
Ascensions dans Australie comme croix de types variés par Matt Boulton

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Affichage de 101 - 200 sur 255 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Falaise Qualité Date
23 Sa-raie Moulinette 18m Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 10 Mai 2008
Never done this one before. That's great, but I wouldn't like to lead it with 3 KP Pitons. Yikes!

22 Froth Sportive 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point Classique Sam 20 Mai 2006
I really should lead this one soon.

22 Euthanasia V Sportive 17m, 2 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 29 Juil 2006
Woo hoo!

22 Crossed With No Name Sportive 20m, 4 Kangaroo Point Super classique Sam 28 Avr 2007
What can I say? This is a mega-classic which deserves way more traffic.

23 Love Hurts Sportive 20m, 5 Kangaroo Point Classique Sam 13 Mai 2006
Every time I climb this sucker, I bleed. This time in two places. Thoroughly worth it though!

22 G & M's Climb Trad mixte 20m, 4 Kangaroo Point Classique Sam 17 Mai 2008
Can't believe this was on my ghost list. Fell up it this time. Great climb!

21 The Rasp Sportive 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point Ven 19 Sept 2003
Exhillirating direct start

21 White Dopes on Punk Sportive 13m, 3 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 7 Juil 2007
Absolutely classy from the huge dyno start to finish. Freakin' awesome!

22 Pre Menstrual Tendons Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Excellent Jeu 12 Juil 2007
I'm sure I've done this clean before.

21 Idiot Wind Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Classique Lun 26 Sept 2005
Absolutely Sensational! The stuff classics are made of!

21 Idiot Wind Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Classique Sam 23 Sept 2006
Sensational! What a true classic!

22 Pre Menstrual Tendons Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 2 Fév 2008

21 Euthanasia Sportive 17m, 4 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 24 Mai 2003

21 Idiot Wind Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Classique Sam 8 Sept 2007
It's about time I led this one.

21 Junket Sportive 17m, 5 Kangaroo Point Dans la moyenne Sam 22 Déc 2007

21 The Rasp Sportive 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point Classique Sam 8 Sept 2007
Tough start, but a classic.

20 Postmodernist Blues Trad mixte 20m, 2 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 28 Avr 2007
Fantastic line! Avoid the temptation to waver. For best enjoyment, stay direct.

19 Radioactive Cheerio D Trad mixte 18m, 3 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 8 Juil 2006
Great crux!

20 Corner of Eden Trad 35m Frog Buttress Super classique Ven 8 Fév 2008
I'm very proud to have done this clean. What an adventure! A beautiful climb!

20 Snake in the Grass Trad mixte 20m, 2 Kangaroo Point Bon Sam 10 Mai 2008
20 Move Over Brussel Sprout Sportive 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 5 Août 2006
This time with ease. Nearly ready to lead it?!

20 Pommy Bastard Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Mar 13 Avr 2010
20 Valve Replacement Technicians Sportive 18m, 6 Kangaroo Point Excellent Jeu 15 Mars 2007
Pretty stiff for a 20! Nice climb, but fiddly.

20 Keepings Off Moulinette 18m Kangaroo Point Excellent Jeu 12 Juil 2007
Keep off Froth and Arrow, start at the roof and stay direct. A great TR only route for now, but definitely worthy of some bolts. ; )

20 Postmodernist Blues Trad mixte 20m, 2 Kangaroo Point Bon Sam 26 Juil 2003
20 Move Over Brussel Sprout Sportive 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point Excellent Lun 21 Avr 2003
One old heartbreaker meets another. Again 19/11/05

20 After the Gold Rush Sportive 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point Bon Sam 5 Juil 2003
Route finding difficult.

20 Move Over Brussel Sprout Sportive 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 20 Mai 2006
What a heartbreaker. Almost made me dog, the old girl. Sheez.

20 Kiwi Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Bon Sam 8 Juil 2006

20 32A Trad mixte 20m, 3 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 28 Avr 2007
Crux at the start and middle. A great climb!

20 Heap of Shit Trad 17m Kangaroo Point Bon Sam 15 Jan 2005
A Soft 20 on TR

20 Zac Trad 20m Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 18 Fév 2006
Nice crack-work at the top. Not recommended as a lead climb!

20 Blue Veined Custard Shooter Trad 18m Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 19 Nov. 2005
Nice crux. Gotta love this old heartbreaker.

19 Manacubus Sportive 16m, 3 Kangaroo Point Excellent Jeu 30 Août 2007

19 Anonymous Arete Trad 18m Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 4 Oct. 2003
An exciting climb

19 The Bolting Gestapo Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Excellent Jeu 18 Mai 2006
Nice onsight by Bruce. Well done.

19 Surrender Sportive 20m, 5 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 10 Mai 2008
19 Avatar Sportive 40m, 9 Mt Tinbeerwah Classique Mer 16 Août 2006
With Leigh on lead. Well done on the onsight despite the Girraween tinkle from the 6th bolt.

19 Gynaecology Trad mixte 20m, 2 Kangaroo Point Classique Sam 13 Mai 2006
Still one of my very favorite climbs. A real Thriller.

19 Avatar Sportive 40m, 9 Mt Tinbeerwah Classique Mer 29 Déc 2004
Well done Marcus, despite missing 3 bolts!

19 Chubba Chips Mods Trad mixte 20m, 3 Kangaroo Point Classique Sam 4 Août 2007
Brilliant climb! One of the very best at KP.

19 Moonlight Fantasia Trad mixte 18m, 1 Kangaroo Point Classique Sam 8 Mars 2008
What a classic

19 Plunging for Mudbunnies Sportive 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point Excellent Jeu 30 Août 2007
Wow! I'm glad I wasn't leading. That's one tough 19!

19 Surrender Sportive 20m, 5 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 22 Avr 2006

19 Wrath of Grapes VF Sportive 20m, 4 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 17 Mai 2008
Awesome slab!

19 Surrender Sportive 20m, 5 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 10 Nov. 2007
19 Chubba Chips Mods Trad mixte 20m, 3 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 9 Sept 2006
Still one of my favorite climbs. Awesome!

19 Moonlight Fantasia Trad mixte 18m, 1 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 10 Sept 2005
I was surprised to find that I have previously cleaned this. Must have been a while ago. Great Route!

19 Moonlight Fantasia Trad mixte 18m, 1 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 27 Jan 2007
An old favorite

19 Surrender Sportive 20m, 5 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 26 Août 2006
Very gutsy lead by Candyman. Well done mate. You have bigger credentials than me!

19 Gynaecology Trad mixte 20m, 2 Kangaroo Point Classique Sam 26 Juil 2003
A must do climb!

17 Vegemite Trad mixte 18m, 3 Kangaroo Point Mar 13 Avr 2010
18 Socketh It Unto Me Trad 18m Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 9 Avr 2005
Great little route. Even in the rain.

18 (Nursery) Climb 10 Trad 10m Kangaroo Point Bon Sam 5 Fév 2005
Committing first bolt. Take small cams. Well led Markxman!

18 Sacrilege Crack Trad 25m Frog Buttress Bon Ven 27 Juin 2003
Very solid.

17 Vegemite Trad mixte 18m, 3 Kangaroo Point Bon Sam 4 Août 2007
Tough in places

18 Adam's Rib DS Trad 17m Kangaroo Point Dans la moyenne Sam 25 Oct. 2008

18 A Quickie Before Dinner Sportive 10m, 2 Kangaroo Point Bon Mar 19 Juin 2007
Great leading Bruce. Well done! Mentally challenging for an 18 IMHO. Only 2 bolts.

18 Brickie's Butt Crack RHF Trad mixte 20m, 3 Kangaroo Point Bon Sam 10 Mars 2007
This is a truly great climb. Love it.

18 Up a Rat in a Drainpipe Sportive 20m, 7 Brooyar Classique Sam 10 Jan 2009
Worthy of more stars and attention. Brilliant exposure and great climbing. Well led Bruce!

18 Brickie's Butt Crack LHF Trad mixte 20m, 4 Kangaroo Point Classique Sam 21 Fév 2004
Great finish. One of the best cracks at KP!

18 Brickie's Butt Crack RHF Trad mixte 20m, 3 Kangaroo Point Bon Sam 23 Oct. 2004
'neath a shower of Markxman's sweat. Great lead.

18 Pterodactyl Sportive 17m, 5 Kangaroo Point Bon Mar 13 Avr 2010
18 EGO LHV Trad mixte 18m, 3 Kangaroo Point Bon Sam 25 Sept 2004
Cool climb. Dangerous lead.

17 Troposphere p2 - avec Patrick Simon Sportive 110m Mt Tibrogargan Bon Mer 6 Jan 2021
18 Troposphere p3 - avec Patrick Simon Sportive 110m Mt Tibrogargan Excellent Mer 6 Jan 2021
17 By Ignorance RHV Trad 18m Kangaroo Point Mar 13 Avr 2010
17 Exhilarant Trad 18m Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 13 Nov. 2004
Sandbagsville! Go direct over the roof for maximum exhillirant!

17 Mission Impossible Trad 18m Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 12 Août 2006
An old favorite. Love the drop-knee at the crux.

17 Dysentery Sportive 18m, 6 Kangaroo Point Excellent Jeu 7 Juin 2007
Barefoot and in the rain. Quite a sensual experience.

17 Free Range Heggs Sportive 20m, 8 Brooyar Classique Sam 10 Jan 2009
Awesome climb, worthy of 3 stars. Breathtaking exposure. Quite pumpy. Take brackets.

17 Bombadil Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Bon Jeu 18 Mai 2006
Too tired to lead it. Nice red-point Bruce.

17 Dysentery Sportive 18m, 6 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 9 Fév 2008
Very sandy today.

17 Bombadil Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Mar 13 Avr 2010
17 Ensorcelled Trad 45m Mt Ngungun Bon Mer 16 Avr 2003
17 Minotaur p1 Sportive 20m, 6 Serpent Classique Jeu 27 Déc 2007
Excellent climb. Take a sling for the tree and the recommended cam.

17 Free Range Heggs Sportive 20m, 8 Brooyar Classique Sam 10 Jan 2009
A sensational climb. Awesome exposure. Don't forget bolt-plates.

17 Smoked Banana Trad 40m Frog Buttress Classique Lun 27 Mars 2006
An awesome climb. Great roof problem. The sqeeze chimney rocks! Give it up you whinging sooks!

17 Eddy Goes To Gay Bars P1 Trad 35m Kangaroo Point Bon Sam 22 Déc 2007
I think this was the route I did. It looked like a traddie.

17 Exhilarant Trad 18m Kangaroo Point Classique Sam 2 Juin 2007
Despite the grade, better show this old cow some respect, or she'll boot you hard!

17 Pocket Full Of Kryptonite Sportive 12m, 4 Mt Ngungun Excellent Sam 17 Nov. 2007
Started on Keyhole's chimney, then into PFOK in the rain. A great route nevertheless.

17 Web Trad 20m Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 10 Mars 2007
Woo hoo! What a sensational finish. Gotta love it. ; )

17 Mission Impossible Trad 18m Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 9 Avr 2005
In the rain. No wucka's!

17 Sports Fan Sportive 45m, 11 Mt Tinbeerwah Excellent Mer 29 Déc 2004
Loved it! will return to lead it.

17 Wrath of Grapes Trad mixte 20m, 2 Kangaroo Point Mar 13 Avr 2010
17 Grey Mist Trad 30m Point Perpendicular Super classique Dim 6 Mai 2007
The talk of Pt Perp. A simply breathtaking climb. I must lead this one day.

17 Slippery When Wet Sportive 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 1 Juil 2006
Still a great crank.

17 Wrath of Grapes Trad mixte 20m, 2 Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 17 Mai 2008
Nice lay-back by KP standards

17 Cox's Overhang Trad 17m Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 29 Oct. 2005
Nice roof problem at halfway. Love it.

17 Pocket Full Of Kryptonite Sportive 12m, 4 Mt Ngungun Excellent Ven 21 Mars 2008
By the light of the Good Friday full-moon. Great!

17 Lost in Space Trad 18m Kangaroo Point Excellent Sam 2 Fév 2008
Nice finish

17 Lost in Space Trad 18m Kangaroo Point Mar 13 Avr 2010
17 Web Trad 20m Kangaroo Point Mar 13 Avr 2010
17 Slippery When Wet Sportive 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point Mar 13 Avr 2010
17 Ensorcelled Trad 45m Mt Ngungun Excellent Ven 29 Juin 2007
By the light of the blue moon. Truly awesome!

16 Over De'void Sportive 15m, 3 Brooyar Dans la moyenne Mer 29 Jan 2003
16 Castor Trad 22m Frog Buttress Excellent Mar 10 Août 2004
Too Bold for me to lead!

16 Robbie's Robust Runners VF Trad 20m Kangaroo Point Mar 13 Avr 2010
15 Tombstone Row Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Mar 13 Avr 2010
16 Adam's Rib DF Trad 17m Kangaroo Point Mar 13 Avr 2010

Affichage de 101 - 200 sur 255 ascensions.

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