
Vie in Africa del grado selezionato

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V3 - 6
South Africa Kwa-Zulu Natal King Solomon's Mine Meadow Boulders The Buffo Boulder
V3 - 6 Insane in the Membrane

FA: Greg Streatfield

{US} 5.12
Kenya Mt Ololokwe area Mouse
{US} 5.12 Mouse of the Rising Sun

This is a 15 bolt sport route on the SW arete of the Mouse.

FA: Alex Honnold, 3 Gen 2017

Sportiva 50m
{FB} 6B+ - C+
South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands The Pass Cedar Rouge Sector C: Purple Shadow
{FB} 6B+ - C+ White Guilt

Start as for Black Labour but climb up left.

26 - 28
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town The Peninsula Steenberg Buttress The Gendarme Lower Rocky Buttress
26 - 28 Beauty, Blood and Magic

Start on the tea ledge on the right of the Gendarme. Starting on the left of the ledge, climb up the left side of the short, undercut section to a break. Follow the vertical crack to the wide rail below the roof. Conjure up some horizontal magic to negotiate the weakness through the roof to the good holds on the lip. Pull through and then left under the next bulge to a vertical break. Easily to the top. Consensus grading needed.

FA: Richard Halsey, Giu 2019

FB:6B - C+
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town Table Mountain Newlands Forest The Scree
FB:6B - C+ Bad Maths Boulder
{FB} 6A+ - C+
South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Agterpakhuis Sassies T: The Great Escape
{FB} 6A+ - C+ Black Streak

Grade opinions vary from 6a+ to 6c+. Exposed.

V3 - 5
South Africa Free State Swinburne Chiusa The Lion's enclosure Boulder D
V3 - 5 Open Project 3
V2 - 5
South Africa Free State Swinburne Spearhead Boulders Boulder D
V2 - 5 Left-handed Polar Bear

Sit down start with hands on hold low down on the corner. Move slightly diagonally left and top out up the arete.

FA: Dave Drummond, 2003

V2 - 5 No Name 3

Sit start and climb up arete.

South Africa Free State Swinburne Spearhead Boulders Art Boulder
V2 - 5 Nouveau

Sit down start up on arete to top out.

South Africa Free State Swinburne Barnyard Boulders Bovine Boulder
V2 - 5 Bull

Sit start, climb up on sharp grips to top. This is about 2m left of CLEEROY.

V2 - 5 Cow Corner

Climbs up the low arête from a sit start. Start low on a big flat ledge & smaller crimp slightly higher for the right and top out.

V2 - 5 Mad Cows Variation

Left sidepull & right on a big edge, up as for MAD COW.

V2 - 5 Beef Sausage

Start sitting 1m left of the small scoop on some slopers for the left & right. Climb up the layback to the left.

V2 - 5 Burger on the Hoof

Sit down start with right hand in a shallow pocket and left on a sidepull up to a sloper on the right. Top out.

FA: Dylan Morgan

{FB} 6B+/C
South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Wupperthal Commonage The Realm Fool's Gold
{FB} 6B+/C Fool's Gold

Climb the prow with next ear for right hand.

FA: Nalle Hukkataival, 2017

South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Agterpakhuis Sassies Rampart
{FB} 6B+/C Curtain

Sit-start to the left of the arete and climb straight up.

FA: Sean Maasch, 2016

South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Agterpakhuis 8 Day Rain Lower Valley Trackside Boulder
{FB} 6B+/C Unspace Exploration

Climb the left side of the cracked slab.

FA: Todd Daniels, 2007

South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Close Plateau C: Poison Dwarf
{FB} 6B+/C Gamelan

Sit-start with jugs and climb up the arete.

6B+ originally but majority of ascents on suggest 6c.


FA: Klem Loskot, 2005

{FB} 6B+/C Girl on Our Mind

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Sit-start as for Modell Robber but climb out left through the small roof and finish up left of the arete. "Best of its grade in Rocklands"

Originally graded 6b+. suggests that it might be harder.



FA: Klem Loskot, 2005

South Africa Western Cape Cape Town The Peninsula Topside Mutant Snail E: Decision Time
FB:6B+/C The X-Men

Sit start below narrow central pillar. Climb this directly over roof to top out.

South Africa Western Cape West Coast Winterhoek Leopard's Tree Main Kloof The Panel
26/27 The Pocket Paradox

Traverse under the first bolt to start. Interesting and sustained sequences on pockets to reach the finish crack.

FA: Richard Halsey, Set 2022

South Africa Western Cape West Coast Winterhoek Leopard's Tree Main Kloof Slot Area
26/27 Ibex

Techy cruxes, big moves and pumpy . Most satisfying! Past two bolts to funky right traverse. Advised to unclip first bolt after clipping second, and unclip second after clipping third.

FA: Richard Halsey, Giu 2022

Sportiva 12
South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Agterpakhuis Die Kloof Maaschland Crag
{SA} 26/27 Untermensch

Powerful steep crack after the headwall; climbs interestingly and a great mix of tricks required

Tracciata: Sean Maasch

FA: Joe Möhle, 2021

SportivaProgetto 14m, 6
South Africa Western Cape Cape Winelands Wydekloof/ Turret Peak The Turret
26/27 Dreamline

FA: D. Steyn

South Africa Western Cape Cape Town The Peninsula The Hole The Hole
26/27 Stolen Secrets

After a bouldery start, head up and right. Once in the big roof, you will climb the Cape Fear flake (on its left hand side) to pull through at the obvious break at the lip. A few more moves leads to the anchor. A very fine route.

FA: S. Maasch

Sportiva 11
South Africa Western Cape Cape Town Table Mountain The Ledge Africa Ledge Bust Up
26/27 Black Widow Direct

A harder, more direct first pitch to Black Widow.

Start as for Black Widow. After the dark grey face, instead of moving left all the way to the right side of the vague arête, head straight up (via a long throw out left to a large flat hold) and then up to gain an intermittent finger crack. This is about 1.5m right of where Black Widow goes. Climb the tricky crack and straight up to the ledge. Move left to stance. Consensus grading required.

FA: Richard Halsey & S. Jansen van Rensberg, Ago 2015

Trad 27m
South Africa Northwest Province Magaliesberg Dome Dome
26/27 The Mission

Climbs the center of the wall to the left of 'Picture Book' (about 80m left of 'Fallen Angel'). Scramble up to the base of the wall next to a tree.

  1. 35m 26/27 Climb straight up the slab past a peg and 2 bolts to where it eases. Move up and left and climb the steep crack with a tricky move onto the arête. Scramble up 10m to a ledge and rap point.

FA: Stewart Middlemiss, 1992

Trad 35m
Madagascar Tsaranoro Massif Mitsonjoarivo
7a+/b Tsara Airlines
1 6c 50m
2 7a+/b 50m
3 6b+ 30m
4 6c 40m
5 6c 50m
6 6a 50m
7 6a+ 50m

Climbing notes:

⚠️ 6b+ obligatory!

Abseil notes:

⚠️ Important notes about the abseil are written on the route diagram (link below) in French. Could not accurately translate, sorry.

Recommended equipment:

  • 14 quickdraws
  • 2x 50m ropes

Route diagram:

FA: David Fuentes, Arnaud Auzias & Vincent Francois, Mag 2018

Sportiva 320m, 8
Morocco Caiat Gaza
7a+/b Krvavej Karel Sportiva
7a+/b Zada v hajzlu Sportiva
{FB} 6B - C
South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Agterpakhuis Danger Zone The Last Boy Scout
{FB} 6B - C The Last Boy Scout

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Climb the compression arete.

FA: Scott Noy, 2015

South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Lower Pakhuis Campground M: Brick Shithouse
{FB} 6B - C Brick Shithouse

Sit-start with flake and climb up the face.

FA: Danie Moolman, 2004

South Africa Western Cape Cape Town Table Mountain CBD Bouldering The Terrace Fornicator Boulder
{FB} 6B - C Humpty Dumpty

Sitstart with BH on undercling. Move up to grips on the lip, LH up to Anesthesia's slopey edge and TO.

FA: Stewart Noy

V4 FB:6C
South Africa Free State Swinburne The Long Tonk Boulders Long Tonk Boulder
V4 FB:6C Chinese Puzzle

Stand start up to good grips.

FA: Shaun Harris

V4 FB:6C Dyno Problem

Stand start with left in the undercling heuco and right in edge in heuco. Up and slightly to the left, dyno up to a pocket. A good mat and spotter for this one are essential!

South Africa Free State Swinburne The Long Tonk Boulders Spatchcock Boulder
V4 FB:6C Pocket Launcher

Starts with right in a pocket, make a long move to a higher pocket and finish on good grips.

FA: Ralph Brucher

South Africa Free State Swinburne The Mushrooms Boulders Magic Mushroom
V4 FB:6C No Name
South Africa Free State Swinburne Spearhead Boulders Footprint Boulder
V4 FB:6C Footprint

Start as with Slippery When Dry but dont move up, traverse to the righthand arete and finish as for Footsy.

FA: Martin Renz, 2000

South Africa Free State Swinburne Spearhead Boulders Boulder D
V4 FB:6C Open Your Mind

Straight up the middle of the face, starts in a bowl.

South Africa Free State Swinburne Spearhead Boulders Art Boulder
V4 FB:6C Rabobie

Start as for ART, exit right, horn on the right is off limits.

FA: Eric Riemann

V4 FB:6C Art

Start on edge for left and layback for right low down on middle of face, up left to edge and right to slopers, top out. Big protruding rock on left is off route.

FA: Shaun Harris

South Africa Free State Swinburne Spearhead Boulders Yellow Belly Boulder
V4 FB:6C Yellow Belly

Standing Start, left & right hands on a large layback, top out via a huge pig's nose, slightly to left.

FA: Sean Cremen

V4 FB:6C Red Belly

Sit start, left hand on low crimp in scoop and right higher on sloping crimp use for left hand on Piss. Move up to slopers and leftish to top out.

FA: Eric Riemann, 2002

South Africa Free State Swinburne Chiusa The Lion's enclosure Conscious Boulder
V4 FB:6C Facile
V4 FB:6C Conscious
V4 FB:6C Awareness
South Africa Free State Swinburne Chiusa The Lion's enclosure Boulder I
V4 FB:6C No Name 3
South Africa Free State Swinburne Chiusa The Lion's enclosure Reservoir Boulder (Animal House Boulder)
V4 FB:6C Reach
South Africa Free State Swinburne Chiusa The Lion's enclosure Bolted Boulder
V4 FB:6C Fusion
South Africa Free State Swinburne Barnyard Boulders Bovine Boulder
V4 FB:6C The Patty Traverse

Sit down start as for BEEF SAUSAGE, traverse right and finish as for MAD COWS staying low.

South Africa Kwa-Zulu Natal King Solomon's Mine Sector B Boulders Boulder E
V4 FB:6C Super Trooper

FA: Greg Streatfield

South Africa Kwa-Zulu Natal King Solomon's Mine Sector B Boulders The Point Road Boulder
V4 FB:6C The Hooker

FA: J. Benson

V4 FB:6C Wish You Were Here

FA: S. Swanepoel

South Africa Kwa-Zulu Natal King Solomon's Mine Sector B Boulders Boulder C
V4 FB:6C Roasty

FA: Greg Streatfield

South Africa Kwa-Zulu Natal King Solomon's Mine Meadow Boulders Boulder F
V4 FB:6C Something Porno

FA: J. Benson

South Africa Kwa-Zulu Natal King Solomon's Mine Meadow Boulders The Buffo Boulder
V4 FB:6C Contrification

FA: Greg Streatfield

25 - 27
South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Wolfberg South-East Wall
25 - 27 Golden Brown

Start as for Worlds Apart, but move right and follow the line of bolts to the anchor.

FA: J. Fisher, 1991

Trad mista 40m, 5
South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Truitjieskraal Parking Snake Charmer Snake Charmer Arête
25 - 27 High Speed Cow

Takes the steep crack through the bulge left of Snake Charmer.

Scramble up to the platform. Straight up the face to the roof. Pull through the roof (micro cams for pro) to the short, fierce crack. Continue up the featured recess then step 1.5m left and straight to the top.

Consensus grading required. Height, finger size and faith in small gear might affect how hard it feels.

FA: Richard Halsey & S. Nightingale, Lug 2018

South Africa Kwa-Zulu Natal White Umfolozi River Upper Warrior Wall
25 - 27 The Dark Arts

A physically and mentally demanding voyage…

Start on Dingiswayo but continue up the big corner and then fight through the slick, undercut open book (take care with cams as the rock is hard and slippery). At the roof rail left to where the finger crack continues up to the final roof. At this point, there is a very narrow horizontal slot for micro cams that are strenuous and fiddly to place. Embrace the run out and traverse left across the tricky face for ±3m to a good foothold and horizontal seam for micro nuts – these features are at a point below a good undercling in the final roof. Head up to the roof, and at the undercling and pull back right through the roof on great holds. Notes: Double ropes recommended. Consensus grading needed – cruxes are about grade 24, but the overall experience is considerably harder.

FA: Richard Halsey & R. Strate, Ott 2019

Trad 30m
{FB} 6A+ - C
South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Agterpakhuis De Pakhuys Bonus Boulders G: Quality Control
{FB} 6A+ - C Easy Route 3
{FB} 6A+ - C Easy Route 2
{FB} 6A+ - C Easy Route 1
{FB} 6A - C
South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Agterpakhuis Champagne Lekker
{FB} 6A - C Lekker

Start on the left and finish out right.

FA: Nalle Hukkataival, 2017

Tunisia Zaghouan Sous le regard de Fatma
7 Voie ancienne Sportiva
{FR} FB:6B+
Tanzania Musoma Jipe Moyo Centre
{FR} FB:6B+ Hakuna matata
{FR} FB:6B+ Kilimanjaro
Morocco Haut Atlas Oukaimeden
{FB} 6B+ Grasshopper Boulder
Egypt Sinai Peninsula Wadi Qnai, Dahab Carpark
FB:6B+ Warrior Cat
South Africa Western Cape Garden Route Swartberg Pass Gamkaskloof Bouldering Shangri-La M: Enraged
FB:6B+ Imploder

BS on pinches, up over crack.

FB:6B+ Enraged

BS on sharp crimp pockets.

South Africa Western Cape Overberg Kleinmond Bouldering Bajoran Slave Mansion
FB:6B+ Stay puft

Sit start with decent holds and climb arete to TO.

South Africa Western Cape Overberg Kleinmond Bouldering Romulan Warbird Boulder
FB:6B+ Vulcan Spine
South Africa Western Cape Overberg Kleinmond Bouldering Talon Boulder
{FB} 6B+ Talon Sanctuary
South Africa Western Cape Overberg Betty's Bay High Cluster
FB:6B+ HC 1 Boulder
South Africa Western Cape Overberg Betty's Bay Cracker
FB:6B+ C 7 Boulder
FB:6B+ C 5 Boulder
FB:6B+ Perfect Pocket Boulder
South Africa Western Cape Overberg Betty's Bay Brittle Block
FB:6B+ BB 3 Boulder
FB:6B+ BB 2 Boulder
South Africa Western Cape Overberg Betty's Bay Kick Off
FB:6B+ Compression Impression Boulder
South Africa Western Cape Overberg Betty's Bay Large Face
FB:6B+ LF 6 Boulder
FB:6B+ Not for the Heavy Boulder
South Africa Western Cape Overberg Betty's Bay Cube
FB:6B+ Recharge Boulder
South Africa Western Cape Overberg Betty's Bay Curve
FB:6B+ High Curve Boulder
FB:6B+ CL 3 Boulder
FB:6B+ CL 1

Eliminate. Feet on bottom part of boulder left of the crack are off.

South Africa Western Cape Overberg Betty's Bay Steep Crack
FB:6B+ SC 2 Boulder
South Africa Western Cape Overberg Betty's Bay Spire
FB:6B+ S 4 Boulder
South Africa Western Cape Overberg Betty's Bay Main Boulder
FB:6B+ MB 6 Boulder
South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Nardouw Roadside Upper Amphitheater
FB:6B+ One Hand Clapping

on the left side of the amphitheatre climb straight through slopey ledges towards the hole in the roof

FA: Thomas Halley, 2023

South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Nardouw Roadside Upper Hidden Wall
FB:6B+ Skin to the Wind

Climb the wall behind Maciej mushrooms using underclings to start and a pocket to a jump at the top

FA: Maciej F., 2023

South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Nardouw Roadside Lower The All-Night Diner
FB:6B+ Slick Willy's

Climb up on slippery ledges

FA: Michael Plesser, 2019

South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Nardouw Roadside Lower Fence Line Combo
FB:6B+ Escape Hatch

Start on the horizontal and reach back to jugs

FA: Michael Plesser, 2023

South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Nardouw Roadside Lower Dodging Bullets
FB:6B+ Leaping Lizards

Start on the brick edge and jump (with the pedestal on) straight up

FA: Michael Plesser, 2023

South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Bushman's Cave Area Bushman’s Cave Rear Wall
FB:6B+ Rear Wall

Start with rail, move up to slot and climb up slightly right.

FA: Scott Noy & Olivier Fourcade, 2022

South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Bushman's Cave Area Bushman’s Cave Harvester
{FB} 6B+ Outbid

Start with high rail, climb up on crimps and finish with obvious chicken head.

FA: Felix Nussbaumer, 2013

South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Bushman's Cave Area Bushman’s Cave Free At Last
FB:6B+ Project Prow

Start with crimp rail and climb the arete/prow.

FA: Scott Noy, 2014

South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Bushman's Cave Area Taj Mahal Area Lollipop
{FB} 6B+ Slippery When Fat
South Africa Western Cape West Coast Cederberg Rocklands Bushman's Cave Area Taj Mahal Area Kanzi
FB:6B+ Unknown

On the far right of the Boulder. Start with juggy rail and climb through the roof/overhang.

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