
Ascensioni in Lost World come Hang dog

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Tutti 40 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Falesia Qualità Arrampicatore Data
29 Nightcrawler - con Damien Boorman, Drew Ivison Sportiva 20m, 10 Lost World Molto buona
James Harrington
Dom 5 Feb 2023
Damo finally got me on this. Better than it looks! Will be back to continue working it. x2 Dog Laps

27 Bird Bath Blues Sportiva 18m, 8 Lost World
James S
Dom 4 Lug 2021
Managed to work through the crux on the headwall. Ace! Will be a real pumper on link!

26 Stench of Fresh Sportiva 8m Lost World Pessima
Dave Pastafarian
Sab 31 Lug 2021
Crux foothold is Choss. Has been glued but keeps crumbling away. Such a shame as it climbs really nicely.

25 26 Plan Z - con Drew Ivison Sportiva 15m, 6 Lost World Classica
Damien Boorman
Sab 28 Ago 2021
26 Stench of Fresh - con Drew Ivison Sportiva 8m Lost World Buona
Damien Boorman
Sab 28 Ago 2021
Good fun. I crumbled more of that glued foothold at the crux, but found some beta that still goes at 26ish. The top needs some serious cleaning, however.

26 Stench of Fresh - con Nick BG Sportiva 8m Lost World
Sab 18 Giu 2022
didn't figure out the crux but left thinking it was possible, next time

26 Stench of Fresh — 2 tentativi - con Pierre Sportiva 8m Lost World
Dom 13 Ago 2023
Still can't figure that one move out. it stole too much skin to give more than 2 gos

25 Grass Direct - con Tom oke Sportiva 20m, 6 Lost World
Mer 8 Lug 2020
Good to actually do most of the moves and a good project to work on.

25 Grass Direct - con Tom oke, Hannah Skjellerup Sportiva 20m, 6 Lost World Molto buona
Ven 17 Lug 2020
A couple low falls then managed to get through the first roof for the first time on the sharp end, thanks to Tom's beta.

25 Family Ties - con Nick BG Sportiva 10m, 5 Lost World
Sab 7 Nov 2020
Hard start to fun corner, couldn't figure all the moves or clips this time round but have a few ideas. The top half was awesome and possible despite the left wall and clipping jug running with water. Another new project!

25 Slap my blues away Sportiva 5 Lost World
James S
Sab 26 Giu 2021
Slopers and heel hook heaven. You won't need your belay glasses for this one. However, you will need a good belayer, preferably one heavier than you as you'll get pretty close to the ground if you fall on the first three clips.

25 Family Ties - con Needed a good scrubbing in all the cracks.. Sportiva 10m, 5 Lost World Molto buona
Damien Boorman
Sab 11 Set 2021
Needed a good scrubbing in all the cracks at the top.

25 Family Ties - con Nick BG Sportiva 10m, 5 Lost World
Sab 18 Giu 2022
Still felt hard. If you left something in the cave let me know and I'll get it back to you.

25 Family Ties - con Nick BG Sportiva 10m, 5 Lost World
Sab 18 Giu 2022
getting closer

25 Grass Direct - con Damien Boorman, Drew Ivison Sportiva 20m, 6 Lost World Molto buona
James Harrington
Dom 5 Feb 2023
Really good line! Description might need an update, there are fresh bolts all the way. Will come back for proper send.

24 White corner Trad 15m Lost World Buona
Rene Provis
Gio 28 Set 2017
Le hard

24 White corner - con Coedie Trad 15m Lost World Molto buona
Sab 5 Feb 2022
Sussing the moves. Clean form the ledge. It looks like there is now substantially less of the roof than there once was.

24 White corner - con Coedie Trad 15m Lost World Molto buona
Sab 5 Feb 2022
Sussing the gear. Clean form the ledge.

24 23 Fun and Destruction - con Heath Black Sportiva 20m, 7 Lost World Classica
Jason Lammers
Sab 15 Ago 2015
Stay left at the top crux.

23 Fun and Destruction Sportiva 20m, 7 Lost World Classica
Drew Ivison
Gio 28 Dic 2017
Extremely hard for the grade?! I think I’m a long way off the send which is surprising for a 23. Can tell that it’s a classic and deserves more assents though!

23 BlockRockin - con Drew Ivison, Drew Ivison Sportiva 15m, 5 Lost World Molto buona
Patrick Burr
Dom 8 Lug 2018
Awesome little gem. Slab is worthy in it's own right, and the change of gear for the end is awesome (but hard at the top).

23 Dirt Trawler - con nathanual hebbard Sportiva 20m, 6 Lost World Media
Viona Young
Mar 30 Ott 2018
So lovely to check out a new crag. Please go there! It needs traffic to clean up the routes. This climb was crazy tough for the grade unless I was really missing some beta.

23 Soup or Force - con nathanual hebbard Sportiva 15m, 5 Lost World Buona
Viona Young
Mar 30 Ott 2018
This has everything I’m not good at - loved it. Great training for me. Not sure how I’d go leading it.

23 Fun and Destruction - con Tom oke Sportiva 20m, 7 Lost World
Mer 8 Lug 2020
I found this one hard! Tom found some good beta which i'll need to try.

23 Fun and Destruction Sportiva 20m, 7 Lost World
Corey Moes
Lun 3 Ago 2020
Bit wet so had to work around and use dry holds. Will go when dry

23 BlockRockin - con Vladi Eileen Sportiva 15m, 5 Lost World Buona
Ludek Sykora
Mar 29 Giu 2021
23 BlockRockin - con Andrew Sportiva 15m, 5 Lost World
Sab 25 Set 2021
23 Fun and Destruction - con Nick BG Sportiva 20m, 7 Lost World
Sab 18 Giu 2022
22 Eudaimonia Sportiva 20m, 6 Lost World
Gareth Downey
Dom 9 Mar 2014
first moves are the hardest

22 Eudaimonia Sportiva 20m, 6 Lost World Molto buona
Maurício Chino
Dom 10 Mar 2019
22 Jam, no butter - con Jamie Spencer Sportiva 16m, 6 Lost World Buona
Kelly Carter
Lun 9 Dic 2019
Nice slabby start with small holds. Pinching into sick mono!

22 Eudaimonia - con Tom oke Sportiva 20m, 6 Lost World
Mer 8 Lug 2020
A little disappointing, one fall missed the chipped hold which you can't see on the wall. next time.

22 Eudaimonia Sportiva 20m, 6 Lost World
Hannah Skjellerup
Ven 17 Lug 2020
Couldn't figure out how to clip the 5th bolt so tried to top rope it. Still don't know how to clip off terrible slopers 😢

22 Eudaimonia Sportiva 20m, 6 Lost World Molto buona
Dom 3 Ott 2021
22 Eudaimonia Sportiva 20m, 6 Lost World Molto buona
Dom 3 Ott 2021
22 Eudaimonia - con Damien Boorman, Drew Ivison Sportiva 20m, 6 Lost World Molto buona
James Harrington
Dom 5 Feb 2023
Some fun moves on good rock through the bulges

22 Eudaimonia - con James Hutton Sportiva 20m, 6 Lost World Buona
Joe Ierardo
Sab 9 Dic 2023
21 Dirt Trawler Left Variant Sportiva 22m, 7 Lost World Molto buona
Maurício Chino
Dom 10 Mar 2019
Stay low on the traverse. Tricky section up the arete with limited holds on the obvious crux.

21 Dirt Trawler Left Variant - con Vladi Eileen Sportiva 22m, 7 Lost World Molto buona
Ludek Sykora
Mar 29 Giu 2021
warm up

20 Screaming Pretty Sportiva 17m Lost World Buona
Maurício Chino
Dom 10 Mar 2019
Fell off after a handhold broke near the end. Didn't bother doing it again.


Tutti 40 ascensioni visualizzati.

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