
Ascensioni in Quickdraw Area che possiede Informazioni sui passaggi

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Tutti 23 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Sab 6 Mag 2023 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area
V1 One slap Boulder 1m Buona
Noah Craven
easy heel hook

Dom 24 Apr 2022 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area
V2 Quickdraw traverse Boulder 3m Molto buona
Keiron Sames
Skipped the sds

V2 Quickdraw traverse Boulder 3m Molto buona
Keiron Sames
Sds hardest part I reckon.

V0 Quickdraw direct Boulder 1m Molto buona
Keiron Sames
Finally put thinking cap on and got some decent beta figured out!

Sab 26 Dic 2020 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area
V4 Quickdraw roof - con Benji Dutaillis, Jonny Boulder 3m Classica
Brendan Heywood
Only one go, got to last traverse move. Time to chase some shade

Gio 25 Giu 2020 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area Self Isolation Boulder
V6 Ruby Princess Fiasco - con Benji Dutaillis, Brendan Heywood Boulder 3m Classica
Ben Vincent
Mucked around on the start of this looking for an extension. Seemingly possible. Sasha could do it.

Mar 12 Mag 2020 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area Self Isolation Boulder
V3 No App, No Play - con Benji Dutaillis Boulder 3m
Ben Vincent
Iso delivers again! This thing is very spanned. Benji had the beta worked out first but got his feet tied up. Cool moves for a short problem.

Mar 12 Mag 2020 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area
V6 Shooter McGavin - con Benji Dutaillis Boulder 3m Classica
Ben Vincent
Looked at this with Skippy for many a year. Benji and I thought we'd have a play on it today and then it went! Super stoked

Gio 23 Apr 2020 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area Self Isolation Boulder
V4 When in Rona, Do as the Ronans Do - con Benji Dutaillis Boulder 3m Molto buona
Ben Vincent
A short punchy number. Use the direct mantle as opposed to the exit R to squeeze out some extra climbing. The hidden crimper-pocket is a delight!

V6 Ruby Princess Fiasco - con Benji Dutaillis Boulder 3m Classica
Ben Vincent
This thing! Sharp in places, quite sequency and consistent.

V2 Essential Service - con Benji Dutaillis Boulder 1m Buona
Ben Vincent
Strech you hammies before getting on this one.

Ven 17 Apr 2020 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area Self Isolation Boulder
V3 Coronal Inquiry - con Benji Dutaillis Boulder 5m Molto buona
Ben Vincent
Been looking at this boulder for a very long time and today it began to deliver. More to follow.

Ven 17 Apr 2020 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area
V4 Quickdraw roof - con Benji Dutaillis Boulder 3m Mega Classica
Ben Vincent
Was very stoked to get up this today. Took 5 attempts to work the foot beta and complete it.

Gio 1 Mar 2018 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area
V2 Gymnastic - con Brendan Heywood, James Boulder 1m
Bec Cowell
I can get the ending but the start move up to the side pull kept spitting me off.

V2 Gymnastic - con James Graham-Higgs, Bec Cowell Boulder 1m
Brendan Heywood
Total flail

Ven 2 Feb 2018 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area
V4 Quickdraw roof - con Ben Vincent, Dr Phil Boulder 3m
Brendan Heywood
Headed for here as it was probably the only dry problem nearby. Raining properly now but worked and resent it in a couple goes. Decided to leave the pads here to get headlamps and come back and see if there was any problems underground in the cave, then got distracted by cold pizza in the car, then by crawling through storm drains, and then the crew turned up for a caving trip and it was only once I was home that I discovered we'd left the pads there! Ben Vincent to the rescue

Gio 1 Feb 2018 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area
V4 Quickdraw roof - con Brendan Heywood, Dr.Phil Boulder 3m Classica
Ben Vincent
One of the few problems that offered some shelter from the rain. Good to get this one and with a surprisingly smoother mantle than usual.

Lun 27 Mar 2017 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area
V0 Quickdraw direct - con Dr. Phil Boulder 1m Buona
Ben Vincent

V2 thing - con Dr. Phil Boulder 1m Buona
Ben Vincent
Also fun

V2 Gymnastic - con Dr. Phil Boulder 1m Buona
Ben Vincent
Finally managed to twist the right way and hold my tongue in the right position.

Sab 17 Set 2011 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area
V0 Quickdraw direct Boulder 1m Molto buona
Ben Vincent
Great moves, if only it continued up. But it is what it is.

Mar 17 Ago 2010 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area
V4 Quickdraw Low Traverse Boulder 2m Buona
Ben Vincent
Hard, interesting traverse, perhaps ran a little smoother before some 'Galah' ripped off a bomber hold.

Sab 17 Lug 2010 - Upper Gara Gorge
South-Western Boulders Quickdraw Area
V4 Quickdraw roof Boulder 3m Classica
Ben Vincent
Sketchy drop to the 'little tooth of death', but it only motivates you to finish. Sequency, crimpy, heel hooking, smearing, and a mantle to boot - Its all here


Tutti 23 ascensioni visualizzati.

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