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Tutti 79 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
9b Stoking the Fire

Same start and same end as "Mercenaris del Passat". There is also a variant with a different finish, equipped by Chris Sharma.

First repeat by Adam Ondra, Feb-2016

Tracciata: Tomasz Mrazek

FFA: Chris Sharma, 2013

Sportiva Santa Linya
9a+/b Catxasa R2

An alternative start to to La Fabela but with the same first anchor (where there is also a good rest). The second part is the same as "La Fabela pa la Enmienda", linked it is called Catxasa R2.

FA: Ramon Julian, 2012

Sportiva Santa Linya
9b La Capella

Repeats by Stefano Ghisolfi (13/01/2018) and Daniel Woods (25/02/2018).

Tracciata: David Brasco & Carles Brasco, 1995

FA: Adam Ondra, 2011

Sportiva 15m Siurana
9a+/b Guggen-Hell

Comparte gran parte del recorrido con su vecino "Gran Guggenheim".

Shares a large part of the route with its neighbor "Gran Guggenheim".

FFA: Iker Pou, Feb 2021

Sportiva 50m El Museo
9b Mamichula

This route connects Pachamama 9a+ and Papichulo 9a+ and was described by Adam Ondra as demanding "incredible power endurance without any rest."

Initially this connection seemed utterly extreme - perhaps even 9b+ like neighbouring Dura Dura freed by Ondra in 2013 - but was then rendered more "humane" when Ondra discovered a new sequence to get across the traverse.

  • Adam Ondra - 8 Feb 2017
  • Seb Bouin - 16 April 2019

FA: Adam Ondra, 8 Feb 2017

Sportiva Oliana
9b Alí Hulk (sds+extension)

FA: Dani Andrada, 2007

Sportiva Rodellar
9a+/b Líder ibérico

A combination of 'Seta ibérica' and 'Circo ibérico'.

FA: Alex Garriga, Apr 2021

Sportiva 30m Cuenca
9a+/b El Maquinista

Tracciata: Pedro Pons & Nuria Martí, 2003

FA: Adam Ondra, Nov 2023

Sportiva 28m, 12 Montanejos
9b El Picacho

A combination of the boulder Picacho (8B+) with "Alí Hulk (extension)".

Tracciata: Dani Andrada

FFA: Jonatan Flor, Mag 2021

Sportiva Rodellar
9b Mejorando Imagen

Tracciata: Iker Pou

FA: Ramon Julian, 2013

Sportiva 20m, 9 Margalef
9a+/b Artaburu

As Iker Pou describes it: "a perfect roof, well not quite perfect, because it even descends, about 20 meters long across a series of pockets. A authentic ‘fiesta’ of monodoits and two-finger pockets across a roof that is scary just to look at." The climbing is obviously ferocious and extremely physical: "Very few footholds, and those that exist are very bad so you have to constantly dyno them from one pocket to the next."

Tracciata: Iker Pou

FFA: Iker Pou, 19 Dic 2018

Sportiva 20m Margalef
9a+/b Patanics

A 60 meters long endurance challenge that connects three routes. 'Pata Negra' at the beginning, the crux of 'No pain no gain' and ends at the lower off of 'Botanics'.

Downgrade to 9a+ proposed by Sébastien Bouin and to 9a+/9b by Martin Tekles in 2023.

FFA: Jorge Díaz-Rullo, Ago 2019

Sportiva 60m Rodellar
9a+/b Las Meninas R2

Las Meninas to the second anchor.

FFA: Jorge Díaz-Rullo, 16 Ago 2020

Sportiva Rodellar
9b Café Solo

A left finish to "Café Colombia".

Tracciata: Jorge Díaz-Rullo, 2020

FFA: Jorge Díaz-Rullo, Ott 2021

Sportiva Margalef
9b The Full Journey

To the second anchor of "The Journey".

Tracciata: Tom Bolger, 2021

FA: Alex Megos, Ott 2022

Sportiva Margalef
9b First round, First Minute

Repeats by Adam Ondra, Alex Megos, Stefano Ghisolfi.

FFA: Chris Sharma, 2011

Sportiva 15m, 7 Margalef
9b La Vie

Climbs the cave from left to right.

Tracciata: Jlpalao

FFA: Jonatan Flor, Ago 2022

Sportiva 45m Rodellar
9b Neanderthal

FFA: Chris Sharma, 2009

Sportiva 40m Santa Linya
9a+/b Chan Chan Bastards

A combination of "The Journey" and "Café Colombia".

FFA: Alex Megos, Ott 2022

Sportiva Margalef
9b Chaxiraxi

Tracciata: Chris Sharma

FFA: Adam Ondra, 2011

Sportiva 45m Oliana
9b Golpe de Estado

Direct start of Estado Critico.

FA: Chris Sharma, 2008

Sportiva 35m Siurana
9b Fight or Flight

The route has a first part made of 25 very sustained movements graded 9a+, followed by a second 8c part with 12 movements including a dyno.

A knee bar has been found in the first crux (the sequence was downgraded from 8a to 7c+), however a hold has broken higher up on the dyno which makes it significantly harder to throw. All in all the route is still considered 9b


  • Chris Scharma - 7 May 2011
  • Adam Ondra
  • Jakob Schubert
  • Sachi Amma
  • Piotr Schab

FA: Chris Sharma

FFA: Chris Sharma, 2011

Sportiva 35m Oliana
9b La Planta de Shiva

Described by Jonathan Siegrist as "Absolutely incredible route with no place to hide. Resistant like hell."

The route links a section of 8c into a steep and crimpy upper half to create a 45-meter endurance test-piece.

It was the first 9b to be freed by a female climber: Angy Eiter.

Tracciata: Manolo Del Castillo, 2006

FA: Adam Ondra, 2011

Sportiva 45m Villanueva del Rosario
9a - b Masterclass

Tracciata: Vicent Palau

Sportiva 30m, 15 Margalef
9a+/b Chilam Balam

Tracciata: Bernabé Fernandez, 2003

FA: Bernabé Fernandez, 2003

Sportiva 82m Villanueva del Rosario
9b El Bon Combat

A "hard and beautiful" king line test piece put up by Chris Sharma. Originally graded 9b+, J. Schubert has suggested it could be a hard 9a+. Felipe seemed to confirm the 9b grade.


  • Chris Sharma - 7 March 2015
  • Jakob Schubert - 2 December 2018
  • Felipe Camargo - 18 April 2019


Tracciata: Martí Iglesias Galobart

FFA: Chris Sharma, 7 Mar 2015

Sportiva 25m La Cova de l'Ocell
FB:8C Hipoxia

The "inverse" line of "Parálisis Espástica".

FA: Beto Rocasolano, 2018

Boulder Valle del Alberche
FB:8C Purple Panther

Tracciata: Chris Sharma

FA: Paul Roca, 2021

Boulder Taradell
FB:8C Parálisis Espástica

FA: César Quero, 1 Lug 2017

Boulder Valle del Alberche
FB:8B+ Salvatge

FA: Pol Roca, Set 2020

Boulder Taradell
FB:8B+ C Boulder El Cogul
FB:8B+ Kike
Boulder Teverga
8B+ Ninja

Hardest boulder of Tenerife! Video first ascent. Video first ascent 0:50.

FA: Guntram Jörg, 2013

Boulder Tenerife
FB:8C Kikela
Boulder Teverga
8B/B+ El Guanche Boulder 5m Tenerife
FB:8C Airian

Airian begins in the Arroita block and ends at the top of "Hay que Masticar Antes de Tragar".

FA: Iban Larrión, 2012

Boulder Baltzola
FB:8C Kaisen


Initially graded as 9A but downgraded by Jorge Díaz-Rullo to 8C.

Beto Rocasolano youtube

FA: Alberto Rocasolano, 7 Ott 2016

Boulder Torrelodones
FB:8B+ Picacho

FA: Dani Andrada, 2006

Boulder Rodellar
FB:8B+/C Mandragora sit

"El bloque en sí podemos desglosarlo como 3 movimientos de 8A o 8A+, seguidos de 3 movimientos de 8B, para luego hacer un 7C+ algo psicológico." (Alberto Rocasolano)


Alberto Rocasolano on

FA: Alberto Rocasolano, 2015

Boulder Buñol
FB:8B+ Valkiria Boulder Albarracín
FB:8B+ Guria Boulder Albarracín
FB:8B+ Jotake Boulder Albarracín
FB:8B+ Stratus Boulder Albarracín
FB:8C Juneru (sit) Boulder Albarracín
FB:8B+ La teoría del todo

#standstart - initially graded 8C+ but downgraded by Rubén Díaz and Jonatan Flor.

FA: Beto Rocasolano, Nov 2016

Boulder Albarracín
FB:8C El Muro sit

FA: Nacho Sánchez, Ott 2021

Boulder Quirós
8B+ Narsil
Boulder Sierra de Béjar y Candelario
FB:8B+/C Demogordo

FA: Nacho Sánchez, Dic 2018

Boulder Quirós
8B+ Campamento gitano
Boulder Sierra de Béjar y Candelario
8B+ El legado sentado
Boulder Sierra de Béjar y Candelario
FB:8C Juneru

Rubén Díaz YouTube #standstart #topout #crimps #slopers

FA: Rubén Díaz, Ott 2020

Boulder Albarracín
8C Eterno legado
Boulder Sierra de Béjar y Candelario
8C La legión
Boulder Sierra de Béjar y Candelario
FB:8B+ Charlotte
Boulder La Pedriza
8B+ Aurora sentado
Boulder Sierra de Béjar y Candelario
FB:8B+ Lemento (sit)

FA: Carlos Ruano, Mar 2019

Boulder La Pedriza
8C El proyecto de tu vida

A roof full of small crimps.

FA: Nacho Sánchez, Ott 2020

Boulder Sierra de Béjar y Candelario
FB:8B+ Dramas y Comedias
Boulder La Pedriza
8B+ Indartxu
Boulder Sierra de Béjar y Candelario
FB:8B+ Cacahuete


FA: Rubén Díaz, Mar 2021

Boulder Albarracín
8B+ Ikara
Boulder Sierra de Béjar y Candelario
8B+ Zoe
Boulder Sierra de Béjar y Candelario
8B+ Eki
Boulder Sierra de Béjar y Candelario
FB:8B/B+ Mens sana

El bloque más duro de Galicia? Repeticiones?

FA: Iker Arroitajauregi, 2013

Boulder Mens - Punta Nariga
FB:8B+ Coppa Bombastico
Boulder Alcañiz
FB:8C Soyuz Low Start

The hardest known boulder problem in Zaralejo, Spain. The V15 Rating is only for the boulder when using the low start.

FFA: Alberto Rocasolano, Dic 2014

FA: Alberto Rocasolano, Dic 2014

Boulder Zarzalejo
FB:8C Cassim

A sit start at the bottom of the cave continuing with the end of Ali Baba, exiting through the classic exit on the left.

FFA: Dave Graham, 2 Nov 2022

Boulder Rodellar
FB:8B+ Zarzafar

FA: Nacho Sánchez, 2012

Boulder Zarzalejo
FB:8B+ Ba - Boom
Boulder Alcañiz
FB:8B+/C El Elegido

FA: Beto Rocasolano, Dic 2017

Boulder La Pedriza
FB:8B+ Master and Cifuentes
Boulder Alcañiz
FB:8C Entropía

FA: Nacho Sánchez

Boulder Castillo de Bayuela
FB:8B+ El Lado Oscuro de la Fuerza

Same finish as Entropía.

Boulder Castillo de Bayuela
FB:8B+ Cosa nostra
Boulder Almenara
FB:8C El Indomable

FA: Beto Rocasolano, 10 Ott 2017

Boulder Tamajon
FB:8C Kemena

Kemena “es un bloque explosivo de fuerza de dedos, pasos físicos y tensión corporal; empieza con seis pasos 'fáciles' para cambiar el ritmo con cuatro pasos duros y terminar con un mantle 'fácil'”, describe Rubén Díaz.

Kemena significa "valor" o "valentía", en euskera

Rubén Díaz Torres


FA: Rubén Díaz Torres, 2013

Boulder Almenara
FB:8C Catalan Witness the Fitness

FFA: Chris Sharma, Gen 2016

Boulder La Cova de l'Ocell
FB:8C Hell Boy

FA: Juan Alonso, Mag 2023

Boulder Tamajon
FB:8B+ Laurok

Rubén Díaz Torres


FA: Rubén Díaz Torres

Boulder Almenara

Tutti 79 vie visualizzati.

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