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Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Oliana Contrafort de Rumbau
9b+ La Dura Dura

La Dura Dura means 'The Hard Hard', named as such because it was then regarded as one of the hardest rock climb in the world by non other that Chris Sharma .

Chris tried the routes for years, describing it as "horrifyingly" difficult and perhaps "not for me", until he invited Adam to try. They figured new beta together and the route was finally freed by Adam Ondra in February 2013, the second 9b+ at the time (after Change 9b+ in Flatanger, also freed by Ondra)

Chris Sharma and Adam Ondra regard it as being slightly harder than Change. No other climber has managed to repeat it yet.

  • Adam Ondra - 7 Feb 2013
  • Chris Sharma - 23 March 2013

FA: Adam Ondra

Tracciata: Chris Sharma, 2009

FFA: Adam Ondra, 2013

Sportiva 50m
Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Cami de Sant Salvador Raco De La Finestra
9b+ Perfecto Mundo

The route is 45-degrees overhanging with a boulder problem to pull over into the final slab. 25 moves of 8c+ to reach a poor rest. Then 10 moves to reach the crux: a jump from a mono to a big pinch. Afterwards endurance 8b+ with few rests. Yellow rock at the bottom that goes to white and at the top it is grey.

Tracciata: Chris Sharma, 2009

FFA: Alex Megos, 9 Mag 2018

Sportiva 26m, 15
9b+ Mejorando la Samfaina

FFA: Jorge Díaz-Rullo, 8 Feb 2023

Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Cami de la Presa Laboratori
9b+ Toro salvaje

Shares anchor with First Round First Minute.

Tracciata: Chris Sharma

Catalunya Costa Daurada Siurana La Capella
9b+ King Capella

Climbs the first few meters of "I Have a Dream" and then climbs left into "A 2 Bandas". Youtube FA

Tracciata: David Brascó

FA: William Bosi, Mar 2021

Sportiva 15m
Catalunya Costa Daurada Siurana El Pati
9b+ Sleeping Lion

Tracciata: Chris Sharma

FFA: Chris Sharma, 28 Mar 2023

Sportiva 40m
Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Santa Linya Cova Gran
9b Neanderthal

FFA: Chris Sharma, 2009

Sportiva 40m
9b Stoking the Fire

Same start and same end as "Mercenaris del Passat". There is also a variant with a different finish, equipped by Chris Sharma.

First repeat by Adam Ondra, Feb-2016

Tracciata: Tomasz Mrazek

FFA: Chris Sharma, 2013

Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Oliana Contrafort de Rumbau
9b Fight or Flight

The route has a first part made of 25 very sustained movements graded 9a+, followed by a second 8c part with 12 movements including a dyno.

A knee bar has been found in the first crux (the sequence was downgraded from 8a to 7c+), however a hold has broken higher up on the dyno which makes it significantly harder to throw. All in all the route is still considered 9b


  • Chris Scharma - 7 May 2011
  • Adam Ondra
  • Jakob Schubert
  • Sachi Amma
  • Piotr Schab

FA: Chris Sharma

FFA: Chris Sharma, 2011

Sportiva 35m
9b Mamichula

This route connects Pachamama 9a+ and Papichulo 9a+ and was described by Adam Ondra as demanding "incredible power endurance without any rest."

Initially this connection seemed utterly extreme - perhaps even 9b+ like neighbouring Dura Dura freed by Ondra in 2013 - but was then rendered more "humane" when Ondra discovered a new sequence to get across the traverse.

  • Adam Ondra - 8 Feb 2017
  • Seb Bouin - 16 April 2019

FA: Adam Ondra, 8 Feb 2017

9b Chaxiraxi

Tracciata: Chris Sharma

FFA: Adam Ondra, 2011

Sportiva 45m
Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Cami de Sant Salvador Raco De La Finestra
9b Café Solo

A left finish to "Café Colombia".

Tracciata: Jorge Díaz-Rullo, 2020

FFA: Jorge Díaz-Rullo, Ott 2021

9b The Full Journey

To the second anchor of "The Journey".

Tracciata: Tom Bolger, 2021

FA: Alex Megos, Ott 2022

9b Mejorando Imagen

Tracciata: Iker Pou

FA: Ramon Julian, 2013

Sportiva 20m, 9
Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Cami de la Presa Laboratori
9b First round, First Minute

Repeats by Adam Ondra, Alex Megos, Stefano Ghisolfi.

FFA: Chris Sharma, 2011

Sportiva 15m, 7
Catalunya Costa Daurada Siurana La Capella
9b La Capella

Repeats by Stefano Ghisolfi (13/01/2018) and Daniel Woods (25/02/2018).

Tracciata: David Brasco & Carles Brasco, 1995

FA: Adam Ondra, 2011

Sportiva 15m
Catalunya Costa Daurada Siurana El Pati
9b Golpe de Estado

Direct start of Estado Critico.

FA: Chris Sharma, 2008

Sportiva 35m
Catalunya Catalan coastal ranges north La Cova de l'Ocell Sector Coves
9b El Bon Combat

A "hard and beautiful" king line test piece put up by Chris Sharma. Originally graded 9b+, J. Schubert has suggested it could be a hard 9a+. Felipe seemed to confirm the 9b grade.


  • Chris Sharma - 7 March 2015
  • Jakob Schubert - 2 December 2018
  • Felipe Camargo - 18 April 2019


Tracciata: Martí Iglesias Galobart

FFA: Chris Sharma, 7 Mar 2015

Sportiva 25m
Aragon Huesca Rodellar El Museo
9b La Vie

Climbs the cave from left to right.

Tracciata: Jlpalao

FFA: Jonatan Flor, Ago 2022

Sportiva 45m
Aragon Huesca Rodellar Ali Baba
9b El Picacho

A combination of the boulder Picacho (8B+) with "Alí Hulk (extension)".

Tracciata: Dani Andrada

FFA: Jonatan Flor, Mag 2021

9b Alí Hulk (sds+extension)

FA: Dani Andrada, 2007

Andalusia Málaga Villanueva del Rosario Chilam
9b La Planta de Shiva

Described by Jonathan Siegrist as "Absolutely incredible route with no place to hide. Resistant like hell."

The route links a section of 8c into a steep and crimpy upper half to create a 45-meter endurance test-piece.

It was the first 9b to be freed by a female climber: Angy Eiter.

Tracciata: Manolo Del Castillo, 2006

FA: Adam Ondra, 2011

Sportiva 45m
Comunidad Valenciana Castellón Montanejos Barranco de la Maimona Pilas alcalinas
9a+/b El Maquinista

Tracciata: Pedro Pons & Nuria Martí, 2003

FA: Adam Ondra, Nov 2023

Sportiva 28m, 12
Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Santa Linya Cova Gran
9a+/b Catxasa R2

An alternative start to to La Fabela but with the same first anchor (where there is also a good rest). The second part is the same as "La Fabela pa la Enmienda", linked it is called Catxasa R2.

FA: Ramon Julian, 2012

Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Cami de Sant Salvador Raco De La Finestra
9a+/b Chan Chan Bastards

A combination of "The Journey" and "Café Colombia".

FFA: Alex Megos, Ott 2022

Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Cami de la Presa Cova De I'Obac
9a+/b Artaburu

As Iker Pou describes it: "a perfect roof, well not quite perfect, because it even descends, about 20 meters long across a series of pockets. A authentic ‘fiesta’ of monodoits and two-finger pockets across a roof that is scary just to look at." The climbing is obviously ferocious and extremely physical: "Very few footholds, and those that exist are very bad so you have to constantly dyno them from one pocket to the next."

Tracciata: Iker Pou

FFA: Iker Pou, 19 Dic 2018

Sportiva 20m
Castilla–La Mancha Cuenca Cuenca Hoz del Júcar Rincón de la Ermita
9a+/b Líder ibérico

A combination of 'Seta ibérica' and 'Circo ibérico'.

FA: Alex Garriga, Apr 2021

Sportiva 30m
Islas Baleares Mallorca Serra de Tramuntana El Museo
9a+/b Guggen-Hell

Comparte gran parte del recorrido con su vecino "Gran Guggenheim".

Shares a large part of the route with its neighbor "Gran Guggenheim".

FFA: Iker Pou, Feb 2021

Sportiva 50m
Aragon Huesca Rodellar El Museo
9a+/b Las Meninas R2

Las Meninas to the second anchor.

FFA: Jorge Díaz-Rullo, 16 Ago 2020

Aragon Huesca Rodellar Las Ventanas
9a+/b Patanics

A 60 meters long endurance challenge that connects three routes. 'Pata Negra' at the beginning, the crux of 'No pain no gain' and ends at the lower off of 'Botanics'.

Downgrade to 9a+ proposed by Sébastien Bouin and to 9a+/9b by Martin Tekles in 2023.

FFA: Jorge Díaz-Rullo, Ago 2019

Sportiva 60m
Andalusia Málaga Villanueva del Rosario Chilam
9a+/b Chilam Balam

Tracciata: Bernabé Fernandez, 2003

FA: Bernabé Fernandez, 2003

Sportiva 82m
9a - b
Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Cami de la Presa La planxa
9a - b Masterclass

Tracciata: Vicent Palau

Sportiva 30m, 15
Pais Vasco Oro Santuario
9a+ La Catedral de los narcos
Pais Vasco Eguino La Leze La cueva
9a+ Zeleputza

A combination of "Celedón Txiki" and "Harroputza".

FFA: Jonatan Flor, Ago 2021

Comunidad Valenciana Castellón Montanejos Las Termales Cueva Negra
9a+ Okachi

Jonatan Flor YouTube: GutikaFilms

Tracciata: Jonatan Flor & Javier Arrebola, 2023

FA: Jonatan Flor, Dic 2023

Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Santa Linya Cova Gran
9a+ Catxasa

Alternative start to La Fabela finishing at the anchor of La Fabela.

Tracciata: Dani Andrada

FA: Chris Sharma, 2011

9a+ Seleccio Anal

Seleccio Anal is a link-up between "Seleccio Natural" and "Analogica".

FA: Ramon Julian, 2013

Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Oliana Contrafort de Rumbau
9a+ Power Inverter

Tracciata: Chris Sharma

FA: Chris Sharma, 2010

Sportiva 45m
9a+ Joe Mama

Tracciata: Joe Kinder

FA: Klemen Bečan, 1 Mar 2016

9a+ Pachamama

Tracciata: Chris Sharma

FA: Chris Sharma, 2009

Sportiva 50m
9a+ Papichulo

A resistance 50m route with limited rests, perfect rock and a sketchy slab finish.


  • Chris Sharma - 31 May 2008
  • Adam Ondra - 24 Feb 2009
  • Ramón Julián Puigblanque
  • Sachi Amma
  • Cédric Lachat
  • Jakob Schubert
  • Domen Škofic
  • Magnus Midtbø
  • Mateusz Haladaj
  • Jonathan Siegrist
  • Daniel Woods
  • Matty Hong
  • Piotr Schab
  • Said Belhaj
  • Klemen Bečan
  • Patxi Usobiaga
  • Jon Cardwell
  • Felipe Camargo
  • Margo Hayes - 21 Mar 2019 - First Female ascent

FFA: Chris Sharma

Tracciata: Chris Sharma

FA: Chris Sharma, 2008

Sportiva 45m
9a+ Chaxi

Different start than Chaxi Raxi.

FFA: Chris Sharma, 2011

Sportiva 45m
Catalunya Eastern Pyrenees Sadernes la cúpula
9a+ Ráspala SportivaProgetto 16
Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef La Bisbal de Falset
9a+ Pink Patatas

FFA: Alex Megos, Ott 2022

Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Cami de Sant Salvador El Balco De L'Ermita
9a+ Nit de Bruixes

Tracciata: Jordi Pou

FFA: Iker Pou, 2012

Sportiva 30m
Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Cami de Sant Salvador Raco De La Finestra
9a+ The Journey

To the first anchor.

FFA: Tom Bolger

Tracciata: Tom Bolger, 2021

9a+ Carlota's Journey

Combination of Carlota (8c) into the top of "The Full Journey"

FA: Alex Megos, Mag 2022

9a+ Carlota la Colombiana

Starts on "Carlota", passes by the first anchor of "The Journey" to finish on "Café Colombia".

FFA: Jorge Díaz-Rullo, Apr 2022

9a+ Samfaina

9a or 9a+ - Jorge Díaz-Rullo given a upgrade

Tracciata: Andoni Perez

FFA: Chris Sharma, 2010

Sportiva 26m, 14
Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Cami de la Presa La Visera
9a+ Tierra Negra

FFA: Chris Sharma, 2012

Sportiva 45m, 20
9a+ Dependencia Bendita

Tracciata: Dani Andrada

SportivaProgetto 45m
Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Cami de la Presa El Purgatori
9a+ Maya

40m of one and two finger pockets and crimps.

Tracciata: Vicent Palau

FFA: Ramón Julián Puigblanque, 11 Set 2016

Sportiva 40m
Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Cami de la Presa Laboratori
9a+ First ley

FA: Chris Sharma, 2010

Sportiva 15m, 9
9a+ Demencia senil

Variant of Llamps I Trons.

FFA: Chris Sharma, 2009

Sportiva 16m, 10
Catalunya Costa Daurada Siurana La Capella
9a+ La Furia de Jabalí

Tracciata: Beto Rocasolano

FA: William Bosi, Mar 2021

Catalunya Costa Daurada Siurana El Pati
9a+ La Rambla

The original route was bolted in 1993 by Alexander Huber. First ascension: Alexander Huber in 1994. Assigned grade was 8c+ (length: 35 m).

Daniel Andrada added a 6 m extension and the climb is known as La Rambla/La Rambla Direct/La Rambla Extension. Grade: 9a+ (length: 41m).

This is the full length of La Rambla and includes the traverse after the first anchor. It connects to the anchor of La Reina Mora.

Climbed by Margo Hayes in 2017 making her the first woman to climb a confirmed 9a+.

Tracciata: Dani Andrada & Alexander Huber

FFA: Ramón Julián Puigblanque, 2003

Sportiva 41m, 17
Catalunya Catalan coastal ranges north Montserrat La Bauma del gaiato
9a+ Red Ram

The first route in ninth grade of Montserrat.

FFA: Ramon Julián, 2013

Sportiva 25m
Castilla–La Mancha Cuenca Chiusa Valdecabras Los Ceños
9a+ Qassam SportivaProgetto
Castilla–La Mancha Cuenca Chiusa Valdecabras El Madroñal
9a+ Black Block

FFA: Luis Alfonso Félix, 2011

Castilla–La Mancha Cuenca Cuenca Hoz del Huécar Museo de los Horrores
9a+ A Malleus Maleficarum

FFA: Alex Garriga, Apr 2021

Castilla–La Mancha Cuenca Cuenca Hoz del Júcar Rincón de la Ermita
9a+ Circo ibérico

Tracciata: José Pena, Luis Alfonso Felix & Jlpalao

FA: Jorge Díaz-Rullo, 2 Nov 2018

Sportiva 30m
9a+ Líder Negra

A combination of "Following the Leader" and "La Seta Negra".

FFA: Alex Garriga, Apr 2021

9a+ Following the Leader

FFA: Pablo Barbero, Nov 2014

Sportiva 30m
9a+ Seta ibérica

Connects 'Seta Negra' and 'Circo Ibérico'

FA: Jorge Díaz-Rullo, 25 Set 2019

Sportiva 30m
Islas Baleares Mallorca Serra de Tramuntana Fraguels Football Fan
9a+ Big Men

Tracciata: Carlos Raimundo

FFA: Iker Pou, 29 Apr 2015

Islas Baleares Mallorca Serra de Tramuntana El Museo
9a+ N-REM

Starts on the 8c+ and then continues to a separate anchor.

Tracciata: Jonatan Flor

FFA: Jonatan Flor, Mag 2023

9a+ Gran Guggenheim

Comienza en "Guggenheim" y termina en "Gran Lubre".

Starts on "Guggenheim" and exits on "Gran Lubre".

FFA: Iker Pou, Gen 2021

Aragon Zaragoza La Puebla de Albortón Foz De Zafrané Cueva Madre
9a+ Excelsior

Tracciata: Dani Fuertes, 2008

FFA: Dani Fuertes, 11 Ott 2022

Sportiva 60m
Aragon Huesca Santa Ana Pared del Vent
9a+ Obrint el Sistema

Tracciata: Victor Fernandez

FA: Adam Ondra, 2011

Aragon Huesca Rodellar El Museo
9a+ Mona Lisa integral

Initially graded 9a/a+.

Tracciata: Jlpalao

FFA: Jlpalao, Giu 2020

Sportiva 55m
9a+ Picasso

FFA: Jonatan Flor, 30 Set 2022

9a+ Apocalipsis de la Gioconda

Apocalypto with its 25m extension in the middle of the cave.

Tracciata: Dani Andrada & Jlpalao, 30 Nov 2017

FFA: Jonatan Flor, 26 Ago 2019

Sportiva 60m
Aragon Huesca Rodellar Las Ventanas
9a+ No Pain No Gain

Downgrade to 9a proposed by Sébastien Bouin .

Tracciata: Alejandro Gimenez & Daniel Fuertes, 2002

FA: Daniel Fuertes, 6 Giu 2017

Sportiva 40m
Aragon Huesca Rodellar Ali Baba
9a+ Picacho Increíble Total

A combination of several routes starting with a 8B+ boulder.

FFA: Jonatan Flor, Mag 2021

9a+ Fin de Ali Hulk extensión total sit start

FA: Dani Fuertes, Set 2020

9a+ Fin de Alí Hulk extension sit start

Starts with an 8B boulder and ends in Ali Hulk.

FFA: Jorge Díaz-Rullo, 7 Ago 2019

9a+ Alí Hulk (extension)

FA: Dani Andrada, 2007

9a+ Alí Hulk (sds)

FA: Dani Andrada, 2006

Andalusia Málaga Archidona Cueva de las Grajas
9a+ Orujo

Tracciata: Bernabé Fernandez

FA: Bernabé Fernandez, 1998

Sportiva 45m
Pais Vasco Baltzola
9a/a+ Iñi Ameriketan

Same start as 'Il domani'.

Tracciata: Inigo Bastera, 1995

FA: Ricardo Otegui, 2002

Murcia Mula Chiusa El Santuario
9a/a+ La Catedral de los Narcos

Starts with the first 5 five bolts of La Catedral, followed by 2 of "La Catedral del Mal", crosses into Hipoxia and finishes on "Narcótica".

FFA: Jose Luis Palao, Feb 2020

Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Santa Linya Cova Gran
9a/a+ Ciudad de Dios pa la Enmienda

Ciudad de Dios linked into La Novena Enmienda.

FA: Anak Verhoeven, Dic 2017

9a/a+ Catxasita

FA: Tom Bolger, 2012

9a/a+ Open Your Mind Direct

The full length of Open Your Mind Direct with its 15m extension.

The grade of this route varied from an initial 9a+ to 9a/9a+ or even 9a. After the ascent by Mateusz Haladaj a hold broke and Ashima Shiraishi was the first to repeat the route after that. Since then the consensus is at 9a/9a+.

Tracciata: Dani Andrada

FFA: Ramón Julián Puigblanque, 2007

Sportiva 40m
9a/a+ JoeDan para la enmienda

Links JoeDan into La Enmienda.

FFA: Edu Marín, 10 Mag 2023

Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Terradets Paret de les Bruixes
9a/a+ Definición De Resistencia Demócrata

FA: Dani Andrada, 2005

Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Mont Roig
9a/a+ Tekimuking a Despertar

A long traverse and a variante of Tekimuking de la Mare.

FA: Dani Andrada, Mag 2019

Sportiva 60m
Catalunya Central Outer Pyrenees Oliana Contrafort de Rumbau
9a/a+ Patxitxulo

A connection of "Joe Blau" and "Papichulo".

FA: Patxi Usobiaga, Mar 2017

9a/a+ Happy Day

FA: Adam Ondra, 10 Feb 2017

Sportiva 47m, 2
Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Cami de Sant Salvador Raco De La Finestra
9a/a+ Victima Perfecta

Connects "Victimes del Passat", with "Gancho Perfecto". Initially graded 8c+ par Ramon Julian, it was upgraded to 9a/+ by Tom Bolger and Jorge Díaz-Rullo.

Tracciata: Chris Sharma & Dani Andrada

FFA: Ramon Julian, 2008

Sportiva 27m, 15
9a/a+ Gancho Perfecto

Repeated by Stefano Ghisolfi (6/4/2018).

Tracciata: Chris Sharma

FA: Chris Sharma, 2008

Catalunya Costa Daurada Margalef Les Espadelles Racó de les Espadelles
9a/a+ Wild West

Shares the first part with Wild Publico and the Upper Part with Pal Oeste.

Tracciata: Tom Bolger

FFA: Tom Bolger, Gen 2021

Catalunya Catalan coastal ranges north Roca Gironella
9a/a+ La piedra agermanat

FFA: Jorge Díaz-Rullo, 16 Lug 2020

Castilla–La Mancha Cuenca Cuenca Hoz del Huécar Museo de los Horrores
9a/a+ Outer Ring R2

Shares finish with "El subnormal del antihydral".

FFA: Álex Garriga, Dic 2022

Aragon Huesca Rodellar
9a/a+ De Battre Mon Cœurs s'est Arrêté
Aragon Huesca Rodellar El Museo
9a/a+ Las Meninas

FFA: Jorge Díaz-Rullo, 1 Ago 2020

9a/a+ La Fuga de Picasso

Easier finish of "Picasso".

Tracciata: Jonatan Flor

FFA: Jonatan Flor, 21 Set 2022

Aragon Huesca Rodellar La Piscineta
9a/a+ De battre mon coeur s'est arrêté

A long and steep overhanging line.

Tracciata: Serge Casteran

FFA: Dani Andrada, 2 Lug 2017

Sportiva 50m
Aragon Huesca Rodellar Ali Baba
9a/a+ Delincuente Natural

This route climbs 10 meters of roof to end up joining with Hulk after a precarious rest. Initially graded 9b, downgraded by Jonatan Flor to 9a.

Tracciata: Dani Andrada, 2007

FA: Dani Andrada, 2008

9a/a+ Ali Hulk (variant)

FA: Dani Andrada, 2007


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