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Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité Falaise
18 Troposphere
1 15 30m
2 17 15m
3 18 15m
4 15 20m
5 16 30m
  1. 30m (15) 11 bolts. Starts about 30 metres to the left of the access track, marked with a 'T'. Look for high fixed hanger on very easy terrain. First pitch is very easy, a little wandery over ledgey terrain.

  2. 15m (17) 7 bolts. Starts to get a bit steeper now with a lovely bit of ramp to make you think. The blocks before the corner system may be a bit disconcerting for some. Just head across these gingerly and pull into the awesome orange corner.

  3. 15m (18) 6 bolts. This is a brilliant corner with a bit of a sting at the crux {naturally}. Check out the biggest bucket in the world as you pull back left when you get higher on the pitch.

  4. 20m (15) Pretty much straight up from the anchors then trend right and on to a large vegetated ledge.

  5. 30m (16) Head right from the belay and step around the large gendarme with the two bolts on it. The step across the void after the gendarme is breathtaking. Route joins the top of Voyager shortly after this. Head on up to the halfway House terrace ledge for more sport goodness. Use long extenders (120cm+) for at least the first 5 bolts.

Descent: Abseiling back the way you came is not recommended and has resulted in numerous stuck ropes. It is recommended you head up to Halfway House, follow the fixed ropes up and left from the anchor. Once at Halfway house head right and abseil down Clemency. The top anchors for Clemency are beneath the tree with the fixed rope.

Please note that there is a fixed rope heading down and right from the anchor of Troposhpere, this does NOT lead to an anchor that you should abseil from.

FA: Lee Cujes & Phil Box, 2004

Sportive 110m, 5 Mt Tibrogargan
18 Pterodactyl

Start at big "PT" mark.

Nice climbing up past 5 RBs then run it out a bit up easy slab to anchors. There's a ground anchor at the base for lead rope soloing.

Crux undercling came off winter 2015. The change is pretty minimal but it's probably a bit harder now.

FA: Ted Cais & David Reeve, 1969

FFA: Mick Woodrow & Darren Holloway, 1985

Sportive 17m, 5 Kangaroo Point
21 Idiot Wind

Start at the "IW' mark.

Quality climbing. The testpiece of its grade at 'Kangaroo Point'. 5 RBs and anchors. There's a ground anchor just R of the base for lead rope soloing.

Be aware of the possibility of a nasty ledgefall between 4th and 5th bolts.

This route map shows it dodging around the small roof. I lead it direct, doing the nice balancey move as a part of the * experience, and I think others probably did too. (Michael Woodrow)

FFA: Gordon Bieske & Paul Hoskins, 1984

Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
18 Gladiator

An absolute classic at the grade, and a test piece jamming problem. Up the pumpy and strenuous hand crack, milking the numerous rests and stances as they come to hand. Some of the best hex placements at Frog are found here. Straight up to DRBB.

FA: Chris Peisker, 1975

Trad 20m Frog Buttress
16 Halva

Start 2m L of 'Kiwi'. Marked "H".

Brilliant moves all the way to the top. Best grade 16 at the cliff. First bolt is a little high but the moves up to it are solid. 5 FHs to DBB.

FFA: Dave Whitworth & Saul Squires, 1992

Sportive 20m, 5 Kangaroo Point
17 Dysentery

Start at "D" mark.

Up past 3 RBs then steeper moves R past 4th RB. Trend gently L onto slab and up past a RB and a FH to anchor shared with 'Nic Chips Diffs'.

FA: Gordon Bieske, 1984

Sportive 18m, 6 Kangaroo Point
24 Crazy Horny

Popular. Bouldery start then steep thuggery. The horn sadly broke changing the sequence. Many people's first 24. Back jump to clean, lower from second bolt.

FFA: Gareth Llewellin, 2000

Sportive 10m, 4 Mt Coolum
24 Has It Got a Chevy Motor?

Start just to the left of Yoink. By far the most popular route at the crag. Now rebolted.

FFA: Gareth Llewellin, 2007

Sportive 12m, 7 Mt Coolum
23 Squealer

An awesome undertaking. Six FH's straight up to a lower-off. Stick clipping advised if getting to the first bolt bothers you. (Originally, Squealer traversed in from Howler).

Start: From the first raised platform.

FA: Gareth Llewellin, 2005

Sportive 21m, 6 Mt Tibrogargan
16 Materialistic Prostitution

A classic introduction to the fine art of hand jamming. A good safe lead if you are new to Frog. Climb the obvious crack to the right of DF, to where the crack ends. Step right and finish easily up the chimney. DRBB.

FA: Ross Allan & Rick White, 1970

Trad 20m Frog Buttress
22 Slider

Gently overhung sport climbing past seven FH's to an exciting conclusion which often sees pumped leaders take to the air.

Start: 3m R of 'Procrastinator' (before rock slab starts rising R-wards).

FA: Gareth Llewellin & Adam Donoghue, 2008

Sportive 16m, 7 Mt Tibrogargan
25 Hung Like A Fruit Bat

Up the bulby horns out the roof to anchors. Feet more important than hands on this one. Ever so popular. Back Jump to clean and lower from second bolt.

FFA: Simon Moses, 1998

Sportive 8m, 5 Mt Coolum
26 Screaming Insanity

The must-do crag classic, featuring the biggest and most aesthetic horns and jugs on the wall. When this was first bolted, there was nobody strong enough to climb it. Oh how things change!

FA: Chris Coghill, 1997

FFA: Simon Moses, 1998

Sportive 15m, 9 Mt Coolum
18 TOS

Short and fun - a popular warm-up. Most find this a pumpy little 18.

FFA: Glenn, 2010

Sportive 12m, 8 Pages Pinnacle
17 Bombadil

Start 2m L of 'Tombstone Row'. Marked "B".

A fun, well-protected KP sport route. 5 RBs to DBB.

FFA: Darrin Carter, Chris Poole & Mark Poole, 2002

Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
16 Tombstone Row

Start 5m L of 'Idiot Wind'. Marked "TR".

Follow the line of 5 RBs to the anchors. A more direct finish was added when it was retrobolted, increasing the grade from 14 to 16.

FFA: David Reeve, 1968

Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
24 Wages Of Fear

Start 3m L of 'Cucumber Castle'. Marked "WF".

A 'KP' classic! Straight up line of 5 RBs to anchors. First RB is high but a bit easier to get to than the first on 'Cucumber Castle'.

FA: John Pickard, 1968

FFA: Roger Bourne, 1984

Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
20 Dreamcatcher

Similar start as to RoP, not as many holds as it looks. Small runout to anchor. Five UBs to DUBB. Excellent climbing.

FA: Grama Page / Adam Dodson, 2007

Sportive 15m Brooyar
24 Howler

Superb moves on mostly big, flat holds. Five bolts with a late crux to a lower off. Gareth's done it cleanly up, down, weighted down, in slow motion, and with bare feet... Seriously.

Start: Just R of 'Madder'

FA: Gareth Llewellin, 1999

Sportive 16m, 5 Mt Tibrogargan
20 Pommy Bastard

Start at the "PB" mark.

Ledges and crap rock in parts but still has some nice moves on it. Well protected. 5 RBs and lower-offs.

First ascent was done in drizzling rain with a visiting American climber that washed into Mountain Designs when Mick was working there.

FA: Michael Woodrow & visiting female climber...

Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
18 Stoat Clips Bolts

Start 2m L of 'PITG'. Marked "SCB".

Follow the zigzag line of 6 RBs to lower-offs. There's a 7th RB above the anchor if you want to continue up the last section and top out instead.

Ensure that you and your belayer have good communication skills if leading this climb as the belayer can not see the climber when they reach the anchors because of the slab, you have to go halfway across the road to be able to see your climber at the anchors.

FFA: Gordon Bieske & Rob Whannell, 1985

Sportive 18m, 6 Kangaroo Point
14 Electric Lead

A good safe introduction to Frog at the grade. Climb the line R of MP past a shallow cave. Tricky moves around this lead to a chimney to the ledge. Most people finish the route at the rap chain on the ledge but you can continue up in the V-groove for another 6m to the top (not as much fun).

FA: Steve Bell & Ian Cameron

Trad 26m Frog Buttress
19 Infinity

A contender for the best 19 in the country! The old school off-width is the only way to go for apprentice gruntologists. All the sane people start in the corner to the R. Up this past a tricky move out of a cave at 1/3 height to a stance (crux). From here, up the beautifully sculpted line to the top. Simply magnificent climbing. Rapping on a 70m rope will get you to the middle of the scramble at the base of the climb.

FA: Ross Allen & Rick White., 1970

Trad 40m Frog Buttress
26 Wholly Calamity

This is the extension to Screaming Insanity. No harder, just pumpier! Three more bolts keep the lactic levels up.

FFA: Gareth Llewellin, 2007

Sportive 20m, 12 Mt Coolum
23 Cucumber Castle

Start 2m L of 'BARFJ'. Marked "CC".

Classic climb but potential for big falls so make sure you're solid at the grade if leading. Hard start to small ledge and high FH. Follow obvious line past 2nd & 3rd FHs. Above 3rd FH place cam in crack or run it out to 4th FH. Finish at DBB.

FA: Rob Staszewski, 1970

FFA: Andrew Barry & Paul Hoskins, 1984

Sportive 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point
24 Taillé Chip A Holloway

Start 1m L of 'Anonymous' on right blank face of large ledge beneath high first FH.

Fantastic. Boulder start to ledge then up daunting wall on holds that just happen to be right where they're needed. 6 FHs then slightly L to anchors shared with 'XXXX'.

The route got its name when the pockets on the steep wall were created by chipping away the rock before the first ascent. Originally named Chip a Holloway after Darryn Holloway who chipped the pockets.

Described in the guidebook as a tough 22 10 years ago... this was before the crux hold broke off.

FFA: Andrew Horchner & Steven McMillan, 1998

Sportive 18m, 6 Kangaroo Point
17 The Enticer

Follow R leaning corner and crack. Five U-bolts to a spicy move at the end. Lower-off. Similar style to Dreamcatcher at an easier grade.

FA: Gordon Baudino & Colin Carstens, 2008

Sportive 14m, 5 Brooyar
17 Elastic RURP

One of the most popular middle grade routes on the cliff, and deservedly so. The splitter crack up the face to the R of Micron. This route offers amazing gear, fantastic movement and some hair-raising moments thrown in for free! Rap down RURP from the DBB on the wall at the back of the ledge, not in behind the pillar as for Micron, which is notorious for stuck ropes.

FA: Rick White & Barry Overs, 1971

Trad 20m Frog Buttress
19 The Bolting Gestapo

Start 2m L of 'Adam's Rib', 1m R of 'Gobble'.

Nice. Climb up clipping 2 RBs, then 2 FHs, then 1 more RB, then the anchor shared with 'Gobble'. Crux is mantling the bulge at the 3rd bolt.

Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
19 Gnarley

Some people find it that way! 3m R. FH's.

FFA: Peter Monks & ross ferguson, 2010

Sportive 18m, 10 Pages Pinnacle
12 Date Anatomy

Start at the "DA" mark.

Great beginner lead. Up arete following 4 RBs to DBB.

FA: Marcus O'Mara, 1994

FFA: Kevin Coleman, ross ferguson & Gareth Llewellin, 2005

Sportive 16m, 4 Kangaroo Point
22 Strip Clubs

Slab with some nice pockets (don't you wish this went on for 50m?), then sustained headwall which should make your arms feel warm.

FFA: Glenn & Tim Rowe, 2012

Sportive 18m, 12 Pages Pinnacle
17 Pass the Bosch

Start 2m L of 'Vegemite'.

Good climb with sustained moves up nice rock. 6 RBs & DBB. There's a ground anchor just L of the base for lead rope soloing.

FFA: Dave Whitworth & Michael Long, 2000

Sportive 18m, 6 Kangaroo Point
20 Move Over Brussel Sprout

Start at the "MOBS" mark, 2m R of 'FOBS'.

Bouldery start and a little bit run out. Potential for ledgy falls so make sure you're solid if leading. Make sure to tend L after 4th bolt. 4 FHs plus an optional BR to protect the awkward reach back to clip the DBB.

FA: Dave Whitworth & Saul Squires, 1994

Sportive 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point
22 The Great Devoid

Fantastic climbing through steep territory on edges of vaguely Africa shaped plate. Up and over the lip trending L and up to recently installed rap station/lower-off.

Start: Start in cave at right end of point pure, stick clip first bolt.

FA: Saul Squires et al, 1993

Sportive 15m, 4 Brooyar
14 That Boy Needs Therapy.

Start 5m R of 'MOBS'.

A popular beginner lead that gets harder as you go up. 4 RBs and DBB.

Sportive 15m, 4 Kangaroo Point
15 Such A Nice Monster

Start: A further 10m up the gully.

Great! Five FH's up corner-like feature. Shares an anchor with TMMM.

Sportive 15m, 4 Mt Tibrogargan
14 Shit Heap

Despite the name, this is a good route to learn the basics of crack climbing. TR access can be gained by scrambling up from the left.

FA: Ian Cameron & Rick White

Trad 10m Frog Buttress
16 Standing Room Only

Start at "SRO" mark.

Hard start to 1st bolt then continues much more easily. 5 RBS to DBB.

FA: David Whitworth & Michael Long, 1994

Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
15 Devil's Wart

Simply brilliant middle grade climbing. Easily the best 15 at the cliff. Start at the obvious corner behind the large tree. Up this on brilliant holds and jams to a rest at the cave. Gulp hard, plug in yet more bombproof gear and blast out of the cave to some very airy positions. Wobble and bridge up the final corner to an easy top out. Chains can be found at the tree. There is some hollow rock on this climb, but you don't need to use any of it.

FA: Ross Allen & Ian Cameron, 1970

Trad 27m Frog Buttress
24 Brisbane Bitter

Start 2m R of 'Gangbang Wall', 2m L of 'XXXX'. Marked "BB".

Boulder start to RB then up nice seam past 4 more RBs to anchors. Hard finish.

Very cruxy.

FFA: Paul Hoskins, 1983

Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
25 Madder

Fantastic, absorbing vertical climbing with a punchy finish. This could now be the best single pitch sport route in the Glasshouses at the grade.

Start: Just R of 'Squealer'

FA: Gareth Llewellin, 2005

Sportive 15m, 5 Mt Tibrogargan
26 Three Men and A Ladder

Starts a few metres right of Hung Like a Fruit Bat. Stick clip. Jump start, up, then across the roof and finish at HLAFB chains. Similar style to Fruit Bat, at a harder grade.

FA: Matt Eaton, 2007

Sportive 10m, 5 Mt Coolum
18 Iron Mandible

A classic test piece at the grade. Start up face from the ground, or step in from the L at 2m (not as good). It is a little tricky to protect in the first 4m, but look around and salvation will come to hand! From here, climb the superb thin hands-to-fist/off-width crack all the way to the ledge. Rap chains can be found here. Cams to a #4 C4 are essential if you don't like run outs!

FA: Rick White, 1972

Trad 24m Frog Buttress
15 Bottle Stopper

Start at "BS" mark.

Nice easy sport lead. 4 RBs & DBB.

FFA: Heath Black & Mark Bennett, 1995

Sportive 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point
27 Weapon of Choice

The line starting at ground level, 10m L of the R end of cave. Stick-clip the very high first ringbolt. Probably the most beta intensive route here. At least seven kneebars.

FFA: Gareth Llewellin, 2007

Sportive 15m, 9 Mt Coolum
15 My Brothers Keeper

Four RBs to DBB (in cavelet). Keeps you interested at the grade.

FFA: Graham Page, Charlie Lewis, Clint Westbrook & Mclovin, 2008

Sportive 10m, 5 Brooyar
16 Anonymous DS

Start on blank wall 1m R of 'Anonymous'.

Retrobolted version of the original 'Anonymous' with a more direct start. Balancy climbing up wall past 2 RBs. Then on up corners and ledges finishing either up corner on R or straight up thin moves on face for more of a challenge. 6 RBs and DBB.

Sportive 18m, 6 Kangaroo Point
14 The Duck's Nuts

Start 1.5m L of 'Date Anatomy'.

Climb past 5 RBs then mantle awkwardly onto ledge and finish at DBB shared with 'Date Anatomy'.

FA: ross ferguson, Gareth Llewellin & Kevin Coleman, 2005

Sportive 16m, 5 Kangaroo Point
27 Spoonman

Bust out L from SI at 5th bolt. Great rock and good sequences have quickly made this a popular tick at the grade.

FFA: Gareth Llewellin, 2007

Sportive 20m, 11 Mt Coolum
13 Clockwork Orange Corner

Very popular, mainly due to the fact that it stays in the shade all day! Classy but technical climbing ascends the very obvious corner R of SOH. Excellent gear (if you have a number of fist-sized cams) with a slightly awkward and overhung crux. Up easily to DBB as you top out of the corner.

FA: Rick White & Chris Meadows, 1968

Trad 15m Frog Buttress
12 Witches Cauldron Pitch 1

Start marked 'WC'. A hundred ways to get up this twin cracked, 3 sided chimney! A better access pitch to 'Plume Ledge' than SAW.

FA: Rick White & Chris Meadows, 1969

Trad 12m Frog Buttress
19 Beyond the Black Stump

Heel hook start, quite sustained for the grade. Four UBs to chains.

FA: G Page & A Dodson., 2006

Sportive 15m Brooyar
15 Bad Company

A classy little climb up the corner past a large tree at 2m. Fantastic protection and loads of climbing variety make this an absolute winner. Rappel down from DBB directly above the route.

FA: Nic Taylor & John Hattink, 1977

Trad 20m Frog Buttress
17 Smoked Banana

Classic Frog climbing. Up the initial twin cracks with some difficulty to a ledge. Step L and up the single crack to a stance under a daunting roof. Sling the chock stone on the R in the wide crack, swallow hard and swing out and up the ladder of chock stones with bowel-quivering exposure! Rest your nerves in the body crack for a moment, travel into the depths of the crack, then squeeze up for a move or two until it is possible to step out onto the arete and face. Easily to the top.

FA: Rick White & Greg Sheard, 1968

Trad 40m Frog Buttress
16 Micron

The best 16 at the crag. Start up the chimney with technical bridging to a rest on the top of the semi-detached pillar. Step onto the R face and follow the line up to the top. Awesome climbing, bombproof gear and brilliant moves! Rap down DBB above Elastic RURP to avoid getting ropes stuck.

FA: Unknown, 1972

Trad 20m Frog Buttress
21 Pink Berets

Start 2m L of 'Bouncy Castle'.

Up past 2 FHs to break. Overcome loose section past FH to drillhole overhang and final FH. Interesting crux pulling over this to slab and rap station.

FA: Lee Cujes & Samantha Coles, 2003

Sportive 15m, 4 Kangaroo Point
25 Nitroglycerin

Already a classic.

FA: Jerome, 1992

FFA: Jerome, 2011

Sportive 15m, 6 Mt Ninderry

Start 3m R of 'Gigolo'.

Decent beginner climb, safely bolted. 4 RBs to chains.

FFA: Steve Kloske & Paul Pagoldh, 2013

Sportive 13m, 4 Kangaroo Point
16 Sun Chaser

Good solid rock, some long moves. Four UBs to DUBB.

FA: Graham Page & A Dodson, 2006

Sportive 15m, 4 Brooyar
22 Beach Bum

More bouldery than Strip Clubs. Start just right and up the slab (like all routes in this sector). Daunting black overhang then headwall. Where's that finishing jug...?

FFA: ross ferguson & Peter O'Halloran, 2011

Sportive 18m, 11 Pages Pinnacle

Slab to headwall to exposed step-around to techy corner. A bit of everything! If you're up for the adventure it's not to be missed. Top bolt very loose on anchors. Hand tighten and put your draws next to the bottom bolt until someone can come with a spanner (loctite or lock washer please).

FFA: Jerome, 2011

Sportive 25m, 10 Mt Ninderry
18 Annabelistic

In memory of Annabel Choy. Up steep wall to double U-bolt belay.

FA: Lara Masselos, 2008

Sportive 16m, 7 Brooyar
16 Snake Charmer

Start at U-bolt in black strip to the left of small cave and veer left through small overhang. 7 U-bolts to double U-bolt belay.

FA: Colin Carstens, 2007

Sportive 15m, 7 Brooyar
17 Pterodactyl D

Start 2m L of usual 'Pterodactyl' start. Marked "PTD".

Up arete and cracked corner to very high RB, then join 'Pterodactyl' at its 3rd RB.

FFA: Rick White, 1969

Sportive 17m, 4 Kangaroo Point
22 Aphelion
1 16 35m
2 21 12m
3 22 30m
4 22 10m

Great climbing in a superb position.

Start: 6m L below apex of overhanging orange wall.

  1. 35m (16) At mark climb slightly left to first FH. Nine FH's up to rap station below steep wall on L. The fifth bolt is invisible. When the way appears blocked by a ferny ledge, climb onto the ledge via its left side and it should become apparent.

  2. 12m (21) Climb R past two close FH's. Then straight up past a third FH to rap station on pedestal.

  3. 30m (22) Straight up orange corner and face above. At ninth FH step R and up to rap station on sloping ramp. This is the standout pitch of 'Celestial Wall'.

  4. 10m (22) Short and a bit awkward. Mount bulge from L. At ledge on top, rap anchor is on L. A fixed rope leads up and R onto 'Halfway House' terrace.

Descent: Abseiling back the way you came is not recommended and has resulted in numerous stuck ropes. It is recommended you head up to Halfway House, follow the fixed ropes up and left from the anchor. Once at Halfway house head right and abseil down Clemency. The top anchors for Clemency are beneath the tree with the fixed rope.

FA: Cameron Fairbairn & Phil Box, 2004

Sportive 87m, 4 Mt Tibrogargan
16 Horse-drawn Zeppelin

Quite hard and technical. Crank up the initial corner, staying in the L of the 2 cracks. From there, a desperate few moves across and right lead to jugs and a widening crack. Easily to the top.

FA: Barry Overs & Steve Bell

Trad 12m Frog Buttress
18 Chocolate Watch Band

Great climbing up the pillar bisected by an ever widening crack. The crux is near the top, coming out of a cave into a fist jam section. Easily up and L to Plume Ledge.

FA: Rick White & Rod Bolton., 1969

Trad 17m Frog Buttress
13 Electric Mud

Up the easy corner with good gear to be found. Pause for a moment to ponder the tricky exit move, flop onto the ledge and hoot for joy!

FA: Ian Cameron, Chris Knudsen; Ian Cameron & Chris Knudson

Trad 10m Frog Buttress
18 Resurrection Corner

A hardish move onto the ledge (step in from the R) gains a rest. From here blast up the unrelenting twin crack system until your arms and legs wish to explode! Gain a slight rest under a bulge, and then blissfully climb the single crack to the ledge. Take a few 3-4 camalots. Walk L through the cave/chimney to rap off as for BC.

FA: Rick White & Ron Collett, 1969

Trad 25m Frog Buttress
21 The Most Monstrous Monster

... of a Jug. So big in fact that it'll be full of water after rain! Enjoy the shower.

Sportive 13m, 4 Mt Tibrogargan
18 Plume

From the right side of 'Plume Ledge' (facing the cliff) Climb the obvious hand crack infront of a forked tree (belay). Great jamming up to a diagonal traverse right to a jug, then up the thinning crack trending slightly left on face holds to top mantle.

FA: Fred From, 1976

Trad 25m Frog Buttress
22 Gobble

Start 3m L of 'Adam's Rib'. Marked "G".

Justifiably popular. Follow the line of 5 RBs to the anchor shared with 'The Bolting Gestapo'.

FA: Paul Hoskins, 1983

Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
19 Dysentery RHF

Start as for 'Dysentery'[12213427], marked "D".

At the 4th RB on 'Dysentery'[12213427] veer R then up over roof, clipping 2 further RBs. Up slab above to DBB.

FA: Rob Whannell, 1985

Sportive 18m, 6 Kangaroo Point
16 The Bee's Knees

Start 3m R of 'The Lemur's Femur' (which is faintly marked "SI").

Up past 5 RBs to ledge, then L to DBB.

FA: Gareth Llewellin, Kevin Coleman & ross ferguson, 2005

Sportive 16m, 5 Kangaroo Point
19 Something About Sandy

Start 3m R of 'Pigsy'.

Bit of a one move wonder. Better than it looks. 5 FHs to anchor.

Sportive 13m, 5 Mt Tibrogargan
24 Punks in the Gin

Start 4m L of 'Pterodactyl'. Marked "PITG".

Follow the line of 5 RBs to the anchors.

FFA: Mick Woodrow & Paul Lawrence, 1985

Sportive 17m, 5 Kangaroo Point
20 R Kiwi

Start at the "K" mark.

Nice moves through a thin crux sequence. First bolt is very high (hence the "R" rating). 5 FHs & DBB. There's a ground anchor at the base for lead rope soloing.

FFA: Saul Squires & Dave Whitworth, 1992

Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
17 Three Stroke Scree Slope

“Despite appearances all the holds are bomber... I challenge you to pull anything off!” - J. Make him a wager. Enjoyable climbing on big, nicely moulded holds.

FFA: Jerome, 2011

Sportive 15m, 6 Mt Ninderry
25 Little Wednesday

Killer little overhang. Fun, punchy moves. Lower-off. Find a gullible seconder to clean.

FA: Graham Page & Colin Carstens, 2008

Sportive 8m, 6 Brooyar
16 Satan's Smokestack

The start is easier if you are tall. Climb boldly up the front of the wide crack to avoid the thrutch. From there, wander into the bottom of this 4-sided chimney, with the stars being given only for the unique style of climbing you are about to have thrust upon you! If you are into this sick perverted style of climbing, give it two more stars! Chimney or bridge up this to a ledge at the top. Continue up the R in another chimney, or alternatively on the face. Belay at the chains of Infinity. Big gear is not essential to adequately protect this route.

FA: Rick White & Chris Meadows., 1968

Trad 40m Frog Buttress
15 Miss Kandy Kane

The line going directly up the R arête of the scoop past five RBs to finish at rap rings. Nice juggy going to the top of the scoop, then open, balancy climbing to the station. Lower off.

FA: Lee Cujes & Erik Smits, 1999

Sportive 20m, 5 Brooyar
21 Prickles

Start 2m R of 'Vegemite' below the nice looking overhang.

Excellent sustained climbing with a great crux sequence through the overhang. 5 RBs then 2 FHs and DBB. There's a ground anchor at the base for lead rope soloing.

FA: Unknown, 2003

Sportive 18m, 7 Kangaroo Point
25 Wailer

The right most line on the wall before the corner.

Start: Start as for 'Howler' and veer right. Wailer has a separate 1st bolt 1 meter right of 'Howler'.

Sportive 18m, 5 Mt Tibrogargan
19 Worm Hole

Start 5m L of 'Southern Cross'. Marked "WH".

A difficult move to clip the 2nd bolt. A hold may have come off since the original grading of 18? Regardless, holds are there and just need to be found. Goes well once you know the sequence. Rebolted 2014.

FA: Heinz Buscher, 2010

Sportive 17m, 5 Mt Ngungun
17 Zeitgeist
1 17
2 13
3 15

Start by scrambling 10m up to broad ledge 30m R of 'Line Of Credit'. A DBB at the base of a line of FHs is found here.

  1. 32m (17) Follow line of FHs up and diagonally R over steep headwall before trending back L to DBB on spacious ledge.

  2. 38m (13) Up through typical Tibro slab. Ignore 1st DBB you come to - it's there purely to facilitate retreat on a 60m rope.

  3. 35m (15) Continue up nice exposed slab to top. Again, ignore 1st DBB you come to.

From final DBB it's easy to scramble a few metres right into Cave 3:

then up over the scree shoulder & down, into the very large Cave 2 to join the 'Caves Route'. Scramble down through Cave 1 out right, to the DBB. Descent from here, via the 'Caves Route' consists of 3 raps = will get you down on a single 60m.

Descent back down Zeitgeist on a single 60m rope: 4 raps will get you to the bottom slab and then a scramble down to the ground: rap down to the first DBB, 5m above the 2nd belay, mid pitch 3.

From here, rap to the next DBB, mid pitch 2 - about 15m above the first belay station on the big ledge.

Then a 15m rap to the big ledge, and pitch one belay.

From here, a full 30m rap will get you to the top of the slab, with some careful down scrambling to the ground.


FA: David, Ruth Reeve & a host of helpers, 2010

Sportive 110m, 3 Mt Tibrogargan
15 Coco Pops

Start 2m R of 'MD'.

Classic beginner lead, great introduction to 'Brooyar'. 7 RBs, top out, abseiling rings for top anchor.

Sportive 30m, 7 Brooyar
15 Iron Butterfly

A great warm up climb. Climb the left wall with great hands and pro in the back of the off-width to 10m. Then at roof go out and up using left wall again. Good stance on top of pillar, more good gear and another off-width section to the top of this next section. Use a tree not far back from the top of the route.

FA: Rick White & Ron Collett

Trad 28m Frog Buttress
16 Frontier Psychiatrist

Start at first line of bolts R of waterfall, 5m L of 'Junket'.

Nice crux start then follow line of 5 RBs just L of the tree to DBB. Relatively shady which is great on hot afternoons but then it does take a while to dry out after rain.

The 2013 SE Queensland guidebook lists this climb as 'Frontier Psychiatry'.

Sportive 16m, 5 Kangaroo Point
14 Electronic Flag

A long and very popular series of corners and cracks. Decent gear all the way but if you're belaying be aware that there are several ledges that the leader could hit.

There are three choices of start to this route: the rightmost is the Direct Start (19) which takes the clean layback corner into the line.

The middle start goes up the crack 2m on the L which leads to a short chimney; this goes at 17.

The original route (14) starts 4m L up the line of least resistance. Blast up this to a ledge, and then thoroughly absorbing climbing up the overhanging chimney section.

Rap at trees and chain (2 ropes to get down, or 1 x 70m will suffice).

FA: Rick White & Ian Cameron, 1969

Trad 40m Frog Buttress
14 The Lemur's Femur

Start at the faint "SI" mark.

Up past 6 RBs to DBB. Was known as "SI" before being bolted.

Sportive 18m, 6 Kangaroo Point
15 Tiger Stripe

Start at "TS" mark.

Trend L past 3 FHs then back R again past 4th FH to join 'Tiger's Tail' for final FH & shared DBB.

FA: Bernie Corfield & John Jones, 1980

FFA: Lee Cujes, Sam Coles & Chris Gibson, 2004

Sportive 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
16 The Horse

Start 3m R of 'Something About Sandy'.

Was a dodgy trad climb, now retrobolted with 4 FHs and a DBB.

Sportive 12m, 4 Mt Tibrogargan
16 Moonlight Dilemma

Start behind jacaranda tree about 15m L of 'Arete', and 2m right of Offal. Marked "MD".

Climbs better than it looks. Up twin choss cracks clipping bolts to the left. Head left at the ledge, and up balancy wall to chossy, crux rooflet. Breach the rooflet to the left, clip the last bolt on 'Offal' and finish at chains shared with 'Offal'.

FA Unknown, original line unknown

Équip.: David Reeve & Ruth Reeve, 2013

Sportive 15m, 5 Kangaroo Point
30 Evil Wears No Pants

The 70 degree overhung madness that rears above the walking track. One of the best steep routes in Australia.

Amazingly this was the first route to be equipped at Coolum (2 bolts); it was then extended another 2 bolts and attempted by various suitors over the next 15 years. In early 2008, Adam Donaghue refreshed the hardware & added two extensions, beginning both from a batman start on the U-bolt (Ground Control 28 going L and Major Tom 30 going straight up). Lee linked up the boulder problem start with Major Tom and Evil Wears No Pants was reborn as one of Queensland's 'King Lines'!

FA: Adam Donoghue, 2008

FFA: Lee Cujes, 2008

Sportive 20m, 11 Mt Coolum
4 Caves Route

Queensland's own mountaineering-style classic that has introduced the climbing experience to many a gibbering bumbly. This has always been the traditional easy route up to The Scrub (below the summit overhangs). Rap stations are present on five of the 8 pitches (Aug. 2019). Most of the rock on the route is quite worn making route-finding easy. Many parties rope up for these 5 pitches, interspersed with unroped scrambling.

Start: 20m R (down the slope) of where the E face walking track meets the rock. Marked "CR".

  1. 17m 4 A short pitch that allows the belayer to see roped parties (or top rope from the ground). Traverse out right across big ledges, skirting the vegetation above, then straight up to the DBB.

  2. 38m 4 Continue straight up, across big ledges & skirting trees, to the big shoulder & DBB belay.

  3. 36m 4 Traverse up R up rock steps, then trend left to ledge with small tree, from here, up the narrowing rock face with surprising exposure to belay ledge (single clip biner) and mouth of Cave 1.

  4. 50m 1 Unroped scramble up into Cave 1 & the big Cave 2. Walk to far L side of this.

  5. 47m 4 Traverse carefully out L side of cave along the narrow, precipitous ledge, until possible to move up to the terraced slab above. Up steep wall above with no protection to either of 2 rap stations. (The higher being the better option for roped parties.) (A belay is available from one of the trees on the LHS of Cave 2.)

  6. 100m 1 Unroped scramble from the belay ledge, up the rock steps up to the scrub, & follow this (worn) track through the scrub till you hit a large rock slab. Head down right to the rock slab & mount this up to the prominent chimney/corner.

  7. 35m 4 NOTE: THIS 5m SECTION OF CLIMBING IS ABOUT GRADE 15! Up the sheer vertical face on small but good holds, till possible to mantle into the chimney. Easier now (grade 4) up the chimney & rock face above, crossing ledges to a DBB. (This is the true line, but a log that helped the original party climb into the chimney is no longer there. To avoid this hard section, take the Caves Route Variant - the grade 3 slab, out to the left.)

  8. 195m 1 Walk/scramble up the shoulder, up rock ledges & bush, till you hit the West Track (Hiker's track).

*Note: There is also another Caves Route variant that avoids the chimney section which starts right at the base of the chimney by taking a short contour to the right hand side until a large cave is found. Go to the end of the cave and scramble up for about 25 m until the top of the NE face is reached. This second variant is slightly easier than the one described above.

FA: Bert Salmon & Allan Clelland, 1926

Trad 520m, 8 Mt Tibrogargan
17 Blowing Bubbles

Up past FH then move L onto small ledge (FH). Pass two more FH's and up to anchor up R (shared with MM).

Start: Start: At base of gully below rounded arête.

FA: Scott Lawrence & Gary Meyrick, 1999

Sportive 15m, 4 Mt Tibrogargan
19 Surrender

Start at arete 1m R of 'Crimes and Misdemeanours'.

Fine and balancy slab climbing that tests the head as much as the feet. A great climb at the grade, but with some potential for ledgy falls so make sure you're solid. 5 RBs & DBB.

FA: Andrew Barry & Paul Hoskins, 1984

Sportive 20m, 5 Kangaroo Point
19 Dawn Raid

Best route on the pillar - sustained. Start 2m to the R of & 2m down from 'Afternoon Delight'. Stickclip high first bolt from ledge on the left but start the climb down right. 3 shiny new RBs to lower-offs. Retrobolted (with permission) 2015. Take care clipping the 2nd bolt, as there has been at least one ground fall.

FA: Neil Monteith & Marten Blumen, 1994

Sportive 9m, 3 Mt Ngungun
14 Faki

The best 14 here! The brilliant L facing corner is an excellent introduction to sustained bridging and jamming. Rap chain is visible just up from the ledge.

FA: Fred From (solo), 1976

Trad 13m Frog Buttress

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