
Ascensioni da John Pitcairn che possiede Via distinta

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Tutti 9 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Falesia Qualità Data
21 Biggles Flies West Trad 14m Mt. Eden Quarry Buona Dom 28 Mag 2017
Leading something to prevent vague sense of slacking.

21 Green Groove - con shichang Trad 11m Mt. Eden Quarry Buona Lun 6 Giu 2016
Always a bit weird and nervy at the crux.

21 Revenge Of The Lawn Trad 14m Mt. Eden Quarry Molto buona Mer 9 Nov 2016
Bit scary, guess I need to lead it more. Josh got up it!

21 Thimblerigger Trad 12m Mt. Eden Quarry Molto buona 2014
Date speculative

21 Badfinger - con Grant Johnston Trad 14m Mt. Eden Quarry Buona Mer 24 Feb 2016
Fun, if a bit necky. Got somebody's stuck nut out on the way down.

21 Comic Relief - con Anna Trad 20m Arapiles Classica Ven 30 Mar 2018
Bloody great, cool crux moves with beta from Frankie.

21 Cut Short - con Anna Trad 30m Arapiles Molto buona Ven 30 Mar 2018
Quite strenuous. Climbed past crux cam to welcome rest then downclimbed to get it out. Really enjoyed this.

21 Ethical Debate - con Grant Johnston Trad mista 18m, 4 Sebastapol Bluffs Buona Ven 26 Gen 2018
The name perhaps refers to it being a squeeze route, easily escapable into the routes either side. Pretty crimpy, tiny feet and smears, really hot rock by late morning, considerable ooze required. Surprised I got it clean.

21 Momrath Trad 14m Mt. Eden Quarry Buona Mer 15 Mar 2017
With right finish to Load It anchor and a wee play on that while lowering.


Tutti 9 ascensioni visualizzati.