
루트들 The Loony Bin에서

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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도 암장
20 Martini

Traverse right and take a full body rest if you must at the ledge. Pull through grit style slopers to the top.

Shares the first bolt with Summer Madness.

FA: Simple Simon, 2010

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 5 The Loony Bin
21 Good Morning Nurse Ratched

Up corner/groove and then push right onto the arete and up 3 metres left of Mad Patty in coner/groove

FA: Simple Simon, 2010

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 5 The Loony Bin
15 Simpleton Steps

Easily up arete to slight steepening then up to recess just before lower offs Up the blunt arete at far right end of the crag, as for Orderly Turkle Sort of a warm up for here

FA: Simple Simon, 2010

스포츠 클라이밍 9m, 4 The Loony Bin
21 Summer Madness

Hard start and then trend left along the edge of the roof. Great knee bar and a nice pull through the roof to end. Start at the right hand side of the roof cap.

FA: Mad Matt T., 2000

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 5 The Loony Bin
21 Cuckoos Nest

Up and trend right to the break under the roof. Pull up through the head wall to the anchors.

A beautiful piece of work, very sexy moves Start under the right hand side of the roof. 6RB's to LO

FA: Simon Vaughan

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 6 The Loony Bin
23 Soul Asylum

Very bouldery start to the break. Start well right of the first bolt and pull really hard and far right to the big ledge. (Unless you boulder V5 then go straight up.)Pull through the large ledge and on to the face and then rush to the top. Start at the next fully bolted route about 10 metres right of Martini.

FA: Matt T., 2010

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 6 The Loony Bin
20 Mad Patty.

Up the vague arete on the block at the far right hand end of the crag. Start 2m left of 'Simpleton Steps'

Harder than it looks.

FA: Simple Simon, 2010

스포츠 클라이밍 12m The Loony Bin
21 Big Indian

Bouldery start to good break. Difficult moves through the small roof

FA: Simple Simon, 2010

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 6 The Loony Bin
23 Take Your Meds

Another hard pull to start before reaching the break and the great overhanging flakes above.

Take care with the run out past the overhang and the roof with a sandy feel.

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 6 The Loony Bin
19 The Great Escape

Total Madness! -Traverse the crag at the main break. Start up the first set of bolts you arrive at, clip any of the bolts on the routes you pass. Rest 2/3rds along at big crack and then push on to the bitter end- why? Just because it's there! Finish when you run out of cliff.

FA: Dave D & Matt T., 2000

스포츠 클라이밍 30m, 8 The Loony Bin
Project - Simple Simon

Up flat wall to ltlle pillar then move right along lip then up headwall

Start: Sart at first bolt you come to

미상 12m The Loony Bin
16 Road to Paradiso

Not recommended, the rock is terrible.

Walk up from the carpark near the 'Welcome to South Coast NSW' sign until you hit cliff, find the path of least resistance up the choss wall for 4 pitches

FA: Dane E & Kirill T, 2009

전통등반 100m, 4 The Loony Bin
PROJECT - Lobotomy

Start: 2 metres right of GMNR

미상 The Loony Bin
PROJECT - Head Space
미상 The Loony Bin
23 Take Your Meds.

Another hard pull to start before reaching the break and the great overhanging flakes above.

Take care with the run out past the overhang and the roof with a sandy feel.

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 6 The Loony Bin

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