
루트들 볼더로서 North & South Walls에서

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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
V8 Tiger Cheese

The mega classic. Sit start on the good jug low and right and make your way left and up through slopey pockets and crimps.

V4 Cheese N' Kisses

Start about a meter to the right of "Tiger Cheese V8" on a large undercling jug. Bust out right to the lip and mantel over to top out.

FA: Natasha Wai, 11 10월 2020

V10 Pleasure Machine

A little way downstream from ‘Tiger Cheese’ you will find a tall block with an obvious mono pocket in the middle of it. Sit start and straight up

V4 Happy Satisfaction

FA: Tom Farrell, 14 7월 2019

V7 Unknown Crack Problem

Stand start in left of two cracks, span right to second crack and directly up, avoiding dabbing on the rock behind.

Hard Steep Proj

Sit start a couple of metres right of crack V7. Follow small beautiful edges out steep wall.

볼더시등 중
Slopey Project

Start in cave and head left, following the slopey face up once clear of the roof.

볼더시등 중
V4 Unknown Featured Face

Sit start and up the face on good holds.

볼더 3m
Arete Problem

Sit start and up obvious line, may have been done before. This block will likely have a number of lines.

V9 Copie Your Homework

Start from break, up to slopers and mantle.

V6 Unknown Classic V6

Sit start on jug deep in hole. Make a couple of punchy moves left and up, topping out on the level above and slightly right of the V10.

V10 Unknown V10

Start as for Lock Groove (V11), but break right where Lock Groove heads left. Top out via hand jam.

V11 Lock Groove

Sit start. Make a couple of moves up as for the V10 before breaking left, topping into the big water jug hueco/ pot plant.

V10 Castle Hill Dreaming

Sit start and directly up to hard slopey mantle.

FA: Tom Farrell

V8 Unknown

Start as for Castle Hill Dreaming (V10) but move left and up instead of direct.

V7 Vegan Tick

Lowball. Sit start and slap up left.

V11 Wam Bam

Sit start from edges and make a long hard move up right. V1 from stand.

V5 Cracking

Start at the crack in the middle of the roof and make your way out following the break to a slopy/juggy mantle.

Big boulder under the start is out for the feet.

For sure it has been done before, so if anyone have any information about the FA or the real name of the problem I'll update it!

Mauricio Chino

볼더 4m
Cracking Project

Start as for cracking, out through roof and up overhung face to high top out. Will be all time.

볼더시등 중
Hard Arete Project

Sit start.

볼더시등 중
V10 Goats Cheese

FA: James Scarborough, 2002


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