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21 Modern Masculinity (James Bultitude Closed Project) 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar
월요일 9번째 6월 2014
Put two bolts in pitch three and worked some moves on TR solo. Gonna be scary.

21 Modern Masculinity (James Bultitude Closed Project) 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 클래식
일요일 22번째 6월 2014
2 bolts in pitch 2 and climbed 1 hang up to belwo the roof. Cleaned the corner some more. Redpointed top pitch.

21 James Bultitude Closed Project 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 좋음
Sam May
일요일 22번째 6월 2014
Seconding James, 2nd pitch only. Desperate thrutchy crux. Good line, bolting is probably done but still needs a lot of cleaning in places to get more than a star. Will bring broom next time.

20 21 Modern Masculinity (James Bultitude Closed Project) - 누구와 Rene Provis 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 클래식
일요일 8번째 2월 2015

20 Modern Masculinity - 누구와 Matthew Perrett
1 ~에 의해 선등된 Pez
2 ~에 의해 선등된 Me
3 ~에 의해 선등된 Pez linked 3/4
전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Lincoln Quilliam
일요일 12번째 4월 2015
Interesting and the crux was way too tricky for the onsight. Read the description before heading up

20 21 Modern Masculinity 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Paul Frothy Thomson
화요일 26번째 5월 2015
With Stephen. Onsight all pitches that I haven't led previously. Linked P2 and P3 to avoid the awkward trad belay. Very good climbing for ME (in a hideously awkward, funky Trad kind of way), but probably not everyone's cup of tea. P1 - Access slab as for Big Bird. P2 - Probably 21. Thrutchy and insecure corner crux. Rather goey. P3 - Easier than it looks exposed traversing up the finger crack. P4 - Very awkward and insecure, with seemingly illogical moves necessary. Hard to grade.

21 Modern Masculinity 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Kenton Horsley
월요일 21번째 5월 2018
The P3 traverse is great!

21 Modern Masculinity - 누구와 Tim Benfield 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 아주좋음
Tim M-S
토요일 제 1 12월 2018
3rd &4th pitches really enjoyable, 2nd pitch awkward thrutchy, and very hard!!

21 Modern Masculinity 전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 안하는 것이 좋음
Alex Riegelman
월요일 8번째 6월 2020
Not great. Pretty crusty and vegetated. The traverse on the 3rd pitch is nice but only 2m long.

21 Modern Masculinity - 누구와 Cédric
1 17 80m
2 21
3 18
4 19
전통등반 80m Mt Gibraltar 좋음
Josephine Roper
일요일 5번째 12월 2021
Pretty cool morning. The third pitch is about as rad as it gets... for 5m pitches! Last is also rad in a weird way. First would be better if it wasn't sport, I should have put gear in the crack seeing as I'd fully racked up before realising. The actual crux bit wasn't really a highlight as it featured some scabby rock and we both had to rest before finding nasty little crimps to aid the thrutching. The bolt at the crux is probably good both because the rock is eh and because you could, if wanted, just aid through the move and have yourself a nice 18/19 multi.

I wonder if you could link the 3rd and 4th pitch? The leader might feel a bit alone as they tackled the beak...


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