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Affichage de 301 - 400 sur 1,741 voies.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
Forestville The Frontyard Ashtray Wall
V5 The Grim Reefer

Climb Falling Leaves to the big hold under the rooflet. Match hands, undercling the rooflet and go to the top. Way more fun and scary if you are short.

Bloc 5m
V5 B Radless

Start on some crozzly edges beneath the overlap/seam/crack. Go up to some more suspect edges and then go left to the obvious holds. Be very careful.

Bloc 6m
Forestville Fox Cave
V5 Danger Mouse

From the two perfect slots in the middle of the roof, come out and match on the broken slopers.

Bloc 2m
Forestville The Wall
V5 Thylacine

Quite probably a re-clean and mistaken re-claim of Thing (V3). Start from the slopey ledge, move right to the long rail, boost to the the dish then make for the mantle.

FA: Will Schubert, 27 Août 2020

Bloc 5m
V5 Between Bing & Elvis

Start as for Bing, then move right and up on slopey and not thoroughly clean holds, in the process avoiding Elvis' jugs.

Bloc 4m
V5 The King

Start low on the right-facing layback flake and move left and up. A long move with an interesting landing gains the lip and, with a shift in style and a cool mantle, the summit.

Bloc 5m
Forestville Sissy Crag
V5 Relic from the 90's

From the finishing hold of Pork Platter make two nice moves out the roof to the feature, then two tough moves up and to the right, then finish on the obvious jug in the break.

FA: Unknown

V5 Left Side

Sit start on the left on the flat ledge. Move right and out the roof via some good holds to finish on the jug rail.

Bloc 3m
V5 John

Just right of the pockets on Mikes Five is a long not-so good-hold in a little scoop. Start from this and move up and rightwards through an assortment of bad holds to finish in the break where the vegetation grows.

V5 Mike's Five


Don't bust a tendon!

🚫 Originally done as a 'no heels' problem.

Bloc 3m
V5 Go Granny Go

Grab the edge with your right hand, the little slope with your left and then the top with your right hand. Watch the superman swing!

🚫 Originally done as a 'no heels' problem.

FA: Michael Law, 1992

Bloc 1m
V5 Bongo Slap

No feet problem traversing left to right along the slopey break.

FA: David James

Bloc 2m
V5 The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste

A variant of 'The Pillar' but without using feet. Start on the two positive crimps on the lip and then 1,6,3,7,8

Bloc 3m
V5 Vitamin C var

As for Vitamin C but go RH to the triangle instead of matching the high rail. No heels.

Bloc 3m
V5 Mr Smiley

M1, R2, L3, R4, L5, M5, R6, M6 Start low and left with your right in the 3/4 finger pocket and lunge for the first hold. A classic although the start holds are often wet.

Bloc 3m
V5 Gladheateher variant

Same as for 'Gladheateher' but skip the arete and dyno instead.

Bloc 3m
V5 Just One Fix

Up the slopey features, past the two finger pocket to finish above the warm up start holds. Plenty of eliminates.

V5 For Sissies

Up Not for Sissies via the undercling. Easy if you’re tall, nails if you’re not.

Bloc 2m
V5 World War III

Traverse leftwards from the sloper next to the chin up bar and finish in the break above the 'Bowels Of The Devil' layaway. Stay below the good holds.

🚫 Originally done as a 'no heels' problem.

FA: Mike Myers, 1995

V5 The House With No Steps

M4, R5, L6, L7 'Campus' problem. Hold the finish for a few seconds for the tick.

FA: Gavin Portier

Bloc 2m
V5 Dan-De-Lion Sit

Sit start on low rail and continue up the slopey arete finishing on a high jug.

V5 Dan-De-Lion

Just left of Penis Cling start on the juggy ledge and continue up the slopey arete.

Killarney Heights Crumbly
V5 Genicus Copernicus

Start at Genicus and go up through crimp rail to slopey rail. Traverse rightwards till the holds end then make a big move out to jug in the roof.

FA: Phil Neville, 27 Jan 2015

V5 Genicus

Low start on crimp rail straight up to finish matched on slopey rail. Cleaned up nicely.

FA: marc landers, 27 Jan 2015

V5 Anorexic

One of the best problems of this grade & style. Start at the back wall and pull straight out the roof, passing the big hole, make a long throw and finish MATCHED on the huge jug.

Jordan Maxwell

Mikha Liem

George Li

FA: T.O'Neill, 2000

Bloc 4m
East Killara Queen's Country Lower
V5 Blood, Sweat and Tears

Sit start at the right hand side of the boulder and make your way leftwards to top out over the prow. So named because one of the area's developers ended up coming off while holding onto one of the rough holds higher up and subsequently lost a fair bit of skin on his left hand.

FA: James Lacey, 2013

East Killara The Promised Land Bottom Tier Did Someone Forget Heaven Pockets Of The Apostles
V5 Pope Mobile

Équip.: Geoff Marshall, 2013

FA: Simon Stevens, 2014

Bloc 3m
V5 Bad Habits

Équip.: Simon Stevens, 2014

FA: Simon Stevens, 2014

Bloc 2m
V5 Sacred Simon Met A Pie Man

Équip.: Simon Stevens, 2014

FA: Simon Stevens, 2014

Bloc 3m
East Killara The Promised Land Bottom Tier Did Someone Forget Heaven The Broken Tablet
V5 Sharp and quick

on thin holds in the middle of the wall power up to the lip.

FA: Unknown, 2014

Bloc 2m
East Killara The Promised Land Bottom Tier Did Someone Forget Heaven Adams Sacred Apple
V5 Recognition Of The Righteous Boulderer

Équip.: Geoff Marshall, 2013

FA: Geoff Marshall, 2013

Bloc 2m
East Killara The Promised Land Middle Tier The Omnipotence Overhang
V5 Paradise Lost

Common start as for BLTSS and RT. Tend right into PD then head up avoiding the jug out left. Mantle directly through the overhanging top without using large hold or ledge out right.

FFA: Simon Stevens, 2014

Équip.: Simon Stevens, 2014

Bloc 6m
East Killara The Promised Land Middle Tier The Last Highball
V5 Pontius Pilates Preposterous Problem

Start on obvious big incut and proceed up using edge or filthy mono for grade. Top out high, but has good holds. Can be done dynamically without using the mono or edge for about V3. Actually Fa'd by Ranger Dave until a nameless climber tried a dynamic move off the undercling and sent it flying into the bush behind, rendering it unrepeatable that way!

Équip.: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

FA: Matt Minus, 2014

Bloc 5m
East Killara The Promised Land Middle Tier Three Wise Boulders Cave
V5 The Right Hand Of Geoff

Équip.: Geoff Marshall, 2014

FA: Geoff Marshall, 2014

Bloc 4m
V5 The Life Of Brian

Équip.: Geoff Marshall, 2014

FA: Geoff Marshall, 2014

Bloc 3m
East Killara The Promised Land Middle Tier The Raising Of The Highball
V5 Rebuke your Elders

Pull on from the good rail and then go right hand to the good horizontal edge. Left hand to the pocket and then try not to barn-door going for the right hand two finger pocket. Bring your feet high and battle your way up the large V to top out.

FA: Ian Millar, 14 Juin 2017

Bloc 4m
East Killara The Promised Land Middle Tier Kobens Wall
V5 Laughing Buddha

Équip.: Geoff Marshall, 2013

FA: Simon, 2014

Bloc 3m
East Killara The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Right Wing Christianity
V5 Can I Get A Witness

A Super Committing problem requiring raw strength and some epic dead pointing Sit start at the lowest point just left of "BIAHH", directly under the pigs snout holds. Move up through the ledges till you are clinging to the crimpers on the face above you, put your feet high and launch yourself at the two small vertical holds shaped like a pigs snout. Oh yeah, own that hold, get your other hand up there and raise yourself up for the lawd! Huh! Can ya feel it? Ohhhh Yea!

Matthew Ritchie

Équip.: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

Bloc 3m
V5 The Drunk Apostle

Start at the right of the face. using crimps head up and mantle onto the slab side, top out here.

Équip.: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

FA: Mantis, 1 Fév 2018

Bloc 3m
V5 Deep In The Belly Of The Whale

Who knew being swallowed by a whale could be so much fun!

Sit start 1m right of "Thy Mighty Right Hand" (with the scooped out section of the lip on your left) and pump up the inviting array of crimpers until you reach the good slots

With some interesting holds above you, work your way through this problem until you can get your left hand deep within the rounded scoop.

Like water from a blowhole, shoot straight up for the top out and wipe the stomach acids from your hand

Love it!

Équip.: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

Bloc 4m
V5 Fire From Heaven Blues

Powerful, challenging start!

Awkward sit start under horizontal sloping crack line with your feet up hill. Pull on and move up through crimps to the sloping scoop. Straight up the middle of the face to top out.

Équip.: Geoff Marshall, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

Bloc 4m
V5 Shenanigans

Crouch start on the left of the right arete on a small crimp for your left hand and the arete for your right. The arete is in.

Équip.: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

FA: Tyrone Clements, 3 Fév 2018

Bloc 3m
East Killara The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Undecided Christianity
V5 High Priest Of The Temple Of Hugs

Équip.: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

Bloc 4m
V5 Church Of The Eternal Hug

Embrace the feel good spirit of this technical problem.

At the blunt arete on the left side of the Undecided Boulder, sit start on the low sidepull pockets.

pull up to the big rounded pocket and then throw your hand out to the left arete, creating a huge hug.

Focusing on your balance, delicately move up the center of the arete.

Top out via the water eroded part of the rock, but don't lost sight until you are well on the top as the end of the problem can get really slippery

A beautiful line with a super fun sequence!

Équip.: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

Bloc 3m
V5 Upper Cut

Father Ted's stiff upper lip finishing early in the exit of Simon's dyno

FA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, 2014

Bloc 4m
V5 Dy No

Why jump when you can crimp! Start on the same undercling as Simon's Dyno, but instead of jumping climb your way up the line. Maybe a bit easier than the dyno? Start undercling, Hard right crimp, sloper lip, mantle top out. Great moves on decent rock.

Bloc 3m
V5 Simons Dyno

Dyno from undercling, right crimps out.

FA: Simon Stephens, 2013

Équip.: Simon Stephens, 2014

Bloc 3m
V5 Christian Brothers Brothers(Sit Start)

Finish as for CBB but add a sit start. Start low with right hand in crimp and left foot out left.

Équip.: Geoff Marshall, 2013

FA: Geoff Marshall, 2013

Bloc 2m
East Killara The Promised Land Top Tier King Davids Overhang
V5 Michael Jordan is God

From the good starting holds left of The Promised Dunk, dyno to the lip of the roof. A nice mantle to finish. Amazing fly!

From the good starting holds left of Smile, dyno to the lip of the roof. A nice mantle to finish. Amazing fly!

Équip.: Zig & Xavier, 2014

FA: Xavier, 2014

Bloc 4m
V5 Going Goliath

TWO Epic dyno's followed by a committing mantle makes this problem a definite crag classic!

Sit start at the common spot under the left hand side of the overhang

Pull on and move left to the deep slot and the tight crimping slot above it.

From this location, think big and Dyno up to the solid ledge line under the main part of the overhang.

After pulling your self back to the rock, compose and then dyno out to the left to the deep slot under the lip of the overhang.

Match and top out straight up with some committing mantling

Solid and heart pounding all the way through

Équip.: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

Bloc 4m
V5 Gods First Problem

Équip.: Geoff Marshall, 2014

FA: Geoff Marshall, 2014

Bloc 5m
V5 Out Of The Lions Jaw

A pumping build up of death defying proportions!

start on the right about 1m from were the overhang starts. Match hands in the thin letter box around eye level. From here work diagonally up to the left following the line of pockets side pulls, etc.

Hit the large ledge and get ready to tackle this lion of a top out. Head straight up the water eroded scoop and smear, pinch, slap and reach long for the good holds up top.

Free yourself from the Lions Jaws, but take note that you can finish this problem without doing a "beached Whale"

Équip.: Geoff Marshall, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

Bloc 4m
St Ives Bottle Neck The Wave
V5 Raglan

Traverse with a top out

BlocProjet 4m
Killara The Block
V5 Teddybear's picnic (eliminate)
Bloc 3m
V5 Steely Neilly
V5 State of origin 3 (the decider)
V5 Backdoor Benny

One of the best 5s in Sydney. Start right hand in the pocketey side pull just left of the scoop and go straight up aiming for the nice uncut just left of the scoop up high. Nails.

Bloc 5m
Killara Fermé The Big Pump
V5 The Ramp

A powerful and desperate crag classic. Start matched on the bottom sloper rail and power up the slopey ramp, past an edge, to the finish jug up high (on 'The High Traverse').

Phillip Booth

Bloc 3m
V5 Mummy Dust

The classic training problem. Usually done left to right. If you don't rest in the little cave it is apparently equivalent to a 28.

FA: Geoff Weigand

Bloc 20m
Chatswood West The Deli Sausage Aisle
V5 Sausage salad

Start up Wiener, but keep traversing left to finish up Knackwurst. (Sausage salad is a real thing in Germany...)

FA: dwebster, Fév 2016

Lindfield Rocks Pipe Dreams
V5 Put That In Your Pipe and Smoke It

Link 'Upper Pipe Dreams' into Pipe Dreams. Long, pumpy and awesome.

Bloc 7m
V5 Upper Pipe Dreams

The high traverse back from the end of 'Pipe Dreams' back to the start. Hands below the top.

Bloc 3m
Lindfield Rocks The Overhangs
V5 2

Starts by underclinging a large flake just right of the big corner crack. Right to a large pocket on the arete and then up.

Lindfield Rocks Isolated Rock/Overhang
V5 Traverse #4 Variant

Turn the nose without the good ledge or the top at V5+

Bloc 4m
Lindfield Rocks She-Oak Wall
V5 The Golden Triangle (Sit start)

Adds a move to GT by sit-starting with left hand pocket, right hand layaway

Bloc 3m
V5 9

Starting on the slopey crimp, attack the arete of 'The Golden Triangle'

Lindfield Rocks Orange Face/Slab Side
V5 2a

Eliminate the squarish horn, smeary + desperate

Bloc 3m
Lindfield Rocks Pipeline Wall
V5 16. R to L linked into Corals
V5 12

Hold the obvious round pocket with your left hand and reach up to a sloper and nubin then up.

Bloc 4m
V5 Corals R to L linked into 16.
V5 Corals R to L
Bloc 3m
V5 Corals

The classic left-to-right traverse starting in the layback crack and going all the way to '2 - The Runnel'.

Bloc 3m
V5 9

Start with your right hand in the slot and move up via the slopey pocket just right of the layback crack to a higher slopey pocket.

Bloc 4m
V5 5

Using the only good set of footholds to the left of the ramp use a single finger undercling and reach, reach, reach for an edge. It helps if you're tall.

Bloc 4m
V5 4

Starting at the base of the ramp, climb the wall without using the seam. Tricky.

Bloc 4m
Lindfield Rocks One Hold Wall
V5 2

Traverse the block rightwards staying below the lip.

Bloc 3m
Lindfield Rocks Black Wall/Wide Crack Area
V5 2

High, thin, airy, scary.

Bloc 6m
Lindfield Rocks Abseil Wall
V5 9

Between 'The Arete' and The Tourist Route, a thin wall above two pockets with a well worn edge. Don't stray offline.

Bloc 6m
V5 The Seam Eliminate

Up the seam using 20 cm corridor of rock

Bloc 6m
Lindfield Rocks Four Cracks Wall
V5 15 Variant

Between arete and corner eliminating the break and big pocket.

Bloc 4m
V5 Razorblade Alley

Fierce little ironstone crimps just left of the seam.

Bloc 4m
Lindfield Rocks Kenny Boulder
V5 Neil's Hands-Free Problem

Start on footholds on left edge of front of boulder, traverse right, and top out up crack in the middle, all hands-free.

Bloc 3m
V5 The Nose linked into 5
V5 12

From broken undercling, reach/slap the sloping lip, then over and up using the right arete

Bloc 3m
Lindfield Rocks Walkdown Wall
V5 6

1/2m to the right of the obvious discontinuous crack feature is a small pocket. Off this to very crimpy stuff above.

Bloc 4m
Lindfield Rocks First Wall
V5 7

Right hand on the incut crimp, grab small sidepull for left and desperately up

Bloc 4m
V5 Ralph's Arete (sit start)
Bloc 4m
V5 3

Narrow line up the right of the arete.

Bloc 4m
Middle Cove The Chief's Big Chief Sitting Rock
V5 Hands Up Kookaburra!

Link Hands Up Pants Down! into Kookaburra Attacked My Girlfriend.

Bloc 4m
V5 Hands Up Pants Down!

Link Stem Junior 2 into Project 6.

Some nice back and forth movement around the arete.

Everything above the pinch and pocket level are out on the starting face of the rock. The top peak of the arete is out.

Vid: Richard C

Bloc 4m
V5 Mr Millipede's Hideout

Link Pants Up Hands Down! into the second half of Kookaburra Attacked My Girlfriend.

Bloc 4m
Cremorne Primrose Park Bum Crag
V5 Homeless Persons Hotline

On the steep side of the long block, start about as low as you can. Hold the first lip and traverse it till the apex. May be v6. (The hotline is 1800 152 152 out of interest.)

FA: dwebster, Nov. 2016

Cremorne Brightmore Reserve
V5 The King Over the Sea

Pretty well the final buttress heading right. Start on two high crimps. Up to groovy ramp. Then up over round top. Decent is ugly. Could be 6? Really good. The seated start will make it excellent.

FA: dwebster, Sept 2015

V5 Susan's Horn

Start as for Susan, then keep traversing left till large, sloped ramp. Follow this. Watch for high slope and wide pocket. Tough if you're short!

FA: dwebster, Jan 2016

BlocProjet 4m
Balmoral Lawry Plunkett Reserve
V5 Balmoral Arete

Arete on the right side of the bloc to the left of Lover's Tiff.

FA: Damien Alexander, 2011

The Spit Sandy Bay
V5 27
Bloc 4m
Blues Point Peeking Patch
V5 Flake it Till you Make it

Start both hands on the undercling before moving up a line of thin crimps to better holds up high. Match the top of the wall for the tick (tree obstructs topout). No shared holds with Coal Train Blues. The large separate bulge of rock to the left is off as per video.


Bloc 5m
Blues Point Kung Fu Captin Wall
V5 Jet Li

Stand start both hands on the square pocket near Monkey Magic while ensuring both feet are not on the sandy bit of rock (yellow-orange). Avoid the yellow-orange rock for feet and traverse towards the top-out of Bruce Lee. Also avoid going for the sandy ledge to traverse towards the left.


FA: benthepleb, 22 Août 2021

Bloc 5m
Blues Point Life Aquatic Wall
V5 Dislocation Station

A real hip popper! Start behind old bench and move up the big pockets to the right. Follow longish sloping ledge, smearing and/or heal hooking like the best of them. Use gaping hole to finish with both hands on the jugging ledge of Dump Divers Dyno and ELAP.

Super Reachy with solid power required on the last hold! A must try!


Bloc 5m
V5 R
Lindfield Rocks Black Wall/Wide Crack Area
V5 R 5

Middle of the wall left of '4 - Corner Crack' on small crimps.

Bloc 6m

Affichage de 301 - 400 sur 1,741 voies.

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