
Ascensioni in World come Onsight da Zhangter P

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Tutti 86 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Falesia Qualità Data
16 Granite Panic Sconosciuto 7m Midgegoroo National Park Buona Sab 16 Feb 2019
Cool moves up to flake and some technical moves to top out

19 Convicted Sconosciuto 7m Midgegoroo National Park Buona Sab 16 Feb 2019
Some jamming made this one easier

23 M1 23 M1 Transformer - con Gareth Wood, Lance Geldon Trad mista 130m, 20 Albany Classica Sab 19 Mag 2018
What an amazing climb! So varied and each pitch completely different and memorable. The climb is in the shade all day except for the last pitch so make sure you bring a jacket!

Pitch 1 - Thin crimps on small edges. Quite balancey. Guide said to clip the first bolt of P2 before the belay but found it was too much rope drag. Instead used a #3 placement in crack on ground just before the belay. Brought 2x #2 and 2x #3 which was useful along with a small cam for the end of the first sickle.

Pitch 2 - The boulder traverse Slopey feet whilst traversing on crimps, crux was the move at the end of the traverse and transitioning to the vertical crack. Used 1x #2 to protect the crack.

Pitch 3 - The aid pitch Layback corner to a #3 then a #2 useful just below the aid bolts. Brought 60cm slings. Still found it little bit reachy and strenuous to reach the next bolt. The delicate slab climbing to finish

Pitch 4 - The get out of here pitch Nothing too special, a bit run out and thin and shallow crack for protection. Used tiny nuts.

17 Wishbone Trad mista 15m, 5 Eaglestone Rocks Molto buona Dom 26 Ago 2018
Protected the fake with a small nut

24 Sacred Geometry (Unknown) - con Elinor Fleming, Jean-Philippe Dumas Trad mista 4 Albany Molto buona Sab 10 Nov 2018
What we thought was the 2nd pitch of Long Time Coming... Turned out to be much harder than the grade 20 we thought we were on! Delicate slabby tai chi moves past 4 bolts before a crux at the end to gain the overlap where you can plug in some cams.

6a First Blood Trad mista 42m, 4 Dairy Farm Molto buona Sab 30 Gen 2021
Enjoyed it. Chossy start, bouldery traverse section before the crack. Good fun.

6b Alarette Trad mista 20m, 4 Dairy Farm Classica Sab 30 Gen 2021
Super awesome! Cool moves through crack before the beautiful arete. Felt it was more straight forward than First Blood.

18 Mr Hitachi Trad mista 20m, 3 Pinjarra Media Dom 10 Ago 2014
Slabby and balancey

19 Capachow Trad mista 16m, 3 Eaglestone Rocks Molto buona Dom 26 Ago 2018
Solid at the grade. Laced the flake with nuts

14 Happy Daze Trad mista 12m, 1 Avon Valley National Park Media Sab 16 Ago 2014
Short warm up

19 Use No S.L.C.D.'s (Use No S.L.D.'s) - con Nish, Sana, Trad mista 20m, 1 Wilyabrup Molto buona Sab 19 Set 2015
Great climb! Got pumpy with crux towards the end

18 The Initiation Trad mista 90m, 1 Mount Buffalo Mega Classica Mer 19 Apr 2017
One of the best climbs I've ever done! Super varied! We did it as the sun was setting and it was amazing!

16 14 - 17 Super Nova Connection Trad mista 25m, 1 Churchman's Brook Molto buona Sab 14 Apr 2018
Really cool moves through the traverse!

16 Plain Brown Wrapper Trad mista 20m, 1 Statham's Quarry Sab 24 Nov 2018
No gear until the crack

18 Boomer Crack Trad 18m Pinjarra Classica Dom 10 Ago 2014
Awesome climb!

17 18 Eliminator Trad 15m Avon Valley National Park Molto buona Sab 16 Ago 2014
Favourite climb of the crag! Super fun roof section.

16 Fist Full of Friends Trad 11m Darlington Dom 15 Giu 2014
Short offwidth hand jam section

15 Sated and Calm Trad 20m Pinjarra Classica Dom 10 Ago 2014
Great warm up

23 Rape and Pillage - con Shevaun Cooley Trad 40m Wilyabrup Buona Dom 13 Dic 2015
I aided through tough start... We built a cairn high enough to place some gear on the roof. Then followed the cracks and hand jams up to 1st rooflet. Ended up setting up a belay to reduce rope drag before pulling over the roof onto the easy face. I got the bottom of "Handjob" beneath the bolt and traversed left and up the detached block.

5.10- Elephant Man Pitch 1 Trad 24m Indian Creek Canyon Buona Mer 27 Apr 2016
Super varied climbing that's different from the rest of the climbing we've been doing. More Yosemite style

5.9 5.9 III North Chimney Trad 120m Castle Valley Mega Classica Mar 10 Mag 2016
The most amazing multipitch I've ever done! Awesome first pitch with twin crack system all the way until a double bolt belay. We brought a #6 for the offwidth at the start of pitch 2 which was fun! Don't bother clipping the bolt... Use the #6! Some blocks, cracks and stemming lead to another belay ledge protected by two pitons. We backed one up with a #2. We then linked the 3rd and 4th pitch where you continue up the chimney before making an airy move across to the right... Or go deeper into chimney for a less exposed move. Continue up further through a short chimney before you arrive at a corridor with an optional gear belay (apparently you can do a body belay off a boulder =S) Climb up the face holds and along the flake for glory! So many surprises and just pure awesome! We repelled down the Kor Ingalls with 2 raps using 2 x 70m ropes.

20 Sultan Trad 65m Mount Buffalo Classica Mer 19 Apr 2017
First climb at Mt Buffalo and it was awesome! Super cool first pitch with little rooflets, amazing traverse on 2nd pitch, interesting 3rd with a scary solo slab section at the end! We brought 3 x #4 and I'm glad I did

17 Maharajah Trad 42m Mount Buffalo Molto buona Mer 19 Apr 2017
Pretty classic climbing.

19 Where Angels Fear to Tread Direct Start Trad 26m Mount Buffalo Buona Dom 23 Apr 2017
Stupidity resulted in not looking 1m left so we ended up doing the direct, down climb, then went up the direct direct through tree (literally) and did the same death traverse as per direct with scary run out to link back to original climb after a late discovery by Sam mid death traverse

17 Where Angels Fear to Tread Trad 230m Mount Buffalo Classica Dom 23 Apr 2017
After completing the direct & direct through tree, we finally got into the main crack system! We did it in 7 pitches! P1. 30m belayed above tree P2. 30m once above tree, traverse on slab to gain right crack system, P3. 30m follow crack through wide section and belayed below bulge P4. 40m followed crack towards chimney and go through chimney P5. 40m up corner, into offwidth and then fridge hugging to ledge P6. Up the right trending crack on the right of the ledge to gain next ledge P7. Can go up dyke jug ladder but we decided to go through the hand crack up top P8. Go around the left of the wall in front of you and scramble over some boulders and down into Burstons Crevasse. So glad we brought the #5 and multiple #4 cams!

17 Moan Trad 9m Toodyay Molto buona Sab 13 Mag 2017
Nice warm up before the main event next door! I really enjoyed it, perfect hands!

22 Listen To The Wind Blow Trad 20m Albany Classica Ven 26 Gen 2018
Really good climbing on large holds and underclings!

15 Red Peril Trad 15m Albany Molto buona Ven 26 Gen 2018
Beautiful line. Found the guidebook description and topo confusing. Found it harder than 15 but maybe I went off route?

14 Samaritan Crack Trad 12m Kalamunda National Park Molto buona Sab 17 Feb 2018
Awesome climb! Such a beautiful corner crack. Starts as tight hands and gets wide to fists.

5.11a String Bikini Trad 20m Long Dong Classica Dom 25 Mar 2018
Such an amazing climb! Cool hand and finger jams!

5.10c Climax Trad 23m Long Dong Classica Dom 25 Mar 2018
Wow! So good! Love the airy traverse and the twin rooflets!

19 Sausage in a Bungeye Trad 15m Kalbarri Molto buona Sab 30 Giu 2018
Really enjoyed this one! Super fun on small gear

16 Hawker Chan's Trad 10m Kalbarri Buona Dom 1 Lug 2018
Saw this on the way to the Pork Crackle area. Interesting traverse section on finger sized crack before moving to do some suspect holds on the vertical crack.

18 Mac's Crack Trad 7m Midgegoroo National Park Classica Dom 9 Set 2018
All time crack! One of the best cracks I've done for a long time. Long enough to be sustained. Screw Sundance Crack =P. Starts at #0.4 and and gets bigger up to #1 at the top

18 14 Choc-a-bloc Trad 5m Midgegoroo National Park Molto buona Dom 9 Set 2018
Found this harder than 14, i was probably doing something wrong. Not many holds.

16 15 Keith Goes Blank Trad 28m Kalbarri Buona Lun 24 Set 2018
Harder than I expected. Recommend to walk down gully on left of climb or tree. Don't use mallion as your rope will get stuck.

18 Feral Dog Boy Trad 20m Kalbarri Molto buona Sab 22 Set 2018
Such a good climb!

16 Pissing in the Gene Pool - con Elinor Fleming Trad 82m Kalbarri Molto buona Dom 23 Set 2018
Amazing first pitch with a sick belay ledge. Second and third pitch were pretty ordinary. Rock was pretty solid. Instead of traversing the lip of the roof for the second pitch, we climbed up the enclosed corner up to the huge terrace. Worth it just for the first pitch!

16 Blue Flamin' Monkey Raped My Tomcat Trad 40m Kalbarri Molto buona Lun 24 Set 2018
Solid at the grade with crux at the end. Might be tricky for shorter people. Really fun climbing and well protected 1st pitch. 2nd pitch is a scramble. Approached the bottom of the climb from the higher terrace.

14 Child's Play Trad 12m Statham's Quarry Buona Sab 24 Nov 2018
Juggy after the face

18 Thinker Skinker Trad 14m Albany Classica Dom 2 Dic 2018
Amazing climb with heaps of jamming. Shame it's short.

19 Harry Humpkin and the Exploding Pumpkin Trad 45m West Cape Howe Molto buona Sab 22 Dic 2018
Was using it to get out from the base of the pyramid after our swim. Top roped in tennies. Small positive holds throughout

7 6 Moby Dick Trad 25m Albany Pessima Sab 29 Dic 2018
Found the start harder than Chariots. Pretty average.

Sostenere theCrag non fa bene solo al tuo karma
avrai accesso anche a incredibili vantaggi su theCrag e non solo.
7 Chariots Trad 25m Albany Buona Sab 29 Dic 2018
Cool feature with good holds

18 Sultans of Swing Trad 10m Midgegoroo National Park Buona Sab 16 Feb 2019
Short but fun. Positive holds with small footers

17 Stormbringer Trad 140m Peak Charles Buona Dom 21 Apr 2019
The first pitch was a bit awkward with the vegetation. The start of the second pitch was the highlight with the twin cracks and the exposure on the detached flake. The "finger crack" on the start of the 3rd pitch was short and bouldery leading to endless slabs! Don't get deceived by the "3" pitches. There's another pitch or so of slab before you can put on your sneakers to scoot up to the summit.

5.10a Screaming at the Moon Trad 30m 黎明 Liming Molto buona Lun 21 Ott 2019
Pretty cool first pitch but loved the second pitch with sections of secure offwidthing!

5.10+ Scarface 2 Trad 25m 黎明 Liming Lun 21 Ott 2019
Forgot how painful crack climbing is on the feet =P

5.11 Gore Trad 黎明 Liming Lun 21 Ott 2019
This was short but super fun! Steep moves on solid jams

5.10+ Wind of the Valley Trad 30m 黎明 Liming Mega Classica Mar 22 Ott 2019
Awesome climb, worth it for the crappy approach. Thank God for the tree!

5.10c The Warm up Trad 12m 黎明 Liming Buona Mar 22 Ott 2019
Found the top mantle hard

5.10 5.10d PG Soul’s Awakening Trad 140m 黎明 Liming Mega Classica Mer 23 Ott 2019
Such an amazing multipitch. P1 was harder than I thought, linked it up with pitch 2. Pitch 3 was nice jamming. Pitch 4 was solid and first half gave you a teaser of the offwidth to come. The honeycomb rock feature definitely helped as feet. The second half of pitch 4 was the money pitch, full on offwidth battle, was so ready to give up. Started left side in and once the honeycomb features on the right wall ran out, changed to right side in. Pitch 5 was kinda ordinary.

5.10c Morass Trad 20m 黎明 Liming Classica Lun 28 Ott 2019
Really nice warm up

5.10 Dancing with Dragons Trad 20m 黎明 Liming Molto buona Lun 28 Ott 2019
Tricky sections where the crack narrows down to 0.75

5.10 Outer Space Trad 黎明 Liming Molto buona Mer 30 Ott 2019
Great stemming, found it better than Munsunned

5.10+ Munsunned Trad 20m 黎明 Liming Buona Mer 30 Ott 2019
Dirty especially near the top

5.11 5.11d The Dune - con Dave Trad 130m 黎明 Liming Molto buona Mar 12 Nov 2019
Pretty fun climbing! We decided to do the left start and into pitch 2a which was a great idea. The right start is total choss and if we rocked up and saw it, we probably would've left. The left start had an alpine feel with loose blocks and chossy rock. It was tricky with our backpacks. We left the packs at the end of the first pitch and grabbed them when we rappelled down. Pitch 2 was really cool with the roof and then the bouldering ending. Pitch 3 was not "a touch burly" as it was described in the book.. It was hell burly for most of the pitch. So much offwidth! Pitch 4 was the crux but didn't feel any harder than the other pitches. Ended up stemming on the opposite wall for the fingers section. We didn't do pitch 5 and rappelled down.

Super Crack Trad 20m Dairy Farm Classica Sab 19 Dic 2020
Amazing line and super fun jamming! Personally feel like it's a 5.10+/11- when compared with Indian Creek or Liming crack grades

15 Tale of Two Caves - con Angie
1 12 35m arrampicata in lead da Angie
2 15 30m arrampicata in lead da Zhangter P
Sportiva 65m, 14 Porongurups Buona Sab 1 Giu 2019
Cool adventure up first pitch and interesting traverse. It was definitely not like Gibraltar Rock, small face crimpy edges instead. I'm getting soft but was harder than I expected.

6b+ 6c Swab Test Sportiva 25m, 11 Dairy Farm Buona Sab 30 Gen 2021
Found it harder than Alarette with a few steeper sections through the bulges. Required a bit of thinking through some sections.

6b Devil's hand Sportiva 25m, 8 Dairy Farm Molto buona Sab 19 Dic 2020
Found it technical and pumpy for a warm up

22 Urban Ethics Sportiva 25m, 7 Mountain Quarry Classica Dom 14 Lug 2019
Amazing technical climbing! Long enough to have a good time

24 23 Crankshaft Sportiva 18m, 6 Kalbarri Classica Sab 12 Lug 2014
Pumpy with massive jugs to rest before crux. Awesome climb

23 Thrutchin' The Bison Sportiva 20m, 5 Kalbarri Buona Dom 23 Set 2018
Nice and short. Crux at the end.

6b+ Acrophobia variation Sportiva 7m, 4 Dairy Farm Molto buona Ven 12 Feb 2021
Pretty cool moves through the crux. Awesome climb!

5b Valhalla Sportiva 7m, 4 Dairy Farm Molto buona Ven 12 Feb 2021
Was good fun once I figured out I had to use the right side pulls

6a+ Flying Logan Sportiva 11m, 4 Dairy Farm Molto buona Ven 12 Feb 2021
Good flow! Felt like a one move wonder but good fun

21 Urge Surfing - con Sinisa Vujic Sportiva 20m, 3 The Stirling Ranges Molto buona Lun 28 Mar 2016
Awesome climbing with large spans between jugs! Committing.

20 This Is Not Our Land Sportiva 15m, 3 Mount Buffalo Mega Classica Gio 20 Apr 2017
Awesome features! Used a sling between 1st and 2nd bolt

18 Cold Nights Sportiva 10m, 3 Eaglestone Rocks Molto buona Sab 25 Ago 2018
Awesome fun with some offwidth and jamming action!

22 Up For Grabs Sportiva 30m Churchman's Brook Molto buona Sab 14 Apr 2018
Pretty cool bouldery first moves to gain the first bolt! What out for the 2 wasp nests on the climb to the left!

M3 Minge Kunt Su ghiaccio 180m The Remarkables Media Dom 18 Ago 2019
First ever mixed climb. What an adventure. Even the walk in along Queens Drive got me nervous. Crux at first pitch where it gets narrow but with solid ice over the bulge. 2nd pitch was pretty straight forward until a step section that had thin ice on a face. Third pitch was just run out for a good 20m before the last mantle. The belay for the part pitch was an anchor using the ice axes along with a body belay. Good times

V1 Shield Boulder 3m Midgegoroo National Park Buona Sab 27 Mag 2017
Nice warm up but scary high top

V2 Fridge Boulder 4m Midgegoroo National Park Buona Sab 27 Mag 2017
Fun warm up!

V2 Problem #90 Boulder 4m Midgegoroo National Park Molto buona Sab 27 Mag 2017
Super fun, technical and balancey

V2 6A Tin Foil Traverse Boulder Dairy Farm Molto buona Dom 17 Gen 2021
Fun warm up

V4 6B Heel Around The World Boulder Dairy Farm Mega Classica Dom 17 Gen 2021
Such an amazing problem!

V5 6C Midday Lightning Boulder Dairy Farm Mega Classica Dom 17 Gen 2021
Strong cross move to good edge and then good holds up top. Amazing line

V2 5+ Gumby Boulder Dairy Farm Buona Dom 17 Gen 2021
One hard move. The edges get smaller the higher you go

V5 Mr Bump Boulder 2m Mountain Quarry Buona Gio 19 Mag 2022
One move wonder. Trust the smears

V3 Smooth Jazz Boulder 4m Mountain Quarry Molto buona Ven 27 Mag 2022
Really cool movements. Thought the sit was going to be a breeze...

V4 Right Boulder Traverse Boulder Mountain Quarry Buona Ven 1 Lug 2022
Thought I'd warm up on this... Was pretty tough with minimal feet. Flash pump!

V2 Diplomatic Solution Boulder 3m The Balkans Lun 21 Nov 2022
Nice warm up

6A Leap Of Faith Boulder Changi Molto buona Sab 19 Giu 2021
Nice warm up

V3 Dr T-Rex Boulder 3m Midgegoroo National Park Sab 22 Giu 2024
Loose block up top

M2 Green Beret Artificiale Mountain Quarry Molto buona Dom 17 Feb 2019
Super awesome aid climbing where high stepping into sky hooks were required!


Tutti 86 ascensioni visualizzati.

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