
Ascensions dans Central Tablelands par Vanessa Wills contenant sport-cpr ou ascent-date

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 949 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Falaise Qualité Date
24 Work Injury (Work Place Injuries) Sportive 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 1 Nov. 2009
24 Work Injury (Work Place Injuries) Sportive 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Bon Sam 31 Oct. 2009
24 Meat Mallet Sportive 25m Blue Mountains Dim 8 Fév 2009
pommy told me it was onsightable and he was right

23 24 Unity (Rat$ Direct) (Unity) Sportive 25m Blue Mountains Bon Sam 12 Fév 2011
NIce variant finish, good moves

24 Troc de l’Ile (Red Incuts) Sportive 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Bon Sam 11 Fév 2012
John may feel better after finding this hard. I thought we were on the 23

24 Blowtorch (Roof to Wall) Sportive 18m, 10 Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 11 Fév 2012
Fun roof to start then lovely technical climbing with some good long moves

24 Dead Reckoning Sportive 30m, 7 Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 23 Mai 2015
Dave had rapped down and placed draws. Too scared to fall off looking at rusty old piton. Deserving of a revolt. Lovely technical arête

24 Second Wind Sportive 30m Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 5 Fév 2017
A bit soggy for 24, but it makes up for those nasty bouldery things at other crags. It was pumpier than the 22

23 A Streaker Named Desire Sportive 25m, 13 Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 21 Jan 2007
Shipleys almost as nice as the Freezer

23 Bionic Booger Boys (Bionic Bugga Boys) Sportive 100m Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 9 Nov. 2008
Had done other pitches with www, onsight crux pitch, very nice moves and great position

23 Goosed Sportive 15m Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne Mar 18 Avr 2006
not too hard

23 Hypoxic Sportive 25m Blue Mountains Dim 8 Fév 2009
a battle

23 Doris'll Getcha! Sportive 25m Blue Mountains Dim 8 Fév 2009

22 23 Quaking Sportive 18m, 8 Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne Sam 2 Avr 2011
an excellent warm up

23 Welcome Alex (The Alex) Moulinette 14m, 7 Blue Mountains Bon Sam 17 Déc 2011
Apparently first direct nonMcDougall start

23 On the Wagon Sportive 22m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 11 Mars 2012
If you are short a short stick to clip off the top of the blackboy is comforting before the traverse

23 On the Wagon Sportive 22m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 11 Mars 2012
If you are short a short stick to clip off the top of the blackboy is comforting before the traverse

23 The Plunge Sportive 35m Blue Mountains Excellent Lun 12 Nov. 2012
via arete start. Good moves. Got mixed up with Brydens route and rope drag after corrected

23 Dictator in a Deerstalker Sportive 9m, 4 Blue Mountains Bon Mer 2 Jan 2013
Felt like I was on the woody.

23 Mild Peril - avec Dave Sportive 110m Blue Mountains Excellent Ven 4 Jan 2013
Second P1 and 2, Led P3 and 4. Nice continuous climbing the whole way.

23 Vertical Smile Sportive 30m Blue Mountains Excellent Ven 4 Jan 2013
Spent some time getting pumped at the crux. ALso tricky off the ledge.

23 Slipstream Sportive 180m Blue Mountains Bon Jeu 25 Avr 2013
Pitch 5 only today by headtorch. Will come back!

23 Leighsageezer Sportive 63m Blue Mountains Bon Sam 28 Mars 2015
Second pitch. One long move

23 Reigning Steel Sportive 17m, 7 Blue Mountains Bon Dim 24 Mai 2015
Felt pumpy in the cold

23 Avenue Jean Jaures Sportive 35m Blue Mountains Bon Sam 30 Jan 2016
Lower crux pretty reachy. Good length

23 Let's Nail God Sportive 30m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 17 Juil 2016
The draws were on, but with no chalk anywhere this was a nice crimp fest

23 The Mind Boggles Sportive 40m, 18 Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 17 Déc 2016
Some good climbing, nice and long, and the spaced bolts help the focus. Nice sting in the tail, tricky with buffeting winds

23 The Send Train Sportive 18m, 9 Blue Mountains Bon Sam 23 Sept 2017
Burly start, then some varied good climbing

23 Uncontrollable Urge Sportive 22m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 22 Avr 2018
Actually liked this. Technical crux, stop whinging people, it is all there. Try a heel toe, flag combo for feet and a matchbox type hold you layoff/ undercling. Apparently flashed this a decade ago, but I don't remember climbing on this wall

23 E Racer (Unknown Left of Racer's Edge) Sportive 30m, 7 Blue Mountains Bon Sam 19 Mai 2018
Well I did detour briefly into shakes as straight up seems contrived and pretty dangerous, and the other way goes into racers edge and is even more dangerous. Still felt enough to be 23, and very pleasant outing

23 Heat Wave Sportive 18m Blue Mountains Bon Sam 1 Mai 2021
I found this easier than BIALB, kneebar and foot cams and a sit down rest everywhere

23 Scatterbrain Sportive 16m Blue Mountains Bon Mer 12 Oct. 2022
Super breezy, frozen hands more than pump

23 22 Nylon Happy Sportive 20m, 8 Blue Mountains Excellent Lun 17 Avr 2006
first OS at grade 5.12.04. As good as I recall on repeat

22 Monty Madness Sportive 10m Blue Mountains Bon Sam 5 Jan 2008
One move off arete, but quite a good one

21 22 The Belles, The Belles Sportive 30m Blue Mountains Classique Sam 18 Fév 2006
just beautiful slabbing

22 Sexy When Slippery Sportive 15m Blue Mountains Bon Jeu 4 Oct. 2007
It was probably cruxy somewhere but not that memorable after the traverse. Nice to do a chalkless climb at Shipley though

22 Underpants Jousting Sportive 12m Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 25 Mars 2007
Pumpy despite 2 rest ledges

22 These People are Sandwiches Sportive 15m Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 21 Oct. 2006
tricky mantle and then just pleasant

20 22 Do Androids Like Duckos Sportive 12m Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne Sam 12 Août 2006
doesnt add much to the wall

22 Thing 2 Sportive 65m Blue Mountains Classique Dim 28 Oct. 2007
First pitch is excellent

22 Zulu Dawn Sportive 25m Blue Mountains Bon Sam 25 Avr 2009
went a bit wide at the end

22 Who Killed Bambi? Sportive 20m Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 5 Mars 2006
nice and airy

21 22 Lady Grinning Soul Sportive 25m, 7 Blue Mountains Excellent Ven 30 Déc 2005
more sustained than the surrounding 22s

22 Zulu Dawn Sportive 25m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 26 Avr 2009
mcdougalled the end I fear

22 The Next Doctor Pitch 1 Sportive 35m Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 25 Avr 2009
way too cold for the rest of the route. will clean up well.

22 The Go Between Sportive 15m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 5 Avr 2009
someone had put the most bizarre tick marks on this.

23 22 Nylon Happy Sportive 20m, 8 Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 5 Déc 2004

22 Serious Leather Sportive 18m Blue Mountains Excellent Ven 26 Sept 2008
Scary, take a no4 cam. Brilliant moves.

22 Hot Flyer Direct Finish Sportive 25m Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne Sam 7 Avr 2007
Probably not an OS as 99% is the same

22 Bustin Dustin Sportive 15m, 4 Blue Mountains Bon Mar 2 Nov. 2004
survived the pump

21 22 The Belles, The Belles Sportive 30m Blue Mountains Classique Sam 18 Fév 2006
just beutiful slabbing

22 Serious Leather Sportive 18m Blue Mountains Excellent Ven 26 Sept 2008
This is scary, but the bottom half is sensational. Take a no 4 cam

22 The Optimist (unknown new climb) Sportive 24m Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne Sam 12 Fév 2011
all over after the start. The rain may have detracted from the finish

22 Foo Foo the Cordless Draw Monkey Sportive 20m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 6 Mars 2011
deserves a star

22 Static Afro Sportive 35m Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne Dim 6 Mars 2011
3 problems separated by ledges. Rough rock.

22 Click Bait Sportive 18m, 9 Blue Mountains Bon Sam 2 Avr 2011
I said this would be a nice line- very crimpy at crux

22 Three Hour Commute Sportive 17m, 7 Blue Mountains Bon Sam 11 Fév 2012
why are tall people whinging? Just use your feet.

22 Daffy Sportive 20m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 26 Fév 2012
A bit seepy today but quite fun

22 Train Travel Sportive 16m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 26 Fév 2012
wandery in a good way

22 Yak Banquet (The Easy Link-up) Sportive 180m, 16 Blue Mountains Classique Sam 19 Mai 2012
Led P2 and 4. P1-3 are all stunning and other 2 very good

22 Brydens Route Sportive 40m Blue Mountains Bon Lun 12 Nov. 2012
Doesnt add a lot to the Plunge, the r traverse the best bit

22 Saccharine Nightmare - avec Dave Sportive 100m Blue Mountains Lun 15 Avr 2013
Led P1 and 2. Nice varied climbing and thoughfully bolted. The finishing pitches are also quite fun. Would be classic if the black slab wasnt in the middle- though its kept interesting by the run out.

23 22 Building a Better Mousetrap Sportive 25m, 9 Blue Mountains Excellent Jeu 3 Août 2006
OS this about 6 years ago....

22 Cheap Skate Sportive 20m Blue Mountains Bon Mar 9 Déc 2014
Some hard moves between horizontals at 167cm

22 Hunky Dory Left Hand Variant Sportive 20m Blue Mountains Bon Jeu 1 Jan 2015
Big ledge decking potential. Preferred this variant finish

22 La Niña Sportive 25m, 10 Blue Mountains Bon Dim 22 Fév 2015
Stupid start wasprobablythehardest move.

22 Skuzeeney Jaludek Sportive 20m, 8 Blue Mountains Bon Sam 28 Mars 2015
Hard start, then some nice moves

22 Pumpkin Puree Sportive 50m, 10 Blue Mountains Bon Sam 28 Mars 2015
One long mega pitch. Top pitch much easier, some dodgy flakes to avoid

22 Bad Blood Sportive 45m, 17 Blue Mountains Bon Sam 28 Mars 2015
Led p2. Didn't notice a crux.

22 Kiama Sportive 20m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 29 Mars 2015
The bottom third is nice, thought 21

22 Praise the Llewd Sportive 25m Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne Ven 18 Déc 2015
Not sure if this finishes on arête. Guidebook suggests continuation is a link up at 24. But not 22 to there....

22 Out of Tits Sportive 18m Blue Mountains Bon Lun 14 Nov. 2016
Miscounted the routes due to general gridding but didn't want to do the yucky top bit again on the 23. A nice link up

22 Passing Wind Sportive 30m Blue Mountains Classique Lun 12 Déc 2016
Got surprisingly pumped on such a big hold climb, probably due to placing draws in locked off positions

22 Ricardo Lagos Sportive 20m, 9 Blue Mountains Bon Dim 12 Mars 2017
Some nice sequences on some suboptimal rock

22 Dan Rampe Sportive 20m, 9 Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 12 Mars 2017
Pumpier and made me work harder

22 Prussic Acid Sportive 25m, 9 Blue Mountains Bon Sam 23 Sept 2017
If you had told me it was an 18 I wouldn't have argued. Pretty soft, though I took a couple of up and down climbs for the last move to find the good hold

22 Cheap Dive Sportive 27m Blue Mountains Bon Sam 19 Mai 2018
Nice moves, definitely no harder than the route to the left

22 F Troop Sportive 16m, 4 Blue Mountains Excellent Lun 28 Oct. 2019
I loved this route, every hold was at full reach, but not stupidly so, and great moves

22 Rogue Fort Sportive 16m Blue Mountains Bon Lun 28 Oct. 2019
Really reachy around second bolt

23 22 Red Sleigh Down Sportive 15m, 6 Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne Lun 28 Oct. 2019
Definitely harder than Rudolf and suboptimal bolt placements with ledge fall potential. Crux move good but nails. Wouldn’t be out of place for a 24. Could be reach, but I note others found it hard.

22 Scorched Earth Sportive 20m Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 19 Juil 2020
Nice technical slabbing that coincided with the hour that was warm enough to feel my fingers

22 Wake Up and Apologise Sportive 38m, 16 Blue Mountains Bon Mer 25 Nov. 2020
Getting off the ground was the hardest move if you can’t reach the jug. Lots of positive crimps to use

22 Wave Priority Sportive 18m, 8 Blue Mountains Bon Sam 1 Mai 2021
I kept feeling like it should be making it harder to get the grade

22 Facile Kate Bush Sportive 20m, 8 Blue Mountains Bon Mer 28 Déc 2022
Start pretty thin but ok. Top easy.

22 Facile Spook Flake Sportive 15m Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 25 Mars 2023
I didn’t think it was hard except the reachy bit straight off the ledge if you can’t reach the top of the flake. Both halves have nice moves. A bit too much mizzle coming in to do more today, but nice spot .

21 Doctor Doolittle Sportive 18m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 27 Août 2006
felt I should OS something today! Almost came unstuck due to fatigue.

21 Andy Wigley Sings the Blues Sportive 20m Blue Mountains Bon Lun 16 Mars 2009
?20. Better than it looked

21 Mutton Poacher Sportive 12m Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 12 Juin 2004
? was there a crux

21 Midlife Crisis Sportive 28m Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 13 Août 2006
nice line and moves, rock quality could be better

21 Hullaballoo Sportive 15m Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne Lun 7 Jan 2008
Draws were on, but that didnt help here.

21 Exhibition Wall Sportive 30m Blue Mountains Classique Sam 26 Août 2006
crikey- a pretty hard start for the grade. The rest is sensational

21 Angry Beaver Sportive 20m Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 14 Jan 2006
nice but anchors hard to clip

21 Dr No Sportive 10m Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne Dim 17 Sept 2006
hard start then thuggery

21 Skinless Chicken Sportive 27m, 9 Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 17 Oct. 2010
Flight line for chickens? Classic arete climbing

20 21 Sound and Vision Sportive 20m Blue Mountains Bon Mar 5 Sept 2006
cant resist a shiny line of RBs

21 Just Take Sportive 20m Blue Mountains Excellent Mer 24 Sept 2008
Rather desperate for a 21

21 Queen Bitch Sportive 15m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 3 Fév 2008
Pleasant and traddy feel

21 Rampaging Roy Sportive 30m Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 22 Jan 2006
OS P2, had done P1 before

21 Something with Spiders Sportive 15m, 6 Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 4 Mars 2006
nice positive holds all the way

22 21 Friendly Fire Sportive 12m, 4 Blue Mountains Dans la moyenne Dim 21 Jan 2007
take away a grade or 2 and give it to Vasco


Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 949 ascensions.

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