
Ascents by Brendan Heywood having Distinct route

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Showing all 6 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
V8 V10 Jake's Problem - with Arthur Schultz, Liam Green, Zac Boulder 5m Oatlands Tue 23rd Dec 2014
Not much progress, could barely pull on this time

V8 Body Darma - with Ben Vincent, Benji Dutaillis Boulder 4m Upper Gara Gorge Thu 16th Jul 2020
We tried super-gluing our finger tips which seemed to work pretty well consider how many attempts we had and didn't rage quit after the 3rd attempt. Its been yonks since I've been on this, I re-figured out how to hold the left crimp, the right is still fairly painful.

V8 Pork Bone (Rizzo's problem) - with Alan Ezzy, Ben Vincent, Will Goyen Boulder 3m Upper Gara Gorge Sat 13th Feb 2016
Worked it for a while, feeling fairly comfy on the first few moves, the pinch move beta from Alan is good, I can accurately heel hook but just can't put much weight on so falling into the crux. Need to be almost static. More legs!

V8 School girl roof - with Phil, Ben Vincent Boulder 4m Upper Gara Gorge Very Good Wed 13th Feb 2019
First actual attempts with pads, daunting! First few jams are ok, needs lots of abs to stay in it and then gets hectic

V8 Überclinger - with Tommy Boulder 3m Freycinet National Park Sat 21st Sep 2013
Surprisingly I managed to get my arse off the ground (even with three pads).

V8 Acid Reign Boulder 3m Oatlands Sun 6th Jul 2014
I can just barely pull on, the local gravity field in the cave is strong


Showing all 6 ascents.