
Begehungen in World von Miguel Madero haben Sport CPR

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Zeige 1 - 100 von 193 Begehungen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Qualität
Sa 19. Okt 2013 - Skyline Areas
Castle Rock Falls
5.10a The Falls (Waterfall Route) Sport Sehr gut
Fun direct start. A bit run-out. Worth taking some natural protection. Fun and long climb.

Sa 19. Okt 2013 - Skyline Areas
Indian Rock Area Indian Rock Northeast Face
5.10a Blowing Bubbles Sport 18m Gut
Sa 26. Jan 2013 - La Huasteca
Zona Extrema
5.8 Soldaditos Sport 40m
We did this one (maybe) and two other 5.9ishes, but can't find any info...

Sa 26. Jan 2013 - La Huasteca
5.9 Veinte Años Despues Sport 30m, 12
It felt a bit harder than 5.9. My brother said it was more like 5.10b... Either way, really nice and fun climb.

Sa 12. Jan 2013 - Peña de Bernal
La Peña (single & multipitch) South Wall (Bernalina Wall) Sunshine Wall
5.10a 5.10b Filo Suroeste Sport 280m, 16
Fr 11. Jan 2013 - Jilotepec
El Circo
5.10c Titerotes Sport 23m, 8
5.10b Cirque du Soleil Sport 27m, 8
5.10c La Gallina de Dos Cabezas Sport 28m, 9
Fr 11. Jan 2013 - Jilotepec
El Huevo Ay Nanita
5.11b El Hombre del Costal Sport 17m, 9
I fell after the crux, a bolt before the anchor on the cruisy section. I thought it was a good place to have a no hands rest... good idea until a foothold broke and had a nice and unexpected fall. I didn't have time to go for the redpoint, with so many more routes to try in Jilotepec.

Fr 11. Jan 2013 - Jilotepec
El Pilar
5.9 Petaca Sport 8m, 3
5.9 Tin-Tán (Tin-Tan) Sport 10m, 5
Fr 11. Jan 2013 - Jilotepec
El Poste
5.9 Papas Fritas Sport 27m, 10
5.8 A Prueba de Tontos Sport 10m, 5
Do 10. Jan 2013 - Jilotepec
Comité de Bienvenida
5.8 La Prima de Nancy Sport 14m, 9
Mi 9. Jan 2013 - El Chico
Las Ventanas La Botella
5.9 Ruta Noreste Sport 18m
Great, great climbing, in a great, great location, with phenomenal views

5.8 Ruta Noroeste Sport 18m
Better than ruta noreste.

Mo 7. Jan 2013 - La UNAM
La Escuelita
5.10d El Techito Sport 8m, 3
5.11a Valiente Sport 8m, 2
5.10c Luna Llena Sport 8m, 3
Mi 22. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Ton Sai Wall & Roof
7b+ 7c Tidal Wave Sport 10m, 5 Sehr gut
Now I really need a break. No more climbing for me for two weeks (or more?). Need a good rest before the Petzl Roctrip

7b+ 7c Tidal Wave Sport 10m, 5 Sehr gut
Last day in Tonsai. It was supposed to be a rest day, but... Last chance, last try, dogged it badly, but got all of the moves This will certainly be a project for a future trip. Hope my hands are better by then

7b+ 7c Tidal Wave Sport 10m, 5 Sehr gut
Kept trying and my fingers were peeling in exactly the spots I didn't tape.

7b+ 7c Tidal Wave Sport 10m, 5 Sehr gut
Worthless attempt. I was feeling so weak.

Di 21. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Cobra Wall
6a+ Snake Whisky Sport 26m, 9 Gut
Jug, jug, jug, jug, jug, where's the jug? oh jug, oooh is this the anchor? Lower Pe, Thanks!

Nice fun climb. Good warm-up. Unfortunately we couldn't go to Cobra Venom that day

Di 21. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Ton Sai Wall & Roof
6c Viking in Heat (Vikings in Heat) Sport 20m, 7 Sehr gut
Warm-up (again) for Tidal Wave

7b+ 7c Tidal Wave Sport 10m, 5 Sehr gut
Two more attempts today. I know all the moves to the fourth draw, but I'm feeling weak today. No further progress. I don't think I'll get it since it's likely I won't climb there tomorrow

7b+ 7c Tidal Wave Sport 10m, 5 Sehr gut
Mo 20. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Ton Sai Wall & Roof
6c Viking in Heat (Vikings in Heat) Sport 20m, 7 Sehr gut
Warm-up for Tidal Wave

7b+ 7c Tidal Wave Sport 10m, 5 Sehr gut
Great progress, all the move to the fourth draw.

7b+ 7c Tidal Wave Sport 10m, 5 Sehr gut
This was more a 'mental' attempt. I went back in the afternoon, but found no belayer. I did it in my mind and kept falling after the fourth draw, got all of the other moves tho.

7b+ 7c Tidal Wave Sport 10m, 5 Sehr gut
Three days to go and I got great progress. Two more attempts.

Got the move to the second draw. Couldn't get the pocket, but I clipped. Kept moving and missed the heel hook for the fourth one.

So 19. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Ton Sai Wall & Roof
7b+ 7c Tidal Wave Sport 10m, 5 Sehr gut
Climbed with Cari at Tidal Wave. Got new Beta for the second draw. Thanks babe, that outer flag really helped.

Do 16. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Ton Sai Wall & Roof
7b+ 7c Tidal Wave Sport 10m, 5 Sehr gut
Hann's last day. Tried this again!!!

Do 16. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Tyrolean Wall
7a Schwer und Steil Sport 15m, 6 Sehr gut
Aid climbed this, just a bit of help of the dogbone to get jug after the crux.

Mi 15. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Ton Sai Wall & Roof
7b+ 7c Tidal Wave Sport 10m, 5 Sehr gut
This time I skipped a move and climbed to the third bolt. I was too tired after climbing all day to keep going.

7a Babes in Thailand Sport 12m, 5 Gut
Not too far. I just got the second bolt. I'll try it again

Mi 15. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Eagle Wall Main Face
6a+ Where Eagles Don't Dare Sport 30m, 9 Sehr gut
Great climb. Recommended by Marcelo. I love the slab at the start, but freaked out a bit on the overhang. Well done for Pe that smashed this, being it's hardest onsight to date.

Mi 15. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Tyrolean Wall
7a Schwer und Steil Sport 15m, 6
I still can't get the crux move. Had to clean from Longes Feschtl

6b+ Longes Feschtl Sport 18m, 6
I screw up the sequence at the crux.

Di 14. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Ton Sai Wall & Roof
6b Cowabungalow Sport 25m, 7 Gut
Nice warm-up to start getting pumped.

6c Viking in Heat (Vikings in Heat) Sport 20m, 7 Sehr gut
Really nice moves in the overhand. I did lots of Shyamaladas with heel hooks and drop knees. I had to take an unnecessary rest because I was getting pumped. I should've just kept going for the onsight.

7b+ 7c Tidal Wave Sport 10m, 5 Sehr gut
Still working. I kinda got the move to the second clip.

Mo 13. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Monkey World
6a+ 6b Big Wave (Big Wave p1 / The Beauty & The Beast p1) Sport 110m, 33 Durchschnitt
Great idea to do Big Wave after Humanlity. We did it on a big group with Pe, ShiHui and Hann. Great fun and some nice climbing.

6b Big Wave (Big Wave p2) Sport 110m, 33
6b Big Wave (Big Wave p3) Sport 110m, 33
Great view, I can see my bathroom at Mambo.

6b Big Wave (Big Wave p4) Sport 110m, 33
My favourite pitch. Nice finish. Avoid the intermediate belay station, go directly for the last and don't use it for abseil either if you have a 60 metre to directly to the top of p3. Hann lost his camera in one of the abseils and then dropped a show. Then we were attacked by mosquitoes and had to run for a beer.

Mo 13. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Ton Sai Wall & Roof
6b+ Humanality Sport 110m, 45 Sehr gut
This is a Tonsai-classic. Led p1 and 3. Hann led 2 and 4. Nice and fun crux. Chimney, chimney! Hann's bag was attacked by some cheeky monkeys which put up a good show for everyone at freedom.

Sa 11. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Ton Sai Wall & Roof
7b+ 7c Tidal Wave Sport 10m, 5 Sehr gut
Amazing climb, although I didn't get too far. I clipped the first one and couldn't get good feet to move to the pocket before the first tufa to clip the second one. I'll keep trying. The quickdraws were there so it was easy to try and bail.

Sa 11. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
The Nest & Wild Kingdom
6a+ Barato, Barato P1 Sport 15m, 6 Durchschnitt
We thought it was going to be an easy warm-up. Before the first tufa I moved right to a sling and ended up in the anchor of 'Breezes...' traversing through 'Sorry..' (7a+). I traversed back to my anchor. Hann started p2 trying to avoid the 7a+ variant on the left, so he went a bit right and ended on 'Sorry...'. We should've gone straight up. This climbing didn't have a proper belay station, so let's say we probably looked a bit more than friendly from the ground. Nice moves at the end.

Sa 11. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Dum's Kitchen
7a 6c Good Medicine Sport 23m, 7
A lady asked us if her daughter could top rope this before 'just to warm-up before she jumps into something harder'. It was good to see a ~14 year old show us how to do it properly.

7a 6c+ The Lion King Sport 12m, 4 Klassiker
Steep with lots of big moves and long falls. I got it clean until one hold before clipping the anchor. Dam it! Everyone at Mama's was talking about this climb during the nights before our attempt. I think the hype fade away (for now).

Sa 11. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Tyrolean Wall
6b+ Missing Snow Sport 20m, 8 Mega-Klassiker
Great warm-up once you know the moves.

Fr 10. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Tyrolean Wall
6b+ Missing Snow Sport 20m, 8 Mega-Klassiker
There is certainly a lot of hype about this climb and our first day there wasn’t the exception. We were walking and people were just stopping us at Dum's Kitchen in the beach and asking 'are you going to Missing Snow'. Yes, we're indeed. Wow that's a great climb they said. Yes Shyamal recommended it. Oh! Shyamal will certainly heel hook it..... (Read More: http://anotepad.com/notes/2690775)

Fr 10. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Dum's Kitchen
6b 6a Schlingal Moritz (Schlingel Max) Sport 15m, 6 Sehr gut
This time clean. It's really easy once you know the moves (as most climbs)

6c No Name Sport 15m, 5
A bit tiring at the start... the next is nice and easy.

6a 6b Schlingel Max (Schlingal Moritz) Sport 15m, 6 Schrott
This time clean. It's really easy once you know the moves (as most climbs)

Fr 10. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Fire Wall
6c 6c+ Fire Starter Sport 16m, 7
It was getting dark and I feel bad when climbing on steel bolts

6a+ For Hega Sport 30m, 11 Klassiker
Finished in the dark!!!

6a The Groove Tube Sport 25m, 11 Sehr gut
Again. This time topbelayed by Hann

Mi 8. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Dum's Kitchen
6a 6b Schlingel Max (Schlingal Moritz) Sport 15m, 6 Schrott
I struggled at the crux. I was a bit tired. I think this is crap, Pe agrees, but Jaclyn actually liked it.

6b 6a Schlingal Moritz (Schlingel Max) Sport 15m, 6 Sehr gut
I struggled at the crux, it was a bit confusing.

Mi 8. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Monkey World
6b The Beauty & the Beast (Beauty & The Beast p3) Sport 85m, 28 Sehr gut
Loved this pitch!!! Nice moves, nice sequence.

6a+ 6b Big Wave (Big Wave p1 / The Beauty & The Beast p1) Sport 110m, 33 Durchschnitt
6a+ 6b The Beauty & the Beast (Beauty & The Beast p2) Sport 85m, 28 Gut
Mo 6. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
The Nest & Wild Kingdom
6a Caroline's Last Day P1 Sport 22m, 9
hard for the grade I think.

6b Wacky Weed Sport 23m, 8 Gut
6a+ Banana Hammock Sport 25m, 7 Sehr gut
Hard for the grade.

So 5. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Eagle Wall Left Side
6a Spiderman Sport 32m, 17 Sehr gut
Nice climb

6b+ Alta Ruta Sport 30m, 9 Gut
Nice recommendation from MOC. Nice and pumpy.

5c 5c+ Dead Spanish Bolts Sport 23m, 9
Sa 4. Aug 2012 - Ton Sai
Fire Wall
6b+ White Hot Hernias (White Hot Hernia) Sport 16m, 7 Sehr gut
It's easy once you know the sequence on the crux, although a bit balancy. I got different beta from other climbers, so there're a few ways to do it.

6a+ For Helga (For Hega) - mit Pe Sport 30m, 11 Klassiker
Super. Certainly one of my favorite climbs in Tonsai

6b Boobtube Sport 30m, 12 Gut
Nice. Really easy for the grade. More like a 6a

6a The Groove Tube - mit Pe Sport 25m, 11 Sehr gut
Chimney, chimney!!! (again) This time topbelayed by Pe

6b+ White Hot Hernias (White Hot Hernia) Sport 16m, 7 Sehr gut
Had a nice fall on the crux. It's good to know that steel bolt still can hold me

Do 2. Aug 2012 - Railay
Muay Thai
6b+ 6b Alone Sport 15m, 7 Sehr gut
Clean this time!!!

5a 5 Tamada Sport 10m, 4 Durchschnitt
Cleaned it

6a Hello Christine Sport 17m, 8 Gut
To clean it

Do 2. Aug 2012 - Railay
6b Short and Savage Sport 8m, 2
I couldn't figure the sequence, might try this again.

6a Ramazon Sport 24m, 10 Klassiker
6b Massage Secrets
Sport 37m, 13
Led the three pitches all the way from the ground. Had to abseil to the first belay station. The rope wasn't long enough. The last pitch is actually not too bad as the guide says

Mi 1. Aug 2012 - Railay
Muay Thai
6b Bad Boy Sport 15m, 7 Sehr gut
Finally ticked this one. Loved slapping the tufa at the end.

Mi 1. Aug 2012 - Railay
6b 6a+ Make a Way Sport 27m, 10 Sehr gut
I freaked out at the end and grabbed the anchor!!!

Di 31. Jul 2012 - Railay
Escher World
6b Humming Song (Left Variation) Sport 15m, 6
This time with the direct start from the cave

6b Humming Song Sport 15m, 6 Gut
5a 5 Short and Easy Sport 13m, 4
6b Mei Rue Arei Sport 16m, 5
Di 24. Jul 2012 - Railay
Phra-Nang Beach
6c+ Princess Eyes Sport 8m, 4
Fr 20. Jul 2012 - Ton Sai
Monkey World
6a+ 6b Big Wave (Big Wave p1 / The Beauty & The Beast p1) Sport 110m, 33 Sehr gut
Only first pitch now. We'll try again at a better time.

Fr 20. Jul 2012 - Ton Sai
Fire Wall
6a+ Up in Smoke Sport 17m, 9 Sehr gut
Nice recommendation from Shyamal. Techie and pumpy in sections. Nice start. The slings are well placed to reduce rope drag

6a+ Up in Smoke Sport 17m, 9 Sehr gut
Do 19. Jul 2012 - Railay
5a 5 King Cobra Sport 13m, 5 Durchschnitt
Just to clean it

Do 19. Jul 2012 - Railay
Phra-Nang Beach
6c+ Princess Eyes Sport 8m, 4
5a Back To Mani (Money Maker 5 P1)
Sport 18m, 5 Sehr gut
Chimney! Chimney!

Mo 16. Jul 2012 - Railay
Escher World
6c Best Route in Minnesota Sport 25m, 14
Struggled at the start a few times.

6c Best Route in Minnesota Sport 25m, 14
Fell again a few times

6c Best Route in Minnesota Sport 25m, 14
Awesome line. Waiting for Shyamal.

Mo 16. Jul 2012 - Railay
Phra-Nang Beach
6c Little Shit Sport 8m, 5 Sehr gut

6c Little Shit Sport 8m, 5 Sehr gut

6c Little Shit Sport 8m, 5 Sehr gut


Zeige 1 - 100 von 193 Begehungen.

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