
Ascensions dans Oceania comme Retreat

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 4,200 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Falaise Qualité Grimpeur Date
15 Proteus Non-défini 220m Blue Mountains
Sam 25 Mai 2013
16 Defiant Deflaration - avec Angus M Non-défini 11m Barrenjoey Pas la peine
Graham Dowden
Dim 15 Jan 2017
Got racked and pumped up but was singularly discouraged by the Acoylte's apprehension that the only possible means of ascent to avoid disturbing stacked sheets of honeycombed cheese was "by waving your hands". Added to which a displeasing #mankycarrot on the headwall, observed to be sticking out a good 2 inches in the old measure, and bent downward to boot, cast a thin shadow of deep uncertainty over the proceedings.

21 Jam Crack - avec Matt, Theo Non-défini 8m Mt Kooyoora Bon
Dave McGregor
Dim 7 Mai 2017
14 The Great Prow Non-défini 350m Cloudy Peak Classique
Dim 27 Déc 2015
20 Precious - avec Jemma Herbert Non-défini 20m Mount Buffalo
Jacob Bridgeman
Dim 11 Fév 2018
Hard and dirty

23 Proud Fish Variant 1 (Proud Fish Project) Non-défini 25m Magnetic Island
Luen Warneke
Dim 12 Août 2018
Inspected the mouth.

- Mr & Mrs Attila the Hun Non-défini Blue Mountains
Paul Frothy Thomson
Sam 6 Août 2022
Awesome rock at the crux. Seems doable. Someone should go send it.

14 The Polymer Pathway Non-défini 63m Mount Buffalo
Chris Bailie
Mar 14 Fév 2023
Bailed from the top of P1 after witnessing a nasty fall further up the crag (she was surprisingly fine). P2 crack looks overgrown.

28 Maximum Pseudo Likelihood - avec Owyn Aitken Non-défini 20m Lovers Leap Classique
Ben Mitchell
Dim 10 Mars 2024
23 Jump Master - avec Max
1 23 220m
Trad mixte 220m, 60 Bungonia Gorge
Gee Rad
Mer 22 Août 2018
Just the bottom three. Pitch one is a ridiculous sandbag! I've climbed plenty of 24s that felt easier.

20 The Ravages of Time
1 17 20 Trad
2 18 35 Trad
3 18 30 Trad
4 20 30 Trad
Trad mixte 120m, 47 Chinaman's Bluff
Ryan Yong
Ven 18 Nov. 2022
Led first 4 pitches and turned back...

13 RedTide - avec Jonno Cawood
1 6 60m grimpé en tête par Poppy
2 10 50m grimpé en tête par Jonno Cawood
3 6 56m grimpé en tête par Poppy
4 8 55m grimpé en tête par Poppy
5 8 55m grimpé en tête par Jonno Cawood
6 7 55m grimpé en tête par Poppy
7 13 55m grimpé en tête par Poppy
Trad mixte 390m, 36 Briggs Bluff Area Dans la moyenne
Jeu 15 Nov. 2018
Don't know if I'd use the word pleasant. Very adventurous climb, also very serious and would add an R rating. Make sure you're very comfortable at the grade. Potential for very big swings between solid pieces of pro and you're often on sandy fragile rock that readily crumbles under hand and foot. The belays that rely on cams are just barely enough to keep you sane. All that being said, you get some great positions and the bolting seems solid enough. We bailed out after just before the 7th pitch by following up some FHs, pitty because the next few pitches had DBBs.

22 Difficile Finders Keepers
1 15 25m En second
2 19 30m Trad
3 18 30m Trad
4 12 60m Trad
5 22 20m Trad
6 21 25m Trad
7 21 30m Trad
8 21 30m Trad
9 21 30m Trad
Trad mixte 280m, 25 Homer Hut Area
Owyn Aitken
Sam 10 Fév 2024
23 ~23 Finders Keepers - avec Tim
1 15 25 En second
2 19 30 Trad
3 19 30 En second

Hard, wet corner

4 12 60 Trad
5 23 20 En second


6 21 25 Trad
7 21 30 En second
8 21 30 Trad
9 21 30 Trad
Trad mixte 280m, 25 Homer Hut Area Classique
Gee Rad
Sam 9 Mars 2024
Got on this as Pipe Dreams was occupied, generally very good.

21 Airtime Over Pumicestone - avec Tom Semple
1 18 grimpé en tête par Tom
2 18 grimpé en tête par Cam
3 21 grimpé en tête par Tom
Trad mixte 250m, 24 Mt Tibrogargan Classique
Cameron Semple
Dim 1 Mars 2015
Bailed at the top of the third due to getting late and forgetting to bring torches.

21 Airtime Over Pumicestone - avec Lachlan Gardiner
1 18 grimpé en tête par Lachlan
2 18 grimpé en tête par Nick
3 21 grimpé en tête par Lachlan
4 grimpé en tête par -
5 grimpé en tête par -
6 grimpé en tête par -
Trad mixte 250m, 24 Mt Tibrogargan Excellent
Mer 8 Fév 2017
Both climbed clean to the top of the 3rd pitch, then bailed in the rain. It would be nice to revisit on a winters morning.

20 The Chris Mann Route - avec Nick Trad mixte 99m, 23 Mt Tibrogargan Excellent
Rob Medlicott
Mer 4 Sept 2013
OOOOOOPS!!!! Supposed to be on El Scorcho but took the wrong path.... Didn't have a second rope to rap off the last pitch of this but would've been nice to finish it. Next time!

20 The Chris Mann Route Trad mixte 99m, 23 Mt Tibrogargan Dans la moyenne
Matt Langley
Dim 12 Juin 2016
Went for a cruisy day up blabbermouth but it was very busy. We were under prepared for anything else but decided to give this a go.The first pitch as for sunburnt buttress was lovely, and the chimney was easy to protect. The second pitch was pretty loose in spots, unfortunately the micro cams were left in the car and the nut placement was not heartening enough to protect the run out from the 4th to 5th bolt, so bailed..

17 Remains Of The Day - avec Grace Daff
1 17 20m grimpé en tête par Grace Daff
2 15 28m grimpé en tête par Grace Daff
3 16 28m
4 16 30m
5 13 30m
Trad mixte 140m, 22 Mt Tibrogargan Excellent
Grimpeur supprimé 2548049169
Sam 4 Jan 2020
A fantastic option for a summer afternoon climb with full shade and sea breezes. Sandbagged by at least a grade but well-bolted (except perhaps the start of pitch 2, where you have to traverse right and the first bolt is quite high up and, as you shall read presently, easy to miss!).

Grace led her pitches with great style and rapidity, whilst I followed her with significantly less style and speed (even despairing of actually finishing P1. It was certainly a stiff pitch to warm up on!).We started at 1pm and would have finished certainly by dusk if we didn't get off route. Grace was going to link P1 and 2 of Remains, as there were 4 of us doing the climb, but ended up linking up to P2 of Phoenix. Looking at the logged history of Phoenix now, it looks like we are not the first to make this mistake!

I found the steep bit off the belay on P3 quite challenging- it's definitely the most committing lead I've done thus far and whilst I didn't "send it", I'm just happy to have finished the pitch. The trad bit of the pitch was good but too short.

We finished P3 of Remains (Jill and Alex finished P4, as they overtook us when we went off route) and decided to rap down as it was getting late. Walked back in the dark but we had head torches- this was fortunate, as we almost stepped on some kind of juvenile black snake. I put out my hand to stop Grace (she had not seen it, whereas I was on hyper-vigilant snake watch!). I couldn't see a red underbelly on the snake so it might have been harmless. However, my personal preference is to say that I saved our lives from certain envenomation and probable death. As our lives were preserved, we will be back to finish this climb (I have heard that P5 is the best pitch!).

17 The Martian - avec hipyhop Trad mixte 320m, 22 Mt Beerwah Bon
Matthew Robbins
Lun 14 Juin 2021

The finale to Tom and I's 40 pitch day and boy it was a doozy.

A few months ago we had the idea to do a 40 pitch day, nailing as many multis as we could on Tibro and Beerwah. Not being able to travel makes a man do strange things!

We started the day at 4am in the Tibro climbers carpark and plugged our first cam into Blabbermouth at 5:15am. Climbing Blabbermouth in the dawn light was incredible

The rest of the routes at Tibro went down smoothly:

  • Ross Miller: Started 8:15, topped out at 9:45.
  • Line Of Credit: Started 10:30, back on ground at 11:30.
  • Troposphere: Started 12:00, back on ground at 13:40.

We transitioned to Beerwah in the afternoon, pulling onto Lhotse Flake 3:35pm (a little later than expected to be honest). My feelings about Lhotse's quality not-withstanding, it was super cool to simul climb most of it (micro traxions are a game changer!) and make the 9 pitches into 3. Linking the top 3 crux pitches into a monster 100m pitch, climbing by torchlight, running out of gear and fighting the rope drag monster was sick!

We finished the 5 raps of Lhotse at 8pm and started The Martian soon after; this is where the day went sideways.

Pitches 2/3 felt extremely tenuous on lead; the rock felt super skatey and it was hard to trust our hands and feet. Tom and I originally put this down to fatigue but about halfway through P4/5, Tom realised that the rock was wet from condensation! Nothing get's you gripped quite like climbing a bold friction slab on moist rock

At 10:30pm, we made the decision to retreat rather than push on. There is nothing to gain in the risk of climbing dodgy rock for the arbitrary goal of 40 pitches.

3 rappels later, we made it back to the ground at 11:20pm and then was back in Brisbane at 2am.

In summary:

  • 2 mountains
  • 6 routes
  • 20 hour push.
  • 34 pitches.
  • 20 rappels.
  • Approx 1000 meters of climbing.

15 The Martian - avec Matthew Robbins
1 15 48m grimpé en tête par hipyhop
2 13 28m grimpé en tête par Matthew Robbins
3 14 30m grimpé en tête par Matthew Robbins
4 13 31m grimpé en tête par hipyhop
5 11 30m grimpé en tête par hipyhop
Trad mixte 170m, 22 Mt Beerwah Excellent
Mar 15 Juin 2021

The cool evening temps (~9-10pm) caused the moisture in the air to condense on the rock, turning the lichen in to slippery death-slime.

Pitch 4 & 5, usually a pleasant ramble, were absolutely terrifying and we made the decision to abandon the goal of 40 pitches and get home safely.

21 Long Distance Relationships Trad mixte 50m, 20 Blue Mountains
Jacob Bridgeman
Sam 10 Mars 2018
Awful rock on the first pitch

21 Long Distance Relationships Trad mixte 50m, 20 Blue Mountains Excellent
Dim 11 Mars 2018
coming back for the second pitch, great exposure, but the first is a choss fest.

14 Sweet Dreams - avec John Saunders, Ryan Cooper
1 14 20m grimpé en tête par Ryan Cooper
2 10 20m grimpé en tête par Ryan Cooper
Trad mixte 40m, 20 Blue Mountains Super classique
Jacob Henwood
Sam 7 Sept 2019
Bailed due to high winds. One of our group swears he saw a knagaroo.

24 23 Infant Terror Trad mixte 45m, 16 Blue Mountains Excellent
Jason McCarthy
Dim 22 Mai 2016
Bailed half way along the traverse , the baking sun and sharp crimps was destroying my skin. Looks awesome.

21 El Scorcho
1 21 107m
Trad mixte 110m, 15 Mt Tibrogargan
Alex Mougenot
Dim 19 Août 2018
Ran out of light and w/out headtorches atop the 1st pitch. Sweet pitch! Reminded me of Bluies face climbing in places. Poor rope drag management down low, and a slight quickdraw deficiency made for an interesting ascent, which is well summarised in Peatey's log. A great day out!

17 Burning Man - avec Nat Trad mixte 250m, 14 Mt Tibrogargan
Jake O'Sullivan
Mar 1 Sept 2020
Accidentally climbed this for 4 or so bolts thinking it was Traxion, luckily it looks like someone else has also made the same mistake so there was leaver a biner/ mallion to retreat from

21 M0 Storms at Sea Trad mixte 80m, 14 Fear Wall Pourrie
I Skip Crux Holds
Dim 12 Sept 2021
24 Launch Pad To Hype Her Space
1 17 25 En second
2 15 15 Trad
3 24 20 Trad
Trad mixte 60m, 14 Wye Creek
Adam Sanders
Sam 18 Nov. 2023
Went up to suss the third pitch. Didn't end up trying it today.k

22 Pole Dancer - avec Chris L Trad mixte 40m, 12 Cape Raoul
Brendan Heywood
Ven 2 Jan 2015
Lead the easy first pitch with minimal pro. Then waited at the base for the other party to finish for ages. Got very cold as the winds built up and eventually decided to bail and very glad we did.

26 Mr Joshua Trad mixte 50m, 12 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classique
Dan Johnson
Lun 16 Avr 2018
Scared myself stupid, can’t wait to try again.

22 Pole Dancer - avec Jarred Vardy, Ruth, Tom P Trad mixte 40m, 12 Cape Raoul
Jack Seawright
Lun 6 Déc 2021
Onsight!! Oh no sorry i mean sight! :o sorry for the confusion, we just saw it from the west side of the wedding cake. The most enjoyable bail ever. A 28hr adventure with 3 mateys in an insane landscape. Nap at carpark followed by one of the best day hikes there is. PB and rang for dinner to calorie load the night before at seal lookout. 3 tablespoons of PB is too much. Watch out PBrang cult of UQMC.. know your limits. Stunning sunset over the pillars before 5 hrs of shuteye. We squished into the tent and slept like sardines before ruth sprang out of the tent at 415 to put water on the boil. Ate in sleepingbags. A bold path taken on the way down. Well.. we took the wrong turn. Twice. A shit 18 followed by a great airy 18 to the wedding cake. Great southern land was on the mental radio today. I dont make these decisions. Got shutdown by the stegosaurus traverse.. couldnt make the rope not stick to rock and ended up turning the team around via a movie-like dialogue with jarred over walkie talkie. Tom and I had a sunburnt nap at the beginning of the wedding cake reascent. Following this was a nice lunch up top, some airy raps and a canyon ascent out that was the worst (and for jarred also somehow the best) part of the day, nonetheless, adding some flavour to a buffet of ramblings that was our cape raoul trip. Sundown at the shippies lookout and a delirious drive back to fortie bay where we were greeted by the rest of the gang. A truly unforgettable adventure. Sorry if you came here to read about pole dancer. I dont have a lot to say about that

18 Psychedelic Freeway - avec Charlie
1 17 42m grimpé en tête par Charlie
2 18 grimpé en tête par Sam Lancaster
Trad mixte 42m, 11 Kawakawa Bay Excellent
Sam Lancaster
Sam 5 Jan 2019
I got upto the 1st anchor and realized just how exposed the 2nd pitch is.. decided to have a closer look, climbed past the two bolts, placed a cam and decided it was too much for me. Cleaned the gear and downclimbed. Such a cool looking 2nd pitch, I will be back more prepared!!

20 Gobber Head - avec Nathan Miles Trad mixte 40m, 11 Blowering Cliffs
Sam 25 Fév 2023
We accidently went up this while climbing 'NTFD' The moves and features are cool and the moves around the flake before the slab are sick. The top half felt ridiculously hard in the direct sun.

Nathan lead up to the bolt under the tree then gave up. I gave it a go and got stuck in the same spot. I then back-jumped the whole pitch and checked the phone to discover we were going the wrong way.

25 Iron Curtain - avec Rene Provis Trad mixte 58m, 10 Blue Mountains
Sam 30 Jan 2021
Can confirm this is definitely not 23 (25 per Hugh Ward’s description). Especially the overhanging tight finger crack boulder start with no feet (nuts and a 0.1). Bailed from the roof as it was taking too long

25 Mr. Joshua Pitch 1 Trad mixte 28m, 8 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Super classique
Ven 3 Juil 2015
I am not yet worthy. Fantastic line on the best rock. I fell of quite a bit trying to get used to the slopey/flowy style.

22 Blunt instrument/Burning spear P2 Link-Up (Blunt instrument linked into Burning spear p2) - avec JEss Trad mixte 35m, 8 Fortescue Bay Super classique
Mer 8 Fév 2017
Had to bail around 2-3 bolts from the top. Fantastic climbing till then. Didn't have enough left in my fingers to clip on the arete from a tricky position with bad feet and slopers! Took a few whippers which was fun. Will get this next time and maybe could have stuck some gear in to help me dog up to clip. Next time will be more careful to pull the rope too so I don't get the end wet!

17 Central Buttress - avec Grant Johnston
1 15 20m grimpé en tête par Grant Johnston
2 17 30m grimpé en tête par John Pitcairn
Trad mixte 50m, 8 Twin Stream Excellent
John Pitcairn
Lun 22 Jan 2018
Spotty weather. Got as far as the top of the bolts on P2 before it began to rain again. Escaped to the El Nino P1 bolted anchor about 5m left, brought Grant up and waited for Dave on El Nino, then we bailed.

17 REM state ruminations Trad mixte 25m, 8 Blue Mountains Bon
Josephine Roper
Dim 24 Mars 2019
Had a fall before the last bolt and had rather run out of energy. The steep bit was fun though.

24 Graveyard Wall Direct Trad mixte 30m, 8 Blue Mountains
Mer 17 Fév 2021
2020 middle of yr - climbed the trad (first) half, then bailed at the start of the sport (second) half. The crux is probably somewhere on that flat slab

Did this twice, thanks to whoever left a bail biner at the first bolt both times I was at piddington.

22 ~24 Blunt instrument/Burning spear P2 Link-Up - avec Kat Hayhoe Trad mixte 35m, 8 Fortescue Bay
Tommathy swift
Jeu 29 Déc 2022
What is this bullshit, hardest 22 ever. Took a very large whip at the Crux and couldn't get past it, got absolutely flogged

14 Difficile Free Burma P2
2 14 27m Trad

Lead lambs to slaughter, keen to continue on this route but the situation meant we had to bail 2nd pitch without really trying.

Trad mixte 27m, 8 Walpole Bon
Simon Bradbury
Lun 2 Jan 2023
22 Blunt instrument/Burning spear P2 Link-Up Trad mixte 35m, 8 Fortescue Bay Super classique
Yi 逸
Jeu 8 Fév 2024
Led on pre-placed gears. Couldn’t figure out my beta for the top crux. Took some falls and came down feeling destroyed.

21 Floater Trad mixte 20m, 7 Mt Tibrogargan Dans la moyenne
Mar 8 Oct. 2013
i was thinking that i was on rattle pretty scary rock

26 Father Oblivion Trad mixte 52m, 7 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classique
Lun 26 Déc 2022
Hard pitch to work as the crux is at the start! Had a play but bailed. Would be keen to get back and work out the crux as the rest of it looks fantastic

24 Deep Play - avec Pete Trad mixte 20m, 6 Fortescue Bay Super classique
Chris Harper
Dim 27 Déc 2015
Went to warm up on the candlestick but the swim looked a bit deadly so we jumped on the tote instead. Struggled after the bolts ran out about 2/3 height on the first pitch. By that stage Pete was very wet and cold so we aborted!

18 The Tubster - avec matt hoschke Trad mixte 30m, 6 South-Eastern Grampians
Sam 9 Avr 2016
Well.... tried to warm up on this and got pretty scared. I guess i haven't lead for a very long time. This is a sport climb in the old guide and it is really run out on the second top.

24 Deep Play - avec Sean Peters Trad mixte 20m, 6 Fortescue Bay
Dim 21 Jan 2018
Forgot the nuts (just had a single set of cams), rapped to the bottom, looked at the climb, decided I didn't want to climb without nuts and chickened out.

Jugged back up, and watched a couple climb it (I have photos, pm me if you climbed it on the 21st Jan 2018, and want them)

24 Deep Play Trad mixte 20m, 6 Fortescue Bay
Riley Nicholson
Ven 11 Jan 2019
Don't think this ones meant to be done as DWS...

19 I'd Rather Be Sailing - avec Rebecca Crabb Trad mixte 28m, 6 Blue Mountains Classique
Liam Thurston
Dim 18 Août 2019
Got a bit spooked on this one. Need a stronger head before coming back. Fun climb though!

21 Barefoot in the Head Trad mixte 30m, 6 Blue Mountains
Sam 10 Oct. 2020
Started up this as a way to get onto 'The 80 Minute Hour'; put a #3 in the low break then traversed left over 'Pretty Boy Floyd' using the ramp for hands. I finally got my hand on the horizontal break above TEMH direct start and it felt smooth and disappointing. At that point I was already looking at a certain groundfall, but the final traverse moves seemed risky and I wasn't confident locking off while fumbling pro in blind, so I decided to bail instead. Having to downclimb unprotected from there with sweaty hands felt nails.

20 Alpha Bacon Trad mixte 20m, 6 Cania Gorge Classique
Steffen & Saskia Bollmann
Lun 5 Juil 2021
27 Ockham's Razor Trad mixte 20m, 6 Freycinet National Park Classique
Patrick Munnings
Sam 13 Nov. 2021
Clean to the crux and then I started leaking blood from my finger all over the wall and could not use the imaginary holds with bloody hands. Super keen to have another crack at this

24 Deep Play - avec Aidan Cox Trad mixte 20m, 6 Fortescue Bay Super classique
Benjamin Rowe
Lun 3 Jan 2022
First attempt at doing the Tote, not a good day for it as it turned out to be drizzling, but it really got bad when the swell got big and absolutely slammed me on the belay. Waves crashing above my head, soaking every part of me, 1/3 of the pitch, and all of my gear, including the rope, made us wisely reconsider our choice for the day.. we bailed, swung back across and jumared out to try our luck on a better day. Great adventure experience but I wouldn't do it again in swell over about 1m I think.

27 Ockham's Razor - avec Hannah Rose Trad mixte 20m, 6 Freycinet National Park Classique
Patrick Munnings
Lun 1 Août 2022
Conditions were worse than the last time I tried this and I couldn't even get to the crux.

21 Barefoot in the Head - avec tom bes Trad mixte 30m, 6 Blue Mountains
Jake Delaney
Dim 17 Juil 2022
got real scared and bailed onto 80 Minute Hour

13 Noblesse Oblige Trad mixte 420m, 6 Mount Buffalo
Jack Seawright
Ven 23 Déc 2022
Woke up from howlitt park playground to go solo a 400m slab. Only it had been raining the night before. We still went to check it out stupidly. Bashed through wet scrub for 20min about 15m right and parallel to the actual access track, found the slab to be wet, but at least we found the trail in the end. On retreat though, we found a smirnoff ice visor that wed seen on the way up which we forgot was on the non-trail we followed up and bashed back to the road on an equally non-existant path. Shit adventure/10.

16 Blabbermouth - avec Kyla
1 13 22 Trad grimpé en tête par Pete

variant start

2 16 34 Trad grimpé en tête par Pete

climbing is easy enough but still scary runout

Trad mixte 56m, 6 Mt Tibrogargan
Mar 27 Déc 2022
bailed after the second pitch. only started mid afternoon once the wall was in shade.

water runoff and big runouts made progress way slower than expected. wanted to avoid having an epic so just called it

16 Blabbermouth - avec Pete
1 12 28m En second grimpé en tête par Pete
2 16 34m En second grimpé en tête par Pete
3 16 33m Trad
4 13 20m Trad
5 14 28m Trad
6 13 32m Trad
7 10 20m Trad
Trad mixte 200m, 6 Mt Tibrogargan Bon
Mer 28 Déc 2022
Pete lead the first two pitches with some mad long run out (definite ground fall potential on the first pitch). At the end of the second pitch short on time we decided to retreat to avoid climbing over some wet slimy rock. Still got some good views and fun in tho!

27 Ockham's Razor Trad mixte 20m, 6 Freycinet National Park Classique
Jeu 19 Jan 2023
Feels good to 4th bolt lol. Everything becomes impossible after that

25 Cave Route - avec Harrie Van de Linde Trad mixte 20m, 6 Orroral area
Dylan Glavas
Sam 29 Juil 2023
Thought we'd jump on this to try hard! Pretty cruisy 22ish pumpy juggy climbing in the cave, then massive dyno out to the biggest bucket you will ever touch while climbing. Got it second shot, shoved the cam in and mantled onto the bucket, wigged out after that. I think the crimps should be climbed through rather than mantling onto the the bucket, you can't stand up because the wall just pushes you out. Sick climb needs more attention. Also, the 26 crack down the hill is the sickest crack I've seen, would love to try someday

27 Ockham's Razor Trad mixte 20m, 6 Freycinet National Park
Sam 16 Déc 2023
23 Facile Nothing Left - avec Nick Roach Trad mixte 120m, 6 Orroral area Excellent
Alek Gough
Sam 17 Fév 2024
this climb was bolted by a wanker. the bolts are placed just in a way where they arent doing their job properly like cmon guys how hard is it to move a bolt 30 cm higher so that you DONT smash your ankles on a ledge. this has a stupid bolting job which makes the climb bolder for no reason. i love this crag but some of the ethics demonstraited amazingly here are utter nonsense. probably 22

17 Day Tripper - avec Tim
1 Trad

Very good apart from the garbage bolt at the crux

2 En second
3 Trad
Trad mixte 110m, 6 Lake Adelaide
Gee Rad
Dim 10 Mars 2024
18 17 Checkpoint Charlie Trad mixte 25m, 5 Halls Gap Area Dans la moyenne
Mar 1 Jan 2013
Bolts are spaced, particularly near the top - benefits from having trad gear.

26 Sirocco - avec Matt J Trad mixte 52m, 5 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Super classique
Chris Harper
Sam 6 Déc 2014
First lead on Taipan. Couldn't will myself into an all points off dyno and didn't see another solution so went over to check out Father O.

21 Sticks And Stones DS Trad mixte 34m, 5 Mt Maroon
Alex Mougenot
Lun 15 Juin 2015
Got to the 2nd bolt after a few falls. Will become a lot easier once I learn to read this rock, I feel. Great moves. Can't wait to do the rest!

22 Lesbian Printshop Workers - avec Dani Hess Trad mixte 20m, 5 Kangaroo Point Excellent
Josiah Hess
Lun 31 Août 2015
The crack at the top isn't as easy as I thought it would be. After a big whippa I didn't feel confident making the last few moves to the top without a wire.

25 Diazepam - avec Molly Trad mixte 25m, 5 Summerday Valley Excellent
Chris Harper
Jeu 26 Mai 2016
Very thin, didn't get all the moves out. Best rapping in to put the gear on.

17 Moon Struck Trad mixte 80m, 5 Twin Stream Classique
Ven 13 Jan 2017
Adequate gear in the crack, then nice moves past some bolts.

P1 - Nick

P2 -

20 On The Edge - avec Joel Stanton Trad mixte 25m, 5 Beechworth Area
Stan Meissner
Jeu 30 Juin 2016
Thrutched up the chimney to clip the first bolt and gain the ledge then looked up to find no more bolts. Bailed due to no pro.

Went back the next day to get the draw that we left to confirm no bolts - they must have been damaged/removed. Be aware if you are going to climb this!!

22 Buffy the Flying Dinosaur - avec Daniel Smith Trad mixte 20m, 5 Kangaroo Point Dans la moyenne
Genevieve Kieseker
Jeu 24 Jan 2019
Clambering up the face of Pterodactyl was strange but okay. Just could not get up the end of Honed and Buff.

25 Acid Didj Trad mixte 30m, 5 Wilyabrup
Anthony Wallace
Lun 27 Mai 2019
Almost got my pinky finger stuck in a quickdraw when falling on toprope.

25 Persona Grata - avec Sean Trad mixte 20m, 5 The Black Range Excellent
Gee Rad
Jeu 30 Mai 2019
Got to the "nut placement", bailed and rapped in and preplaced the fiddly gear where there should just be one more bolt...then it rained

21 Spangled Drongo - avec Matt Cleaver Trad mixte 20m, 5 Blue Mountains
Sid Tinney
Jeu 18 Juil 2019
Absolutely no chance of pulling through the crux. Should have cheated left around the arete but instead lowered down so others could have a bash!

15 Breakfast at Tiffany's - avec Dan Laube Trad mixte 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Excellent
Nathan Brooks
Sam 21 Déc 2019
Again, got about 2/3s of the way up and then retreated. Damn the ledges. It's hard to onsight when it's dark as well. HAHA

22 Green Eggs and Ham
1 22 110m
Trad mixte 110m, 5 Maungaraho
Sergey Komarov
Dim 25 Oct. 2020
Attempted 'Green Eggs and Ham' but failed to find the start. We only climbed 10 meters that were much harder than the promised 15.

Took first trad fall: 3m onto a medium offset nut when I pulled a hand hold off the wall. Was backed up by a C4 #2 just below.

Retreated and attempted 'Dihedral Wall'.

19 Showpiece - avec Igor Epof, Zac Lazatin Trad mixte 25m, 5 Blue Mountains Super classique
Mar 23 Fév 2021
Suppose to have done as a end of day toppy, but bailed at the look of having to rap clip the original start (far left corner), to give Zac the pleasure. Weird button head bolting.

Closeness to the highway makes it feel like you're in some weird Mazda commercial.

22 Retired, Extremely Dangerous - avec Clive Trad mixte 34m, 5 Kaputar Pourrie
Michael Moore
Dim 3 Oct. 2021
Pulled a head sized block off couple of bolts in, about half the footers blew off…

17 Master and the apprentice - avec Zi Hui Lie Trad mixte 45m, 5 Blue Mountains
Patrick Sparks
Sam 16 Oct. 2021
Got sketched out at the traverse, felt like I had run out of gear (could do with more #.75s and #2s). So I lowered off and we yoyo-ed the lead.

22 On Edge - avec Rupert Wallman Trad mixte 28m, 5 Blue Mountains Classique
Rafael Andreollo
Ven 19 Nov. 2021
Very technical indeed, couldn't figure out the move past the first bolt, went back down cause it was getting late.

16 Blind Justice Trad mixte 40m, 5 Camels Hump Bon
Liam M
Mer 2 Fév 2022
22 Retired, Extremely Dangerous - avec big crew Trad mixte 34m, 5 Kaputar Pas la peine
Michael Moore
Sam 23 Avr 2022
Tried this again thinking maybe I hated it because I was just cranky but no. Broke more holds, everything sounds hollow. Not keen.

28 Seize The Day Direct - avec Hannah Rose, Jacob Dean Trad mixte 20m, 5 Launceston (Cataract) Gorge Classique
Patrick Munnings
Lun 18 Juil 2022
Still can't work out the one move between me and glory...

22 Lesbian Printshop Workers - avec yim Trad mixte 20m, 5 Kangaroo Point Classique
Jack Seawright
Mer 19 Oct. 2022
Bailed off onto the variant finish which was also pretty cool but not what we came to tackle. I really would love to proper commit to the layback but someones broken a brassy right in the only constriction available. Flicked around up there for god knows how long and yim extended a totem in from the VF which we ended up escaping via. Honestly wouldnt have been a terrible whip if the cam held but the rock around it was pretty uninspiring. I stepped far enough into the crux that i could tell the big side pull wasnt as good as it looked and couldnt figure the seq so gingerly downclimbed and further embarrased myself and hauled up yims gear on the mightily sandbagged gynaecology next door. Stellar effort from yim freeing that with some funky knee jam beta that resulted in a stuck hand and some nervous mantle moments!? The rain hit just as we were cleaning.

22 On Edge - avec Felix Brodocz, luke Trad mixte 28m, 5 Blue Mountains
Jack Gaggin
Dim 11 Déc 2022
20 Green Eggs and Ham - avec Rudee Lim Trad mixte 110m, 5 Maungaraho
Mer 28 Déc 2022
I'll be totally honest. Not really sure where we ended up. Retreated after taking a spicy whip on a flaring crack on what I thought was third pitch.

25 Krakatoa - avec Chris G Trad mixte 30m, 5 Arapiles
Chris Harper
Jeu 20 Avr 2023
Finger went pop! Retreated and called it a day.

18 ~20 White Hart — 6 essais - avec Josh Ring Trad mixte 28m, 5 Teneriffe
Mer 26 Avr 2023
Unclear what other holds could have been under the moss. Still, felt pretty hard! Bailed to the right after the second bolt.

26 Mastercraft - avec Frank the Tank Trad mixte 35m, 5 Blue Mountains
Michael Houghton
Mer 3 Mai 2023
Climbed to the third bolt (with chain) above the anchor of the climb below as I thought it as an anchor and figured I'd get a few more metres of climbing in. Had a rest or two getting there, but made most of the moves. Would be good to come back with some gear to do the whole thing.

20 Green Eggs and Ham (Green Eggs and Ham Linkup The Dihedral)
1 15 30m linkup The Dihedral , grimpé en tête par Colin Arnott
2 19 45m linkup Akuna Manta , grimpé en tête par Colin Arnott
3 18 50m grimpé en tête par Colin Arnott
4 20 10m grimpé en tête par Colin Arnott
5 17 10m grimpé en tête par Colin Arnott
6 14 10m
Trad mixte 160m, 5 Maungaraho
Colin Arnott
Sam 13 Mai 2023
18 Opportunivore Trad mixte 18m, 5 Punakaiki Excellent
Ven 17 Nov. 2023
The bottom of the crag was a river, but wall was dry. Made a plan, waded across, and set up belay hanging off first bolt. Noticed the river was rapidly rising then bailed, with a chest deep wade back across the river. Good times.

22 Wailing Cockatoo Trad mixte 45m, 5 Bungonia Gorge
Dim 28 Avr 2024
Last day, feeling wrecked, tried this. Got to the very committing section just below the roof and coundn't commit. Neither could Nick, we bailed.

14 Suddenly Sober Trad mixte 20m, 4 Brooyar Excellent
Miguel Madero
Sam 14 Jan 2012
Not really sport. Had to retreat after the third bolt. I didn't have any trad gear and didn't feel like running it out. Definitely doable if you're feeling brave, but better to put some wires.

21 Rings Around Trad mixte 13m, 4 Asses Ears Area
Andrew Clark
Mar 12 Juin 2012
Wussed out and didn't make it to the first bolt.

25 Station to Station Trad mixte 22m, 4 Arapiles
Andrew Clark
Mer 31 Oct. 2012
Fell off on TR and lowered.

19 Bubonic Man Trad mixte 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point Dans la moyenne
Mark Napper
Dim 15 Déc 2013
Chickened out!

19 Bubonic Man Trad mixte 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point
Josiah Hess
Mer 27 Jan 2016
Was hoping there would be a third carrot but there wasn't, which is quite a shame. Not sure what the placement would be. Ended up linking into wedding crashers which was quite nice.

18 Lost Socks - avec , Annie Trad mixte 31m, 4 Waitpinga
Ben Dickson
Dim 26 Mars 2017
Picking up lost gear on Lost Socks. Move past the first bolt was hard. Almost gave up shortly after.. but glad I was encouraged into carrying on. Was good challenge - head seemed fine on highest graded trad/mixed route I've tried, but calves and big toes became really fatigued/painful, so wasn't confident about doing remainder of route, and had luckily passed all the gear that needed cleaned.. so bailed to chains of neighbouring route (a few metres below a bolt plate after the long trad section, maybe 2/3rds of way up?)

23 Walking Wounded Trad mixte 20m, 4 Blue Mountains
Tim Clarkson
Sam 24 Juin 2017
Too tired end of day. Burly for 23, with an exciting runout on crimps. Good one that I need to come back to.


Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 4,200 ascensions.

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