
Ascensions dans Vandal Area

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Affichage de 101 - 200 sur 242 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Falaise Qualité Grimpeur Date
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Adam Bramwell
Mar 13 Avr 2010
18 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Mark Thomas
Sam 10 Mai 2003
I led 2, Tina Led 1 & 3

17 Big Silver Rocket Trad 20m Arapiles
Mark Witham
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Demo Account
Mar 13 Avr 2010
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Rod Young
Mar 13 Avr 2010
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Bon
Cam McKenzie
Mer 29 Déc 2004
With Sui

18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Dans la moyenne
Rob Baker
Sam 23 Juil 2005
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Bon
fred dyer
Jeu 24 Avr 2008
try not to do the last pitch in the rain. good caves at end of pitches for shelter if you do. final pitch appears to have LH variant start......Follow the damn crack!!!!

18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Mar 13 Avr 2010
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Bon
Chad Harrison
Mar 1 Oct. 2002
more like 17, one tricky pitch at top, not three stars.

18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Mar 13 Avr 2010
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Classique
Nick de Kam
Mar 13 Avr 2010
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Kate Scarlett
Lun 25 Avr 2005
lots of interesting bridging - with Gary and Steve

18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Paul Kinnane
Mar 13 Avr 2010
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Simon Dale
Mar 13 Avr 2010
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
David Goldstein
Ven 14 Nov. 2003
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Dario "Mars" Mofardin
Dim 17 Oct. 2004
with Kim. The committing third pitch is the business end and nice climbing. The first pitch has a very bouldery start for a 14! Kim ended up traversing in from the right.

18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Bon
Sam 17 Jan 2004
I lead the first two pitches, Jackie the last (crux)

18 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Dans la moyenne
Emma McCambridge
Followed James up. Bit too old school for my liking

18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
duanne white
Lun 1 Oct. 2007
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Jonathan D. Morrow
Jeu 1 Avr 2004
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Classique
Benjamin Carter
Mar 29 Mars 2005
with susy g.

18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Dans la moyenne
Bill Conor
Ven 1 Juil 2005
very soft

18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Glen Buchanan
Mar 13 Avr 2010
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Stephen Parker
Jeu 23 Mars 2006
Done in one long pitch.

18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Bon
Paul Badenoch
Sam 4 Nov. 2006
Three pleasant pitches.

18 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Classique
Susy G
Lun 28 Mars 2005
With Ben. The last pitch is fabulous. Strenuous bridging (I was totally stuffed after my Kachoong efforts and it seemed about grade 20 to me!) and the specific placement opportunities add extra interest and challenge to the climb

18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Bon
muki Woods
Mar 13 Avr 2010
17 Swallows and Amazons Trad 65m Arapiles Bon
Sam 10 Avr 2004
link p1 of this with p3 of Vandal for a great gr17 outing

18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Bon
Wendy Eden
Mar 13 Avr 2010
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Classique
Mike Dixon
Dim 13 Sept 2009
Three great pitches!

18 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Kristy Smith
Dim 13 Sept 2009
I recall topping out on the second pitch saying something like, "We're insane doing this".

18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Sam 20 Août 2011
First two pitches...

18 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Bon
Andrew Clark
Mar 22 Mai 2012
I led the first two pitches as one and Gareth led the last. Enjoyable climbing.

18 17 Vandal - avec Geoff Glendhil Trad 45m Arapiles
Constantine Dritsas
Mar 22 Mars 2011
17 Big Silver Rocket - avec Ray, Norm Trad 20m Arapiles
Kieran Loughran
Sam 20 Oct. 2012
Attractive feature and nice moves through overhang. Took easy right-hand finish. Left-hand groove looks best finishing option. Abseil for Verge

17 Vandal - avec Roo Symond
1 grimpé en tête par Roo
2 grimpé en tête par Roo
3 grimpé en tête par Mike
Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Mike Barnes
Ven 16 Déc 2011
Quite a good fun route really.

18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Gareth Llewellin
Mar 22 Mai 2012
with Andrew C

17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Bon
matt schnabl
Sam 27 Avr 2013
18 17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Simon Upchurch
Mar 7 Mai 2013
18 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Bon
Boyd Robinson
Dim 12 Mai 2013
Gnarly last pitch, lovely first one!

17 Vandal - avec Viv Hughan Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Cameron Roy
Jeu 23 Mai 2013
Linked P1+2. Start fairly strenuous. Second pitch nice. Third pitch superb.

17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Dans la moyenne
Dim 9 Mars 2014
Two really nice pitches, followed by what I think was the worst pitch I have ever done.

17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Bernie Walsh
Jeu 27 Mars 2014
the 3rd pitch is the business, it took me a while to figure the moves out and commit to them! Memorable! Swung leads with Tanya, I had odds.

17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Bon
fred dyer
Mer 30 Avr 2014
17 Swallows and Amazons Trad 65m Arapiles
Wendy Eden
Mar 14 Oct. 2014
17 Vandal - avec Maxy, Ally
1 grimpé en tête par Ally
2 grimpé en tête par Foong
3 grimpé en tête par Maxy
Trad 45m Arapiles Classique
Dim 16 Nov. 2014
Again, good one by maxy on the last pitch! cruxy and shitty fall.

17 Vandal - avec Aly, Foonga Trad 45m Arapiles Classique
Max Lopez
Mer 12 Nov. 2014
Triple team on this. Lucky i got the glorious last pitch. super bridging. Cheers boys!

17 Vandal - avec Sam
1 grimpé en tête par Sam
2 grimpé en tête par Sam
3 grimpé en tête par Tom
Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Tom Collins
Ven 2 Oct. 2015
Committing first sequence

17 Vandal - avec David Gray Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Vanessa Wills
Mer 21 Oct. 2015
I thought sending Dave up first would give me crux pitch, but I wasn't too disappointed when he linked all 3

17 Vandal - avec Seb Trad 45m Arapiles Classique
Chris L
Sam 5 Sept 2015
17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Bon
Douglas Hockly
Mar 17 Nov. 2015
Top bit is good, the start's a bit average

17 Swallows and Amazons - avec Wendy Eden Trad 65m Arapiles Pas la peine
Douglas Hockly
Mar 17 Nov. 2015
Busted two holds off this!

17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Dave Scarlett
Dim 31 Juil 2016
P1 (seconded): Tough start for the grade, then much easier once the groove is gained. P2 (seconded): Excellent, 3-dimensional climbing, where bridging will keep out of the bird poo coated flaring crack! P3 (lead): Crux start with not quite as much protection as you'd like. A BD #6 cam might just be big enough for the crack during the crux though. Used mainly small cams, and double ropes were useful, as the pro tended to alternate between right next to the crack, and about a metre left of it.

17 Vandal - avec Adrian Trad 45m Arapiles Bon
Sam 6 Août 2016
Pretty good. Linked the first two pitches. Top pitch had some cool moves

17 Vandal - avec Perrine Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Dim 4 Sept 2016
17 Vandal - avec Markus Trad 45m Arapiles Bon
Heather Pagram
Dim 2 Oct. 2016
Pretty damn cool. Third pitch is great with an interesting start!

17 Vandal - avec Heather Pagram
1 14 grimpé en tête par Heather
2 13 grimpé en tête par Me
3 17 grimpé en tête par Heather
Trad 45m Arapiles Classique
Sam 8 Oct. 2016
Difficult start of 3rd pitch.

17 Vandal - avec Gabe Oliver Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Seb Oliver
Dim 27 Nov. 2016
17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Chris Harper
Mar 25 Avr 2017
Lead pitches 1 & 3. Fantastic final pitch!

17 Vandal - avec Grant Johnston, shichang
1 13 grimpé en tête par shichang
2 14 grimpé en tête par Grant Johnston
3 17 grimpé en tête par John Pitcairn
Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
John Pitcairn
Mer 3 Mai 2017
Good climbing on each pitch, with stepping into the layback/bridge corner a tad committing just off the belay on the 3rd (assuming you don't do some ridiculous thrutch way way way inside). A #6 is way too small to protect that, there is an 0.5 at the lip but got well above that before being able to stop for more. Pretty cool. The rap sling clusterfuck at the top could do with some rationalization but is OK.

17 Vandal - avec John Pitcairn, shichang
1 grimpé en tête par ShiChang
2 grimpé en tête par Grant
3 grimpé en tête par John
Trad 45m Arapiles Classique
Grant Johnston
Mer 3 Mai 2017
Got the first move on P3 into the hanging corner OK. Disturbing that you then need to do more gymnastics on the next move. Glad I wasn't leading.

17 Vandal - avec V Trad 45m Arapiles
Cameron Hickling
Mar 7 Nov. 2017
17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Rod Vincent
Dim 23 Avr 2017
17 Vandal - avec Ramon Francis
1 14 50m grimpé en tête par Dale Rankin
2 13 grimpé en tête par Dale Rankin
3 17 grimpé en tête par Ramon Francis
Trad 50m Arapiles Excellent
Dale Rankin
Dim 18 Mars 2018
17 Vandal - avec Michael Smith Trad 45m Arapiles Classique
Bernd Schiffer
Dim 25 Mars 2018
Pushing my grade here. Led all three pitches. Start of first pitch is tricky for a 14, rest of p1 and all of p2 cruising. p2 has a nice small cave at the top. Belayed on the boulder right under the crux of p3. The whole climb would've been three stars if the start of p3 were been better protected. There are two small cams on the lip, but then the next 4 m has no pro, and I'm pretty sure I would've decked from 5-6 m height right on the big boulder. Crack is too wide for #6. A single bolt would be nice here. That all said, the moves are just fantastic. Don't get distracted by thinking of climbing the face on the left. You'd get to the letterbox and then there's no way out of there. Bridging is king here, and it's a great and fun way.

17 Vandal - avec Thomas Ruffie
1 14 50m grimpé en tête par Thomas Ruffie
2 13 grimpé en tête par Max Lacoste
3 17
Trad 50m Arapiles
Max Lacoste
Dim 1 Avr 2018
Good first and second pitch. Third one has a very tricky start with no protection for a while, which could lead to decking... Very commiting when leading at that grade. We'll try again

14 Vandal - avec Max Lacoste, MaxoRelaxo
1 14 50m grimpé en tête par Thomas Ruffie
2 13 grimpé en tête par Max Lacoste
3 grimpé en tête par MaxoRelaxo
Trad 50m Arapiles Excellent
Thomas Ruffie
Sam 31 Mars 2018
The first two pitches were great and the third one looked like fun but we decided to bail ( which is easy from the top of the second pitch ) because the first moves were unprotected, committing and a fall would lead to hitting the platform. All in all not a great recipe, but we'll be back after building up more confidence at the grade.

17 Vandal - avec Dan Treacy Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Timmy Wong
Sam 1 Sept 2018
Led P3. Tricky start followed by a runout but good fun

17 Vandal - avec Timmy Wong Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Dan Treacy
Sam 1 Sept 2018
Strung P1&2 together, then Timmy took over for the sketchy start to P3.

17 Vandal
1 17 50m
Trad 50m Arapiles Excellent
Meredith Apple
Sam 29 Sept 2018
17 Vandal - avec Meredith Apple Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Ryan Tranter
Sam 29 Sept 2018
Yeah pitch three was rad and not much gear at the start so a bit committing for the first few moves.

17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Sam 6 Oct. 2018
17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Danny Waugh
Jeu 11 Oct. 2018
18 Vandal
1 14 15 grimpé en tête par Lucas D
2 14 15
3 18 15
Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Lucas D
Mer 1 Mai 2019
Lead first pitch, seconded the others. The 17 is a super tough pitch for average chimney climbers such as myself! Overall fun climb.

17 Vandal - avec Mic, Che Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Gee Rad
Ven 31 Mai 2019
Lead 2 and 3. BETA FOLLOWS: Excellent final pitch! Other commenters seem to be missing the good small wire placement on the chimney's edge of the left wall a few metres up.

17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Michael Hallang
Sam 15 Juin 2019
17 Vandal
1 17 50m grimpé en tête par Pietro Pacchin Tomanin
Trad 50m Arapiles
Pietro Pacchin Tomanin
Mar 23 Avr 2019
17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Erin Francis
Dim 30 Juin 2019
17 Vandal
1 13 18m
2 14 15m
3 17 17m
Trad 50m Arapiles
Mary Grace Stocker
Mer 22 Mai 2019
Somehow I slipped on the last pitch! Good fun though.

17 Vandal - avec cassandra lloyd Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Cameron Hickling
Sam 28 Sept 2019
17 Vandal - avec Sarah Jones, Mark Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Heather Pagram
Sam 19 Oct. 2019
17 Vandal
1 14 17m
2 13 15m
3 17 18m
Trad 50m Arapiles Excellent
Erin Francis
Mer 6 Nov. 2019
17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Sam 7 Déc 2019
17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Guy Moore
Mar 3 Mars 2020
17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Sam Lothringer
Sam 7 Mars 2020
17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Hywel Rowlands
Lun 17 Juin 2013
17 Vandal - avec Pauly G
1 17 50m grimpé en tête par Nut Busting Unicorn
2 grimpé en tête par Pauly G
3 grimpé en tête par Nut Busting Unicorn
Trad 50m Arapiles Excellent
Nut Busting Unicorn
Dim 11 Oct. 2020
One painful dislocated shoulder that came back into place on the final pitch while fighting it out to the end, all in one epic snorkel finding adventure 🤿🥳

17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Brodie Eckert
Ven 18 Déc 2020
16 Vandal - avec Harrie Van de Linde
1 13 50m
2 14
3 16
Trad 50m Arapiles Excellent
Dylan Glavas
Sam 6 Fév 2021
no harder than watchtower crack

17 Vandal - avec Dylan Glavas Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Harrie Van de Linde
Dim 7 Fév 2021
17 Vandal - avec Dan Ferguson
1 17 50m
Trad 50m Arapiles Bon
Sam 6 Fév 2021
17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles Classique
Lun 1 Mars 2021
The final pitch is exciting and well worth the trip. Protection is adequate along the way. Rap out from bolts above pitch 3 and tat above pitch 1.

17 Vandal - avec Claudine Cheah, Andrew
1 14 18m grimpé en tête par Enoch Ko
2 13 15m grimpé en tête par Claudine Cheah
3 17 17m grimpé en tête par Andrew
Trad 50m Arapiles Excellent
Enoch Ko
Dim 28 Mars 2021
17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Dean Bailey
Mar 22 Juin 2021
17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
Fraser Darcy
Ven 18 Déc 2020
17 Vandal Trad 45m Arapiles
claire xian
Jeu 2 Déc 2021
17 Vandal - avec Xab Castor Trad 45m Arapiles Excellent
Tad Karapetian
Mer 5 Mai 2021
bridging practice

17 Vandal - avec kat Trad 45m Arapiles
Dylan Tubaro
Dim 27 Mars 2022

17 Vandal - avec Dylan Tubaro
1 14 50m
2 13
3 17
Trad 50m Arapiles Bon
Kat Liss
Sam 26 Mars 2022
Had a snorkel of a time!!


Affichage de 101 - 200 sur 242 ascensions.

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