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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur plus de 10,000 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Falaise Qualité Grimpeur Date
Via ferrata
28 Brigata Tridentina Via ferrata 600m Brigata Tridentina Super classique
Shane Corbett
Mer 10 Août 2022
2 falls, one sit stoked to get the onsight

27 Project MB Non-défini 20m, 6 Big Hill Excellent
Matt Brooks
Sam 30 Mai 2020
Hmmm, fealt like I had flat batteries today

21 Where Eagles Swear (Warwick's project- Closed) Non-défini 10m, 6 Rockhampton Excellent
Warwick Davis
Jeu 25 Fév 2021
Got the beta sorted for the start and only fell once before topping out.

21 Where Eagles Swear (Warwick's project- Closed) Non-défini 10m, 6 Rockhampton Excellent
Warwick Davis
Jeu 25 Fév 2021
Fell at the crux.

21 Where Eagles Swear (Warwick's project- Closed) Non-défini 10m, 6 Rockhampton Excellent
Warwick Davis
Jeu 25 Fév 2021
Had the moves but arms and fingers were stuffed. Loving the tiny edges that require absolute commitment.

21 Where Eagles Swear (Warwick's project- Closed) Non-défini 10m, 6 Rockhampton
Warwick Davis
Mer 3 Mars 2021
Taking my time to get the bolt placements correct.

21 Thin Then Steep Non-défini 11m, 3 Moonah Road Crag
Dave Pastafarian
Dim 10 Mai 2020
Marshmallow Man (MmM) - avec Jodie Rummer Non-défini 38m, 2 Cape Pallarenda Excellent
Luen Warneke
Jeu 8 Août 2019
Pretty nice climbing but super chossy and a shame that it's a mission to get to...

5.12b Girth Non-défini 10m Squamish Excellent
ambor collins
Lun 31 Août 2009
very hard but very fun. young mick, shot for shot, but couldnt link anything. got all moves individualy

5.10a Fool's Overture Non-défini Little Falls Excellent
Zac Wasielewski
Lun 16 Juin 2014
I'd like to call this a send, but the anchor was hanging too low for me to reach the lip, so I called it just below the lip.

7b+ Chucarella 1 - avec Ben Carter Non-défini La Restonica
Sam 31 Oct. 2015
7b+ Chucarella 1 - avec Ben Carter Non-défini La Restonica
Sam 31 Oct. 2015
7b+ Chucarella 1 - avec Ben Carter Non-défini La Restonica
Sam 31 Oct. 2015
18 Anarchy - avec Ficus Non-défini 50m Mt Tibberoowuccum
Dim 26 Juin 2016
5.12b Fuck strot Non-défini Kamouraska Bon
Noah Boudreau-Richard
Lun 28 Mai 2018
Pas capable de retrouver la séquence de départ

24 23 Jace In Space - avec Joey Avia Non-défini 12m West Gosford Excellent
Tom Mitchell
Lun 16 Déc 2019
Needs a scrub but will be great once cleaned

26 View to the West Non-défini 12m The You Yangs Dans la moyenne
Enrico Seemann
Jeu 26 Déc 2019
Thin and bad feet.

8+ Regenwurmland Non-défini Westpfalz Excellent
Dim 9 Mai 2021
6b Bananarama Non-défini 20m Lazio
Sam 17 Oct. 2020
5.13a Cannibals - avec Laura Non-défini Lake Tahoe, California Side
Sam 15 Août 2020
Very technical, pumpy in the middle section

21 Jam Crack Non-défini 8m Mt Kooyoora Bon
Zach Azeez
Mar 12 Oct. 2021
Messed around with a crash pad for the fun jamming. Scoped out the top out. Looks heinous. Dirty flared finger crack covered in moss on either side and completely smooth (no holds). So beware if you go for a boulder and attempt a flash. May come back with a rope to see how possible topping out is.

8a The Cider Soak Non-défini Anstey's Cove Super classique
Mark Walbran
Dim 17 Avr 2022
5.11b Generic (for logbook) Non-défini Farley Ledges
Sergey Komarov
Sam 3 Sept 2022
Working. Think I have a plausible sequence, now just need to fight through the crux and subsequent pump.

5.11c ~5.11d More Monkey Than Funky - avec Fabian Michel Non-défini Joshua Tree National Park Classique
Klara R
Sam 11 Mars 2023
I did the route with aid clibing, sitting in the rope and in toprope . But also in toprope removing the cams is quite hard and you would fall to the next cam after removing one, since it is a roof. Did not do the moves when going into the roof and also in the finger crack above the roof I could not do the jam and had to pull on a cam. I can only imagine that the moves might be nice. Very hard, especially if you are not used to crack climbing. Of course I cannot say for sure that it is harder than 5.11c, but certainly it felt for me that way.

26 Baby Dawn Non-défini 20m Blue Mountains Excellent
Damien Boorman
Sam 22 Avr 2023
Really fun slabbing, right up until the mystifying top crux. Either need some fancy beta, fancier footwork or to grow 4 more inches..

5.9 Gorilla's Delight Non-défini Boulder
Colton Van Dorpe
Sam 24 Août 2019
French freed/aided through the upper crux

V3 Side-piece — 5 essais Non-défini Yeppoon/ Capricorn Coast Excellent
Dylan Rau
Mer 20 Déc 2023
21 ~22 False Start Non-défini 8m West Gosford Bon
Sean Gallagher
Sam 23 Déc 2023
Proper hard Start. Really powerful. Maybe v4 boulder moves.

23 Facile ? Flake Non-défini 8m West Gosford Excellent
Sean Gallagher
Sam 23 Déc 2023
Felt easier than the 21. Would be probably go next session. Bit more technical than the 21 but not as powerful.

28 Maximum Pseudo Likelihood — 2 essais - avec emma, oskar Non-défini 20m Lovers Leap Classique
Ben Mitchell
Sam 13 Jan 2024
Second session. Genius beta from Oskar, including sneaky heel hook at the crux! Installed two new rings at the anchor.

25 Cicada - avec Igor Epof Trad mixte 45m, 16 Blue Mountains Classique
Zac Lazatin
Dim 22 Août 2021
linked p2 and 3. great features and solid moves. Igor sent 3rd shot

24 Moon Safari Trad mixte 50m, 12 South-Eastern Grampians Excellent
Justin Pomella
Dim 1 Avr 2018
29 Serpentine - avec Aaron Lowndes Trad mixte 75m, 11 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Super classique
Mar 15 Mars 2016
Top roped on it. a bit beyond me at the moment.

29 Serpentine - avec Alex MacAdam Trad mixte 75m, 11 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre
Michael Christensen
Lun 27 Mars 2023
Opening the account first day on Taipan? Maybe just dreaming

29 Serpentine - avec Brent Anderson Trad mixte 75m, 11 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Super classique
Andrew Connolly
Ven 28 Avr 2023
P2 (P1 described separately). First attempt - just trying to demystify the legend. Getting old, so about time I started working on it.

Roof crux seems okay, delicate traverse afterwards was indeed delicate, turret was relatively straightforward, crimp crux was hard. Then was so rooted by the big break that I bailed. Shot number 2 will be a lot better I assume (well, I hope anyway)

24 Prelude to the Wastelands - avec Willem le Roux, Charles Edelstein Trad mixte 130m, 11 Paarl Rock
Aidan Bennetts
Lun 7 Août 2023
29 Serpentine P2
2 Trad
Trad mixte 75m, 11 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre
Chris Martinez
Lun 20 Nov. 2023
Account has been opened!

27 World Party - avec Mike^2 Trad mixte 53m, 9 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classique
Andreas Aachen
Dim 25 Fév 2018
Feels a bit out of reach for me at the moment, literally...out of reach

28 Anaconda - avec Tom Carlyon Trad mixte 60m, 8 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classique
Dim 29 Oct. 2017
Got shut down on the crux above the second bolt

27 Desert Rose - avec B Trad mixte 30m, 8 Victoria Range
Dale Rankin
Dim 3 Juin 2018
25 25 R Alive in a Bitter Sea Trad mixte 90m, 8 Blue Mountains Classique
hugh sutherland
Mer 20 Fév 2019
absolutely epic climb, super hard. not sure how this ever got graded 24.... need nerves of steel for this bad boy . good job to those who have done this in the past

25 Mr. Joshua Pitch 1 - avec danny wade Trad mixte 28m, 8 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Super classique
Mar 10 Sept 2019
Gear up past crux. Powered out and took a big pendulum whip before I got to the rest. Couldn't get back to the wall. Lol

27 Bell Boys Bereavement - avec Bonnie Trad mixte 30m, 8 Mount Buffalo
Dane Evans
Mer 28 Avr 2021
Interesting. I think all the moves go, as with all of the less popular stuff, it needs a serious brush. A bit friable in places, an I'd like to see how it goes on some shoes that aren't softening in the heat

24 New Paths Trad mixte 30m, 7 Girraween Super classique
Damien Ayers
Dim 30 Sept 2012
Didn't even make the second bolt. Freaked out on girra rock.

24 New Paths Trad mixte 30m, 7 Girraween Super classique
Damien Ayers
Dim 30 Sept 2012
Got up above the natural gear almost to the bomber jug, took a massive swinging whipper instead, since was too pumped to place another bit of gear.

26 Father Oblivion Trad mixte 52m, 7 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classique
Lun 25 Mars 2013
Woahhhhh! Did the Crux moves and bailed from ledge above the second bolt as didn't have gear. Amazing so far...did full dyno from decent hold at end of start traverse to semi jug after a few goes on tr but it's not dialled yet.. Went straight up from there to the next jug... Next moves very tricky and sharp on right hand but super cool.. Especially that left single pad mono.. Psyched to get back and go to the top

26 Father Oblivion Trad mixte 52m, 7 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classique
Lun 25 Mars 2013
Woahhhhh! Did the Crux moves and bailed from ledge above the second bolt as didn't have gear. Amazing so far...did full dyno from decent hold at end of start traverse to semi jug after a few goes on tr but it's not dialled yet.. Went straight up from there to the next jug... Next moves very tricky and sharp on right hand but super cool.. Especially that left single pad mono.. Psyched to get back and go to the top

26 Father Oblivion - avec MF, Jai Trad mixte 52m, 7 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classique
Ven 29 Mars 2013
First time going to the top. Had a few shots on the crux but didn't link it fully. Went to the top once, resting on the bolts. Didn't work anything past the crux

23 Pain Street Trad mixte 15m, 7 Arapiles Excellent
Fil Kindblad
Sam 30 Mai 2015
Epic position. After a couple of goes at the sequence above the lip amongst the sea of misleading chalky holds, I was too smashed and had to resort to some aid to top out. unreal exposure and exciting falls.

27 FinaI Departure - avec Bodin Pollard Trad mixte 27m, 7 Arapiles Super classique
Andrew Connolly
Dim 8 Nov. 2015
Best route I've been on at Arapiles and now the subject of my obsession. Crux (just after the long reach in the picture in the guide) is cool but hard. Hand jam rest after the powerful start, and no-handers on the blocks next to Thunder Crack before the crux will help, but it's still on for a long way after the crux too. Even the lichenous vertical headwall is no gimme. "Direct Finish" seems a little contrived to me (seems more like a LHV) given the route basically tracks 2-3m left of TC ...

24 New Paths Trad mixte 30m, 7 Girraween
Dave OS
Mer 22 Juil 2020
Wow this is hard. Couldn’t touch the start, then I could barely link more than a few moves. Mostly got dragged up by the rope. Super cool climb.

27 FinaI Departure Trad mixte 27m, 7 Arapiles Excellent
Ryan Gaskon
Jeu 7 Avr 2022
Quick burn to suss the moves. All feels doable but that crux is gonna require some oomf

28 No Space in Time - avec Maddie Campbell Trad mixte 20m, 7 Bare Rock
Jacob Dean
Dim 3 Juil 2022
5.12+ 阴风怒号 - avec 暖冰 Trad mixte 30m, 7 白河 Baihe
Dim 7 Mai 2023
前段儿宽缝儿比看起来好欺负不少 中段儿的几步都很愉悦 结束还没分明白 反正是能爬 但动作确实很绝望..

27 ~28 FinaI Departure Trad mixte 27m, 7 Arapiles Super classique
Conor White
Mar 2 Avr 2024
So epic! Can see this going next session, just gotta dial the crux in more! Can see it feeling like low-end 28 from the ground, keen to get back on it!

32 Punks in the Gym Trad mixte 30m, 7 Arapiles
Henry McNamee
Sam 13 Avr 2024
Improved my start and end sequences

5.12c Iwa no Dendo - avec Ken Trad mixte 37m, 6 Mizugaki Yama Classique
James Frith
Sam 31 Août 2013
First Try at this route. Fell at the crux sequence, which starts after the undercling roof traverse section. The sequence starts with a big left hand lung to a mediocure side cling. then transition the left foot high, 30cm below the side cling and then reach up with the right hand while laybacking. From here you need to move the right foot over to gain position where you can attempt gain the thin hand jam and place the Yellow C4 cam for protection.

21 The Shadow Trad mixte 25m, 6 Coffs Harbour
Dim 3 Nov. 2013
Difficult climb got 5 m below the anchor

24 M0 23 Hanging Corner - avec Antonius Barten Trad mixte 40m, 6 Cania Gorge Classique
Sam 8 Août 2015
26 Phoenix Rising (Pro) Trad mixte 20m, 6 Kaputar Bon
Vanessa Wills
Ven 19 Avr 2019
A couple of goes, can get to small ledge at half height at about grade 25 and up 2 bolts from there. Then it gets harder.

Roof pro- closed (Roof pro) Trad mixte 19m, 6 Kaputar
Vanessa Wills
Dim 21 Avr 2019
Another impossible project. Needs more cleaning.

21 Barefoot in the Head - avec Jorge, james ritchie, Marty W Trad mixte 30m, 6 Blue Mountains
Jenny Gao
Sam 11 Mai 2019
Need to get my head around lead climbing on runout protection. Bailed to save time. Will be back for this!

27 Ockham's Razor Trad mixte 20m, 6 Freycinet National Park Excellent
Dan Johnson
Mer 22 Mai 2019
had a run at the lower half on tr, might add this to the list. super cool slab moves on amazing white granite. wonder what tricks the crux is going to bring

26 Phoenix Rising (Pro) Trad mixte 20m, 6 Kaputar Bon
Vanessa Wills
Ven 2 Oct. 2020
Back on after what feels like a year. I had forgotten everything, but managed all moves on the 25 part second go to 2/3 height. After that mostly aid.

Roof pro- closed (Roof pro) Trad mixte 19m, 6 Kaputar Bon
Vanessa Wills
Ven 11 Déc 2020
Couple of goes. A bit too shoulders for the shoulder at the moment

VIIIc Seeadler Trad mixte 6 Sächsische Schweiz Excellent
Ven 5 Oct. 2018
Roof pro- closed Trad mixte 19m, 6 Kaputar
Vanessa Wills
Dim 19 Déc 2021
Still a bit perplexed what to do for the move after the “ jug” over the roof. I end up horizontal if I try Dave’s method of palming in a massive bridge. The rest is possible, but feeling 27 ish to put it all together.

27 Ockham's Razor - avec Dylan Tubaro, Meg Page Trad mixte 20m, 6 Freycinet National Park
Henry McNamee
Jeu 6 Jan 2022
Nails !! Exactly what you would expect from a 27 slab

25 Down Under - avec Hannah Rose Trad mixte 18m, 6 Freycinet National Park Classique
Patrick Munnings
Lun 7 Nov. 2022
This climb is spectacular! So steep and the belay stance is epic. Traverse moves around the arete on slopers is one of the best sequences of climbing I've done. Really keen to try this when the low crux isn't a waterfall. Might have a chance at pulling the moves then.

27 Smear Campaign — 2 essais - avec Stanislav Likane, Chris Martinez Trad mixte 20m, 6 Arapiles
Will Gregson
Sam 13 Mai 2023
1 burn to make it to the crux and get shut down like Stas, one more burn with Rowan's beta to get past the crux but didn't top. Didn't feel unachievable but need to find the kneebar before the crux because I get far more pumped than I should be...

22 Lesbian Printshop Workers Trad mixte 20m, 5 Kangaroo Point Excellent
Lun 23 Jan 2012
I'm still working on this one. I'm having a tough time with the crux at the top. Any suggestions are welcome.

22 Lesbian Printshop Workers Trad mixte 20m, 5 Kangaroo Point Classique
David Fincher
Lun 23 Juil 2012
Harder and harder on the way up to thin slab and crux. Lots of sweating and swearing. A nice project to have.

18 17 Checkpoint Charlie Trad mixte 25m, 5 Halls Gap Area
Dim 6 Oct. 2013
got up 2 bolts. Not strong enough to get to next bolt, work in progress

24 Oscar the Grouch Trad mixte 20m, 5 Alice Springs
Ven 6 Juin 2014
Only made it halfway - a project to keep me busy for a while!

17 Wishbone Trad mixte 15m, 5 Eaglestone Rocks Bon
Aparna Ramesh
Lun 18 Août 2014
Loved the start on this! Need to get on this with a better ankle.

27 28 Debrilla Trad mixte 25m, 5 Frog Buttress Classique
Gee Rad
Lun 22 Août 2016
Gave myself tendinitis in the right arm, still a project

23 Beast of Burden Trad mixte 30m, 5 Orroral area Excellent
Christopher Lean
Dim 9 Oct. 2016
Dammit I should have stuck with it. I got through the crux fairly comfortably but did not want to commit to getting up to the break to place the cam. Next time I will do it placing the cam on rap after a run on vomit.

23 Lethal Injection Trad mixte 20m, 5 Launceston (Cataract) Gorge Excellent
Scott Godwin
Sam 8 Oct. 2016
Had a play on top rope again. Too tired to make that bouldery crux move.

23 Shoot Your Shot Trad mixte 25m, 5 Blue Mountains Classique
Jeu 20 Oct. 2016
23? yeah right. super thin, super technical, super awesome. much harder than a 23 and took multiple rests and had to work out the sequence many times.

24 Arch Enema - avec Scotty Trad mixte 17m, 5 Summerday Valley Excellent
Constantine Dritsas
Lun 24 Avr 2017
Top Rope

24 Arch Enema - avec Scotty Trad mixte 17m, 5 Summerday Valley Excellent
Constantine Dritsas
Lun 24 Avr 2017
Top Rope

26 Where Iron Crosses Grow (Project) - avec Brendan Moore Trad mixte 25m, 5 The Rock Excellent
Matt Brooks
Dim 7 Mai 2017
Will be a very good route and steep for The Roick. Hard move at the lip, may take a little work. 25-27??

26 Where Iron Crosses Grow (Project) Trad mixte 25m, 5 The Rock Excellent
Matt Brooks
Dim 28 Mai 2017
Worked out a sequence, then proceeded to break the crux hold off. Spent another 20 mins trying to find another sequence. Will go still, just not at what I thought was going to be 24 ish.

18 Cart-wheeling to the Edge of Infinity - avec Oscar Bell, Vaughn Edmonds Trad mixte 20m, 5 Badgerys Lookout Bon
Adam Rabjohns
Dim 23 Juil 2017
Had a little play on this route , using the DBBs from Gravity. Line tends left of bolts.

22 On Edge Trad mixte 28m, 5 Blue Mountains
Keith Davison
Sam 11 Nov. 2017
tried on top rope. scary aerate climbing is not my cup of tea. nice moves through the bottom 2/3rd.

25 Diazepam Trad mixte 25m, 5 Summerday Valley Excellent
Dim 9 Sept 2018
On TR solo. Wow. I'm a long ways off leading this. Can't do a number of the moves and it's so sustained! Really shut down lol.

25 Diazepam Trad mixte 25m, 5 Summerday Valley
Dim 9 Sept 2018
2nd shot on TR solo. Not clean. Pulled through a few sections.

24 Mitra e Bello - avec Ramon Francis Trad mixte 20m, 5 Victoria Range
Dale Rankin
Dim 13 Jan 2019
20 Fools Gold - avec Colin Cowell, Clive, Jayse Trad mixte 20m, 5 Kaputar Excellent
Bec Cowell
Dim 7 Juil 2019
Colin went up after my first shot and set up an extended anchor. I had another go on top rope. Made it to the same point but failed to top out. I could touch the extended anchor so frustrating to not get the last move to go over the top!

4+ ... - avec Fehér Csaba Trad mixte 5 Báránykő
Daniel Kovacs
Lun 18 Mai 2020
22 Lesbian Printshop Workers - avec Evan Trad mixte 20m, 5 Kangaroo Point
Mar 23 Juin 2020
19 Mr Plow Trad mixte 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
Matthew Holden
Mar 14 Juil 2020
5.10b Cardiac Arete - avec Corey M Trad mixte 20m, 5 Red Rock: Pet Wall
Sam 8 Août 2020
What is this!! Anyone with beta after the 3rd bolt?

28 Seize The Day Direct - avec Aidan Cox Trad mixte 20m, 5 Launceston (Cataract) Gorge Super classique
Benjamin Rowe
Dim 18 Avr 2021
Just a fondle

28 Seize The Day Direct - avec Patrick Munnings Trad mixte 20m, 5 Launceston (Cataract) Gorge Super classique
Aidan Cox
Ven 14 Mai 2021
Found some new terrible feet and mingin crimps. Feels very doable

25 Fluffers Arete - avec Josiah Hess Trad mixte 15m, 5 Cania Gorge
Mer 11 Août 2021

23 Damo Does Donkeys Trad mixte 15m, 5 Launceston (Cataract) Gorge Excellent
Ali Roush
Mar 31 Mai 2022
Sick short person beta.

16 18 Frontal assault Trad mixte 20m, 5 Byfield Classique
Warwick Davis
Mar 30 Août 2022
Working the moves to find bolt placements.

5.9 5 - avec 秋🐟, 6979出门看柳 Trad mixte 16m, 5 昌平 Changping District Excellent
Dim 25 Sept 2022

26 Order Through Chaos Trad mixte 25m, 5 Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Excellent
Ven 11 Nov. 2022
Top-rope solo working the moves. Surely deserves two stars. Powerful moves on basically invisible holds. Will be a thrilling lead


Affichage de 1 - 100 sur plus de 10,000 ascensions.

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