
Vie come boulder in 广东 Guangdong

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Tutti 68 vie visualizzati.

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珠海 Zhuhai 珠海荒土乐园野抱Zhuhai Wasteland Paradise Bloc J 巨
V10 [待首攀, open project]

Start from two crimps on the face of the bloc, go up using some other very thin crimps and to the roof. After climb over the roof, go straight up and top out .从岩面两个指力点起步,直上使用另外几个很薄的指力点到屋檐,翻过屋檐继续直上,翻顶结束。

Tracciata: OC Chung, Eddy, Kai, 猞猁 & 元军

V9 火神

FA: 瞿昌凤

V8 我不是许三多

FA: 瞿昌凤

珠海 Zhuhai 九州岛 Jiuzhou Island 东南区
V6 馒头
广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone A Bloc A2 - Tian’s Bloc
V6 Follow the Crack (sds) / 大蛇指路 (坐起)

Sit start from the lower in the middle and the lower crack of the bloc, straight to the right crack, traverse through the middle crack to left arete, and go up along the left arete. 从中部下方手点和下方裂缝上坐起,出右边裂缝后,横移中间裂缝到左侧刃脊直上

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone B Bloc B2 - Puppy Bloc
V5 Laughing Gor (sds) / 老地方见 (坐起)

Sit down start from two handholds in the middle of right side, go up to a small roof, move right and top out. 从右边中间两个手点坐起,直上到小屋檐后移动到右边,翻顶结束。(This is a slightly harder route on the Bloc B2 Puppy Bloc)

Tracciata: Karl & OC Chung

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone B Bloc B1 - Chung’s Bloc
V5 Tension Low (sds)

Sit down start from the lower hold of the left arete of the bloc and go up along the left arete, avoid using any hold on the face including hold a and b. 从左侧刃脊下部手点坐式起步后沿左刃脊直上,避免使用正面的手点包括点a和点b。

Tracciata: 塩田智久 & Karl

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone A Bloc A9 – Secret Bloc
V5 I will do it next time / 磕代表

Start from two holds in the middle of the bloc, move to the left platform, go up to the middle of the top and top out finish. 从石头中间两个手点起步,移动到左边平台后上到顶部中间结束。

Tracciata: Karl, OC Chung, Ting & Joe

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone A Bloc A2 - Tian’s Bloc
V5 The crack

Start from the lower in the middle and the right crack of the bloc, traverse through the middle crack to left arete, and go up along the left arete. 从中部下方手点和右边裂缝上起步,横移中间裂缝到左侧刃脊直上

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting

珠海 Zhuhai 珠海荒土乐园野抱Zhuhai Wasteland Paradise Bloc D 怠
V4 风化元素

D-3) Start from a hold on the crack, go up along the crack, use an undercut hold and continue up, use the foot holds on right site and the hand holds on the right arete, top out from the middle and finish. 从裂缝手点起步直上,使用反提点继续往上,使用右边的脚点及右脊上的手点,从中间直上翻顶结束。

Tracciata: Eddy, Kai, 猞猁, 元军, 老秦, 90, 小明 & OC Chung

珠海 Zhuhai 九州岛 Jiuzhou Island 东南区
V4 胆战心惊
珠海 Zhuhai 九州岛 Jiuzhou Island 观音殿
V4 脊椎断了
V4 大屁股
广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone B Bloc B3 – Ting’s Bloc
V4 King of Boulder / 抱石大王

Start from two handholds on the low of the right arete of the rock, pump up and go alone with the right arete and top out. 从右侧刃脊下方两个手点起步,拉起后沿右侧刃脊到顶结束。

Tracciata: Karl & OC Chung

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone B Bloc B1 - Chung’s Bloc
V4 Left Pump / 左泵

Start from the middle of the right arete of the bloc and a hold on the left site of the face, go up along the right arete and top out。从右侧侧刃脊中间及正面右手边一个手点起步,沿右刃脊上到顶。

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting

V4 Pump Attention

Start from the middle of the left arete of the bloc and go up along the left arete, traverse through holds on the face including point a and left start point of line 3, then top out from right arete. 从左侧刃脊中间起步沿刃脊直上,横移通过正面的手点a和3号线左手起点,然后沿右刃脊上到顶。

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting

V4 Tension

Start from the middle of the left arete of the bloc and go up along the left arete, avoid using any hold on the face including hold a and b. 从左侧刃脊中间起步沿刃脊直上,避免使用正面的手点包括点a和点b。

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone A Bloc A3 - Roof Bloc
V4 The Roof / 屋檐

Start from the right site of the crack in the middle, up the roof and finish by topping out. 从中间裂缝处起步,翻过屋檐并从登上顶部

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting

珠海 Zhuhai 九州岛 Jiuzhou Island 东南区
V3 摆渡一下
V3 乱⽯冈
珠海 Zhuhai 九州岛 Jiuzhou Island 观音殿
V3 胶带掉了
V3 约会
珠海 Zhuhai 九州岛 Jiuzhou Island 东北角
V3 滑板鞋
广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone B Bloc B3 – Ting’s Bloc
V3 Cucumber / 黄瓜

Start from a good handhold in the right or middle of the right arete of the rock, Gaston to a crimp handhold in the middle of left face, match hands, go alone with the left arete and top out. If your arm span not allowing you start from the right site of the arete and do the Gaston, you can move up a few inch to start.从右侧刃脊边上中间一个大点起步,反肩到达左边一个小点并手,沿左侧刃脊到顶结束。如果你的臂展不足以让你从最后边起步后反肩,你可以往上移动几英寸起步。

Tracciata: 泽龙 & OC Chung

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone B Bloc B1 - Chung’s Bloc
V3 The Pump / 泵

Start from the middle of the right arete of the bloc and a hold on the right site of the face, go up along the right arete and top out。从右侧侧刃脊中间及正面右手边一个手点起步,沿右刃脊上到顶。

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting

V3 Attention

Start from the middle of the left arete of the bloc and go up along the left arete, avoid using the other part of bloc on left. 从左侧刃脊中间起步沿刃脊上转到正面登顶,可以使用正面的手点包括点a和点b。

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone A Bloc A7 - Chen’s Bloc
V3 I/m Pass

Start from the middle of the right arete of the bloc, go up along the right arete, traverse to the crimp in the middle and top out. 从右侧刃脊中间脚起步沿右侧刃脊直上,横移至中间的手点后到顶。

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone A Bloc A2 - Tian’s Bloc
V3 Up to the Sky/ 指向天路

Start from the middle of the left arete of the bloc and heel hook, and go up along the left arete. 从左侧刃脊中间挂脚起步沿左侧刃脊直上。

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone A Bloc A1 - Welcome Bloc
V3 Up to You

Start from the side pull point in the middle of the bloc and go up along the left arete, avoid using the other part of bloc on left. 并手从中间侧拉点起步后沿左侧刃脊直上,避免使用线路左边的另外一部分石头

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting

V3 Amazing Squat (sds)

Sit start from the lower of the right arete of the bloc and go straight up, avoid using the other part of bloc on left. 从左侧刃脊下部坐起后沿左侧刃脊直上,避免使用线路左边的另外一部分石头

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting

珠海 Zhuhai 珠海荒土乐园野抱Zhuhai Wasteland Paradise Bloc C 躺
V2 货拉拉(sds)

Sit down start from a lower big hand hold, heel hook and lock up then you go up to the left, top out through the left holds. 从石头下方大点坐起,挂脚锁定,向左边的走,使用左边的点翻顶。

Tracciata: 绍鹏 & Eddy

珠海 Zhuhai 珠海荒土乐园野抱Zhuhai Wasteland Paradise Bloc B 盖
V2 What A Surprise

Start from a hand hold on the face, go up to the crack in the middle, use the left arete, then back to the middle of the rock face and top out. 从石头下方手点处起步,直上到中间的裂缝,使用左脊,然后回到中间岩面直上翻顶。 Notice: You will have to down climb the route after finish, no other safe way for descend. It requires higher technical skill for a safe descend. The rock is high, and it is suggested that you can try to top out only when you can consistently complete at lease V3 in climbing gyms. 本线路完成后必须倒攀下降,没有其他下降方式。安全倒攀需要更高的技巧,石头较高,建议攀爬者要有在攀岩馆能稳定完成V3线路以上的能力才尝试翻顶。

Tracciata: 绍鹏

珠海 Zhuhai 珠海荒土乐园野抱Zhuhai Wasteland Paradise Bloc A 启
V2 当北京遇上珠海(sds)

Sit down start from a lower crack of the bloc and go up along the crack, you can use the right arete and the crack in the middle, straight up and top out. 从石头下方裂缝处坐起,沿着裂缝往上攀爬,可以使用右脊和中间的裂缝,直上翻顶。

Tracciata: 绍鹏

珠海 Zhuhai 九州岛 Jiuzhou Island 东南区
V2 水漫金山
珠海 Zhuhai 九州岛 Jiuzhou Island 观音殿
V2 ⾼海拔
珠海 Zhuhai 九州岛 Jiuzhou Island 东北角
V2 捏指
V2 二指禅


广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone B Bloc B5 – Discovery Blocs
V2 Strawberry Cake / 草莓蛋糕

Start with all your hands and feet on the one point, trapped into the space between the rocks and face outward, then use the hold inside to turn around and top out with hands mantling. 面向观众手脚四肢一点起步,使用石头中间的手点转身然后上反撑翻上石头结束。

Tracciata: OC Chung & 代表

V2 Discovery Channel / 探索频道

Start on a crimp handhold on left and the bottom of the vertical crack, go up alone the crack or go alone left side and top out, without using the tree. 从左边一个小点和垂直裂缝下端起步,沿着裂缝一直往上翻过石头结束或者从左边上去翻过石头结束,不要使用树。

Tracciata: OC Chung, 泽龙 & 代表

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone B Bloc B2 - Puppy Bloc
V2 Hand or Fist

Start in the middle of the crack on left with hand jam or fist jam, go along with the crack and top out. 从左边裂缝中间使用胀手或胀拳起步,沿裂缝往上翻过石头。

Tracciata: Joe & OC Chung

V2 Hug the Puppy (sds) / 抱抱狗仔 (坐起)

Sit down start from hugging the bloc with left hand on a lower hold, right hand on the arete, and the small rock down the right side can be used as footholds. Keep hugging and move up and top out. Try to use the undercut handhold on the left. 坐式起步左手握一下下方的手点,右手抓刃脊抱住石头,右边下面的一块小石头可以用作起步脚点,一直抱往上,直到翻过石头。尽量用上左手边的反提手点。

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl, Ting & Zoe

珠海 Zhuhai 珠海荒土乐园野抱Zhuhai Wasteland Paradise Bloc H 顺
V1 程序脑袋

Start from the left part of the bloc, go up and move to the right part of the bloc, then go up top out. You will have to down climb the route after finish. 从岩石左边部分起步,直上后横移到右边部分,继续直上翻顶结束。本线路完成后必须倒攀下降。

Tracciata: 元军, Kai & OC Chung

珠海 Zhuhai 珠海荒土乐园野抱Zhuhai Wasteland Paradise Bloc E 平
V1 深点涨手(sds)

Sit down start from a hold on the face, go up along the right arete, reach a jug in the middle of the upper face of the rock and top out. You may use the side face of Bloc D if not enough arm span to directly hold the upper jug. 从岩面中间手点坐起,沿着右脊直上,到达上部的一个大手点,翻顶结束。如果臂展不足够直接够到上方的大手点你可以使用Bloc D的侧面。

Tracciata: Eddy, Kai, 猞猁, 元军, 老秦, 90, 小明 & OC Chung

珠海 Zhuhai 珠海荒土乐园野抱Zhuhai Wasteland Paradise Bloc C 躺
V1 谈何容易/谈何容易(sds)

Start from hugging the bloc and go up along the left and right aretes, up to a jug and top out. If you manage to do a sit-down-start, it will be a little harder. 抱着石头起步,沿着左脊和右脊往上攀爬,上到上方一个大把手点翻顶。如果你以坐起完成则线路会稍难一点。

Tracciata: 绍鹏 & Eddy

珠海 Zhuhai 九州岛 Jiuzhou Island 观音殿
V1 退潮
珠海 Zhuhai 九州岛 Jiuzhou Island 东北角
V1 踮脚跟的熊抱
V1 南水北调
珠海 Zhuhai 九州岛 Jiuzhou Island 码头角
V1 热身线
V1 钢管舞
V1 好望角
广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone C Bloc C4 – S Bloc
V1 S for Secretary (sds) /书记 (坐起)

Sit down start from two handholds one in the middle and one in the S-shape crack. Climb up alone the crack and top out using the small platform in the middle. 坐式起步一手握中间手点一手握S形裂缝中,沿着裂缝往上攀爬,最后使用中间的小平台到顶结束。

Tracciata: OC Chung & Karl

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone C Bloc C1 - Round Bloc
V1 Around the Bloc (sds) / 转圈圈 (坐起)

Sit start from the side facing the path of the bloc, spread your hands or just match hand on right handhold will be ok, climb around the round to left side of the bloc, top out after you turn opposite site. 从石头面向小路这面坐起,分开手点起步或者右手点并手起步都可以,环绕着石头攀爬,爬到对面的一面翻顶完成。

Tracciata: AntonioAnuk & OC Chung

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone B Bloc B5 – Discovery Blocs
V1 Discovery Cucumber / 青瓜

Start on a under cut handhold on left and a small hold in the middle, go up to a jug on the right and top out. 从左边下方一个小反提点和中间一个小点起步,从右边一个大点翻上石头结束。

Tracciata: 泽龙, OC Chung & 二哥

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone B Bloc B3 – Ting’s Bloc
V1 14 ans Joyeux anniversaire Fidji / 肥鸡14岁生日快乐

Start from a good handhold in the right side of the right arete of the rock, and go alone with the right arete and top out. 从右侧刃脊边上一个大点起步,沿右侧刃脊到顶结束。

Tracciata: Karl, Zoe, Ting & OC Chung

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone A Bloc A2 - Tian’s Bloc
V1 Tian’s Back

Start from the middle of the right arete of the bloc and go up along the right arete. 从右侧刃脊中间脚起步沿右侧刃脊直上。

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone A Bloc A1 - Welcome Bloc
V1 Welcome and sit (sds) / 欢迎坐下 (坐起)

Sit start from the lower of the left arete of the bloc and go up along the left arete, the other part of bloc on left can be use as start footholds. 从左侧刃脊下部坐起后沿左侧刃脊直上,线路左边的另外一部分石头可以用作起步脚点。

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting

珠海 Zhuhai 珠海荒土乐园野抱Zhuhai Wasteland Paradise Bloc C 躺
V0 Biting Christmas(sds)

Sit down start from a lower big hand hold, heel hook and lock up then you can reach a hand hold on the right, top out and finish. 从石头下方大点坐起,挂脚锁定,便可以够到右边的一个手点,翻顶结束。

Tracciata: 绍鹏 & Eddy

V0 Child's Play / 小菜一碟

Start from a middle hand hold and go up from the rock face, top out and finish. 从中间手点起步后直上翻顶。

Tracciata: 绍鹏, Eddy & 90

珠海 Zhuhai 九州岛 Jiuzhou Island 东南区
V0 拍张照
珠海 Zhuhai 九州岛 Jiuzhou Island 东北角
V0 庞麦郎
珠海 Zhuhai 九州岛 Jiuzhou Island 码头角
V0 横财到手
广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone C Bloc C2 - Egg Bloc
V0 Too Wet (sds) / 大湿 (坐起)

Sit start from the lower undercut handholds, use the hold on the right and go straight up and top. It is a V0 if you use the lower part of the bloc to sit start. Try to use only the upper part of the bloc (looks like an egg) to sit start, you will become a real "master" instead. 使用较低的反提点坐起,使用右边的手点直上到顶。使用下半部分石头坐起难度是V0。可以尝试只使用上半部分像卤蛋的石头坐起,你会成为真正的"大师"而不是"大湿"。

Tracciata: OC Chung & AntonioAnuk

V0 Caution Fart / 别放气

Bend your body and start from the right of the bloc, heel hook then top out. 折叠你的身体从右边起步,挂脚然后爬上去到顶。

Tracciata: AntonioAnuk & OC Chung

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone C Bloc C1 - Round Bloc
V0 Move Your Car (sds) / 挪车 (坐起)

Sit start from the left of the bloc, climb up along the left arete and top out. 由石头左边坐起,沿左脊登顶。

Tracciata: OC Chung & AntonioAnuk

V0 Just Do It (sds) / 站起来就有 (坐起)

Sit start from the right of the bloc, the small part of the bloc on right can be used as start foothold, climb up along the right arete and top out. 由石头右边坐起,右下方的小石部分可以用作起步脚点,沿右脊登顶。

Tracciata: OC Chung & AntonioAnuk

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone B Bloc B4 – Kid’s Bloc
V0 Kindergarten (sds) / 幼儿园 (坐起)

Sit down start on two handholds in the middle, go left then top out. The bloc is small, please try not to directly go up in the middle.从中间两处手点坐起,走右边然后到顶。石头比较小,请尽量不要从中间直接上到顶。

Tracciata: 小方, OC Chung & gogo

广州龙洞 Guangzhou Dragon Cave Zone A Bloc A1 - Welcome Bloc
V0 Welcome Back / 欢迎回来

Start from the middle of the right arete of the bloc and go up along the right arete, avoid using the other part of bloc on right. 从右侧刃脊中间起步沿右侧刃脊直上。避免使用线路右边的另外一部分石头

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting

V0 Welcome / 欢迎

Start from the middle of the left arete of the bloc and go up along the left arete, avoid using the other part of bloc on left. 从左侧刃脊中间起步沿刃脊直上。避免使用线路左边的另外一部分石头

Tracciata: OC Chung, Karl & Ting


Tutti 68 vie visualizzati.

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