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Tutti 30 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Falesia Qualità Arrampicatore Data
20 No Time for Dreaming
1 20 135m
Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Molto buona
Gino Lagazio
Sab 7 Nov 2020
What a little hidden gem, worth stopping by for a lap if you're in the area. Dogged pitch 5 as it was soaked and mossy

20 No Time for Dreaming - con Taliesin St. john
1 12 135m arrampicata in lead da Taliesin St. john
2 15 arrampicata in lead da Dylan Glavas
3 16 arrampicata in lead da Taliesin St. john
4 19 arrampicata in lead da Dylan Glavas
5 20 arrampicata in lead da Dylan Glavas
Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Classica
Dylan Glavas
Lun 17 Mag 2021
Absolute Classic! Awesome adventure. First 3 pitches are super fun slab, with 4 turning the slab up a notch and 5 being face and slightly overhung. Had to wait for the rock to dry. Slipped on the slab on pitch 4 due to overconfidence, this rock is slippery! Surfed and slid down the slab on my feet until I could catch the rope. The flaring crack at the top was wet, nothing a bit of determination couldn't sort out. Unreal backdrop, would do again.

20 No Time for Dreaming - con Mark Hoggard, Sia, Bridget
1 Trad
2 Trad
3 Trad
4 Trad
5 Trad
Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Molto buona
Sab 14 Gen 2023
What a climb! Solid rock with an insane backdrop. P3 has one really fun move. P4&5 are the shit. Happy got to lead all 5. Get on it.

20 No Time for Dreaming - con Nathan Miles
1 Trad arrampicata in lead da Pete
2 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Nathan Miles
3 Trad arrampicata in lead da Pete

attempting to apply my lacking slab skill on the hot and water polished granite combines for, quite the -engaging- experience.

4 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Nathan Miles

the crux is has quite interesting movement through the corner and bulge, definitely recommend putting some pro in here. last section up the (mostly blank) 45° slab was spooky in the heat but awesome

5 Trad arrampicata in lead da Pete

Most fun pitch on the route for me as I'm not the best at slabs. Sweet jugs and no real dead-zone the whole way up. I mantled the ledge by rolling onto my side then sat up facing out from the wall and was delivered a fantastic view.

Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Classica
Sab 25 Feb 2023
Pitches 4&5 are top shelf. amazing scenery behind. sun was really cooking in the early afternoon, the toesies were not having the greatest time.

20 No Time for Dreaming - con Khush Dodhia-Shah
1 12 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Khush Dodhia-Shah
2 15 Trad arrampicata in lead da Harrie Van de Linde
3 16 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Khush Dodhia-Shah
4 20 40m Trad arrampicata in lead da Harrie Van de Linde

did the Gobber head variant, which is worth it, but damn that slab is slippery! theres undercling wives to start which is cool and then some very technical, small slabby moves to some thin holds, then finish easy. will do it again another day in the future, with very grippy shoes

5 20 Trad arrampicata in lead da Harrie Van de Linde

this pitch is an insane finish to a great start to the weekend. Lots of pump up the steep crack to a glory finish. LOVED it, and a sensational view of Blowering at the top!!

Trad mista 40m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Classica
Harrie Van de Linde
Sab 18 Mar 2023
bloody good climb, started real early because of the heat and still finished around Lunch time. amazing effort from Khush, biggest multi he's done so far

V6 Just get out Boulder 4m Koorawatha falls Mega Classica
Flip walton
Sab 2 Mar 2024
Awesome rock quality, perfect landing, fun moves and it tops out next to a river. What more could ya want

V5 Hay, found the needle Boulder 4m Koorawatha north Molto buona
Flip walton
Dom 3 Mar 2024
Repeat warmup

V4 Nordic Biker Feud Boulder 4m Adelong Falls Reserve Molto buona
Tim Nicholson
Gio 15 Ago 2019
Great line, I'd have given it three stars if I thought the holds were going to stay on. Steepish crimping followed by a slappy lip encounter. May have been done before, there was a bit of loose stuff on it, but it cleaned up well and the remaining holds feel solid, I guess until it gets a few more frosts / snowfalls. Great and unexpected random roadside ascent.

V1 Rabbit, Run - con Lucas Slater Boulder 4m Rabbit Boulder Molto buona
Nicolas Di Campli
Ven 4 Dic 2020
Took a bit of working, tricky number

V0 Baader Meinhof Boulder 4m Adelong Falls Reserve Buona
Tim Nicholson
Gio 15 Ago 2019
Gives a bit more and feels a bit higher than it looks from the ground, nice one.

20 No Time for Dreaming - con Ella Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Classica
Gio 8 Feb 2024
chucked a lap to take Ella up this classic. lead p1, p3, p4.

good day out with some unexpected mental challenges to get me working harder than anticipated.

p1: too wet. one stick clip and every draw pulled on, but managed to survive without a fall.

p2: was dry, no issues here, cruisy onsight by Big E.

p3: the tricky sequence at the beginning was thankfully was dry. however the easy groove had become a river and was giving me a run for my money. despite my hesitation, managed it clean

p4: harder lead than I was expecting after my second last time. crux and last bit test you mentally.

p5: just as good the second time, nice work leading it E

20 No Time for Dreaming - con Chloeskehan
1 Trad
2 Trad
3 Trad
Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Molto buona
Harrie Van de Linde
Dom 17 Mar 2024
always a good day out on the wall!! only a few pitches up and then called it but got Chloe back on the cliff and absiel practice. (for anyone else, first 3.5 pitches are all sport, bring 12 draws if you wanna link P2 & P3, couple of extenders too.

20 No Time for Dreaming - con Sean Parker
1 Trad
2 Da secondo
3 Trad
4 Trad
5 Trad
Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Classica
Nathan Miles
Gio 30 Mag 2024
Absolutely smashing day out, amazing to come back and finally feel comfortable leading everything clean 10/10

20 No Time for Dreaming
Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Classica
Matty Salt
Dom 29 Ott 2017
Made it up all 4 pitches but was cooked after the 19 and chilled to watch the view. Will be back

20 No Time for Dreaming Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Molto buona
Ben Quinn
Mer 13 Mar 2019
Did the first 4 pitches. Pitch 1 & 2 are slab climbing Pitch 3 is slab to easy crack Pitch 4 is corner to flake and crack

21 No Time for Dreaming - con Lucas Low, steve willson
1 12 arrampicata in lead da Lucas Low
2 15
3 16 arrampicata in lead da Lucas Low
4 21
5 20
Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Molto buona
Hunter Cole
Gio 9 Lug 2020
Awesome afternoon of climbing. Last two pitches were great and unreal views all the way! The grade 19 pitch felt stiff but nonetheless get on it.

20 No Time for Dreaming - con Tahni Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Classica
Lun 14 Set 2020
A seriously underrated route with a really spectacular backdrop. Aided the crux move on the final pitch to avoid any risk of a ledge fall while clipping from a wet crack. The granite is vaguely reminiscent of Freycinct but more polished. The first 3 pitches aren't a bad warm-up while the last two are as good as it comes in terms of freeblast-like slabbing and jamming. The right hand variant of the 4th pitch, in particular, is very sustained with interesting moves that don't let up for a solid 40m. Surprisingly little choss for a route not too well trafficked yet. Get on it!

20 Gobber Head - con Tahni Trad mista 40m, 11 Blowering Cliffs Molto buona
Lun 14 Set 2020
Did a variation of this line by traversing into the corner and following the crack system to the right once past the slab crux. Doing the entire slab would be very sustained.

20 No Time for Dreaming - con Pete
1 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Pete
2 Trad arrampicata in lead da Nathan Miles

Ridiculously polished, great fun dancing your way up water washed granite!!

3 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Pete
4 Trad arrampicata in lead da Nathan Miles

Bit of a bummer, faffed around and placed two decent cams (.5, .75) in the horizontal crack above the bulge then somehow lacked the courage to trust them enough to continue. After a quick hang the move went straight away after I could trust my almost definitely sub optimal cam placements. The rest of the pitch fell together soon after. Used a ridiculous amount of draws. 11 all up and three cams. Extending the bottom few helped with drag. My gonad circumference was depleted by the nice techy slab just before the anchors of this pitch. Fire.

5 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Pete

Amazing, amazing climbing. Nothing quite like an incredible moderate face 100m in the air, especially when it backs onto a waterfall. One of the most aesthetic pitches I've done 11/10. Climbs superbly on nice sidepulls, a few crimps and cracks and a heap of jugs. Awesome.

Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Classica
Nathan Miles
Sab 25 Feb 2023
Amazing day out, pretty spicy in the heat so make sure to pack a heap of water. Pitches 1-3 were good but 4-5 were unreal. Stellar, extremely varied climbing. Bring nice comfy shoes and a heap of water and you're in for a treat! Whole route is very, very well bolted, a 70M rope was the perfect length, any less would be doable but much more effort.

20 No Time for Dreaming Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Molto buona
Dan Fussell
Sab 12 Mag 2018
A nice climb, lead the first three, a cheeky aid on the fourth and then was pretty burnt out. In reality the top pitch was too wet, but gave it a crack aiding anyway. Had to call it just short as I had nothing left - a great day out!

20 No Time for Dreaming - con joey johansen Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Molto buona
Dom 25 Nov 2018
Sent the first 4 pitches. Pitch 5 damp

20 No Time for Dreaming - con Nathan Miles
1 Da secondo
2 Trad arrampicata in lead da Sean Parker

Absolutely shitting bricks! Really fun. Find those feet

3 Da secondo
4 Da secondo
5 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Nathan Miles

Didn’t get to flash this one unfortunately! Forearms were absolutely cooking and pants were wet! GET ME OFF THIS ROCK

Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Classica
Sean Parker
Gio 30 Mag 2024
First multi pitch climb!!! Absolutely frothing Nathan Miles is my dad

20 No Time for Dreaming - con Harrie Van de Linde
1 Trad arrampicata in lead da Khush Dodhia-Shah

gorgeous start, got our heads in the gaaame

2 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Harrie Van de Linde
3 Trad arrampicata in lead da Khush Dodhia-Shah

super nice, lil slip but will take it. some runout bits on the edge were tasty

4 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Harrie Van de Linde

fucking hard, humbled me for sure in the sun.

5 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Harrie Van de Linde
Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Classica
Khush Dodhia-Shah
Mar 21 Mar 2023
Gorgeous, physical, powerful and an epic finish to the mega multi. Elite climbing fucking loved it

20 Gobber Head - con Taliesin St. john Trad mista 40m, 11 Blowering Cliffs Classica
Dylan Glavas
Lun 17 Mag 2021
Classic slab and finger crack, get on it! Definitely the better pitch 4. Toe hooks, slippery rock, dime edges and sweaty fingertips, this has it all, all the while trying to clip a bolt 2m above the last bolt in the middle of a slab crux. Tricky onsight but pure awesomeness and want to send.

20 No Time for Dreaming - con Keyser, Bridget, Sia
1 Trad
2 Trad
3 Trad

Linked this with P2.

4 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Keyser
5 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Keyser
Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs
Mark Hoggard
Sab 14 Gen 2023
Fabulous adventure with stunning views - first physio-approved outing for the rotator cuff! Forecast was for 36°C, so we set off at 5.30 am and were finished before the sun hit the crag. Climbed the first three pitches in two pairs, before Bridget and Sia headed back down and Shubh led the rest to the top. First three are slabby with some technical footwork in places. This section clearly gets a lot of water in rain, so the granite is polished to soapy smooth. After that, the route really changes character. P4 has a tricky crux over a bulge that took two attempts. P5 was really impressive! Felt like an unlikely journey into the unknown, but the features are excellent and the bolting spot on. Was pleased that the shoulder stood up to some rough treatment, but had to rest a couple of times between burly bursts. Had a minor issue rapping down P4 with a folded 60 m - it leaves you ~5 m short but with a pretty safe down-climb. In terms of gear, the bolting is generally excellent and there is really only one spot where you could have a nasty fall and that's at the crux on P4. Luckily, there are really good options here for a smallish cam (we used a DMM Dragon #1) or medium nut. The rest is run out in places, but not dangerous and anyone competent at grade 16 slab likely won't need anything else on their rack. I did use a few extenders to link P2 into P3. And P4 has 11 bolts (in addition to the cam), so take a full set of draws. Overall, this is a fantastic and well thought-out route not to be missed if you're in the area (unless there has been lots of rain). Cheers to the FAs for their efforts!

20 No Time for Dreaming Trad mista 140m, 35 Blowering Cliffs Molto buona
steve willson
Gio 9 Lug 2020
Great route, bought up a full trad rack up to size 3, very uneccesary lots of bolts. There's room for a .75 and 1 on the 19 pitch. The 19 seemed harder than the 20 however I slipped off the wetness on the last pitch. The first 3 pitches seemed much shorter than the description and links could easily be made. Really fun climbing on good rock.

20 Gobber Head - con Khush Dodhia-Shah Trad mista 40m, 11 Blowering Cliffs Molto buona
Harrie Van de Linde
Sab 18 Mar 2023
this is the variant everyone does. do not know how people stay on the wall with that amount of slipperiness. i really tried but had to hold a draw instead of falling down the slab so not clean. would have tried it again if it wasn't going to be soo hot an hour later and still had more to send.

V4 Flies blow Boulder 3m Koorawatha north Molto buona
Flip walton
Ven 2 Feb 2024
Felt the holds, thought I would get the flash FA, then not only did I not flash, I didn't even send

Skundor Boulder 4m Koorawatha north Mega Classica
Flip walton
Dom 3 Mar 2024
V hard v classic. Not close.

20 Gobber Head - con Nathan Miles Trad mista 40m, 11 Blowering Cliffs
Sab 25 Feb 2023
We accidently went up this while climbing 'NTFD' The moves and features are cool and the moves around the flake before the slab are sick. The top half felt ridiculously hard in the direct sun.

Nathan lead up to the bolt under the tree then gave up. I gave it a go and got stuck in the same spot. I then back-jumped the whole pitch and checked the phone to discover we were going the wrong way.


Tutti 30 ascensioni visualizzati.

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