
등정들 Southern Tablelands에서

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 암장 등반가 일자
10 Time Out 미상 8m Badgerys Lookout 좋음
Gavin Evans
월요일 22번째 9월 2003
Fun warmup

22 Show Us Your Plumage 미상 15m Nerriga 좋음
Dave McGregor
일요일 28번째 3월 2004
7 Date Ace 미상 8m Badgerys Lookout 형편없음
Gavin Evans
월요일 10번째 5월 2004
1 move wonder

22 Oh Baby 미상 15m Nerriga
Dave McGregor
일요일 28번째 3월 2004
21 Admit One 미상 15m Nerriga 좋음
Dave McGregor
일요일 28번째 3월 2004
19 People Everywhere 미상 15m Mount Alexandra 좋음
수요일 8번째 10월 2014
I was surprised by this climb! It actually isn't as bad as it looks.

14 F 미상 15m Mount Alexandra
Tim M-S
일요일 제 1 10월 2017
24 Project - Simple Simon 미상 12m The Loony Bin
Jack Hinde
일요일 15번째 10월 2017
Gave it a few goes. Will be hardest climb on wall.

Jerrara Creek Canyon 미상 62m Bungonia Gorge 클래식
토요일 11번째 11월 2017
Jerrara Creek Canyon Extention 미상 80m Bungonia Gorge 클래식
토요일 11번째 11월 2017
Bungonia Creek Canyon 미상 110m Bungonia Gorge 아주좋음
일요일 3번째 12월 2017
Bungonia Creek Canyon Extention 미상 Bungonia Gorge 아주좋음
일요일 3번째 12월 2017
19 People Everywhere 미상 15m Mount Alexandra 안하는 것이 좋음
토요일 10번째 11월 2018
dirty awkward mantle (if this was the climb we did)

19 People Everywhere 미상 15m Mount Alexandra
Kenton Horsley
토요일 6번째 6월 2020
Not sure which is which, but these three all have some worthwhile moves after grotty starts

22 Show Us Your Plumage 미상 15m Nerriga 좋음
목요일 17번째 5월 2001
Thanks Corey for teaching me the craft of bolting

21 Admit One 미상 15m Nerriga 좋음
목요일 17번째 5월 2001
22 Oh Baby 미상 15m Nerriga
수요일 17번째 1월 2001
26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge
Dave McGregor
화요일 13번째 4월 2010
26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge
Justin Clark
화요일 13번째 4월 2010
26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Jeremy Goble
화요일 13번째 4월 2010
26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Jono Edwards
5 big falls on bolt before traverse on 6th pitch but did it.

26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
수요일 제 1 10월 2003
rain halted play after p4

26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge
화요일 13번째 4월 2010
26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Simon Vos
수요일 23번째 4월 2003
the important bolt on p6 is now gone (oops)

26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Andy Richardson
일요일 6번째 5월 2001
Big Day, awesome

26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge
Rowan Blakers
토요일 4번째 8월 2012
Fell off pitches 6 and 7

26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge
duanne white
일요일 18번째 11월 2012
P1 only, before retreating due to rain.

26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge
duanne white
일요일 18번째 11월 2012
P1 only, before retreating due to rain.

26 Siblings Of The Sun - 누구와 Biso 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 아주좋음
Oliver Story
Seconded P1, led 24 pitch but with a rest, led 26 pitch with rests & aid out the traverse.

26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Oliver Story
토요일 16번째 3월 2013
I forgot how good the start pitches were! Awesome all the way up. Car to car 7:45. Freed everything except the 26 pitch. Led 1, 3, 5, 8.

26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Oliver Story
일요일 제 1 9월 2013
Getting closer. Nice new bolts on the 2 hard pitches. Would have red-pointed 24 pitch but for psychological desire to grab the gear after the crux. Fell off at the last bolt on 26 pitch, then went through.

26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 아주좋음
Rob Saunders
목요일 제 1 4월 2004
A Massive day out! Estimate late 1999. Didn't get the 26 pitch clean.all else was onsight.

26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Grant Stewart
토요일 24번째 5월 2014
All clean except a sit or 2 on p6 & bit of aiding on p7. P8 in darkness! Big, awesome day out

24 M1 26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Ben Jenga
금요일 25번째 7월 2014
Super route, been wanting to get on this for years. Every pitch is hard even the 18 top pitch. Onsighted 1,3,5 free the others bar the crux pitch which I dogged through. This route is the full package and is even better then I was expecting. First pitch pumpy layback, 2nd tricky traverse, 3rd pumpy 45m pitch, 4th tricky start then funky pockets high, 5th trad vagina pumpy head wall to crapy rock. 6th sweet Thailand pitch of pumpy open handers, 7th the hard one, 8th ramp to tricky pull.


26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Paul Frothy Thomson
금요일 25번째 7월 2014
With JengA. About 9 hours car to car. Every pitch on this is worthwhile, and every pitch is a sustained challenge at the grade. Led the even # pitches. Unfortunately broke footers on P1 and P4 and fell while cruising. Took an upside-down whipper off the last move of the 24 pitch (just missing the onsight). Did all the moves on 2nd (with quite a few rests) but got spanked by the 26 pitch. A stunning, intimidating, all-day epic. Completely worthwhile and inspiring.

26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge
금요일 17번째 7월 2015
26 Siblings Of The Sun - 누구와 Rikard Hedman 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
One Day Hero
일요일 18번째 9월 2016
26 Siblings Of The Sun - 누구와 Paul Frothy Thomson 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Tom Collins
일요일 28번째 7월 2019
Crux pitch only - nice powerful face climbing on good rock with a fantastic position.

26 Siblings Of The Sun - 누구와 Paul Frothy Thomson 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Tom Collins
일요일 28번째 7월 2019
26 Siblings Of The Sun - 누구와 Paul Frothy Thomson 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Tom Collins
일요일 28번째 7월 2019
26 Siblings Of The Sun - 누구와 Tom Collins 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Paul Frothy Thomson
일요일 28번째 7월 2019
Came back for the crux pitch. Thought I'd be able to dispatch this in a day, but it was bloody hot, I was spent from Air Malta the day before, and it's just a very power-endurancy pitch. Good improvement throughout the day, and I came close to victory, but couldn't quite fight the pump. I think fresh, with the beta, this should go down with another day of effort. The final moves to the anchor are terrifying on link (when pumped out of your mind).

26 Siblings Of The Sun 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Ryan Macpherson
토요일 21번째 3월 2020
26 Siblings Of The Sun - 누구와 Dave Cook 혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Ryan Macpherson
일요일 16번째 8월 2020
Such a classic - topped out this time, after dogging through the crux pitches. What a quest

18 Siblings Of The Sun (Siblings Of The Sun P8)
8 18 20m
혼합 고전등반 20m, 61 Bungonia Gorge
Zac Schofield
목요일 17번째 9월 2020
rapped in to avoid walk in/walk out, only did the top pitch, kinda cool.

26 Siblings Of The Sun
1 22 35m
2 21 40m
3 23 45m
4 22 35m
5 21 30m
6 24 35m
7 26 15m
8 18 20m
혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 좋음
Scott Parker
목요일 17번째 9월 2020
26 Siblings Of The Sun - 누구와 Dave Cook
1 22 35m
2 21 40m
3 23 45m
4 22 35m
5 21 30m
6 24 35m
7 26 15m
8 18 20m
혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Ryan Macpherson
월요일 14번째 12월 2020
3rd time on here, rapped in for crux pitches - tried leading the 24 till I ripped 2 pieces and freaked myself and let it get to me for both days out

I’ll be back after some training

Nice leads from Dave and another excellent trip to the gorge

26 Siblings Of The Sun - 누구와 Michael Houghton
1 22 35m Second ~에 의해 선등된 Michael Houghton

Surprisingly strenuous pitch, especially with the pack.

2 21 40m Second ~에 의해 선등된 Michael Houghton

Just as I was starting this lovely, slabby traverse, the rain came in. Got myself quite scared, and a combination of wet holds, the pack, and not trusting my feet made me give up and step on the anchor for the downclimb from the last bolt

3 23 45m Second ~에 의해 선등된 Michael Houghton

Solid lead by Mike, keeps going

4 22 35m 전통등반 ~에 의해 선등된 Brendan Coulter

A few fun moves almost makes up for the tree-induced rope-drag and the dirty chossy groove

5 21 30m 전통등반 ~에 의해 선등된 Brendan Coulter


6 24 35m 전통등반 ~에 의해 선등된 Brendan Coulter

THIS is the money pitch! It’s almost good enough to make you forget about the first 5. Stoked with how well I read the route, and climbed smoothly in such an epic spot.

7 26 15m 전통등반 ~에 의해 선등된 Brendan Coulter

Got all the way to the last bolt before the pump caught up with my bad route reading. Tough little number, but surprisingly enjoyable. Quality chipping

8 18 20m Second ~에 의해 선등된 Michael Houghton


혼합 고전등반 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge 아주좋음
Brendan Coulter
일요일 6번째 8월 2023
A little bit of rain on-route obviously isn’t enough to scare us off - even if it did scare me a little. Stoked to get back out here and do a long route, and super glad I had Mike to rope gun some of those early pitches.

Prefacing this: I LOVED the slabs on jumpmaster… Honestly though, skip the ground-up, and rap in for the top pitches. The 24 is worth every bit of effort, but the first 5 pitches were 1-star at best.

26 25 Jump Master 혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Oliver Story
토요일 3번째 8월 2013
Excellent way to finish the wall after climbing Evolution P1-5.

26 Jump Master (Jump Master P2)
혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Oliver Story
토요일 21번째 6월 2014
Much easier when someone else pre-places the gear for you, then talks you through the crux!

26 25 Jump Master 혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge
금요일 17번째 7월 2015
26 25 Jump Master 혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge
Rowan Blakers
일요일 18번째 10월 2015
Fell off the top two pitches.

25 Jump Master 혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
One Day Hero
일요일 18번째 9월 2016
25 Jump Master - 누구와 Heath Black 혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Paul Frothy Thomson
토요일 12번째 8월 2017
Absolutely brilliant. One of my favourite multis at Bungonia (possibly my favourite?) with consistently good climbing on every pitch. It took 3.5hrs for Neil and I to get from the car to the Evolution Cave, as we danced up each pitch. P1 - 2nd Clean (kinda hard at the grade, the short traverse was gripping. Great rock!); P2 - Onsight (Substantially easier than it looks. Great slabbing on improbably good holds); P3 - 2nd Clean (More great slabbing with a variety of moves and no "hideous thin moves". The traverse at the end of the pitch is engaging); P4 - Onsight (50m of continuously cool moves at about the same great, with obvious gear and no rope drag); P5 - Pink Point (Weirdly tricky steep-ish climbing. None of the moves were hard, and I wasn't pumped at all, I just totally misread the moves after the 5th bolt. Quite technical, despite its steepness. Thanks for coming back down to give me another shot for the send, Monty); P6 - Dog (Fell off on -literally- the last move to turn the top of the cliff on the Send shot. Awww. Not too hard at the grade, with 4 no-hands rests separated by harder moves. The two main cruxes are both very cool on stunning rock, but that final move could be -and was for me- a heartbreaker).

25 Jump Master 혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Paul Frothy Thomson
일요일 13번째 8월 2017
3 x Laps of the entire top (crux) pitch clean on 2nd via TRS, taking off the gear as I climbed on every lap (to make up for my failure to tick the pitch yesterday). Still not a true "tick", but harder than Seconding the route normally, and if I never get back to tick this properly (which, difficulty-wise, is almost superfluous at this point), then I'll just have to be happy with lapping this thing. A great pitch and fun even after so many laps.

25 Jump Master - 누구와 Stephen Varney 혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Paul Frothy Thomson
수요일 30번째 8월 2017
P6 (crux pitch) only. 1st Shot today placing all gear on lead. We chose to finish up this pitch rather than the normal jungle-dawdle exit pitch to Evolution. Psyched to punch this out clean after 240m of clean climbing on Evolution. A brilliant pitch and superior finale.

25 Jump Master - 누구와 Paul Frothy Thomson 혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Stephen Varney
수요일 30번째 8월 2017
Pitch 6 only. Wow, this really was being thrown in the deep end of limestone climbing. Amazing but full on.

25 Jump Master
1 19 220m ~에 의해 선등된 Tom Collins
2 21
3 22 ~에 의해 선등된 Tom Collins
4 22
5 23
6 25
혼합 고전등반 220m, 60 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Tom Collins
수요일 8번째 8월 2018
So good! Found pitch 1 hard.. maybe cold? Pitch 2 okay, Pitch 3 awesome, Pitch 4 glad it wasn't my lead, Pitch 5 Amazing, really want to go back for this one!, Pitch 6 Found this hard for 25?

23 Jump Master - 누구와 Max
1 23 220m
혼합 고전등반 220m, 60 Bungonia Gorge
Gee Rad
수요일 22번째 8월 2018
Just the bottom three. Pitch one is a ridiculous sandbag! I've climbed plenty of 24s that felt easier.

25 Jump Master 혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge
화요일 26번째 5월 2020
25 Jump Master - 누구와 Ben Schaeffer
1 19 15m
2 21 40m
3 22 45m
4 22 50m
5 23 20m
6 25 30m
혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
일요일 4번째 4월 2021
25 Jump Master - 누구와 Ben Schaeffer 혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
금요일 23번째 4월 2021
P6 only, working out sequences

25 Jump Master - 누구와 Ben Schaeffer
1 19 15m
2 21 40m
3 22 45m
4 22 50m
5 23 20m
6 25 30m
혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
토요일 24번째 4월 2021
All clean to the last bolt on pitch 6 . Too tired to give it another crack. It's not over till it's over.

25 Jump Master
1 21 15m ~에 의해 선등된 Brendan Coulter
2 21 40m ~에 의해 선등된 Brendan Coulter
3 22 45m ~에 의해 선등된 Brendan Coulter
4 22 50m ~에 의해 선등된 Brendan Coulter
5 23 20m ~에 의해 선등된 Brendan Coulter
6 25 30m ~에 의해 선등된 Brendan Coulter
혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Brendan Coulter
일요일 12번째 6월 2022
So good to be back on some grey limestone slabs! Left the ground at midday, and topped out at sunset. Westerlies tearing through the canyon kept it cold enough to be climbing the crux in puffy and thermals.

Pulled through the cave on the crux pitch thinking I was about to get the onsight… turns out there was one more crux!

25 Jump Master - 누구와 Peter 혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Peter Melouney
토요일 3번째 6월 2023
Light rain overnight and foggy morning. P1-3 were wet and very slippery and aided on second through most of it. P4 mostly dry and good climbing. P5/6 felt hard for me.

25 Jump Master - 누구와 Peter Melouney
1 19 15 Second ~에 의해 선등된 Peter Melouney

The rock looked okay for the first part, turns out the pockets are wet and muddy and the upper part was just a mud slap.

Respect and great lead from Pete 🤘🏼

2 21 40 전통등반 ~에 의해 선등된 Peter

We figured the wet limestone in combination with this mossy clay is very tricky to climb. Got it clean till the mental💦

3 22 45 전통등반 ~에 의해 선등된 Peter

This pitch looked already much better,but it still had some very slippery sections.

Probably my most scary and hardest lead this trip.

4 22 50 전통등반 ~에 의해 선등된 Peter

Higher up and almost dry 😅

5 23 20 전통등반 ~에 의해 선등된 Peter

Climbing on sick features, but sadly covered in moist red brown cley.

6 25 30 전통등반 ~에 의해 선등된 Peter

Favourite pitch and almost got it. Dropt it on the last flake gaston 😅.

혼합 고전등반 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge
월요일 5번째 6월 2023
Second day in the Gorge, apparently it rained over night, still foggy and the walls aren't in prime condition but we decided to climb anyway.

21 Jump Master - 누구와 Simmo
1 19 15m Second ~에 의해 선등된 Simmo
2 21 40m 전통등반 ~에 의해 선등된 Justin Wimmer
혼합 고전등반 55m, 60 Bungonia Gorge
Justin Wimmer
일요일 7번째 7월 2024
24 Albino 혼합 고전등반 270m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Simon Vos
화요일 22번째 4월 2003
sweet alll the way till it gets dark...

24 Albino 혼합 고전등반 270m, 55 Bungonia Gorge
Jeremy Goble
화요일 13번째 4월 2010
24 Albino 혼합 고전등반 270m, 55 Bungonia Gorge
Dave McGregor
화요일 13번째 4월 2010
24 Albino 혼합 고전등반 270m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 평균
Tony Williams
화요일 20번째 3월 2001
dogged it all the way!

24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Vanessa Wills
토요일 12번째 6월 2010
Pitches 4,5,and 6 are stellar and worth the icky bits below

24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Ben Jenga
토요일 제 1 10월 2011
Just brilliant. We got really lucky with the weather on this on. All the pitch on this are fun the the top few are just Stella. P1 - 15 clean. P2 - 22 onsite, hard start. P3 - 21 clean, tricky move to keep you on your toes P4 - 23 onsite, the POCKET pitch, super pumped P5 - 22 clean, rad techie pitch, my Fav P6 - 24 clean, the weather came in on this pitch crazy fun and hella pumpy. P7 - 23m1 onsite, SCARY

24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Lee Cujes
일요일 제 1 4월 2012
Set off at 8:35am, topped at 1:10pm. p1 15: 2nd. Junk. p2 22: OS. Shitting myself on the Tibroesque trad slab p3 21: 2nd. More scary slab shit. p4 23: OS. Steep(ish) black pocket pitch, pumpy with pack on. Very good. p5 22: 2nd. Slabby pocket corner pitch. Classic. p6 24: OS. Orange gently overhung pocket pitch. Classic. p7 23M1. Tried to free, fell, did the aid move, rest OS.

24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge
Rowan Blakers
월요일 13번째 8월 2012
onsight/redpoint all pitches

24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
duanne white
일요일 18번째 11월 2012
Dragged up the wall by lars and bec. Not really the place to remember how to climb ... dogged most of the hard moves, but a great day nonetheless. Will be back to get more of it clean.

24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
duanne white
일요일 18번째 11월 2012
24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
duanne white
일요일 18번째 11월 2012
Dragged up the wall by lars and bec. Not really the place to remember how to climb ... dogged most of the hard moves, but a great day nonetheless. Will be back to get more of it clean.

24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
duanne white
일요일 18번째 11월 2012
24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Oliver Story
토요일 23번째 3월 2013
24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Gareth Llewellin
목요일 26번째 5월 2011
Mega. great day! with Damo and Simey

24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Grant Stewart
일요일 27번째 7월 2014
1 sit on the 2nd last pitch.... pretty awesome route even though p1 & p7 are somewhat nasty

24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Tim Haasnoot
일요일 5번째 10월 2014
Awesome route. Classy all the way. Led P1, 3, 5, 7. All done clean, but was close to pumping out on P6 on second. Not to bad in the sun. Ran out of water at the top and found some lost tourists on the walk out! At base of route at 8am, back at the car at 2:15pm.

24 Albino 혼합 고전등반 270m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Justin Ryan
목요일 24번째 4월 1997
24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Grant Stewart
일요일 28번째 6월 2015
All clean this time

24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
금요일 17번째 7월 2015
With a rest or two on one of the harder pitches. Got lost somewhere at the top. Great intro to bungonia multi pitching. Pretty well protected by bolts on the harder pitches, with a couple of goey bits above gear on the easier pitches

24 Evolution (Evolution Linkup The Other End of Evolution)
7 링크 업 The Other End of Evolution
혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Oliver Story
일요일 10번째 4월 2016
Clean all the way through to the top-out on 'The Other End of Evolution'. An excellent way to finish.

24 Albino
혼합 고전등반 270m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Oliver Story
일요일 29번째 5월 2016
Excellent climbing on all pitches we climbed, marred by lack of traffic so a bit lichenous. Got benighted and skipped the last pitch with a horrible grovelly finish out right - not recommended.

24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
One Day Hero
일요일 18번째 9월 2016
24 Evolution - 누구와 Vikki Weldon 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Tom Wright
금요일 10번째 3월 2017
Decided to pop in to Bungonia on our way out to the Grampians. Had a bit of an 'epic' day, missed the first switchback on the approach and ended up bushwhacking along the top of the cliff for 2 hours before finally making it to the base of the route by noon. Blazing sun, we took a nap in the cave after pitch 5 for a couple of hours to wait for the shade. Amazing climbing! We were both psyched to onsight all pitches including the final one (25/26?) and finished on one of the right hand variants (exit left through the roof at around 23?) - last two pitches were all time classic!

24 Evolution - 누구와 James Navin 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Alex Riegelman
토요일 8번째 4월 2017
Really great route. The beta is spot on. Led every pitch. Hung all over the 23 and 24 pitches but onsighted the others. Turns out, I am not used to climbing on limestone. No stopper moves, just sustained and a bit hard to read if you're not used to it. Pitches 4,5, and 6 were all fantastic.

24 Evolution - 누구와 Mitch Scanlan-Bloor 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Dave Hoyle
토요일 22번째 7월 2017

24 Evolution - 누구와 Dave Hoyle 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Mitch Scanlan-Bloor
토요일 22번째 7월 2017
24 Evolution - 누구와 Stephen Varney 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Paul Frothy Thomson
수요일 30번째 8월 2017
I finally got to do the 3 "classic" pitches on this route, and sure enough, they WERE bloody classic. P1-P3 - Repeat, Lead Clean (I've onsighted them previously when I climbed Aurora) - Very slabby. A Poxy start pitch, a very thin middle pitch, and a bold (but not as hard or as scary as I remember) finale pitch. Not as terrible as I remember; P4 - 2nd Clean - Probably the hardest bit of climbing on the route. I found this sustained, pumpy, technical and with terrible feet. Great!; P5 - Onsight - Great, sustained technical climbing up a vague corner-system. A proper classic. P6 - Onsight - Extremely juggy, steep-ish climbing on perfect rock. Very straightforward, but tonnes of fun in an exposed position. P7 - We chose to finish up the top (crux) pitch of Jumpmaster instead of the normal finish (which I ticked first go today placing all gear on lead).

24 Evolution - 누구와 Paul Frothy Thomson 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
Stephen Varney
수요일 30번째 8월 2017
P1 2nd clean, P2 2nd Dog, P3 2nd clean, P4 Lead w. rest, P5 2nd clean, P6 2nd w. rest. Finished up Jumpmaster. An amazing route and my true introduction to limestone. Seconding Paul on every pitch except pitch 4. Smashed me but I felt I did well considering my inexperience.

24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
Alastair McDowell
토요일 25번째 11월 2017
That was amazing. The rock quality was so much better than red supergiant! P4-6 lived up to the hype! Stoked to get as high as the last bolt on P6 before finally peeling off the slopers. Wild! Was great climbing with two other parties on different parts of south wall all loving the Gifts of Bungonia together

24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 클래식
oliver kerr
금요일 6번째 4월 2018
I pumped myself silly leading the 23 pitch with 2 litres of water in my camel-back. I thought I was in with a show for the 24 pitch sans backpack but it sure showed me who was boss...

24 A0 Evolution
1 15 265m
2 22
3 21
4 23
5 22
6 24
7 19 A0
혼합 고전등반 270m, 55 Bungonia Gorge
Gee Rad
금요일 10번째 8월 2018
24 M1 Evolution - 누구와 Frosty
1 24 265m
7 23 M1
혼합 고전등반 270m, 55 Bungonia Gorge
Alex Mougenot
금요일 17번째 8월 2018
On a fine, chilly Sunday on the way to Kozci with a legend named Frosty. What a great way to spend a day, and what an incredible crag! The position and the unique rock are outrageous. Looking forward to spending a couple weeks out here in future. The day was made all the more better by the wildlife: 2 male lyrebirds making calls to eachother (either fighting for territory or one was a gay lyrebird trying to pick up the other), a brief high-flying wombat who now less briefly is laying deceased on the gorge floor, a few peregrines, and a mumma goat and her kid that came charging around the corner to see us, and stumble over their own hooves when trying to turn around and flee as soon as they saw us. Oh yeah, and did I mention the climbing was stellar?

24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
토요일 29번째 9월 2018
25 24 Evolution 혼합 고전등반 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge 완전 구식
일요일 8번째 9월 2019
Very amazing. Led every pitch and was happy to onsight P6, but took some falls on some of the others getting used to climbing on limestone.

P3 felt a lot easier than the description would suggest.


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