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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도 암장
V1 Eastern Bloc Arete

Up the overhanging arete on jugs and slopers. Perhaps the best V1 of the Frontline!

Start: Sit

FA: Tim O'Neill

볼더 3m The Balkans
V5 Sloper-Dan Milosevic

Sit start low and move through beautiful slopers to roof and finish up jugs. The best problem in the Balkans?

Tsz Ying Yau

FA: Rob Saunders

볼더 5m The Balkans
V5 Berlin Blockade

Sit start at the small cave. Move right and up to top.

볼더 3m The Balkans
V5 The Pincer Movement

Sit start, pinch, squeeze and wiggle your way up the knife edge arete.

Mauricio Chino

FA: Saxon Johns

볼더 4m The Balkans
V0 Point of View

Up layaway arete.

FA: Rob Saunders

볼더 3m The Balkans
V0 Bangers

Straight up knobs just left of the tree branch on top.

FA: Tim O'Neill

볼더 3m The Balkans
V0- M.A.S.H.

Start in the bottom of the little flared crack and go up diagonally left under tree branch.

FA: Rob Saunders

볼더 3m The Balkans
V0 Frontrow

Up over bulge on big holds.

FA: Rob Saunders

볼더 3m The Balkans
V1 R Choppers

Start 1m right of 'Point of View' and go straight up.

FA: Rob Saunders

볼더 3m The Balkans
V2 Golden Streak
볼더 4m Arapiles
V2 Diplomatic Solution

Sit start at the arete with butt on the ground and hands on the shelf.

There is lots of sitting on your arse for this one! Sit down for the first jug, then up, have a seat for the next move, up again and over … sterling!

Phillip Booth

FA: Tim O'Neill

볼더 3m The Balkans
V5 Epsilon Crack

Start of fin/jug and use crack to gain high edge. Up to finishing jug.

볼더 4m Flat Rock
V2 The V2 Sit
볼더 4m Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre
V3 Paranoiac Critical Town
볼더 4m Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre
V1 Choppers II

Climb left of the flake

볼더 6m The Balkans
V7 Boogie Knights

As 'Boogie Knights (Original)', but exiting right of the horn via jugs as on 'Sloper-Dan Milosevic'. Significantly easier finish than the original.

Start: Sit

Mauricio Chino

FA: Matt Wilder

볼더 5m The Balkans
V1 Bill Smith

M5, R6, M6, R7, L3, R4, M4

Nice, juggy warm up.

Phillip Booth

볼더 3m Forestville
V0 Sydney Highrise

Sit start on the big juggy hole and climb straight up the wall on a series of jugs to a tricky top out. Top out is not too bad if you suss out the top holds before embarking (try not to get caught on the tree when topping out).

볼더 5m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
V2 Two Big Moves

Stand start on the ledge. 2 big moves straight up.

볼더 4m Nowra
V3 Wiggly Boy

Location: The Wiggly Boulder.

Sit-start right of 'Shattering Dreams' matching a big undercling. Slap to the small edge, then mantle to finish. Harder than a lot of other 3's in the area.

볼더 2m Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre
V4 4:45

Sit start on the low flake and climb straight up to top out. Several ways to work on your hands. Well featured problem and you'll wish it kept going.

볼더 3m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
V4 And Then There Was Red

Classic. Stand start on small crimp edges, move left into corner and make a committing few moves up to large holds to top out.

볼더 4m Halls Gap Area
V3 Violent Crumble

Just down the hill below the main boulder of The Eastern Bloc. Start at the back of the cave, head out following the biggest jugs you can find to a mantle. Careful of the cracked footer on the left.

Start: Sit.

Mauricio Chino

FA: Tim O'Neill

볼더 3m The Balkans
V1 Crewcut

Start on pocket and then go up left and top out around ramp.

FA: Tim O'Neill

볼더 3m The Balkans
V7 The Show Must Go On

Start in the back of the cave on the massive jug rail. Make your way to the lip and traverse all the way left using tricky footwork, then head up as for Curtain Call to match on the sharp jug.

This line also has a direct variant that heads straight up from the lip to the crimp rail and finishes as for Encore. This line differs to Grand Opening as you can use the left side of the wall.

볼더 5m Flat Rock
V3 Lygon St Massacre

Sit start low on a crimp and input edge. Climb the central line up the technical slab to top out over its peak. A classic for the grade!

볼더 3m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
V3 Curtain Call

Start: Original problem on the lefthand side of the wall, starting with a sit-start.

'The Show Must Go On' is a harder version coming in from the bottom right.

볼더 2m Flat Rock
V1 Cat's Meow

Tricky start, eases as you go. From a sit start on the finger jug, climb up the juggy wall.

볼더 6m Halls Gap Area
V3 R Mission Impossible

Up the crack finishing left. Quite a sting in its tail unless you're tall.

FA: Jason Whitton

볼더 3m The Balkans
V4 The Warm Up

Start matched on the ledge on the left side of the wall, and head straight up. Harder if you do the very low undercling move to start.

FA: Duncan Brown

볼더 3m Queanbeyan area
V2 Lazarus

Sit-Start to the left of the cave entrance and follow the obvious holds along the lip. Finish as for Too Soft. Beta- https://youtu.be/AhPA2D2BDb4

FA: Alex Turnbull, 2013

볼더 4m White Rock Conservation Area
V4 The Bilge

Start on flake then pocket and up to slot and mantle over.

Start: Sit

FA: Will Holbrook

볼더 3m The Balkans
V3 Pipe Dreams

Eponymous super classic left-to-right traverse under the roof and topping out boulder.

볼더 3m Lindfield Rocks
V3 Underground Movement

Start on crimps, then go left to the good pocket and up to the top.

Dan Adijans Jimmy

FA: Jason Whitton

볼더 3m The Balkans
V5 Sick Nutter

Sit start on the massive juggy pocket and move up passing a bad RH sloper

FA: Nick Sutter

볼더 4m Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre
V7 R Paratroopin

Traverse right out lip of cave to tough mantle then finish up easy slab.

Oliver Chen

FA: Rob Saunders

볼더 7m The Balkans
V5 Wish You Were Here

Obvious crag classic!

Sit start on the right side of the cave. Head left via some funkiness to top out up the ramp.

Ainhoa Martinez Sam May

볼더 5m Jannali Reserve
V1 10

Left of the big crack, on positive edges and pockets. High; bolts on top.

볼더 5m Lindfield Rocks
V1 A?

Follow the flake through the rooflet. Cave is out. Watch the topout

FA: Tim O'Neill

볼더 4m The Balkans
V4 Dead Calm

Stand start on big undercling on the far left of the roof. Climb rightward to top out on the nice sidepull feature. Tsz Ying Yau

볼더 3m Black Cave
V0 Duck's Nuts

Start on the chalked crack just to the right of the V3. Head straight up.

볼더 5m Halls Gap Area
V4 Unknown

Sit start on the big jug. Move right via crimps to the rail, then big move to the huecos. Move upward to finish.

FA: Unknown, 2000

볼더 4m Nowra
V5 Anorexic

One of the best problems of this grade & style. Start at the back wall and pull straight out the roof, passing the big hole, make a long throw and finish MATCHED on the huge jug.

Jordan Maxwell

Mikha Liem

George Li

FA: T.O'Neill, 2000

볼더 4m Killarney Heights
V3 Bee's Knees

Sit-start on sloping rail. Trend up and right using slopers and eventually jugs.

볼더 5m Halls Gap Area
V4 Gravel Pit

Start on jug at bottom left of cave, traverse right then up on thin face holds, before powerful move to gain big finishing jug.

FA: Daniel Gordon, 2013

볼더 3m White Rock Conservation Area
V2 Child of Love

Sit start in slot on the arete.

볼더 5m Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre
V1 5

There's a trick to this one. Up the next set of overlaps.

Again, avoid the chipped foothold.

볼더 3m Lindfield Rocks
V4 Diplomatic Immunity

Sit start low in the chalked break on jugs then into the vertical seam, contort yourself (unless short) then up and slightly left to top out.


FA: Rob Saunders

볼더 3m The Balkans
V6 Aquarius

Traverse right to left as for Cruel Sea into the heuco, but then cut out the crux sequence by going straight towards the topout as for Dead Calm. Stay low all the way with the "upper V5 Lip" being out.

Kiu Hei Chu | Phillip Booth | Darien Winarso (No cut beta)

볼더 7m Black Cave
V1 The Pillar

M5, R6, L3, R7, L8, M8

A nice warm up.

Phillip Booth

볼더 2m Forestville
V4 Slappers Arete

The left arete. Stand start on opposing side-pulls past a pinch to top out.

볼더 3m Halls Gap Area
V5 Encore

Sit start on the curving crack. Move left using pockets and crimps. Traverse into the higher of the two rails and finish as for "The Show Must Go On"

FA: Michael Tonon

볼더 6m Flat Rock
V4 Pinche and the Brain

Stand start from the caved-in part of boulder with your body pushing towards the rock.

볼더 4m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
V3 Tanks a Lot

Start on 2f pocket and rounded crimp then straight up over the sloping bulge. Rightmost climb before the corner.

Stay right of the good crimps out left.

Mauricio Chino

FA: Tim O'Neill

볼더 3m The Balkans
V5 Anonymous Arete

The right arete is a classic that has a sting in the tail. Sit start on the underclings and climb up left past a pocket and into slopey finish.

볼더 3m Halls Gap Area
V3 Jugalicious

Sit start and finish on an obvious jug at the arete.

FA: Glen Jones

볼더 5m Queanbeyan area
V4 Crack

Stand-start using the right leaning crack, head straight-up to finish with a big move to the hold under the roof. One of the classic problems of the area.

볼더 4m White Rock Conservation Area
V1 You Go Slow

Mantle on the slopers and then balance to the top.

FA: Tim O'Neill

볼더 3m The Balkans
V0- The usual descent
볼더 5m Arapiles
V1 Cave Party

Start at the right side V5 and straight up. Heel hooked and feet off the adjacent rock for the full grade. Good warm up for the V4.

FA: unknown

Set: al bradley & Al Bradley, 15 9월 2017

볼더 2m Black Cave
V5 Antiquity

The original line. Sit start on jugs in the middle of the wall. Head straight up and mantle out. Classic

FFA: Rob Saunders, 1992

볼더 3m White Rock Conservation Area
V2 The Overhang
볼더 6m Lindfield Rocks
The Michael Berry Squeeze
볼더 5m Arapiles
V0 Golden Arete

Sit start and climb the line up the right side of the wall using the arete and good holds on the face.

볼더 3m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
V1 9 - Walkdown Crack

It's a crack so try to jam - if you can't jam you can use the holds on either side of the crack.

볼더 4m Lindfield Rocks
V2 Bonsai Right
볼더 2m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
V4 The Animator
볼더 5m Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre
V5 Little Buddha

Hug your way up this overhanging block.

Start: Sit

Phillip Booth | Mauricio Chino

FA: Matt Wilder

볼더 3m The Balkans
V1 Check Your Traps

Sit start on the slot.

볼더 2m Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre
V3 V2 Traverse

Start on the right, traverse across on good rails and head halfway across the lip via a cool pocket above the largest part of the lip.

볼더 4m Toohey Forest
V5 Mr Smiley

M1, R2, L3, R4, L5, M5, R6, M6 Start low and left with your right in the 3/4 finger pocket and lunge for the first hold. A classic although the start holds are often wet.

볼더 3m Forestville
V2 Some Days You Bore

Sit start on the jugs on the arete.

볼더 4m Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre
V2 Jugs 2 Ring

Sit start and up on good holds to finish on the jug.

볼더 3m Nowra
V1 Blinky Bill

From the elliptical hold in the back of the roof, move left into and finish up 'Bill Smith'.

Phillip Booth

볼더 5m Forestville
V6 Bring It On

The massive super classic traverse. Start from the common point in the cave. Traverse all the way to the right end. Foot ledge rail is out as per all other problems.

Start: Sit

Marcus Lim

FA: Ben Ryan/Rob Saunders?

볼더 12m The Balkans
V3 Lay Down Your Arms

Sit start on lowest jug (same as for 'l'Homme Obu'), then up left to juggy break then straight up.

FA: Rob Saunders

볼더 5m The Balkans
V0 6 - The Layback Crack

The layback crack. Layback on its right side or jam it.

볼더 4m Lindfield Rocks
V3 Faith

Sitstart at the flake, following it up and reach up to the ledge.

볼더 3m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
V4 Arm and a Leg

Sit start on the blocky horizontal at the edge of the roof. Move up on good holds and veer left on good edges on the face and top out 1-2m right of As the Crow Flies.

볼더 4m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
V6 Evac

FA: Simon Weill

볼더 3m Halls Gap Area
V4 Fashion

RH right-trending crack weakness. Starts on the low jugs and climbs up the weakness to a crux move reaching up for a gaston pocket. Was massively overgraded at V5 for a long time.

볼더 4m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
V3 The Overhang Traverse

Classic line. Traverse the lip of the overhang on the north side of the southern boulder. Sit start on the sand on the left, sit finish (!) on the grass up on the right. Plenty of jugs, do it any way you want. V3 without using feet on the wall.

볼더 6m Palm Beach Boulders
V1 Ass Backwards

Sit start on input flakes just right of Bad Call. Move up left to slopey features and up on jugs.

볼더 3m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
V4 A horse is a horse

Takes the left-trending weakness of pockets from a sit-start - on the rightside of the big horizontal. Once the big horizontal is gained, keep traversing all the way left to finish at the pocket (the finish of 'Spanking the Monkeybars')

볼더 5m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
V2 Running Commentary

Sit start as per the V1, then head up and left to top out.

FA: Mike Hitchcock, 2015

볼더 6m Halls Gap Area
V2 Have A Proper Gander

You'd better scope out the top of this one first! Up horizontal breaks to lovely rounded holds on top.

Start: Sit

Mauricio Chino

FA: Tim O'Neill

볼더 3m The Balkans
V1 European Cave Man

Sit start at base of obvious flake, up flake trending left to top out.

볼더 3m White Rock Conservation Area
V4 Star-Jug Destroyer

Sit start below “Jabba the promiscuous space slug” on the middle of the rail. Straight up, veering right to finish matched on “Gravel Pit” jug.

FA: Phil Beattie, 2013

볼더 3m White Rock Conservation Area
V1 The Upside

Sit start on hidden double undercling jug in roof and up cool scoops to top out above.

FA: Tim O'Neill

볼더 3m The Balkans
V4 Burnt

Stand start the ledge. Straight up via slopey crimps.

볼더 4m Nowra
V0 Classic high arete
볼더 7m Arapiles
V1 Bomb Shelter

Right of yellow streak and up overhung boulder

FA: Rob Saunders

볼더 3m The Balkans
V3 The Lindfield Traverse - 1

The most common start for the Lindfield Traverse is 3. Move left staying low. Move slightly higher at the arete for the second section of the traverse.

볼더 12m Lindfield Rocks
V1 Groovy

Start on good holds on prominent bulge under and to the L of the high ferns.

볼더 4m Toohey Forest
V3 Bonsai
볼더 2m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
V8 Sushi Train

Start on the big undercling with your feet on the back wall and blast straight up, finishing matched on the huge jug left of the spike. Crafty toe-hooks are the key.

Stephen Rawls

FA: S.Langris/T.O'Neill, 2000

볼더 4m Killarney Heights
V6 The Joker

A Canberra classic - the proud line diagonally up the front of the boulder as you approach on the walk in. Good positive holds, but still hard work! Note: this is a squat start - you start on the first set of good holds.


FA: Chris Warner

볼더 4m Gibraltar and Corin Road
V5 Out of the Bleau

Sit start on slopey edge. Make a hard move up left to a slopey edge and continue to top out as for White Destiny. Bring a brush!!

V4 Stand Start, V5 Sit Start

볼더 4m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
V6 Who Killed The Kennedys

Sit start, out the middle of the roof finishing left over the rounded lip.

Jack Folkes

FA: Rob Saunders, 2000

볼더 3m The Balkans
V2 Copo Cabana

Right side of the pillar to a high finish on the pebbly jug. Pretty good.

Phillip Booth

볼더 3m Forestville

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