
Vie come sportiva in The Virgin Canyon

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Tutti 90 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Second Plancha Wall
5.13c The Gnostic
Sportiva 26m, 9
Second Plancha Wall
5.13b Wicked Sister

Follows cold shuts up the center of the wall.

Sportiva 26m, 9
Second Plancha Wall
5.12d Hair Shirt
Sportiva 26m, 9
Second Plancha Wall
5.12c The Butcher Block
First Plancha Wall
5.12b Lazarus
Sportiva 17m, 8
5.12b La Vida Gatos
Sportiva 18m, 6
The Ripped Wall
5.12b El Sendero del Vagabundo

Climb the (shared with next three climbs) easy access pitch, go all the way to the left end of the ramp, then up.

Sportiva 2
Upper Virgin Wall
5.12b The Passion

The belay station is up high on the wall next to a little tree, get there by hiking the 3rd class ramp or by climbing El Balota, Mexico on Flames or Mugre Mugre. Make sure to take a daisy chain with you for belaying.

Sportiva 27m, 9
Lower Virgin Wall
5.12b The Plague

Starts off the big ledge 135ft up, climb “Cabeza de Chivo” or Selam to access.

Sportiva 40m, 10
5.12b Tanga en T

FA: Mario Torres

Sportiva 37m, 10
5.12b The Shroud

(I think this was originally a 2-pitch route, later extended to 4 pitches.)

Sportiva 130m, 4, 10
Second Plancha Wall
5.12a Lybian Sibyl
Sportiva 26m, 7
The Ripped Wall
5.12a Ripped Wall

Climb shared easy access pitch (5.8), then on ledge traverse 25ft left before heading up.

Sportiva 91m, 3, 8
Upper Virgin Wall
5.12a Pentathlon
Lower Virgin Wall
5.12a El Balota
Sportiva 26m, 10
5.12a Bakai

Starts off the big ledge 135ft up, climb Cabeza or Selam to access.

Sportiva 30m, 13
5.12a R
Lower Virgin Wall
5.12a R Cabeza de Chivo

80m rope recommended, if you go to the route's reunion (and not that of the neighbouring line)

FA: Francisco Medina

Sportiva 44m, 12
The Ripped Wall
5.11d Animal Party

Few bolts per pitch, home-made funky hangars. R-rated.

Sportiva 120m, 4, 7
Upper Virgin Wall
5.11d Faded Love

Shares anchor with "Milk Cow Blues".

Sportiva 26m, 11
5.11d Caguaman
Sportiva 26m, 11
Lower Virgin Wall
5.11d Don Quixote
Sportiva 24m, 8
Surf Board
5.11d XL Puff Sneaker

FA: Dane Bass, Matt Grecco & Ralph Vega

Sportiva 21m, 6
Second Plancha Wall
5.11 Country Fuck

Climb up easy ramp to left-most bolt line.

Sportiva 24m, 5
Lower Virgin Wall
5.11 Part Time Amateur

Starts from the Amateur ledge, above "Sancho Panza" -- or access it from the end of the 3rd class ledge (up a corner, 1 bolt) in the "Upper Virgin Wall".

Sportiva 27m, 8
First Plancha Wall
5.11c Hootenanny
Sportiva 17m, 8
5.11c Mi Vida Loca
Sportiva 18m, 7
The Ripped Wall
5.11c Biaji's Boulevard

After climbing easy access pitch, trend immediately up and left to the first bolt.

Sportiva 64m, 2, 5
5.11c Lopin the Mule

Same first pitch as "Strokin' the Bishop".

Sportiva 91m, 3, 15
5.11c Strokin' the Bishop
Sportiva 75m, 3, 12
Lower Virgin Wall
5.11c Mexico in Flames
1 5.11c
2 5.11a

The REAL GRADE of this route si 5.11c. If you decide to stay on the blank face of the wall and DO NOT use the dihedral/arète on the right side of the final section the grade is harder 5.12a/b but this is a variation and should not be considered the official grade of the route since it is not the best beta.

Sportiva 58m, 2, 8
5.11c Tilting at Windmills

Nice line, resistance on decent holds with small feet. High first bolt- use the 1st (rusty) bolt of "Silverfish" if reqd.

Sportiva 27m, 8
5.11c Silverfish

Route runs close to and shares anchor with "Tilting at Windmills". Rusty bolts.

Sportiva 27m, 8
5.11c Immaculate Conception
1 5.10a
2 5.11c

Tracciata: Alex Catlin

Sportiva 55m, 2, 7
First Plancha Wall
5.11b Cat in a Can
Sportiva 18m, 5
The Ripped Wall
5.11b Team Ryobi

Climb easy access pitch (do I sound like I'm repeating myself?), then climb face at right end of ramp. (Scary runout to anchors.)

Sportiva 2
The Flamingo Wall
5.11b The Flamingo Wall
1 5.8
2 5.8
3 5.11b

The first two pitches make a nice 2-pitch relaxed 5.8 climb.

Bolts that are just to the left of where you pass through a small cave to continue up canyon.

First two pitches are easy slab, third pitch is long (112ft) up thin face.

Sportiva 55m, 3, 16
Lower Virgin Wall
5.11b Bad Cop, No Donut

Start on the dark grey streak.

FA: Rick Ross & Dane Bass

Sportiva 24m, 8
Suicide Overlook
5.11a Booby Trapped

Starts 40ft up the gully to the left of the overlook.

Sportiva 23m, 7
Upper Virgin Wall
5.11a (2nd pitch of Mexico in Flames)

This is the 2nd pitch of the 2 pitch climb "Mexico in Flames" that starts on the "Lower Virgin Wall". Info here for route-finding ease.

Lower Virgin Wall
5.11a Sancho Panza

Slab with good holds, feet become more challenging at the top of the face. Very high first bolt - can use the 1st (rusty) bolt of "Silverfish" if needed. 5th bolt very loose, needs gluing. 8m+ runout to the reunion, a thread through can be used to reduce this runout. Reunion poorly bolted; rappel or lower on one ring to avoid a curly rope.

Sportiva 33m, 6
Cat Wall
5.11a Blind Faith

Needs a 70m rope. Pitch 2, at roof -- 3 lines of bolts diverge, left goes nowhere, center goes over roof at 5.11a, right goes around roof and back at 5.10d.

Also, a 70m rope won't descend the first pitch, rap to the anchor for A Gringo At My Baby instead.

Sportiva 130m, 4, 13
The Flamingo Wall
5.11- Bond of Peace
1 5.9
2 5.9
3 5.11-

Has a metal nameplate on the wall. Second route left of the tunnel.

1st pitch (5.9): 11 bolts, 2 bolt anchor.

2nd pitch (5.9): 12 bolts, 2 bolt anchor.

3rd pitch (5.11-): 8 bolts, 2 bolt anchor.

Tracciata: Burdon, Brown & Dakota Walz, 2022

Sportiva 79m, 3, 12
The Flamingo Wall
5.10d The Capstone

Walk up through the tunnel and continue up and left onto a nice ledge. This is the left most route on the ledge, has a metal nameplate on the wall.

Sportiva 10
Lower Virgin Wall
5.10d Trouble at the Border

FA: Jeff Jackson

Sportiva 18m, 6
Lower Virgin Wall
5.10 Virgin Uknown 1
Sportiva 24m
Upper Virgin Wall
5.10c San Antonio Rose
Sportiva 30m, 11
5.10c Milk Cow Blues

FA: Rodman

Sportiva 26m, 10
Lower Virgin Wall
5.10c Resurrection
Sportiva 23m, 6
5.10c Mugre

Start on "Mugre Mugre", but instead of trending left on the upper flake, climb straight up for the final bolt.

Sportiva 19m, 7
5.10c Mugre Mugre

Near the top, follow the flake that trends left to the anchors of "Mexico in Flames"

Sportiva 29m, 9
5.10c Monarca Sportiva 46m, 10
Cat Wall
5.10c Catwalk

Excellent route with nice holds! Shares reunion with "Spin Doctor"

FA: Mario Torres

Sportiva 24m, 7
Beyond the Ripped
5.10b Punto de Inspiracion
1 5.8
2 5.6
3 5.10b

Subiendo 10 a 15 minutos de la ultima pared llamada: Ripped Wall. Encontraras un Multilargo divertido y con una bella recompensa visual desde lo mas alto de una terraza comoda sobre un pilar, ubicado en lo mas profundo del cañon de la Virgen.

Se compone de 3 largos con un nivel máximo de 5.10b.

Advertencia: Tener cuidado con la rocas sueltas en las repisas de área de belay, ya que no es muy transitada.


Sportiva 91m, 3, 12
Venom Wall
5.10b Nauyaca

Has a metal nameplate on the wall.

Tiene placa metálica con el nombre en la pared.

Latest cleanup performed March 27th, 2022

Última limpieza realizada en Marzo 27, 2022

Tracciata: Miguel, 2018

FFA: Miguel, 2018

FA: Miguel, 2018

Sportiva 30m, 13
Upper Virgin Wall
5.10b Mr Gilberto

Tracciata: Marco Curti, Rolando Larcher, Fabio Leoni, Paola Fanton & Luca Leoni

Sportiva 34m, 13
5.10b Chilifluris Way

Ruta que sale para la izquierda y pasa por un pequeño diedro, para volver a salir hacia la izquierda.

FA: Mario Cantu & Diego Aldrete Isaac

Sportiva 30m, 11
Lower Virgin Wall
5.10b Flying Scorpion

FA: Dane Bass

Sportiva 27m, 8
Cat Wall
5.10b Penitente

The third route going up the staircase. Its a very nice and easy roof with huge holds, easy to read.

FA: Nathalie Challulau - 2002

Sportiva 21m, 7
Surf Board
5.10b The Popsicle Kings

FA: Dane Bass, Matt Grecco & Ralph Vega

Sportiva 23m, 6
The Flamingo Wall
5.10a El Abuelito de Yaveh

Ed (FA) say 5.10b/c, Dane say 5.9.

Sportiva 24m, 8
5.10a Barkin' for Martin

Ed (FA) say 5.10b. Dane says 5.9.

Sportiva 24m, 7
Venom Wall
5.10a Chirrionera

Last (upper most) route on “Venom Wall”.

Última (de más arriba) ruta en "Venom Wall".

Tracciata: Antonio Gonzalez, 2018

FFA: Antonio Gonzalez, 2018

FA: Antonio Gonzalez, 2018

Sportiva 30m, 13
5.10a Crotalus

Has a metal nameplate on the wall.

Tiene placa metálica con el nombre en la pared.

Latest cleanup performed March 27th, 2022

Última limpieza realizada en Marzo 27, 2022

From last bolt to the anchor aim to arrive on the right side of the anchor.

De la última placa a la reunión intenta llegar por el lado derecho de la reunión.

Tracciata: antonio gonzalez, 2018

FFA: antonio gonzalez, 2018

FA: antonio gonzalez, 2018

Sportiva 30m, 13
5.10a Coralillo

Has a metal nameplate on the wall.

Tiene placa con el nombre en la pared.

Bring a couple of long draws for the 9th and 10th bolt if you have them.

Si puedes, lleva un par de bandas(cintas) largas para las placas 9 y 10.

Latest cleanup on March 20th, 2022

Limpieza más reciente en Marzo 20, 2022

Spoiler alert: *run-out on easy terrain from 8th to 9th bolt.

*hebra en terreno tranquilo de la placa 8 a la 9.

No more loose rocks and thorny plants, Enjoy!

Ya sin piedra suelta ni plantas espinozas, Disfruten!

Tracciata: antonio gonzalez, 2018

FFA: antonio gonzalez, 2018

FA: Antonio Gonzalez, 2018

Sportiva 30m, 10
5.10a Mamba Negra

Has a metal nameplate on the wall.

Tiene placa metálica con el nombre en la pared.

Latest cleanup performed March 20th 2022

Ultima limpieza realizada en Marzo 20, 2022

Tracciata: Miguel, 2018

FFA: Miguel, 2018

FA: Miguel, 2018

Sportiva 30m, 13
Upper Virgin Wall
5.10a Mr Jesus
Sportiva 29m, 8
Lower Virgin Wall
5.10a Selam

Climb clean face to obvious overhang, pull overhang and finish up slab above to anchors.

Recomended 80m rope. Knot the end of your rope.

With shorter than an 80m rope, bring 2nd up and rappel twice using the anchor of "Flying Scorpions" to the right.

With a long/stretchy 70m rope, and a heavy climber, you might make it within acceptable scrambling distance of the ground.

Sportiva 39m, 12
5.10a Charity

Tracciata: Alex Catlin

Sportiva 46m, 8
5.10a 50/50

Tracciata: Dane Bass

Sportiva 32m, 10
Cat Wall
5.10a 31 Foot Smurf

Tracciata: Dane Bass & Rick Ross

Sportiva 30m, 10
5.10a DNA-DRD-2

Starts below a detached block about 8feet up the wall, five feet right of A Gringo Ate My Baby, then heads up and slightly left to a thin crack.

A bit run-out in places.

FA: Matt Greco & Dane Bass - 2005

Sportiva 30m, 7
5.10a Putas de Fuego

Tracciata: Ralph Vega & Harvey Peña

Sportiva 30m, 10
5.10a La Flakita

Another classic in EPC. Climbs the big obvious flake feature. Don't wander onto the face, just really get into that crack.

Dane's book puts this as 5.11c, and Simeon copies this error. Ed and Frank give it 5.10c. If it is 5.10c, it is the softest 5.10c in the world.

FA: Harvey Pena & Ralph Vega

Sportiva 27m, 10
Surf Board
5.10a FnF Bomb

Comparte reunion con XL Puff Sneaker

Tracciata: Dane Bass & Ralph Vega

Sportiva 29m, 8
The Flamingo Wall
5.9 Nudillo Sangriento

Escalada genial con algunas características de grieta.

Cool climbing with crack features.


Tracciata: Frank Madden, 24 Gen 2023

Sportiva 26m, 11
Upper Virgin Wall
5.9 Chicaboom Nights
Sportiva 27m, 5
5.9 Mr Patacca
Sportiva 29m, 9
Lower Virgin Wall
5.9 A Fistful of Pesos

Another retro-bolted trad route.

Sportiva 26m, 6
Cat Wall
5.9 Spin Doctor

FA: Dane Bass

Sportiva 23m, 7
5.9 Skairdy Kat

Second route going up the staircase.

FA: Richard Ross

Sportiva 29m, 8
5.9 Cat Daddy

Listed as 5.9+ in the (Ed's) book, the route setter (Dane Bass) calls it an honest 5.8.

(Dane's book lists it as 5.9) The name of the route is written with red ink (hard to find).

FA: Dain Bass; Dane Bass & Sue Kligerman

Sportiva 30m, 9
5.9 Nasty Screwdriver

FA: Dane Bass

Sportiva 30m, 7
5.9 A Gringo Ate My Baby

Starts just ro the right of Blind Faith. Climb the crack up to the small right-facing corner to a crack finish.

FA: Dane Bass & Matt Grecco

Sportiva 30m, 8
The Flamingo Wall
5.8 El Mariachi
Sportiva 24m, 11
5.8 Expresso

Three routes to the left before the tunnel. Slab climb on vegetated terrain. Left of “Bond of Peace”.

FA: Walden Jones, 2019

Upper Virgin Wall
5.8 Sons of Thunder

FA: Mike Burdon, Feb 2016

Sportiva 24m, 6
5.8 Gracias Mi Amor
Sportiva 34m, 12
Cat Wall
5.8 The Cat's Meow

Starts where the staircase hits the wall.

FA: Sue Kligerman & Dane Bass - 2003

Sportiva 24m, 11
5.8 Eterna Luz

Starts on top of a large boulder, with a high first bolt. Good climbing on good holds -- though still quite sharp.

FA: Sean Hible & Mike Burdon

Sportiva 30m, 9
Surf Board
5.8 Doof Crack

The obvious crack up the right side of the Surf Board.

Dane says 5.7, Ed 5.9. Averaged to 5.8. (With good crack technique -- probably is 5.7, but feels like 5.9 to a face climber.)

FA: Matt Grecco, Ralph Vega & Dane Bass

Sportiva 27m, 5

Tutti 90 vie visualizzati.

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