
Ascensioni in Austria come Attempt da mivi

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Tutti 12 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Falesia Qualità Data
7+ Fingerbeißer - con Tim Sportiva 15m, 9 Morsbach Sab 27 Giu 2020
Maybe not the best route choice after a hard boulder day

7 Shebel Sheik - con Diana Sportiva 25m, 9 Morsbach Dom 8 Gen 2023
7+ Aalglatt bis schuppig - con Diana Sportiva 20m Zahmer Kaiser Dom 5 Lug 2020
7+ Gib Gummi - con Diana Sportiva 15m Zahmer Kaiser Dom 5 Lug 2020
6c Yoga-Session - con Diana Sportiva 12m Scharnitz Dom 22 Nov 2020
8- No Excuses - con Diana Sportiva 15m Morsbach Gio 12 Ago 2021
Essentially a two-move boulder, everything before and after is much easier.

6c+ Autobahn - con Diana Sportiva 20m Oberried Ven 22 Lug 2022
On my first attempt I fell before even reaching the first bolt. Started too far right.

6c+ Autobahn - con Diana Sportiva 20m Oberried Ven 22 Lug 2022
Made it further this time, but the slab in middle was too hard for me at this point. Aided may way up three bolts and eventually crossed over to the 5b at the right. No chance of sending this any time soon.

6C High Life Boulder Ginzling Mer 17 Ago 2022
Shouldn't this be a #sd? If you do it as a standstart there is nothing left of the problem. The start holds are pretty clear and quite low.

6A Leistenbruch - con Diana Boulder Kaseler Alm Mar 25 Giu 2024
No idea where the sd start is supposed to be

Sostenere theCrag non fa bene solo al tuo karma
avrai accesso anche a incredibili vantaggi su theCrag e non solo.
6C+ Erpressung - con Diana Boulder Kaseler Alm Mar 25 Giu 2024
5A Isl Liesl - con Diana Boulder Kaseler Alm Mar 25 Giu 2024


Tutti 12 ascensioni visualizzati.

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