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1 - 100 di 1,788 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Falesia Qualità Arrampicatore Data
25 Black Leg Miner — 2 tentativi Sportiva 25m Bulahdelah Mega Classica
Mar 28 Nov 2023
One of the best 25 I’ve ticked to date.

23 Pudding Pullers (Blackleg Miner (Pitch 1)) Sportiva 10m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Wayne Novach
Ven 1 Ott 2004

22 Powdered Poo Sportiva 20m Bulahdelah
Wayne Novach
Ven 1 Ott 2004
wowie, so hard

19 Perfect 7 Trad 17m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Lug 2010
felt harder than the other one

20 perfect 6 Trad 17m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Lug 2010
start is the crux

20 Double Trouble (Overhanging arete) Sportiva 22m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Lug 2010
great position and some good moves but the offwidth bit sucks

22 Billy Woods Sportiva 22m Bulahdelah Classica
Vanessa Wills
Mer 4 Ago 2010
Doesnt get any easier with time.

24 upper tier, crack over carrots Sportiva 20m, 6 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Sab 4 Set 2010
Doing the old- I'll clean it on TR trick. Pumpy.

23 Young and dumb (Young, dumb and full of Hoppy's cum) Sportiva 12m Bulahdelah
Vanessa Wills
Sab 9 Ott 2010
The cave warm up!

24 LMNOP (Flexing flake) Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Ven 21 Nov 2008
End of the day, nice run out to the anchor

20 Muffin top Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
tricky start

22 Route with a high first bolt and goes through roof Sportiva 25m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Mar 16 Set 2008
Hard start, great moves through roof

19 Bug Bears (Uni carrot route) Sportiva 20m, 5 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
lower offs would help.

16 Belly Button Trad 29m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
Fun trad route. Average gear

23 Trotter's Delight (Trotter's Trifecta) Sportiva 16m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 1 Giu 2008
Nice moves and plenty of them.

22 Left Traverse Sportiva 12m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Mar 26 Giu 2007
I think I tried this years ago.

24 Universal crack Trad 20m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
Just like araps. Orange trad route!

16 Not Lichen it Trad 40m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Sab 1 Nov 2008
very old skool trad. 2 pitches

19 The Devil Wears Prana Sportiva 18m, 6 Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Sab 28 Giu 2008
Not sure which is which

15 Top of the Pops Trad 15m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Dom 2 Dic 2007
would be better with traffic. (trad)

16 Belly Button Trad 29m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
Fun trad route

23 The Gift Sportiva 20m, 8 Bulahdelah Classica
Vanessa Wills
Dom 13 Dic 2009
Fell off the crux 6/6 attempts and with 15 s rest it goes . Grrr.

22 Trotters half bolted route on carrots Sportiva 20m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
quite pumpy. Draws on.

21 Lady Smith (Three strikes and Youre Out) Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Gio 14 Giu 2007
Still a sandbag.

24 Ted Baker Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Gio 14 Giu 2007
thank god I never have to touch that evil mono again. Spider looked quite disgruntled today with a chalk mark on its back.

19 Dirty Old Man Trad 18m Bulahdelah Pessima
Vanessa Wills
Dom 29 Giu 2008
The first 4 m are OK

22 Don't cry for me its Bulahdelah Sportiva 10m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 2 Lug 2006
was a soft Wilde 23 til we down graded it!

22 Billy Woods Sportiva 22m Bulahdelah Classica
Vanessa Wills
Gio 10 Ago 2006
found a bridgy rest mid climb that made all the difference

22 Trotters half bolted route on carrots Sportiva 20m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
pumpy then techo

14 Three Pops Trad 15m Bulahdelah Pessima
Vanessa Wills
Dom 29 Giu 2008

19 The Quarry Man (Crunchy) Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Gio 10 Ago 2006
kind of a stiff warm up

24 23 Grandad Vs The Goanna (Grandad and the Goanna) Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Lun 6 Lug 2009
endurance and a bit of coaching through the crux helped a lot. 2nd shot

17 Scoop on carrots Trad 12m Bulahdelah Pessima
Vanessa Wills
Sab 1 Nov 2008
Some OK moves but dirty as and no anchor

18 Nuns Cunt Sportiva 8m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Lun 2 Mar 2009
gross name, gross climb

21 22 The Argument Trad 20m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Lun 14 Dic 2009
Nice start, bolts sparse but where needed

24 Ted Baker Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Ven 25 Mag 2007
nice pockets

21 Chicken dance Sportiva 20m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Mar 16 Set 2008
Rather stout. A22

23 Waylo (Undercling start) Sportiva 16m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 29 Giu 2008
super varied moves

21 Lady Smith (Three strikes and Youre Out) Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Ven 25 Mag 2007

22 16 Lost my Rag Trad 20m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Lun 14 Dic 2009
Boulder start. Will be safer with a RB

24 Look mum, no cams! Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Sab 28 Giu 2008
would blow your brains trying to place gear. (2)

19 Man mountain direct Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Lun 2 Mar 2009
No bolts. Straight up to anchors.

23 Hoppy Sportiva 25m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Sab 24 Ott 2009
The lower moves are good- chossy over roof

23 24 Pull Ya Plonka Sportiva 15m, 6 Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Sab 6 Set 2008
So sharp. Plonka gets a big hug.

22 Long Black (The Manic Barrista) Sportiva 10m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Ven 28 Nov 2008
Did it very different to Frankie

21 20 Got that Phelan feeling Sportiva 23m, 8 Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Mar 16 Set 2008
Nice moves, more like a 20

22 Just kick it Sportiva 22m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Mar 16 Set 2008
Great climbing. A bolted on flexing flake

16 Tractor Tippin Sportiva 18m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
nice feet

17 Jack Sparrow (Corner crack) Trad 20m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Lun 14 Dic 2009
better than it looks

21 22 Chew Baker (Chewbacca) Sportiva 12m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Sab 17 Giu 2006
bouldery start

24 T For Tim (Tea with Tim) Sportiva 16m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Ven 21 Nov 2008
sustained technicality. Gold!

24 Cupcake aka The muffin man. Sportiva 25m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Mer 8 Lug 2009
A bit of everything. Burly start!

24 LMNOP (Flexing flake) Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Sab 6 Dic 2008
Felt like I was going to rip my deltoids off

14 Bumbled Beginings Sportiva 18m, 6 Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Sab 28 Giu 2008
Not sure which is which.

23 Jack Stokes Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 2 Lug 2006
just have to nail the start!

23 Young and dumb (Young, dumb and full of Hoppy's cum) Sportiva 12m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Sab 6 Set 2008
Felt quite fun this time round. Must be doing too many roofs

21 22 Man Mountain Sportiva 15m, 4 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
Stout, like the man mountain himself

18 Arete-a-Black Sportiva 20m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Lun 14 Dic 2009
good find Frankie

22 Frankie the Snitch Sportiva 22m, 10 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Lun 6 Lug 2009
Nice moves. Even the chimney is OK

22 Powdered Poo Sportiva 20m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Sab 30 Mag 2009
Waterfall at the top made it interesting. Sharp and faeculent but nice moves.

25 Black Leg Miner Sportiva 25m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Sab 6 Mar 2004
Almost made the cave , only 20 metres to go!

21 22 Man Mountain Sportiva 15m, 4 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
Stout, like the man mountain himself

20 Awkward Arete (Arete on RBs) Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Gio 10 Ago 2006
A bit dirty, had tried it before when raining and very slippery

16 Not Lichen it Trad 40m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Sab 1 Nov 2008
very old skool trad 2 pitches

19 Meat and Beer (Down the hill and up the mossy wall) Sportiva 18m, 7 Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Dom 1 Giu 2008
A bit mossy, but interesting

18 Bee Sting (Route on Fhs) Sportiva 15m, 9 Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 1 Giu 2008
If only I trusted the rock

19 Man mountain direct Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Lun 2 Mar 2009
straight up to anchor. No bolts

21 20 Chrispy Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Sab 17 Giu 2006
pleasant moves and hidden holds

23 Jack Stokes Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Ven 25 Mag 2007
bouldery start, another McDougall to me!

22 Flat White Sportiva 10m, 4 Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Ven 28 Nov 2008
Not a 21. Put a long sling on 3rd bolt before I tried it

22 Powdered Poo Sportiva 20m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Dom 31 Ago 2008
Had to wash hair after this one. Yuk

19 Johnnys new route Trad 15m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 2 Dic 2007
second. Bottom 6 m excellent (trad)

16 House with no steps (Bolted chimney) Sportiva 20m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 13 Dic 2009

17 21 Crack behind tree Trad 20m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Lun 14 Dic 2009
Would be OK if clean. Fiddly gear.

21 20 Naval Lint (Naval Fluff) Sconosciuto 30m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
Nice start and end. A bit fluffy in the middle

24 Ironbark Sportiva 16m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Sab 1 Nov 2008
Probably a 25 since bentho broke the crux hold

23 Pudding Pullers (Blackleg Miner (Pitch 1)) Sportiva 10m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Mar 26 Giu 2007
Got to the kneebar clean, just couldnt make it into cave without a long rest

19 Mels stolen mega route Sconosciuto 40m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 2 Dic 2007
2 nice overhangs. (mixed gear)

18 Grumpy Old Men Trad 15m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 2 Dic 2007
Bottom 6m excellent. Suprisingly good gear.(trad)

14 Three Pops Trad 15m Bulahdelah Pessima
Vanessa Wills
Dom 29 Giu 2008

21 Early Morning Heart Start (Micks crack- low road) Trad 17m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 20 Dic 2009
Awkward diagonal start

24 T For Tim (Tea with Tim) Sportiva 16m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 2 Dic 2007
I need new tips after this one. Sustained 2 finger holds. Sensational. One for next winter

24 The African's Route (The African route) Sportiva 19m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 5 Lug 2009
Yeah yeah boys, its 21 not

15 Spiral staircase Trad 20m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 13 Dic 2009
a pleasant meander

19 Man mountain direct Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Lun 2 Mar 2009
straight up. No bolts

23 The Gift Sportiva 20m, 8 Bulahdelah Classica
Vanessa Wills
Dom 20 Dic 2009
Finally! Just as well its a great climb.

22 Just kick it Sportiva 22m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Mer 17 Set 2008
Great moves, flexing reinforced flake is nice

18 Engineers Arete Sportiva 20m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Lun 14 Dic 2009
interesting incuts

21 Argentina Sportiva 20m, 7 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 2 Lug 2006
great climbing, fell at anchors

21 20 Aussie Ocker (warm up route ) Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 29 Giu 2008
excellent pumpy warm up

23 Young, dumb and full of Hoppy's cum Sportiva 12m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Mar 26 Giu 2007
cleaning exercise. Bad rope drag.

21 22 Man Mountain Sportiva 15m, 4 Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
stout, like the man himself

22 Route with a high first bolt and goes through roof Sportiva 25m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Mer 17 Set 2008
Hard start, glad I had preclipped!

21 20 Naval Lint (Naval Fluff) Sconosciuto 30m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 25 Mag 2008
Good at the start and the end.

23 Pudding Pullers (Blackleg Miner (Pitch 1)) Sportiva 10m Bulahdelah Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Mar 16 Set 2008
Finally wasnt a line up for it!

16 Direct staircase Trad 20m Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Dom 13 Dic 2009
maybe a few more bolts and go direct

17 Carrots Sportiva 10m, 4 Bulahdelah Media
Vanessa Wills
Dom 31 Ago 2008
Pleasant enough but slippery in rain

20 22 Bees Neez (??????? 2) Sportiva 10m, 6 Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Sab 30 Giu 2007
good start, not too hard even with Aarons missing hold

22 Billy Woods Sportiva 22m Bulahdelah Classica
Vanessa Wills
Sab 17 Giu 2006
the ultimate sandbag. Super pumpy

20 Eva Peron Sportiva 15m Bulahdelah Buona
Vanessa Wills
Dom 2 Lug 2006
nice link up


1 - 100 di 1,788 ascensioni.

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