
Ascensions dans Australie comme Send par Koalapie

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 731 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Falaise Qualité Date
V4 What a Silly Goat Bloc 6m Stonehenge Excellent Mer 30 Déc 2020
Stunning boulder, probably elevates it to 2stars. Difficulty wise it feels similar to The Dragon Flight Traverse at Rubicon from memory so if you are doing this OS and calling it V2 you are going ok. The right to left is a fraction easier probably new school v3, linking them together just adds pump.

V0 Moby Dick Traverse Bloc 10m Stonehenge Bon Jeu 31 Déc 2020
Probably closer to VB although easy to slip on the moss during OS!

V1 MDT extension Bloc 4m Stonehenge Excellent Jeu 31 Déc 2020
That's a finger jug not a jug. Very solid for V1 particularly if you stick to the slab/crack above the break on the body of the whale as it's a long unpleasant journey down from there if you slip. Combining the MDT+Extension warrants at least 2 stars, if only it were bit less mossy on top.

V1 Butt Crack Bloc 2m Stonehenge Excellent Ven 1 Jan 2021
Demanding, packs a lot of climbing into 2m. Sent with gloves in the end, probably 1 star without gloves unless you are a feather!

V0 SW5 Bloc Stonehenge Bon Ven 8 Jan 2021
Very solid for the grade, good once the beta is sorted.

V1 Whale Tale Bloc Stonehenge Excellent Dim 10 Jan 2021
Not the hardest V1 'round here! Like 1m of climbing, technical and burly at the same time, probably warrants 2 stars, good onsight if you can do it.

V0 SW5 Bloc Stonehenge Bon Sam 9 Jan 2021
Ran up this as warm up couple times today, tough for V0 even though it's short.

V0 SW10 Bloc 3m Stonehenge Excellent Lun 11 Jan 2021
Nails for the grade and a difficult onsite. The directish line as on the toppo is sharp and a bit fierce, then mossy and blankish. Trending right a fraction you have a solid UK5b sequence for the V0 tick, really nice climb.

V0 NE10 Bloc 4m Stonehenge Excellent Mer 13 Jan 2021
3 laps to warm up today on NE10. The whole slab is mega, there looks 4-5 independent lines plus the no hands problem. NE10 V0 looks to take the the slab left of the blunt arete on nice crimps as per toppo. Not documented, climbing the slab right of the blunt arete (between NE10 and the no hands 'stemming' problem) on good crimps is slightly harder probably V0+ 1 star (bit more moss at top and awkward landing you may want a spotter). Koala climbed this onsight today, not bad! Left of NE10 is NE9, the closest thing to V0 here starts as per position on toppo trending slightly right via a small hollow flake, it's higher and harder than NE10 so more like V0+. Left of this in a another independent line on crimps, higher, harder and more awkward landing so not likely V0, will confirm if/when completed. Potentially another line left of this (before you start going 'round to NE22) via the vertical rail and crimps, will take a closer look but again higher and more awkward landing than NE10. Will look to take photo and add to toppo of this sector next time Koala is there, there a looks a fair bit unclimbed here so at some point that's going to need some reorganising as the sector guide/toppos are incomplete and jumbled..

V0+ MDB Craic Bloc 3m Stonehenge Classique Mer 13 Jan 2021
Not likely a FA but it should be documented and deserves a name, much better than Opera House Crack!

V0 NE9 Rabbit Trap Bloc 4m Stonehenge Excellent Mer 13 Jan 2021
Almost Forgot!

V0 Thirst Drop? Bloc 4m Stonehenge Classique Mer 20 Jan 2021
Really good with the sit start.

V0 MDT Drop Bloc 13m Stonehenge Super classique Mer 20 Jan 2021
V0+ B's Knees Bloc 4m Stonehenge Bon Mer 20 Jan 2021
Very mossy topout and arguably eliminate, but still good, nice moves throughout.

V0 Cliffhangers' Gate Bloc 3m Stonehenge Excellent Mer 20 Jan 2021
Worthwhile in it's own right from standing.

V0 NE9 Rabbit Trap Bloc 4m Stonehenge Excellent Mer 20 Jan 2021
Looks like 5 problems on the "Cliffhanger Slab" not including the no hands stemming on the farish right. So left of Rabbit Trap there are a left (via vertical rail) and right (via crimps) lines which merge to a horizontal edge. These are at least a meter higher than Rabbit Trap with similar difficulty of climbing and awkward landing so probably not the V0.

V0 NE10 Bloc 4m Stonehenge Excellent Mer 20 Jan 2021
V0 Cliffhangers' Shaft Bloc 3m Stonehenge Excellent Jeu 21 Jan 2021
Not so much room for a sit or crouch start in there so the wedge-tail start will have to do.

V1 Junior Burger Anti-Vaxxers Bloc 3m Stonehenge Excellent Ven 22 Jan 2021
Few options for the sit start at/near the large crimp, none of them felt particularly easy for Koala. Not far off 3 stars.

V1 SW9 Bloc 3m Stonehenge Bon Jeu 28 Jan 2021
Easy ! Looks to be an independent line a fraction right similar style bit harder.

V1 Fascination Bloc 3m Stonehenge Excellent Jeu 28 Jan 2021
Best problem on the bloc by far to date, worth seeking out.

V0 SW10 Bloc 3m Stonehenge Excellent Sam 30 Jan 2021
Felt easier today, quality little route, I will give it an extra star today.

V1 V1/2 SW-19-Traversee Bloc 5m Stonehenge Excellent Sam 30 Jan 2021
Potential to extend from left will need cleaning and local fauna in undercut might have to move on voluntarily.

V1 SW9 Bloc 3m Stonehenge Excellent Sam 30 Jan 2021
On it bit fresher today, quite intense.

V2 Fascination Traverse Bloc 5m Stonehenge Excellent Lun 8 Fév 2021
V2 V2/3 SW-9-Traverse Bloc 6m Stonehenge Excellent Mar 9 Fév 2021
VB VB-Slab-1 Bloc 3m Stonehenge Bon Jeu 11 Fév 2021
VB-Slabs-1-4 all closer to 2 stars than one, really nice technical press/mantle problems, get on 'em. 5&6 are ok too particularly for newbs.

VB VB-Slab-2 Bloc 3m Stonehenge Bon Jeu 11 Fév 2021
VB VB-Slab-3 Bloc 3m Stonehenge Bon Jeu 11 Fév 2021
VB Vb-Slab-4 Bloc 3m Stonehenge Bon Jeu 11 Fév 2021
V0 S5 Bloc 3m Stonehenge Bon Dim 14 Fév 2021
Fraction harder now that the best section of the flake has snapped off.

V1 VBSl1-S5 Bloc 6m Stonehenge Excellent Dim 14 Fév 2021
V0 S8 Bloc 2m Stonehenge Bon Dim 14 Fév 2021
V0 V0/0+ S9 Bloc 2m Stonehenge Bon Dim 14 Fév 2021
V0+ S4.5 Bloc 3m Stonehenge Bon Mer 24 Fév 2021
Slightly trickier since intermediate crimp has diminished in size, felt quite hard for V0+.

V1 VBSl2-S5 Bloc 7m Stonehenge Excellent Mer 24 Fév 2021
V1 Ampersand Traverse Bloc 4m Stonehenge Bon Jeu 25 Fév 2021
Close to two stars, maybe once it cleans up a bit more. Extension from left (start hold S8/S9) will add at least half a grade, not so easy.

V0 S11 Bloc 4m Stonehenge Jeu 4 Mars 2021
V1 Split the MAQBA ? Bloc 5m Stonehenge Super classique Jeu 4 Mars 2021
Great climb, sit start might add a great or so. Knee pad used.

V1 The Benevolent Biscuit! Bloc 6m Stonehenge Super classique Ven 5 Mars 2021
V1 MAQBA! Bloc 5m Stonehenge Classique Ven 5 Mars 2021
V0+ The Green Rabbit Bloc 6m Stonehenge Excellent Ven 5 Mars 2021
V1 The Full Green Rabbit Bloc 7m Stonehenge Classique Ven 5 Mars 2021
V1 V1/2 Cliffhangers' Slab Centrale Bloc 5m Stonehenge Excellent Ven 5 Mars 2021
V2 NE12 Bloc 4m Stonehenge Excellent Dim 7 Mars 2021
Close to 3 stars.

V0 C4 Bloc 4m Stonehenge Bon Dim 7 Mars 2021
VB CWu4 Bloc 3m Stonehenge Lun 8 Mars 2021
V1 C3 Bloc 4m Stonehenge Bon Mar 9 Mars 2021
Good but a bit contrived/eliminate. Could also be a direct finish but it's likely to be horrendous and a bit harder.

V2 Twin Ridge Traverse 1 Bloc 5m Stonehenge Bon Mar 9 Mars 2021
V0 NE5 Bloc 3m Stonehenge Bon Jeu 11 Mars 2021
Quite good, hard for the grade a touch eliminate. There is a more direct line using the smaller holds. but it's not V0 and may require a cold day. Also a more direct sit start into the arete eliminating the crack/intermediate block also a bit harder.

V0- NE5 Indirect Bloc 4m Stonehenge Jeu 11 Mars 2021
V0+ NE5 Indirect Eliminate Bloc 4m Stonehenge Bon Jeu 11 Mars 2021
V1 Central Trackside Slab & Crack Bloc 8m Stonehenge Classique Jeu 11 Mars 2021
V1 V1/2 Central Trackside Slab & Crack LHV Bloc 8m Stonehenge Bon Jeu 11 Mars 2021
Might pick up an extra star as once the lower holds to gain the slab are established/compact down.

V2 Slurp! Bloc 7m Stonehenge Classique Ven 12 Mars 2021
V2 V2/3 Slurpee! Bloc 7m Stonehenge Excellent Ven 12 Mars 2021
Might pick up an extra star as the top rail cleans up with use.

V3 V3/4 Cola! Bloc 8m Stonehenge Super classique Ven 12 Mars 2021
V2 Cola! RHV Bloc 9m Stonehenge Super classique Ven 12 Mars 2021
VB One Hot Salisbury! Bloc 1m Stonehenge Bon Sam 13 Mars 2021
V3 Long Lap Anticlockwise Bloc 11m Stonehenge Bon Sam 13 Mars 2021
V3 Long Lap Clockwise Bloc 11m Stonehenge Bon Sam 13 Mars 2021
V3 V3/4 CSH!B Hot Lap Bloc 7m Stonehenge Bon Lun 15 Mars 2021
V4 CSH!B Hot Lap-2 Bloc 7m Stonehenge Bon Lun 15 Mars 2021
V4 CSH!B Hot Lap-3+ Bloc 11m Stonehenge Excellent Lun 15 Mars 2021
V4 V4/5 On the South-West Bloc 13m Stonehenge Super classique Mar 16 Mars 2021
Perfect conditions this morning, 5th burn send after 25mins rest and a recovery drink. Transition into crux felt pumpier than expected, crux quite precise even with gloves/tape on .

V3 Winchester Bloc 11m Stonehenge Excellent Dim 21 Mars 2021
With gloves/tape. A unique experience! I would give it 5 stars but too many would disagree.

VB Junior Burger Bloc 3m Stonehenge Lun 8 Nov. 2021
Welcome koala back to Oz Stonehenge awww how cute look at his big fluffy ears!

V0- Junior Burger LHV Bloc 3m Stonehenge Lun 8 Nov. 2021
V0+ X1Crack&Slab Bloc 5m Lake Copeton Ven 12 Nov. 2021
V1 X1Slab Bloc 5m Lake Copeton Ven 12 Nov. 2021
V0+ X2Gravel Crack Bloc 4m Lake Copeton Bon Sam 13 Nov. 2021
V1 X2Gravel Crack Sit Start Bloc 6m Lake Copeton Bon Sam 13 Nov. 2021
V1 V1/2 X2The Road to Gravel Crack Bloc 8m Lake Copeton Excellent Sam 13 Nov. 2021
V0+ Hanging Corner (X7Hanging Corner) Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Bon Sam 13 Nov. 2021
V0+ Prow (X7Prow) Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Bon Sam 13 Nov. 2021
V0+ Prow to Corner Low (X7Prow to Corner Low) Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Bon Sam 13 Nov. 2021
V0+ Prow to Corner High (X7Prow to Corner High) Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Bon Dim 14 Nov. 2021
V0+ X2Short Corner Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Dim 14 Nov. 2021
V0+ Flake Ramp Direct Bloc 5m Lake Copeton Classique Dim 14 Nov. 2021
V0+ Hemisphere Arete Direct Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Bon Lun 15 Nov. 2021
V1 Flake Crack Wall Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Bon Mar 16 Nov. 2021
V1 V1/2 FCW Sit Start Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Excellent Mar 16 Nov. 2021
VB+ Right Wall Bloc 2m Lake Copeton Bon Mar 16 Nov. 2021
Soutenez theCrag ! C'est bon pour votre Karma
cela vous donne droit à de grands avantages sur la plate-forme et ailleurs.
VB Right of Flake Bloc 2m Lake Copeton Mer 17 Nov. 2021
V1 Backside Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Excellent Mer 17 Nov. 2021
V1 Frontside Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Classique Mer 17 Nov. 2021
V1 V1/2 Frontside LHV Bloc 4m Lake Copeton Excellent Mer 17 Nov. 2021
V0+ Backside Direct Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Excellent Mer 17 Nov. 2021
V0 Left of Prow Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Bon Jeu 18 Nov. 2021
V1 V1/2 First World Bloc 4m Lake Copeton Classique Jeu 18 Nov. 2021
V1 Mattexrhot! Joker Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Classique Ven 19 Nov. 2021
V3 Gimme Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Excellent Ven 19 Nov. 2021
VB+ Trees Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Bon Ven 19 Nov. 2021
V2 Honkfo'shat! 2 Bloc 4m Lake Copeton Excellent Sam 27 Nov. 2021
V1 Honkfo'shat! Bloc 3m Lake Copeton Bon Sam 27 Nov. 2021
V0- Feather Bloc 4m Lake Copeton Mer 1 Déc 2021
V1 Bulge Centre Bloc 2m Lake Copeton Bon Jeu 2 Déc 2021
V2 Bulge Left Bloc 2m Lake Copeton Bon Jeu 2 Déc 2021
V1 Bulge Centre Bloc 2m Lake Copeton Bon Jeu 2 Déc 2021
V2 Bulge Left Bloc 2m Lake Copeton Bon Jeu 2 Déc 2021

Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 731 ascensions.

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