
Vie in North Grampians

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Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Hollow Mountain Cave
V15 The Wheel Of Life Direct

As per the normal Wheel Of Life problem, but with a more difficult and direct finish

FFA: James Kassay, 2012

FA: James Kassay, 2012

V15 The Wheel Of Life

The long standing open project linking the entire 'Hollow Mountain Cave' end to end. Start as for X-Treme Cool (V9), and keep climbing into all of 'Sleepy Hollow' (V12), Cave Girl (V8/9), Dead Can't Dance (V11) - finishing up 'Rave Heart'. Route grade of 36/37

FA: Dai Koyamada, 2000

V15 Pretty Hate Machine Var

Pretty Hate Machine with the Eve Reve finish

FA: Dai Koyamada, 2000

V15 Sleepy Rave

Links 'Sleepy Hollow' + Cave Girl + Dead Can't Dance - first ascent spread over a mere 3 days.

FA: Dai Koyamada, 2000

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Hollow Mountain Cave
V14 Eve Rave

Climb Cave Man into all of Dead Can't Dance.

FA: Fred Nicole, 2000

V14 X-treme Cool + The big flake link
Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Hollow Mountain Cave
36 Wheelchair

Starts as for the Wheel of Life, but halfway through Sleepy Hollow traverses into Stimulation and climbs the whole of Stimulation (with the exception of the first move) till its end, which is also the finish of Silverchair – hence Wheelchair.

FFA: Alex Megos, 2013

Iskra Crag Lemonade Wall
V13 Mana
Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Hollow Mountain Cave
V13 X-Treme link

Links X-Treme Cool into The big flake link

FA: Dai Koyamada, 2000

V13 Stuck South of the Border
V13 CaveRave

Klem Loskot's piece de resistance - Climb all of Cave Man and keep going into the crux of Dead Can't Dance, and finish up 'Rave Heart'.

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V13 Pretty Hate Machine

Links Cave Bitch into Dead Can't Dance, finishing as for 'Rave Heart'

FA: Matt Wrigley, 2000

V13 SleepyMan

Link 'Sleepy Hollow' into Cave Girl

FA: Dai Koyamada, 2000

V13 UnderSiege

Links X-Treme Cool into 'Sleepy Hollow'. First ascent spread over 12 days.

FA: Sharik Walker, 2000

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Cave Club
V13 Sultan of Swing

FA: Alex Megos

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Citadel
V13 The Bear and the Piano

Start on the left hand sidepull and right hand crimp.

FA: Tom O'Halloran, Mag 2022

V13 Lost For Life Low Start Boulder
V13 Ammagamma

Originally put up as 'Ummagumma' (also at V13) starting in the 3-finger pocket - Klem added the first (hard) move a week later. Previously V14 until Nicole repeated it in a single day.

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V13 Pigeon Superstition

FFA: Nalle Hukkataival, 2011

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Lower Taipan Lower Taipan Wall
V13 Zeus (Boulder)

The creme de la creme. Sit start on crimp, punch up then across right and up a series of shallow pockets via a rad cross move, finishing on jug under the bolt.

FA: Sam Edwards

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Project Boulder
V13 On the Beach

Sit start on hueco.

Mt Stapylton Campground Chiusa Campground Boulders
V13 The Scorpion King

The very dangerous problem just right of 'Butthole Surfer' and climbing out to the obvious pockets on the overhanging face above and bad landing (the drop off the terrace).

FA: Gerard Bergmann, 2002

Iskra Crag Lemonade Wall
V12 Last Action Hiro
Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Hollow Mountain Cave
V12 Cave Woman/Bitch

Takes an extreme line to the right of Cave Man, climbing into that problem's finish.

FA: Sam Edwards/Bernhard Fiedler, 2000

V12 The big flake link variant

Link 'Easy Does It' into 'Sleepy Hollow'

V12 CaveBitch
V12 Sleepy Hollow

Start on the large jug in the darkest depths of the cave - (the finish of X-Treme Cool) and head out to the jug at the start of Cave Man

FA: Fred Nicole, 2000

V12 The big flake link
Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Kindergarten Chiusa The Kindergarten (bouldering)
V12 Giada

Sit start on two edges under the rooflet. Reach out to slopers and crimps and make a press out left to the pocket. Big reaches back right gain the big high flake and finish as for The Nevin Rule.

V12 The Wheel of Fortune

The final chapter... Start as for 'Spanking the Monkeybars', reverse 'A Horse is a Horse', then finish as for 'The Weill of Fortune'. Route grade of 33.

FA: Nathan Hoette, 2000

V12 The Weill of Fortune

A big link up. Sit-start as for 'A horse is a horse', then traverse right all the way into the start of 'The Nevin Rule'. Finish up this problem. Route grade of 32.

FA: Simon Weill, 2000

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Citadel
V12 Lost For Life

Very solid; as shown by Fred Nicole in the classic EOS2 video (or more recently by James Litz in Dosage 3).

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V12 Tanathos

Start on Strammamax and into Endamax. Traverse into and finish on Lost for Life

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Chiusa The Snake Pit
V12 If You Want Blood, You've Got It

A huge, technical dyno starting from a sit-start, then up to the big sloper and higher crimp - then the sharp lip jug. The hardest dyno in Australia?

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V12 Quitline

Old Klem Loskot project which was expected to be the hardest dyno in Australia; the FA went to Nalle Hukkataival and its status as hardest dyno may have been subsumed by a few hard problems Nalle put up in Buandik, 'Massive Dynamic' and 'Pigeon Superstition' at the Citadel.

FA: Nalle Hukkataival, 2011

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Between the Sheeps
V12 War Chief

Listed as a project (#19) in the 2016 guide. Sit start on chossy looking jugs 2m right of Big Buck Hunter, up direct into the finish holds of When We Were Kings.

V12 Big Buck Hunter

Start off big flake, out to undercling and huge move to pocket. Finish as for When We Were Kings.

V12 Kings Cross

A more direct line into When We Were Kings, starting further to the right.

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

Flat Rock Epsilon Wall Bouldering
V12 Magician's Code

The imposing face across to the right from PP. Stand start with high crimp. Up to the two bad pinches, then punch up to the lip. Finish on good holds out left.

FA: Thomas Farrell

V12 Mugabe

Takes the right-trending line via the odd pocket just left of 'Epsilon Crack'.

FA: Simon Weill, 2000

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Cave Club
V11/12 Full Bean

Heads straight up just right of the start of Sultans of Swing. Pending details.

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Ground Control Caves Top Cave
V11/12 Nutts to Butts

Upper Cave.

Links 'Fog' into 'Dead Heat'.

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Taipan Wall - South
34 The Old Dog

a.k.a Enter the Dragon, a.k.a. Mortal Combat. This is the subtle groove about 6-8m R of Mr J's arête. "33/34" with tricky beta on both cruxes and lots of kneebar action, says Alex. Start at the DRB at the base of Venom. Trend L past FH, through desperately blank looking bulge, to follow the line of anti-holds up the attractive faint groove, joining Venom at the big break. Nalle reported "8B boulder section with very precise and shoulder intensive moves, bad feet and the two worst slopers I’ve ever seen on a route. This is followed by an easier but absolutely amazing scoopy section to a pretty ok rest. From there you set up for one of the craziest dynos I’ve ever done! If you stick the low percentage dyno, there’s still a sustained run-out section with long moves to the anchor".

Tracciata: Equipped Rich Heap, 2000

FA: 2000

FFA: Alex Megos, Mag 2015

Sportiva 18m, 6
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Taipan Wall - North
34 Askleipos

Extension to Kundalini. Adds another 7m of hard climbing on thin crimps and pockets and a final jump to the ledge.

FA: Alex Megos, 2015

Trad 25m
Iskra Crag Lemonade Wall
V11 Circuit Breaker

FFA: Nalle Hukkataival, 2011

V11 Parallel Lines

FFA: Nalle Hukkataival, 2011

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Hollow Mountain Cave
V11 Caved Out

Starts up 'Extended World' V10, drops down into Wimmel Friedhof V5 and then finishes up 'Gastonia' V8

FA: Ben Heason, 2000

V11 Cave Heart

X-Treme cool into 'Desire'

FA: Ben Heason, 2000

V11 Viva Resistance

Link Body Eater into 'Ogre Thumb'

FA: Nathan Hoette, 2000

V11 Dead Can't Dance

Starts on the two 'rails' - at the finish of Cave Man - then climbs out via the famous 'pinch' hold into a gaston crux (the pinch hold of Rave Heart) finishing as for Wimmel Friedhoff.

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Loopeys
V11 Panoptikum

Start as for 'Passion' then traverse all the way across the crux of Klapusterperle, through the start of 'Bitch Slap' and finish as for 'Winterkirsch'. Has also been done by finishing up 'Bitch Slap' (Sharik Walker) at no change in grade.

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Red Wall Area incl Echoes Block
V11 Tantrum
Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Sandinista Cliffs Sandanista Area Bouldering Malapropism Boulder
V11 Schnell Boulder
Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Kindergarten Chiusa The Kindergarten (bouldering)
V11 So You Think You Can Dance

Start underclinging the left side of the scoop feature (just left of the start of The Nevin Rule). Move up to LH incut crimp via tricky kneebars and underclings, gaston edges to meet The Nevin Rule at the high pinch. Finish as for The Nevin Rule.

V11 Point and Shoot

Sit start on underclings below the white rail 2m left of the start of STMB. Climb to a slopey pocket and underclings to make a big move gaining the slopey pinch of STMB and finish as for this problem.

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Clicke 3 Star Buttress
V11 That's Amore

Stand start on crimps, use arete to throw for good edge.

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Clicke The Ark
V11 Buandik Dreaming

Sit start on good side pull and small crimp, up through crimps before veering left as the landing falls away.

FA: Sam Healy

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Lower Clicke Bad Cliche Boulder
V11 Former Glory

Sit start on the low rail and move up a series of dimples and slopers to crimps and jugs at the top. Hard for the grade - James didn't want it to be downgraded.

FA: James Kassay

Boulder 3m
Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Right Main Mandatory Choices Boulder
V11 Spider Mate

Stand start to Peter Parker.

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Right Main Andersens Consulting Boulder
V11 Forced Entry Direct

Dai Koyamada's addition to Andersens. Sit start matched on the left facing flake. Move up the wall and jump like mad to the lip.

V11 Forced Entry

Start left of the V4 problem on a good gaston and take a left-trending line past the mono to topout. Has seen an impressive flash ascent by James Litz (US). Originally given V13 by Sharik as the mono didn't exist and he did horrible moves crimping the very edge of the same hold.

Dynoing from the crack directly to the top is 'Forced Entry Direct' (V11)

FA: Sharik Walker

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Right Main Seduction Wall
V11 Cruise Control
Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Left Main Andersens Slabs
V11 Snatch

The line 1m right of Feverish starting at the good pocket. Make tenuous moves up slopey rails to a high top out.

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Left Main Gobsmacker Corner
V11 Gobsmacker

Sit-start at a small, slopey undercling with not much for feet.

FA: Julian Saunders, 2000

Boulder 3m
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Citadel
V11 Project Traverse

Possibly the traverse completed by Dai Koyamada - starting from the V2 start hold - then traversing right to the finish of 'Mad Max' - unconfirmed.

V11 Mad Max

Sit-start from a poor RH undercling and an incut LH 'pocket' - massive span move out right to the arete of 'Nice Max' - then finish as for this problem. Positive ape-index recommended!

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Lower Taipan Lower Taipan Wall
V11 Athena

~8m to the right of Zeus, start on the block with the odd pinch inside. Out left to shallow pocket, big lockoff to sidepulls and finish directly above on flat edge.

FA: Blake Wardell, 2017

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Between the Sheeps
V11 When We Were Kings

Only one of the moves on this 14 move roof traverse is hard. Unfortunately all the rest require exactly the same muscles, ensuring a month long bicep ache. Fred Nicole didn't do it! Can you?

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Chiusa Spurt Wall (Bouldering)
V11 Snooky Badlands

Resides on the walk-in track to 'Spurt Wall' - just before the 'tunnel' (beneath the 'Taipan' route 'Invisible Fist').

FA: Garth Miller, 2000

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Love Boulder
V11 Haters Gonna Hate

Sit start on slopey rail.

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Ground Control Caves Middle Cave
V11 Killer Dwarf

Middle Cave. 2016 guidebook grade

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Ground Control Caves Top Cave
V11 Dead Heat

Upper Cave.

Rumoured to be a total classic at the grade - and it looks like it too. Sit-start left of 'I Feel So Holy' and motor up through the pockety featers on the steep wall to the big slopey break. Shuffle rightwards to a high-ish topout.

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Sandinista Cliffs Sandinista Wall
33 Sparticus

Hardest route in the Grampians?

Start: Link-up of Daniel Or-Tiger into Somoza via some mind-blowing climbing. Very sustained with a bouldery crux.

FA: Nathan Hoette, 2002

Trad 25m
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Taipan Wall - South
33 Trouser Snake

Just another incredible looking line on Taipan. It's the orange streak directly above Snake Flake's anchor, climbed in a single pitch from the ground.

Tracciata: Equipped by Ben Cossey & Al Pryce late Oct 08

FA: Lee Cossey, 2013

Sportiva 48m
33 Groove Train

An extension to Groovy, this was briefly the hardest route on the wall and may be the best. Climb it in 1 pitch from the ground. The sheer face above the finish of the Groovy groove is sparsely bolted (despite a dubious retrobolt by Dave Graham ... which lasted about 5 seconds after he left) up the black streak to a lower off. Can seep. Equipped by Zac Vertrees and Mike Law (with the top lower-off added by Jake Bresnehan), this was attempted by a who's who of Australian hard-men over 7 years before Ben's success.

Ben Cossey FA of Groove Train

FA: Ben Cossey, 2009

Sportiva 45m, 2, 10
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Taipan Wall - North
33 Sneaky Snake

The visionary black streaks and water grooves about 5-8m R of Naja. The joke used to be that Steve Monks "marked his turf" at the top of Naja after every shot; it looks like perhaps Lee did too! Start as for Naja. Up Naja for 2 or 3 bolts then traverse right via an obvious undercling flake a few metres above the low roof. Use long (2m) extenders for this section. Now follow the incredible grooves, ignore the half-height anchor, and continue up via amazing sustained climbing on slopey edges to the top of the wall in one single mega pitch. Rap anchor (55m).

FA: Lee Cossey, 2011

Sportiva 55m
33 The Great Affair

Demanding bouldery cruxes and intimidatingly huge dynos. According to Dave Jones, 'Malcolm only ever bolted this because he'd just done Mirage and thought he could dyno the full height of the cliff'. Start about 15m R of The Seventh Pillar, 2-3m R of Slytherin.

  1. 28m (33) 3FHs (enormous dyno at 3rd, Rainbow Rocket -style), to gain THE break about 6-8m R of the Seventh Pillar bolt ladder. Continue up the desperate looking face past 3 FHs which trend R into a thin L-facing flake. Follow this to a chain below the main roof (30m rap).

  2. 20m (32/3) This is the left-most bolted line through the major roof which extends all the way from The Seventh Pillar to Serpentine, halfway up Taipan. Another all points off dyno plus amazing water scoop/arete climbing, ending at the 3rd pitch traverse break of The Seventh Pillar. Nalle thought pitch 1 was a bit harder than this pitch, but maybe not by much!

  3. 14m (29) Quetzalcoatl last pitch.

Tracciata: Malcolm Matheson (and DS added by Nalle 2017), 1993

FFA: Dave Jones freed pitch 3 ~2000, Nalle Hukkatival p1 & p2 Oct 2017, Ott 2017

Trad mista 60m, 3, 8
Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Sandinista Cliffs Sandinista Wall
32 Somoza

One of the hardest routes in the Grampians. Sustained. Often mistakenly called Samosa, but the naming theme is Nicaraguan revolutionaries not pastries!

FA: Dave Jones, 1999

Sportiva 20m, 10
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Spurt Wall
32 Tyranny Into Lifestyling

The hardest climbing on 'Spurt Wall'. Splits after 3rd bolt of 'Tyranny' and finishes up 'Lifestyling'.

FA: Nathan Hoette, 2000

Sportiva 17m, 6
32 Who's a Naughty Boy?

The scene of one of the biggest dummy spits in Australian climbing history. Cruelly stolen from Gordy by a roving Garth in his youthful prime. In a fit of vengeance Gordy promptly chipped off the vital holds, removed the bolts and covered the rest of the holds with sunscreen! Nathan Hoette managed to repeat it anyway. This is the extension of 'Tyranny' past a further two FHs to rap chain.

FA: Equipped (and Un-Equipped) by Gordon Poultney. First Free Ascent by Garth Miller & then re-established after Gordy's tantrum by Nathan Hoette., 1998

Sportiva 20m, 6
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Taipan Wall - South
32 Snakes on a Train

A link up. From the anchors of Snake Flake, traverse left into the top half of Groove Train via one bolt.

FA: Doug McConnell, 2012

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Taipan Wall - North
32 Orange Desire

Second Pitch to Mirage. Quentin approached from Seventh Pillar LHV via Snake in the Grass. More like 33 according to Alex Megos.

FFA: Quentin Chastagnier, 2013

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Chiusa Rambla Wall
V10 Julians Traverse

A big traverse starting to the right of Problem #3 and finishing as for Problem #1

FA: Julian Saunders, 2000

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Hollow Mountain Cave
V10 Extended World

Start on the furthest RH sloper right of 'Rave Heart' original start - then traverse left into 'Amniotic World' and finish up it.

FA: Klem Loskot, 2000

V10 Annagramma

FA: Thomas Willenberg, 2000

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Loopeys
V10 In Your Jesus Christ Pose

Crawl into the dark cave left of 'Passion' and sit-start on the right matching a big sloper. Traverse left via a massive iron-cross move (hence the name) and finish on the left.

FA: Toni Lamprecht, 1999

V10 Old Henry's Sit Start
Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Kindergarten Chiusa The Kindergarten (bouldering)
V10 The Kevin Rule
V10 Gripmaster

Previously a long-standing open project prior to Klem's arrival. Originally graded 11, with some people thinking it's still not far off that.

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V10 Drop Bear
Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Lower Clicke The Scab
V10 Daddy Chill

Start matched on the low hueco jug. Climb the steep orange/grey prow using the arete or directly up orange cove. Top out on jugs and slab.

FA: Len Dalit, Mag 2022

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Lower Clicke The Meatlocker
V10 Keelhaul

Start at the bottom of the cave, climb the long roof crack and top out through the little hole.

Stephen Waring

Trent Searcy

FA: Stephen, 2018

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Lower Clicke Bad Cliche Boulder
V10 When in Rome

Start back of cave with LH undercling jug and RH arete. Slap up arete and edges in roof. Give some beans to gain the arete and finish up glory jugs to top out. Stay tight to avoid dab. Recommend sweater over rock as crashpad. (Project #34 in guide).

📹 When in Rome

FA: James Campbell, 19 Nov 2022

Boulder 4m
Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Left Main Andersens Slabs
V10 Mungo's Roof

Popular. Sit start on good flakes at the lowest part of the roof and climb the line of flakes, pinches and edges all the way out to cruxy moves at the lip. Finish at the big jug on the face or top out.

FA: Mungo

Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Left Main Rocks on Blocks Boulder
V10 Etch-a-Sketch

Start as for Mr Knox. Follow the obvious line of good holds out of the cave and head right via big moves to the arete. Continue up the right-hand arete to top out.

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Cave Club
V10 Cave Club

Start as for 'Apfenschaukel', but head right through a big gaston move. 2nd ascent was quickly made by Toni Lamprecht in about 5 minutes!

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Citadel
V10 The Viking
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Wildsides
V10 Lazy Monnelli

A brilliant complex roof problem. Located 1 minute's walk downhill - left of the 'Sweet Sensation' cave. Sit-start right at the back of the cave, and climb out, down, and around to a cruxy finish out on the lip.

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Butchers Boulder
V10 Butchers Choice

Sit start in the back of the cave on jugs. Climb line of pockets, underclings and flakes out of the roof finishing up the bulbous crack.

FA: Dave Jones

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Daves' Cave
V10 Possum Overhang

Left line of slopers through roof to jugs. Traverse right, up to next level and back left to jug.

Boulder 8m
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