
Voies dans Moelwynion pour la cotation selectionnée

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Affichant les 36 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité Falaise
VS UKT:5a Lavaredo
1 VS 4b 20m
2 5a 23m

FA: R. James, K. Forder & I. Campbell, 1961

Trad 43m, 2 Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Fracticide Wall
1 HVS 4c 21m
2 5a 23m

FA: C. Jones, A. Jones & A. Daffern, 1960

Trad 44m, 2 Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Brys

From the top of the first pitch of Ashael, follow the same line until you reach steep overhung V in the rock. Climb strenuouslyfor a few moves, over good wire placement. Pull to the side of roof (left) to gain sloping mantleshelf. Follow directly up to meet the finish of Africa Rib.

Trad 41m, 2 Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Vestix

The diagonal left-leading crack-line is tougher than it looks. Start on the right side of the tower below a prominent crack. Move up and gain the crack and hurry up and left along it to the arete. Continue along the crack to easier ground

Trad Moelwynion
VS UKT:5a Little Plum Trad 34m, 2 Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Dol y Moch Crack Trad 8m Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Demondim Spawn Trad 12m Moelwynion
5c Heidi Sportive Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Mean Feat

P1 (4b) Start in prominent corner up and right of main slab, scramble up grassy grooe to treach good rock and climb up to obvious traverse line (going left). Follow the classy traverse with great handholds and gear across slab into niche just before the v-corner. P2 (5a) move left and climb the corner, bridge, wedge, squirm past good gear to a ledge on left (possible good belay). Step off right into the abyss and climb the crack to ledge before stepping back left onto arete which is followed to top on jugs

Trad 33m, 2 Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Retro Winner Trad 16m Moelwynion
5c Ramp Sportive Moelwynion
VS UKT:5a Cuckoo Waltz Trad 3 Moelwynion
VS UKT:5a Double Criss

A good route - testing and totally traditional on its second pitch.

  1. 4b, 28m. Start just in from an arete. Move up and left to gain the arete, follow it past a break to a ledge. Move right and climb the face/groove to the ledge. Large cams for the belay.

  2. 5a, 8m. The monster crack above will eat you alive. Brute force and ignorance work best, but so does a little old-fashioned off-width technique.

Trad 2 Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Knight of the Flowers Trad 18m Moelwynion
5c Bella Sportive Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Plasma Trad Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Phidl

1 5a 5m Enter the corner, via the right wall and continue up to the ledge 2 5a 16m Take the obvious traverse line across the right wall and finish up the slab right of the arete. Bold finish. This climb was in the 1983 CC guide to Tremadog.

Trad 22m, 2 Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Mysterious Girl Trad 16m Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Gethsemane Trad Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Slate Trad 2 Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Crab Nebula

60 metres east of Clipiau in a V-gully is a west- facing wall. Gain the obvious niche and climb the curving crack above.

Trad 18m Moelwynion
E1 UKT:5a Slab Direct Trad 12m Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a The Wanderer Trad Moelwynion
VS UKT:5a Morwynion Corner Trad 13m Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Space Below My Feet Trad Moelwynion
FB_ALT:4+ Problem 2 Bloc Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Not Enough Babes Trad 12m Moelwynion
E1 UKT:5a Johnson's Creek

Left of the descent gully. High up is short wall above boulders.Take the blank LHS of the wall direct.

Trad 10m Moelwynion
FB_ALT:4+ Problem 12 Bloc Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Fairley’s Patent Trad 15m Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Trick of the Tail

Found on the South-West spur along with routes such as Johnson's Wall, Jones's Crack and Betimes.

Trad 37m Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a XTUBE Trad Moelwynion
E1 UKT:5a Pocedi Gwag Trad 6m Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Jones's Crack

Graded VS in the guide but much harder, 5b or even 5c to start

Trad Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Red Wall Crack Trad 42m, 2 Moelwynion
HVS UKT:5a Tramwyo Trad 10m Moelwynion

Affichant les 36 voies total.

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