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등급 루트 장비 스타일 암장 등반가 일자
28 Gulpa’s Gin Palace (Mikl's Chimney Project - OPEN PROJECT) - 누구와 Patrick Burr 스포츠 클라이밍 35m Mt Gibraltar
일요일 21번째 5월 2017
Above my ability, that chimney is tough!

28 Gulpa’s Gin Palace (Mikl's Chimney Project - OPEN PROJECT) - 누구와 Lachlan 스포츠 클라이밍 35m Mt Gibraltar
Patrick Burr
일요일 21번째 5월 2017
Five years later and no less desperate! At least I got the chimney this time.

28 Gulpa’s Gin Palace (Mikl's Chimney Project - OPEN PROJECT) - 누구와 Michael Law 스포츠 클라이밍 35m Mt Gibraltar
Patrick Burr
토요일 24번째 6월 2017
28 Gulpa’s Gin Palace (Mikl's Chimney Project - OPEN PROJECT) 스포츠 클라이밍 35m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
토요일 20번째 7월 2019
Really tricky. I think I can just about see how to do it.

28 Gulpa’s Gin Palace (Mikl's Chimney Project - OPEN PROJECT) - 누구와 Eugene Mak 스포츠 클라이밍 35m Mt Gibraltar
Alex Riegelman
일요일 28번째 6월 2020
Hard getting established above the break in the chimney. Interesting though.

28 Gulpa’s Gin Palace 스포츠 클라이밍 35m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
일요일 15번째 8월 2021
Must try some different beta

25 Slow Twitch Extension 스포츠 클라이밍 40m Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Paul Frothy Thomson
일요일 11번째 8월 2013
Warm-up, linked into the bottom pitch (20) to make a giant technical superpitch. Fell off at the last bolt on the onsight (which is the crux), then pulled back on and -after fumbling around for about a week- figured out the mind-boggling finale and topped out. Very 3D and super-technical, with some strenuously thin moves near the bottom, and an utterly blank final section that requires moves the like of which I've never used anywhere else. Brilliant!

25 Slow Twitch Extension 스포츠 클라이밍 40m Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Paul Frothy Thomson
일요일 11번째 8월 2013
Second shot. In some ways worse than the onsight attempt (I fell off below where I reached on the onsight, by overthinking a sequence and consequently making a mes of it), but the top (crux) moves went relatively easily once I got the brain in gear, and I FEEL like the Send is there for the taking. I can't wait to get back to this weird masochistic monster. Thanks for seconding me on this one, Leith.

25 Slow Twitch Extension 스포츠 클라이밍 40m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
일요일 11번째 8월 2013
Only did the first couple of moves and was really pumped so didn't continue.

25 Slow Twitch Extension 스포츠 클라이밍 40m Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Paul Frothy Thomson
일요일 25번째 8월 2013
Stoked! First shot of the day placing the draws, and climbed as an uninterrupted 40m pitch from the ground. Not hard at 25 if you're a technical stemming master, but damned tough at the grade if your not (fortunately I'm right in the middle of that scale). Demanding climbing, and super-weird and technical. Tackling the crux sequence in the last 3m of ~40m of climbing is mentally taxing, especially considering the absurdity of the required moves. I HAD to come back for the send of this beauty.

25 Slow Twitch Extension 스포츠 클라이밍 40m Mt Gibraltar 좋음
Ben Jenga
일요일 25번째 8월 2013
Another dog to add to the list. I think I fell and a very common spot, after the last draw one metre from the top. It took me a few attempts to figure out a usable sequence for the last moves to the cliff top. Great climbing on mostly good rock but a couple of sharp holds, wish I was better at stemming.

25 Slow Twitch Extension 스포츠 클라이밍 40m Mt Gibraltar 좋음
Tim Haasnoot
월요일 6번째 10월 2014
1 shot, some sharp holds, some flexing. Running out of time getting bloody hot in the sun. Will have to come back for another shot.

25 Slow Twitch Extension 스포츠 클라이밍 40m Mt Gibraltar 좋음
토요일 20번째 7월 2019
Nice stemming moves.

25 Slow Twitch Extension 스포츠 클라이밍 40m Mt Gibraltar
Daniel Butler
목요일 30번째 6월 2022
24 Slow Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 38m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Paul Frothy Thomson
화요일 26번째 5월 2015
2nd shot. The obvious single-pitch linkup of the best parts of Slow Twitch into the best parts of Sluj Gulpa with an extra bolt and a tricky techy traverse boulder-problem to link the two. The new climbing is harder than any move on either route, and puts you in the thick of Sluj Gulpa without the stances. Some rock still to cleanup on the traverse, but all the crucial holds (that I used) won't break off, so as this climb cleans up it will just get better. Sure, I'm biased, but this line rocks!

24 Slow Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 38m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Stephen Varney
월요일 8번째 5월 2017
A great climb but tough. Once you step onto the traverse its on with tricky feet. Have to come back for this one.

23 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
일요일 6번째 1월 2013
This multi-pitch was super fun. The first pitch had a fun crack traverse, the second pitch, a tenuous start followed by thin slabbing, and the final third pitch contained a mixed bag of thin slabbing, vertical face climbing and some tiring lay-backing to finish off. Pitch 1 - Second Clean, Pitch 2 - Second not clean (came off the last thin move before the end of the pitch), Pitch 3 - Second not clean (a solid climb with a few hard moves that made me peel off with a pump).

23 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Paul Frothy Thomson
일요일 6번째 1월 2013
Monumental and visionary, absolute classic. With Marek. Decided to link P1 & P2 together (not recommended, due to bad fall potential for most of P2). P1 - Onsight but for a few false starts (wasn't too sure how the route started). Hard start, exciting traverse. P2 - Onsight. Hard start, very thin friction slabbing. P3 - Dog. After a titanic struggle, I took a nice whipper from next to the last bolt, 1m from the jugs. Pulled back on and clean to the top. Stellar pitch with everything you want!

23 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Paul Frothy Thomson
일요일 10번째 2월 2013
With Marek. This time it was his turn to tick the first two pitches (done in fine style), and I wanted a rematch at the tough top pitch. 1st Pitch - Clean Second; 2nd Pitch - Clean Second; 3rd Pitch - Dog, I took another monster whipper 10+m (this time finishing the fall upside down) 1m from the victory jug (trying to throw for it). Even after a rest, the top sequence is bloody nails (24?), and the top clip is almost impossible. I reccomend clipping a 60cm Runner on it when you rap in! AWESOME!

23 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
일요일 10번째 2월 2013
With Paul. Pitch 1 - Lead Clean, Pitch 2 - Red-point, Pitch 3 - Second Not Clean.

Finding a good sequence and getting really used to friction slabbing meant I could clean up pitch 2 which was a lot of fun. I was also happy with my progress on pitch 3. This time down to 1 rest, that being the nails hard move right before the end of the climb. I felt stronger than before on the remaining moves up to there.

23 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Paul Frothy Thomson
일요일 11번째 8월 2013
3rd pitch only, 1st shot today. After finishing up the Slow Twitch Extension (25), I rapped back to the hanging belay at the start of P3, and cruised it with John the Kiwi belaying (and his draws already on the route). Bloody brilliant climbing, and I'm stoked that I felt so-strong on it (after having climbed 3 x 25ish routes back to back). One of the best 23s out there.

23 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Paul Frothy Thomson
일요일 25번째 8월 2013
Seconded all three pitches clean so JengA could go for the onsight. Short multipitching, but rad. 4th lap, and still loving it.

23 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Ben Jenga
일요일 25번째 8월 2013
Chalksight Is good to finally do some of the climbs paul has been talking about for so long. Great short 3 pitch multi that isn't that hard and has good fun climbing on each pitch.

23 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar
Simon Vaughan
토요일 9번째 11월 2013
Pitch one only, nice

23 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar
Kenton Horsley
금요일 제 1 1월 2010
22 23 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Patrick Burr
수요일 24번째 10월 2012
only P1

23 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Tim Haasnoot
월요일 6번째 10월 2014
Done as 2 pitches. Led P3. Awesome climbing with a bit of everything.

21 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Paul Frothy Thomson
화요일 26번째 5월 2015
Repeat. Seconding Stephen on P1 only. A great little pitch with a tricky slab start, and a brief (but engaging) moment of thuggy traversing on funky rock.

22 23 Sluj Gulpa - 누구와 Michael Law 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Patrick Burr
토요일 24번째 6월 2017
P1 only.

23 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 완전 구식
화요일 제 1 8월 2017
Now this is an absolute doozy! Rapped in bathing in the golden light of a beautiful sunset and from the first move pulling onto the wall this route is a classic! Loved the hand traverse on the big crack, the technical slab of the second pitch (although I ran 1&2 together with some long runners for minimal drag) and the final pitch is an absolute gem!! Engaging and sustained right to the final move. Can highly recommend this wall for night climbing as the rock was nicely warmed from the afternoon sun. A brilliant experience :-D [led all pitches]

23 Sluj Gulpa - 누구와 David Gray
1 20 20m ~에 의해 선등된 Vanessa Wills
2 22 15 ~에 의해 선등된 David Gray
3 23 15 ~에 의해 선등된 Vanessa Wills
스포츠 클라이밍 50m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Vanessa Wills
일요일 3번째 3월 2019
Been on the fridge list for a while, nice rock, varied great climbing

23 Sluj Gulpa - 누구와 Eugene Mak 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Alex Riegelman
일요일 28번째 6월 2020
Every pitch is fun and unique. Not just really good for the crag; objectively really good. Get on it!

23 Sluj Gulpa - 누구와 Bert B
1 20 60m ~에 의해 선등된 Roman
2 22 ~에 의해 선등된 Roman
3 23 ~에 의해 선등된 Roman
스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar
목요일 27번째 8월 2020
Deserves every star! Linked p1&2.. Not ideal, but made it work. Excellent little adventure in the winter sun

23 Sluj Gulpa - 누구와 Roman
1 20 60m ~에 의해 선등된 Roman
2 22 ~에 의해 선등된 Roman
3 23 ~에 의해 선등된 Roman
스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 완전 구식
Bert B
목요일 27번째 8월 2020
23 Sluj Gulpa - 누구와 Alex Riegelman
1 23 60m
스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Andreas Knecht
토요일 14번째 11월 2020
Not my best head game today. Needed one go to figure out crux on pitch 3. Great route!

23 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Alex Riegelman
월요일 16번째 11월 2020
23 Sluj Gulpa - 누구와 Fabio
2 ~에 의해 선등된 Raphael Falque
스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Raphael Falque
토요일 22번째 5월 2021
Amazing first two pitches but bailed on the last one as sun was going down and we both felt exhausted. First pitch is a bit physical while second pitch is full of very tiny feet and tiny hands (felt amazing tho). Last pitch start with an intimidating traverse.

23 Sluj Gulpa - 누구와 Leroyjerkins 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Mitch Scanlan-Bloor
일요일 17번째 7월 2022
Liam linked P1 and P2 and I led P3 traversing in from start of Slow Twitch Extension. Tricky moves entering the slab pitch and 80km/h winds made for an intense finish over the lip. Growing up in Bowral I've looked up at this cliff my whole life so it was an amazing experience to get up it finally. Gets me psyched to try the other lines on the next visit home.

23 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar
Greg Blachon
일요일 7번째 8월 2022
Third pitch only, which feels pretty solid at the grade, but will have a better idea on lead

23 Sluj Gulpa 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar
Marcus Saye
수요일 9번째 11월 2022
23 Sluj Gulpa - 누구와 Etienne
1 Second ~에 의해 선등된 Etienne

Perfect straight line of jugs with terrible feet

2 스포츠 클라이밍 ~에 의해 선등된 Raphael Falque

Tricky first move then beautiful delicate slab

3 Second ~에 의해 선등된 Etienne

Finished that pitch in the rain, pulled on draws throughout to save skin for the next day. Really nice combination of cracks and flakes with thin feet

스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 완전 구식
Raphael Falque
토요일 19번째 11월 2022
Most appealing climb of the crag, I highly recommend it. This multi is worth travelling for, even if that is the only thing you do in the crag. Beautiful lines with radically different style through each pich. The person who bolted it made a real beauty!

Climbing it, even while hand dogging the third pitch, felt like a revenche on the attempt from last year. Maybe the third one will be a charm, I will come back for it.

23 Sluj Gulpa - 누구와 luke harrison
1 스포츠 클라이밍
2 스포츠 클라이밍
3 스포츠 클라이밍
스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Jack Gaggin
토요일 26번째 11월 2022
23 Sluj Gulpa - 누구와 greg ducky 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar
Philip Barker
수요일 25번째 1월 2023
Working. Pitch 1 is solid. Pitch 2 pretty clean and ready to red point tomorrow. Pitch 3... getting there

23 Sluj Gulpa - 누구와 Carl Walsh, Hannah Pringle, Grant Shu, Bonnie
1 20 스포츠 클라이밍 ~에 의해 선등된 Pete

very sick moving back right along the flake/crack. I would highly recommend this as a single pitch route.

2 22 스포츠 클라이밍 ~에 의해 선등된 Pete

gah dam my toes hurt and my calves were pumped. stoked with the onsight. wandering up blindly through the chalkless, delicate and crimpy slab.

3 23 스포츠 클라이밍 ~에 의해 선등된 Pete

There was a huge huntsman spider living inside one of the holds. I spent ages (getting pumped) thinking how to continue as I was trying for the onsight. Eventually gave up, took and used a stick to poke the fella out. pulled back on then worked my way to the top.

Felt pretty stiff at 23 but possibly just rattled from the spider fiasco. Keen to come back and climb this pitch clean.

스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 완전 구식
토요일 9번째 9월 2023
such good varied climbing. stunning first pitch, thin slabby second pitch and a pumpy third pitch on sweet flake features to finish up.

23 Sluj Gulpa - 누구와 cedric 스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Josephine Roper
일요일 15번째 10월 2023
led first pitch to top of the corner then got a bad flapper and came down, shame as really liked the pitch. Pitch 2 is nightmare stuff for me, though didn't fall after the start. Pitch 3 is super fun, though did fall, with the hands a bit impaired. Will come back if I can sucker someone else into leading the 2nd pitch.

22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
일요일 6번째 1월 2013
My first classic friction slab. All the hand and foot holds were solid compared to the Italian Route and a lot of balancing was required throughout the whole climb. The crux move that required a very gentle step-up on a small footer was the highlight.

22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Paul Frothy Thomson
일요일 6번째 1월 2013
Classic friction slabbing on GOOD rock. Would probably be a 19 at Tarana, but in reality 21/22 is probably more in line with modern grading. Sustained, technical and balancy. Genuinely pleasant to climb.

22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Nathan Merton
월요일 7번째 1월 2013
Great great climb, fell off at the crux. I accidental found the required footer and a hold angled the right way it was put away nicely.

22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Gareth Downey
수요일 31번째 7월 2013
very balancy - cool climbing

22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
일요일 11번째 8월 2013
Climbed it this time in the blasting sun and felt harder than before when I did it in the morning!

22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Ben Jenga
일요일 25번째 8월 2013
I really enjoyed this and didn't find it that much harder the the Italian route. Nice friction and edge slabbing.

22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Simon Vaughan
토요일 9번째 11월 2013
22 The Anty Climb - 누구와 Simon Vaughan 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 좋음
Matt Tranter
토요일 9번째 11월 2013
22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Patrick Burr
수요일 17번째 10월 2012
very cool slab. Avoid the Ants at the start!

22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Tim Haasnoot
월요일 6번째 10월 2014
Great slabbing

22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
토요일 14번째 2월 2015
Great climb and a super route to learn good footwork.

22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Paul Frothy Thomson
화요일 26번째 5월 2015
Repeat. Maybe soft at the grade for the STYLE, but it still doesn't go easily. Radical slabbing which has classy footwork in all the right places. Despite this being more mossy than I've ever seen it before, it's still clean where it matters.

22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 평균
수요일 3번째 6월 2015
22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 좋음
Vanessa Wills
목요일 26번째 1월 2017
Some nice moves after the mossy start. Weird to be.getting good conditions on a summer afternoon

22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 좋음
Kenton Horsley
토요일 제 1 4월 2017
Good fun slabbing, probably pretty easy for the grad

22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 좋음
Chris A
수요일 10번째 5월 2017
Easy at the grade

22 The Anty Climb - 누구와 Patrick Burr 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar
일요일 21번째 5월 2017
22 The Anty Climb - 누구와 Lachlan 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Patrick Burr
일요일 21번째 5월 2017
Alzheimer's onsight?

22 Seven - 누구와 Oscar Bell, Brett webb, Sandy Bell 스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 5 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Adam Rabjohns
토요일 13번째 10월 2018
I should have pulled the rope down and lead this. Cool move with heel hook over the lip. Holds are all there. Great climb.

22 Chadwick's Dynamic Society 스포츠 클라이밍 7m, 3 Mt Gibraltar 좋음
목요일 25번째 4월 2019
17 22 Chadwick's Dynamic Society 스포츠 클라이밍 7m, 3 Mt Gibraltar
Jack Hinde
일요일 12번째 5월 2019
Go up feature rather than into corner to make it harder.

22 The Anty Climb 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 평균
토요일 20번째 7월 2019
Good slab climbing. Pretty soft for the grade.

22 The Anty Climb - 누구와 Richelle 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar
Todd causer
토요일 27번째 6월 2020
22 The Anty Climb - 누구와 Bert B 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar
목요일 27번째 8월 2020
Looked like a sea of moss up a dirty slab.. Turned out to be the most beautiful slab climbing on good clean holds with perfect friction and balancy moves

22 The Anty Climb - 누구와 Roman 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Bert B
목요일 27번째 8월 2020
22 Punks on the Gib 스포츠 클라이밍 15m Mt Gibraltar 좋음
일요일 15번째 8월 2021
Cleaning up this old dog. Spicy traverse!

22 Seven - 누구와 David Hillard 스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 5 Mt Gibraltar 좋음
목요일 12번째 8월 2021
22 The Anty Climb - 누구와 gregory duck 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Philip Barker
목요일 26번째 1월 2023
Proper slabbing. Tiny footers and dicey, balancy moves made it a very satisfying climb. Start could benefit from the line of bolts going straight and including the small boulder at the base as the beginning (instead of thr first bolt offset to the right as it is now). I climbed it as well and this way seemed appropriate at the grade and saves any ant hassle.

22 The Anty Climb - 누구와 Philip Barker 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar
Greg Ducky
일요일 30번째 7월 2023
22 The Anty Climb — 3 attempts - 누구와 Greg Ducky 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Philip Barker
일요일 30번째 7월 2023
I really enjoy this climb. The perfect slabbing experience with a committing crux. Great fun!

22 ~20 Chadwick's Dynamic Society 스포츠 클라이밍 7m, 3 Mt Gibraltar 좋음
Cavell Martin
월요일 4번째 9월 2023
21 Modern Masculinity (James Bultitude Closed Project) 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar
월요일 9번째 6월 2014
Put two bolts in pitch three and worked some moves on TR solo. Gonna be scary.

21 Modern Masculinity (James Bultitude Closed Project) 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 클래식
일요일 22번째 6월 2014
2 bolts in pitch 2 and climbed 1 hang up to belwo the roof. Cleaned the corner some more. Redpointed top pitch.

21 James Bultitude Closed Project 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 좋음
Sam May
일요일 22번째 6월 2014
Seconding James, 2nd pitch only. Desperate thrutchy crux. Good line, bolting is probably done but still needs a lot of cleaning in places to get more than a star. Will bring broom next time.

20 21 Modern Masculinity (James Bultitude Closed Project) - 누구와 Rene Provis 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 클래식
일요일 8번째 2월 2015

20 Modern Masculinity - 누구와 Matthew Perrett
1 ~에 의해 선등된 Pez
2 ~에 의해 선등된 Me
3 ~에 의해 선등된 Pez linked 3/4
전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Lincoln Quilliam
일요일 12번째 4월 2015
Interesting and the crux was way too tricky for the onsight. Read the description before heading up

20 21 Modern Masculinity 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Paul Frothy Thomson
화요일 26번째 5월 2015
With Stephen. Onsight all pitches that I haven't led previously. Linked P2 and P3 to avoid the awkward trad belay. Very good climbing for ME (in a hideously awkward, funky Trad kind of way), but probably not everyone's cup of tea. P1 - Access slab as for Big Bird. P2 - Probably 21. Thrutchy and insecure corner crux. Rather goey. P3 - Easier than it looks exposed traversing up the finger crack. P4 - Very awkward and insecure, with seemingly illogical moves necessary. Hard to grade.

21 Modern Masculinity 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Kenton Horsley
월요일 21번째 5월 2018
The P3 traverse is great!

21 Modern Masculinity - 누구와 Tim Benfield 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Tim M-S
토요일 제 1 12월 2018
3rd &4th pitches really enjoyable, 2nd pitch awkward thrutchy, and very hard!!

21 Modern Masculinity 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 안하는 것이 좋음
Alex Riegelman
월요일 8번째 6월 2020
Not great. Pretty crusty and vegetated. The traverse on the 3rd pitch is nice but only 2m long.

21 Modern Masculinity - 누구와 Cédric
1 17 80m
2 21
3 18
4 19
전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 좋음
Josephine Roper
일요일 5번째 12월 2021
Pretty cool morning. The third pitch is about as rad as it gets... for 5m pitches! Last is also rad in a weird way. First would be better if it wasn't sport, I should have put gear in the crack seeing as I'd fully racked up before realising. The actual crux bit wasn't really a highlight as it featured some scabby rock and we both had to rest before finding nasty little crimps to aid the thrutching. The bolt at the crux is probably good both because the rock is eh and because you could, if wanted, just aid through the move and have yourself a nice 18/19 multi.

I wonder if you could link the 3rd and 4th pitch? The leader might feel a bit alone as they tackled the beak...

20 Big Bird 스포츠 클라이밍 65m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Paul Frothy Thomson
일요일 30번째 12월 2012
With Marek. P1 - Second (clean), P2 - Onsight, P3 - Second (clean). A great way to escape the crag, and good fun as well. P2 is the most involved (with some steep laybacking, an awkward crack/corner, and a hard friction-slab-esque move over a bulge), but the "beak" feature on P3 is intriguing and guarantees much hilarity. Good value.

20 Big Bird 스포츠 클라이밍 65m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
일요일 30번째 12월 2012
Climbing Big Bird was a really great way to end the afternoon, especially when Paul and I thought the rain was going to alter our plans. A very interesting mix of slabbing, steepish lay-backing and leg jamming makes this climb great quality. I loved the rock feature on the third and final pitch which resembled that of a beak. I must say I found it was a battle getting over the top of it, but leg jamming seem to be my only option. P1 - Onsight, P2 - Second Clean, P3 - Onsight.

20 the Italian Route 스포츠 클라이밍 20m Mt Gibraltar 평균
일요일 6번째 1월 2013
Happy to onsight this slab although there are many crucial holds (particularly footers) that have come off on this route because of weaknesses of the rock in some parts. Nevertheless, there is no better way to start the day than with a bit of scary friction slabbing...!!

20 Slow Twitch 스포츠 클라이밍 30m, 7 Mt Gibraltar 클래식
일요일 6번째 1월 2013
Classic climb. There was a tricky slab section down low that needed some commitment but otherwise the 3D style of climbing and the unique moves on the remaining parts of the climb were very enjoyable.

20 the Italian Route 스포츠 클라이밍 20m Mt Gibraltar 평균
Paul Frothy Thomson
일요일 6번째 1월 2013
After Nathan decided to rid this climb of footers, necessity meant using some of the more dubious footers. Despite cruising this friction slab, one of the aforementioned footers broke and off I came. Not a bad climb, but the rock is just too friable to stand up to many more ascents, and the contrived difficulty of the crap rock means this just isn't worthwhile.

20 Slow Twitch 스포츠 클라이밍 30m, 7 Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Paul Frothy Thomson
일요일 6번째 1월 2013
Exciting and varied. Hard slab start demands trust in the sketchiest of footers -I felt close to coming off-, and leads to amazing 3-dimensional climbing with an exciting finish up the corner, on good rock the whole way. Next time I'll have to try the top pitch (25) for sure!

20 the Italian Route 스포츠 클라이밍 20m Mt Gibraltar 평균
Nathan Merton
월요일 7번째 1월 2013
Not very appealing rock, brittle under foot. Though I still enjoy a good friction slab when I can get on one. the amount of footers are definitely fewer after my ascent, no amount of soft toes was going to save them.

20 Comyns 전통등반 50m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Paul Frothy Thomson
일요일 10번째 2월 2013
With Marek. 1st Pitch - Onsight; 2nd Pitch - Clean second. 3rd Pitch - Linked into top Pitch of Big Bird (18) rather than doing the grade 10 trad doddle to the top. Some funky friction slab moves up a groove (on trad gear) which climbs way better (and harder) than it looks, makes up the first pitch. The second pitch is airy, scary and technical to get established on the face around the arete, with nice friction slabbing to the belay.

20 Big Bird 스포츠 클라이밍 65m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Paul Frothy Thomson
일요일 10번째 2월 2013
Top Pitch only, this time. Climbed with Marek as part of a Comyns-Big Bird linkup (to avoid the Grade 10 doddle pitch at the top of Comyns). Funky moves to gain the "beak", heaps more fun on LEAD (clean) this time, rather than on second. Fist Jams and Offwidth technique for the WIN! (Though Marek disagrees with me on that).

20 Big Bird 스포츠 클라이밍 65m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
일요일 10번째 2월 2013
With Paul. Pitch 3 - Second Clean.

Only pitch 3 this time and did it instead of Comyn's last pitch which is supposedly a hike. I will never try to copy anyone else's technique on this beak because it doesn't work!

20 Comyns 전통등반 50m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
일요일 10번째 2월 2013
With Paul. Pitch 1 - Second Clean, Pitch 2 - Onsight, Pitch 3 - Second Clean.

Pitch 2 was definitely the highlight of Comyn's. Delicate, balancey friction slabbing all in the feet. I really enjoyed the first few moves of this pitch.

20 Big Bird 스포츠 클라이밍 65m Mt Gibraltar 클래식
Geoff Campbell
일요일 12번째 5월 2013
20 Big Bird 스포츠 클라이밍 65m Mt Gibraltar 완전 구식
토요일 20번째 7월 2013
Fantastic climbing, a lot 'traddier' than I thought it would be, Lots of cool jamming and liebacking. Climbed with Sam and Damon. Onsighted pitches 1 and 3. Seconded Pitch two and fell at the crux. I think the crucial flake may have pulled off to the left. Great day out. Still a fair amount of loose flakes and moss, but will clean up with more ascents. Get on it.

20 Big Bird 스포츠 클라이밍 65m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Sam May
일요일 21번째 7월 2013
Not quite classic, but unique and really cool. Most jamming I've ever done on a sport route. Led the 2nd pitch in a dry-mouthed hungover haze, but had to pull on the draw to get over the crux bulge, which may be harder than 20 and won't be getting any easier. Bring a brush for the last pitch as it is still cleaning up.

Closest non-sandstone to Sydney, get on it and get funky.


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