
Ascensioni in New South Wales and ACT da Brian Cork

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1 - 100 di 233 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Data
New South Wales and ACT Central Western Slope and Plains Warrumbungles Bluff Mountain
18 Flight of the Phoenix Trad 310m Mega Classica Sab 22 Set 2012
Lived up to the hype. Classic.

13 Bastion Buttress - con Brad Trad 240m Classica Sab 6 Ott 2018
Some surprisingly tricky route finding due to the number of alternatives and a bit of loose rock but still an amazing line. A good intro to how tricky the gradings and route finding can be in the Bungles.

New South Wales and ACT Central Western Slope and Plains Warrumbungles Crater Bluff
14 Cornerstone Rib (Cornerstone Rib Direct) Trad 190m Mega Classica Dom 23 Set 2012
15 Vintage Rib - con Stephen Hawkshaw Trad 200m Molto buona Dom 4 Set 2016
Fun. Totally different climbing than Cornerstone. Quite runout at times.

New South Wales and ACT Central Western Slope and Plains Warrumbungles Belougery Spire South East Face
10 East Face Route - con Brad Trad 150m Dom 7 Ott 2018
Climbed the original first four pitches which were mossy, loose and scary only to end up on a ledge with goat shit on it. It turns out they come in from the big ledge system to the left. We bailed off a tree from there as we wasted too much time finding the start of the route and climbing the first few pitches. I have changed the route description to traverse in on the ledge as the upper pitches look interesting but haven't climbed in that way yet. Please update this description if you finish this route before me.

New South Wales and ACT Central Western Slope and Plains Warrumbungles Belougery Spire North Face
17 Caucasus Corner - con Stephen Hawkshaw Trad 330m Classica Lun 5 Set 2016
An excellent adventure. A mix of amazing rock and tricky route finding with a few sections of dodgy rock to add spice.

New South Wales and ACT Central Western Slope and Plains Warrumbungles Belougery Spire West Face
6 Tourist Traverse - con Brad Trad 130m Classica Lun 8 Ott 2018
Really fun. It must have been so cool for the climbers in the 30's when they unlocked that convoluted route to the summit.

10 Vertigo Trad 95m Classica Lun 24 Set 2012
New South Wales and ACT Northern Tablelands Gibraltar Rock Mulligans Boulder
V1 Weary Will Boulder 4m Molto buona Sab 28 Set 2013
Not as scary as it looks.

V1 Loaded Dog Boulder 4m Molto buona Sab 28 Set 2013
Bizarre, long move off a crazy hold.

V0 Mulga Bill Boulder 6m Molto buona Sab 28 Set 2013
Excellent for the grade.

New South Wales and ACT Northern Tablelands Wollomombi Falls
Wollomombi Falls Rap Route Sconosciuto 170m Classica Mar 29 Lug 2014
An awesome way of getting to the bottom of the gorge. The chains and bolts seem fine. Another group walked down at the same time and were about half an hour quicker than us rappelling but we had way more fun.

12 Wollomombi-Chandler Ridge Trad 330m Mar 29 Lug 2014
Climbed the ridge again after 20 years. Still just as intimidating, chossy, vegetated, scary and classic as I remembered. It is as close as you can get to alpine climbing in NNSW. A great adventure for those who appreciate the opposite of sport climbing.

New South Wales and ACT Northern Tablelands Gara Gorge Eastern Gara Gorge Yellow Wall Lower Main Wall
22 Saracen Trad mista 15m, 3 Mer 1 Apr 1992

15 Wee Dangler Trad 15m Mer 1 Apr 1992
18 Fugitive Trad 15m Mer 1 Apr 1992
19 Social Misfit Sportiva 20m, 4 Mer 1 Apr 1992
15 Sunday Morning Energy Trad 28m Molto buona Mer 1 Apr 1992
Climbs a lot better than it looks. Love the twin cracks up high.

16 Dynamic Bureaucrat Trad 28m Molto buona Mer 1 Apr 1992
16 Zussamen Sportiva 15m, 3 Buona Mer 1 Apr 1992
14 Chequer Board Trad 27m Buona Mer 1 Apr 1992
Fun Flake. Needs big cams. If you feel like caving you can do a second pitch through the cave above.

12 Neato Peachy Keen Trad 18m Media Mer 1 Apr 1992
New South Wales and ACT Northern Tablelands Gara Gorge Upper Gara Gorge Downstream climbing areas The Kitchen
17 Greek Perm Trad 7m Buona Sab 18 Lug 2009
15 Get Nuked Trad 7m Molto buona Sab 18 Lug 2009
16 Frog in a Blender Trad 7m Buona Sab 18 Lug 2009
New South Wales and ACT Northern Tablelands Gara Gorge Upper Gara Gorge Central climbing areas Roadblock Area
17 Bovine Trad mista 12m, 2 Molto buona Dom 15 Mag 1994
The last move had me pondering.

15 Swinebeater Trad mista 10m, 1 Buona Dom 15 Mag 1994
Nice to find this crag had been overlooked...

9 Hardly Worth the Swine Trad 10m Molto buona Dom 15 Mag 1994
Great location and exposure for a climb of this grade.

8 Piglet Trad 10m Media Mar 15 Mag 2012
Funky chimney that leads to these routes

New South Wales and ACT Northern Tablelands Gara Gorge Upper Gara Gorge Central climbing areas Private sector
20 Mositened Bint Sportiva 7m, 3 Buona Mar 15 Ott 1996
Climbed it and then paddled a kayak over it a few months later. How often can you do that?

New South Wales and ACT Mid North Coast Coffs Harbour Glenreagh Killowatts
17 Sequential mood Trad 25m Molto buona Dom 27 Ago 2017
Engaging. Better pro and nicer rock than 'salt'. Two ropes are a good idea for minimising drag and protecting the seconder.

17 Salt Trad 35m Buona Dom 27 Ago 2017
Old school feel. Tricky route finding and was a bit sketchy above the first bolt. Take care to protect the seconder as there are lots of small traverses.

13 Chalk Eye Trad 10m Buona Dom 27 Ago 2017
New South Wales and ACT Mid North Coast Coffs Harbour Glenreagh Wonderland Whipping wall
20 Dead Heart Trad 15m Molto buona Sab 9 Lug 2016
The crack is awesome but it is a bit spicy at the top where the crack ends. The bolt is hidden on a ledge above the crack. One of the better crack routes in the area.

17 Father and Son Sportiva 12m, 3 Media Sab 9 Lug 2016
Some really nice moves through pockets but the bolts are hard to clip and the top is a bit sketch.

18 Dino's Dilemma Trad 15m Lun 17 Mag 1993
18 Dino's Dilemma - con Nice to use some jams on sandstone., Trad 15m Molto buona Sab 9 Lug 2016
Nice to use some jams on sandstone.

18 Dino's Dilemma - con Ally Cork Trad 15m Molto buona Sab 11 Lug 2020
Interesting stemming and jamming.

14 Alice In Wonderland Trad mista 15m, 1 Lun 17 Mag 1993
14 Alice In Wonderland Trad mista 15m, 1 Media Sab 9 Lug 2016
14 Alice In Wonderland - con Ally Cork Trad mista 15m, 1 Buona Sab 11 Lug 2020
19 Whipping Boy Trad mista 12m, 2 Molto buona Lun 17 Mag 1993
19 Whipping Boy Trad mista 12m, 2 Molto buona Sab 9 Lug 2016
Tricky mantle and fun, juggy rooflet.

19 Whipping Boy - con Ally Cork Trad mista 12m, 2 Molto buona Sab 11 Lug 2020
The arete moves felt harder than the roof...

15 Whip It Good Sportiva 12m, 2 Lun 17 Mag 1993
15 Whip It Good - con Ally Cork Sportiva 12m, 2 Media Sab 11 Lug 2020
The first few moves are nice but the top-out is becoming dirty and vegetated.

New South Wales and ACT Mid North Coast Coffs Harbour Glenreagh Wonderland Grab the Gristle Area
17 Exterminator Sportiva 15m Lun 17 Mag 1993
14 Walking Antiques Sportiva 8m, 3 Lun 17 Mag 1993
New South Wales and ACT Mid North Coast Coffs Harbour Glenreagh Wonderland Canine Wall
19 Canine Conflagration Trad 25m Lun 17 Mag 1993
New South Wales and ACT Mid North Coast Coffs Harbour Glenreagh Wonderland Warped Wall
12 Charred Dog Trad 30m Lun 17 Mag 1993
19 Blind Faith Sportiva 20m, 4 Lun 17 Mag 1993
18 Hope and Glory Trad mista 15m, 2 Lun 17 Mag 1993
New South Wales and ACT Mid North Coast Coffs Harbour Glenreagh The Scones Jugville Boulder
V0 Jugville Central Boulder 2m Buona Mer 1 Set 2010
V0 Jugville Central Boulder 2m Buona Dom 17 Feb 2019
V0 Horn Dog Boulder 3m Molto buona Mer 1 Set 2010
V0 Horn Dog Boulder 3m Molto buona Dom 17 Feb 2019
New South Wales and ACT Mid North Coast Coffs Harbour Glenreagh The Scones Aussie Mateship Boulder
V0 Yeah Mate Boulder 3m Media Mer 1 Set 2010
V0 Yeah Mate Boulder 3m Media Sab 16 Feb 2019
V0 Onya Mate Boulder 6m Buona Mer 1 Set 2010
V0 Onya Mate Boulder 6m Buona Sab 16 Feb 2019
V0 Aussie Mateship Boulder 2m Buona Mer 1 Set 2010
V0 Aussie Mateship Boulder 2m Buona Sab 16 Feb 2019
V0 C'mon Mate Boulder 2m Buona Mer 1 Set 2010
V0 C'mon Mate Boulder 2m Buona Sab 16 Feb 2019
New South Wales and ACT Mid North Coast Coffs Harbour Glenreagh The Scones The Smoulder Boulders
V1 Skinless Boulder 3m Buona Gio 6 Dic 2012
V1 Jambalaya Boulder Buona Gio 6 Dic 2012
Cool side pull.

V0 Prince Charles Boulder 3m Media Mer 1 Set 2010
V0 Pew Boulder 3m Media Mer 1 Set 2010
V0 Horse Boulder 3m Media Mer 1 Set 2010
V1 Smoulder Boulder 4m Molto buona Mer 1 Set 2010
One of my favourites at The Scones

V1 Smoulder Boulder 4m Molto buona Sab 16 Feb 2019
V1 Smoulder Boulder 4m Molto buona Sab 9 Mag 2020
My favourite problem at the scones. Beautiful rock and an inobvious crux hold.

V0 Cooch Boulder 3m Buona Mer 1 Set 2010
V0 Cooch Boulder 3m Buona Sab 16 Feb 2019
V0 Snootch Boulder 2m 2010
New South Wales and ACT Mid North Coast Coffs Harbour Glenreagh The Scones South Park
V0+ Rock Orchid Roof - con Ally Cork Boulder 3m Molto buona Gio 5 Ago 2021
Fun jug hauling with a hidden mailbox slot.

V0 Flight of the Finches - con Ally Cork Boulder 3m Molto buona Dom 11 Lug 2021
V0 Flight of the Finches - con Ally Cork Boulder 3m Molto buona Gio 5 Ago 2021
Great climbing at the grade!

V1 V0+ Manticore - con Ally Cork Boulder 2m Molto buona Dom 11 Lug 2021
V0+ Manticore - con Ally Cork Boulder 2m Buona Gio 5 Ago 2021
The challenge is to mantle and not do the fish flop!

V1 V0+ Minotaur - con Ally Cork Boulder 2m Molto buona Dom 11 Lug 2021
V0+ Minotaur - con Ally Cork Boulder 2m Molto buona Gio 5 Ago 2021
Starting off the two slopers and ignoring the underclings is more fun!

V0 The Wombles of Wimbledon - con Ally Cork Boulder 2m Buona Dom 11 Lug 2021
V0 Wombling Free - con Ally Cork Boulder 2m Buona Dom 11 Lug 2021
V0 Electric Donkey Bottom Biter - con Ally Cork Boulder 2m Buona Gio 5 Ago 2021
V0 I Fart In Your General Direction. (A Fart In Your General Direction.) - con Ally Cork Boulder 2m Buona Gio 5 Ago 2021
V0 Your Father Smelt of Elderberries - con Ally Cork Boulder 2m Media Dom 11 Lug 2021
V1 V0+ Your Mother was a Hamster - con Ally Cork Boulder 2m Media Dom 11 Lug 2021
New South Wales and ACT Mid North Coast Coffs Harbour Glenreagh The Scones Oreo
V0 Super Cruise Boulder 5m Buona 2010
V0 Super Cruise Boulder 5m Buona Sab 16 Feb 2019
V0 Super Cruise Boulder 5m Buona Sab 9 Mag 2020
V0 Oreo Traverse Boulder 4m Buona 2010
Jug to jug to jug to...

V0 Oreo Traverse Boulder 4m Buona Sab 16 Feb 2019
V0 Oreo Traverse Boulder 4m Molto buona Sab 9 Mag 2020
V0 Oreo Boulder 3m Molto buona 2010
Who doesn't enjoy jugs this big!

V0 Oreo Boulder 3m Buona Sab 16 Feb 2019
V0 Oreo Boulder 3m Buona Sab 9 Mag 2020
V0 Left Oreo Boulder 3m Buona 2010
V0 Left Oreo Boulder 3m Buona Sab 16 Feb 2019
V0 Left Oreo Boulder 3m Buona Sab 9 Mag 2020

1 - 100 di 233 ascensioni.

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