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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 1,741 voies.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
Killarney Heights Crumbly
V14/15 Progressive Aggression

'Sugoi' into 'Logical Progression'.

Or start 'Mushi Brain' into 'Abacus' finishing high.

FA: Chris Webb Parsons, 2008

Killarney Heights Crumbly
V13/14 Catalyst

"9 moves all up. Hard to grade." Mushi Brain finishing up Genesis

Tom Farrell

FA: Chris Webb Parsons, 2007

Forestville The Frontyard Strong Mans Wall
V13 Motorhead

Stand start on the undercling. Move up using the sidepulls and a lack of footholds to reach the victory jug and to top out.

Elijah Mercado

FA: Elijah Mercado, 16 Juin 2020

Bloc 5m
Killarney Heights Crumbly
V13 Sugoi

Links 'Mushi Brain' into start of 'Abacus'.

Sugoi is a word that's typically used when you're left awestruck out of excitement or feel overwhelmed. It can also be used to express that something is terrible or dreadful.

FA: Chris Webb Parsons, 2007

V13 Logical Progression

Extension to 'Abacus'. Need some spotters and mats for this one, its high and dynamic moves above your spotters heads.

FA: Chris Webb Parsons, 2008

V13 Genius

Start 'Abacus' finish 'Genesis'.

FA: Chris Webb Parsons, 2008

V13 Genesis

Start on the big flake jug and make a very tough move up using the tiny crimp. A heel thrown onto the rail of 'Sushi Train' appears to help.

FA: D.Kellerman, 2000

Killarney Heights Project Wall Bouldering
V13 The Manhattan Project

Elijah Mercado

FA: Sharik Walker

Timbarra Boulders Man of Steel
V12 Man of Steel

Sketchy all points off dyno up high.

FA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, 8 Oct. 2016

Bloc 5m
Forestville Fox Cave
V12 Double Dragon

"Grimacing" into Agent Orange.

FA: Sharik Walker

Forestville Sissy Crag
V12 Divisive

Stretch finishing up For Sissies. No pads to cheat the start.

FA: Peter Jeavons, 16 Nov. 2019

V12 Stretch

Same handholds as for Bowels of the Devil, but starting with a high right toehook. No dynamic movements or pads to cheat the start, just strict flexibility. Hard to grade.

FA: Peter Jeavons, 12 Août 2018

V12 Bowels Of The Devil matched start

Start matched on the sidepull, make a hard move right into the start position of Bowels. Was thought to be the actual start of Bowels.

FA: Taylor Parsons, 2004

Killarney Heights Crumbly
V12 The Prow

Starts as a sit/crouch start on the chalk at the far right of the crumbly cave and then up the “v3” and into the roof to finish on the last big jug (same finish as leviticus)

FA: Chris Webb Parsons

V12 Abacus

Start on the undercling just right of Sushi Train's start and power up using the obvious poor pinch.

Chris Webb Parsons

Travis B

Sam Healy

FA: T.O'Neill, 2000

V12 Phlegm

Link 'Mushi Brain' into the last two moves of 'Abacus'

R. Hofmann

FA: J.Scarborough, 2000

V12 Urban Koala

Start as for nasty and go directly upwards finishing last moves as for RBTL.

Tom Farrell

FA: Tom Farrell

Bloc 4m
Forestville Sissy Crag
V11/12 Eye of the Beholder

Start as for Silent Bob Low, and climb directly out via the micro crimp, skipping the wet rail from Silent Bob. Once on the soccer ball sloper after the lip go directly to the jug. The other holds further right on the ledge are out.

FA: Damien Alexander, 27 Oct. 2015

Bloc 4m
Timbarra Boulders Man of Steel
V11 Squatty Potty

Man of Steel without the dyno. Aurel Gelot

FA: Aurel Gelot, 18 Oct. 2016

Bloc 5m
Forestville Fox Cave
V11 The Threat

Grimacing into Anthrax

V11 Agent Orange

Start at the back wall just left of the smiley face (in a small hueco), head straight out the to the infamous slopers and a thin break, finishing over left on a jug.

V11 Hard Labour

Great moves linking in to Voodoo Child.

Forestville Sissy Crag
V11 Spooge Makes Mr Bill Travis Foam And Smile Backwards

Start up Spooged, reverse Foam, reverse Mr Smiley and finish up Bill Smith.

FA: Neil Wallace, 16 Mai 2015

V11 Sisstamatic

Start Redetonated, reverse Mr Smiley and finish up Bill Smith.

Travis B

Dylan Soin

V11 Fortuitous

Start up Bowels of the Devil, finishing up The Solution of 1993.

FA: Peter Jeavons, 20 Août 2019

Killarney Heights Crumbly
V11 Life Changes

Do the first move of Abacus, then traverse backwards through Mushi Brain to finish up Nasty. No traversing straight into the Sushi Train start holds.

FA: Chris Webb Parsons, 2010

V11 Abacus(stand)

Standing Start

FA: T.O'Neill, 2000

V11 Mushi Brain

Start as for Nasty and make big moves out rightwards, finishing up 'Sushi Train'. Pumpy.


Mattias BM

Sage G

FA: T O'Neill, 2000

Killarney Heights Project Wall Bouldering
V11 Critical Mass

Michael Tonon

FA: Micheal Tonon

Killara The vape cave
V11 Midas touch

Direct finish of Super birdman.

Forestville Sissy Crag
V10/11 Bubble O'Bill

Start on Elliptical jug of Blinky Bill, move directly out to the slot jug, grab any pocket and go big to the letterbox jug of Mr Smiley to finish as for Mr Smiley. Never done a move quite like this outside so hard to grade. Could be harder?

FA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, Juil 2020

V10/11 Silent Bob Extension

Silent Bob into High Up Over Yonder.

Timbarra Boulders Stranger Things
V10 Flabulous

Sit start on the shield under the roof. Move up to the breaks then big move to the top.

Mattias Braach Maksvytis

FA: Aurel Gelot, 12 Oct. 2016

Bloc 3m
V10 Abulous

Starts underneath the roof on the shield as for Flabulous. Gain the break, trav left to the start of Strangest Things and go directly up. Might be easier for people shorter than me but it felt pretty similar to Flabulous to me.

FA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, 1 Juil 2020

Bloc 3m
Riverview Tambourine Bay Eastern Sectors
V10 T-Rex

Start as for Shariks Roof and finish up Onramp. Going all the way of course.

FA: Al Pryce

V10 Optimus Prime

Start on right hand side of The Express roof on twin 2 finger pockets & punch out left following the arete/lip all way round to mantle same as The Express.

FA: Damo Alexander, 5 Mars 2015

V10 Fear of the dark

low start just right of the arete, left hand in deep pocket and right hand on thin edge. Make a big right hand move to the side pull and continue up, top out as for 'the express'

FA: Connor Lucas

V10 The Express

Start left hand in corner and right on a sloper. Climb the arete to the slope at the top of it. Traverse right utilising edges, slopes and a big undercling, to a ramp. Mantle to some good holds near the break.

Damien Alexander

Tyrone Clements

FA: Matt Wrigley

Forestville Fox Cave
V10 Protein

Start Grimacing and finish up Voodoo Child.

V10 Bioterror

Start as for Agent Orange and finish as for Anthrax

V10 Voodoo People

Link Primordial Soup into Voodoo Child.

mattias braach-maksvytis

V10 The Fox

Obvious dyno on the walk down wall.

Forestville Sissy Crag
V10 Buge Re-gurgitated

Link into and finish up Buge.

V10 Bursting Footless

Bursting campussing. Yes, thats right. No jug as for usual Bursting rules.

FA: Fergus McDonald

V10 Sonic Boom

Climb Steve Austin then reverse Burst and finish on the jug.

FA: Daniel da Silva

V10 Steve Austin

Whilst made to look easy by some, this climb can be bicep destroying. Bring out your big guns.

Sit start under roof, progressing directly up through pockety edges and using the undercling with your left hand to do a powerful move directly up to rail.

Any other sequence not involving left hand on the undercling is one of the Steve Austin Variants.

FA: Paul Westwood, 1995

Bloc 3m
V10 Sista Soulja

Start on the ultra slopey sloper just above the lip. Move up to the next slopey rail, then left to the right-leaning slopey rail then straight up.

🚫 Originally done as a 'no heels' problem.

Mattias Braach-Maksvytis Peter

FA: Peter Balint, 1995

V10 Regurgitating Buge with Cheese

FA: Sharik Walker

V10 Spooged

Sit start to Travis starting from a matched crimpy undercling under the roof (same as for 'Re-Detonated').

Travis B.

V10 Redetonate the Roof Mix

Low start to Hands Off My Detonator.

FA: Matt Wrigley

V10 Detonator Foot Free

Hands Off My Detonator. Campussing. 2 known ascents. Sharik Walker 2nd ascent.

V10 Re-Detonated

Start from the crimpy underclings (as for 'Spooged') and link into 'Hands Off My Detonator'

Travis B

Dylan Soin

V10 The Curse Into I've Got My Tie On

Link Bill Smith into Mr Smiley then climb up I've Got My Tie On

V10 Silent Bob Low

Start with one hand on the round blob in roof 1.5m back from jug and one hand on the jug. Smear hard and climb into Silent Bob.

FA: Damien Alexander, 13 Sept 2015

V10 Silent Bob

Start on the big hold. Often wet.

Dylan Soin

FA: Tim O'Neill, 1997

V10 Lucifer’s Entrails

Bowels of the Devil finishing up For Sissies. Probably where BotD should have finished.

FA: Peter Jeavons, 4 Août 2019

V10 Bowels Of The Devil

L0, R3, L4, R5, M5

Hard press move made slightly easier by starting using small foothold high and left the start hold. Just keep reaching. Looks unfeasible but works.

FA: Peter Balint, 1995

V10 The Gatekeepers

Named for the people who insist that this be a separate climb from the original because it isn’t a sit start. Exactly the same as Penis Cling, just don’t sit to start. Instead start with your left on the far foot and pull on awkwardly, crossed under with your left hand, and completely locked on your right shoulder.

FA: Peter Jeavons, 15 Juin 2019

V10 Penis Cling Low

Same as Penis Cling, but starting with right hand on the undercling to the right of the left undercling.

🚫 Originally done as a 'no heels' problem.


Killarney Heights Crumbly
V10 Leviticus

Sit start on an incut RH crimp and LH slopey crimp. Go up to the break and traverse right to the big bucket jug. Head straight out the roof to the last jug via some big spans.

V10 Exodus

Start slighty right of 'Anorexic'. Move through the roof with your hands staying clear of the holds on 'Anorexic' although your feet may stray over. Keep going past the old bolt and slap up the sloping prow to finish on the the big spike. Unrepeated since a hold broke?

FA: T.O'Neill, 2000

V10 Chaos and Disorder

Start of the underclings and make some bizarre contortions (including doing a full 180 degree spin) through the roof. Probably one of the coolest and most unique problems in Sydney.

Travis B


FA: D.Kellerman, 2000

V10 Life Changes (Sushi start)

Life Changes but starting as for Sushi Train. LC originally started as for Abacus.

V10 Flame

A.k.a. Phlegm starting at Sushi Train.

After the crux of Sushi Train bust out right to finish up Abacus.

Killarney Heights Project Wall Bouldering
V10 Bin Chicken

Stand start in high break, move right to arete and up.

Balmoral Lawry Plunkett Reserve
V10 McLovin

Sit Start on the 2 crimps below the jug rail, climb as for 'Love and Pride' then traverse into & exit 'Lovers Tiff Left'

R. Hofmann

FA: R. Hofmann, Oct. 2020

Bloc 4m
V10 Love and Pride

A.K.A. Lover's Tiff Direct. Go straight out the roof from the start jug and link into the end of Lover's Tiff. Morpho as anything. Edit: New beta seems to make this V10ish.

Mattias Braach Maksvytis

FA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, Juin 2020

V10 Lovers Tiff

Start on the chalked up jugs, traverse left to pockets out and through the middle of roof to finish above the start.

Mattias Braach-Maksvytis Aurel Gelot

FA: Chris Webb Parsons, 2007

The Spit Sandy Bay
V10 Jessie


FA: James Alexander, 2004

V8 - 10
Lindfield Rocks Pipe Dreams
V8 - 10 Pipedreams Mega Linkup Project

Linkup 'Upper Pipe Dreams' into 'Pipe Dreams' to the double heel, then into 'Rubble'. Described in the Sydney Bouldering Guidebook as not yet sent

Belrose Satan
V9 Sign of the Cross

A desperate intro into Devil Child. From the 2 small slopers left of the scoop, reach, reach, reach rightwards, finishing up Devil Child.

V9 Devil in a Deep Blue Dress

Start as for 'Devil in a Blue Dress' but do not use any of the holds left of its initial features - including big footholds. Finish out right on the jug (before Devil Child).

Riverview Tambourine Bay Eastern Sectors
V9 Stiff Upper Lip

Starting at the most right of the big break. Traverse right along the lip, using sharp edges, slopey pinches etc. Finish at the big ledge inside the cave. Technical and quite hard. Another Sharik classic.

FA: Sharik Walker

Bloc 3m
V9 Sharik's Roof

Start half sitting, half lying down on the obvious holds. Do a weird move to a left hand hold. Climb the roof using the the slopey rib, to a slopey lip. Traverse the lip left up the overhanging arete using a sloper. Finish on the jug in the break.


FA: Sharik Walker

V9 Swing Thing

Start matched on triangular edge (a), up left to three finger slope (b) then grab the top (c). DON'T jump start!

Wahroonga Browns Road The High Alley
V9 Bollywood Bad Boy

High line in the centre of the wall.


Forestville Fox Cave
V9 Grimacing

1.5m left of the smiley face are 2 undercling pockets, grab these. Make a big move out to the cool fin, then another to the big hueco and straight out.

V9 Voodoo Child

From the big hueco head left to the next big hueco, then straight out and up to finish over the lip. Crag classic.

V9 Anthrax

Start matched in the thin flaky slot 1m back from the lip, head out and rightish to some desperate slopers and finally match in the break.

V9 Red Bubbles Traverse
Forestville The Wall
V9 Nina Blue Eyes

Low start to Nina. Start on incut underclings.

FA: Sharik Walker

Bloc 7m
Forestville Sissy Crag
V9 Pulling Little Boys Off

Start with a left hand on the horn in the roof and a right hand pinching the lip above it. Keep going right.

V9 Depth Charge Extension

[Eliminate] How lowball can you get? Start on the edge right of Mike's Five and climb let using some holds in the roof to finish as for Depth Charge.

V9 Havana Low

Start as for Spooged and finish up Our Man From Havana.

V9 Foam Party

Climb the start of 'Re-Detonated' finishing up 'Foam'.

Phillip Booth

Bloc 5m
V9 The Problem of 1993

Start as for Dentalectomy and traverse left on pinches and slopers to finish on the chin up bar.

Travis B.

Dylan Soin

V9 The Solution of 1993

Start on the pull-up jug and reverse The Problem of 1993. Once you reach the Dentalectomy holds, move up to the top of the seam (on the holds that are off for Dentalectomy) and traverse through the last 2 metres, finishing on the hold above the Dentalectomy slopers and start hold.

V9 Not for Sissies

Dyno - Either double or one handed. From the chin up bar (9) hurl yourself to the obvious flat hold 7ft up. Get a good spot and watch the landing zone. The undercling is out.

Bloc 2m
V9 Silent Bob (HH)

M1, R2, L3, M3, R4, L5, M5

'Fantastic' problem. Watch that final swing. Unfortunately the second hold (R2)is often wet. Can and has been extended.

FA: Tim O'Neill, 1997

V9 Summer Night Extension

After the finish of SNC, link into Zac's Highball.

V9 Summer Night City

Probably impossible to repeat as LeBreton's exact and undoubtedly desperate sequence been lost into obscurity. It's known to be underclinged all the way to the top using the hardest method known to man and is said to be a Crag Classic.

FA: Rob LeBreton, 1992

V9 Penis Extension

Start as for Penis Cling but continue from the jug and finish 4m up on the obvious ramp.

V9 Penis Cling

L1, R2, L3, R4, M4. A classic two move wonder. Knock off a grade or 2 for using your heel. Has been done going straight up and not using L3. Reportedly done static by Fred Nicole at V10'ish.

🚫 Originally done as a 'no heels' problem.

FA: Peter Balint, 1992

Bloc 3m
Killarney Heights Crumbly
V9 Blacker Magic

Link 'Black Magic' into the finish of 'Exodus'.

Killarney Heights Project Wall Bouldering
V9 Hi Sylv

Start on the juggy hold at head height, make a big move up to some crimps then push up and right to finish standing on the slab or topping out

St Ives Bottle Neck The Wave
V9 Supertubes

Cheeky Traverse with a top out of La Graviere

BlocProjet 7m
Killara Sterlo
V9 Grapple Tackle

Stand start and climb the faint arete using whatever holds you can find.

Forestville The Frontyard Strong Mans Wall
V8/9 Stevie I Wonder

An impressive line, starting at the right hand end of this wall. Start on the big low ledge, go up to the side pull, thence the mono. The top is slopey and amazingly scary.

Steve Karma (FA)

Bloc 5m
Belrose 616 New Asgard
V8/9 The Bifrost

This tall proud line is not for the faint of heart. Difficult first move on small rail and then big moves between slopey rails, to a delicate dead point to half moon scoop. From here you change gears, moving left to delicate crimping and footwork for a few committing moves before a nice top out. Good landing but bring plenty of pads, and rope. Very easy to rope but need a rope protector as the top is quite sharp.

FA: Tyrone Clements, 20 Août 2022

Bloc 8m
Forestville Sissy Crag
V8/9 Steve Austin Variants

Any version of Steve Austin that doesn’t involve left hand on the undercling as per FA sequence.

Bloc 3m

Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 1,741 voies.

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