
루트들 Orford에서

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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도 암장
5.9 Bleu Nuit

Very popular warm-up and a good introduction to the crag.

스포츠 클라이밍 18m, 7 Orford
5.8 Top Gun

This one is worth the walk...

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 5 Orford
5.7 Triple Vires
스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 5 Orford
5.10a Soleil Levant

The best Orford route at the grade. Varied and exposed.

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 8 Orford
5.10b Lendemain de Veille
스포츠 클라이밍 18m, 7 Orford
5.9 Lune de Jour
스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 8 Orford
5.10a Nada De Mas

This one is much safer now that it got retro-bolted.

스포츠 클라이밍 18m, 8 Orford
V1 Lendemain de brosse
볼더 Orford
V2 La guenon hurlante
볼더 Orford
5.7 Amidale

Stick-clip helpful, especially if 5.7 is your limit.

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 4 Orford
5.6 Le vent du Nord

The route starts to the right of an old birch tree at the right hand side of the wall. Easy slab for first half moving into an arête for the last 3 bolts (go right after 3rd bolt). Kind of exposed and amazing view on the arête.

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 6 Orford
V6 La limace
볼더 Orford
V5 la dent de chien
볼더 Orford
V2/3 Les Nichons de Marie-Claude
볼더 Orford
V0 Les Trois Totons
볼더 Orford
V2 Urubu

La ligne classique sur ce bloc, un rituel de passage pour l’escalade de bloc à Orford. Départ au centre sous le surplomb, grimpez vers la droite sur de grosses prises. Une fois debout sur les dernières grosses marches, utilisez des prises moins bonnes pour vous engager dans le surplomb à gauche et atteindre une prise géante et l’excellent feuillet au-dessus.

볼더 Orford
5.10a Copenhagen
스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 5 Orford
V8 Magie Noire
볼더 Orford
5.8 La flambée des couleurs
스포츠 클라이밍 Orford
V1 Dalle de Sophie
볼더 Orford
V0 Sans Nom
볼더 Orford
5.10b Twinkle

Wicked route. Sustained, and a bonus "double crack" to finish.

스포츠 클라이밍 18m, 7 Orford
5.7 Belle Inconnue
전통등반 22m Orford
5.11a Varech

Great face climbing after the blocky start.

스포츠 클라이밍 26m, 9 Orford
V5 Panthera
볼더 Orford
V3 Le Revenant
볼더 Orford
V2/3 Suanteur
볼더 Orford
V5 L'Enfant Caché
볼더 Orford
5.10a Triple Brosses

Retro-bolted, now a full-on sport route. Cross over "Si j'avais des ailes" on the ledge and finish on the right.

스포츠 클라이밍 18m, 7 Orford
5.12a BMW
  1. 5.12a, 8 bolts

  2. 5.10c, 6 bolts

스포츠 클라이밍 40m, 2, 14 Orford
V0 Double Dyno
볼더 Orford
V10 Mozart
볼더 Orford
V0 Bijoux
볼더 Orford
V4 Colimacon
볼더 Orford
5.7 Luke Skywalker
스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 3 Orford
V4 Planète Mars
볼더 Orford
V3 Magic Line
볼더 Orford
5.12b Symphonie
스포츠 클라이밍 18m, 6 Orford
V6 Le Survenant
볼더 Orford
5.11b Parapluie
스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 6 Orford
V7 La Grimace
볼더 Orford
V3 Ici c'est l'fun
볼더 Orford
V5 Le Super Revenant
볼더 Orford
V4 Lolo Ferrari
볼더 Orford
5.12a 4x4
스포츠 클라이밍 22m, 9 Orford
5.10c Egotrip

Retro-bolted last year. Start below the other routes to the right. Enjoy the crack in the corner then move right on the face at the 3rd bolt.

스포츠 클라이밍 22m, 7 Orford
5.11a Détecteur de mensonges

Same start as "La Grande Traversée" but keep going straight up after the 2nd bolt. Retro-bolted this year.

스포츠 클라이밍 35m, 12 Orford
V1/2 Traverse haute
볼더 Orford
V0 La Fissure
볼더 Orford
V9 La traverse de Magie Noire
볼더 Orford
V4/5 Beethoven
볼더 Orford
V8 L’Attendue

Magnifique ligne de haut calibre. Commence au centre du surplomb et traverse l’évidente rampe montant vers la gauche pour rejoindre des prises de compression vis-à-vis l’arbre. Monte ensuite directement au-dessus avec des sidepulls et pinches pour culminer avec un pas intimidant. Le départ assis plus à gauche sur les belles tablettes et crimps sous la rampe est un beau projet.

볼더 Orford
V4 Jaws
볼더 Orford
5.9 Vire de Bord
스포츠 클라이밍 Orford
V7 La Chouchounette
볼더 Orford
5.11b Hiroshima mon Amour
스포츠 클라이밍 18m, 10 Orford
V3 Escargot
볼더 Orford
V6 L'effronté
볼더 Orford
5.10+ Eunuque ou Tarlas

Sketchy rock... old bolts... not recommended

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6 Orford
V3 Tu cherches, tu trouves
볼더 Orford
5.13a Peu
스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 13 Orford
5.10d Référendum
  1. 5.10d 7 bolts

  2. 5.11b 5 bolts

스포츠 클라이밍 35m, 2, 12 Orford
V5 Revenant Direct
볼더 Orford
V7 Huec'Orford
볼더 Orford
5.9 La Grande Traversée
혼합 고전등반 35m, 10 Orford
5.12a Défi Fantastique
스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 4 Orford
V9 Magie blanche
볼더 Orford
5.5 Dièdre de gauche
전통등반 15m Orford
V6 Lamentation
볼더 Orford
5.10a La Très Grande Traversée

Start with a long (scary) traverse going left near the edge, then up the diedral. Wicked adventure!

스포츠 클라이밍 35m, 10 Orford
V4 Traverse basse
볼더 Orford
5.9 Second Début
혼합 고전등반 18m, 2 Orford
V6 Ya Man
볼더 Orford
5.11a Variante Parasol

Grimper les 4 premières dégaine de Parasol, effectuer une traverse vers la droite jusqu'au dièdre de Paraplégique. Grimper jusqu'au relais de Paraplégique. Excellent échauffement.

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 8 Orford
5.6 Dièdre de droite
전통등반 15m Orford
V1 Le piano
볼더 Orford
V5 Mr Toe
볼더 Orford
V8 Le Douanier
볼더 Orford
5.10c La Cuerda
스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 6 Orford
V0 Traverse Haute
볼더 Orford
V6 Dirty Sex
볼더 Orford
5.9 Darth Vader
스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 3 Orford
La Ouelle Variation
볼더 Orford
V4 La dernière licorne

FA: 2021

볼더 Orford
V5 Le silence est d'or
볼더 Orford
5.6 Nid de Corbeau
전통등반 15m Orford
V4 Le Dromadaire
볼더 Orford
5.11b Souveraineté
  1. 5.10c, 7bolts

  2. 5.11b, 5 bolts

스포츠 클라이밍 35m, 2, 12 Orford
V6 Le taureau de feu

FA: 2021

볼더 Orford
V0 Solo 101
볼더 Orford
V0 SuperPhiziel
볼더 Orford
5.4 Voie d'accès
전통등반 10m Orford
5.10a Patacrack
전통등반 18m Orford
5.11b Si j'avais des ailes

Start on the right of "Triple Brosses", then keep going straight up to finish on the left.

스포츠 클라이밍 18m, 9 Orford
5.13a Picnic à Orford
스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 6 Orford
5.13b Un Monde Parfait
스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3 Orford
V8 Vise Grip
볼더 Orford
5.12b Effet de Serre
스포츠 클라이밍 10m Orford
5.13b More Fire
스포츠 클라이밍 Orford
5.13b Sibérie
스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3 Orford

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