
Ascensione di Width Pleasure come Pink point da Paul Frothy Thomson

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24 Width Pleasure — 4 tentativi - con Greg Ducky, Philip Barker Trad 7m Blue Mountains Classica Lun 31 Lug 2023
After work in-a-day send by headlamp!

Great rock for the lower mountains, and wiiiiild moves climbing inverted feet in the offwidth. I found the moves to turn the lip and mantle out pretty bouldery at the grade, but maybe I had a silly sequence? Would love to hear beta on it.

I can only think of 3 other offwidths in the greater Blueys that compares in the grade range/style, and this is probably the best.

For some reason I didn't read the description, and only brought 2 x 5's, which was not ideal. I'll be back with the right gear for the red point, cause this puppy is totally worth it!


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