
Ascensioni in Tasmania

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1 - 100 di più di 10,000 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Falesia Qualità Arrampicatore Data
25 The Free Route - con Wynnie
1 24 arrampicata in lead da Andreas Aachen
2 25 arrampicata in lead da Andreas Aachen
Trad mista 65m, 8 Fortescue Bay Mega Classica
Andreas Aachen
Mer 14 Mar 2018
Onsighted first pitch (DP) but just missed out on the sent on the second pitch. Honestly, don't really mind that much though as it was an amazing experience either way!

Thanks so much Wynnie for making this happen, for letting me lead both pitches and for keeping a cheery mood despite getting soaked up to the shoulders on the first belay (with low tide and small swell).

25 Neon God
1 22 25m
2 25 25m
Sportiva 50m Mount Wellington
Ashlee Hendy
Mer 16 Gen 2019
25 Neon God
1 22 25m
2 25 25m
Sportiva 50m Mount Wellington
Ludek Sykora
Lun 28 Dic 2020
Only first pitch

25 Neon God - con Victor Pillac
1 22 25m arrampicata in lead da Victor Rodriguez
2 25 25m
Sportiva 50m Mount Wellington Mega Classica
Victor Rodriguez
Lun 28 Dic 2020
It's a great route, onsighted the first pitch where the crux it's at the bottom and sent the second pitch in my second attempt.

22 Neon God (Neon God P1)
1 22 25m
Sportiva 25m Mount Wellington
Hunter Cole
Lun 22 Feb 2021
25 Neon God
1 22 25m arrampicata in lead da adam palmer
2 25 25m
Sportiva 50m Mount Wellington
adam palmer
Ven 31 Dic 2021
22 Neon God (Neon God P1)
1 22 25m arrampicata in lead da james
Sportiva 25m Mount Wellington
Dom 30 Gen 2022
Beautiful face climbing

21 Black Fire - con Dimsim
1 21 130m arrampicata in lead da Nick Roach
Sportiva 130m Bare Rock Molto buona
Nick Roach
Lun 7 Mar 2022
25 Neon God
1 22 25 Sportiva
2 25 25 Da secondo
Sportiva 50m Mount Wellington
Jem Clemens
Dom 11 Feb 2024
24 Talk is Cheap - con David Gray
1 14 10m
2 24 35m
3 22 40m
4 20 20m
5 23 30m
6 22 25m
7 21 20m
8 17 25m
9 8 10m
Trad mista 220m, 99 Mount Brown Main Face Classica
Vanessa Wills
Gio 11 Feb 2021
great day with some stunning climbing. Had a rest on P2 . Thought the route could be renamed chalk is cheap given the excess! Back to the van before the rain

24 Talk is Cheap
1 14 10m
2 24 35m
3 22 40m
4 20 20m
5 23 30m
6 22 25m
7 21 20m
8 17 25m
9 8 10m
Trad mista 220m, 99 Mount Brown Main Face Mega Classica
David Barrie
Dom 30 Gen 2022
Skipped pitch 1, one sit on pitch 2 and 6. This thing is stacked with good climbing!

24 Talk is Cheap - con Lean Listerine
2 24 35m Trad arrampicata in lead da JakeSouthen
3 22 40m Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Lean Listerine
4 20 20m Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Lean Listerine
5 23 30m Trad arrampicata in lead da JakeSouthen
6 22 25m Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Lean Listerine
7 21 20m Trad arrampicata in lead da JakeSouthen
8 17 25m Trad arrampicata in lead da JakeSouthen
9 8 10m Trad arrampicata in lead da JakeSouthen
Trad mista 210m, 99 Mount Brown Main Face Classica
Mer 25 Gen 2023
Fairly smooth sailing today on this classic route. Insane movement in an outrageous position!! Rock definitely could do with an exfoliation haha. Route was suffering from pretty bad spooge.. Which I guess is usual? Made pulling through all the cruxes super exciting. Sadly pulled on cams during pitch 6 and couldn’t get the completely clean send. All things considered; very happy with the day. About as fun as it gets!!

24 Talk is Cheap - con JakeSouthen
2 24 35 Da secondo
3 22 40 Trad
4 20 20 Trad
5 23 30 Da secondo
6 22 25 Artificiale
7 21 20 Da secondo
8 17 25 Da secondo
9 8 10 Da secondo
Trad mista 210m, 99 Mount Brown Main Face Buona
Lean Listerine
Mer 25 Gen 2023
Conditions depending; this might not be as chossy as it felt at first blush; as it was- most of it felt like sandy rock basted in cold wet vaseline.

Stars for the position and the movement, and the mission of bolting this thing; but reaching a hand-jam-rest that you've been eyeing up, only to find it full of cold wet grease that sticks to your hands and is immune to chalk, left me dispirited to say the least. Hopefully it cleans up with some more traffic, lots of loose flakes and rock dust around, and maybe we just got unlucky with the spooge.

We set a 70m fixed line to cut the raps in half, and stashed water and food at the halfway mark. Pre-equipped the 24, and then the second-to-rap clipped the rope above them at halfway on the final rap, so as not to launch the rope into the sea as we pulled it. Definitely bring a helmet, and keep a tight-squint while belaying to avoid the rock chips raining down from above. Took us about 9-10 hours from car to car.

very impressed with Jake's onsight of pitch 2 despite it being covered in cold grease, and I took a king whip through the roof on pitch 3, which was a real thrill. Pitch 4 and 5 were 3 star, would repeat.

Finally, to add to the drama of the day, I opted to leave my pocket unzipped on the rap for a bit of added spice. Predictably resulting in the launching of my phone straight out of said pocket, from the very top, down into the deep dark abyss.

All in all, a long day of type 2 fun. would recommend.

24 Talk is Cheap
1 14 10m Trad
2 24 35m Da secondo
3 22 40m Trad
4 20 20m Da secondo
5 23 30m Trad
6 22 25m Da secondo
7 21 20m Da secondo
8 17 25m Trad
9 8 10m Trad
Trad mista 220m, 99 Mount Brown Main Face
Zac Lazatin
Dom 19 Mar 2023
23 Peregrine
1 20 48m
2 23
Sportiva 48m Mount Wellington
Sab 2 Feb 2019
23 How Hard Can it Be? - con David Tan
1 23 165m
2 16 arrampicata in lead da David Tan
3 19 arrampicata in lead da Kim Walls
4 18 arrampicata in lead da David Tan
5 16 arrampicata in lead da Kim Walls
6 21 arrampicata in lead da David Tan
7 10 arrampicata in lead da David Tan
Sportiva 170m Lake Huntley Classica
Kim Walls
Lun 25 Feb 2019
Grand morning out. Bolting is nice. Bit spicy at the start of the 21 pitch. Awesome position.

23 Peregrine - con Martin Brown
1 20 48m arrampicata in lead da Cameron Semple
2 23
Sportiva 48m Mount Wellington Molto buona
Cameron Semple
Dom 12 Dic 2021
Just the first pitch. Really good. Used a black totem up the top.

23 How Hard Can it Be? - con William Wardlaw-Kelly
1 23 165m
Sportiva 170m Lake Huntley Classica
Scott Roberts
Dom 23 Gen 2022
came back for the 23 that we skipped 2 years ago, its pretty hard, also the 19 is one of the flowiest 19s around.

23 Cluecified - con Anthony Lidbetter, KrystleJWright
1 21 26m
2 23 17m
3 23 42m
Sportiva 85m, 14 Cluan Tier and Whiskey Jim Hill Molto buona
Jack Brown
Gio 17 Feb 2022
An epic to add to the story book live for these ones!

23 Thriller - con Nick Whitelaw
1 12 100m arrampicata in lead da Nick Whitelaw
2 23 arrampicata in lead da Mitch Scanlan-Bloor
3 arrampicata in lead da Nick Whitelaw
4 22 arrampicata in lead da Mitch Scanlan-Bloor
5 18 arrampicata in lead da Nick Whitelaw
Sportiva 100m Hidden Face Classica
Mitch Scanlan-Bloor
Lun 18 Apr 2022
Slowly getting into this slab business. Found P2 hard and was proud to get the onsight through some diabolical moves. Foot slip on the start of P3 while spanning out through the bouldery start left me with a painful shoulder injury. P4 was slabby goodness!

23 Dura Thriller - con Shawn
1 12 Sportiva

skipped P1

2 23 Sportiva arrampicata in lead da Sean Catterson

Epic traversing above the ocean. 2 falls mid-pitch before finding a sequence that went.

3 23 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Shawn

Fell once traversing into the crack and once again in it. The corner system prevented any strong-boy laybacking and being forced to jam front on made this pitch feel real hard.

4 22 Sportiva arrampicata in lead da Sean Catterson

Great slab, stoked with this onsight.

5 18 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Shawn
Sportiva 100m Hidden Face Mega Classica
Sean Catterson
Sab 23 Dic 2023
Outrageous movement in a spectacular location. Diverse and sustained climbing makes for a great day out.

22 Heat Pump - con Me, Anthony
1 19 30m arrampicata in lead da Me
2 22 arrampicata in lead da Anthony
Sportiva 30m, 12 Mount Wellington Classica
Cameron Semple
Dom 28 Gen 2018
Onsight on the first pitch. Second pitch is awesome. Hard crux!

22 Psycho-Man
1 22 95m
Sportiva 95m Hidden Face Molto buona
Hunter Cole
Gio 11 Feb 2021
22 Heat Pump - con Martin Brown
1 18 30m
2 22 arrampicata in lead da Martin Brown
Sportiva 30m, 12 Mount Wellington Classica
Chris Speer
Sab 19 Mar 2022
What a great route. I took first pitch which was easy enough and quite pleasant. Martin took second pitch and I almost got it but needed a sit at the crux. I'll come back to lead this one it's excellent and well-bolted.

21 Aquilla
1 19 80m
2 21
3 19
Trad 80m Ben Lomond
David Tan
Dom 6 Gen 2019
21 Heat
1 21 103m
Sportiva 100m, 35 Mount Wellington
Lun 4 Feb 2019
21 Schizophrenic
1 21 70m
Sportiva 70m, 24 Mount Wellington
Lun 4 Feb 2019
18 Taipan - con steve
1 18 60m arrampicata in lead da Kris Penn
2 arrampicata in lead da steve
Trad 60m Killiecrankie
Kris Penn
Lun 7 Ott 2019
P1 led then second through the crux pitch, crux had super glassy feet with quite a reach for holds

21 Remembrance - con george
1 21 45m
Sportiva 45m, 20 Mount Wellington Classica
Mac Labine-Romain
Dom 12 Gen 2020
first pitch has some weird positions, and some of the clips felt a bit tenuous. second pitch was glorious, and even more tenous!

18 Fine Time - con Me
1 18 47m arrampicata in lead da Me
Trad 47m Mount Wellington Molto buona
Cameron Semple
Sab 5 Dic 2020
Just the first pitch. Great pitch. Consistently engaging.

21 Remembrance
1 21 45m
Sportiva 45m, 20 Mount Wellington
Adam Flower
Sab 30 Gen 2021
Second pitch is sick... Botched the moves through the crux though.

21 Rainbow in the Dark
1 18 140m
2 21
3 19
Sportiva 140m Bare Rock Molto buona
Matthew Ashworth
Mer 5 Gen 2022
First 3 pitches. The first two are excellent.

21 Taipan
1 18 25m arrampicata in lead da Patrick Munnings
2 21 25m
Trad 50m Killiecrankie
Patrick Munnings
Mer 5 Gen 2022
Could not for the life of me reach the extra couple of inches to pull through the crux. Considered a dyno to a flared hand jam but couldn't commit to the whip into a ledge if I missed. Downclimbed and bailed after the first pitch

21 Taipan
1 18 25m arrampicata in lead da Patrick Munnings
2 21 25m
Trad 50m Killiecrankie
Patrick Munnings
Mer 5 Gen 2022
Could not for the life of me reach the extra couple of inches to pull through the crux. Considered a dyno to a flared hand jam but couldn't commit to the whip into a ledge if I missed. Downclimbed and bailed after the first pitch

21 Sirrocco - con Martin Brown
1 21 30m arrampicata in lead da Martin Brown
2 18 50m arrampicata in lead da Cameron Semple
Trad 80m Ben Lomond Molto buona
Cameron Semple
Mar 25 Gen 2022
First time at The Pavilion. First pitch had some awesome flowy climbing. Second was a real adventure through some improbable terrain.

21 Tartarus - con Alex Battaglia
1 20 Trad arrampicata in lead da Bonnie MacAdam

Split this into 2 pitches... P1 to the sky rocket belay, led by Al. entered the crack from the R. classy moves... P2 was incredible! dolerite funk and thoughtful stemming up a corner. hard and go-y jamming the rooflet and the crack above. First maybe 20? (21?) trad onsight. Very cool!

2 21 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Alex Battaglia

P3 hard and desperate groove. would have been way harder to lead! so close to the end when I powered out.

Trad 60m Mount Wellington Classica
Bonnie MacAdam
Sab 9 Mar 2024
Wowwee so stoked! Awesome searing line, sweet exposure! Steep and imposing!

20 Rigaudon
1 20 70m
Trad 70m Ben Lomond Classica
David Tan
Sab 5 Gen 2019
20 When I’m 64 - con Will
1 18 45m
2 20
Sportiva 45m Bruny Island
EJ Budarick
Dom 30 Ago 2020
19 Acid Test - con Anthony, Me
1 18 30m arrampicata in lead da Me
2 19 15m arrampicata in lead da Anthony
Trad 45m Mount Wellington Buona
Cameron Semple
Sab 2 Gen 2021
Just did pitches 1 & 2b then rapped down Heat. The mandatory climbing on the big hollow flake is a bit unnerving on the first pitch, but otherwise pretty good climbing.

20 Rigaudon
1 20 70m
Trad 70m Ben Lomond
Mattia Fornari
Lun 25 Gen 2021
20 Sky Rocket - con Steve Postle
1 19 15m
2 20 45m
Trad 60m Mount Wellington Classica
Kris Penn
Dom 7 Feb 2021
epic line such great movement in an outrageous position must do line!

20 Sky Rocket - con Sule Mcrazy
1 19 15m arrampicata in lead da Mitch Scanlan-Bloor
2 20 45m
Trad 60m Mount Wellington Mega Classica
Mitch Scanlan-Bloor
Mar 1 Feb 2022
Classy arete/face climbing. Amazing!

20 When I’m 64 - con Scott Godwin
1 18 45m arrampicata in lead da Scott Godwin
2 20 arrampicata in lead da Cameron Semple
Sportiva 45m Bruny Island Molto buona
Cameron Semple
Ven 25 Feb 2022
So good! Grippiest rock around.

17 Tomorrows Dream
1 17 30m arrampicata in lead da Scott Godwin
Sportiva 30m Bare Rock Buona
Scott Godwin
Dom 29 Apr 2018
P1 only. Just a quick ramble at the end of the day.

19 Ramadan
1 19 80m
Trad 80m Ben Lomond Mega Classica
David Tan
Sab 5 Gen 2019
19 Stud City - con Rowan Blakers
1 19 100m
Trad 100m Freycinet National Park
Mateusz Lubojanski
Ven 27 Mar 2020
19 Adventures in Paradise - con Beth Wadley
1 19 85m
Trad 85m Killiecrankie Molto buona
Oscar Purtell
Dom 20 Dic 2020
Amazing line!! Incredible traverse on the second pitch which felt super exposed but was so fun. Finished via the direct finish

24 Tomorrows Dream - con Batt Moyd
1 16 100m arrampicata in lead da Tim Othy
2 17 arrampicata in lead da Batt Moyd
3 19 arrampicata in lead da Tim Othy
4 24
Sportiva 100m Bare Rock Molto buona
Tim Othy
Gio 11 Feb 2021
ended up accidentally doing a 24 for the 4th pitch

22 Tomorrows Dream
1 16 100m
2 22
3 19
Sportiva 100m Bare Rock Molto buona
Matthew Ashworth
Mar 4 Gen 2022
18 Winning Streaks - con Tomfoolery
1 17 arrampicata in lead da Ryder Jamson
2 18 arrampicata in lead da Tomfoolery
3 18 arrampicata in lead da Ryder Jamson
4 18 arrampicata in lead da Tomfoolery
Sportiva 120m, 29 Freycinet National Park Classica
Ryder Jamson
Mer 5 Feb 2020
So good! The last two pitches were highlights. Lovely day on the slab topped off with some Winning Scoops at the Pondering Frog.

18 The Noise of Time (Noise of time) - con Nick Hanson
1 15 15 arrampicata in lead da Benjamin Rowe
2 18 15 arrampicata in lead da Benjamin Rowe
3 18 27 arrampicata in lead da Benjamin Rowe
4 18 13 arrampicata in lead da Benjamin Rowe
Sportiva 70m Bruny Island Molto buona
Benjamin Rowe
Lun 7 Set 2020
Excellent climb in a stunning location, good to practice slabs/footwork. took one fall on second pitch due to wandering off the route

18 Corner Route
1 18 30m arrampicata in lead da Pedro Manuel
2 17 30m
3 15 25m
4 15 20m
Trad 110m Fortescue Bay Molto buona
Pedro Manuel
Sab 2 Gen 2021
Climbing with double ropes in a party of four (with Sarah, Ben and Rhys) - So everyone of us got to lead one pitch. What an awesome day out

18 Winning Streaks - con Aidan Cox
1 17 20m arrampicata in lead da Benjamin Rowe
2 18 30m arrampicata in lead da Aidan Cox
3 18 35m arrampicata in lead da Benjamin Rowe
4 18 30m arrampicata in lead da Aidan Cox
Sportiva 120m, 29 Freycinet National Park Classica
Benjamin Rowe
Lun 18 Gen 2021
Superb and chill, really good day out with a great view

18 Rajah - con Aidan Cox
1 18 80m arrampicata in lead da Benjamin Rowe
Trad 80m Ben Lomond Classica
Benjamin Rowe
Gio 21 Gen 2021
pitch one only

18 Digitalis - con mike
1 18 26m
2 18 36m
Trad 62m Mount Wellington
Sab 19 Dic 2020
18 Rajah - con Jason Barltrop
1 18 40
2 18 40
Trad 80m Ben Lomond Mega Classica
Garth Wimbush
Ven 19 Mar 2021
18 Third Bird
1 18 80m
Trad 80m Mount Wellington Mega Classica
Dom 2 Mag 2021
18 Winning Streaks
1 17 20m
2 18 30m
3 18 35m
4 18 30m
Sportiva 120m, 29 Freycinet National Park
Brodie Eckert
Sab 20 Nov 2021
18 Winning Streaks
1 17 20m
2 18 30m
3 18 35m
4 18 30m
Sportiva 120m, 29 Freycinet National Park Classica
Kaitlyn Howlett
Mar 30 Nov 2021
18 Corner Route
1 18 30m
2 17 30m
3 15 25m
4 15 20m
Trad 110m Fortescue Bay
Breanna Slattery
Dom 16 Gen 2022
18 Rajah - con Martin Brown
1 18 35m arrampicata in lead da Cameron Semple, Martin Brown
Trad 35m Ben Lomond Mega Classica
Cameron Semple
Sab 22 Gen 2022
Split the first into two pitches to share the lead. The most ridiculous hand crack on the first. Then a surprising amount of face-ish bridging on the second.

18 Winning Streaks - con Blake Marshall
1 17 20m
2 18 30m
3 18 35m
4 18 30m
Sportiva 120m, 29 Freycinet National Park Mega Classica
Nerida Ross
Gio 17 Feb 2022
18 Timelapse - con Scott Godwin
1 18 25m arrampicata in lead da Cameron Semple
2 18 25m arrampicata in lead da Scott Godwin
Trad 50m Bruny Island Molto buona
Cameron Semple
Sab 26 Feb 2022
Two fun pitches in a differing style. More good slabbing, then interesting steep, exposed bridging on gear.

18 Third Bird - con Cameron Hickling
1 18 80m arrampicata in lead da Matthew Robbins
2 arrampicata in lead da Cameron Hickling
Trad 80m Mount Wellington Classica
Matthew Robbins
Sab 5 Mar 2022
18 Corner Route
1 18 30m arrampicata in lead da Jay
2 17 30m arrampicata in lead da Alex Mantaut
3 15 25m arrampicata in lead da Jay
4 15 20m arrampicata in lead da Alex Mantaut
Trad 110m Fortescue Bay Mega Classica
Alex Mantaut
Mar 5 Apr 2022
What an amazing climb! Water was less cold than anticipated for Autumn, and the swell wasn't too bad... While getting back to the main land we had some problems with the Tyrolean... 70 m may not be enough to double up the rope from 3rd pitch down... We ended up having to join a 70m and 60m rope to make it all the way down

18 Winning Streaks - con Marshall H
1 17 20m arrampicata in lead da Bonnie MacAdam
2 18 30m arrampicata in lead da Marshall H
3 18 35m arrampicata in lead da Bonnie MacAdam
4 18 30m arrampicata in lead da Marshall H
Sportiva 120m, 29 Freycinet National Park Mega Classica
Bonnie MacAdam
Dom 2 Ott 2022
wow! what an epic! The position is so unreal, the whole thing felt like a dream. On the approach, the massive slabby face of the hazards main wall completely commands all your attention, and actually being on it is something else entirely. getting to the top of the rap was fairly uneventful, we only got minorly confused a couple times. brought two ropes, so did it in two raps. The weather was absolutely perfect, and the setting was so incredibly atmospheric and inspiring with the streaked granite face and the ocean surging hundreds of metres below. The climbing itself was amazing! First pitch was fun but not super straight forward, getting used to the ouchie granite. The second pitch followed a thin crack (some nice foot jams) and then stepped out left onto some thin slab, with a bit of spice! I was kept pretty tight on second, but did the pitches clean. Its a lot less terrifying when theres a rope above you! There was a tricky section, in my lead of the third pitch to get through a slightly steep part with minimal feet, and I had a little fall and blew the clean ascent. Took me a couple tries to work out the move, but eventually got it and finished the pitch. The friction slab in the 3rd and especially 4th pitches was unlike anything I've ever done before, but I absolutely loved it. it was so flowly and precarious and I was amazed at how the tiny footers were actually holding! it just felt like each move was impossible to pull off and yet somehow we defied gravity and climbed onwards and upwards. Absolutely outrageous climbing in an outrageous position.

18 Winning Streaks - con Bonnie MacAdam
1 17 20m arrampicata in lead da Bonnie MacAdam
2 18 30m
3 18 35m
4 18 30m
Sportiva 120m, 29 Freycinet National Park
Marshall H
Lun 3 Ott 2022
phenomenal climbing in an obscene position, took us an hour to find the top where we discovered it was seeping, I got lowered down to the steepest part of the 4th pitch, and deemed it mostly dry and climbable. Alas by the time we'd climbed back up to the 4th pitch the sun had fallen behind the wall where in the shade the seepage had gotten worse and harder to see. On my first real experience on pure friction slab I was met with a dry line about a body widths wide with wet slippery granite either side. With some heart in mouth and shit in pants leading I carefully inched my way up the wall to within eyesight of the anchor where my foot slipped, I whipped and blew the clean ascent. Cant be too disappointed, still a sick day out

18 Winning Streaks - con Alex Holroyd
1 17 20m Sportiva
2 18 30m Da secondo
3 18 35m Da secondo
4 18 30m Da secondo
Sportiva 120m, 29 Freycinet National Park
Claire Evans
Gio 5 Gen 2023
Such an epic climb. Alex and I got lost on the approach and ended up taking us 2 hours to get there. Once we arrived it started raining so we took a nap in a cave while we tried to not think about how hungry we were and the limited food we had. Finally the rain stopped and we decided it was dry enough to climb. The rappel in was epic, I manage to only have to do 2 one with an 80m fixed line. We got to the start and the psyche was there. The climbing was absolutely incredible. I onsighted both pitches I lead, 3rd pitch had a spicy move and then really enjoyable climbing. The second pitch I managed to get some foot jams in! The fourth pitch was so much fun! Nervous it was going to rain I was speed climbing the last pitch, messed up a foot and slipped off. So annoyed as I'd manage to not fall off the whole climb and was only 2 bolts from the top! Oh well still absolutely MEGA! Friction slab is a new experience and I loved it, kept saying I feel like a mountain goat!

18 Corner Route - con Bruno Gontijo, Peter Melouney
1 18 30 Da secondo
2 17 30 Da secondo
3 15 25 Da secondo
4 15 20 Da secondo
Trad 110m Fortescue Bay Mega Classica
Sab 9 Dic 2023
11/10 day out. Did the nudie swim with an eye on the bellowing territorial seals. Hyper real experience floating over to the edge of the continent. I'd love to try pitches 1-2 again without a heavy pack, might have to come back! As epic as I hoped.

18 Winning Streaks
1 17 20m Da secondo
2 18 30m Sportiva
3 18 35m Da secondo
4 18 30m Sportiva
Sportiva 120m, 29 Freycinet National Park Classica
Kat Liss
Dom 31 Dic 2023
17 Barbe Di Vendetta - con Benjamin Rowe
1 17 25m arrampicata in lead da Benjamin Rowe
2 17 25m
3 17 40m
Trad 90m Ben Lomond Mega Classica
Kobi Newman
Dom 13 Dic 2020
17 Barbe Di Vendetta
1 17 90m
Trad 90m Ben Lomond Classica
Greg Blachon
Mer 16 Dic 2020
17 Blue Meridian - con chris
1 17 45m arrampicata in lead da chris
2 17 45m
Trad 90m Mount Wellington Mega Classica
Dom 21 Feb 2021
17 Chancellor Direct
1 17 60m
Trad 60m Mount Wellington Mega Classica
Dom 21 Feb 2021
17 Cracked Pepper - con with martin b
1 17 46m
Trad 46m Mount Wellington Molto buona
Ven 12 Mar 2021
17 Barbe Di Vendetta - con Jason Barltrop, Suzanne Balacey
1 17 25m
2 17 25m
3 40m
Trad 90m Ben Lomond Classica
Garth Wimbush
Mar 16 Mar 2021
17 Blue Meridian - con Daniel F
1 17 45m
2 17 45m arrampicata in lead da rickau
Trad 90m Mount Wellington
Dom 13 Mar 2022
17 Dura Xenophanes - con Liam Mangan-Smith
1 16 24 Trad arrampicata in lead da Lawrence Wonhas
2 17 30 Da secondo arrampicata in lead da Liam Mangan-Smith
3 16 26m Trad arrampicata in lead da Lawrence Wonhas
Trad 80m Mount Wellington Classica
Lawrence Wonhas
Ven 12 Mag 2023
What a line. Step tier is amazing.

15 Moonraker - con Dmitry Linkov
1 15 70m arrampicata in lead da Rollacoasta
2 arrampicata in lead da Dmitry Linkov
3 arrampicata in lead da Dmitry Linkov
Trad 70m Mount Wellington Molto buona
Dom 3 Gen 2021
Enjoyable climbing in spite of unprotected exposed move to get into "chimney", squeezy

15 Zorro
1 15 45m arrampicata in lead da Pedro Manuel
3 arrampicata in lead da Pedro Manuel
Trad 45m Rocky Cape Buona
Pedro Manuel
Lun 28 Dic 2020
With Rhys

16 Ice Nine
1 16 35m
Trad 35m Freycinet National Park
David Barrie
Mar 16 Feb 2021
16 Indian Summer - con chris
1 16 49m
2 arrampicata in lead da chris
Trad 49m Mount Wellington Classica
Dom 28 Feb 2021
16 The Moai Escape
1 12 30m
2 16 30m
Trad 60m Fortescue Bay Buona
Matthew Ashworth
Mar 11 Gen 2022
Accidentally soloed the first pitch, thinking it was part of the scramble. Second pitch was actually pretty nice climbing.

16 Japhlion - con Ryan Sklenica
1 16 50m arrampicata in lead da Dan Johnson
2 16 45m arrampicata in lead da Ryan Sklenica
3 16 55m arrampicata in lead da Dan Johnson
4 16 45m arrampicata in lead da Ryan Sklenica
5 8 50m arrampicata in lead da Dan Johnson
Trad 250m Freycinet National Park Buona
Dan Johnson
Mer 6 Apr 2022
Collected my first Tasmania tiger of the wall, can’t say I’m in a hurry to collect any more they’re not nearly as coveted as what I was lead to believe, bold climbing huge runouts, but a worthwhile trip, pitch 4 was the best,

16 The Moai Escape
1 16 40m
2 20m
Trad 60m Fortescue Bay
Gio 27 Gen 2022
15 Slow Combustion - con Rach
1 15 52m arrampicata in lead da Me
2 14 arrampicata in lead da Me
Trad 52m Mount Wellington Molto buona
Cameron Semple
Lun 23 Dic 2019
Really good climb! Probably the best climb around this grade I've done on The Pipes. Even the chimney up the top was over before it got too gross.

15 Nefertiti - con chris
1 15 77m
Trad 77m Mount Wellington Buona
Dom 14 Mar 2021
14 Fiddlesticks - con Will Vidler
1 14 55m arrampicata in lead da Harry Kadi
2 arrampicata in lead da Will Vidler
Trad 55m Mount Wellington Molto buona
Harry Kadi
Dom 21 Gen 2018
Fun climb for an afternoon on the pipes! Second pitch was significantly better than the first!

13 Fiddlesticks
1 13 35m
2 30m
Trad 65m Mount Wellington Molto buona
Jarrah Turner
Ven 22 Apr 2022
Second pitch is awesome, first pitch is a masterclass in spreading your weight evenly.

11 Pulpit Chimney - con Chris Speer
1 11 60m arrampicata in lead da Cameron Semple
Trad 60m Mount Wellington Buona
Cameron Semple
Ven 29 Apr 2022
Just the first pitch then bailed off the ASG anchors as it started to rain and hail. Nice climbing.

21 Heat - con German
1 21 103m
Sportiva 100m, 35 Mount Wellington Molto buona
Dom 2 Feb 2020
washed off by the rain. Lucky we chose a sports route to start with

16 Adventures in Paradise - con Hannah Rose
1 16 30m
Trad 30m Killiecrankie
Kris Penn
Mar 18 Gen 2022
Again first pitch only, traversed too high and was not willing to commit to the unprotected slick ledges, on rappel saw the correct height for the traverse pitch which looked lovely... Down climb from belay/tat Pillar by 3m to start the 2nd pitch

15 Geranium - con Hannah Rose
1 15 30m
Trad 30m Killiecrankie
Kris Penn
Mar 18 Gen 2022
Forster pitch only, got scared on the greasy 2nd pitch and bailed

27 Ride the Lightning - con Andrew Martin, Claudio Trefny, Ingvar Lidman
1 25 30 arrampicata in lead da Alex Hartshorne
5 27 25 arrampicata in lead da Alex Hartshorne
Sportiva 55m Bare Rock Molto buona
Alex Hartshorne
Mer 2 Set 2020
Did pitch 1 with CJ a few years ago. Very cool and very soft.

Pitch 5, second go, cool technical slopers. Conditions helped!

20 Ride the Lightning P3
3 20 Sportiva
Sportiva 200m Bare Rock Classica
Mer 24 Gen 2024
27 Facile Ride the Lightning
1 25 Sportiva

Fun and varied face climbing with a thin and technical crux. Probably hard 25

2 22 Sportiva

Botched the slab... Not amazing but some interesting moves.

3 20 Sportiva

Heaps of fun, long and classic slabbing!

4 25 Sportiva

Funky, not a classic, but cool reachy boulder into easier but delicate mantles. Barely 25 if youre tall.

5 27 Sportiva

Top roped once then got it done, amazing pitch! One of the best ive done at Bare Rock! Technical and sustained moves up crazy good rock, eases off massively in the second half. On the easier end of 27.

6 6 Sportiva

I dare say this may even be a stiff 6! Goes without saying but its ultra mega classic

Sportiva 200m Bare Rock Classica
Conor White
Ven 26 Gen 2024
Pieced this together over a few days, a great variety of pitches. Pitches 1,3 and especially 5 are the money!

25 Neon God
1 22 25m
2 25 25m
Sportiva 50m Mount Wellington Mega Classica
Elliot Kals
Gio 2 Gen 2020
One of the best! 2nd shot, done as 1 pitch.

25 Neon God - con Victor Rodriguez
1 22 25m
2 25 25m
Sportiva 50m Mount Wellington
Victor Pillac
Lun 28 Dic 2020
Red pointed the second pitch thanks to Victor Rodriguez beta

22 Neon God P1
1 22 25m Sportiva
Sportiva 25m Mount Wellington
Mar 31 Gen 2023
25 Neon God
1 22 25 Sportiva
2 25 25 Sportiva
Sportiva 50m Mount Wellington Classica
Sab 11 Feb 2023
Now THIS is a rock climb!! One mega pitch!!


1 - 100 di più di 10,000 ascensioni.

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