
Ascensioni in Oceania come Pink point da Paul Frothy Thomson

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1 - 100 di 531 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Falesia Qualità Data
23 28 Marxism Sportiva 62m, 22 Blue Mountains Classica Dom 1 Dic 2013
Pitch 1 only in the baking sun. Still took me 2 shots (today) to get it after I got lost below the crux on the first shot. Stunning climbing the whole way on great rock. This type of movement epitomises face climbing!

28 No Space in Time Trad mista 20m, 7 Bare Rock Classica Mer 1 Giu 2016
Finally! 2nd shot today (in the dark... any darker and it would be unclimbable without a headlamp). PSYCHED! 25th Redpoint Shot total (with 8 other laps to equip/inspect/warmup over the duration). What an epic journey for the tick: struggling with conditions (it was all down to 1 hour of good conditions each day as the sun went down, during which I attacked this), a severe knee injury, 50 other Projects, and the tough approach to the Boneyard (40min walk up a hill + 12m Jumaar + Ledge Life). When it went, it was still a good fight as I struggled to see in the dark. By the end I was only using 3 pieces of trad gear in the crack, and running it out the whole way.

28 Pit Fighter Trad 30m Blue Mountains Classica Ven 29 Set 2017
Sorted! 5th day of effort. Fell off the last move of the crux 3 times today. Finally linked through the crux and slipped off an easy move up high. Then sent on the final possible shot of the day. Test piece bouldery crack climbing and crazy steep. The best hard trad route in the Blueys?

28 Water Hazard - con Tom Collins, Brent, Harry Kadi, Jason McCarthy, Jenna Brady Sportiva 36m Blue Mountains Mega Classica Sab 1 Dic 2018
Another long haul. 3rd shot today (after punting the low crux on my 2nd shot), on my 6th day of effort on this route. I don't even know how many laps I had in the end . After linking through the crux on my 3rd day, I thought it'd go down fast, but I fell off AFTER the crux 3 times (from mistakes, or flash pump, or poor strategy), and one day in the middle never made it through the crux all day.

A brilliant route, with an unrelenting final 15m of power-endurance steep face-climbing on beautiful rock, guarded by a very gnarly and relatively low percentage lower crux (which proved to very frustrating as I tended to fall off it 1 in every 3 laps). The climbing surrounding these sections is pleasant, but no harder than gr21.

28 Yellowjacket - con Emil Mandyczewsky Sportiva 25m Blue Mountains Mega Classica Dom 7 Apr 2019
Amazing punchy steep face climbing, and hard to compare it to anything else in the Blueys. Like a steeper Bentrovato wall route, but on better rock... Punchy like the cruxes of Pulse/Zapt, but if the same difficulty of moves continued for 10m (rather than about 4m). The crux of this could be called "10m of madness", and feature some proper funky moves and counter-intuitive sequences. I was proper psyched to tick this after some strategic training. Getting good conditions is very key.

28 Rough Trade - con Will Vidler Trad mista 30m, 7 Blue Mountains Classica Gio 12 Set 2019
3 days of effort. Fell off after the hardest move at the top at the end of my 1st day, then spent ages never making the same highpoint. Awesome, wandery, run-out climbing, with a decidedly traddy-vibe despite being a sport route. 7 Bolts in 35m is exciting, though. Probably not hard at the grade even without tape gloves or jammies, though this route does suit me fairly perfectly.

27 28 Zoncolan - con Jared Tyerman, Matt King Sportiva 25m Blue Mountains Classica Lun 16 Ago 2021
2nd redpoint shot today, 7th shot in total (and a few equipping laps). No particularly hard moves, but unrelenting from where it splits from Reigning Steel until you clip the anchors.

27 28 Chase that Feeling Sportiva 35m Bare Rock Classica Lun 9 Mag 2022
Wow! A sustained, complex face climb with classic moves and rock, to a no-hands rest, before a gnarly V6 boulder finale through the top roof. The upper slab is not to be underestimated!

Though I could do the moves of the boulder, I didn't feel that I could put both parts of the climb together in the 2 days I had to try it, so instead I traversed over to the finale of Velvet Morning immediately before the no-hands rest at the top roof, and finished up that (hence not claiming the full grade). Sure, it's the piker's McDougall, but it makes the climb even more sustained, and just as classic as most of the other routes here IMO! Hopefully next time I'll send it properly.

Full disclosure: I also started with the first 3 bolts pre-clipped.

At the start I use a compression/arete-slapping/heel-hooking sequence rather than the crimp boulder. Was heaps of fun figuring it out.

26 27 Ride the Lightning (Ride the Lightning P1) Sportiva 200m Bare Rock Classica Dom 8 Mar 2015
2nd Ascent. 2nd shot. Didn't quite manage the flash with flash pump surprising me on a matched fingernail edge, but went to the top with only 1 fall. 2nd shot felt awesome. This climb was made for someone like me. 30m of non-stop, slightly steep, super-thin technicality on micro-edges, sidepulls and underclings. No real pronounced crux, but trickiness that you could easily fall off on the last move to the anchor (3 x slopey gastons through a steep bulge). Beautiful black and orange rock.

27 World Party Pitch 2 Sportiva 12m Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classica Gio 7 Mag 2015
5th shot. Linked into P3 for a single mega pitch belayed from the ground with an 80m rope. 1st shot to get the gear on, fix a static to the belay at the end of P1 and suss the moves. 2nd - 4th shot I was using flawed beta. 5th shot with new beta it all came together for a VERY pumped SEND. Bouldery and shouldery, but rad in its uniqueness and exposure. I enjoyed this quite a bit even on my first lap.

27 Barberella! Sportiva 35m Bare Rock Classica Mer 15 Giu 2016
Done and Dusted! First CLEAN repeat of this route! 4th Redpoint shot, 13th lap in total (incl. my Onsight attempt, another ground-up attempt 6 months later, and 7 Top Rope Solo laps when the route was partially wet after the flood). 5th day on, and slightly too hot for ideal conditions... but I went into Warrior Mode in the upper half, and fought and whimpered and screamed through the moves I'd never linked past. I'm bloody glad I didn't blow the final gr23 moves to the roof, or I would've had the biggest whip of my life!

27 Big Red Sportiva 60m, 23 Blue Mountains Molto buona Mer 7 Set 2016
Psyched! 2nd Redpoint attempt (13th lap total, including my various Top Rope Solo laps). Climbed both pitches as a monster 60m pitch belayed from the ground. Took a huge whip off the mid-height pocket-crux on my first shot (after skipping a clip, and falling at the next bolt). Pulled straight back on and linked to the top. The 2nd lap was a battle, but I felt up to the task the whole way. So much varied climbing (even if it is separated by 3 sneaky no-hands rests), with the hardest moves in the last 5m.

25 27 Point Insertion Sportiva 25m Blue Mountains Molto buona Mer 25 Ott 2017
Via the batman start (though that start boulder didn't seem too implausible on investigation). Fell off the opening boulder off the ledge 3 times before sussing my sequence. The minute I stuck the boulder I flashed the entire route to the top. Definitely only 25 at my height, and only 24ish to the top once you stick the initial move (which, in itself, wasn't too hard or unpleasant). Sustained with lots of good holds to camp out on and suss the next sequence. A good enduro route.

27 Hollow Men Direct Trad mista 28m, 7 Blue Mountains Classica Mer 6 Giu 2018
2nd shot today, 5th total. The first few laps were a debacle trying to cleanup the route, find the holds, and solve the sequence puzzles. But as it came together it was immensely rewarding. Airy and exhilarating climbing (the previous bolt is usually far below your feet before you clip the next one), with complex, sustained technical climbing up an incipient offset seam, though no real "stopper" crux. I absolutely love this style, and this angle, and the equipping: "safe but intimidating". Maybe not particularly hard for 27, but even the original version must have been quite nails for "26".

27 ORANGE JAM - con Will Vidler Trad 57m Blue Mountains Classica Dom 1 Lug 2018
Done! (But in poor style - pre-placed gear). 9th lap TOTAL. Im nicknaming this climb "7 metres of madness" and for those 7m its all on. Looks 23... climbs nails. Super-complex, varied, long sequences with hideous hideous feet... I havent climbed a crack like it in the Blueys (though im sure theres a few in Indian Creek). Its been a great and epic journey to this point (not the least due to the arduous access), now for the true trad redpoint.

27 Nifta Sportiva 18m Blue Mountains Classica Sab 28 Lug 2018
A great companion route to its neighbour, with a similar composition to Wizball, but with a significantly harder start, and less "good holds" to chill out on to break up the intensity. Immaculate rock and just a genuinely well-conceived line.

25 27 Kaizen Sportiva 38m Blue Mountains Molto buona Mer 1 Ago 2018
Cleaning up an old dog. To the 1st anchors only. More memorable technical thinness on water-polished rock, and it didn't feel too hard today... with the exception of the mid-crux clip, that things is nails!

27 The Enforcer - con Ben Jenga, Jason Nguyen, Tom Collins Sportiva 36m Blue Mountains Classica Sab 22 Dic 2018
Psyched! After linking to the final hard moves as a warm-up (despite struggling hideously with the pocket crux on 3 previous attempts in the past 8 months), the Send went down in a controlled and collected manner. The first half isn't perfect (all that stops it being mega classic), but is enjoyable when you know how to climb it. The upper half is perfect.

27 Mono No Aware - con Tom Collins, Jason, Ben Jenga Sportiva 25m Blue Mountains Molto buona Sab 14 Set 2019
4th shot today, and a couple of laps over the last few years. In previous attempts the crux of this was miles beyond me, today -even on the first lap- it felt good. The send on the 4th lap was unexpected as I was dead tired, but found my inner mongrel and scrapped my way up it. Broken-up steep face climbing, but lots of cool moves inbetween good rests. The headwall is all-time megaarrr.

27 Just Barely Breathing - con Will Vidler, Glen Thomson
1 25 15m
2 27 25m
3 27 20m
Trad mista 60m, 11 Blue Mountains Molto buona Mer 2 Ott 2019
27 Hard Reset Sportiva 36m Blue Mountains Classica Sab 26 Ott 2019
Good to finally get this done. Not sure how many days I've been on this, probably 4 or 5 over the last year. Up until you gain the hanging dihedral this is awesome gr23ish climbing, then it's on like Donkey Kong to the top. There are two completely different sequences through the crux (even using totally different holds) which both felt the same grade to me, and whichever one I preferred changed each time I got on this. The lefthand version is more powerful, but more "controllable" for me (I like shoulder moves), and suits us tallies. The righthand method is probably the only way shorties will be able to get up this.

27 Some Violence and Sexual References - con Jason McCarthy, Jenna Brady, Emil Mandyczewsky, Lee Cujes Sportiva 20m, 11 Blue Mountains Classica Dom 27 Ott 2019
Felt strong and dispatched fairly soundly today... still had to crank though. I was dead tired from the yesterday, but the "no expectations" meant I had no monkey on my back, and just treated this like training... then Sent.

27 Mandingo Sportiva 45m Blue Mountains Classica Mer 15 Apr 2020
2nd shot today, 4th total. Power-screamed my way up this route. I hadn't actually equipped the top half, just left a stash of draws clipped into the last bolt, so I got to send it placing draws and brushing on lead, as the upper 20m was still wet.

27 There's a Wasp on My Banana - con Rob Medlicott Sportiva 23m, 12 Blue Mountains Molto buona Dom 14 Giu 2020
3rd shot. Also really enjoyable. Sharper than its neighbour at the start, the moves are surprisingly sustained and really funky. The lower 2/3rd was kinda damp, but fortunately all the hard upper headwall was dry, cause friction was a must. A super gnarly crux that required a different approach due to my lankiness, but with a hellish anchor clip.

27 The Extra 3% - con Tom Collins Sportiva 24m, 8 Popran Buona Sab 20 Giu 2020
3rd shot. On my 2nd shot I ticked the 25, then downclimbed on link to this line and attempted to send both routes in a single push. Came really close. This is a hard one to rate quality-wise. Position and moves are cool, but rock is kinda crunchy, and its quite contrived.

27 Final Flight - con Heath Black Sportiva 20m Blue Mountains Molto buona Gio 27 Ago 2020
5th shot total (including a few warmup laps). Awesomely steep and exposed up an overhanging prow. Mostly about gr24 steep jugging, with a crazy thin crux down low (must be utterly nails if you're short) and a bouldery iron-cross in the middle.

27 Farkenright Sportiva 18m Blue Mountains Molto buona Sab 29 Ago 2020
3rd day of effort (including a day where it was so wet that neither Jase nor I could get anywhere). Steep as all hell, but more of an endurance route with a few funky dynos than anything proper hard. Rad to get it done.

27 Force Cannon - con Rob Medlicott, Jason, Ben Jenga, Aaron Jones Sportiva 25m, 15 Blue Mountains Classica Sab 12 Set 2020
4th day of effort (including a hung-over day where I struggled not to vomit for the day). My ultimate anti-style (dynamic roof-bouldering on pockets) but mega nevertheless. Just like being back in Margalef. My hardest tick in this "particular" style.

27 Navel Aviator - con Rob Medlicott, Eugene Mak, Alex Riegelman Sportiva 20m Blue Mountains Molto buona Sab 26 Set 2020
2nd shot.

Short, but rather intense. I probably enjoyed this more than I remember, but the moves past the rooflet are bloody hard for me I had to try proper hard.

For added length, on the send I lead down-climbed form the anchor back through the traverse.

27 Deuca - con Geoff Johnston-Hall Sportiva 23m, 7 Blue Mountains Molto buona Dom 18 Lug 2021
2nd shot today, and I had a lap about a year ago as well. Probably soft at the grade.

Aside from the kinda dangerous bolting, and the uninteresting first half, the second act is sustained and demanding face climbing, with a true heartbreaker arete-slapping finale.

With no chalk on this, the first lap today was rather gripping, given the runouts and the very sideways nature of the route.

27 Black Heathen (extended) Sportiva 42m Blue Mountains Molto buona Dom 17 Ott 2021
2nd shot. A really hard face boulder-problem followed by a gritstone-esque sloper headwall that felt way harder on link than I expected. Probably should get done more often.

27 These Dogs Must Be Pru's - con Match, Stephen Varney Sportiva 20m, 8 Blue Mountains Classica Mar 28 Dic 2021
3rd shot today (and a bunch of laps over many years). Psyched to get this done. For me the crux is the streno slab moves off the no-hands rest, with everything above it to the top being super funky.

EOD and 3rd day on, I was stoked to pull this send out of nowhere.

26 27 Fucked on Cocaine Sportiva 16m, 8 Blue Mountains Molto buona Lun 3 Ott 2022
Sweet! Another boulder-problem overcome with trickery. One day I'll grow a muscle or two, but for now... trickery.

27 Litany of the Long Sun - con Simmo, Rick Webb Trad mista 75m, 20 Blue Mountains Classica Sab 22 Lug 2023
What a journey! Surprise send, after spending the morning on Simmo's route, and only tackling this at the end of the day with a view to sorting out the "send logistics" (with a route this long, steep, and wandery... It's fair to say that it's involved).

There's just so much here to remember, and with it being so steep, you're always on a timer to get it done. Steep, gymnastic, and sometimes quite technical. Would be megaclassic, but the rock is only about as good as Sunny Side Bell, so far from the best the Blueys has to offer. It's almost too hard to sum it up at an experience, even with the copious amounts of hyperbole I can command

2 Full days working the bottom 26/27 arete, and the effort I originally put in to climb Gaze a Gazely Stare (as well as a few repeated laps for fitness and training). On the send, I committed to constant 5m+ runouts to avoid dealing with rope drag.

25 ~25 Vulcanian — 3 tentativi Sportiva 12m, 9 Bulahdelah Molto buona Sab 19 Nov 2022
3 shots. Fell off the last move on my 2nd shot. 3rd day on at Bulla, and I'm feeling proper beat-up now.

Still cleaning up, but the moves are awesome, and this is a way more enjoyable start to Karma Gettin' than Toast is. Steep as all hell, but surprisingly manageable with technique (I found 4 awesome knee-bars ).

Full disclosure: continuing my run of breaking holds off at Bulla on this trip, I actually broke off my anchor clipping hold on the send. D'oh!

26/27 No Country for Old Men Sportiva 32m Blue Mountains Classica Ven 1 Gen 2021
Number 2 of 4 of the Crag Classics. A rad, pumpy, jumpy start, then into some weird thin trickery, followed by a steep, juggy, pumpy arete all the way to the top. Features some of the best rock at the crag.

26 M0
26 M0 26 M0 The Way of All Flesh M0 - con Tom Collins Sportiva 22m Blue Mountains Classica Sab 26 Gen 2019
2nd shot today. On the Send it went surprisingly easily, which is rad considering how hideous I felt on the 1st lap (as a warmup). Even radder to have managed yet another Team Send with Tom Collins . Psyched to have managed the trilogy of steep routes at this grade ( TWoAF, Rolling Thunder, Realised Ultimate Reality ) in successive weeks.

26 Biafra Sportiva 12m, 4 Mount Alexandra Molto buona Mer 26 Feb 2014
3rd shot. Feels quite easy at the grade. The top crux isn't that hard but -for me- could only be climbed with one specific sequence, and any slight alteration to that sequence made it impossible (hence the 3 shots). Short and powerful. Not classic like Los Hermanos, but less intense.

26 Smoked Mussels Sportiva 12m, 4 Blue Mountains Molto buona Gio 6 Mar 2014

25 26 Archimedes' Principle Trad mista 60m, 2 Victoria Range Mega Classica Mar 6 Mag 2014
Dream send! Is this the best climb I've ever done? On JengA's gear (all placed on his onsight attempt, and left quite runout). Ticked 2nd shot after 2 big falls on the flash attempt. Consistantly thin (though with an obvious crux sequence), the sideways slopey crimps are draining on the arms, and make for tricky, slippery footwork. I fought tooth and nail for the tick. The juggy traverse to the arete caught me off-guard for the last super-runout techy move to gain the arete. Exhilerated!

26 Grace Sportiva 16m Blue Mountains Classica Mer 28 Mag 2014
4th shot today (7th total, over about 8 months). The 2nd shot went perfectly until my footer slipped on a sandy footer going for the anchor jugs. 3rd shot I sandbagged myself trying to avoid the sandy footer (and completely messing up my sequence), so: 4th shot it is. The dangerous (though not uninteresting) start robs this climb of perfection (and soon becomes tedious). Great technical moves and sharp crimping with a pronounced crux. Doesn't climb much like an arete, but DOES climb rad.

26 Seize The Day Trad mista 25m, 3 Launceston (Cataract) Gorge Mega Classica Gio 5 Mar 2015
3rd shot today, 6th shot total. Utterly stoked to tick this inspiring piece of rock. Should've gone 2nd shot today, but my smeared foot slipped as I grasped the final mingen crimp before the juggy finale. Like a harder version of Toyland Direct, but better rock and fewer stances. The fluid technicality of the crux felt more amazing after each lap, but the insecure top slab never felt anything other than heartbreakingly precarious. A great test piece.

26 Vapour Trail (Pitch 1) Sportiva 25m Bare Rock Classica Sab 7 Mar 2015
2nd shot today, 4th shot total. My 1st attempt today placing the draws was a dogs breakfast as I got epically flash pumped, too hot in the full summer sun and stressed with the expectation of a quick send. The 2nd shot was executed perfectly, and was just fun, steep, pumpy big moves between big slopes. I chose not to place the last draw before the anchors for some encouragement not to fall. Did another lap at the end of the day for some photos with Simon Carter.

26 R
26 26 R The Invisible Fist (of Professor Hiddich Smiddich) (+ Southern Delight) Sportiva 26m, 7 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classica Mer 6 Mag 2015
3rd shot today, 4th shot total. The first 2 shots today were frustrated by the wind blowing horizontal rain straight onto the crux holds, and both shots I fell off the last hold of the crux despite the wet. For the Send shot, I siezed on 30min without rain to do this route in the best conditions I've seen it yet. After sticking the crux, the rest of this climb was Mark and Execute and was never in doubt. Rad! Glad to send this one packing despite rubbish conditions.

26 Pythagoras' Theorem Trad mista 50m, 3 Victoria Range Mega Classica Gio 23 Lug 2015
Utterly stoked! 2nd shot today, 6th lap total (incl. top rope laps). On the 1st shot I had a random foot slip on the last hard move of the crux, but on the Send it went flawlessly. 13min from setoff to topout according to my phone. So much extreme, tenuous stemming and tiny movements relying on friction and tension to stay on the wall. Stressful and intimidating, but very rewarding. This was the 4th (and last) of my big adventure goals to be knocked off in the past year.

25 26 Funky Monks Sportiva 18m, 10 GFC Molto buona Dom 2 Ago 2015
2nd shot. I made a dogs breakfast of the crux move at the 3rd bolt on my first lap today (after being dropped to the ground from above that a few weeks ago -my tailbone is still extremely painful-, the silly 3rd bolt placement meant I balked for a while before I would commit to it), but it was Mark and Execute on the 2nd lap. Most of this climb is great moves on solid-rock, with some funky climbing, but the dubious rock at the top needs a real scrub and the bolt needs moving for it to be classic

26 Velvet Morning Sportiva 30m, 14 Bare Rock Mega Classica Mar 22 Dic 2015
Awesome! 3rd shot today. 6th shot this trip. 7th total. 1st shot today I fell off a move down low, then linked to the top. 2nd shot I fell off the same move down low, and this time decided to dial it into submission. 3rd shot I sent it packing at 8pm (having been climbing since 9am) for the hard fought but well-executed tick. This climb is a lot of effort, but damn is it worth it. Sorry Jenga, Skank-tail and Wendy are gone, but Barney is still around.

26 Angel of Pain Trad mista 25m, 8 Bare Rock Mega Classica Mer 30 Dic 2015
Finally! 4th shot today. 6th shot this trip. 18th shot over the past year. The most shots ive ever given a climb by a lot, and despite the grade this might be my hardest tick to date (and almost certainly gr27 in reality). Demanding, demoralising, destroying and rewarding. Every shot today I was getting through the crux and struggling above (especially getting into the offwidth). Finally, right on dark it all came together. Soooo psyched!

26 Bad to the Bone Sportiva 15m Bare Rock Molto buona Dom 20 Mar 2016
Finally. 2nd shot today (almost ticked it as a warmup, falling off the last hard move), and it was cruisy and controlled. 4th redpoint shot. 9th lap total (the initial 5 laps I hadnt worked out how to clip the post-crux draw and every lap ended there as I tried different things). Not classic, but fun, and very much not my style, so good to work on something that I struggle with.

26 Bisso of Orange Sportiva 180m Bare Rock Molto buona Mer 18 Mag 2016
Ticked 2nd shot. Pitch 5 (gr26 pitch) only. Likely the 1st clean repeat of this pitch in all the years since it was established. 1 poor foot placement away from the true ground-up, unchalked onsight!!!! Damn! Belayed from orange crush ledge, so I had 6m of horizontal rope out before starting this climb. Well bolted, but the bolts themselves are appalling. Interesting climbing up surprising steepness, with moderate bad rock (which could be cleaned up with some hammer love). As with the rest of this multi, this wasnt as bad as its reputation might suggest.

26 Weak Boy Sportiva 12m, 5 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Molto buona Gio 15 Set 2016
2nd shot today. 3rd total. Tried to climb this as a warmup today which didnt work well, but cruised it 2nd shot. Short, probably more 25 than 26, but enjoyable climbing. The contrived finish is a bit silly, though I did It properly.

26 Super Weak Sportiva 20m, 8 Blue Mountains Classica Mer 19 Ott 2016
Sorted! 2nd shot today. 9th red point lap total (plus a lap every year or so for about 4 years, and 4 laps to get the draws on over the past month). Alpine conditions again today, with the wind blasting the face... but with no horizontal rain this time, these are MY kind of alpine conditions. Almost sent placing the draws as a warmup, with just a single fall right at the bottom! 2nd lap felt solid and in control the whole way. Thanks to all my mentors for the pep talks lately.

26 Circle of Doom Sportiva 15m, 8 Blue Mountains Classica Dom 23 Ott 2016
2nd Red-Point Shot Today (8th Red-Point Shot totall). When it went down, it went down solidly and easily, but I still wasn't entirely sure I'd Send as I tied in. Brilliant climbing, stoked with the tick. It's been a good month of Sendage for me!

26 Junkyard Dog Extension Sportiva 25m The Woolwash Classica Sab 15 Lug 2017
2nd shot. As a full route, Junkyard dog earns a "classic" rating (not megaclassic, though). Maybe not too hard at the grade, but the upper section (especially after scoring some pump from the lower section) is the money as a juggy pumpmaster route. The particular standout is the briefly bouldery crux (which is slightly harder since the horn broke, but still not too bad).

26 Bogan Direct Sportiva 7m, 7 The Woolwash Classica Mer 16 Ago 2017
3rd Red Point Attempt today (10th Redpoint attempt this season, + 3 Equipping laps, + a bunch of laps over the previous 3.5 years). Finally! This epitome of my anti-style goes down after an embarrassingly long siege. The Send with still challenging but solid (and I took a few moments to compose myself on some of the moves, rather than blasting through them like normal), but only happened after I'd decided I'd strip the route after this lap to try something else here. Awesome. Tonnes O' Fun.

26 SpiderPuss Sportiva 18m Blue Mountains Molto buona Dom 3 Dic 2017
Enjoyable intense, but with no "stopper moves" to spoil the fun. A fair bit of effort went into the onsight attempt to piece together the improbable sequency moves in the lower half, but on the Send -though tired from 3 big days of climbing- it went very soundly. Great rock, good bolting, technical, pumpy, sequency, intense.

26 Deflatable Daisy Sportiva 18m, 10 Blue Mountains Classica Sab 17 Feb 2018
2nd shot today. Great enduro resistance route with no shut-down cruxes, but oodles of varied tricky moves. First shot took a bit to suss the moves, the Send was super solid.

26 Sail Away Sportiva 25m, 9 Blue Mountains Classica Dom 13 Mag 2018
Finally! 3rd day of effort on this. A great route with so many brilliant moves, though often overshadowed by its unlikely crux. It's a route that's not particularly "hard" (though certainly complex, and sustained), yet weirdly easy to fall off, even when arriving at the crux feeling fresh as a daisy (and I certainly fell off that crux far too many times). Stoked to see a mini-siege pay off.

26 Lactictoc Sportiva 28m Blue Mountains Classica Dom 27 Mag 2018
2nd shot today (and I had a couple of shots 4 years ago). After sussing the opening boulder, I cruiiiiiised to the top crux on my first shot, placing draws, as a warmup... then struggled to sort out a sequence for the top crux. With that figured out, it was a controlled cruise on my 2nd shot for the Send. Aside from the sharp boulder-problem start, this is a great route with an engaging slab, and pumpy, exposed finale. Add a bolt (above the 4th), move another bolt (the 2nd) 1m lower, and this would be about as good as it could be.

26 Intaglio Sportiva 30m, 10 Blue Mountains Molto buona Mer 15 Ago 2018
Finally! Became a bit of a sail-away style epic as I fell off the last move of the crux far too many times. Great climbing, and worthy of standing beside the other classic face routes on this wall. Should definitely get more traffic.

26 Archon Sportiva 30m Blue Mountains Classica Sab 14 Lug 2018
An amazing long technical face in classic "cosmic country" style, with all the hardest moves coming at the very top (though the first half is no slouch either). Skipping the crux draw was key to my Send, and on my penultimate lap I fell off at about the highest point I could, and took one of the biggest lead falls I've ever had. Gripping!

26 Wizball Sportiva 20m Blue Mountains Classica Mer 18 Lug 2018
Short and intense from the get-go. Amazing rock and climbing, marred solely by being briefly contrived to earn the grade. Complex and powerful for a face climb. Definitely recommended.

26 Rattlesnake Shake - con Will Vidler, Mitch Perkins, Ben Jenga, Christopher Glastonbury Trad mista 35m, 7 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classica Gio 18 Ott 2018
3rd shot.... a surprise Send as I power-screamed my way up the route. As the guide says: punchy boulder problems separated by good rests. Varied climbing with some long tough sections giving it a sustained vibe despite the rests. Great rock and a cool position. Deserves more traffic. The traverse start is quite gripping.

26 Jumping Viper - con Will Vidler, Ben Jenga, Mitch Perkins, Lucas C, Jason McCarthy Trad mista 28m, 7 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classica Sab 20 Ott 2018
4th shot today via the original Will Monks version. Surely the all-free version must be 27++? Doesn't look like much, but climbs spectacularly. The lower half is completely independent, and is classic Taipan bulge-y oozing with a gripping trad start. The upper half is simply spectacular and sustained techo slimper-ing. I had to make a fair bit of noise to coax myself up this as my last climb of the trip.

26 Hello Rabbit Risotto (Hello Rabbit Risotto (linkup)) - con Drew Henman, Jason, Jason Smith, Ben Jenga, Mitch Perkins Sportiva 22m, 11 Blue Mountains Molto buona Sab 17 Nov 2018
3rd shot today. Bungled the end of the crux on my 2nd shot, changed my beta (threw technique out the window and went for strong-man beta instead), and kept it together on the next lap. Super-duper cruxy (which is quite hard on the skin), but great and varied climbing surrounding the crux. Similar, but probably more interesting than Captain Kurko.

26 Rolling Thunder - con Heath Black, Jason McCarthy, Ben Jenga, Jenna Brady, Emil Mandyczewsky Sportiva 30m Blue Mountains Molto buona Dom 13 Gen 2019
3rd shot today, 6th lap total. After taking a rather hideous upside-down, leg-behind-the-rope fall on my first lap, I very nearly bailed. But on my final lap of the day I scrapped and thrutched my way to victory. Glad to get this anti-style route done and dusted. Essentially, a series of intimidating steep boulder-problems separate by fairly good rests.

26 Realized Ultimate Reality Linkup - con Emil Mandyczewsky, Mitch Perkins, Ben Jenga, Stephen Varney, Jason Sportiva 20m, 11 Blue Mountains Classica Dom 20 Gen 2019
3rd shot. Considering how hard this all felt on the first 2 shots, it went down weirdly easily on the 3rd lap. Very steep in the same vein as reality dysfunction, but with a greater variety of moves in the second half, which makes it more of a climbers climb. The pounce to the horn is exciting.

27 26 Ape and Away - con Emil Mandyczewsky Trad 40m Moonarie Mega Classica Lun 22 Apr 2019
Mega mega mega. 5th lap (including my original ground-up epic attempt). V6 crack boulder, steep fingerlocking, hyper-techo thin crux, then oodles of aesthetic technical face climbing and slabbing on gear. Something of a dream route as it ticks all the boxes.

26 Cobra Kai Connection - con Emil Mandyczewsky, Jason Nguyen, Ben Jenga Sportiva 35m Blue Mountains Classica Dom 5 Mag 2019
3rd shot. In the style, at the grade, this is one of the better routes I've been on in the Blueys. Still room to clean up to perfection (needs more traffic), but even as-is it's just bloody great resistance climbing. Very sustained in the first half, and very technical in the 2nd. This whole wall really deserves more attention, especially as its in the shade all day!

26 Megaflex - con Will Vidler Sportiva 40m, 20 Blue Mountains Classica Mer 22 Mag 2019
2nd shot today. Still had to crank bloody hard, but it was controlled cranking. An awesome 5m stepped-roof boulder problem after oodles of complex slabbing. I really rate this route, though it's not for everyone.

26 The Cripple Pitch - con Ben Jenga Sportiva 20m Blue Mountains Classica Sab 6 Lug 2019
2nd shot. Probably not as much "fun" as 97% , but possibly a better "climb". Awesome rock and climbing after the first 3 moves. I was very worried that the pocket crux might prove low-percent for me, but didn't end up being an issue.

26 Glow - con Emil Mandyczewsky, Jason Sportiva 18m, 9 Blue Mountains Molto buona Sab 21 Set 2019
When I actually suppressed my hubristic temperament and decided to "work the moves" this went down quite easily. Probably not hard for the grade, but awesome technical face climbing, and surprisingly sustained. The "rose" move at mid-height is radical, as are the mono-pockets.

26 Age Against the Machine - con Heath Black Sportiva 17m, 9 Blue Mountains Molto buona Dom 6 Ott 2019
Came about 1mm of skin away from flashing this (with no beta for the crux itself), d'oh! Went easily 2nd shot. Probably a pretty rad steep 24, with a crux boulder that is quite a bit harder than the rest of the route, but easier if you're tall. Climbs well, though the rock is a mixed bag.

26 Kizmastication (linkup) - con Tom Collins, Heath Black Sportiva 27m, 13 Blue Mountains Classica Mer 19 Feb 2020
Sent easily 2nd shot today (it's amazing what some good conditions will do for you). Makes Kizashi substantially harder, and avoids the hideous crux on Sadomastication… Sure, it's a linkup, but its the best bits of both routes!

26 Artificial Insemenation Sportiva 15m, 6 The Hide Away Molto buona Sab 2 Mag 2020
Its all in the sneaky draw beta. Two totally different ways of climbing the boulder-problem finish, and both are quite challenging. Warm up those fingers.

26 Crucified Sportiva 13m, 5 The Hide Away Classica Sab 2 Mag 2020
Once I stopped trying to be tricky and resigned myself to just muscling my way through the crux this went surprisingly easy. Good value for such a short route.

26 Drop Zone Sportiva 30m Nowra Classica Sab 28 Mar 2020
3rd shot today. An unlikely EOD send after a big day. The slab at the start gets more pleasant when you refine it, but the continuous powerful and dynamic headwall is where its at.

26 Indian Pacific Sportiva 38m, 17 Blue Mountains Classica Sab 11 Apr 2020
Felt much stronger this visit than when last I was on this route. The crux down low is still tough, but the rest of the route was always in the bag (even when it didn't have a drop of chalk on it). Good climbing up an amazing line.

26 Struggle Street Sportiva 10m, 7 GFC Molto buona Sab 16 Mag 2020
4th shot. Struggled with a wet crux after the rain, and it took a couple of laps to sort my beta, but I felt like a boss when it went down. A pumpy juggy start leads to a radical and nutty roof boulder finale, followed by a mantle that is juuuuust hard enough to give you some grief.

26 Chemotherapy Sportiva 45m, 14 Blue Mountains Molto buona Dom 31 Mag 2020
About time! Had a mega 1st shot and then broke off my key crux footer on link! Got confused with my new (post-breakage) beta on the 2nd shot and punted. Then found my inner mongrel and vitriol'd my way up the route for the Send. Psyched to get it done

26 Just Don't Smoke - con Tom Collins Trad mista 42m, 6 Blue Mountains Molto buona Sab 27 Giu 2020
Gnarly to be climbing 50m thin techo face at this grade (with oodles of exposure) on trad and the odd bash-in carrot from the dark ages. I took a monster whip onto a sad-looking bashie on my first lap today (after skipping a bolt through the crux), which was rather heart-stopping. Complex climbing with a very hard crux, surrounded by awesome 24ish feature-climbing on gear.

26 The Boy From Oz - con Rob Medlicott, Alex Riegelman, Eugene Mak Sportiva 20m Blue Mountains Classica Sab 26 Set 2020
Equipped as a warmup, and sent fairly soundly first redpoint effort today. I'd also had a bunch of shots a few months ago.

I just really enjoyed this route. The face is quality climbing on good rock, and really engaging without being too hard. Then everything from the roof up is just funky insanity.

26 Phoenix Rising - con Stephen Varney Trad mista 20m, 6 Kaputar Molto buona Ven 15 Gen 2021
2nd shot. Classic climbing, but the dubious rock renders it "very good". A surprisingly bouldery and sustained outing, with only one real rest on the entire route. My first lap took me 1.5 hours to put together the beta (though route was clearly untrafficked), and to send it I had to go all guns blazing with lots of noise, clipping bolts at my ankles, and a bit of whimpering. For a face climb, this one runs a surprising gamut of moves and styles.

26 Aslan - con Stephen Varney
1 23 25m arrampicata in lead da Paul Frothy Thomson
2 26 25m arrampicata in lead da Paul Frothy Thomson
Trad 50m Kaputar Classica Gio 14 Gen 2021
4th shot Pink-Point send. Awesome. One off the bucket list of obscure ticks (that has been there since I first came to Kaputah a decade ago!).

Both pitches have awesome moves, with (mostly) good rock, and are improbably steep. P2 has a funky opening roof to negotiate, before going gnarly old-school palm-on-wall feet-smeared-on-nothing steep stemming, which reminded me of the crux of Pythagoras Theorem. Figuring out the crux sequence probably took me 1.5 hours of effort over 2 laps!

I found the gear on both pitches (especially pitch 2) fiddly and a bit dubious, and never got to the point on P2 where I wanted to do the ascent placing gear (though having to finish before the midday summer sun arrived each day, and being on a mere road trip were also factors). I think maybe with another day on the route I might've gotten to that point.

26 Flesh Gording - con Stephen Varney, Tom Collins Sportiva 15m, 8 Bulahdelah Molto buona Gio 21 Gen 2021
5th shot overall. Took me 3 shots to figure out the end of the crux (lacking a 2nd kneebar pad was a huge impediment to unlocking it). 4th shot I slipped off from the victory jug. 5th it went down tiredly -after 1 rest day in 2 weeks, I'm wrecked.

Powerful roof thugging, with less jugs than most of the other routes here at the grade. The crux sequence is awesome technical knee-barring. If this weren't razor-blade sharp, it'd score a classic from me for sure.

26 Duck Walk - con Heath Black Sportiva 18m Blue Mountains Buona Dom 14 Mar 2021
3rd shot. Fell off matching the anchor-clipping hold on my second shot! Despite disgustingly wet conditions, I was pretty happy to get this one ticked off without too much hard work. Three distinct and different cruxes, though the rock is far from spectacular. The top headwall is the money here.

26 Easy Fit - con Magdalena de la Torre Sportiva 25m Blue Mountains Molto buona Ven 2 Apr 2021
2nd shot. More pumpy and less cruxy than Ha Ha, and certainly more fun. Not too hard at the grade. I even got my hands totally back to front at the crux and had to improvise the entire sequence like that (trust me, it looked as absurd as it sounds) but managed to get up it. The entire finale is also pumpy fun.

26 Titan - con Jacques Beaudoin Trad 20m Blue Mountains Molto buona Sab 20 Feb 2021
Backlogging. 2nd shot today, 4th total. This time the crack was proper sopping wet, and rather terrifying to lead. I placed a few bits of gear on the Send, but most was insitu. Really wanted to do this properly (placing all gear) but just didn't feel comfortable given that this thing was actually running with water. Maybe at a later date . Aside from the wetness, the thugginess of this thing suits me.

26 He-Man - con Will Vidler, Jason McCarthy, Jenna Brady Sportiva 15m Blue Mountains Molto buona Sab 24 Lug 2021
2nd shot. Steep pumpy jugs to a crimp-boulder finale. Better than it looks!

27 26 Sadomastication - con Stephen Varney, Maxwell Cullen, Match Sportiva 67m Blue Mountains Classica Sab 31 Lug 2021
2nd shot today, and quite a few laps trying it over many years. When it went, it went easily, but all the shots before it were an absolute struggle.

26 Poggio - con Jared Tyerman, Matt King Sportiva 25m Blue Mountains Media Lun 16 Ago 2021
3rd shot. Probably 23 but for a brief (but extremely bouldery) crux. The moves are surprisingly good despite how strange the line looks, but the rock is generally pretty crap for this part of the world. Might be 25?

26 Mr Wendle - con Will Vidler Sportiva 10m, 5 Blue Mountains Molto buona Ven 20 Ago 2021
3rd lap today. Finally got around to actually ticking this, and when it went, it was a rather inauspicious affair. Hilarious roof thugging.

26 Corner Drug - con Ben Sanford, Jared Tyerman Sportiva 36m Blue Mountains Molto buona Sab 18 Set 2021
2nd shot today, and I've had a few laps in years gone by. Was rather damp up the face in the rain, and the corner was wetter than normal, but managed to power-scream my way up it.

Essentially, ~20m of pleasant 23ish face/corner climbing on generally great rock, followed by a gnarly (but unique!) bridging and crimping crux up high.

26 Stevia (Linkup) - con Jared Tyerman, Maxwell Cullen, Nikita Miltiadou Sportiva 25m Blue Mountains Molto buona Sab 25 Set 2021
2nd shot today, 3rd total. Sustained face climbing on a route that doesn't see much traffic. Will probably clean up nicely over time.

26 Chicks Smashing Grunters - con Heath Black, Stephen Varney Sportiva 28m, 13 Blue Mountains Molto buona Dom 7 Nov 2021
3rd shot. In todays wet and spoogy conditions, the arete-slapping and slimper cranking felt rather desperate. Essentially a 3 bolt arete boulder off a ledge, with some awesome (but easier) steepness at the top. Very Good, but with the caveat that the access "pitch" introduces an annoying degree of faff.

26 Goat Chops - con Match, Ben Jenga, Mitch Perkins, Gavin, Rene Provis Sportiva 30m, 19 Blue Mountains Molto buona Dom 21 Nov 2021
2nd shot. Once again, the finale where it kicks back in the steepness is mega. For me to cut-loose after gaining the jug on the lip, I had to do the full "cliffhanger" one-handed wild body swing, which made me feel every bit Sly Stallone in his prime The lower half is a tad stop-start, but inoffensive overall.

I had a pretty cool onsight effort despite the lack of chalk, making the big move to the lip of the roof, but not where any jugs were Was great fun just committing and cranking.

Probably only 26, in reality.

26 Master of Puppets - con Jared Anderson Sportiva 55m, 13 Bare Rock Classica Sab 23 Apr 2022
2nd shot. First clean repeat, I think. Mega exposed climbing through huge blocky roofs on immaculate rock. I giggled my way up this on the send (singing Lovecats, for some reason).

26 The Big Bang Is On - con Simmo, Gerry Narkowicz Sportiva 25m Blue Mountains Molto buona Ven 7 Ott 2022
2nd shot. Pretty chuffed with this, as I hadn't actually been able to do any of the 3 hard sequences on my first go, and had to improvise on the fly as I accidentally kept getting higher. Man, I was hanging out below that top crux for like 20 minutes trying to figure it out on the Send!

The rock is a mixed bag, but the moves are great! Steep and varied, and sustained all the way to the anchor clip.

I started from the first bolt. There was a cairn that was knocked over (I think it's to make the start go?) that I couldn't be bothered rebuilding. Has anyone done the start at 26ish without the cairn?

26 Long Wall Mining — 3 tentativi - con Michael Moore, Jared Anderson Sportiva 22m, 12 Bulahdelah Classica Ven 28 Ott 2022
Great roof climbing! More sustained than Black Leg Miner, and with a proper demanding finale.

Sent 3rd shot.

Well... sort of: I actually had a silly foot slip while in the anchor clipping position, and pulling up rope for the anchor clip. Um... I mean: victory whip? Right?

Seriously though, if I get a chance some day, I'll improve the style on this one. But for now, I'm content that I met the challenge.

26 Curfew Sportiva 35m Blue Mountains Classica Ven 1 Gen 2021
1 of 4 Crag Classics. Took me 2 days, and an annoying number of shots at the start, but DAMN it's fun.

Very bouldery, improbable start, then awesome feature climbing to the top. Flakes, seams, and a roofy finale.


1 - 100 di 531 ascensioni.

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