
Ascensions dans Jean Jaurès Wall

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 416 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Falaise Qualité Grimpeur Date
19 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Ben Jenga
Dim 29 Jan 2012
FFA. Fun slabby jugs getting steeper to the anchours. A couple long draws on the first two U bolts will help avoid drag.

19 18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Susy G
Mar 28 Fév 2012
With Matt. Nice and long - will clean up to be a classic beginner lead

19 18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Classique
Matt Schimke
Mar 28 Fév 2012

19 18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Paul Frothy Thomson
Sam 31 Mars 2012
Maybe soft for the grade, but as some of the holds go it will probably be on the money. Quite good climbing, long, and not too intimidating. The rock is pretty solid, and I enjoyed it as a warmup. Thanks Ben!

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne
Matthew Glendenning
Sam 9 Fév 2013
Sketchy. Take care. Lots of fragile rock

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Geoff Campbell
Dim 24 Fév 2013
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Ryan Whelan
Ven 29 Mars 2013
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Boyd Robinson
Lun 1 Avr 2013
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
matt hoschke
Mer 10 Avr 2013
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Lun 22 Avr 2013
Sometime mid 2012. Maybe flash can't remember.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Ven 12 Juil 2013
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne
Matthew Glendenning
Mar 10 Déc 2013
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Taib Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Jeu 26 Déc 2013
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Matt Brooks
Nice long and easy moves. good warm up!

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Sam 22 Mars 2014
The rock is a little dubious but a nice long pumper for the grade nonetheless. Pretty good for a warm up

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Tonile Wortley
Lun 21 Avr 2014
Couldn't quite get there. Fun, though.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne
John Drake
Sam 26 Avr 2014
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Matt Springall
Lun 21 Avr 2014
Second to clean after Tonile had a go - awesome job!

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
James Leahy
Sam 31 Mai 2014
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Matt Brooks Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Sam 13 Déc 2014
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Matt Brooks
Sam 13 Déc 2014
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Michelle Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Bernie Walsh
Lun 29 Déc 2014
Fun climbing on good holds and very well protected.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Ramon Francis Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Dale Rankin
Jeu 15 Jan 2015
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Jason Smith Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Rob Medlicott
Dim 8 Fév 2015
Thought i'd do something easy, while was over here belaying Pommy. It was long and fun for the grade.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Jacqui Hume Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Jacqui Hume
Dim 25 Jan 2015
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Lee Cujes
Sam 22 Août 2015
30m of jugging. Quite good! Nice warm up or cool down.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Fil Pulido
Dim 11 Oct. 2015
Pretty tired but got up without too much trouble. Not used to longer climbs but had fun.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Georgia Rose Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Jens Plinke
Mar 8 Déc 2015
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Vanessa Wills
Sam 30 Jan 2016
The nicer of these two, better rock quality

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Fil Pulido, Vanessa Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Rob Medlicott
Sam 23 Avr 2016
Warm up

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Rob Medlicott Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Fil Pulido
Sam 23 Avr 2016
Warm Up. Not used to climbs this long, pumpy, but fun.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne
John Drake
Sam 2 Juil 2016
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Andrew Stevenson Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Matt Short
Dim 21 Août 2016
Fun climbing.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Dim 28 Août 2016
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Grazi Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Sam 27 Août 2016
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Delfine Cheng
Sam 6 Juin 2015
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Sami Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Sam 19 Nov. 2016
Pretty decent warm up for this side.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Sam 19 Nov. 2016
Good warmup

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
tim fredrickson
Mar 6 Déc 2016
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Hannah Skjellerup
Ven 9 Déc 2016
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec karine deberdt Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne
Craig Hitchcock
Lun 2 Jan 2017
Warm up

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Dim 8 Jan 2017
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Anton Vinokurov
Dim 8 Jan 2017
Long, good warm up

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Jason McCarthy
Jeu 12 Jan 2017
Long and easy jug hauling. Decent rock.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Dim 22 Jan 2017
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Jara, Mike Moore Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Craig Hitchcock
Sam 21 Jan 2017
Warm up

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Nathan Condon Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Nathan Condon
Sam 14 Jan 2017
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Niki Conway
Mar 21 Fév 2017
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Jason McCarthy
Mer 22 Fév 2017

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Niki Conway, Matt Minus Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Milica Djurovic
Lun 28 Nov. 2016
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Ro-boat, Matt Minus Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Hannah Skjellerup
Dim 7 Mai 2017
Fell off hanging draws

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Ro-boat Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Hannah Skjellerup
Dim 7 Mai 2017
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Tom Bjorksten
Sam 27 Mai 2017
Dodgy looking and feeling rock but nothing came off.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Tom Bjorksten Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Milica Djurovic
Sam 27 Mai 2017
Nice climb minus the few bits of crumbly rock. Pumped out just before chains due to hesitating for too long - should have pushed through. Will tick this next time.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Dan Theman
Dim 28 Mai 2017
Another great one to get the blood flowing.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Tom Bjorksten
Dim 16 Juil 2017
Repeat warm up

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Niki Conway Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Milica Djurovic
Dim 23 Juil 2017
Literally punted at the chains Annoyed I didn't get this but surprised I didn't fall off earlier with 40km/h winds, screaming barfies, choss and holds breaking off.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Niki Conway
Dim 23 Juil 2017
Numb hands and a classic Milica short rope prevented a flash of this one but next time for sure.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Milica Djurovic
Dim 13 Août 2017
Warm up. Nearly pumped off at the top but managed to stick it.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Ro-boat Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Hannah Skjellerup
Ven 25 Août 2017
Warm up

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Christian Lopez
Mer 19 Oct. 2016
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Classique
Geoff Cooper
Dim 21 Jan 2018
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Hannah Skjellerup
Mer 7 Fév 2018
warm up. Still pumpy

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Jarrod, Ro-boat, Matt Minus Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Hannah Skjellerup
Sam 10 Fév 2018
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Wade Stewart, Jenna Brady Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Viona Young
Dim 1 Avr 2018
Really good climbing from about halfway. Great for a nice long warm up.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Tim Mayer
Lun 2 Avr 2018
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Jenna Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Tom Collins
Sam 14 Avr 2018
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Hannah Skjellerup
Dim 15 Avr 2018
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Jason Nguyen
Sam 30 Juin 2018
F-f-f-freezing. Really quality 18 though; was quite pumped at the top but it may have been the cold?

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Jenna Brady Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Viona Young
Dim 1 Juil 2018
Repeat. Such a great warm up.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Josh Lee
Lun 9 Juil 2018
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Dim 29 Juil 2018
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Dim 12 Août 2018
5 degrees and getting blasted by arctic winds made me think I had chosen poorly

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Scott Parker
Sam 29 Sept 2018
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Brent, amanda Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Tom Collins
Sam 17 Nov. 2018
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Julie Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Andreas Aachen
Ven 28 Déc 2018
Nice long warm up

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Jeu 3 Jan 2019
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Emily Small Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Ludek Sykora
Sam 5 Jan 2019
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Dim 31 Mars 2019
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec james ritchie Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Marty W
Mar 16 Avr 2019
Great climb toward the end ! Wouldn’t mind trying the others to the left next time we go !

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
C Bro
Dim 21 Avr 2019
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
chou chou halperin
Ven 12 Avr 2019
Perfect warmup. Super long with no strenuous moves.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Marty W Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
james ritchie
Dim 7 Avr 2019
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Pas la peine
James vilimaa
Lun 6 Mai 2019
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
james ritchie
Dim 5 Mai 2019
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Christian Aloysius Red
Mar 14 Mai 2019
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Rick Helm
Mar 21 Mai 2019
Such a rad climb!!!

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Mar 21 Mai 2019
Mad jug haul.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Dim 26 Mai 2019
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec oliver kerr, Dave Hoyle Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Super classique
Kate Riordan
Dim 9 Juin 2019
Best 18 I've ever done. Fun and interesting climbing the whole way. Worth three stars!

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Sam 29 Juin 2019
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Ryan Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Lun 1 Juil 2019
Well bolted I don't know why the guide says this is on spaced bolts.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Greer Knight Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Dim 4 Août 2019
Actually pretty fun and well bolted! The guide description states otherwise haha

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Josephine Roper
Sam 28 Sept 2019
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Connor Smith
Dim 20 Oct. 2019
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Classique
Mar 31 Mars 2020
Now it's been cleaned this thing is classic as

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
William Skea
Mer 27 Mai 2020
18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec kim, Roxy Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent
Ayla Rowe
Dim 31 Mai 2020
Really enjoyed this climb! Long with fun and interesting moves. Sustained climb - got a bit technical and pumpy towards the top - move fast! Would do this again.

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Katja Gavran Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Bon
Marty W
Mer 17 Juin 2020
Warm ups

18 Slip, Snap, Splash. - avec Tim Clarkson Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains
Adrian Kladnig
Ven 26 Juin 2020

Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 416 ascensions.

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