
Ascents by Jack Seawright having Distinct route

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Showing all 18 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
17 Liquid Laughter Layback - with Elijah Benjamin-Wood Trad 38m Frog Buttress Classic Sat 3rd Apr 2021
Really cool climbing on both pitches. Hand crack at the start swims. V groove is pretty desperate.. Wouldnt want to lead it as your first 17. 2nd pitch has some unbelievable moves off the ledge up the dual cracks. Quality stays high throughout this beautiful adventure route. Done as 1 50m pitch

17 King Shits and Dead Shits Trad 20m Frog Buttress Good Wed 8th Sep 2021
This climb is defo worth doing.. the climbing is quite enjoyable if your not allergic to thrutching, but its hard as fk for a 17 i reckon.. dont know if im missing moves in the V groove but it felt like 19 to me.

17 If - with tim Trad 30m Frog Buttress Very Good Thu 6th Oct 2022
Dont solo to the ledge! Get a couple pieces in before the mantle. I double alpine kneed! Tim had to avert his eyes from such punter style. Rest of the route is quite nice though. I hereby sanction this route.. wwwwworth it!

17 Smoked Banana Trad 40m Frog Buttress Mega Classic Wed 3rd Nov 2021
It doesnt get old this one! Yim must have told me how epic it was about 60 times from the chimney. Had a bit of a wake up call when a 'bomber' wire fell out of the wall leaving me in the wind for an 8m grounder.. Kneed it out moving my foot up. Watch out kids..

17 Neon Philharmonic - with Steven vdb Trad 35m Frog Buttress Very Good Sun 6th Jun 2021
We didnt read the comments and thought we might be the first people to get our heads stuck on this one. Boy were we wrong. Probably an underrated climb just because of the head jam bit, the climbing before it is actually lovely. Some wide stemming out on the chimney walls and some of the finest hands at frog.

17 Caucasus Corner - with yim daz and benny Trad 330m Warrumbungles Classic Thu 21st Jul 2022
Started the day with a heinous bushbash that regrettably didnt need to be done. Found the start before darren and ben arrived but darren still overtook me on belay. He ran out of rope in an inconvenient little groove which made passing him fun "i hate it here". I had yelled out to yim telling him to move left on his pitch to go up the rib as prescribed but doctors orders were neglected and yim chartered his way across some runout face and somehow refound the route. We stopped for lunch on the pith 5 landing where darren later admitted he tried every manipulative conversation techniques to sneak him and ben ahead of us. They didnt need to in the end, yim went way too low on the traverse and started shedding the cliff so ben was able to 'offer to help us by skipping ahead' for the traverse. This pitch was fantastic and yim loudly proclaimed his love for benny for the photo he got from above of yim leading across. A little later on, ben ran into trouble when a peg lead him into a choss field he started knocking rocks and i sought refuge under a massive detached block that he was standing on, while 12m runout diahonally from the corner. Serious sketch levels for abit but most importantly, this allowed me to take the lead again! I belayed on a broken ledge in the corner and shot yim off onto the north face while darren got his boys lost again and making us unpassable. I quested the last 3 pitches with one rope and we were at the top of the spire. I thought the days sandbagging was finally over but i was wrong! Will and greg had earlier rapped the descent (same for vertigo) and told me id be fine to skip the first chains. Didnt make it to the second chains and had to tether to a tree and hang off it. Benny lead us through the traverse off the bottom of the spire.. i dont know how he could continue to be confident in his orienteering skills after the day gone, but he was right this time. The boys had the fire and fireball ready for us back at the hut. A classic day

17 Late Afternoon Flake - with max Trad 50m Girraween Classic Sat 22nd May 2021
Brilliant first pitch with some unlikely hand jams and gastons on a wall/flake and some nice smearing. A few ledges keep it from getting desperate. Id bought a bd 6 cam 2 days before doing this climb, max placed it on the first pitch, I placed it on the second. Pretty much needed both times, you could do this climb with just up to bd 5 in cams but it would be a touch pooey. The size 6 kept things comfortable. I gave max the first lead thinking that the descriptions of 'wide crack at the top' meant off-width, really i just made him lead all the hard climbing, and then lead about 15m of grade ~8 climbing which was low gradient assisted walking with a wide crack to hold and put gear into (lol).

17 Barbe Di Vendetta - with Elijah Benjamin-Wood Trad 90m Ben Lomond Mega Classic Wed 15th Dec 2021
Never gunna get sick of tassie and its crazy approaches. Lost the path up the gully and soloed a kind of hard pillar with gesr bag and hiking shoes then chucked it off the top realising i would otherwise need to reclimb it. Then we zipped up a mega classic followed by a maze throught the spikey plants into a downhill scree game of 'collapsed dolerite are logs and spikey bushes are roadblocks'. "Of all days to go short pants.." uttered elijah in a dejected tone as he pushed on down the chossfields. Alpine shrubbery up top was very pretty and im very keen to return for some more adventures at the ben!

17 Where Angels Fear to Tread Trad 230m Mount Buffalo Classic Mon 19th Dec 2022
450am alarm goes off. I spring out of bed. After 5 hrs gear preparation the day before, we were about to embark on our biggest climbing mission yet! 530 just as we pulled bags over shoulders, a dirtbag mobile rolls up with 2 dirtbags in it. Even before they stop, we see haul bags through the window. An awkward discussion ensued between the 4 of us and we realised once they mentioned their bags were at the bottom that we would not be climbing ozymandias today. Instead we accepted a bribe of 4 mountain goat tinnies and lugged our stuff to the start of angels. Yim walked the haul bag down the gully like it was a toy poodle. I went to fill the water from the creek and dropped the cap into the stream. Fuckn day is cursed. We climbed angels in 4 long pitches which worked quite well. The finger crack finish before the first big ledge gave me the most curry. But plenty of moments provoking some thought. Skipped caligula instead opting to nap in prep for attempt 2 at ozy tomorrow.

17 Remains Of The Day - with steve van den berg, robbie francisco Mixed trad 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Very Good Sun 18th Apr 2021
Came to climb Patience Crack but it was a waterfall, so we did this one. Interesting to note how efficient it was climbing this route with a 70m rope and 3 people by putting the second climber in an alpine butterfly.. 3 pitches only just short enough to pull it off. Second pitch was quite nice, although some of the holds were weakened by recent rain.. chimney and crack on the 3rd pretty cool too! 4th pitch was low-key hard (me and robbie both slipped so lucky steve led this one ) Lost the line of bolts and could only make 1 piece of gear work in the 5th pitch so that was abit deathy. Good intro into the art of route-finding and placing gear without the option of a frog splitter crack. I did both poorly . Highlights of the day included the sunset rap, robbie coming all the way out just to get from paddington to windsor for his car, the steaming gris gris discussed during the car podcast actually happening to steve on the descent, being off the boys for captioning my photo 'handsome jack' as if it wasnt already obvious.. some good laffs

17 Vortex - with tanja Trad 45m Moonarie Very Good Sat 9th Apr 2022
Nervine, buckets of jism and this one for our opening day at the moon. 10hrs of driving the previous day and only 2 stops. Bed times are supremely early out here we learnt from davey and angus, because theres not alot else to do! More time for climbing though, and fk theres some of it alright. Vortex took nicest pitch of the day. A couple big moves on jams, very classy. The boys told us not to bother with p2 and once we saw it from the top we could see why.

17 Beowulf - with dimi Trad 35m Freycinet National Park Mega Classic Wed 29th Dec 2021
A classic of the 'zawn' genre.. a word that i learned yesterday courtesy of max. A steeper than expected finish moving across the roof straight over ocean. Brilliant jugs keeping things sane and a cheeky brassy to solve a run out at the beginning. Biggest rope anchor of all time at the top. One of the best lines ive done here.

17 Fire Bug - with Steven vdb, ciaran chris Trad 63m Blue Mountains Very Good Tue 1st Feb 2022
The team arrived at fuck knows o'clock and i headed up to the worlds least inspiring looking tat to belay the double pitch for steve, who then pointed out the dbb off to the left. Steve went on windbreak for the money pitch. Said it was tough for 17.. i reasoned with him that this route was fa'd by the guy who made the grades and therefore must be entirely accurate. Turns out 'grade inflation': a phenomenon by which climbers just arent as fkn hard these days, explains the fact that the overhung corner sequence felt closer to 19. The misunderstanding of the day took place on this pitch where I was hacking at a cam mid crux that i thought steve overcammed, couldnt get it, shouted down to chris and ciaran to have a go. Both of them dedicated some solid time and ciaran eventually freed it with a fight that cost him much hand skin. He pulled it triumphantly from his harness at the end of the route and held it out to steve. Steve didnt recognise it. Turns out some other party got it stuck. Now ciaran owns 1 beat up cam that he can use as a nut sometime! Steve and I spent about an hour and 15 sitting in the overhung scoop belay cave up top just having yarns about anything that came to mind.. what a unique and incredible geological feature with full valley view and shade! Barramundi and beer back at the house after, good shout there

17 Psychopath - with Connor Dean Trad 28m Blue Mountains Classic Fri 4th Feb 2022
Meant to set this up as a top rope for connor and then didnt have slings at the top to extend the anchor and had to pull it down. Felt obligatory to contribute to the inefficiency of the day mainly caused by the teasing bursts of light rain and marty convincing connor to start up an unstarred sport multi. Highlight of the session was yim leaving tags on all his new wires he was placing in the spartan and telling him that he should atleast also curl up the receipt in the crack so any would-be bootier could return it for cash if they freed it. Left my no. 6 hanging on the curtain at the blackheath house as deco where it was alleviated from its responsibility of keeping the boys safe on sparto. EAD lads enjoy the runout! Atleast yim enjoyed the 'new moves' that he was rattling on about.

17 The Martian - with Jarred Vardy, Steven vdb, Mick Mixed trad 320m, 22 Mt Beerwah Good Sun 20th Jun 2021
A nice day out with some great friends! An exploding water bottle in the carpark that steve happened to catch on camera before his instagram spontaneously deleted the video, followed by a jog from the start back to the car to retrieve my climbing shoes provided a messy start as seems to be a theme on my multi-pitch adventures.

The Climb: Couple nice-ish pitches at the start with some flowey slab pitches (even a couple foot jams in flakes). Pitches 4 through 8 are shit. Skipped the supposedly half-decent pitch 9 by straying off path on my link lead of 8 and 9. Good to get a chance to find pro in an untracked section of mountain though, it was all there (sometimes just tree roots, although some good micro nuts went in). Pitch 10 was pretty fun, stoked for Jarred to push through this lead despite some escaping gear and tiredness, there's some sections that make you think a bit.

Again its about the company, and I was fortunate to witness the creation of Steve and Jarred's children's story about Mt Beerwah and its dark pivot towards a horror fantasy about an evil mountain that swallows belayers and severs ropes with its spirit.

Walked down the ever-spicey tourist track, threw jarreds rope on the ground at the end after a few falls.. he called out 'hey thats my rope', i argued; 'well its my tantrum..' (anyone is welcome to use this pearler of an excuse for throwing other peoples shit around!

Victory walk back to the climbers carpark via the fire trail was half an hour. Some well deserved KFC on the way home!

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic Sun 28th May 2023
Doesnt get better than this. 4 ultra classic grade 17s stacked on top of eachother. No boring moves, directly across from el cap. Good way to send tony off. There was still a snow pack at the base with a 6m+ shrund to step over onto the climb which tony led so i was bracing for it being a really bad way to send him off.

17 23 Ego - with ella Mixed trad 20m, 5 Kangaroo Point Average Tue 26th Oct 2021
Slab up the top looks diabolical. Realised i mustnt be on silly or serious anymore. I instead took to the easy corner L. Soil on my hands, but not in my pants as it would have been otherwise and not the worst variant.

17 Blood, Sweat and Tears - with Steven vdb Trad 40m Frog Buttress Classic Sun 1st Aug 2021
Wow what a climb! Cant believe we didnt make a point of doing this earlier.. a handjam marathon with moves rivaling the consistency of the true frog greats. Defo go R at the top or face the wrath of the encyclopedia shelf of rock shards some of which pull backwards (or singular encyclopedia including multiple rock shards if you are like alan and dont read alot of them). A truly delighful outing up (imo) the most impressive wall at frog and reckon anyone climbing at 17 or above should have a go


Showing all 18 ascents.