
Vie in Nevada

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Ordina per: Modifica in blocco (max 100)
Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità Falesia
5.9 Bonaire

A nice lead, though many seem to skip the first bolt, and start right of it to climb to 2nd bolt.

Sportiva 18m, 6 Red Rock
5.10a Gelatin Pooch Sportiva 10m Red Rock
5.6 Cat in the Hat

One of the most popular multi-pitch routes at Red Rocks due, at least in part, to large comfortable belay ledges the whole way. Can be rappelled on one 70m rope with a bit of 4th class down-climbing, or with two ropes.

Starts below an obvious left-slanting crack.

  1. 150' 5.5 - Climb the left slanting crack, skip the optional belay at 90', up a wider crack to a ledge, then continue up the crack to another ledge. Bolted anchors are a few yards out to the right.

  2. 50' 5.5. Hike right along the ledge, boulder up to the next ledge, and up gentle slabs to a steeper wall. Re-belay from here, then up steepish black wall to a small overhang, the up a left-facing corner to a ledge with trees. End on a belay off a small group of trees.

  3. 120' 5.6. Start up 4th class terrain about 15' to a small ledge, climb a thin crack in the varnished face left of a small corner to a small roof, traverse left under the roof to another crack that continues upwards, and up this to a ledge with a large block on it. Belay off slings around the large block.

  4. 50' 5.3. Traverse right and a bit down to a ledge with a crack above it and anchors.

  5. 110' 5.6. Climb the crack, past a bolt to run-out 5.5 terrain to the anchors. Most people end here at the anchor and rappel.

FA: Harrison, Broussard & Van Betten

Trad 210m, 5 Red Rock
5.9 Buck's Muscle World Sportiva 8m, 3 Red Rock
5.10b Pump First, Pay Later Sportiva 10m Red Rock
5.8 Brief Encounter

Left-most bolted line on the front of the cliff.

FA: Albert Newman & Leo Henson

Sportiva 20m, 6 Red Rock
5.8 II Dark Shadows
  1. Climb the slab between bolts. Stay calm, it really is easy.... (5.5)

  2. Stellar pitch up a dihedral crack system, you should try get another red cam stuck, this pitch needs more fixed gear! Can be linked with pitch 1. (5.7)

  3. A long, long and rewarding pitch, the desert paten looks intimidating, but those cutouts are just sooooo good. For a confident leader you will be running this one out. (5.7)

  4. The money pitch, but so short. Trend right off the belay over lots of air. Negotiate the offwidth, look around for gear, then fire out to the right across a series of stellar, unprotected but bomber face moves. Unreal. (5.8)

Descent: With 2x60m ropes, rappel down to the top of P2. Or, with 1 x 60m rope do 2 rappels with a hanging belay half way. From P2 anchors rappel to the ground avoiding the pool below.

FA: Nick Nordblom & Jon Martinet, 1979

Trad 100m, 4 Red Rock
5.11d Sweet Pain Sportiva 15m, 5 Red Rock
5.7 Boxer Rebellion

Starts where the ledge turns into a ramp up to the right.

FA: Albert Newman & Leo Henson

Sportiva 15m, 6 Red Rock
5.9 Sport Climbing Is Neither Sportiva 8m, 3 Red Rock
5.10c Running Amuck Sportiva 10m Red Rock
5.8 Neon Sunset

Climb the closely spaced bolts up the center of the wall.

Sportiva 14m, 9 Red Rock
5.10a Vagabonds Sportiva 20m, 8 Red Rock
5.9 Bon Ez Sportiva 20m, 7 Red Rock
5.10d Nightmare on Crude Street Sportiva 20m Red Rock
5.11c Yaak Crack Sportiva 15m Red Rock
5.7 Silk Panties

The right-most bolted route, about half-way up the ramp.

FA: Donette Swain & Todd Swain

Sportiva 12m, 5 Red Rock
5.11b Rebel without a Pause Sportiva 10m Red Rock
5.8 Frogland
Trad 290m, 6 Red Rock
5.11a Glitter Gulch Sportiva 20m Red Rock
5.11b Caustic

The obvious arrete at the front of the crag.

Sportiva 15m Red Rock
5.10a Dancin' with a God Sportiva 14m, 6 Red Rock
5.6 Physical Graffiti

P1: start on scrubby vertical arête with lots of features and a crack for pro. Follow crack past small roof to ledge. P2: Move right to steep corner crack and continue to top. Rap station is on the backside, to the right.

FA: Jon Martinet, Randal Grandstaff & Scott Gordon

Trad 94m, 2 Red Rock
5.8 IV Crimson Chrysalis

One of the best 5.8's in the world.

  1. 140ft (5.8)

  2. 100ft (5.8)

  3. 100ft (5.8) 2&3 can be linked with 60m rope.

  4. 160ft (5.8)

  5. 110ft (5.8)

  6. 100ft (5.6)

  7. 130ft (5.7)

  8. 80ft (5.7)

  9. 75ft (5.8)

Descent: rap the route.

FA: Jorge & Joanne Urioste, 1979

Trad 250m, 9 Red Rock
5.9 Electric Koolaid

The left-most bolted route.

The first bolt is high, very high. Most of the climbing to it is easy -- 5.2/5.3 stuff, but unless you're quite tall and reachy, one very high up (15' or so) 5.7ish move must be done to clip the first bolt, making the start very committing.

Sportiva 14m, 5 Red Rock
5.7 Birdland

A superb sustained route at the grade (5.7+). Very popular, due to bolted anchors, ability to be rappelled on single 70m rope, and very good climbing with generally solid protection.

Start below the left-most of 2 obvious long cracks the split the lower part of the varnished buttress left of the corner that Spectrum climbs to the roof 60ft up. This is a few yards above a huge boulder that leans against the cliff creating a tunnel.

  1. Climb the left crack to an anchor on a treed ledge. 110ft. 5.5 (Handren says 5.6, but it doesn't climb that hard.)

  2. Climb straight up from the anchor, then follow a crack in the wall right of the main chimney to a ledge. Up the steep corner, then right under a block to an anchor at the right end of a big ledge. 110ft 5.7.

  3. Go up and right about 10ft of easy ground to a left-leaning corner. At the top, traverse left past a bolt (crux) then up a steep crack to a ledge. Then up and right to the anchor. 85ft, 5.7+.

  4. Go up about 20ft to a horizontal crack, then move up and right accross discontinuous cracks to an anchor on the face. This pitch has the most complicated route-finding -- generally, when in doubt, go up or right. On the face there should be a down-arching horizontal curve, and the anchor being aimed for is near the bottom of the curve. Belay at anchors with huecos for your feet. 95ft 5.6.

  5. Move up and right to a thin crack, then over a bulge and up a thin (finger crack) on a varnished face with small holds and small gear. Finish on a small triangular, down-sloping ledge (crux). 95ft, 5.7+.

  6. Variant, adds an extra 75ft pitch, not usually climbed due to fragile rock and run-out climbing. Climb up passing a small roof on the right, then continue up and right to an anchor in a small right-facing corner. 75ft, 5.7.

FA: Mark Limage & Chris Burton

Trad 150m, 5 Red Rock
5.10a What's Eating You?

FA: Todd Swain, Randy Schenkel & Andy Schenkel

Sportiva 14m, 3 Red Rock
5.8 Technicolor Sunrise

Start on the left side of the triangular cut-out, and follow the bolts up and generally right-wards to an anchor.

Sportiva 14m, 5 Red Rock
5.7 PG Olive Oil

A Red Rocks Classic!

Approach: from Pine Creek parking lot, follow the main trail just past an old home foundation. Take a left here on the Oak Creek trail. This trail eventually forks right after about 15 minutes. Take a right on a faint trail heading to Juniper Canyon. Head for the Rose Tower, a rounded top pink formation by going into the second of two gullies. The first gully is the descent. The climb starts bout 250 yards up this gully after going over some boulders and a small creek, at a small clear beneath a left-facing, left-leaning chimney in a corner.

  1. 90ft (5.7R) Climb the slab on the left side of the corner, passing a bulge (crux) and head diagonally right to a small sandy alcove,

  2. 120ft (5.7) Climb the corner then move right into a splitter crack (fingers an hands) to a small ledge (semi-hanging gear belay)

  3. 100ft (5.7) Continue up the crack, over a bulge and then move left into the corner. Climb the corner and belay with gear at a good ledge on the arete.

  4. 140ft (5.7) Traverse right and then up a runout easy face, trending right towards a huge left facing corner. Follow the corner to a big flat area atop the column. Don’t go into the corner too soon. You can use some stoppers for your anchors here and save some cams for the long pitch ahead.

  5. 195ft (5.7) The money pitch! Head up and right to the beautiful corner as long as the rope will get you. A 60m barely reaches a small ledge at the top of the corner. Save somesmall to medium size gear (.75 camalot) for the belay.

  6. 50ft (4th class) Head right and up, then right and up again to the big flat top of the Rose Tower. Sign the logbook

Descent: Head north off the Rose Tower (the other side of where you came from) with 1 short exposed down-climb, then hike south down the gully (gully east of Rose Tower).

FA: George Urioste, Joanne Urioste & John Williamson, 1978

Trad 300m, 6 Red Rock
5.7 Johnny Vegas
1 5.7
2 5.7
3 5.6
4 5.4

Starts behind pillar that looks like it has a boulder perched on it, left of the Solar Slab Gully.

  1. 5.6 40m Cracks and featured patina to a bolted belay below a right facing corner.

  2. 5.6 30m Corner and crack to belay in middle of face.

  3. 5.6 30m Up and right to chicken heads on arete. Step left above roof to anchor.

  4. 5.4 20m Easily up to 'Solar Slab' terrace.

Trad 120m, 4 Red Rock
5.9 Big Bad Wolf

Featured in Climbing magazine's "America's Best 100 sport climbs" (Oct 2015). The rock is a little hollow in places, but well bolted. All pitches have a 5.9 crux which makes this route a sensational journey up a beautiful wall.

The bolted route between Red Riding Hood and Physical Grafitti, starting off raised platform left of Physical Graffiti.

P1) 70ft, 5.9, steep juggy wall. 8 bolts.

P2) 80ft, 5.8, slabby friction climbing. 8 bolts.

P3) 70ft, 5.8, a little friction, then steep juggy finish to anchor. 8 bolts.


Option 1) climb a 4th pitch of low 5th class past 2 bolts to another anchor, maybe 30 foot, then walk off climber's left and down the descent gully.

Option 2) Rappel from the top of pitch 3, 2 x 60m ropes reach the ground with about 1 foot spare, make sure your 60m ropes are 60m!

Option 3) Rappel the route with 3 single rope rappels.

FA: Dan Young, L Gallia & E Allen, 2011

Sportiva 67m, 3, 26 Red Rock
5.6 III Solar Slab

Approach via Johnny Vegas or Solar Slab Gully. Both are easy, Johnny Vegas is great value, too.

Descent - Either do some soloing to the right of the route facing the wall, or follow cairns up and left to the Black Orchard Gully walls. A single 70m rap, (double ropes, on rope stretch just!) or multiple 20-30m raps will get you down to the slabs. From here, it's a ~hour walk down (trend UP the canyon, but down the slabs), and then back down through the canyon to the car. This descent is more tiring than the walk out, but can avoid scary scrambling and abseil madness.

A single rack to 3 will get you there with some inspiring runouts if you choose to link pitches.

Climb pitch 1 further than the original finish, anchor on the block half way up pitch 2. This lets you get to the p3 anchor with a 70m rope. A few other pitches can be linked (you might need to simul ~5m), making for an enjoyable day out.

Trad 370m, 9 Red Rock
5.9 Epinephrine

This is it. THE classic red rocks route. And it's just as good as everyone says it is. Original route description said 18 pitches, but it can be done in as little as 11 with some boldish soloing in the upper segments.

  1. 5.8 Start at the base of a steep, gray face Climb past a couple bolts up to a ledge with a few small trees. Continue up a white face, over a small roof, and past a slabby bolt-protected move to the belay. If you place a lot of gear, rope drag will be terrible. So, either use a lot of long runners, run it out, or do it in two pitches.

  2. 5.6 Climb up the chimney to easier terrain. This is your warmup for the more serious chimneys above. Belay at the base of the major chimney system.

  3. 5.9 Follow tricky 5.8 flakes up to the "real" chimney section. Grunt, squirm, and slither your way to the belay 170 ft above. This is probably the most cardiovascularly tasking pitch of the entire climb. Conservation of energy and minimization of effort is critical.

  4. 5.9 I think this is the hardest pitch of the climb. Paste your foot on the slippery chimney wall that's angling the "wrong" way, arm bar in the off-width at the back of the chimney, and worm your way up to a good bucket. Continue over some tricky blocks and cracks to a beautiful 15' hand crack. Belay on a nice (but small) ledge with bolts.

  5. 5.9 A tricky mantle starts the pitch off. Then, the climbing turns to "feet/knees to back" chimneying. Finish at the top of the tower. This is a really fun pitch.

  6. 5.7 Switch into face climbing mode, and cruise the bolt-protected 5.7 face above. Pull the 5.7 roof, and head right to a good ledge.

  7. 5.9 Move the belay right to the base of the "Elephant's Trunk". Head up the Trunk (5.6), past a two-bolt anchor, and up a steep 5.9 face to another two-bolt anchor. The climbing here is exquisite. There are good holds everywhere, but it's steep and really exposed.

  8. 5.9 Climb up another beautiful face/dihedral to an alcove with a two-bolt anchor. More steepness and exposure!

  9. 5.8 Follow the dihedral for 170 ft or so to a two-bolt anchor. This pitch is fun cruising.

  10. 5.9 Continue up the dihedral to a 5.9-ish roof. Pull it, step left, and belay. The roof is probably not 5.9. People think it's that hard because they're so tired by this point.

  11. 5.6 Fly up easy terrain to the end of the technical difficulties.

  12. 5.4 Climb up the right facing ramp to a flat, bushy ledge. Best simulclimbed on a shortened rope.

  13. 5.4 Climb up the right facing ramp to a flat, bushy ledge. Best simulclimbed on a shortened rope.

  14. 5.4 Climb up the right facing ramp to a flat, bushy ledge. Best simulclimbed on a shortened rope.

  15. (4th Class) Head across the slanted ledge to the giant pine tree. Easy but very exposed.

  16. (2nd Class) Unrope at the tree and scramble to victory.

FA: Jorge Urioste, Joanne Urioste & Joe Herbst, 1978

Trad 680m, 16 Red Rock
5.8 I Ragged Edges Trad 50m Red Rock
5.11b Slave to the Grind Sportiva 20m Red Rock
5.10d Crude Boys Sportiva 20m, 6 Red Rock
5.11c A Day in the Life Sportiva 15m Red Rock
5.11a Under the Boardwalk

Featured in Climbing magazine's "America's Best 100 sport climbs" (Oct 2015).

Big holds low down lead to smaller ones up top, the crux is probably just after the last bolt at some slopers.

Tracciata: Karin Henson & Leo Henson, 1996

Sportiva 15m, 6 Red Rock
5.12a Fear and Loathing III Sportiva 18m, 9 Red Rock
5.9 Crude Behavior

FA: Steagall, Sandefur, Werner & and Sobocan

Sportiva 14m, 4 Red Rock
5.7 III Tunnel Vision Trad 230m, 6 Red Rock
5.10b Burros Might Fly Sportiva 17m, 6 Red Rock
5.6 Panty Prow

Climb the rounded arete to the right of the face, then traverse to the anchor. A very committing feeling lead for a 5.6.

FA: Donette Swain & Todd Swain

Sportiva 18m, 6 Red Rock
5.8 Sacred Undergarment Squeeze Job

2nd bolted line from the left, with 8 bolts up to an anchor. Lots of fun.

FA: Mark Limage

Sportiva 18m, 8 Red Rock
5.10c Burros Don't Gamble Sportiva 19m, 7 Red Rock
5.11a Gridlock Sportiva 15m Red Rock
5.8 A Man in Every Pot

FA: Debbie Brenchley & Todd Swain

Sportiva 12m, 3 Red Rock
5.10b Cat Walk Sportiva 15m, 4 Red Rock
V2 Potato Chips

An iconic Red Rocks boulder problem. Crouch with small but incut crimps and climb directly to the lip, and mantle above.

Boulder 5m Red Rock
5.10- Mac and Ronnie in Cheese

FA: Todd Swain & Debbie Brenchley

Sportiva 14m, 4 Red Rock
5.10c American Sportsman Sportiva 15m Red Rock
5.10a IV Dream of Wild Turkeys Trad 300m, 10 Red Rock
5.9 The CEL

First bolted route on the left as you enter the corridor.

Sportiva 15m, 6 Red Rock
5.9 Blonde Dwarf

Starting just right of "Electric Coolaid", climb the right sloping crack until it turns vertical and peters out in the slight scoop in the face, then follow two bolts up and leftwards to the shared anchor.

Trad mista 14m, 2 Red Rock
5.3 Solar Slab Gully

This climbs the gully to the right of lower solar slab.

  1. 150ft 5.1. Climb past first anchor at 80' to second anchor at 150' on a solid ledge beside a small tree.

  2. 80ft 5.0. Climb up and left with some 3rd class to the base of a wide chimney split by a rib.

  3. 150ft 5.1. Climb up the crack on the right side of the rib, then up some easy slab to a short steep section.

  4. 80ft 5.3 Climb up a steep section (stemming), to flat ground, to a second (less) steep section, then look for an anchor on light-coloured rock to the right of the gulley.

Rappel the route (should go on a single 60m rope).

Trad 150m, 4 Red Rock
5.10d Haunted Hooks Sportiva 25m Red Rock
5.9 Crude Street Blues Sportiva 14m, 5 Red Rock
V1 Poker Chips

Sit start with big flakes, follow the lip up and right to the apex of the overhang. Top out.

Boulder 4m Red Rock
5.10+ The Runaway Sportiva 15m Red Rock
5.10d Range of Motion Sportiva 11m, 4 Red Rock
5.8 The Great Red Book Trad 82m, 2 Red Rock
5.11c Sister of Pain Sportiva 20m Red Rock
5.9 Lewd, Crude, and Misconstrued Sportiva 18m, 6 Red Rock
5.10b Fool's Gold Sportiva 14m, 5 Red Rock
5.12c Minstrel in the Gallery Sportiva 21m Red Rock
5.8 Zipperhead

Climb the thin crack about 10ft right of Neon Sunset until it runs out, then up a seam, then run out to a bolt, then to the anchor for whichever adjacent route you choose.

Trad mista 14m, 1 Red Rock
5.10d Claimjumper's Special
Sportiva 23m Red Rock
5.9 Thermal Breakdown

FA: Steagall, Sandefur, Werner & and Sobocan

Sportiva 15m, 6 Red Rock
5.10a Manifest Destiny

Climbs the center line on the tallest part of the main wall. Step across to two good crimps, then work straight up the vertical varnish face along a series of breaks. Work through the break and onto the high angle slab above, and work this to the anchor.

Sportiva 20m, 6 Red Rock
5.11a Baseboy Direct
Sportiva 18m, 7 Red Rock
5.10a Panty Raid

Climb diagonally up rightwards to the obvious crack splitting the large varnished area on the front of the cliff.

Trad 21m Red Rock
5.13c Screaming Target

FA: Dan McQuade, 1995

Sportiva 7 Mount Charleston
5.10c III The Prince of Darkness
Alpinistica 200m Red Rock
5.11a Scorpions
Sportiva 15m Red Rock
5.6 Cover My Buttress

FA: Todd Swain

Trad 12m Red Rock
5.10b Pleasure Dog Sportiva 15m, 4 Red Rock
5.7 757 2X4

Route starts immediately past the boulders in the middle of the corridor. Follow right-leaning crack to finish.

Sportiva 15m, 7 Red Rock
5.11b The Gambler Sportiva 12m, 5 Red Rock
V0 Plumbers Crack


Boulder 8m Red Rock
5.12d Straight Outta Compton

Back left corner of the cave.

FA: Dan McQuade, 1992

Sportiva 7 Mount Charleston
5.10c Need to Rest / Idiot Parade Sportiva 11m, 5 Red Rock
5.11b Just Shut up and Climb Sportiva 15m Red Rock
5.12a Steep Thrills
Sportiva 15m Red Rock
5.8 II PG Lotta Balls

An excellent route with a unique and freaky crux on P2.

P1) 100ft, 5.7, climb the broken face with cam placements in horizontal breaks, then move across to the left facing corner for a few moves, then follow the diagonal crack up and right to a bolted anchor.

P2) 160ft, 5.8, straight up the varnished face with bizarre balls for holds, easy to the first bolt, then the balls reduce in size up to the 2nd bolt, and reduce in size further for the crux up to the crack above. The crack turns into a dihedral, follow the crack to a bolted belay.

P3) 200ft, 5.7, climb the right facing corner above and move left on to the face between 10-20 feet below the roof. The angle backs-off quickly. Continue until you have no rope left and set a trad belay in the crack.

P4) you're probably left with 40 foot of 4th class or maybe 5.0 climbing to the top.

Descent: The descent gully is on the other side of the pinnacle you climbed, however, the safest access is to walk up and right through bushes to the highest point and down to a large tree with rappel slings. Three abseils lead down, something like 40m from tree, 20m from tree, 27m from bolts. Follow cairns and a vague track down to your packs.

FA: Joe Herbst, Betsy Herbst, Randall Grandstaff & Tom Kauffman, 1977

Trad mista 150m, 3, 2 Red Rock
5.5 Tonto

A nice hand crack,and corner that run to the right of the large chimney/arch feature to the left of Ragged Edges. A fun, quality route.

FA: Joe Herbst & Betsy Herbst

Trad 30m Red Rock
5.10d Mic's Master Sportiva 14m Red Rock
5.11c Levitation 29
1 5.10a
2 5.11a
3 5.8
4 5.10b
5 5.11c
6 5.10c
7 5.10d
8 5.8
9 5.9

FA: George Urioste, Joanne Urioste & Bill Bradley, 1981

FFA: Lynn Hill, John Long & Joanne Urioste, 1981

Trad mista 300m, 9, 20 Red Rock
5.10b Black Gold Sportiva 14m, 5 Red Rock
5.12a Sunny and Steep
Sportiva 15m Red Rock
5.8 Ken Queasy

Start a couple feet right of the triangular cut-out at a wide crack in the lower rock. Climb up this and a thin seam through the nearly solid varnish to a bolt. Then, continue up the wall past two more bolts to anchors.

Trad mista 15m, 3 Red Rock
5.11b Mr. Choad's Wild Ride
Sportiva 32m Red Rock
5.11a Totally Clips

Left-most route on the steep section, starts about 40ft up the gully.

Sportiva 15m, 6 Red Rock
V5 The Pearl
Boulder Red Rock
5.12d The Gift Sportiva Red Rock
5.7 Thong Trad 9m Red Rock
5.12b Geometric Progression Sportiva 9m Red Rock
5.7 The Last Panty Sportiva 14m, 6 Red Rock
5.7 Geronimo
Sconosciuto 180m Red Rock
5.9 PG Working for Peanuts
Sportiva 18m Red Rock
5.11c Have a Beer with Fear
Sportiva 9m, 4 Red Rock
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