
Ascensioni in World come Attempt da mivi

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Tutti 66 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Falesia Qualità Data
7+ Fingerbeißer - con Tim Sportiva 15m, 9 Morsbach Sab 27 Giu 2020
Maybe not the best route choice after a hard boulder day

7+ Pas de deux - con Diana, Tim Sportiva 17m, 9 Grauer Stein Ven 8 Ott 2021
6a+ Daffy Duck - con Diana Sportiva 15m, 9 Črni Kal Ven 27 Mag 2022
7 Shebel Sheik - con Diana Sportiva 25m, 9 Morsbach Dom 8 Gen 2023
6a+ Dolores - con Diana Sportiva 20m, 7 Osp Mar 8 Set 2020
6b El gato volador - con Diana Sportiva 12m, 4 Tenerife Mar 10 Ott 2023
Blew the onsight attempt, and then the sun came in. Polished.

6c+ Star Ride - con Diana Sportiva 7m, 3 Gozo Sab 21 Dic 2019
6c+ Star Ride - con Diana Sportiva 7m, 3 Gozo Mer 25 Dic 2019
Forgot to pinch the last crimp with the right. Also found a different (lower) foot for the next attempt.

7- 6+/7- ??? - con Diana Sportiva 3 Pfalz Dom 31 Ott 2021
7 7+ Shortcut - con Diana Sportiva 2 Pfalz Molto buona Sab 12 Giu 2021
Well kinda hard to insight when some kind of thorny bush covers the hold

6b+ Little Red Riding Hood - con Diana Sportiva Malta Dom 29 Dic 2019
Took too long in the overhang. The kneebar is good but not that good. Didn't both going all the way up and gave it another burn with some draws placed after a longer rest.

6+ 5+ Feierabend - con Diana Sportiva Oberammergau Dom 26 Apr 2020
Had the start boulder done but foot slipped on the last hard move.

6+ 5+ Feierabend - con Diana Sportiva Oberammergau Dom 26 Apr 2020
Didn't remember my previously successful sequence

8- Und Jetzt? - con Diana Sportiva Südlicher Frankenjura Dom 31 Mag 2020
Almost did it, forgot what do to at the last bolt

6+ Quicky - con Diana Sportiva 12m Roßstein und Buchstein Sab 13 Giu 2020
7+ Aalglatt bis schuppig - con Diana Sportiva 20m Zahmer Kaiser Dom 5 Lug 2020
7+ Gib Gummi - con Diana Sportiva 15m Zahmer Kaiser Dom 5 Lug 2020
6c Yoga-Session - con Diana Sportiva 12m Scharnitz Dom 22 Nov 2020
8- No Excuses - con Diana Sportiva 15m Morsbach Gio 12 Ago 2021
Essentially a two-move boulder, everything before and after is much easier.

7 Sacklaus - con Diana Sportiva 22m Unteres Inntal Ven 20 Mag 2022
Turns out the bulge is not the crux

7a Piranha - con Diana Sportiva 12m Črni Kal Dom 22 Mag 2022
It bites indeed.

6c Soft Rock - con Diana Sportiva 15m Črni Kal Gio 26 Mag 2022
Ok before, an doable after as well, but I didn't find a beta for the crux. Plenty of holds available but they're all terrible Dyno to the jug?

6c+ Autobahn - con Diana Sportiva 20m Oberried Ven 22 Lug 2022
On my first attempt I fell before even reaching the first bolt. Started too far right.

6c+ Autobahn - con Diana Sportiva 20m Oberried Ven 22 Lug 2022
Made it further this time, but the slab in middle was too hard for me at this point. Aided may way up three bolts and eventually crossed over to the 5b at the right. No chance of sending this any time soon.

Lucky Loser - con Diana Sportiva Pfalz Dom 7 Ago 2022
Was supposed to be the second warmup. It wasn't and I didn't feel like burning energy on it.

8+ Minimax - con Diana Sportiva Pfalz Dom 7 Ago 2022
Three more attempts after a long rest, all failing in the crux. Close to doing it on the last as I got it increasingly more dialed.

So great, now I have two promising 8+ mini-projects here and in Gimmeldingen and no more free weekends before I'll move away.

6a Biancaneva - con Diana Sportiva 18m Valle del Sarca Dom 16 Ott 2022
Hard to remember... ?!

7a Spigolo - con Diana Sportiva 12m Valle del Sarca Gio 20 Ott 2022
No chance

6c+ Ballerstaller - con Diana Sportiva 11m Chiemgau Dom 3 Mar 2024
When you can already see the maillon in the last bolt before the anchor you would expect the difficulties right there, but I didn't find a beta to even get to the bolt with the maillon?! Escaped by crossing over into Hilti Hilti.

6C Crunchy Boulder Unteres Inntal Mer 1 Mag 2019
5 Keim - con Diana Boulder 4m Odenwald Dom 11 Ott 2020
6B Fliegenpilz - con Diana Boulder 3m Odenwald Dom 15 Nov 2020
Couldn't get off the ground on this one. Not sure where/how to start. Looks like a one-move-wonder. As soon as you stand on the right, the rest is easy.

3 Peter - con Diana Boulder 3m Odenwald Dom 15 Nov 2020
What? fb 3? What am I missing??

4 Henkelkante - con Diana Boulder Odenwald Dom 15 Nov 2020
I think I tried this one too far at the left? No idea where there is a fb 4 here.

6A Kritikaster Boulder Pfalz Dom 18 Apr 2021
Well I did do a line here but that wasn't a 6A. Probably too high. Lower seemed really hard though.

6A Banlieu en Feu Boulder Pfalz Dom 18 Apr 2021
I assume you start on the (super chalky) rail? Otherwise it would be a sit start. Couldn't do it either way though.

4B Linke Kante Boulder Pfalz Dom 18 Apr 2021
Couldn't find a workable sit-start. Afterwards the 4B seems accurate.

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5C Left side of Darkness (Stehstart) Boulder Pfalz Dom 18 Apr 2021
Dyno to the jug or what?

5 Klinge Boulder 3m Odenwald Sab 24 Apr 2021
Didn't dare doing that to my injured finger yet...

6C+ Winterkante Boulder 3m Odenwald Sab 24 Apr 2021
7A+ Planet Perfecto Boulder 3m Odenwald Sab 1 Mag 2021
5 Keim Boulder 4m Odenwald Sab 1 Mag 2021
I have a feeling I'm tall enough for this morpho, but I still have no idea where the start is even supposed to be. Or how to continue from there with an fb5...

6B Mantle Boulder 3m Odenwald Sab 1 Mag 2021
Got skin left to spare at the end of your session? This is your problem

6B+ Atom Boulder 4m Odenwald Lun 24 Mag 2021
Hard sit start for me. Did not try the stand start. Maybe another time - also with someone to spot / move the pad.

6B Bugi - con Diana Boulder 5m Odenwald Lun 24 Mag 2021
Wet start, but that isn't the issue here. I didn't dare doing the mantle without putting my right foot on the adjacent rock at the very end, which I assume isn't allowed. Using the whole block as an undercling works surprisingly well to get into that position. Kneebaring did not convince me.

Dropzone is decent, but scary because of the height regardless

5 Henkelhenker - con Diana Boulder Odenwald Orrenda Lun 24 Mag 2021
Who would even establish something here? The dropzone is pure shit. Because of that even getting into a sit start is terrible as well. And the problem itself also sucks. I slipped twice, found myself again somewhere down the slope with a nice flapper on one finger, blood blister on the other. Never again -.-

5 Kantentraverse Boulder Pfalz Lun 31 Mag 2021
4 Vorspiel Boulder Pfalz Lun 31 Mag 2021

5B Microbleau Linke Kante Boulder Pfalz Lun 31 Mag 2021
6B 6B/B+ Rando Boulder 2m Odenwald Gio 3 Giu 2021
6B 6B/B+ Vorbau Boulder 4m Odenwald Gio 3 Giu 2021
Could also be possible but man that start hold is so painful.

6C Bundesschranzler Boulder 4m Odenwald Gio 3 Giu 2021
Of everything I tried that day, this one probably has the highest chances of success. Interesting that everyone on Youtube uses a beta very different from my attempts. Need to give those a try as well.

6C Oppermaniac Boulder Odenwald Gio 3 Giu 2021
6C+ Hangover Boulder 5m Odenwald Sab 19 Giu 2021
Gave it a single half-hearted attempt, my skin was already hurting too much for that crimp at that point

6A Kieldruck Boulder 4m Odenwald Sab 19 Giu 2021
Didn't give it many tries. Seems a lot harder than 6A if climbed directly. Maybe use the jug on the left arete?

6A Solardusche - con Herr Jaro Boulder 6m Odenwald Sab 26 Giu 2021
6B+ 6B+/C Präzision - con Herr Jaro Boulder 6m Odenwald Sab 26 Giu 2021
6A Road Runner Boulder 3m Odenwald Ven 17 Set 2021
6A Try it Boulder 3m Odenwald Sab 18 Set 2021
Tried it. No more energy/skin left. If the stone at the bottom right isn't in, this seems pretty hard for 6A regardless.

6C+ One Move Boulder 2m Odenwald Sab 18 Set 2021
I can't even pull onto the start

7A Joue des Pieds - con An unknown stranger :) Boulder Pfalz Dom 17 Ott 2021
No chance. Dyno out of an overhang? What was I thinking, that's both of my weaknesses combined

7A Glatte Platte Boulder 4m Pfalz Dom 17 Ott 2021
6C High Life Boulder Ginzling Mer 17 Ago 2022
Shouldn't this be a #sd? If you do it as a standstart there is nothing left of the problem. The start holds are pretty clear and quite low.

6A Leistenbruch - con Diana Boulder Kaseler Alm Mar 25 Giu 2024
No idea where the sd start is supposed to be

6C+ Erpressung - con Diana Boulder Kaseler Alm Mar 25 Giu 2024
5A Isl Liesl - con Diana Boulder Kaseler Alm Mar 25 Giu 2024


Tutti 66 ascensioni visualizzati.

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