
Voies dans Mount Wellington

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 897 voies.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
Summit Boulders Invisible Area
V11 Invisible Passports Sit

Sit start low on steep pillar with hard compression, move up and out via burly climbing. Might be easier, grade needs confirming

FA: James Trainer

Bloc 3m
Summit Boulders Asylum Years Area
V11 Le Grand Pillier

Sit start the right hand arete of the pillar, hard moves off ground follow arete to mantle top.

Summit Boulders The Promised Land Bad Dreams Boulder
V10 Rauls Bad Dreams

Hang start on good holds head up and left via burly compression moves. Chockstone is out.

FA: Ollie Miller, 2022

Lost World Area Big Bend Boulders Western Front Passchendale
V10 Time Flies

The very slopey bulge, head up and right.

Bloc 4m
Neika Blade Runner buttress
31 Future Shock

Start at offwidth/chimney and head steeply right

FA: Jake Bresnehan, 2006

Sportive 8m
Sphinx Rock Main face
31 Spaced Out

Links Space Invader in to Storm Trooper, a very sustained piece of climbing.

FA: Jake Bresnehan, 2005

Sportive 15m
Sphinx Rock Nerm's Boulder
V9 The Vampire Song

A fun linkup. Start as for Blood Letting then reverse The Turd Burglar and finish up Yoshimi.

Summit Boulders Invisible Area
V9 Planned Aspiration

Sit start the double crack feature of the hanging sword, climb out and up the sword.

Bloc 3m
V9 Invisible Passports

Start low on steep pillar with a high heel cam, move up and out via burly climbing. It was originally climbed without the heel at V11.

FA: James Trainer

Bloc 3m
Lost World Area Big Bend Boulders Lost block
V9 Right arete

SDS the right hand arete. Stand start is ~V3

Bloc 3m
Sphinx Rock Main face
30 Space Invader

Starts as for Rambo but heads direct.

FA: G. Phillips, 2004

Sportive 12m
The Organ Pipes The Columns
30 Freedom

Probably the hardest route on the Pipes and a magnificent line, taking the arête and wall to the R of of Icarus.

Access via a 30m abseil from rap station above the slab that caps Battlements Column, to the Middle Battlement (top of pitch 2 of Battlements).

A reachy and powerful boulder problem at half-height offers some amazing moves in an outrageous position. A finger-sized cam can be handy to protect the post crux section.

FA: Jake Bresnehan, 2010

Sportive 25m
Sphinx Rock Sphinx's Nose
V8 Al's Traverse

Can't remember too many details of this. It started at Unremembered or Crimpfest and continued to the top out right.

Summit Boulders The Promised Land Waterguns Boulder
V8 Waterguns

Up face via thin sidepull crimp

FA: Aaron Galligan, 2022

Summit Boulders The Promised Land April Boulders
V8 The Soccer Ball

Sit start compressing face, make a big move up then mantle.

FA: Joe Schwarz, 2024

Summit Boulders Fence area
V8 Sugarlumps

This problem is as exposed as it looks. Well, you won't fall to Hobart, but there is a several meter drop onto some ugly rocks.

FA: J. Trainer, 2010

Lost World Area Big Bend Boulders Lost block
V8 Left arete

SDS the left hand arete

Bloc 3m
V6 - 8
Lost World Area Big Bend Boulders Lost World Boulders The Pinnacles
V6 - 8 Restless Ambition

Sit start the front of the left hand pinnacle is a very hard looking 30 degree overhanging finger crack. Hard to grade V6-V9?

FA: Mike Hitchcock, 2017

Bloc 5m
Neika Kick Start Area
29 kickstart

Hard line up the good looking arete, great boulder problem.

FA: garry phillips

Sportive 15m, 7
Neika Blade Runner buttress
29 Blubber Boy

Awesome final section. As for Blade Runner but keep heading leftwards.

FA: G.Phillips, 2006

Sportive 15m
The Organ Pipes Rockaway and Amphitheatre
29 Priapism

Climbs the arête left of Slap Dancer. Reach dependant compression moves to barn door hell.


FA: G. Phillips & Mar 2011, 2011

Sportive 10m, 6
The Organ Pipes Flange Buttress
29 Pleasant Screams Direct

One of the best climbs on the pipes.

Climb Pleasant Screams to just below the midway anchor then follow the line of bolts to the top in one mega pitch.

Avoid moving into After Midnight and Brown Madonna, not as contrived as it sounds.

FA: S. Parsons, 2007

Sportive 50m
Neika Blade Runner buttress
28 Blade Runner

Starts up New C4's to the last bolt then traverses L along a break on tiny holds to a hard boulder problem finish.

FA: G.Phillips, 2006

Sportive 15m
Sphinx Rock Main face
28 Lean Mean Fighting Machine Direct

Direct start to Lean Mean Fighting Machine

FA: G. Phillips, 2005

Sportive 15m
28 Lean Mean Fighting Machine

A desperate endeavour 10m R of Fear Factory. Crank through the bulging wall to a rest in the corner. Traverse R along the break and then up via a desperate boulder problem finish.

FA: G. Phillips, 2004

Sportive 15m
28 Calm Before The Storm

Located 2m R of Ignition Sequence Start. Scramble up the slab and crank through the bulge and then move R to lower from the chains of Rambo.

FA: G. Phillips, 2004

Sportive 15m
28 Scandal Savage

Climbs the line of U bolts up the face then through the large 7m roof to a dbb 2 meters around the lip of roof. Nice technical face, then a tough 4 move boulder problem getting into the roof jugs then crank through to the dbb. Back jump to clean, dont lower off the bolts over the lip as there is lots of rope drag.

FA: adam bogus, 3 Avr 2016

Sportive 15m, 10
Lost World Area Lost World
28 Gargamell

Bolted arête right of Lost Wanderer. Sustained and powerful.

FA: Al Williams, 2004

Sportive 25m
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
28 Mira Mira

The line of bolts on the R side of the chasm. Brilliant steep bouldery moves lead to easier arete climbing before joining Vanity.

All bolts apart from an optional 0.3 cam on the face traverse of Vanity at mid height.

FA: N. Perndt, 2013

Sportive 35m
The Organ Pipes The Columns
28 The Brush Tail Extension

Two pitch extension of 'Tularaemia' adds 30m of additional climbing and increases the grade. 3 15m 27, 8 bolts 4 15m 28, 8 bolts

Sportive 30m, 2, 16
Sphinx Rock Nerm's Boulder
V7 Blood Letting

Do the first move of Blood Stains then head right into the V0 via some powerful moves.

Sphinx Rock Sphinx's Nose
V7 Hushed by an Angel

Long low traverse along the edge, under the nose and up and out the entrance. Named after the Philtrum.

FA: Mike Hitchcock, 2019

Bloc 8m
The Springs Symbiosis Boulder
V7 Three-horned bird

Start in back of cave on two flat sidepulls. Move up through small v-slot to a tricky mantle. Named after the three-horned bird orchid's growing on the adjacent boulder.

Summit Boulders The Promised Land Bad Dreams Boulder
V7 Bowling Alley

Stand start on far left of boulder and traverse right on slopers to finish up Rauls Bad Dreams

FA: Riley Thurstans, 2023

Summit Boulders The Promised Land Spannend Boulder
V7 Spannend

Sit start on obvious pinch and low horizontal crack. Head up and right.

FA: Raul Schwarz, 2022

Summit Boulders Snowflakes Area
V7 Kaiserschmarrn

Start on middle of big sloper, punch straight up into roof and top out as for Pancakes

Bloc 7m
Summit Boulders Fence area
V6/7 V6

"Either a two star v6 or a one star v7." Sit start, up the face on unlikely looking holds which all seem to face the wrong direction.

FA: Tommy Krauss, 10 Fév 2019

Bloc 5m
Sphinx Rock Main face
27 Storm Trooper

Start as for Calm Before the Storm but go direct through the roof and to the chains of Ignition Sequence Start.

FA: G. Phillips, 2004

The Organ Pipes Rockaway and Amphitheatre
27 The Fifth Elephant

The bolted blunt arête starting just right of Completion Backwards Principle.

Wanders back and forth via. 3 distinct boulder problems.

Possibly 28.

FA: A. Williams, 2001

Sportive 25m
27 Slap Dancer

Some of the best moves on the pipes. The two north facing arêtes of Albert's Tomb.

Tricky mantle to fridge hugging finish.

FA: S. Edwards, 1997

Sportive 10m, 5
The Organ Pipes Teardrop Gully
27 Shaolin

The line of bolts to the left of The Colour of Magic. Scramble up the large corner then step right to gain the second bolt. Climb the shallow corner then move right into the thin layaway seam, following this to tricky topout.

Sportive 25m
The Organ Pipes University Buttress
27 Kwang Hwa Lantern
Sportive 20m
27 R
The Organ Pipes The Columns
27 R Duckling

The line just left of Killer Canary. Up corner crack via. stems and laybacks to a flared crack on the face. Awesome but runout climbing past fiddly gear leads to a short flared crack before joining Killer Canary after it's traverse.

Small offset Aliens pretty much essential to protect adequately.

You can start from the grassy ledge at wide 16ish but it's not that great, a small ledge about 12m up is comfy and avoids it.

FA: Fév 2019

Trad 30m
Sphinx Rock Nerm's Boulder
V6 Ganamatronix

Sit start at sidepull 2m left of the arete. Move right to the arete and climb up the steep side of the arete, moving right at the top.

FA: Morgen Hosking, 2005

Bloc 5m
V6 Yoshimi...

Sit start off good jug just above left hand end of low rail. Straight up to pocket and sidepulls and over bulge

Bloc 4m
V6 The Turd Burglar Direct

Sit start on crimps just left of Yoshimi, crank up right to good edge then continue as for Turd Burglar.

The Springs Symbiosis Boulder
V6 Symbiosis
Bloc 4m
Summit Boulders The Promised Land Himmel Boulder
V6 Himmel Und Erde

Sit start at back of cave, big moves lead to a tricky move to gain the lip and mantle, top out up groove.

FA: Raul Schwarz

Summit Boulders The Promised Land Fish Boulder
V6 Fish Lips

Climbs the arete and face. Sit start with crimp in the roof and left hand on positive rail.

Summit Boulders The Promised Land Shattered Plains Boulder
V6 Shattered Plains

Hang start on lowest jugs, some tricky moves up the face above.

FA: Lewis Traill, 2022

Summit Boulders Asylum Years Area
V6 Le Grande Pincèe

5 metres to the right of Le Petit Pillier is a very nice compression line. Sit start with a hand on each arete and a good left foot, strenuous from there. Stay away from the ominous hole on the left and top out straight via slightly sketchy but fun mantle directly up the lower face.

Bloc 4m
V6 This High To RIde

Behind pelier boulder. SDS on the chockstone on the right. Using both aretes sidepull and toehook your way up to a climatic finish. Worth bringing an extra pad to stuff in the hole. Grade is very height dependant.

FA: Fraser, Oct. 2021

Bloc 3m
Summit Boulders Fence area
V6 Fatman

Sit start on flake in middle of block, move left and up to mantle via left arete and right sidepull above flake. Surprisingly good problem! Don't use holds to the right of left block.

FA: Tommy Krauss, 2014

Bloc 3m
Lost World Area Big Bend Boulders Western Front Passchendale
V6 Passchendaele SDS

SDS to Passchendaele

Bloc 3m
Neika Kick Start Area
26 Sleep, Eat, Bolt, Climb, Repeat

Slightly overhanging wall R of Kickstart. 5 Bolts to lower off. Technical crux midway leading to juggier finish.

FA: A. Lewis & S. Young, 2010

Sportive 15m, 5
Neika Big Roof Buttress
26 Cheese
Sportive 15m
26 Chalk
Sportive 15m
Sphinx Rock Main face
26 First Blood

Climb Fear Factory then drop down and continue traversing along lip past another five U-bolts to a rap station.

FA: S. Edwards, 1997

Sportive 20m
26 Firewire

Short and intense, starts 5m right of SSSH. Bolts through overhang.

FA: G. Phillips, 2004

Sportive 8m
Lost World Area Micro World
26 Dying Breed
Trad mixte 12m, 3
Lost World Area Lost World
26 Endorphine

The bolted arête to the left of Dyazide and right of Great Southern Land, starting from the ledge at half height.

FA: K. Robinson & Jan 2004., 2004

Sportive 20m, 6
26 Carhookia
Sportive 20m
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
26 Yugi Crack

Climb the super thin crack, passing a small overlap at the bottom. No loweroffs so take a biner for the last bolt if there's not one already there.

Sportive 18m
The Organ Pipes Rockaway and Amphitheatre
26 Completion Backwards Principle
Sportive 27m
The Organ Pipes The Columns
26 Ultrahard
Trad mixte 30m, 4
26 Once in a Lifetime
Sportive 55m, 18
The Organ Pipes Teardrop Gully
26 The Colour of Magic
Trad mixte 25m, 7
Sphinx Rock Nerm's Boulder
V5 Deda

Sit start as for Yoshimi, move right across the line of pockets to the arete and finish up Ganamatronix

Bloc 8m
V5 The Turd Burglar

Sit start as for Yoshimi and move left to sidepulls then up to jugs

Bloc 4m
Sphinx Rock Sphinx's Nose
V5 Shallow Grave
Bloc 6m
The Springs Jungle Block
V5 Slotted
Bloc 3m
The Springs Lilo & Two Mat boulders
V5 Penyerehan

Start in easy crack then link through into 'Adi kodrat'

Bloc 5m
V5 I kneed this

Start under cave on good jugs, right slap then to slopers, technical knee bar using nubin on the right then directly up. The nice sloper hold next to the nubin is off route and probably doesn't help anyway.

Bloc 4m
V5 Adi Kodrat

Start on good hold under bulge, move to lip hold and slopers. Transcend gravity. Stand start goes at about V3/4

Bloc 4m
The Springs Symbiosis Boulder
V5 Spider Pig

Start crouched, both hands on back wall of grotty cave. Undercling/jamb/layback/twist etc to come up and out of cave, across the gap, and finish up the right-hand wall.


Bloc 5m
V5 Left of tree

Start under bulge left of tree. Left and up to great hold. V3 if you start with right hand above the bulge.

Bloc 3m
The Springs Lookout Boulder
V5 Karma, dude

On the boulder below the lookout boulder. Stand start.

Summit Boulders The Promised Land Strawberry Fields Boulder
V5 Banana Smoothie

Sit start in middle of the face, head straight up via tricky moves

FA: Lewis Traill, 2022

Summit Boulders Invisible Area
V5 Trinamic

Sit start with feet on ramp and left hand on low sidepulls, right hand on far right slopers. Climb straight out via compression following both opposing aretes. Finish by mantling over nose. Great steep problem!

Bloc 3m
Summit Boulders Sub-Pinnacle Sweet Science Area
V5 Body Blow

This tall boulder is approximately 20m downhill from Ringside, but is quite hard to see from above. Up the slopey rail to the top.

Summit Boulders Patient Lady
V5 Water Amoung Sand
Bloc 6m
Summit Boulders Dildo blocks
V5 The Dildo

Up the 45 degree overhung side of the obvious dildo.

Bloc 4m
Summit Boulders Lookout Boulders
V5 The Primis

Sit start on the jug, move along to and over the tip

Bloc 4m
Summit Boulders Snowflakes Area
V5 Pessimistic Optimist

FA: Raul Schwarz, 2019

Bloc 4m
V5 Hamburger Pie

Start left hand on low sidepull, right hand on the nice crimp rail. Then climb to the top keeping to the line of the arete.

FA: David Tan, 15 Fév 2019

Bloc 3m
Summit Boulders Fence area
V5 V5

Sit start.

Bloc 3m
Lost World Area Big Bend Boulders Western Front Skinless
V5 Skinless

Sitstart on rail then right around arete on slopes then up. Dont use jugs at top until the finish

Bloc 4m
Lost World Area Big Bend Boulders Western Front Passchendale
V5 V5

Thin vertical cracks up face. Originally Stand (v3), now sit.

FA: Mike Hitchcock, 2018

Bloc 5m
Lost World Area Big Bend Boulders Lost World Boulders Highball World
V5 Period of Transition

The belly of the incredible, near horizontal pillar. Hang start at the back of the column using the obvious sloper on the left and right hand low on the ok slopey rail on the right. Get a heel up and climb out the column, topping out at the very end by pinching your way up the arête to gain the lip.

FA: Marco D'Alessandro, Fév 2018

Bloc 6m
V5 Brexit

Same start as Period of Transition, but head left and up the slopers.

Bloc 4m
Lost World Area Big Bend Boulders Lost World Boulders The Pinnacles
V5 Small Things

Start in the hollow below the left arete of The Horn. Move up to delicate moves on the arete and the top jugs. The stand start is a grade easier.

Bloc 4m
Sphinx Rock Main face
25 Rambo

Uses the same start as Lean Mean Fighting Machine. However from the corner cut back hard left and finish through the steep roof on underclings. Exciting mantle awaits.

FA: G. Phillips, 2004

Sportive 15m, 5
25 Mr Wiggles

The prow R of Short, Sharp and Shit Hot, using natural gear. Finish as for SSSH.

FA: K. Robinson, 1997

Trad 8m
Lost World Area Lost World
25 Rose Pink Cadillac Direct

The way to do it. Climb via both the Direct Start (25) past 2 bolts, and the Direct Finish (25) past another bolt. DRB.

Trad mixte 20m, 3
25 Don't Eat Yellow Snow

Absorbing climbing. An old aid line that was freed in fine style. The second crack left of Adolf. The thin crack up the striped wall. Climb the crack with increasing difficulty. Small cams required.

FFA: M.Jackson, 1995

Trad 15m
25 Opioid

Short finger and laback crack below Endorphin. A couple of bouldery moves, small/medium wire protects the middle.

Ends on ledge, or link into Endorphin!

Possibly 24 if your tall with small fingers.

FA: Alex Hartshorne, 13 Déc 2017

Trad 14m
25 Metal Mania
Sportive 16m
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
25 Cascade Crack
Trad 27m
25 Vanity

Starting on the right side of the chasm, follow seams (wires) to bolts on face. Traverse right into (somewhat concerning) undercling flake after clipping the 3rd bolt, then blast up the right arete past 3 more bolts to the top.

Trad mixte 35m, 6
The Organ Pipes Rockaway and Amphitheatre
25 Second Coming

Start up Resurrection Shuffle until you can traverse right to the finger crack. Tight finger jamming leads to the top.

FA: J. Kennedy & S. Parsons, 1985

Trad 25m

Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 897 voies.

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