Traverse pitch was memorable. Faith toughing it out to top her p4 lead aswell. Burgers and beer at fyshwick afterwards. Approach trail down the middle of booroomba wasnt the funnest.

Wed 14th Dec 2022 - Bungonia Gorge
South Wall - Main
24 Evolution Mixed trad 220m, 55 Mega Classic
Ended up starting earlier than wed planned for 2 equally nobl3 reasons, yim wanted the school kids to see him leading high on the wall and because i didnt want to lose my benightment Vs. I got abit lost on the wandery 3rd pitch but other than that we were 5 out of 7 down at 130. Pretty good position. Then yim jumped on the 24, wigged above a no. 2 hed shifted 3 times already, took a flogger and the 2 followed him down. In high wind, i heard only 'take' out of: 'im gonna take a fall'. 2 fairly different instructions unfortunately. Considering aforementioned wind and being 150m off the canyon floor, the big marn had had enough; lowered down so i could heroically show the kids how french free with a full nappy works. 9hrs car to car, yim reminded me to mention this as a boasting point but really it speaks more to a lack of onsighting aspiration. Some lights out climbing in this place, i will certainly make a trip back here someday.

Tue 13th Dec 2022 - Bungonia Gorge
North Wall - Main
22 Strangeness and Charm Mixed trad 150m, 20 Classic
Were here on school camp with newy state high. Some genuinely delightful company from the gang over dinner and a refreshingly selfie heavy camera roll after leaving my phone on the can this morning. Wow i really got off track here. We got to the climb after yim and i somehow lost eachother on the canyon approach. The local 18R made for a very intreguing p1, was very stoked with my first 'nut stack' placement. I was reminded of how yim actually did this purely from improvisation on only his 3rd trad multi a year ago. I have decided that limestone is honest froth fuel and that laybacking is infact mandatory. Rattly jams: optiona.. a bad idea. Yeah. 3 pitches of beaut, p4 decent, p5 trash, bailed, downclimbed and rapped off. Climbed the wailing cockatoo direct start afterwards, feeling pretty good about myself and well.. that cockatoo ate my lunch, drank my beer and took my girl to the movies. Gear stashed for evolution and a nice hike out via the opposite side of the gorge ft. a lovely smelling cave.

Sun 11th Dec 2022 - Kurraba Point
Harbour Side Slabs The Steel Cap Slabs
V4 Oh Man, Oh Man, Oh Man Boulder 5m Classic
We put up with the mediocre sidestops of bluies and buffalo and stuff, its not the focus but we put up with it.. all of it, in order to achieve the main aim of going down the road to kurraba point ferry stop in sydneys suburban north with uncle craigs outdoor couch cushions and togs for the harbour cool-off afterwards, and having a crack at the local layback boulder. This delicate little piece was almost worth the warm up fall that cost me my sunnies. Nice delicate arete layback and a measured deadpoint up high. The best part of it: yim was too short to reach the start hold. Karma for that self-advocating disco crag write up. To all aspiring headpointers, theres a rusted carrot up top if god forbid youve got the time, patience and desire for public embarrassment to bring a rope here.

Thu 8th Dec 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Walls Lookdown
25 Disco Non-Stop Party Sport 40m, 13 Mega Classic
We woke up having agreed to go to catch the wind for a 7th time, and for a 7th time we got sidetracked. Jim asked me a question into my soul” if you like arete climbing, why not do the best arete in the mountains— Disco non-stop?” It was so attempting. I looked into the guidebook and the crag, decided it was too hard for me probably. Yim came back from the loo with the news that we could grab Dan’s static rope for the second time after yesterday’s wafer. “ just jumar past the hard moves and enjoy the rest, mate” I was convinced, and got a second lesson from Dan. I led first, got scared after a few arete-cutting whippers. Jim dogged off to the top and rapped down back to belay my second attempt. I had to jumar on the fixed line past the arete traversing terrifying move. “Take up the black rope!” “ black rope?” “Oh I mean white rope” Jim had a bad time jumar the differ line while being top belayed to clean the route. finally 6hrs one pitch done. Boys had crappy lunch at the top at 3:40pm. Fish and chips in Blackheath. Hope tomorrow morning we won’t have to rush into the toilets.

Wed 7th Dec 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Dalpura Head The Lost Pillar
23 Wafer Thin Fin Sport 71m Classic
Quite good climbing actually (on p1 and 2 atleast - i can tell you how jumaring p3 is). Went off without a hitch... except leaving the climbing rope at the top of the cliff!! Had to do the big jumar ascent 1.5 times. Yim was predictably enthralled by the holes in the arete. We bumped into some cliffhangers on the way out. A brave pm start on their part, hopefully works out well for them.

Tue 6th Dec 2022 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Solomon Area
20 Solomon - with Matthew Robbins Mixed trad 51m, 4 Classic
Single pitch thrash to the top of piddo. Matt had to wrestle out a couple cams that had made a get away into the crack. I was shown the superior method of tradding afterwards on gemini with an impressive 'royal flush' in hex bingo. Even ordered correctly.

Tue 6th Dec 2022 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Ikara, Victorialand, Odin Head, Thor Head Odin Head
20 True dreams Trad 40m Mega Classic
Not alot of dreams came true finding the wall but they sure did on this climb! Good to link with rickety rick again and patrol the highlands of odin head hunting wild cracks

Mon 5th Dec 2022 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Perry's Lookdown
22 Yak Banquet (The Easy Link-up) Sport 180m, 16 Mega Classic
Fuccn froth!! What a sick route. 5 pitches with consistent grade 22 climbing and varied styles the whole way up. Has to surpass whymper as my favourite bolted multi in the bluies. Some goey starts off the belays. I dont know if ill make it back to do the neighbouring climbs as yb takes the most interesting looking line at each turn. The scene of yim toe pinching the break rope on top belay of the second pitch.

Sun 4th Dec 2022 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Thrustblock Area
23 The Mind Boggles Sport 40m, 18 Mega Classic
Too good. Warmed the fingers up on a 25 at dca wall ('jack finally sandbagged himself' - yim). Hart agreed to belay, i think without knowing how long the pitch was. The muddy start (yeah im blaming the mud.. all the other hang dogs do) knocked me off the traverse, but after sneaking through, i enjoyed a smorgesboard of delightful slabbing moves through to the novelty finish laybacking up the thrustblock and a better-not-fuck-it-up left leg knee bar in the block to rest. Lying around with everyone at chasing amy reminiscing in the memories of slab heaven.

Fri 2nd Dec 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Sweet Dreams Walls
19 Whymper Sport 150m Classic
Best sport multi ive done at bluies id say. Really interesting climbing. Captures the best terrain and position on the arete and consistently around the grade. A spot more serious than weld and the other ones at that grade due to needing to use plates, slightly runout in spots by modern standards and consequently precise route finding can take some patience on the chalksight, but it really should be on everyones list. Rach and i both aided the first move of the climb lol. Fried rice lunch in p2 belay cave. Had to dump the contents of my leaky water bladder. At least i got to enjoy p3 with a lighter bag. And p4 is absolute class aswell. No one enjoyed the views more than rachs phone which now has a camera roll full of panos.

Thu 1st Dec 2022 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass SSCC4 Area
25 Bareback Sport 47m
After getting thumped by the top crux on black heathen, my ego still had weight enough to not stick clip the first bolt on p1 and jump off to the ground when it turned out to be tricky. Disappointingly misread the start, yim showed us how it was done after waking up from a crag nap. The rest of the pitch went swimmingly and loved the heel toe cam in the flake up top especially. Tim quivered his way up p2, i was pretty stoked with a mostly clean 2nd (shafted by the roof).

Wed 30th Nov 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County The 39 Steps
23 Gentlemens Drag Trad 28m Mega Classic
Holy thumb pump.. janicepts 2.0. Exact same outcome for me. Fought through all the crack difficulties til launching into orbit off a grade 16 face climbing move right under the chains. I was more lactic acid than man. Another reminder of the tax you pay for onsight preservation as opposed to taking rests. Mindblower was classic and thankful no broken ankles from barbarossa. Nice day at the cosmics with yim and nicole

Tue 29th Nov 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Bunny Bucket Buttress and Hotel California Area
22 Hotel California Sport 330m Classic
Tim yim sam. Lazy start but efficient speedclimbing up the wall. Cracker onsight of p1 for yimbo. Cruisy flash for tim, my second was almost devoid of free climbing. Enjoyed the traverse aswell as p7 and 8. Much nicer climb overall than bbb.

Mon 28th Nov 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point East Faces Subliminal Wall
23 Subliminal Sport 92m, 33 Mega Classic
If pump wasnt a thing this pitch would be a 21. Unfortunately however, it is a thing and it has a remarkable affinity for populating in my forearms. Yim tim and jim (jack/me) set off to not repeat the plethora of day ending errors marty and i made last time. Error 1, 1st rappel rope stuck: almost happened again, needed a double person tug to free it. Error 2, dead air trap on rappel 2: almost happened again, just swung into a bolt, not quite sure how i could have done this cleaner tbh. Error 3, lost on pitch 1. Yim seemed to have no trouble finding the way. I must have been on drugs in february. We did almost cock up by getting a stopper knot stuck in dead air at the bottom, luckily it got trapped to the wall by the anchor. That would have fucked us royally. 2 ropes does lend some insurance in this way. This sport multi proves itself again to be a logistics heavy operation. The traverse pitch dished out a draw grab for me and an unlikely epic for tim who almost took a pendulum off the p1 anchor. Ask yim to send the video! (pretty dog). I was abit nervous about the big pitch but technically it wasnt hard, just managing the pump is quite tricky. Putting attention into creative rests tested my patience and ultimately i resigned myself to 2 or 3 sits. Tim pulled onto the ledge next, visibly delirious, claiming "fuck 25s at ben trovonia tomorrow". Yim still somehow had energy to do 10 pull ups off a flake on the top out pitch (wtf).

Sun 27th Nov 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Railway Cliff
24 Bone China Sport 30m Classic
30 metres? Pretty sure i climbed at least 180m. went to the secret crag that shall not be named for fear of people finding out about it with max and some of the bluies fellas. Warmed up on the belles, a slab they said, although i think a drill tip would have blunted against my forearms after it. This piece was next up. I was surprised slightly with my jugging but the slab up high was insanely techy and i suffered. Finished with traxion thrash, i dont remember getting traxioned at the sidepull crux, but ahhh.. yeah. Stoked to take some skin off and shoot the shit.

Fri 25th Nov 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Pierces Pass West Side
20 Better Than Ben Hur Trad 160m Very Good
A canyon and choss adventure day. Left car park at 745. Scrambled with much sketch up a landslide gully, hugged the cliff, negotiated an approach pitch that i dived into a little too hastily at about 920. The route in general is probably more aesthetic than it is good in movement but certainly has its moments going through the many roof traverses. Climbing generally gets better with height which was nice. Probably nothing harder than gr18 but the grade probably reflects the need to have quite a good temprament under big easy runouts and most importantly, the ability to discern between good holds and landmines. Yim got a head jam in p5 that he insisted on a photo of. Finished climbing at 2, somehow only made the car at 5 after a couple raps, a skinny dip in the creek and alot of swearing at broken branches. Then to cap it off a red belly black arked up at yim 50m from the carpark.

Thu 24th Nov 2022 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grand Junction Wall
23 Weak as I am - with Kobi Wickens Sport 22m, 13 Classic
Wicked route that i gave the os up for cos the crux crimps were hurting my fingers. The crew had a swim at porters then a few of us headed down to dogs. Sandbagged hart on a 23 i told him was powerbra (19). 2 days in a row! Ended up cleaning that one up then bashing myself against qutopia. Magnificent route that one. I didnt do it justice with the geniuses. Love to go back in the tcs


Showing 1 - 100 out of 380 ascents.