
Ascensioni in Central Western Slope and Plains come Red point o First free ascent

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Tutti 47 ascensioni visualizzati.

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22 Scorpios Trad 180m Warrumbungles Classica
Vanessa Wills
Lun 12 Ott 2020
It was hot, but spectacular. We need a nicer finish as P4 was not pleasant.

20 Fan Tail - con Rick_Web Trad 48m Warrumbungles Molto buona
Gio 29 Set 2022
Thought this line looked like a cruisy grade 15 ish for a ground up first ascent.... in classic bungles style it proved vastly more involved.... after navigating and cleaning off loads of snappy holds as I went, and huffing and puffing for an age below the crux trying different sequences and pulling all those holds off, I had to take a rest with a stonking pump.

After a sit and a think I was able to get through the cryptic and commiting crux and almost got spat off fighting my way into the final streno moves and finger crack ! Super.

Can't wait to go back and do it when the rock is all solid as it's a super fun and engaging sporty trad route.

20 Meet Me At The Crux - con Rick_Webb Trad 80m Warrumbungles Molto buona
Dom 18 Set 2022
FFA. So hard to tell what the grade on Bungles rock will be !! haha

Launched up this as my eye was caught be the the finger crack and corners high up on the second pitch.

On this my 4th trip in the Bungles I felt like I found a little bit of Bungles rock one-ness and was comfy enough to quest up through some appauling rock and dicey moves.

Rick did a steller ground up ascent of the first pitch through some similarly dicely and loose and committing moves.

19 Somewhere Over the Rainbow Trad 160m Warrumbungles Classica
Vanessa Wills
Ven 9 Ott 2020
If it wasn’t so lichenous, this was brilliant, esp P3

18 Flight of the Phoenix - con Dylan Glavas, Jacinda Trad 310m Warrumbungles Mega Classica
Harrie Van de Linde
Lun 18 Apr 2022
awesome route, what an absolute CLASSIC!!! easy to get off route up high but luckily we got back on with a traverse. super exposure on the belays and pitch 4 traverse is epic. technically not an onsight, as we did the first three pitches the day before and retreated due to being too late to continue safely.

18 Flight of the Phoenix - con Jacinda, Harrie Van de Linde
Trad 310m Warrumbungles Mega Classica
Dylan Glavas
Mar 19 Apr 2022
Solid effort from a party of 3, we were determined to come back! Woke up at 430am smashed brekky, coffee and punched it to the base of the cliff, on the rock by 7-730ish. Unreal climbing on all pitches as well as some absolutely insane exposure. I was shitting myself at the pitch 4 belay, hanging 100m above nothing with barely a ledge to stand on props to Hazz. Went a bit off route for the 6th pitch which made Jacinda have to traverse back to the 13, then one final full rope length push to top out in the dark. 11 hours baking on the wall and one of the most impressive routes I have climbed. Safe to say I was pretty fucked at the end of the day, unreal

18 Flight of the Phoenix - con Harrie Van de Linde, Dylan Glavas
1 arrampicata in lead da Dylan Glavas
2 arrampicata in lead da Harrie Van de Linde
3 arrampicata in lead da Jacinda
4 arrampicata in lead da Dylan Glavas
5 arrampicata in lead da Harrie Van de Linde
6 arrampicata in lead da Jacinda
7 arrampicata in lead da Dylan Glavas
Trad 310m Warrumbungles Mega Classica
Mar 26 Apr 2022
Tried sunday and went down a treat! Of course we got a little off route and had a few shznanigans.. Fun day out! Mega.

18 Flight of the Phoenix - con Dave Cook Trad 310m Warrumbungles Classica
Ryan Macpherson
Lun 12 Giu 2023
2nd time on this route! Made fitting having 3 eagles flying in to get a closer look, sounding like rocks flying by. Made for a interesting pitch up high 1/3

18 Flight of the Phoenix - con Harry Kadi Trad 310m Warrumbungles Mega Classica
Will Vidler
Mer 22 Mag 2024
Birthday link up with Belougery and Crater Bluff - 15 hours and 55 minutes car to car . I got quite lost on the first pitch because i’m an idiot and ended up 15m below the abseil anchor with no rope left. Harry came up and sorted us out like the weapon he is. Simuled the rest of the route in about an hour twenty. We topped out, asked some walkers where the descent was, and then wandered down and made ourselves sandwiches.

18 Flight of the Phoenix - con Thomas Zambon
1 18 45m Trad arrampicata in lead da Robert Hartley
2 18 30m Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Thomas Zambon
3 Trad arrampicata in lead da Robert Hartley
4 14 50m Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Thomas Zambon
5 14 42m Trad arrampicata in lead da Robert Hartley
6 15 42m Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Thomas Zambon
7 13 48m Trad arrampicata in lead da Robert Hartley
8 3 48m Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Thomas Zambon
Trad 310m Warrumbungles Mega Classica
Robert Hartley
Ven 14 Giu 2024
Finished in the daylight this time!

17 R
17 Leavin' Trad 250m Warrumbungles Buona
Mark Wood
Ven 17 Apr 1998
17 Caucasus Corner Trad 330m Warrumbungles Classica
Lukey G
17 R
17 R Dura Lieben - con Harrie Van de Linde Trad 200m Warrumbungles Classica
Dylan Glavas
Dom 9 Apr 2023
Back for redemption! After having to retreat last year after getting scared and doing a super sketchy traverese we are back and we sent! Absolutely insane for the time that this was put up. Bryden was crazy. Runout with some avg gear on the first pitch, super fiddly avg gear on the second pitch and belayed slight early. Third pitch chimney was insane! Looks like a choss pile but the rock in here is super bomber. Takes bulk small nuts and brassies, was really worried I was going the wrong way until I eyed off a piton thank god! Very engaging within the chimney as its not all jugs, quite techy for the grade and maybe 6m between gear at some points. Stretched the full 60m + more to make it to the belay tree. Last 2 pitches were so deece and christ I was tired after a big trip. Love climbing and this beautiful place they call the bungles

14 Cornerstone Rib Direct Trad 190m Warrumbungles Classica
Simon Ellis
14 Cornerstone Rib Direct Trad 190m Warrumbungles
Luke Goldston
35 mins solo. Nice exposure, spiritual experience.

14 Cornerstone Rib Direct Trad 190m Warrumbungles Classica
Luke Goldston

14 Toast and Jam Trad 30m Warrumbungles Classica
zachary vertrees
Lun 18 Giu 2018
14 Cornerstone Rib Trad 190m Warrumbungles Mega Classica
Mar 21 Ago 2018
stoked to run up this one again

14 Cornerstone Rib - con Liamtemp Trad 190m Warrumbungles Mega Classica
Matthew Robbins
Sab 3 Apr 2021
14 Cornerstone Rib - con Alex Mantaut
1 6 30m arrampicata in lead da Alex Mantaut
2 8 30m arrampicata in lead da Alex Mantaut
3 8 30m arrampicata in lead da Alex Mantaut
4 14 40m arrampicata in lead da Jay
5 13 20m arrampicata in lead da Alex Mantaut
6 12 20m arrampicata in lead da Jay
7 11 20m arrampicata in lead da Alex Mantaut
Trad 190m Warrumbungles Classica
Mar 22 Mar 2022
Early morning trip up before the sun got on the wall. Alex linked the first few pitches

14 Cornerstone Rib - con Alice Wisse Trad 190m Warrumbungles
Patrick Everitt
Gio 29 Set 2022
5 pitches. The crux pitch horn felt looser than a few years ago

14 Cornerstone Rib - con Lee Prescott, Khush Dodhia-Shah, Harrie Van de Linde, Jords
1 6 30 Free solo
2 8 30 Free solo
3 8 30 Free solo
4 14 40 Trad
5 13 20 Da secondo
6 12 20 Trad
7 11 20 Trad
Trad 190m Warrumbungles Classica
Dylan Glavas
Sab 8 Apr 2023
8 person simul up cornerstone rib baby. Unfortunately it was not. But a KILLER day! Climbed with my man Baron St Battler khsuhdogmillionaire Super flowy climbing and good to repeat with the fellas who hadn't done it before. Beautiful scenery as always and an awesome walk through the green glacier.

14 Cornerstone Rib - con Dylan Glavas
1 6 30m Free solo
2 8 30m Free solo
3 8 30m Free solo
4 14 40m Trad
5 13 20m Trad
6 12 20m Trad
7 11 20m Trad
Trad 190m Warrumbungles Classica
Harrie Van de Linde
Dom 9 Apr 2023
great mission with the whole crew up this thing. was going to do an 8 person simul train up, but decided best not to, with some of the guys being their first Bungles climb here. was a full day and got back late, but its only a true trad mission if youre back at camp in darkness, with the moon lighting your way home.

14 Cornerstone Rib - con Nick Kress Trad 190m Warrumbungles
Isaac Buckingham
Mer 12 Apr 2023
Man what a day, such awesome exposure and climbing, really fun despite the hectic wind we had to deal with on belay ledges. Started on who knows what to the right of the actual start but got back on track after that. Highlight was definitely waiting around for 3hrs for sunset only to realise half your party didn't bring fuckin head torches. Sick

14 Cornerstone Rib - con Isaac Buckingham
3 8 30m Trad
4 14 40m Da secondo
5 13 20m Trad
6 12 20m Da secondo
7 11 20m Da secondo
Trad 130m Warrumbungles Mega Classica
Nick Kress
Sab 8 Apr 2023
Left Balor hut early at 6am to beat the crowds. Luckily we did, because we managed to get lost on the way there. Started up wrong pitch (stiffer than 8) off to the right of actual. Realised when we got to start of 3rd. High winds in the morning were very chilly, easing up a bit when we went higher and became more protected and the sun came out. Absolute classic, choss and all. Standout pitches for me were pitch 4 and 5. Waited around at the summit until sunset, when the entire party made it up. Descended via Green Glacier as it got darker, totally benighted by the time we got to the second rap. Made it back to camp at 9pm.

14 Cornerstone Rib - con Christian Pilarcik, Peter Melouney
1 8 55 Trad
2 8 35 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Christian Pilarcik
3 14 30 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Peter Melouney
4 13 50 Trad
5 11 20 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Christian Pilarcik
Trad 190m Warrumbungles Mega Classica
Ven 5 Mag 2023
Spectacular. Just as good the second time.

14 Cornerstone Rib Trad 190m Warrumbungles Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Ven 2 Giu 2023
Fond but sad memories from my previous ascent of this with Nick. Did it today from Blackmans camp with Dave and Jonty. The rocks average but the experience is great.

14 Cornerstone Rib - con Dave Cook Trad 190m Warrumbungles Classica
Ryan Macpherson
Lun 12 Giu 2023
2nd time up Crater Bluff, beautiful feature! 2/3

14 Cornerstone Rib - con Harry Kadi Trad 190m Warrumbungles Mega Classica
Will Vidler
Mer 22 Mag 2024
Number Two on the birthday link up with Bluff Mountain and Belougery - 15 hours 55 minutes car to car. Soloed to the base of the crux pitch then simuled to the top in one block. Even better than i remembered. This thing is all time! Descending Green Glacier took longer than the route and is kinda shit (but very pretty).

14 Cornerstone Rib - con Thomas Zambon
1 6 30m Free solo arrampicata in lead da Robert Hartley, Thomas Zambon
2 8 30m Free solo arrampicata in lead da Robert Hartley, Thomas Zambon
3 8 30m Trad arrampicata in lead da Robert Hartley
4 14 40m Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Thomas Zambon
5 13 20m Trad arrampicata in lead da Robert Hartley
6 12 20m Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Thomas Zambon
7 11 20m Trad arrampicata in lead da Robert Hartley
Trad 190m Warrumbungles
Robert Hartley
Mer 12 Giu 2024
13 Bastion Buttress Trad 240m Warrumbungles
Adam Bramwell
Mar 13 Apr 2010
12 West Face Trad 140m Warrumbungles Buona
Matt Tranter
Mer 21 Ago 2019
Followed the line of least resistance. Scared myself silly.

10 Vertigo Trad 95m Warrumbungles Molto buona
Nick Kaczorowski
Sab 2 Ott 2004
lead both pitches, 6/10/03Good fun face climbing, moved right onto endevour face to finish.

10 Vertigo Trad 95m Warrumbungles
Adam Bramwell
Mar 13 Apr 2010
10 Vertigo Trad 95m Warrumbungles Molto buona
Ryan Macpherson
Mar 12 Gen 2021
Perfect day out, felt in total control the entire day! Ran up Bluff Mountain after to enjoy the views I didn’t get after being benighted 2018 on ‘FOTP’ back to the car in under 6hrs

10 Vertigo Trad 95m Warrumbungles Classica
Angus Thompson
Mer 12 Apr 2023
10 Vertigo - con Nick Kress Trad 95m Warrumbungles
Isaac Buckingham
Mer 12 Apr 2023
Fun easy way to get to the top of the spire, fun day out

10 Vertigo - con Dave Cook Trad 95m Warrumbungles Molto buona
Ryan Macpherson
Lun 12 Giu 2023
3rd time up Belougery, fun approach! 3/3

17hr20min car to car

10 Vertigo - con Harry Kadi Trad 95m Warrumbungles Classica
Will Vidler
Mer 22 Mag 2024
Lucky last on the birthday link up with Bluff Mountain and Crater Bluff - 15 hours and 55 minutes car to car. Also better than I remembered. We managed to find the base in the light which was nice as the scrambling was more involved than I remembered. Climbed the whole route in the dark and then rapped down etc etc yay we are done. Walked back to the car and ate some left over pasta my dad had made. Then we got in the car and left. A fun 21 hours in the Warrumbungles with 3 hours of sleeping and 18 hours of walking, eating, faffing, and rock climbing. I always say birthdays are for suffering but this one was really just silly and fun. Thanks for skippin’ school Haz.

8 Tourist Route Trad 80m Warrumbungles Media
David Langley

8 Tourist Route Trad 80m Warrumbungles Buona
Adrian Ridgley
Mar 13 Apr 2010
8 Southern Gully Trad 150m Warrumbungles Buona
Vanessa Wills
Gio 23 Lug 2020
The climbing is mostly on vegetated gullies, with a few wet and mossy moves with some consequence, and moments of exposure on good rock. Descended same way ( tested the memory). One Fixed rope only at present, Bunnings special with the anchor being 2 unequalised pitons, one only half in. Needless to say, did not touch it, though neither piton budged, I wouldn’t like to have 100kg person bounce testing it. Walked in from gunnemooroo camp via the creek as the road at present needs a decent clearance 4 wd. Took about 2 hours to base of west ridge from camp.

6 Dr Dark's Chimney Trad 120m Warrumbungles
Adam Bramwell
Mar 13 Apr 2010
12 South Arete - con , Jack Seawright, Will West Trad 170m Warrumbungles Molto buona
Greg Carter
Gio 21 Lug 2022
4 Descent Ascent Gully Trad 20m Warrumbungles Pessima
Donald Gibson
Ven 5 Feb 2016
Easy up and down

4 Descent Ascent Gully - con Ben Day Trad 20m Warrumbungles
Lauren Hunter
Lun 27 Dic 2021

Midnight Express - con zachary vertrees Trad Warrumbungles Buona
Macciza a.k.a. Macca
Lun 22 Apr 2019
Accidentally FA’d first few pitches whilst looking to free Starlight Express ...

More pitches to follow hopefully...


Tutti 47 ascensioni visualizzati.

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