
Routes as boulder in Snowy Mountains

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 158 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
Cooma Lambie Gorge Main Lookout
VB Not Just Jugs

up the arete, with big holds, can use a heal if ya want. Easy but be very careful of fall potential on rocks behind you.

NA: Harrie Van de Linde, Mar 2023

Boulder 4m
V1 crossovers

match on lowest holds, only use the crack. careful top out

NA: Harrie Van de Linde, Mar 2023

Boulder 4m
V0 under the lip

sit-start on the horizontal rail. follow the large zigzag crack. top out carefully on boulder jugs

NA: Harrie Van de Linde & Jords, Mar 2023

Boulder 4m
Cooma Pine Range First Born Boulder
V3 Left Exit

Sit start on the RHS of the boulder, traverse the underlap until the end and top out on the LHS

V3 Middle Exit

Sit start in the middle of the boulder on underclings, climb direct via a big move.

V5 Right Exit

Eliminate, start as for Left Exit on underclings on the RHS. Climb up the RHS via small pockets and crimps topping out on the RHS. Awkward eliminate - avoid dabbing the boulder on the right.

Cooma Pine Range Placenta Pancakes Boulder
V3 Placenta Pancakes

Eliminate. Compression slapping on average grainy rock. Sit start low on opposing holds, then climb the steep pillar on the back of the boulder without dabbing on the boulder on the left.

Cooma Pine Range C-Section Boulder
V5 C-Section Left

Sit start matched on the low side pull, climb the slabby arete / face to a high topout. Some of the best rock in Cooma.

Cooma Pine Range Milk Bar Boulders The Milk Bar
V3 Favourite Side

Sit start, left hand on a crimp, right hand on crozzle. Move up into the seam and top out easily through the crack. A Cooma classic.

V1 The Other Favourite Side

Sit start under the flake on the right, top out via the crack as per The Favourite.

Cooma Pine Range Milk Bar Boulders The Milk Bar Slab
V0 MH Slab

Sit start in the middle of the face on a crimp rail. Nice as an eliminate avoiding arete until the tip top.

V0 Arete

Sit start under the arete. Up on delicate flakes.

Cooma Pine Range Witching Hour Boulder
V6 Witching Hour

Sit start matched underneath on the blocky hold. Steep moves with a slopey mantle.

V4 Witching Hour Right

Start LH in the incut of Witching Hour, RH crimp. Top out LHS of the face via an edge.

V7 Witching Hour Left

Sit start matched on the slopey rail. Slap the arete to the top.

Cooma Pine Range Precious Time Boulder
V4 Precious Time

Sit start on the LHS, left hand good edge, right hand crimp. Top out on jugs.

V5 Precious Time Right

Stand start LH arete, RH undercling. Dyno for the top. The sit will add a couple of grades


Sit start to Precious Time Right

V0 Mantle

Classic grovel. Awkward sit start low under the roof, mantle to glory.

Rocky Plains Bouldering Sideshow Bob Boulder
V0 Bart's Escape

On the far side of the boulder from the road, climb the path of least resistance starting from the head height horizontal slot jug. Up and slightly right to topout. This is also the easiest decent from the boulder so it's worthwhile climbing it before other routes.

FA: caillan sainsbury, 2023

Boulder 3m
V1 Rake To The Face

1 or 2m left of Bart's Escape. Sit start with a jug and some ledgey feet on the left, climb up to obvious blob hold up high and topout.

FA: caillan sainsbury, 2023

V1 Thesbians Curse

On the right side of the tall vertical wall. Start with left crimp and right on the big sloping rail, climb up and right to topout.

FA: caillan sainsbury, 2023

V3 Slideshow Blob

Long, consistent, good climb 👍 Sit start on the far left of the boulder (kinda where you approach from) underneath the scary, loose looking, large wedged in rock. Start with low feet and hands on the left end of the traverse, climb right around the traverse to the vertical wall then big moves lead you to topout high and right on the face.

FA: caillan sainsbury, 2023

Boulder 6m
Slideshow Blob direct finish

Start as for Slideshow Blob but at the end of the traverse make moves up and left to a very weird and slopey topout.

BoulderProject 4m
Cootralantra Ram Boulders
VB Ray's Ramble

Up the low angle slab. Also the descent route.

Boulder 4m
V0 Sheepish

Suspect undercling. Tread lightly.

Boulder 4m
V1 Sheepskin

Suspect undercling. Tread lightly.

Boulder 4m
V1 Stormy Wether
Boulder 4m
V0- Oberon
Boulder 2m
V2 Puck
Boulder 2m
Cootralantra Robin Boulder
V2 Flame Hug

Good fun.

Boulder 2m
VB+ Red Feather

Crimp start to easy top

Boulder 2m
Cootralantra Rooster Boulder
V0 4am Wake Up Call
Boulder 2m
Cootralantra Zombat Boulder

Sit start, ledges to mossy mantle. Needs a scrub

Boulder 2m
Jindabyne Lake side boulders
V3 Speed Bump

Start at peak of bulge and mantle

Boulder 2m
V1 Gutter Trash

The off-width

Boulder 2m
V2 Fisher and Paykel

Sit start. Between the crack and arête, hug this thing like a fridge and use teeny feet to walrus your way to the top.

Boulder 2m
V5 Architrave

Sit start and up the thin arete

Boulder 3m
V0 ArchiCrack

Sit start straight up between crack and arete

Boulder 2m
V1 Wall Crack

Sit start and up the seam

Boulder 2m
V3 Jump the fence

Jump start to slopers and mantle

Boulder 3m
V4 Under the fence

Low start left hand on square cut section of arete right hand on good undercling edge. Move straight up compressing both aretes. Don’t touch the other boulders!

V0 Gutter Pipe

Sit start straight up crack

Boulder 2m
V0 Gutter Cleaner

Sit start and traverse crack.

Boulder 2m
V0 Redback layback

Layback the crack then move to gutter cleaner and up.

FFA: Hugo T, May 2019

Boulder 2m
V2 Sex scandal with a garden gnome

Sit start, up the face.

Boulder 2m
V2 The big Squeeze

Climb the arete

Boulder 2m
V3 Deception

CLimb the not so big rail.

Boulder 3m
V1 May as well give it a crack

Use the small crack for hands and the small feet at the baseto start. Slap the top finger jug and mantle.

Boulder 2m
V4 Last Stand

Climb slightly right of the line up arete from sit start.

V1 Cramp

Other side of boulder between #11 and #12. Cramped! V0 if you can fit in there.

Boulder 2m
Jindabyne The Tip Boulders
V6 Hissing Machines

Sit start and big move to the lip, mantle out. Wizard beta can take a grade or two off....

FA: Lindsay Barkley, 2009

V7 Under a southern cross

A mash up. Start as for sit and smear, cross over tummy rub then hit the lip crimp on hissing machines and mantle out.

FA: Lindsay Barkley

V6 Tumy Rub

Start from the undercling and nubbin, go to sloper and micro crimp then awkward mantle. Hard and committing. Alt start hanging off the rail.

FA: C. Monk & Lindsay Barkley

V1 Squat and Smear

Start far right and go all the way left. A good warm up

FA: C. Monk

V0 The crack that doesn't deserve a name

Ummm?? That's it

V5 Poking fun at the cripple

Start on hollow flake, straight up

FA: T. Griffith

V4 Cripples Revenge

Use the huge block out left for feet

FA: Lindsay Barkley

V2 Another Tuesday at the office

FA: T. Griffith

V3 Another Monday at the office.

The first problem done at the tip. Start as for ATATO but traverse right then mantle and top out.

The first route at the tip. Start as for ATATO then head left

FA: Lindsay Barkley, 2007

V1 Bedrock Traverse

Start far left traverse right, hop to the next boulder round the corner then mantle on the vertical face.

V0 Flintstones

Climb the easy crack from a sit start.

FA: C. Monk

V0 A close shave

Sit start traverse right along the top of the flake

FA: C. Monk

Boulder 3m
V2 Between a rock and a hard place

sit start between the large detached flake and crimps to the top... crux is keeping your butt and feet off the floor.

V0 Sneakers

Climb the edge of the flake

FA: T. Griffith

Boulder 2m
V1 Crack addicts annonymous

Sit start as for the great arch and head left and lock those jams in asap

FA: Mark Feeney & S. Netz

V1 The great arch

sit start, straight up

FA: Lindsay Barkley

V1 Meet me over in the city

Sit start as for the great arch, stand up traverse left. Finish up the crack on the slab

FA: Mark Feeney & Soren Netz

V1 I see everything is so fine

Alt finish to MMOITC, continue traversing round until you can reach the offwidth (try stretching a foot out)

V0 The dark side of crack

The offwidth... sit start

Boulder 2m
V4 Slap the echidna

Start in seam then reach up to sloper on lip and mantle out

FA: T. Griffith

V3 Dumpster Frog

Stand start at the base of the arete, climb up left of the arete and commit to topping out. Sketchy fall so make sure you have a couple of crash pads. Sit start variation was FA my Ivan Mak

FA: Jessie, 9 Jan 2021

Boulder 3m
V2 High on halfdome

Highball the arete. Although a very nice problem it hosts the worst landing and has a very committing top out. Climb the sharp arete from a standing start, key holds both left and right of the arete. A sit start has also been done (M Feeney) if you can find the holds behind the lomandra

FA: T. Griffith

V0 crumbly T

nice easy lowball boulder, starting on side crimps to an easy mantle.

Boulder 2m
V1 crumblier crack

lot sit start on crack & work your way up crack into a mantle

V2 Crumbliest T

Traverse sit start around left side of boulder using crimps, going into mantle when you reach the other rock.

V2 We'll get together now, darling

Needs some further cleaning. sit start, traverse left to the far corner and top out

V3 Stop Drop and Roll

Sit start on the corner, up then traverse left, round the corner then mantle up

V8 Right up there

Nice but solid with a very low start. Was a project of Lindsay's. Sit start on horrible slopers with terrible feet out left. Crank like crazy to the right and finish up UCAP

FA: T. Griffith

V4 Up close and personal

Start on the crimps at about waist height, continue up arete

FA: Lindsay Barkley

V6 All in the name of posing

Sit start on crimp and fire up arete. The right arete is in

FA: Lindsay Barkley & T. Griffith

V3 The obscure love traverse

Sit start two hands in the crack (its a boulder.. so its allowed to be contrived)traverse right, sloper slap across until you can pull off the arete then an awesome mantle onto the top. Add grades if the boulder has been cooking in the sun all day. This has been described as the best problem at the tip. Crux beta credit goes to Soren

FA: Mark Feeney & Soren Netz, 2015

V0 Round the world
V2 Now girl i know you are satisfied

Start on the rail then move left staying below the rail on sharp crimps

FA: Mark Feeney, 2015

V2 Oh yeah we will

Stand start and up...careful not to break more holds off

FA: Mark Feeney & Soren Netz Matt Barnes, 2015

V1 Shin buster

Sit start then up

FA: Soren Netz, 2015

V2 We'll make everything all right

Pull on and dyno for the lip. feels like your going to smash into the corner if you miss... but managed to avoid it everytime (so far)

FA: Soren Netz & Mark Feeney, 2015

V2 Oh honey don't

Climb the two aretes then mantle up. Intimidating top out.

FA: 2015

V1 Please, please don't leave me right now

Traverse right then top out

FA: Soren Netz, 2015

V2 Sorry i threw your jacket in the poo

Lay on your back and throw your feet up in the crack, pull on, shuffle up get the rail and top out

FA: Mark Feeney, 2015

V0 Right now

Sit start pull on and mantle

FA: Mark Feeney & Soren Netz

V2 you got me baby

up the arete. hard to keep your back off the adjacent boulder and an awkward landing

V0 you got me girl

traverse then mantle

FA: Mark Feeney, soren netz & Matt Barnes

V0 you got me where you want me

up the crack on crumbling rock

FA: soren netz

V1 New kid on the block

sit start, straight up and mantle. Soren's first FA

FA: Soren Netz

V1 Crumbliest crack traverse

Same start as CC up finger crack to top ledge, traverse right with awkward move around corner finish with left hand in vertical crack, right hand in jug

FA: Blake Edwards, 12 Aug 2022

Boulder 3m
V1 Spicy T

Sit start, traverse along jugs, heel hook jugs, catch top ledge around corner, traverse around to finger crack and top out to finish same as crumblier crack

Boulder 3m
Jindabyne Campsite Boulders
VB Practice Your Mantel Part 5

A good ledge to practice your mantling.

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 31 Aug 2023

Boulder 2m
V2 ledge wedge

Starting on ledge, lower feet are out. High heel hook to slap up to ledge, straight up to top out

V0 Placeholder name

Traverse from left to right along the obvious seam keeping the feet in the seam before going up the vertical crack

FA: Phillip Tingle

Boulder 2m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 158 routes.

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